
This entry is part 20 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty

From the time of conception to birth, the embryo of a child goes through all the stages of evolutionary development of life of the earth. He starts out as a single cell and evolves to look something like a fish, then a lizard with a tail. Eventually he loses his tail and develops human characteristics.

Human beings also repeat their spiritual evolution between the ages of birth to 21. Most of us have experienced hundreds of lifetimes, and we repeat the progression we made in past ages, but in a speeded up form in our youth. In one year of our youth, we may repeat the spiritual evolution of a dozen lifetimes.

From birth to eight we repeat our most primitive evolutions as humans. This symbolized an evolutionary period so ancient that it may have been on another star system and we may have not looked that human, but we existed in a state of innocence very much like the animals. We were not yet self-conscious beings.

The age of eight symbolizes the first great evolutionary step for humans, which truly separated us from the animal kingdom. This was the time when, millions of years ago, most of us “individualized”. When this great event happened, we became self-aware and began to develop personalities which made each individual distinct from everyone else.

Before individualization, we were not even aware that we were individuals different from our associates. We identified ourselves with nature in general and looked at ourselves as part of the whole. We did not participate in the great illusion of duality and had no power of discrimination as a far as judging ourselves in relation to others. Then humans began to question: “Who am I? What is my place in the scheme of things? How am I different from others? How is it that I think and remember? I am thinking: therefore, I am. I am responsible for my actions.”

At the age of eight, or thereabouts, we become responsible for our actions and repeat this quantum evolutionary leap for mankind.

As each person traces their life from age 8 to 21, they can see that they have made many advances and certain changes occurred in the innermost selves that have not been duplicated since. It is true one may have learned a lot since age 21, but the inner changes have been very slow compared with the rapidity before that age.

As we review our lives between the ages of eight to twenty-one, we may notice a repeat of these evolutionary changes:

When you were very young you were so emotional you cried at the drop of a hat, but you outgrew this.

You went from being very energetic to lazy and listless, and eventually became productive again.

You suffered from a lack of coordination when young, but overcame this.

Perhaps you went through a period of being very introverted and shy, but eventually broke out of your shell as well as the following:

You had many fears that were overcome.

You had a crisis that created a change in direction between the ages of 12-14. This was a period of accelerated growth.

You had feelings of insecurity as a teenager, but a good portion of them were gone by the age of 21.

You were very impressionable as a youth, but now use much more common sense.

If we examine our own lives and follow these and other evolutionary changes we can indeed see how we passed through a microcosm of many lifetimes of evolution in twenty-one years. If we are honest we will see that our basic intelligence, ability and many attitudes have changed very little since age twenty-one but they were always in a state of great flux before that time.

How much change we experience in our first twenty-one years is dependent on our current state of evolution. For instance, the childhood growth of one who has passed through only twenty lives will be much less progressive than one who has gone through five hundred. Older souls may be more progressed when they were twelve than young souls at twenty-one. Great changes during the formative years are an indication that one is an older soul.

Jesus was in the temple confounding the wise men when he was twelve. Only an evolved entity with many lifetimes of experience behind him or her could show such wisdom at such a young age. When He was twelve Jesus could have been repeating a state of mind that he had gone through many incarnations back, millions of years ago.

Because children relive their past evolution in their first twenty-one years, they are very hard to predict. We have all known the kid who was a first-class hell-raiser who seemed to undergo some kind of metamorphosis and by the age of twenty-one was studying for the ministry or some worthwhile objective. Then we have seen the shy girl who attracted little attention in her youth but became a sensuous outgoing actress later on.

People often ask: “Is this the same John (or Jane) I knew a few years ago?” The answer is: No. This little girl (or boy) has undergone the change of many lifetimes and (s)he is indeed a different person.

Never will individuals undergo the mental, emotional, and attitude changes between ages 25-35 with as much rapidity as they did between the ages of 10-20. Let readers examine in their own lives the changes they underwent in those two periods and they will find the comparison dramatic, providing they can remember their youth clearly.

Keep in mind that stuffing facts in our heads is not changing ourselves. this does not evolve us any more than a computer is evolved through programming. We may have learned a lot in a ten-year period after age 21, but true spiritual evolution is slow and laborious and only comes through great effort. We do make progress after age 21, but it takes much more effort than the automatic progress we made before that time.

Because of physical limitation, we do not always fully manifest at the age of 21 all the spiritual powers, talents, and mental ability that we have had in past lives. At the age of 21 we recover our basic intelligence that we had garnered through our past incarnations, but many of our past talents and learning will not be available unless needed to fulfil the purpose of the present life.

Several things determine the quality of the physical body used by the incarnating soul:

[1] The parents. Their point in evolution and how well they respond to their soul light affects the rate of their vibration, and their vibration especially at the point of conception is a major determining factor in the quality of physical body that will be available.

[2] The evolutionary state of the incarnating egos. We take with us from our past lives the DNA-RNA matrix which has the memory data of our past physical bodies and we use this in an attempt to build a new and better one. Thus, the more evolved the ego is, the better foundation we can lay for a body of high vibration.

[3] The spiritual connection we make with our mother and father while yet in the womb. If the mother and father truly want the baby and contemplate him or her with much love during the pregnancy, the incarnating ego will establish soul communication with them which will cause it to more firmly interrelate with the physical body. This will cause the child to be better “grounded” in the physical world and develop more talent and spiritual power at an earlier age.

[4] The general emotional, physical health, and diet of the parents before and during pregnancy.

If children have the advantage of starting life with good physical bodies, and sound emotional environments, then they can more easily manifest the talents and intelligence they have acquired in past lives.

Many entities who are highly evolved choose not to incarnate at this time because they cannot find parents on earth willing to cooperate in order to produce the type of physical vehicle they need to fully manifest their spiritual power. Those who do incarnate often find they have to accept a body that prevents them from fully manifesting themselves. Even so, if they hold their minds steady in the light as they age, the body will slowly regenerate itself and refine itself so that a faithful disciple can, sooner or later in his life, manifest a fullness of his spiritual evolution.

Isaiah spoke with some reference to this: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles (They shall regain their spiritual energy); they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

If we have the following facts in mind in raising our children it will cause us to look upon them with a much different and wiser prospective than the orthodox parental view:

[1] Our children have lived many lifetimes before and may be older egos than ourselves.

[2] Children repeat (approximately) the spiritual evolution of their past lives during their first 21 years.

[3] The degree they manifest their past evolutionary achievements is largely dependent upon the refinement of their physical equipment and their ability to hold their mind steady in the light of the soul.

[4] Children will therefore go through certain stages of evolutionary unfoldment totally independent of the influence and teachings of their parents.

This last point is of extreme importance, for parents often take the blame or credit for a child’s behavior that they had little or nothing to do with. If, for instance, the ego of the child had a lifetime ages ago in which the kid rebelled against every authority living and broke all the laws of the land, he or she may repeat the same anti-authoritarian feeling for a period of time in this life. How strong this feeling will manifest itself will be dependent the amount of soul contact the child is making in this life. The parents can guide and help their children through this difficult period, but there is nothing they can do to prevent it. It doesn’t matter how much the family reads the Bible, attended church, sand hymns, or said prayers, the child still may feel the pull of this rebellious cycle. If he or she has overcome this rebel streak in a past life, all the parent need do is wait for it to pass. If the individual has not corrected it in a past life, then the parents may have a lifetime problem on their hands.

A good family environment and support can minimize the effect of negative emotional and character repetitions from past incarnations; however, it is essential that the negative emanations a child displays should be controlled and directed until they are dissipated. They should not be suppressed. The parents must work with the child to honestly communicate even the most negative feelings with them. Many of the difficulties children have as they are growing up are caused by suppression. They often feel that they are evil if they were to express all their feelings, and they think parents would think badly of them for their hidden thoughts. Thus, they create within themselves a great building pressure when they suppress to gain parental approval. The time comes when the pressure of suppression becomes too great and the child rebels and explosively releases all the negativity he has been holding in.

Current research has shown that children grow up more psychologically sound if their childhood is spent in a liberal atmosphere where there is freedom of movement and expression than if they mature in a very strict moralistic environment. Too much strictness is bad for them because they are forced to suppress their negative feelings and always try to give the appearance of being good little boys and girls. A certain amount of discipline and authority is good for children, but it must be geared around the encouragement for children to express themselves.

The principles of relationships and communication that apply to adults also apply to children. A happy childhood is one that has an open communication with family and friends.

Children should be viewed as souls who are equal to ourselves, but temporarily need our assistance and guidance. They must be given credit for the basic intelligence that they have.

There are a number of good books available dealing with parent/child relationships so I will not go into unnecessary additional detail.

In the New Age, children will begin their education at a much earlier time than is now the case. Even now, many parents are teaching their children how to read before they go to school and we see shows like Sesame Street and many kindergartens geared to helping pre-schoolers. These are steps in the right direction as long as a child’s ability to play is not infringed. A child’s opportunity to advance in this life is greatly enhanced by correct early training. One of the pioneers in this area is Glenn Domain who wrote TEACH YOUR BABY TO READ and TEACH YOUR BABY MATH.

The child begins his or her learning experience from the time of birth. Much of the initial learning comes through the sense of hearing followed by that of sight. What the child hears is especially important in the first few months. Good flowing music with pleasing soft melodies is very beneficial for their exposure. The voice tones a parent uses is also notable. A loving soft voice is soothing to the baby and at the same time stimulates its progress.

Reading is beneficial to a child clear from the time it is born. First, it establishes a loving link between parent and child and secondly it will stimulate its progression. Long before a child learns to speak, it must master the many sounds of the language it is exposed to. In English, there are about forty sounds. Few realize how difficult it is to learn a new sound. Americans can get some idea if they go to Mexico and try to roll the r’s the way Mexicans do. It is difficult to do correctly after years of practice. A similar problem is encountered in France. Many Americans find, after years of practice, they cannot make the French nasal sounds correctly.

The point is that often an adult cannot learn one new sound in ten years, but a child has to master forty in about 18 months.

As a small child, there was one sound I did not master. . . the letter “R”. In the fifth grade I was sent to a speech therapist, and even with professional help it took me about a year to figure out how to say this one sound. I finally got it down through a lot of trial-and-error experimentation. Thus, I can appreciate the Herculean task the baby has in mastering forty sounds.

Reading to children, even when they cannot understand the words, thus helps them pick up the sounds so they can learn to speak at an earlier age. This gives children a head start in life that will benefit them for their whole incarnation.

The best type of reading material for a child is rhymes. Nursery rhymes and stories are especially good because they repeat basic sounds and cause a child to learn them earlier, thus helping the child learn to speak at a much earlier age.

Another important point that is not generally stressed in child learning is the inclusion of fun in the early introduction to books and the learning process. We all know that television and electronic devices are strong competitors for a child’s time. This is because children view them as fun objects. Unfortunately, most see books and learning as boring and mundane. This does not have to be so.

To solve this problem the parents should sit the little children on their laps whenever possible and read them interesting and fun stories. The parent should embellish and emphasize words and phrases wherever possible to make the child laugh. For instance, the book may have a picture of a bee. You can take your finger and thumb and pretend like it is a bee that is buzzing toward the child. The  child’s imagination will then respond and laughingly avoid the bee. If you come across a picture of a bear you can pretend to be a bear and chase the child around the room. Little children love this type of activity, for it lets their imaginations run wild and it also tells them that their parents love them.

If this activity is done in association with books, however, something very important takes place. The child associates the fun with the books and learning process. Thus, he sees books as fun objects just as he does the TV. Then, when the child learns to read, he or she will approach learning with a very positive attitude and the chances are that the child will grow up loving books.

Everyone has been told by every child authority and religious figure that it is necessary to show love to children. The sad thing is that even though this teaching is widely dispersed most children are yet yearning for more love and affection.

We must remember that love is an energy just as electricity is and if properly directed, it can have a very constructive effect. A lack of love can cause a child to act destructive in numerous ways.

Each child should be given some sort of affection from the parents at least twice daily and the parents should show they care in as many ways as possible.

This is basic information, but it is so important we need to at least stress it.

Another basic area is discipline. I will stick to a few words here since many find books are written on the subject.

First, children must understand the rules by which their behavior will be governed. They should never be punished for breaking rules they did not understand.

Second, the rules governing a child’s behavior should not be overly strict or too lenient. Friends of the child should not look upon the child as being subject to too strict or too lenient rules.

Third, every time the child breaks a rule he or she should suffer a penalty of some kind. Physical punishment should be avoided if possible. The punishment should fit the crime. Avoid overkill, but, on the other hand, the child must feel some discomfort from the punishment.

Forth, avoid punishing the child in anger. Always try and be calm and in control when meeting it out. After the child is punished show an increase of love. The timing on this is important. Use your inner sense to determine the best time.

Much more could be said about the early training and education of children. But many good principles are readily available in the writings of the world. Synthesizers should seek the good out of the numerous books already written on the subject and sift through them for usable information.

There is one additional valuable piece of advice I can give here that I haven’t seen in any book. It is a good idea to have an astrology chart done on a child soon after birth so some of the major life inclinations can be ascertained. Then the parents can use this knowledge to guide the child to stimulate natural abilities from an early age. They can also guide the child along correct career development. If the astrologer is wise enough to determine the lessons the child is to learn in the current life then this knowledge will be invaluable to parents in providing guidance.

The New Age will see parents taking a much greater role educating their children almost from the moment of birth. They will also be much more conscientious of the development and nourishment of the body of the child from the time of conception and will take greater care to purify their own bodies even before this time.

Because the parents will give more attention to the development and education of children, the New Age will see many twelve-year-old children with the education of college graduates today. This will be caused by a freer approach, stimulating the natural desire to learn and explore that is inherently in every person.

The average intelligence of children will be further enhanced in the New Age by the fact that more advanced entities will be drawn into incarnation by the better conditions and greater opportunities. There are advanced egos in the other realms who do not have a heavy weight of karma on their shoulders and are reasonably free to pick the time and place of their incarnations.

Many of these individuals, therefore, do not choose to be born in a spiritually primitive society where they may possibly make great mistakes that may take many lifetimes to repay. These are waiting with anticipation for the New Age to come in its fullness so they can have ample opportunity to develop their spiritual powers and serve mankind without fear of developing negative karma.

The lights who have incarnated during the Piscean Age, which is passing, are the pioneers for the New Age. Some have been successful and have developed into invaluable servants. Others have too strongly identified with our materialistic society and incurred negative karma that handicaps them. Those who have succeeded in treading the spiritual path, however, will soon unite in strength and manifest great spiritual power on the earth to promote “peace on earth, good will toward humankind.”

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