The Fed and Common Sense

This entry is part 5 of 31 in the series 2011B

We have spent a lot of time covering the gold standard for a good reason. Most people who want a return to some type of gold standard are reasonably informed and are thinkers. They understand the importance of having a sound monetary system, of not overspending and the genius incorporated into the original Constitution. Having one of these on your side is more potent than a dozen of those who formulate their views from media soundbites.

Therefore, I have presented what I consider to be logical information on what will and will not work as far as gold as a standard goes. I will add a few more things as we continue. For instance, the market value of gold could be used as a standard to formulate the value of a dollar to increase the stability of the current or future fiat system.

We’ll discuss more later about how the dollar could be backed but for now we’ll continue on the ten points that are under consideration to create a sound money system. The gold standard was merely the first consideration. Let’s take a look at the second.

(2) Eliminate the Federal Reserve.

A great number of books, articles and treatises have been written on this subject. Since I am trying to present ideas and information that may be new to readers I will only cover this briefly as a simple Google search will bring up a plethora of material.

A good deal of the information is either from conspiracy theorists or from those just who loath the organization and want it abolished.

It didn’t help that it was created during the progressive era of Woodrow Wilson and passed in 1913, the same year that instituted the Income Tax. Then it was supposed to create enough malleability with currency so a depression could not happen again yet it was powerless to either prevent or cut short the greatest depression in our history.

In addition, there is something about its name that really get’s its critics blood boiling. It is called The Federal Reserve. They say it is called such to deceive us into thinking that it is an arm of the government, but they maintain this is a big lie because it is a private corporation ran by greedy bankers. Some believe the insiders make an unfathomable amount of wealth that is hidden from the public and this is why it has never been audited.

Ron Paul has always been suspicious of the Federal Reserve and has introduced H.R. 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which would require it to be audited and force it to operate in the light rather than the dark.

Some critics give a distorted view of the Fed when they stress that it is a private business, as if it were entirely divorced from the government and keeping all the profits. It might more accurately be called a quasi governmental organization for all members of the Federal Reserve Board, including its chairman and vice-chairman, are chosen by the President and confirmed by Congress. The government also sets the salaries of the system’s highest-level employees. This doesn’t happen with a purely private business.

In addition the U.S. Government receives all of the Fed’s annual profits, after a statutory dividend of 6% on member banks’ capital investment is paid. The Federal Reserve returned $78.4 billion to the U.S. Treasury in 2010. This was an increase of $31 billion over 2009 because of earnings on stocks that they bought up to pump up the market.

Congress has oversight with them and can change the rules at any time, but overall the Fed has, at present, pretty much unrestrained freedom in dictating the rules for America’s currency and banking systems.

So if the Fed must return profits to the U.S. Treasury, and their salaries are controlled by Congress, why do conspiracy theorists paint the Fed as a sinister entity that is stealing America’s prosperity with insider bankers becoming wealthy beyond the imagination?

Part of the reason is that some critics do not fully understand the linkage between the government and the Fed. But for those that do the problem is the Feds’ secrecy. Yes it is true that a set amount of profits go to the government and their salaries are set by them but because they can operate under the radar with so much secrecy it is suspected that insiders have giant expense accounts and channel funds in directions that will enrich them.

The Fed also plays the stock market to assist the economy and who knows how many employees trade with insider knowledge.

If the Fed were fully audited on a regular basis and all its dealings were available to the public then we could know the truth and we could lay the basis for a more honest and stable economy.

Another problem is that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to create money. Many feel that it is wrong for them to have given away this power to a secretive semi private organization. Thus there are many calls for the elimination of the Federal Reserve and to ether give the power to create money back to Congress or directly to the people. We’ll talk more about this later on.

(3) The third suggestion to strengthen our economy is a balanced budget amendment.

This sounds like it should be a no-brainer, but is it? Why hasn’t Congress ever taken this seriously?

There is a great mystery surrounding the fact that Congress just cannot balance their budget or even come close to living within their means. They are like a teenager who has been given a large credit card and then he decides to blow the whole thing on everything that feels good to him. Then when the limit is reached he comes home to Daddy (the taxpayer) and pleads for more money.

The mystery is this. The people we elect are the among the best and brightest of us, yet they act like stupid teenagers in their job performance, especially as far as spending money goes.

These people are not stupid as rocks so why are they fulfilling their jobs with the competency of drug addicts higher than a kite waiting for their next fix?

It appears that our representatives are either out of their minds or just plain hate America and all taxpayers.

We know that this is not literally true, but we also know there has to be a reason for such self-destructive behavior, but what that is seems elusive. It is amusing to see Joe Q. Public of average intelligence watch these screwups and exclaim in exasperation, “What’s the matter with these guys? They are spending millions on golf videos for the Irish, elevator attendants to push buttons for lazy congresspeople, research to see if volunteering is helpful, millions for unneeded golf courses for military brass when we are short changing the brave soldiers who are risking their lives for us, bridges to nowhere projects and the biggest boondoggle of them all – a nearly trillion dollar stimulus that was used for political payback costing $228,000 for each job created and causing untold misery for many others who lost jobs. Are these guys out of their minds?” asks Mr. Average? “I know better than to waste money like this. Why do they not know?”

There are two reasons for this apparent stupidity. The first was mentioned previously in chapter three and that is our President and Congress see, as part of their job description, that they are supposed to spend money to please voters. Since every employee wants to do a good job then our elected officials feel they have to spend lots of money to receive praise from their employers, the taxpayers. Unfortunately, this illusionary job description is reinforced when they bring home the bacon to their home state and the few who are on the receiving end give lavish praise whereas the ones paying the bills are too busy working to protest much. Representatives therefore receive the lopsided idea that they are performing well by sinking us into unprecedented debt.

The second reason for the stupidity is addiction. Now if a person is not exposed much or has little access to smoking or drug use the chances are that he will not become addicted. But if everyone around him is a user then it becomes difficult to resist and most will join the crowd.

Spending money can be an addiction  like drugs. There are many shopaholics that just cannot resist spending more money than they can afford.

Congress is a club where most members are spendaholics and when a person who is not an addict arrives he is met with two major temptations. First he is given trillions of dollars to spend. Maybe in the past the most he has blown has been a couple grand, but now we’re not only talking millions, but thousands of millions and even millions of millions – or trillions.

If spending money created a high for him in the past then being a member of Congress will blow his mind.

The second problem that sucks him into addition is he is surrounded by spending addicts who gleefully spend money like they are little gods with unlimited power.

Anyone with a weak will who goes to Congress doesn’t have a chance. He will become addicted.

Will he vote for a balanced budget or term limits? Not likely. He may talk a good game but when it comes down to taking action the true addicts will side with keeping their power to spend intact.

And what would happen if we did pass a balanced budget amendment? Does a mere law prevent an addict from getting his fix?

Not really.

Did the constitutionally mandated gold and silver standard prevent us from throwing it out the window and then spending money we didn’t have?


Even so, unless we cure the addiction of Congress and the Presidency they will find a way around any terms of a balanced budget amendment just as they have other limitations that have been there in the past.

In a health emergency it may be necessary for a non addict to take some drugs. Even so, during a war or national emergency it may be necessary to spend extra money. Because of this and the willingness of the addicts to break their own laws a balanced budget amendment may cause as many problems as it solves.

One thing we agree on is that our elected officials must run this country as efficiently and with as much common sense as a wise family. They may borrow money now and then but they operate their budget on common sense principles. Government must do the same and we the people must be the last line of defense in making sure they comply.

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Comet Elenin, Planet X & More

This entry is part 4 of 31 in the series 2011B

I wouldn’t bet my grandmother’s operation money on the idea that Comet Elenin is going to cause earthquakes on a specific date or any date. Some have already predicted earthquakes on March 14 or 15 and nothing significant happened. For one thing it is definitely not a red dwarf. If it were it would now be the brightest object in the sky next to the moon. Currently it has a magnitude of +16.7 (very dim) and is a couple hundred million miles away so it is probably less than a couple miles wide and would have negligible effect on us
gravitational wise.

I misspoke and should have written brown dwarf. A red dwarf star 200 million miles distant would be much brighter than the moon. A brown dwarf fits the description I wrote.

I think the coincidences here are like the Bible Code. After things happen you can find all sorts of coincidences where prophesy seemed encoded. But then when they attempt to predict the future by it they are no better than a monkey throwing darts to pinpoint different events.

A brown dwarf would be at least as big as Jupiter but the evidence is that this comet will be a couple miles or less, probably less than a mile. It is difficult to tell the exact size at this point because of reflected gas that surrounds a comet.

Any connection between Elenin and earthquakes or anything else would either be coincidence or astrological cycles of which we are unaware. It could not be due to a negligible gravity.

I’m sure that any earthquakes (and there will be some) between September and December of this year will be attributed to this comet, but I think we will not see any exact connection that many expect and it will not be the end of the world or even Wormwood from Revelations.

Susan: There is some other evidence there may be some science behind this idea. The link below doesn’t talk about the comet/planet, but it does talk about Jupiturn and Saturn and their effects etc.

Check out this:\\ sts.html

JJ  The gravitational effects of Jupiter and Saturn would have millions of times the gravitational effect as the comet Elenin and could have some power to effect us. Even so the effect of gravity would be small. In the years leading up to March 10, 1982 there were many doomsayers predicting great earthquakes and end of the world scenarios because not two or three but all nine planets lined up on the same side of the solar system. This was a one in a million years occurrence and there was a lot of speculation in the new age community about it. I was one of the few who said that noting significant was going to happen on that date and nothing did.

More powerful than gravitational effects are the electrical effects of celestial bodies. This is something little realized or studied by science. Even though a comet may be small, it could have an electrical influence and act as a trigger. Such triggers though would be little understood by science, let alone new agers, and prognosticators. If another major earthquake occurs on an alignment date with Elenin then that would give evidence of an electrical triggering effect, not a gravitational one, for when it gets close enough to be visible the low gravitational influence will be established beyond doubt.

Most brown dwarfs have some light of their own, but just dim and some of them are up to 80 times as large as Jupiter. Even if it did not give off any light of its own it would reflect the light of the sun and because it is closer it would be brighter than Jupiter in the sky – the brightest object next to the moon. If it still had some light of its own it would be brighter still.

The nearest brown dwarfs to us are many thousands of times further away than Elenin and very difficult to detect because of the vast distance.

Blayne writes: This got me to thinking, everyone is looking at this from a gravitational standpoint. However if the Universe is really the electrical model (I tend to lean that way) then it could makes sense the a comet like Elenin could have an effect especially with magnetic fields.

Any thoughts on that? Or care to elaborate on how Elenin might have an “electrical triggering” effect?

JJ Consider this – from ancient times humanity has viewed comets as having great significance. They have thought such a celestial sighting was a great portent of some kind. Some thought a comet meant there was going to be great catastrophe or even the end of the world and others thought it meant some other kind of great change or the birth of a great soul.

The thread that goes through these ancient beliefs is “change.”

Now something that has a common belief in early man often has elements of truth. The reason for this is that even though early man was superstitious he was very instinctual and often picked up threads of truth and incorporated them in his beliefs.

If this is so then what is the underlying truth?

To get the picture we must view the universe as a living organism and ask how comets would correspond to elements of human life.

There are many comets in our solar system. Some of them have fairly short orbits, others like Hailey’s take 85 years and still others take millions of years. It is now thought that Elenin’s orbit takes around 10,000 years to complete.

Then there is another breed of comet and others thought Elenin was one of these. These are comets that are not native to our solar system but have arrived from interstellar space. They were either thrown out of an orbit or just never had a home.

Some scientists think that life was seeded on earth by a comet that hit us in ancient times.

The average comet is only about a half mile in size which is extremely small in relation to a planet. Most of its visibility comes from gas or dust particles that surround it and become it’s tail as it approaches the sun. I’ve heard it said that the entire tail of a comet could fit in a suitcase if it were gathered in one spot.

Some scientists think that comets are dispensers of electrical current though this is not an orthodox line of study.

Putting this together it seems that comets are very subtle, almost esoteric influences within the universe and are even shared at times between neighboring solar systems.

On a smaller scale two humans can meet and share subtle influences. One can pick up another’s energy, feelings and personality through a subtle exchange of energy. When two auras blend there is an exchange of real particles that create a unique communication.

Comets could do this same thing between star systems, which are also living entities.

As a subtle communicator through electrical energy a comet could trigger unique reactions in various planets and their moons as it approaches or aligns with them. Their gravitational force is negligible so electrical or other subtle forces would have to be their avenue of influence.

Consider this. To ignite the rocket that sent men to the moon only took the push of a button. Even so, in our solar system and universe there are times when great events are triggered by small subtle forces.

I am sure the Masters have knowledge of the influences of comets. Maybe DK will share this with us the next time he speaks.

This is not the first time I’ve dealt with excitement over the approach of heavenly objects. Back in 2002 a lot of people thought Planet X was going to show up. Here was my reply:

The excitement around Planet X (called Nibiru) centers around the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Now the interesting thing is that the prediction of the appearance of Planet X around spring of 2003 is not made or supported by Sitchin. He thinks the planet will show up someday, but not sure when.

A person making the prophecy is Mark Hazelwood who claims that Planet X is a brown dwarf that will visit is about a year from now. We do not need soul contact to be assured this will not happen.


Because a brown dwarf is much larger than Jupiter, up to 48 times as large, and is likely to still be emitting light of its own. Anything this large would be visible to the naked eye for about five years before its approach to the earth.

The prediction is that Planet X will arrive in spring of 2003, less than a year from now. At the fastest possible orbiting speed from an elongated orbit, this planet would now have to be closer than Jupiter to have a chance of getting here within a year.

If then Planet X were within the obit of Jupiter it would be the brightest object in the night sky, over 20 times brighter than Venus the brightest object in the Sky, next to the moon. If it was a brown dwarf with residual light of its own, it could be a bright as the moon.

Because we look up in the sky and see no such object, then the only conclusion is that there is no brown dwarf within harm’s way for years to come.

Some have seen the discovery of new asteroids as evidence of Planet X, but Planet X has been described as something much larger than an asteroid. Asteroid 2000WR106 was thought by some to be evidence of Planet X, but this was only about 10% the mass of Pluto and since it is about 4 billion miles from us, it poses no more threat than any other orb in our solar system. Posted June 2, 2002

Nathan: Supposedly there actually is a brown dwarf in our solar system. I heard it mentioned on CNN awhile ago. It’s no Nibiru prophecy though. It’s way too far away.

Link:\ ject-in-space/?iref=NS1JJ

A small binary star of some kind has been theorized by astronomers for some time. Before Neptune and Pluto were discovered outer planets were predicted to exist because all the gravitational effects in the solar system could not be explained by the seven planets at the time. When Neptune was discovered the gravitational anomalies were still not explained and many predicted the discovery of a fairly large planet beyond Neptune’s orbit.

Finally, in 1930 Pluto was discovered but instead of being a large planet it turned out to be smaller than our moon, the smallest planet in our solar system. In fact it was so small that it was recently declassified as a planet so now there are eight that are called planets instead of nine.

Since the discovery of Pluto astronomers have suspected there are planets beyond its orbit. Now it turns out they were right. In 1992 they discovered additional objects in that area of space and since then have identified about 1000 of them and about 70,000 are believed to exist. They named this area of space the Kuiper Belt. This belt starts at the orbit of Neptune (about 30 AU) to way beyond it (about 55 AU). Two dwarf planets have been discovered there which are Makemake & Haumea. Makemake is about three quarters the size of Pluto and Haumea is about one third the size.

In January 2005, way out in the boondocks, about three times as far from the sun as Pluto (over 96 AU) they discovered Eris, which was 27% larger than Pluto. This caused a dilemma for astronomers. Do they call Eris a tenth planet or cease calling Pluto one? They decided on the latter and called these smaller planet-like objects dwarf planets. Many astronomers are disappointed that Pluto is no longer called a planet. To some it was like losing a kid.

Do the dwarf planets and the other objects in the Kuiper Belt explain all the gravitational anomalies? Astronomers do not seem settled on this as some think there could still be major objects to be found but most think a dwarf star would have been detected by now.

A lot of this speculation is fueled by the writings of Zecharia Sitchin who claimed that an inhabited planet, named Nibiru, exists on an elliptical orbit that extends from 469 AU to 1 AU. The orbit is supposed to take 3600 years and after this period is supposed to flyby the earth (1 AU) and create all kinds of havoc.

Because of Sitchin’s writings – every time a new comet or object is discovered it is identified by the new agers as Nibiru, or Planet X. Several times Sitchin himself has told his followers that they have not identified Planet X but they do not even listen to him for they seem bent on having some doomsday object arrive.

Some scientists have said that the extreme elongated orbit of Nibiru would be a gravitational impossibility. If there is a planet X or brown dwarf it would most likely be very distant and never get that close to earth… Unless, there are forces beyond gravity that move objects in unpredictable ways. So far this has not been observed, but you never know.

Meanwhile an interesting space probe called New Horizons is speeding toward Pluto, which has never been visited. It is now near the orbit of Uranus and will reach Pluto on July 14, 2015. After that it will head into the Kuiper belt in the hope of visiting several more objects before its mission ends.

In recent space news the Messenger spacecraft, after a six and a half year journey, as of March 17, entered the orbit of Mercury. It will begin operations on April 4th and then we should see some interesting new pictures and learn of new discoveries.

Learning more about what is out there is always stimulating to me and is a use of tax dollars I am happy to pay.

— In, QuasarAZx@… wrote: I am an amateur Astronomer, as I have said before and I took astronomy classes in college and read books on it. I have been studying astronomy off and on since 1991. JJ, how is it that you know so much about astronomy? You even solved the mystery of dark matter when I asked you what it was?


Few scientists would accept my esoteric views on dark matter.

From the time I was about seven to thirteen I wanted to be an astronomer and learned all I could about the subject and had my own telescope. Then I got interested in rockets and wanted to be an astronautical engineer and send men into space. Finally I changed my attention to spiritual science as the most important field of endeavor that I could pursue. I now help people explore inner space rather than outer.

DK says that a disciple can become proficient in any field that he sets his mind to. I’m still interested in the physical sciences but only have a limited amount of time to keep up with them.

Larry Woods writes: So JJ, the fact that Elenin’s orbit already lined up with several Earth catastrophes means nothing?

That interactive orbital chart seems very compelling whether this is a brown dwarf or not. If this is only a comet, could that affect tides and tectonic plates when it aligns with our Sun in relation to Earth? Past alignments coinciding with major catastrophes suggests so. If our moon affects our tides, could gravitational forces compounded by Elenin alignments affect us? I ask because the model predicts very close future alignments in September and in November: 11 Sep 2011 Closest proximity to sun 0.482 AU ? fill in the blank – Solar flares triggering who knows what?

27 Sep 2011 0.381 AU Earth opposite of Sun ? fill in the blank – By far the most powerful alignment!

17 Oct 2011 0.232 AU Closest proximity to Elenin ? fill in the blank – Worldwide events?

02 Nov 2011 0.317 Earth slides through debris path ? fill in the blank – Celestial light show and some huge meteors?

23 Nov 2011 0.582 AU Earth between ? fill in the blank – Far closer alignment than the Japan event!

JJ Most likely the alignment with the Japan and New Zealand quakes were just a coincidence. Comets in the past aligning with the earth in this way have not created much that is unusual. A synchronous event is much more impressive if it is predicted in advance rather than viewed on hindsight as has happened so far.

I would be surprised if  extraordinary events happen on the dates you mention. Huge meteors are extremely unlikely as comets are surrounded by small dust particles, not huge rocks.

There is likely to be some newsworthy events on some of those dates and some earthquake activity but devastation like that which hit Japan is very unlikely during those times. Someone has already predicted devastation on March 15th because of Elenin and that did not happen.

We’ll now wait until those dates approach and I will then make further comments.

Keith asked about Vulcan. Could it be Planet X?

Vulcan was supposed to be a planet within the orbit of Mercury. This is one of the few things DK taught that can appear to be a mistake. There are two possibilities. (1) It could be an etheric planet or (2) he could have used it as a substitute for the sun.

Here are a few things I have said about it.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Preparing for the Worst

This entry is part 3 of 31 in the series 2011B

Maryellen: Does it matter if we buy gold and silver coins vs. jewelry made of the metal? I mean, if it doesn’t matter, we may as well enjoy our investment as jewelry!!

JJ I think Blayne was steering you correctly about buying coins, not only as an investment, but as something that can be practically used if the dollar collapses.

There are several advantages of collectors coins.

First they have intrinsic value so they can be used for trading.

Secondly, they have collectors value so even if the price of gold or silver drops they will still hold their value and in many cases go up.

Thirdly, you do not have to pay sales tax when you buy and sell them.

Getting a few gold coins is fine for diversity of investment but they are not too practical for spending. A one ounce gold eagle sells for about $1500 so this would be kind of awkward to trade for some groceries.

I would recommend the pre 1921 Morgan silver dollars for several reasons.

First, collectors love these coins and they will always be in demand.

Ruth: What if the Lights don’t gather because many didn’t have soul contact or hear the soul, is that a possibility?

JJ If the lights do not gather by the time the next major earth changes come then we could lose many of the basics of our civilization and have to start over.

What happened in Japan was just the earth scratching an itch. Imagine what a major spinal adjustment would be like.

So far the media and anti nuclear people are attempting to scare the dickens out of the people.

The truth is that no one has received a dangerous level of radiation yet nor are they likely to unless the worst possible scenario happens and if it does it will be nothing like Chernobyl as the Japanese plants have a much better design.

The only ones who need to be concerned about radiation levels at present are those working directly with the core in the plant itself and they are monitoring levels closely.

Here’s an article giving some good information without the hype.\ ed-by-the-japanese-disaster/

Secondly, there is a very limited number of them so they will eventually go up in price even if the price of silver goes down.

There are two directions to go with these. You can buy the rare more expensive coins, say $60 or more retail – or the less expensive at around $30-$40 or less each. The cheaper ones will have good value for their silver content as well as the collecting value. I would recommend going this direction unless you get a good deal on the more expensive coins – and this can be done.

You can accomplish this on Ebay by reviewing numerous coins and then making bids on those that seem to be undervalued. Here are fairly current prices on Morgans:

The problem with buying jewelry is that the price is highly marked up and if you ever sell it then you have to take a big discount. If I wanted to buy jewelry as an investment I would go on Crag’s list and look for some deals from private individuals. If you buy low enough you can always get your money back and maybe make a profit.

If anyone else has good ideas for inflation proof investments feel free to post.

Dan: How are you going to treat the water for storage in your 55 gallon drums? Purify, mineralize, sun, and then store it or just store tapwater which you then purify, mineralize and sun prior to drinking (or some other method)?

JJ If I wind up using them I’ll do the same thing. I’ll filter it, add ingredients (if available) and then place clear jugs in the sun. Purifying water by using the sun is recommended in survival manuals anyway.

You can get clear glass bottles by going to glass recycling bins and taking what you need. Gallon ones are not always available though.

JJ wrote: If I wind up using them I’ll do the same thing. I’ll filter it, add ingredients (if available) and then place clear jugs in the sun.

Dan: You’ll do this before or after you place the water in the 55gal drums and store it?

After. I’ll take the water out of the drums, filter it, put it into clear glass jugs, add ingredients and then place them in the sun.

The Gold Standard, Part 7

This entry is part 2 of 31 in the series 2011B

Plan Two

Many who want some type of gold standard to increase our financial stability think that a 100% gold standard would be impractical but we should return to fractional banking where the dollar is backed by gold reserves.  Under this system, instead of issuing a dollar for each dollar’s worth of gold, we could issue $4-$10 for a dollar’s worth. In other words, up to 90% of our paper or digital money would be by fiat.

Something like this was allowed during most of the years the nation was on a gold/silver standard. Under this standard people are allowed to exchange their dollars for gold, but the theory is that not enough of them would do this to cause a depletion of gold reserves.  Besides, if a person wanted gold he could purchase it from a dealer as well as bothering Uncle Sam for redemption.

Gold coins would also be allowed to circulate as money so if anyone preferred that over the partial fiat backed paper or deposited money he could use physical coins.

When we were on the gold standard the danger of gold depletion came not as much from individuals redeeming dollars for gold, but from other nations.  Attacking another nation’s gold reserves was a way to destabilize or control them.

From FDR to Nixon we were on a gold standard but it was illegal for people to own gold neither could they redeem dollars for gold.

Before FDR it was legal to own gold and the dollar was redeemable for gold.  I do not know any gold standard advocates who want to return to the FDR model but many want to return a standard where their dollar is redeemable for gold with private ownership allowed.

Suppose Congress was willing to cooperate with gold standard advocates.  Would it be practical or even possible to return to even a fractional standard, let alone the fully gold backed one?  Let’s take a look at the problems.

To make the gold standard work, not only would the United States have to go on it but the majority of nations that we deal with would need to also.

This is a point that I haven’t seen examined much by gold standard advocates.  When we were on the gold standard on bygone days other nations were on it with us.  We were all in the same boat.  If another nation threatened to deplete our gold reserves they could be threatened in return.

Today no major nation operates on the gold standard so if we went on it we would be on it alone.  This would be unprecedented in the history of the world.  What makes this idea even more precarious is the dollar has replaced gold as the standard of world currency.  This is a fact of which many seem not aware.

This means that it would be much more dangerous for the USA to go on the gold standard than any other nation.


Let me put it this way.  If France were to go on the gold standard and its currency collapsed because of a run on its gold then the French currency would collapse but the rest of the world would survive.

But if we unilaterally went on the gold standard and there was a run on our gold then not only would the dollar collapse, but the economy of most of the world would be destroyed.

Of all the nations that would be injured China would be the most immune because its currency is the least tried to the dollar and world banking system as a whole. In a world financial collapse they just may be the last man standing.

It would be ironic indeed if a communist country outsmarted the capitalists at their own game.

If we unilaterally went on the gold standard we would place ourselves in a precarious situation indeed.

For one thing, to return to the gold standard we first need to have enough gold in stock to back up any demand there may be for dollars that are presented for gold redemption.

We presently have 147.3 million ounces of gold in reserve.  At the time of this writing the value of gold is around $1400.  This means that our government owns just over $206 billion worth of gold in which to back currency.  How far would this go?

Not far.  That would hardly cover the amount of money we are currently borrowing in a month.

The budget for 2011 is $3.82 trillion.  This amount alone is 18.5 times the value of our gold stock. Our Gross National Product is over $14 trillion or 67 times as much as the value of our gold supplies.  We couldn’t come close to backing the money in circulation with gold.
On top of this the United States owes over $14 trillion in debt.  If we were on the gold standard then less than 2% of those loans turned in for gold would completely deplete us and destroy the dollar on a gold standard.

If we were on the gold standard China alone could destroy us by demanding only a portion of their U.S. dollars (totaling $1,160,000,000,000) be redeemed for gold. Even Britain who holds a mere $272,100,000,000 has enough to break our potential gold bank.

Let us suppose for a moment that we were somehow blessed with enough security so our gold reserves would not be depleted. Could we safely transition to a gold standard? What would happen to the value of a dollar?

Our current money supply in circulation is around $14 trillion, not counting the additional $14 trillion of debt for which we are responsible.

Our country claims to have 147.3 million ounces of gold in reserves.  I say “claims” because many are suspicious that backroom deals have been made with the gold and it may no longer even belong to us.  Even so, for the sake of this treatise we’ll assume we have the gold.

If we attempted to back up $14 trillion with $206 billion dollars worth of gold this would mean that each ounce of gold would represent over $95,000!  If we think the price of gold is high now, well… just consider this figure.

This would lead to a deflation of the money supply to adjust to a market value of gold that would make the deflation during the Great Depression seem like the good old days.

Gold standard advocates admit there could be a big adjustment in the money supply and the value of a dollar but they blithely state that the amount of gold we have in reserves does not matter for our economy will adjust and then all will be well. Some go so far to say that we could be on the gold standard even if there was only one ounce of gold in all the world.  That once would be worth trillions and each dollar would only represent a few atoms of gold.

Theoretically this is possible though such a value system would certainly eliminate the possibility of minting gold coins.

Some give examples less extreme.  They say that if the money supply contracted so each of the new dollars was worth ten of our present dollars that the prices of everything would just adjust.  They say that a loaf of bread that now sells for $3.00 would sell or 30¢ after the adjustment.  A car that sells for $20,000 would cost just $2,000 and a $300,000 house would go for $30,000. They admit that the adjustment would be painful for a while but afterwards things would be better than ever.

During the Great Depression we had a contraction of money supply by about a third.  Imagine the misery we would go through if the contraction was 90% or more. There would be misery, starvation and thievery like the world has never seen.

And do you think that foreign nations to which we owe trillions would accept only 10% of their debt as payment?  Of course not.  They would want the whole thing and if we attempted to pay them off 10¢ on the dollar war may wind up being the end result.
The obvious conclusion is this.  Going back to the gold old days of the gold standard would be as difficult as going back to the good old days of relying on the whale oil standard rather than electricity.

That doesn’t mean that gold standard advocates do not have some good points.  Their idea of allowing gold, silver or other items of solid value to be exchanged as legal money is good and such implementation could do much to increase stability and allow us to prepare for a potential economic collapse.

The Utah legislature sees the value of doing this and on March 10, 2011 passed a bill which would allow “gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender in the state — and for the value of their precious metal, not just the face value of the coins.”
Washington Times; March 11, 2011
The government does mint some gold and silver coins but their value is artificial.  The one ounce silver eagle is only worth a dollar and the one ounce gold coin $50 for legal exchange.  Since the real value of these coins is around $40 and $1400 (at the time of this writing) then the only people who purchase these coins are collectors.

Utah is changing the game so gold and silver coins can be used as money for their real value. The bill also has another great idea incorporated in it.  It allows people to exchange coins without having to account for capital gains.  This means that if you receive a gold coin valued at $1000 and spend it when it is worth $1400 you do not owe a tax on the $400 profit.

There is still a huge disadvantage for people in Utah though. The bill only deals with state laws and not the federal.  This means you will not be able to pay federal taxes with gold or silver (who wants to) but you still have to report the $400 as a capital gain on your federal income tax. This could mean that keeping track of all the receiving and spending of coined money may be a bigger inconvenience than the tax itself.

Utah made a positive move in getting the dialog started, but we need federal law changed as well as state law if the use of gold and silver coins is to approach a practical level.

If gold and silver coins, as well as other private tender, were to become fully legal with no capital gains then we would see a gradual influx of solid money into system that could operate as a security net to the current Federal Reserve notes, or whatever other issue the government approves of in the future.  It would also stimulate gold and silver production in order to infuse additional coins into the system.

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Divine Carelessness vs Recklessness

This entry is part 1 of 31 in the series 2011B

Unfortunately, it is human nature to interpret things in terms of black and white so I thought I would make a pre-emptive post and prevent any future misunderstanding on the principle of Divine Carelessness.

So how is it that anyone could misunderstand this idea?

The answer is – it is possible simply by the fact that the phrase has the word “carelessness” in it and we associate it with good action rather than bad.  This can cause the back and white mind to figure that anything he wants to do that is careless is now a good thing.

So…  What is the difference then between Divine Carelessness and just plain carelessness, or even recklessness?

There are a number of them.  Here are a few.

(1) When the path of Divine Carelessness is taken the end will be good.  In other words, the person will be better off for his actions than if they were not taken at all. With regular carelessness he will generally be worse off.  I say generally because even a stopped lock is right twice a day and a careless decision will sometimes create an advantage.

For instance, it would be an act of carelessness and recklessness to spend your family’s grocery money on the lottery.  But there’s a small chance you could win and then be you would glad you played.  Even if you did win this would not be an example of Divine Carelessness. People who take this type of chance once will do it again and lose in the end.

(2) The source of the decision to act with Divine Carelessness comes from a contact with the soul.  The person receives a message or confirmation and internally knows it is right even though everything and everyone external tells him no.

Regular carelessness happens because of personality impulse.

In the movie “The Adjustment Bureau” David (Matt Damon) seems to make a careless move by defying, not only angels, but God Him(Her It)self.


He did this because of an internal registration from the soul which he knew was correct.  To his credit, instead of following all the outer voices of authority, the only one he did follow was the internal one.  As a result the end result of his decision was positive.

It is interesting that in my mission story I tell readers of how I met the girl of my dreams, fell in love, but was told to not marry her, similar to what happened to Matt Damon – except I obeyed and he did not.

Did I do wrong?  Wouldn’t it have been divinely careless to throw caution to the wind and pursue her to the end as Damon did with his girl?

Hopefully, my readers can see why this would not have been divinely careless.

The answer is it would not have been a Divinely careless act or decision, as I would have been in disregard of the command I knew had came from the inside, from my soul.

Because I internally knew she was not the one I was supposed to marry then it would have NOT been Divinely Careless to go against the God Within – even though my astral body wanted more than anything to pursue her.

Then it is interesting that my final companion (Artie) was also confirmed through my soul.  In this case nothing stopped me from pursuing her even though all outside influences seemed against it.

(3) Divine Carelessness is the result of the correct use of the Second Key – and comes from good judgment. Regular carelessness comes from bad judgment.

(4) Divine Carelessness is not really careless.  It just seems careless to orthodox people.  Regular carelessness is what it appears to be – an irresponsible action.

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Copyright 2011 By J J Dewey

The Gold Standard, Part 6

This entry is part 50 of 50 in the series 2011A

One thing I have not seen addressed by gold standard advocates is all the repercussions it would have on modern living if we went back on it in one form or another.

They look back at the supposed halcyon good old days and pick the best parts of historical periods as good things to return to, but often overlooked is the fact that many ingredients of modern civilization just did not exist back then.

In the days of the gold standard we lived pretty much like the Amish as far as technology goes.  Now the Amish have some positive ingredients to their way of life, but how many of us want to live the way they do with horse and buggies and no electricity or Internet?  If we were only prepared for the Amish ingredients of living then it would be tough living in New York City.

Even so, any monetary standard we have today must accommodate modern day living standards and conveniences unless we are planning to join the Amish standard of living.

To see the point here let us examine different gold standard plans and see if they could fit in modern civilization.

Plan One
Some are proposing a private money system based on gold or other metals or commodities. Many want a gold only standard to eliminate the past problems associated with bimetallism. They want no fiat money whatsoever and every dollar to represent a dollar’s worth of pure gold.

Under this plan anyone could coin or issue their own money if they had some gold.  It seems pretty simple.  If you want to buy something from a merchant you just give him some gold.  Now the problem with this is many purchases are for small amounts.  If you wanted to buy $5.00 worth of goods you would only need to exchange a 280th of an ounce of gold, about the size of a grain of sand.

Since this is very impractical they recommend private warehousing of the metal.  The warehouse would work something like a bank except they do not issue fiat money nor do they make loans secured by your gold deposits.  They would make money by charging you for storing your physical gold and providing warehouse receipts that you basically use as paper money secured by gold.  You can use these receipts like a checking account and thus you can write a $5.00 check to purchase a small amount of merchandise. Another idea is to set up gold accounts on the Internet that work something like Paypal.

I haven’t seen a plan for using small change.  Maybe they would suggest private companies create their own coins of cooper or silver for this purpose.   The trouble with this is several hundred private issuers of diverse coins could create confusion, especially for elderly people who may be easily confused by the complexity of the many types of coins.

So, if we put the coinage problem on the table would the use of either gold coins/bullion or warehouse receipts work in today’s world?

First, let us look at the practicality of using pure gold coins or bullion.

In the days that the U.S. coined gold we had four denominations.  There was the Quarter Eagle worth $2.50, the Half Eagle at $5.00, the Eagle at $10.00 and the Double Eagle, containing just over one ounce of gold, valued at $20.00.

As of this writing with the value of an ounce of gold at over $1400 the face value would be 70 times these amounts so the $2.50 coin would be valued at $175 and the one ounce coin would be $1400.

If we used actual gold coins as a major source of exchange we would have the same problems that we did in our early history, but more so.  Here are some of them.

(1) Theft.  Anyone known to be carrying around any amount of gold on his person was in danger of being attacked and robbed and those known to have a stash in their homes were in danger of being burglarized. Even putting it in a bank wasn’t safe for there was no deposit insurance in the old days and a bank robber could take your life savings. Most everyone who carried gold on his person or stored it in his home was armed and prepared to defend himself – even in England and Europe.

If we went back to this gold standard today and most people carried gold on their person or stored it would they be any safer?  With the crime rate as high as it is the danger would probably be much more.  Currently, with the use of credit cards and banks the average person only needs a few dollars on his person.  Imagine the danger if a large percentage started carrying around thousands of dollars worth of gold so they could transact business. It doesn’t take a university study to conclude that would be a problem waiting to explode.

The modern banking world is far from perfect, but one of the benefits it has given us is a reduction in danger from personal robbery due to carrying or storing large amounts of money.

Imagine the danger today if a couple thugs caught wind that some little old lady had $50,000 worth of gold stored in her basement?  Her life would be in danger whether the story was true or not.

(2) Inconvenience. If you didn’t trust a warehouse to store your gold you would be forced to store it yourself and carry it with you for shopping. As we said, making the correct change would be a nightmare and buying something from the Internet would be almost impossible.  You’d have to mail a piece of gold to pay for an item.  This is not only time consuming but you’d have to pay for insurance with each order just in case your gold got lost I the mail.

(3) Wear & tear on the coins.  When gold coins were in use they often went through a lot of wear over time.  This caused some coins to lose as much as 10% of the gold just through the friction of use. Many merchants would not accept a worn coin at face value so they weighed the coin and would value the coin according to how much gold remained.

This was a huge inconvenience in the past which would be amplified today with our faster pace of living.

(4) Coin clipping. In the era of gold coins thieves figured out ingenious ways to take gold out of coins.  Sometimes they would shave gold filings from the outside of the coin and other times they would hollow out part of it and fill it in with lead and plate over the top.  Still others would create forgeries out of lead and plate them with gold.

Those who were fooled by these shenanigans were usually the ones who could least afford to lose their money.

Most gold standard advocates want some kind of warehouse system to store gold and make transactions easier.  Actually, we do not have to wait for a gold standard to be enacted for a warehousing system is evolving at the present time.

There are companies which will sell you gold (and collect a commission) or other precious metals and store them for you for a yearly fee.  The online gold services can pay with gold credits of most any denomination to those who are willing to accept. Gold used as online money is called Digital Gold Currency, or DGC.

Currently all warehoused gold is paid for with regular currency, but if we switched to a pure gold standard then there would be no fiat money with which to purchase warehoused gold.  One would just have to deliver his gold physically to the warehouse.  It doesn’t make sense to buy gold with gold.

The warehouses today make a good portion of their money through commissions of customers buying and selling gold.  This helps them keep the prices for their services low.  But if we were on a pure gold standard and there were no sales of gold for fiat money, and hence no commissions, then the cost of the services would go up.

Today’s banks have the advantage of being able to create money out of thin air when a deposit is made and then loan that money out and collect interest.  Despite this tremendous advantage many still go out of business.

A company that warehouses gold has the disadvantage of relying on charging for services to make money.  They would not be allowed to loan money on the gold reserves so this prime source of income must be made up with other charges if the company is to be profitable.

If a pure gold or metallic standard were implemented through privatization then some type of warehousing would be essential.  By the use of the web transactions could be as smooth and seamless as credit card purchases… IF the warehouser is a trusted entity and its transactions are accepted by the public at large as is VISA and MasterCard today.

Would there be disadvantages to a warehouse system on a pure gold standard?  Here are a few.

(1) Since their profit is limited to storage and transaction fees they are likely to be fairly high – especially if they do not make money through gold sales.

(2) Currently there is no insurance on any type of gold transaction and the government would be reluctant to create an insurance program.  Why?  Currently, if they need funds for back up insurance claims they can borrow or print it.  If they had to back up insurance claims in pure gold such insurance may be an impossibility.

If someone warehouses gold today, has their identity stolen and their gold spent then it is just lost.  This may also be a problem on a pure gold standard.

(3) The possibility of fraud or bankruptcy. A few years ago in my hometown of Boise one particular company became very respected and trusted as a gold dealer. Customers trusted the owner to warehouse the gold they purchased. Then the guy had a bright idea.  He saw that there were some great investments available so he just “borrowed” the gold assets and invested them in some sure deals.

Of course his gambles eventually failed, his customers lost most of their money and were about ready to lynch the guy.  Fortunately for him he only went to jail.

Among the companies that warehouse gold today most are honest but some have committed fraud or went out of business due to poor management.  If we have a pure gold standard this problem would continue to exist.

(4) Limited accessibility.  One of the main reasons that people buy gold today is to protect themselves if there should be world chaos or an economic breakdown.  If all your gold is in some warehouse thousands of miles away – could you access it if there was some type of collapse?

One of the most reputable companies today that warehouses gold is from New Jersey. Many do not realize that their gold is stored in vaults in Switzerland.  Now this works fine in normal times but suppose we had a breakdown that made these vaults inaccessible.  In this case the guy who stored physical gold under his floorboard has usable gold and the guy who warehoused it is out of luck.

While I strongly believe we should be free to coin our own legal money and exchange or warehouse it as seems fit, there are disadvantages to attempting to return to a government decreed pure gold or metallic standard as our only money in this day.

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Soul Retreival

This entry is part 49 of 50 in the series 2011A

Sarah wrote:
I had a nightmare last night. It was more than a nightmare though, because I was in a less dense body and I was actually experiencing the events that were taking place. Someone from my past was doing very traumatic things to me including holding a gun to my head and forcing pills in me as his goal was a joint suicide. I have experienced the latter in waking life but not the former. When I swallowed the pills I literally felt the woosy effects of them in this less dense body. I can’t even put into words how real the entire episode was. I woke up sweating and I felt so petrified…my first thoughts were of being thrown back down into the physical plane…like living in a doll house in a snow globe.

I have wondered for some time if parts of myself were trapped somewhere in my past. Is this possible? I have read about shamans taking people back to the trauma and getting back the pieces of their ‘souls’…maybe spirit retrieval would be a more accurate phrase?

Then after several people responded she wrote:

I thought I was through being a victim but I know there is a decade of tangled and intertwined memories of abuse and drugs. How can I comb out the fine knots of all the strands? I think I must have combed over a lot of it, but I have spent over a year OBSESSING over past events trying to remember everything that ever bothered me basically or anyone I ever hurt or that ever hurt me. Writing, drawing, painting, talking…its hard to remember what happened when you are on drugs. Trying to put the pieces back together again. How can I severe all the links when there must be so many? Plus the 2 people that abused and traumatized me the most are both dead…would that sever the links at all? Although the abuser in the dream last night was my ex husband…and they never found his body after a scuba diving trip last fall and I fear I have created a thought form that he is going to come and get me one day.

It sounds like your second post gives us partial understanding as to why you had the nightmare. You’ve had traumatic experiences in your past and some memories are coming back to haunt you in fragmented form in your dreams.

In addition it sounds like your subconscious is trying to warn you against yielding up your will to others; that you need to take charge of your life and make your own decisions.

That said you bring up an interesting idea of having parts of your soul trapped in the past due to drugs or trauma.

The problem you are referring to would most appropriately be called “Fragmentation.”

This occurs when the individual abuses his own self through drugs or denial or is abused by others so much that he fragments himself to diminish the pain.  When the person is fragmented he will operate on a lower capacity than he otherwise would have.

We are aware that if a person damages part of his brain then his physical or mental abilities may be impaired. With fragmentation parts of self are not destroyed but either put to sleep or blocked. Fortunately, they can be awakened or unblocked.

Most of us have certain parts of ourselves either asleep or blocked. Those who are suffering from great fragmentation because of trauma have obvious problems; others have not so obvious ones.

L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, identified the cause of this problem on the trauma side as being caused by engrams. These are like small computer programs that are created through pain and direct our inner processing in negative rather than positive ways.

Unfortunately, Scientology processing is very expensive and the organization is in dangerous illusion and extremely authoritative. In addition they do not deal with problems related to denial.

Since Hubbard came out with his teachings many others have developed something similar but changed methods and terminology.

One of the best evolutions to come forward that may help Sarah and others is outlined in the Book “The Emotional Code” by Bradley Nelson.

You can find it here:
Emotional Code

I’m considering methods of dealing with “soul retrieval,” as you call it, at the next gathering.

The other solution to fragmentation is through the establishment of soul contact. When the soul and brain become sufficiently linked then denial is released and the illusion of engrams is dissipated. Unfortunately, this can take lifetimes to achieve so if problems continue then it is helpful to assist with other methods.

Ten Tribes and Danites

This entry is part 48 of 50 in the series 2011A

A lady with an LDS background wrote:

Talking about tribes (the Danites in your series, Hell on Earth) what is the origin of the tribe issue, the missing tribes that went North.

LDS people in Missouri await their arrival. Why does the church, or some members, make an issue of tribes? My Patriarchal Blessing states I am of the tribe of Ephraim, as are most LDS members.


When Jacob wrestled with and overcame an Angel he was told his name would be changed to Israel which means “to prevail as God.”

He later had twelve sons who became known as the “Sons of Israel.”

The posterity of these sons then became very numerous and became known as the Tribes of Israel or the “Twelve Tribes.”

The twelve tribes eventually divided into two groups.  One was formed of the tribe of Judah, who became the Jews, and Joseph.  The remaining ten tribes formed the other group.

The ten tribes eventually mysteriously disappeared from history and no one knows where they went.  There is all kinds of speculation.   Some think they are on another planet that was separated from the earth.  Some think they are under the earth and others think they are scattered among us.

Here is an apocryphal scripture telling about their journey to an unknown land:

“These are the ten tribes which were led away captive out of their own land in the days of Josiah [Hoshea] the king, which (tribes) Salmanassar the king of the Assyrians led away captive; he carried them across the River, and (thus) they were transported into another land. But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a land further distant, where the human race had never dwelt, there at least to keep their statutes which they had not kept in their own land. And they entered by the narrow passages of the river Euphrates. For the Most High then wrought wonders for them, and stayed the springs of the River until they were passed over. And through that country there was a great way to go, (a journey) of a year and a half; and that region was called Arzareth. There they have dwelt until the last times.” 2 Esdras 13:39-47

Here is awitness who said Joseph stated they were under the North Pole:

Other questions were asked when Brother Clayton was not present, one of which I will relate: I asked where the nine and a half tribes of Israel were. “Well,” said he (Joseph), “you remember the old caldron or potash kettle you used to boil maple sap in for sugar, don’t you?” I said yes. “Well,” said he, “they are in the north pole in a concave just the shape of that kettle. And John the Revelator is with them, preparing them for their return.” (Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life’s Review, pg 93)

Here is another story giving another slant:

Joseph Smith on the Ten Tribes

Brother Brown:

Will you  give us some light and explanation of the 5th verse on page 386 of the Hymn Book, which spake of the Ten Tribes of Israel, or part of this earth which forms another planet according to the Hymn of Elisa R. Snow?

Yes, Sir, I think I can answer your question.

Sister Elisa R. Snow in visiting my grand parents was asked by my grandmother:  “Elisa, where did you get your ideas about the lost tribes being taken away as you explained it in your wonderful Hymn on page 386 of the Hymn Book?”  She answered as follows:  “Why my husband, the Prophet Joseph Smith, told me about it.”

“Have you any other information that your grandfather ever gave you as contained in any conversation with the Prophet Joseph Smith?”

“I Have.  One evening in Nauvoo, just after dark, somebody rapped at the door very vigorously.  Grandfather said he was reading the Doctrine and Covenants.  He rose hastily and answered the summons at the door, where he met the Prophet Joseph Smith.  He said ‘Brother Brown, can you keep me overnight, the mobs are after me.’  Grandfather answered, ‘Yes Sir, it will not be the first time.  Come in.’  ‘All right,’  the Prophet said, shutting the door quickly.  He came in and sat down.  Grandmother said, ‘Brother Smith, have you had your supper?’  ‘No,’ he answered, ‘I have not. ‘So she prepared him a meal and he ate it.

“Afterward they were in conversation, and the Ten Tribes were mentioned. Grandfather said, ‘Joseph, where are the Ten Tribes?’  He said ‘Come to the door and I will show you.  Come Sister Brown, I want you both to see.’

“It being a starlight night the Prophet said, ‘Brother Brown, can you show me the Polar Star.’  ‘Yes Sir,” he said pointing to the North Star, ‘There it is.’  ‘Yes, I know,’ said the Prophet, ‘but which one?  There are a lot of stars there.’  Grandfather said, ‘Can you see the points of the Dipper?’ The Prophet said, ‘Yes.’  ‘Well,’ he said ‘trace the pointers,’ pointing up to the largest star.  ‘That is the North Star.’

“”The Prophet answered, ‘You are correct.  Now,’ he said, pointing toward the star, ‘do you discover a little twinkler to the right and below the pole star, which we would judge to be about the distance of twenty feet from here?’  Grandfather answered, ‘Yes, Sir.’  The Prophet said, ‘Sister Brown, do you see the star also?’  Her answer was, ‘Yes, Sir.’  ‘Very well then,’ he said, ‘let’s go.’

“After re-entering the house, the Prophet said, ‘Brother Brown, I noticed when I came in that you were reading the Doctrine and Covenants.  Will you kindly get it?’  He did so.  The Prophet turned to the 133rd section and read commencing at the 26th verse and through the 34th verse.  He said, after reading the 31st verse, ‘Now let me ask you what would cause the everlasting hills to tremble with more violence than the coming together of two planets – and that planet whereon they reside to this earth?’

“‘Now’ he said, ‘scientists will tell you that it is known science that two planets coming together would be disastrous to both; which would be perfectly correct if they met head-on from opposite directions.  So when two planets or other objects are traveling in the same direction and one of them with a little greater velocity than the other, it would not be disastrous because the one traveling faster would overtake the other.  Now what would cause the mountains of ice to melt quicker than the heat caused by the friction of the two planets coming together?’  And then he asked the question. ‘Did you ever see a meteor that was not red hot?  That would cause the mountains of ice to melt.’

“‘And relative to the great highway, when that planet returns to its place in the great northern waters, it will form a highway and the waters will recede and roll back.’  He continued, ‘Now as to their coming back from the Northern waters; they will, return from the North because their planet will return to the place from whence it was taken.’

“‘Relative to the water rolling back to the North:  if you take a vessel of water and swing it rapidly around your head you won’t spill any, but if you stop the motion gradually, it will begin to pour out.’

“Now he said, ‘Brother Brown, at the present time this earth is rotating very rapidly.  When this planet returns it will make this earth that much heavier and it will revolve slower and that will account for the water receding from the earth for a great while, but it has now turned and is proceeding eastward rapidly.’

“Did the prophet ever tell your grandfather about the city of Enoch being taken from the earth?”

“Yes, he did.  He said that Enoch and his people kept so faithfully the laws of the Lord that they were translated – Not only Enoch and his people, but the great city also wherein they dwelt.  And grandfather asked the question, ‘Brother Joseph, where was that city located?  And the Prophet answered, ‘Where the Gulf of Mexico  now exists, and the time will come when the mariner will say, there is no bottom to the Gulf of Mexico.’  And he said, ‘When that great piece of land was taken from the earth it created a vacuum and to the extent that it started water coming in to fill up that great space that is now known as the Gulf of Streams.’  The Prophet added, ‘In consequence of this great portion being taken away it naturally threw the earth out of balance.  Now,’ he said, ‘when that comes back, that and the planet on which the lost tribes are, the earth will receive its equilibrium and will revolve as it naturally was.’

“‘Then, Brother Brown, this will fulfill the saying of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 16, verses 14-15; also the sayings of the Prophet Nephi.'”

Brother Call, you have read the statement of Brother Brown concerning the Ten Tribes of Israel being upon another planet besides this?

Yes, I have  heard my father relate the same regarding the Ten Tribes of Israel, and my father heard the Prophet make the statement that the Ten Tribes are on another planet, as related by Brother Brown.

Next the reader asked:

Why are the Danites picked to be the bad guys?  I’m sure most of the Mormons that make up “the hit gang”, even to this day, are not Danites. So where did this designation come from?


The Danites were named after the tribe of Dan.  Jacob gave him this mysterious blessing:

Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. Genesis 49:16-17

Because it sounds like the descendants of Dan will be destroyers Dan is often viewed in a negative light. He is left out of the Twelve Tribes in the Book of Revelation and replaced by Joseph’s son Manasseh.  Legend has it that this was done because the antichrist would descend from Dan.

The Danites were formed in the midst of great persecution as a means of self preservation.  Because they were to fight the enemies of the church they were called Danites.

How involved Joseph was with is group is a mystery.  It appears that he was aware of it and possibly approved it in the beginning, but then later publically condemned them.

Whatever the case a skeleton form of the Danites appears to have continued until the Mormons settled in Utah.  It seems that the destroying angel idea died with the famous Danites, Porter Rockwell, John D Lee and Bill Hickman.

A little known piece of trivia is that the creation of the sinister villain from Sherlock Holmes, Professor Moriarty, was inspired by stories of the Mormon Danites.

There is lots of information about the Danites on the Web.  Much of it is distorted but Wikipeadia gives as good a presentation as any at:

The readers then says:

The mean part of LDS history has always discouraged me…


Most every movement has its dark spots, including our own country. How much of Jarman’s book is true is difficult to say but the evidence indicates that some severe abuse did occur.  It is interesting today that the Mormons are a fairly mellow bunch who are fairly harmless and mostly unaware of anything negative in their history.

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Oscars & More

This entry is part 47 of 50 in the series 2011A

On January 4, I made this prediction about the Oscars:

“The King’s Speech will win best Picture and Colin Firth who stars in it will receive Best Actor. Natalie Portman will receive best actress for Black Swan.”

If you watched the Oscars Sunday you know that all these predictions, made even before the nominations were available, were correct. The last time I made predictions I was also 100% correct on the Oscars.

This helps to redeem myself from by bad Superbowl predictions on both occasions.

Is there a reason that I have been accurate on the Oscars and some other areas, but have missed the mark on football?

Actually, there is a good reason for this. Some events around us are determined by what people think. Others are somewhat determined by thought, but sidetracked by random events.

There are no random events in the outcome of the Oscars. To predict them one just has to tune into the mindset of the majority of the voters.

On the other hand, in football both teams have a mindset desperately fixed on winning and often they are fairly evenly matched. Sometimes the game is determined by one or several fairly random events that not even the gods could predict. In addition, there’s a lot of bias that enters into predicting sports events.

Many say that everything happens for a purpose. This is not true as it is believed by many. There are many events that happen by chance.

If you take a handful of sand and toss it at a cup some of the grains will enter the cup and some will not. Let us look at one of the little grains that missed the cup. Was it part of some destiny that it missed or was it just fairly random chance?

Many of the things that happen in life are no more significant than a grain of sand in motion.

Then there are times that a random grain of sand can have a significant effect. I was eating a hot dog once and my tooth struck something no bigger than a grain of sand and fractured it. I had to have it pulled and this put a lot more stress on the tooth next to it and after a year that tooth went bad and had to go. Then it was another two years before I could come up for the money to have two implants so I could chew on that side of my mouth again.

I do not believe that little piece of bone or sand was put there for any purpose. It was just one of those random events that happen – that we just have to deal with in life and make the most of it.

On the other hand, there are times that invisible entities do look after us and will sometimes save us from ourselves. If a disciple has some purpose to fulfill and is headed for disaster he may sometimes be saved from it by a message or some strange turn of events. I have had this happen a number of times. On the other hand, I have also had accidents and bad turns in life that I had wished that could have been avoided, but no intervention came. I believe our helpers only intervene when absolutely necessary and am extremely grateful for the help I have been given.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Hell on Earth, Part 14

This entry is part 46 of 50 in the series 2011A

I was now given over to the tender mercies of Porter Rockwell, one of the great chiefs of these “Angels.” I was unacquainted with this worthy until I ‘began to notice him wherever I went. One day in the street I stopped to talk with my Cockney friend. Noticing this fellow watching me, I asked my friend who he was, told him I found him always following me.

He replied, “That’s old Port.”

I said “he looks more like old Rye Whisky.”

The Cockney gave his name and said “if he’s following you he has his orders to kill you, and he’ll do it dead sure. He has slain many a good man. There’s only one way to get the blind side of him. He’s mighty fond of whisky. If you can stuff him with that you’re all right.”

I said “You leave me now, I’ll fix him.”

My friend went one way and I started as if to pass “Port” and – cross the street. Coming directly abreast of “ Port “ I stopped short and addressing him said “Excuse me sir, but can you tell me where the Patriarch John Smith lives?”

“Oh yes! he said, down by Jordon Bridge.” (The Patriarch lived within a stone’s throw of where we stood.) “But,” he continned “he ain’t home, he won’t be home till nine to-night.”

I thanked him -very politely, and said “Well my friend, you’ve saved me a good jaunt, I feel it’s my treat, do you ever indulge? won’t you take something?”

“Wal yes,” said Port, “You’re the best man I’ve seen today.” And although the Scripture says “Woe unto him hat giveth his neighbour drink” “a drowning man will catch at a straw.” I took him to a saloon, asked the landlord to show us to a private room as we had business to talk over. We were – shown to a small room.

“Friend what will you take,” I asked?

He replied “My old stand-by, whisky, I suppose we can punish a pint can’t we?”

I said “I’ll take Soda-water.” Port ordered a pint of whisky. We sat down. Here was the victim and his would-be murderer cozily seated in a snug little room. How to handle him properly, secure his friendship, and draw him out was the question. Our potations came and Port began to make himself at home and as the whisky got in his wits got out. Presently Port emptied the pint, which was refilled. He became very talkative. I said “Excuse me sir, what is your name?” He answered, “Port Rockwell, they call me Old Port.”

I made it a point to be very sociable, for I meant to get from him an account of some of the many murders he had committed, and his intentions toward myself. Finally I was successful; he said in answer to my question. “I’ve had my orders to use you up, but you’re a bully good fellow, don’t you fear old Port, I’ll not hurt a hair of your head. You know how to treat a man decent; you’re all right.”

I saw that by a judicious use of whisky I had secured a friend, instead of becoming my “Destroying Angel,” “Port,” through a good supply of “ Spirit “ would be my “ Guardian Angel.”

He became quite confidential. In one of his moods he said “You got in a hell of a hurry that night when you fetched out yer shooting irons and got huffy.”

I asked him if he could explain that affair. “I guess I can,” he answered “Between you and I, you’re a lucky cuss; we attended to another poor devil that night who couldn’t keep his mouth shut, like yourself. You’re awful foolish let me tell you; howsoever, we didn’t catch on to him till midnight, and by the time we’d a fixed his wind-pipe so as he won’t squeal again, kivered him up, and got to where we thought you was, you’d a got yer back up and gone.” Port said this when the whisky had taken the place of his wits. I further drew from him that the “Saint” was to keep me there that night till the “Destroying Angels” came, that my grave was dug in the “ Saint’s “ garden, and they intended to make “short work of it.”

From that time I and Port were friends; and being in his charge I was perfectly safe. Port reported that I was a slippery customer, and difficult to catch. This much, past experience had proven. It cost me something to supply Port with whisky, but I trust my life may yet prove worth the outlay.

Things jogged along all right so long as I had money for whisky, but my second wife got a divorce and I was turned out in the streets homeless and penniless.

I sold my pistols to keep the whisky mill agoing. Port frequently posted me in regard to the various devices planned for my capture; though we were never seen together after the time mentioned, we had a way of communicating.

One night on my going as usual to our “Telegraph Office,” as we called it, there was the cipher message “Meet Port midnight by old City wall, by Arsenal.”

I met him and never shall forget his anxiety: I know that this man, guilty of “hundreds of murders” according to his own confessions to me, was true in his sympathy toward me and wished to aid me all in his power. He had then brought me a bundle of provisions, which he quickly handed me and, hurriedly said “Here take that, fly to the mountains and hide at once, I have to leave this city by daylight. A far worse than I am is now on your track.” He told me which way to go to escape him; for Port had given him instruction where to find me or rather where not to find me, and had sent him off in another direction. Then giving me a gentle push said “Now be off and may God bless you.”

It is really astonishing how these murderers can mix up the Divine Name in everything they do. I have seen men that I know are guilty of blood take the bread and break it at the Sacrament, and offer a prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. It seems to me that all the blasphemy under the sun is centered in this so called “Zion “-this Hell upon Earth.

I am sorry space will not permit me to give more of my sufferings in this Hell upon Earth. I will briefly tell how I got away, and trust to my lectures for an opportunity to detail all I am prevented from giving here.

Though 500 American troops and gatling guns are now stationed at Camp Douglas, overlooking the City; a railway connecting it with the outside world; Gentiles there transacting business; and United States Courts in operation-yet the Mormons hold civil, ecclesiastical, and judicial power in Utah, and have things pretty much their own way.

General Garfield came to Salt Lake City, and through a friend of his” obtained an interview with him, which finally resulted in my escape. The reader may ask, why talk of an “ escape “ from Salt Lake, new that Railways, Troops, Gentiles, and U. S. Courts are there? I answer what good is either to one in the condition I was? The Railway is a ready money institution; no trust there. At cheapest rates it costs 15 pounds to get back, and the generality of us not able to muster ‘scents., or is pence. The first forty miles of railroad is built, controlled, and worked by Mormons. The journey from Salt Lake to New York at cheap rates takes about ten days, and food costs something when traveling. I ask how can the poor duped English girls, now living a life of sin and slavery in Utah, who scarcely ever get any money, raise the cash to go back? The Gentiles have enough to do to look after themselves. The troops are all very well in their place to Overawe the Mormons, but they have nothing to do with the Civil Government. As to the United States Courts,,. a more complete farce does not exist; for with Mormon Juries it is impossible to obtain a just verdict.

Look for a moment at the fact. The whole Territory, is governed by the Mormon Power. There is the Mormon Parliament. The Lower and Upper House and its Cabinet. Then all the Officers of State are Church Officers. Mormon Mayors, Aldermen and Town Councilors in their various Cities-Mormon Police-in fact Mormon everything, with the exception of one Governor, and two or three judges who are like a figure 9 with the tail off.

Had the Mormons known that I was going away to expose their wickedness, think you for one moment they would have allowed me to escape? No, never! Suppose they knew it the night before I left; on going through the street a crowd of Mormons would be there through which I must pass. Superintending matters would be a policeman, who would grab me, while the “ Saints “ flock around, and one put, say a gold watch in my pocket, the owner of which would there and then charge me with highway robbery, and every Mormon priest swear to it. I am walked off to the City Hall, searched, the watch found on me, and locked up. In the morning papers would appear as follows:-” Last night Wm. Jarman was arrested for stealing a gold watch from Mr. – On being searched the watch was found on him, and he was held for examination. During the night he attempted to escape and was shot by his keeper. He died instantly, the bullet piercing the heart,”

The keeper, – coroner, and everyone who had to deal with the case being “Good Mormons” would be perfectly satisfied, and thus would end the career of Wm. Jarman. That’s about how the business is managed now-a-days. But they did not know – for after Brigham’s death arrangements were being made for my going back into the Church, though I constantly put it off. I did business with Mormons, some very prominent ones. I had “an axe to grind “-(in English a game to play). There were matters I should never have found out had I not done so; yea, so late as 11 p.m. the night before I left, I had important business with the second man in the Kingdom, and everything considered O. K.

A good Brother holding the same “ Priesthood “ I had, helped me away; my luggage was shipped, and ticket bought by others, not me. My valuable books and papers were taken to New York by a gentleman and delivered to me there, and not till the morning after my first lecture in Brooklyn, where the associated press telegraphed it over the country, did the Mormons know where I was.

When they saw the account in their papers they asked, “How did he get away?” I hope I have answered in a way to satisfy my readers. I know the “ Saints “ will not be satisfied until they know who assisted in spiriting away my books, papers; and myself, so that they could “Blood atone” them for their sins. But they will never know from me. “Port” died before I left Salt Lake, or I would not have said what I have. I could tell a hundred times as much as I have of such matters were it not that my friends who helped me are still living in “Zion,” and for their sakes I keep it back feeling I have said quite enough to convince the world of the perfect honors of this vile Mormonism, if not am sure they would not believe the balance though an angel from Heaven proclaimed it.

To my confidential friends now in Zion I say “Fear not! so far as I am concerned you are perfectly safe. When the Governments of America and England are ready for the question, I have ample proofs and evidence without breaking faith with you, and you are most of you old enough to die before these slow-coach Governments take any active steps. in the matter.” “Uncle Sam” has brought ONE out of the MANY human butchers to justice, and seems perfectly satisfied to let the others R. I. P.. and the murderers of wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, and fathers are allowed to occupy the best positions in the Territory. So much for the Great Boasted, “ Free “ Republic; and so much for “Christian” England in allowing her citizens to be thus deceived, enslaved, and slaughtered “for Christ’s sake.”

Editors Note: Jarman ends his treatise with several accounts of how terrible the Mormons are and that something must be done about them before they take over the world. It is indeed obvious from the many testimonies that many of the Mormons in early Utah, from Brigham on down, abused their power but then when we read the solutions to this abuse it appears that the solution proposed is worse than the problem. Jarman and the people he quotes wanted the U.S. government to wage outright war on the Mormons, even if it means a mass slaughter would be the result. These critics see this as the only solution. If Jarman is telling the truth then you can’t blame him for wanting to expose the abuses of Mormonism but then he wants to abuse the Mormons with more ferocity than they dished out.

In reality what did happen was much more harmless than many critics wanted and the charge was led by none other than the prophet’s son, Joseph Smith III who worked with Congress to create laws to force change without causing the shedding of blood.

From Jarman’s book I finish with a quoted sermon and a few words from Jarman himself. He gave quite a few other references but many repeat accusations already covered. JJ

A SERMON preached by the Rev. T. De WITT TALMAGE, D. D. in The Tabernacle, Brooklyn, U.S., on the 26th of September, 1880.

Then the Lord rained upon Sodom brimstone and fire from the Lord’ out of heaven.’-GENESIS xix.

SODOM and Salt Lake City are synonymous. You can hardly think of the one without thinking of the other. Both in fertile valleys-valley of Siddim, valley of Utah. Both near a salt, offensive, fishless dead sea; for Dr.. Robinson says there must have been a lake near by while yet ancient Sodom stood. Both the famous capitals of most accursed impurity. Both doomed.

In 1857, a company of emigrants started from Arkansas and Missouri for California. They were good, respectable, well-to-do people; but they had an idea that they might have larger comforts for their families on the other side of the mountains; so they undertook what always seems to be a terrible thing, traveling in the Wagon emigrant train. They suffered everything on the way. By night the fires kept off the wolves, and by day there was fatigue and hunger, and heat, and gentle womanhood fainting with the long journey, and children crying for rest. There were one hundred and seventy in that company.

They must needs cross Utah Territory, and in Utah nearly all the emigrant trains were accustomed to take in new supplies of provisions; but Brigham Young heard that this emigrant train was coming, and he forbade, under pain of death, any Mormon in Utah giving any clothing, or food, or medicine, or kindness of any sort, to these emigrants. It was a revenge for the fact that a man in Arkansas had slain Elder Pratt, of the Mormon Church, because he (Elder Pratt) had stolen the wife of the man in Arkansas, and taken her to Utah and into Mormonism.

On and on went this emigrant train, suffering all indignity, until they came to a plain called Mountain Meadow. The Indians dashed down upon the emigrants, but the emigrants threw up a barricade, and in this temporary fortress drove back the red men most successfully. Then the Mormon militia dashed down upon these emigrants; but you know how men will fight when they fight for their wives and children, and so the Mormon militia were driven back.

Still it was only with great peril that any one could leave the temporary fortress even to get water from the spring near by. There was great suffering from thirst, so one day they dispatched two little girls clad in white to bring water from the spring. They said, Most certainly the Mormon militia will not disturb them;’ but no sooner had they appeared outside the barricade than they were shot dead by the stream.

Petitions for relief were signed by all the emigrants, and by Oddfellows and Freemasons, who made appeals to members of their particular order. Three brave men volunteered to carry that petition for relief to California. An aged Methodist minister of the group, in prayer, commended these men to God, and the emigrants all knelt in supplication; but hardly had these three brave men started on their journey than they were butchered.

Time passed on, and one day wagons were seen coming. ‘Now,’ thought the poor emigrants, we shall have relief,’ and they could not restrain their glee at the thought of liberation. The wagons came up, and from them came a flag of truce, saying, If you emigrants will surrender, and put down your arms, you may walk out into perfect liberty, and you shall not be harmed.’ Thinking the proposition a fair proposition, it was accepted, and they put down their arms, according to the arrangement, and then the men marched out first, then came the women, and then came the children. After they were outside the barricade, the Mormon militia, with guns and hems and daggers, massacred all save a few little children, whom they thought to be too young to tell the story. Aged and young husbands and wives, parents and children, left dead on the plain! Women belonging to the emigrant train, who were sick and unable to walk, were then taken out by the Mormons into the presence of their murdered families, stripped of their clothing, shot dead, and hurled upon the heap of corpses.

The wagons, the stock of the train, the dresses of the women and their jewelry amounting in all to a property of 300,000 dollars, taken possession of by the Mormon Government. Years after, a Mormon woman, showing a silk dress that had been captured from the train-showing one of these silk dresses in Salt Lake City-one of the little girls that had been saved from the massacre recognized it. She said, ‘Oh! that’s my mother’s. Where’s mamma? Why don’t mamma come? Mamma used to wear that! ‘ and she burst into tears.

John D. Lee, the Merman Bishop, was the presiding spirit in person of the massacre, and when, fifteen or eighteen years after, in the court-room, he gave testimony, he said he had orders to do that from head-quarters; and it appeared on the evidence that Brigham Young had given orders as to the disposition of the property of these murdered people, and had told the witnesses to hush up, and all Christendom today holds that man responsible for the tragedy. No wonder, when years after he visited the scene and found that the bones of the emigrants had been decently buried by the officers of the United States Government, and General Carlton had put up a head-board by the grave, with the epitaph, the inscription’ Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord ‘-no wonder that Brigham Young, seeing that inscription, ordered it to be torn down.

It is the presiding spirit of the Mountain Meadow massacre that I arraign today for trial before you, the jury of Americans. It still lives. It has its throne in Salt Lake City, and its foot on the heart of dishonored women, and its breath is the pestilence of the nation. Gory, ghastly, hideous, infernal Mormonism, stand up and look into the faces of the American jury that is to try you.

This summer, as well as on a previous occasion, I had the opportunity of inspecting this iniquity, and of asking many questions, and having them answered by Mormons and anti-Mormons. Many of the Gentiles of Salt Lake City called on me and asked me that when I got home I should present the case before the people on this coast. I solemnly promised them, and this morning I fulfill my promise. In regard to the alleged subsidence of Mormonism, I have to tell you that 750 Mormons had arrived in Salt Lake City or Utah, just before we went to Utah, and that there was another company still larger approaching the city, and that there were 10,000 added last year, and that there will be more than that added this year.

Three hundred missionaries, sent out to gather up victims, travel all over this land, and in Sweden, and Norway, and Russia, and Germany, and England, and Wales, and Scotland. (Germany has now prohibited Mormons from Proselyting in that country.) Many Scotch Presbyterians were recently brought there: These missionaries are compelled to go out, although their families may suffer the greatest penury, for this whole system is cruel and Herodic. These missionaries go to those who are in the struggle of life, and they hide all the hideous deformities of Mormonism, and tell these people, ‘Now, if you will cross the ocean and go to Utah, you will have your expenses paid.; and when you get there you will have gardens and farms of your own, and your hardships will be ended for ever,’ No wonder some of these incautious people ‘ accept the invitation, and then fly from poverty to get into a most stupendous swindle. Oh! you ought to see the poor creatures carrying the tenth of their small income and the tenth of the small product of their farm or garden to the tithing-house of this insatiate institution. They are taxed until the blood comes. No escape but the grave. The co-operative societies and the co-operative stores of Utah are so many mills to grind out more money from the poor people to support a depraved priesthood.

I charge Mormonism with being one great and prolonged cruelty. Nobody denies the work of the destroying. angels called Danites, whose chief business it was to hunt up antagonism to the Mormon Government and put it to death. It was for’ the land of assassination and the field of blood.

No one doubts the Hickman butcheries under Brigham Young. I saw a cellar where a mother and two sons had been put to death, the mother slain in the presence of the two sons, and the two sons butchered, because they had revealed the secrets of the Mormon Government. The whole world has heard the story of the destruction of the Aiken party. And these Mormons have a delicious vernacular by which they describe this putting to death. They say all these things with a smile and a jeer. ‘Oh, they were put out of the way; or, ‘they met with a bad accident; ‘ or, they were used up; ‘ or, ‘ they were cut off just under their ears! ‘

Why have these atrocities stopped? Because a regiment of United States soldiers are on the hill overlooking the city, and with iron rake of destruction may rake that city if it attempts to repeat such atrocity. It is not because Mormonism is more merciful, but because it has not the courage.

I charge Mormonism with being a great blasphemy. Brigham Young in one of his sermons, declared that Christ himself was a practical polygamist; that Mary and Martha were his plural wives; that Mary Magdalene was another; and he said in the same sermon that the bridal feast in Cana of Galilee, where Christ turned water into wine, was the occasion of one of His own marriages! The whole tendency of the system is towards blasphemy. I was told over and over again that Brigham Young, with slight provocation, would swear like a fishwoman at Billingsgate.

I charge upon Mormonism that it is a disloyalty to the United States

Government. There is an oath taken in the endowment house at Salt Lake City, which subverts all other oaths. Perjury is no crime when enacted in behalf of Mormonism. Mormonism hates the Government of the United States with a perfect hatred. Fourth of July occasions and all patriotic demonstrations are an utter abhorrence to the Mormons, and the Gentile celebrators of the Fourth of July suffer every indignity. Mormonism would like to have the United States Government to perish today.

I charge upon Mormonism that it is an organized filth built on polygamy. There is a man in Salt Lake City who has three wives, and they are the mother, the grandmother, and the grand-daughter! I observed that there were additions built on the houses, and it was explained to me that, when a new wife is taken, then the house is enlarged, forgetting the fact that no house was ever large enough to hold two women married to the same man!

Think of a system which applauds a man for such things. Think of a system which teaches that the more wives a man lives with at the same time on the earth, the higher his honour in heaven. Think of a system which commends a man for living in marriage at the same time with three sisters. Think of a system which wrecks the happiness of every woman that touches it, for, I do not care what they say, God never made a woman who can cheerfully divide a husband’s love with another.

Every honest wife knows she has a right to the entire throne of her husband’s affection. They may smile to keep up appearances, but they have an agony of death, and the most pitiable thing in all the earth is an aged woman in Mormonism. The aged woman in other parts of the land we bow before; we take off our hat to her, we do her reverence. The softest chair in the house is grandmother’s chair. She is the queen on Christmas and Thanksgiving days. The older she gets, and the more wrinkles on her face, and the more stooped her shoulder, the more we think of her; and when God takes her away to the eternal rest, it seems as if three-fourths of the house were torn down. But a woman getting aged in Mormonism, she is shoved back, and is paid less and less attention, and is of less and less account. Why? Another has taken the throne, and, after awhile, she will be dethroned, and another will come up, and another.

I tell you Mormonism is one great surge of licentiousness; it is the seraglio of the Republic, it is the concentrated corruption of this land, it is the brothel of the nation, it is hell enthroned.

This miserable corpse of Mormonism has been rotting in the sun, and rotting and rotting and rotting for forty years, and the United States Government has not had the courage to bury it. Moreover, it is all the time gaining in influence. Mormonism once meant Utah; now to a certain extent it means Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, New Mexico. Wider and wider and wider, and greater and greater and greater. It is going forth to debauch this nation. You have no idea of the influence it is having in American politics, or what it has already done at Washington. Mormonism receives 1,000,000 dollars every year through the tithing system, and has plenty of money with which to effect national legislation. The subject was brought before Congress and the matter referred to a Committee, and one of the members of the Committee said in derision, What do you make all this fuss about polygamy for? Those Mormons out there make a religion of having four or five wives, while some of us members of Congress practice the same iniquity without any religion! ‘ A stout effort is being made to introduce Utah as a State of the Union, and if it be accomplished the United States govemment puts its broad seal of approbation upon this stupendous indecency

Now,’ you say, ‘what is best to be done? ‘ Execute the law against polygamy. What right has the law to punish a man for bigamy, if one foot this side of Utah he have two wives, when one foot the other side the law lets him have twenty? What right has the law to smite libertinism in other parts of this country when there it licenses it? Are these Mormons the pets and the darlings of the nation, that they should have especial regulations? Do you believe that filthy pool of iniquity can stand in the midst of this continent and not have the whole air poisoned with the malaria? Mormonism is an insult to every home, to every church, to every father, every mother, every sister, and the curse of Almighty God will come down on this nation unless we extirpate it.

What! ‘ say you, would you interfere with a man’s religion? ‘ Oh! no. If these Mormons want to believe that Joseph Smith was God, or that Brigham Young is the second person of the Trinity, the law has no right to interfere with them. But Mormonism not only antagonizes Christianity; it antagonizes good morals, and the infidel and the Christian stand side by side in denouncing Mormonism as a foe to free institutions. Then, I say, away with it! Moral persuasion first, if possible; but moral persuasion will not accomplish it. They have declared, over and over again, that they will let their city go down under the bombshell before they will surrender polygamy, and I tell you that Mormonism will never be destroyed until it is destroyed by the guns of the United States Government.

It would not be war. I hate war. It would be national police duly executing the law against polygamy. Why did they not let General Johnson in 1857, with his 2,500 troops sent out under the order of President Buchanan, march right on until they did their work? President Buchanan never was charged with excessive courage, and he sent out Governor Powell, of Kentucky, and Major McCullough, of Tennessee, to offer pardon to all the Mormons who would put down their arms, and there has not been a President of the United States with enough moral courage since to clean out that national stable.

We all go to look at it. President Grant went to look at it. Secretary Schurz went to look at it. Secretary Thompson went to look at it. President Hayes went to look at it. Everybody goes to look at it. We cross the continent, and it is one of the arts of Mormonism to be very gracious to public men. The Mormons struggle as to who shall have the privilege of entertainment. I never addressed a more genial audience in my life than last August in the Mormon opera-house, a great many Mormons present. They bow you into the city, and they bow you out of the city, and none of us dare touch them. We all want to be Congressmen, or President of the United States, or Minister to England, and if we oppose Mormonism it will oppose our political interests. And so, if I were an aspirant for any political office, this sermon might perhaps be very impolitic.

If there be any truth in the transmigration of souls, I hope that the soul of Andrew Jackson will get into the body of some of our Presidents, and make proclamation that within thirty days all these Mormons must decide upon one wife, or go to jail, or quit the country. Then have Congress make provisions for the carrying out of this order. If the Mormons submit to the law, all right. If not, then send out troops of the United States Government, and let them make the Mormon Tabernacle their head-quarters, and with cannon of the biggest bore thunder into them the seventh commandment. Arbitration by all means; but if that will not do, then peaceful proclamation. If that will not do, then howitzer, and bombshell, and bullets, and cannon-ball.

If a gang of thieves should squat on a territory and make thievery a religion, how long would the United States Government stand that? Yet a community founded on theft would not be so bad as a community founded on the grave of desolated, destroyed, imbruted womanhood.

I call the attention of the American Congress to this evil. The hour has come. Let some Senator of the United States at the next meeting of Congress, or some member of the House of Representatives, with eloquent tongue and persistent purpose, and good morals of his own, lift the anti-Mormon standard, and then unroll the tragedy and outrages of that appalling system before the Government and before the people, and that man will gather around him all the sympathies of all the families, and all the Churches, and all the reformers, and all the high-toned men and women of America. The thing has got to be done. It is only a question of when. Let this man of whom I speak in the name of God go forth and do his duty, and he will at the same time make his political fortune. Come, now, instead of exhuming the wrapped-up and entombed mummy of negro slavery, and tossing it about in these Presidential elections, have one live question-Mormonism, the white slavery of today, and have it decided at the ballot-box whether that institution shall go forth with its pestiferous influence, or whether, under the law of our civilization and the stroke of the law, it shall perish.

But,’ says some one, that would be a very expensive crusade.’ It would not cost the United States Government one farthing. Confiscate so much of the Mormon domain as is necessary to pay for the extermination and take some of those vast sums of money that are being poured into the lap of that old mother of harlots, and pay it out as honest taxes to support the United States Government. Utah is rich enough to pay for all the costly and expensive surgery of taking out this dripping cancer of Mormonism. Let the pulpits and the platforms and the printing-press agitate and agitate, and agitate until Congress and the White House shall hear rumbling all around the sky the storm of popular indignation against this gigantic, organized, and national crime.

I make no war against Mormonism as a religion. I war against Mormonism as an immorality, as a defiance of civil law, as an institution anti-American. When Brigham Young’s men, with bowie-knives, broke up Judge Drummond’s court in 1856, and compelled him to adjourn it sine die, and when Mormonism poised loose rocks on the top of cliffs where you may see them to this day, expecting to throw them over on the United States troops as they passed under, Mormonism showed what she thought of our Government.

Now as I have empanelled you as a jury to sit in trial of this giant of lust and disloyalty, and the evidence has been presented before you, are you ready for the verdict before you leave the jury-box? Guilty or not guilty? Guilty,’ says one. Guilty,’ say all.

Then what shall the sentence be? It must not be a small incarceration; it must not be a slight censure. While we have only pity for the victims of this abomination, and we pray God He will speedily deliver them, for this institution of Mormonism, as such, only extinction and death. But where shall be the execution, and when shall the execution take place? What scaffolding will be strong enough to hold such a monster of iniquity? One end of the scaffolding must be planted on the Rocky Mountains and the other on the Sierra Nevadas. But what Friday of what gloomy week, of what gloomy month, of what gloomy year would be gloomy enough for the execution of this beastly outlaw? What grave deep enough for this stout, thousand-armed, thousand-footed, thousand-headed, thousand-horned, thousand-fanged corpse? What epitaph for that grave unless it be this:-

Here lies Mormonism, the outlaw, the libertine, and the murderer, the hero of Mountain Meadow massacre. Born February 22, 1827. Died 1882 at the hand of the law and under the instruction of the Almighty. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven.’

Oh! good people of the United States, whether I address you face to face or through the printing-press, which every Monday morning in most of our cities gives me an audience-for which I am very thankful-whatever way I reach your ear or your eye I have to tell you that, unless we destroy Mormonism, Mormonism will destroy us. If God be good and pure and just He will not let this nation go unwhipped much longer if we allow that iniquity to go unchallenged. Every day as a nation we consent to Mormonism we are defying the hail, and the lightning, and the trumpet, and the drought, and the mildew, and the epidemic, and the plague, and the hurricane, and the earthquake of an incensed God.

My plea this morning is in behalf of fifteen thousand Gentiles, who in Utah are suffering persecution for their principles, or speechless because they do not want their commercial interests sacrificed.

I plead for thousands of foreigners who, deceived and betrayed from their own country, have been introduced into Mormonism, and, thousands of miles away from their native country, can make no resistance, but must live and die in dumb despair.

I plead for womanhood in Utah-,womanhood under foot, womanhood in the sewer, womanhood crushed until it cannot weep, womanhood looking out of the barred windows of a perdition of anguish towards what seems an unpitying heaven, crying, O Lord! how long, O Lord! ‘-womanhood in the pandemonium of a polygamous home-womanhood with the garlands of hope and affection and honour torn with the swine’s snout of incestuous abomination-womanhood that, if it had a chance, or had had a chance in the past, would have been as pure and good as that which presides at your table today, or which long ago bent in benediction over your peaceful cradle before you began the struggle with the world.

Oh men with wives and daughters and mothers; Oh brothers with sisters, do not your ears tingle, and does not your blood run cold at this story of Mormonism? And are you not determined at the ballot-box, and with pen and tongue, and in every possible way, to war against it? Oh you wives, who will to-night kneel before God, thanking Him for the home in which you are the undisputed queen-Oh mothers with daughters coming up honoured and defended, no rough hand to touch them from cradle to grave, will you not in your prayers today sympathize with your sisters who are dying the slow death of Mormonism?

Oh ye aged couples, who have been in each other’s company for thirty, or forty, or fifty years, climbing the hill of life together, and now going down on the other side the hill in the light of the setting sun; but all the way up and all the way down supreme in each other’s affections; united in holy marriage so long ago that all the witnesses but God are dead; your sympathies strengthened by the birth-hour, when one life was spared and another added, and by the grave over which both your hearts broke at once her face, with all the wrinkles more attractive now to you than when rosy with youth, because it is written all over with precious memories side by side, so long, so long, so long, that when God takes one of you He will soon take the other-Oh ye aged couple, remember this day, in prayer before God, those to whom old age brings neglect and dethronement of affection. And may the God who setteth the solitary in families bless all our homes. The best cornerstone for the republic is the hearthstone. May God keep it inviolate! (Amen.’)

As I hope to meet John Henry Smith when I lecture in Liverpool shortly I prefer to say more then. He certainly will come to my lectures, for I always state in my circulars the following:

Sir, I challenge those Mormon Missionaries who are now in England to refute my Accusations.

Not one of them has come forward to meet me as yet, I sincerely wish they would. What are they afraid of? I am not a “Danite.” The fact is they cannot, dare not meet me, so they have taken their usual course, Defamation of character. They wish the public to believe that I am a “vile fellow” not worthy of credence, so that I may not get audiences. Why vilify? If my statements in regard to them are false, they could easily prove – it. But they well know that what I say is true and that I dare not tell it all, for it is too indecent.


As with slavery, the American Government will seek to remedy the Mormon evil by Pacific measures and dally with the question until compelled to settle it by force of arms. The sooner an army is sent to Utah to compel obedience to the law the better. For during the delay the Mormon power is increasing. They have already made fast friends of the Indians, and well armed them. They are busy in the Southern States making converts to Mormonism, for whipped on the slave question, the South have little or no love for the U. S. Government, and the Mormons are successfully winning the disaffected Southerners and firing their hearts with the hope that the South, Mormons and Indians combined will sever the union of States, firmly establish the Southern Confederacy, and concentrate a great Mormon and Indian power in the West. I know this to be the Mormon programme, and all they ask is to be let alone till they have time to perfect their plans.

If the American Government wish to avert a bloody struggle they must at once stop Mormon intrigue in the South; place the Indians under complete control, and imprison every Mormon convert that arrives at Castle Garden or any other part of the United States. For foreigners are brought to Utah on purpose to build up the Mormon power and to fight against the Government and people of the United States, and for immoral purposes.

Let Congress pass a law disfranchising all who wear the “Endowment Garment” and have taken the Endowment House Oaths; by those oaths they have virtually disfranchised themselves: All who remain faithful to these-oaths must be disloyal to every other Government but that of the Mormon Church.

Then let the Government send plenty of troops to preserve order, and aid in establishing proper schools, free from Mormon dictation. Discharge all Mormon Postmasters and Postmistress so that the people can communicate with their friends without fear of their letters being over-hauled or stopped, and let all the offices of the Territory be held by Non-Mormons.

I would also advise the Government to aid the “ Josephites “ or true law-abiding Mormons all in its power, to disseminate their principles of law and order among the Utah Fanatics, for there are thousands that will never be satisfied with anything but Mormonism, hence they should be supplied with the best there is. This is the best Remedy I can suggest short of a war of extermination.

A fund should also be raised to assist those who wish to leave the Territory. .

No Mormon should be allowed a seat in Congress, for he is there only in the interest of Mormonism.

Take from the Mormon Church the power to perform the marriage ceremony, and have all marriages solemnized by Non-Mormon Judges, or ministers of other denominations. For though I use the words “Mormon Church,” I do not consider Mormonism a Religion. I have seen enough of it to convince me that it is an infernal despotism which seeks only political power and aggrandizement under the cloak of religion. I challenge the whole of the so-called “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” to produce one Christian man or woman among the lot. Among the dupes there are sincere Mormons, but no Christians. A Christian could not remain among them, and thousands who were devout Christians when they joined the Mormons, are to day thorough infidels. We may as well try to find Christians among Mohammedans as among Mormons.