Principle 32: Justice

This entry is part 28 of 98 in the series Principles

The next principle is that of justice. Here are some questions for consideration.

(1) Does forgiveness affect or negate justice?

(2) Can justice be negated?

(3) How does illusion corrupt justice and cause more injustice?

(4) What is the great purpose behind justice?

Some think that forgiveness negates justice – that if you forgive a crime justice becomes unnecessary. This is not quite the case. Forgiveness releases the seeker from grievance and desire for vengeance, but in the mind of the wise justice must always prevail. Justice can never be negated, but only delayed. If one misunderstands forgiveness and tries to negate justice then justice still waits to materialize, but with interest.

Suppose a neighbor abused your young daughter. Should you forgive him? Yes. We should forgive all people. If you forgive him what do you do? You see him as you would a tiger that got out of hand. You let go of hurt and grievance, but still demand justice. You seek for justice not for revenge but to assist, by the aid of law, in rendering the abuser harmless, to protect society from harm and to guide, by justice, the offending person away from his error.

The principle of justice is this. The person must pay for his crime in such a way that he gives back to society as much as he has taken away and learns to understand the hurt which he has inflicted. True forgiveness does not get in the way of this.

(1) Does forgiveness affect or negate justice?

For instance, let us say Lance steals $100 from Bob and he forgives him and tells him to keep the money. Is justice served or altered?

The first thing to consider is that there are numerous circumstances that could have been at play. Remember the story in the Aquarian Gospel where a guy stole a loaf of bread to feed his child who was starving? In this situation Jesus condemned those who would not show charity to the family.

Let us suppose Lance stole the $100 because he was forced to at gunpoint. In this case the crime lies with the person with the gun.

On the other hand, there are few circumstances where stealing is justified and karma is not accumulated. Let us assume that Lance is just a regular guy who would like to have an extra $100. He is visiting Bob and uses his bathroom and notices his wallet on the counter. He examines it and notices it has four $100 bills and thinks to himself that if he just took one them Bob may think he just lost track of how much money he had.

After he takes the $100 Bob does notice the missing money, suspects Lance and confronts him. Lance confesses and tells him that he already spent the money on a present for his girlfriend. He says that he will pay him back later.

Bob then figures he will never get paid back so he forgives the debt with the advice to not do it again.

Lance is relieved but not reformed and next week he gains access to Sam’s wallet in a similar fashion as before takes his debit card and withdraws $500.

Now one can make the case that Bob’s easy treatment on Lance caused him to not learn his lesson, leading to him stealing $500 from Sam. So is Bob partially responsible for the new theft? Most likely, yes. Perhaps if Bob had demanded justice Lance would have thought twice about further theft, especially from a friend.

Ideally, then how should Bob have handled he situation?

First Bob should have let Lance know how upset he as with the theft, that it amounted to a betrayal of their friendship. Releasing negative feelings makes it possible for Bob to not hold a grievance, which is the main purpose of forgiveness. He should then tell Lance that he expects to be repaid either in cash or something else of value. He then forgives Lance but does not forgive the debt as he is a believer in justice.

(2) Can justice be negated?

Justice is only negated when justice is served. In many instances it takes good judgment to see what true justice is as demonstrated by the controversy over the Zimmerman verdict and later the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. One advantage of soul contact is the soul recognizes true justice.

(3) How does illusion corrupt justice and cause more injustice?

When a person’s feelings are hurt his emotional self will often see through the eyes of illusion and demand justice where none is warranted. For instance, the Jewish leaders had their feelings hurt by Jesus and thought that justice warranted his death. Obviously, they did not understand true justice. Sometimes offense is 100% our own fault and justice makes no demands on the person who offended us.

(4) What is the great purpose behind justice?

Justice is perhaps the greatest teaching tool that life has for us. When we make an action that harms our fellow travelers we are brought back to reality when justice is served on us and we realize what we have done. Justice pushes us forward on the great path of spiritual evolution. Justice is karma in action.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 31: Forgiveness

This entry is part 27 of 98 in the series Principles

Forgiveness plays a crucial role in the atonement which makes us At-One with the heart of God. He who refuses to forgive cannot be raised up in consciousness to join with the mind and heart of God to see through the eyes of Spirit.

Before we explore this principle let us consider several questions about this important subject.

(1) What does it really mean to forgive?

(2) Many say they have forgiven when they haven’t done so completely. What must we do beyond saying, “I forgive.”

(3) Lack of forgiveness creates grievances. How does this injure us both physically and spiritually?

(4) Is the person you do not forgive damaged by your hurt? How and why?

Forgiveness is not usually looked upon as a principle. This is because forgiveness is not fully understood by many.

To forgive is generally identified with forgetting the offense as if it never occurred. This is not forgiveness because this approach is rarely successful. An action that hurts or offends did occur and no power in heaven or earth can make it as if it never was. When the seeker attempts to forgive in this way he only denies his feelings or suppresses them. This plants a negative seed in his heart that grows into something destructive later on. It will either manifest as disease or harmful behavior, not seemingly connected with the pseudo forgiveness.

How then does one truly forgive?

Forgiveness is letting go of hurt and grievance while at the same time facing the full realization of the repercussions of the hurtful act. In other words, instead of divorcing oneself from reality, or what happened, the seeker stays connected to reality and the cause and effect of his actions. He becomes the observer, takes everything in but is not negatively affected by offensive events or actions.

He who forgives can meet the offending person with full realization of what he has done, full memory of the pain inflicted and embrace him and wish him Godspeed. He can do this because he has not attached himself to grievance and has let it go. He realizes his brother is merely in error and will eventually learn his lessons. A tiger is a tiger and you do not hold a grievance because he may eat you if you get in his way. Even so, the forgiving soul sees a wayward brother for what he is, lets go of emotional hurt and uses wisdom I dealing with him as e would a dangerous animal.

So what must one do beyond saying “I forgive?” The key is to rid oneself of all grievances and negative feelings connected with the offense. If the seeker is honest with himself and examines his heart he will be able to tell when the negativity has completely lifted. Here are steps that can assist.

(1) While it is true that merely exclaiming “I forgive” is not a cure all, it can have a positive effect, especially for minor offenses. If it doesn’t do the trick proceed to step two.

(2) Think the whole matter through with the mind and try to assume the vantage point of the observer. You don’t hold a grievance against a wounded dog that bites you. Allow your mind to calculate why not forgiving does a lot of damage body and soul.

(3) If you still carry a grievance then contact the person who offended you and explain to him that you would like to forgive him but are having a difficult time. Tell the person that it will help a lot if he will just listen to you relate your feelings and try to understand them.

Normally the person will be touched and glad to help.

Once in a while though you may encounter a hardened individual who merely stokes the flames and will tell you that you deserve the hurt you feel and more.

If you encounter such an individual do not lose faith. If you raise your consciousness up to the soul level you will be beyond his power to hurt you no matter what he says. The fact that you put everything out on the table will be a big help even in dealing with a very negative person.

So, what if the person is dead and you can’t just call him up or go see him?

In this case either go to his gravesite or just imagine his presence and share your feelings with him or her as if he is present. Chances are he will pick up the communication in the spirit world and do what he can to comfort your heart. Your own soul will also assist you in lifting the negativity.

One of the reasons forgiveness is so important is that grievance from not forgiving hurts us physically and spiritually. A grievance can stimulate diseases of congestion such cancer, heart and lung problems. Often the lifting of a grievance will cause immediate health benefits.

Spiritually a grievance places a cloud between the seeker and his soul leading to many spiritual mistakes in life.

While it is true that most of the damage of not forgiving affects the victim, it also negatively affects the perpetrator if he is truly to blame. In this case, he will pick up your negativity and it will interfere with him bringing in light from the soul. If your grievance is caused by illusion or misunderstanding, and he is innocent of wrong doing, then he will receive little negative impact. If he is sensitive he may pick up the need to help you work through your grievance.

It is important to realize that a grievance in a victim places a link between him and the perpetrator that prevents the victim from being spiritually free. A grievance causes the victim to suffer karma from the very crime committed against him.

To forgive is a way of announcing your freedom to the world.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 13

This entry is part 16 of 33 in the series 2014

July 5, 2014

Questions on Glory


How likely is it that one will retain such knowledge (lesson, Principle, Eternal Word), as of the Principle of Glory, beyond death, if one hasn’t ALREADY previously had the consequences of such transgression beaten in to him over and over again (so to speak 🙂 in previous incarnations?


There is a big difference between the registration of a fact, or piece of data and a principle or some type of knowledge that requires understanding. A fact is most strongly registered in the physical brain whereas a thing that requires understanding is registered much deeper within the soul. This deeper registration rises with you in the next life and is available to your consciousness whereas mere facts rarely are.

Now this does not mean that facts are lost or that you are born understanding all that you acquired in past lives. All data is recorded in the akasha and can be retrieved through powerful focus, but we start each life with a hard drive in the brain that is wiped clean of regular memory storage so most of us have to add data into that hard drive from external sources through study and memorization.

On the other hand, the higher parts of our operating system are not lost and the wisdom we acquire that pieces together those facts in a way that makes sense stays with us. Then when one acquires the understanding of a principle his higher mind keeps that understanding from life to life so when the necessary facts are placed in his physical brain he is able to piece then together and see a picture that was not available to others who lacked such understanding in past lives.

This is why I place so much emphasis in understanding and principles. You will lose the facts I now teach in your next life but the understanding and principles will come back quickly when you get a few new facts stored in that future life.


It seems to me ya just gotta do whatcha gotta do and let it all come out in the wash.

So my question (statement? 🙂 seems to be – even if a person NEVER receives glory in (this) life, they shouldn’t necessarily be disheartened should they?

Just work, Work and WORK (follow the highest you can hold yourself to) and have faith the Universe will “know” when you “get it right” and you will reap as ye have sown, right? Give Glory to others (god) and in this manner, if/as you deserve it, it will return an hundred-fold. Right?


A good show to watch that illustrates the drawbacks of attempting to steal glory is The Words, starring Bradley Cooper. He was an aspiring author who discovered a lost unpublished manuscript and then published it as his own and gained great fame. The problem was that the deception ate at him and he realized that he was not able to enjoy the false glory that had been thrown at him. His life turned into a real mess.

Then he met the real author who was gracious enough to not make demands. Even though the real author did not receive name recognition he still achieved satisfaction in that his work was glorified.

Then, after death, the full truth will be revealed and in that circumstance the correct recognition will be granted. In the great libraries there, the real authors will be cited.

In addition to this, in a future life one who was denied his full recognition will be given more opportunity to attain it there.

If we examine just one life it will seem that life is not fair, but overall we spend a lot more time out of incarnation than in it and the truth of accomplishment is more clearly seen in the spirit realms. When we take into consideration our lives between lives and adjustments made in future lives we will see that life is fair and in the end glory goes to those who deserve it.

I have received very little recognition for he truths I have given out in this life. Am I concerned/


If my writings are truly of value then they will endure and the recognition will increase to its right place whatever that may be.

If my teachings prove to be of little value then they will have at least provided a learning experience for me so I can come back and present new teachings in a better format that will prove useful and then receive recognition. In any work one does, he has to mentally prepare for acceptance or rejection.


You also said in a previous post, that Truth is earned.   I thought Truth was learned, so could you expand a bit more on that statement.   Do we earn Truth by seeking it out with all our heart and soul?


Data is learned but the knowledge of true principles and understanding has to be earned. Also, I was talking about the discovery of new truth that is not taught in books. This definitely has to be earned and is not just dropped randomly in our laps.



Re: Glory


I thought the fact that Glory has to be given TO you by someone else to be so implicit in the concept of glory itself that THAT is why neither I nor anyone else had specifically articulated it – because it was such a given that it was unnecessary to speak of it.


This is the problem with all Keys and Principles. When articulated in a few words they all seem so simple that it appears that only the obvious is being presented and there is nothing new to be seen.

Think of the first two Keys represented by the key words Decision and Judgment. We all know what they mean so if explained in a paragraph or two the receiver would often see nothing there to contemplate.

The problem is covered briefly in the Immortal. Here is the dialog:

I gathered my forces and inquired, “So, how do we go about doing this?”

“If I were to just tell you the keys your understanding of them would be quite limited and you would not appreciate the depth of knowledge that lies behind them. Instead, we will use what is called the Intuitive Principle. I will give you pieces of information, or hints, and you contemplate where they are leading you and give me your intuitive feedback. Then I give you more hints until you come to an understanding of the principle. Sometimes that understanding comes gradually and other times it comes instantly in a flash of light.”

Just like there is much more to Decision than the dictionary definition there is much more to the Principle of Glory than getting a pat on the back or stroking the ego. You went to the effort of carefully going through my words and even transcribing them in an attempt to see something more than the obvious and you were rewarded with greater insight. All greater insights come through seeking, focus and contemplation.


Is there a similar list of questions we could contemplate on our own regarding Glory, now that we have the basics of the Principle?


That is a good assignment for me. I’ll see what i can come up with.


Looks like I need to add some clarification:

There have been many times that I thought I have written a profound post or a post with something profound in it that received little or no comment.

Should I have said, “Hey you guys, you overlooked my brilliant words. What’s the matter with you refusing to give credit where credit is due?”

If I had said that I would gave been attempting to glorify myself and the group’s opinion of me would have gone downwards.

So what did I do?

I followed the Principle of Glory and did nothing. At most I may have repeated the ideas later on in a different wording thinking maybe they could have an effect this time.

So in what circumstances do I defend myself to preserve the Principle of Glory?

There are two circumstances.

(1) If someone comments on my words in such a way that reveals they sincerely do not understand them.

In this case I will write more to clarify my words saying nothing about how profound I think they may or may not be. If the thoughts put forward have value then recognition will naturally come with clarification.

(2) If a reader steps forward and takes my words, attempts to diminish the value and distort the meaning.

In this case again I will clarify, but for a different reason. I do not want to let the distortion of my words stand as I see that as a deception and clarify further so the truth can be rightly seen.

Taking these two steps will assist the Principle of Glory, allowing the thoughts to register in their correct level. Insisting others recognize how clever I am would be a disaster and contrary to the principle.


The Principle of Glory is NOT centered around giving glory or credit where the person thinks he deserves it, but where the observer thinks it is earned.

Let us say I write something I think is the best thing ever penned in the universe and Jim Smith reads it and says, “It’s okay, but I’ve read better a lot of times.”

Has Jim violated the Principle of Glory?


If he honestly does not see value in what I have written (even if everyone else does) then he cannot honestly give glory. Jim has done nothing wrong.

Similarly, if Dan does not see enough value in another member’s words to go out of his way to praise then he has done nothing wrong. To receive glory from another the other person must sincerely feel the value and acknowledge it out of free will.

A violation of the Principle of Glory comes if…

(1) A person distorts or lies about the praiseworthy words or actions of another.

(2) A person attempts to take credit for himself for the words or actions of another.

If one does not appreciate the words or works of another then the laborer must accept that fact and let it go. If his work has lasting value then the guy will realize this in some distant future. For instance, many who opposed the Christ are now reincarnated and cherish his words.


July 7, 2014

Other Groups

Since there has been quite a bit of discussion about Allan Cronshaw’s teachings I thought I would make a few comments.

But before I specifically comment on him I’ll make a few points about our approach to other teachers and groups in general.

(1) It is unlikely that you will find any other teacher or group in full alignment with all my teachings.

(2) Some teachers are in the work for the sake of he ego where others have a sincere desire to serve. Then there are others who are a combination of the two.

(3) Those with soul contact will find a number of questionable teachings, and sometimes outright falsehoods, in other teachers. Then, from time to time they will discover some inspiring statements and truths.

(4) There are good and sincere people who are members of all groups… However … the greater the light which is manifest in the group the higher will be the percentage of the pure in heart.

(5) No group or teacher is perfect. Even groups ran by initiates will often have flaws in their teacher, their teachings and their members.

(6) We must always be open to the possibility that teachings that run contrary to our mindset may be true or have value and check with our souls before condemning them.

(7) We must remember that different teachings appeal to different people at different places on the path. Some sincere seekers who are near the beginning may be more comfortable in a regular church and then the more advanced will select different teachers according to their level of consciousness. That which has no interest for one seeker may be very stimulating for another.

(8) As long as seekers are asking questions and seeking with an open mind to learn they will move forward, even if their group and teacher have quite a bit of illusion.

So, what should we do when we encounter another teacher or group that may have some things in common with us? Should we seek to merge or join forces?

No. That is not practical. You’d be hard pressed to find even one teacher on the planet who is willing to merge with another or give up an ounce of his authority with his followers.

That is the reason Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet who ever lived. He recognized one greater than himself and gave up his followers to Jesus. You would have to look long and hard to find a John the Baptist in this age.

I would like to think that if the Christ showed up and needed my help that I would recognize him and be willing to yield to him anything he needed, but such a thing may be a greater test than I realize. I have encountered a number of lesser souls in illusion who have demanded or asked for my allegiance which I have rejected out of hand.

You’ll note that when Jesus came along and John recognized him, that he did not join forces with Jesus. Jesus and John did not work together cooperating as co-leaders at the top. John continued with what was left of his group and Jesus moved on with a new advanced group.

Why didn’t they join forces?

Because two strong teachers cannot share the same position of power. Even if they agree they will place their teachings in different wording and the students will become confused. Therefore, these two strong men managed their separate groups, but cooperated and moved toward the same goal.

Even so it is with us. We will not merge with any other group but will cooperate and share wherever it is feasible.

Aren’t I afraid that if we cooperate with other groups that we will lose some people to them?

Not in the least, for if that happened it would generally mean they are merely going where they belong. On the other hand if my teachings are exposed to other group members some may decide they want to come here so this works both ways.

A number of good Keys members have been past members of groups and churches which are full of illusion, but they still learned from them and have followed the voice of the soul until they arrived here.

Stephen is to be commended for attempting to initiate here. He may or may not be successful but the effort itself is bound to create some reward. You cannot build anything of value unless you try.


I said this:

“I would like to think that if the Christ showed up and needed my help that I would recognize Him and be willing to yield to him anything he needed, but such a thing may be a greater test than I realize.”

To this Ruth expressed an exasperated astonishment at my possible fallibility. Among her comments were:

“Is it going to be that hard to recognize Christ, that even one’s soul contact isn’t enough?”

Ruth, you are taking my simple statement and projecting it to every possible contact with the Christ or His spirit.

The first point I will make is that my statement was following The Principle of Glory. Instead of proclaiming that I am a sure thing and infallible in taking the highest seat at the table as he one who can be depended upon to recognize Christ, I took the lower seat noting that I am a fallible being just like the least of you.

If Christ were to show up and I identified Him then if the members here adhere to my teachings they will not accept this just because I say it, but will check it out for themselves using their own soul contact.

This is as it should be.

There are many circumstances where it would be close to a sure thing that I would recognize the Christ. If he placed his spirit within me to establish a molecular link it would be pretty obvious because of the intensity.

On the other hand, there are other circumstances where it may not be so obvious. Let us say that He decided to not send out much of a spiritual vibration and decided to appear among us and see who would recognize him by the spirit in his words and works alone.

Let us say that he joined the Keys and decided to post something controversial just to see how we would handle it. It might even seem to disagree with something I have said.

How many of us would be able to neutralize the natural reaction of rejection and even check with our souls in that circumstance?

In such a situation, I would hope that I would do this.

The question is not whether soul contact is enough to recognize the Christ, but whether we will be still and check with our souls if a test should come.

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matt: 25:13

This commandment applies to all, including myself. We must all be vigilant and watch and be aware or we will not be prepared for the encounter, or may miss it completely.


July 8, 2014

Other Groups, Part 2

Stephen seemed impressed with Allan Cronshaw’s teachings so I downloaded a good portion of them and read them to give them a fair examination

Overall he seems to be a sincere teacher and seeker. I didn’t encounter much new material in the way of teachings though he did come up with a number of quotes from the early church fathers that are not widely circulated. I added a couple of these to my collection.

His core teaching centers around basically what we call “soul contact” and he calls it “The Key of Knowledge.” He didn’t borrow this term from us but got it from the words of Jesus.

“Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.” Luke 11:52

He says that the Key of knowledge which was taken away was the idea that seeker must find the kingdom of God which is within us and get revelation for himself.

In other words, he must obtain soul contact and obtain knowledge and verification through inner contacts as we teach here.

This is as good a teaching as any for a central idea but he places almost total emphasis on the inner world at the expense of the outer. When I read his writings I wonder if he realizes that he is an outer teacher that his group is looking to for knowledge and sometimes we need such outer stimulation to be motivated to check with the inner.

Another major thing he teaches is that most of the Bible is not literal history, but a combination of both fact and fiction, written for the purpose of teaching rather than something that is literally true.

That sounds like the approach I made with the Immortal series so you’d think he would endorse my approach, but he seemed somewhat skeptical of it.

Actually, the Immortal des not exactly follow this approach as I clearly state that it is all not literally true but a combination of fact and fiction. I would think that if Bible writers wrote fiction and presented it as literal truth that they may have accumulated some bad karma for their deceit.

I noticed that he doesn’t go into what is fact and fiction except he does seem to take Jesus and the apostles as literal characters.

He seems to believe the laws of Moses should be still followed quite literally and we should worship on the original Sabbath of Saturday. This emphasis on outward laws seems to run contrary to his teachings of going within to discover law and truth.

He doesn’t come out strongly and itemize laws that we are to follow except to say we need to follow the whole of the ancient law.

He talks a lot about the need to interpret the symbolic meaning of the scriptures since they are not to be interpreted literally, but hen he does not present many teachings explaining the symbolic meaning.

Since he is into symbology I sent him a copy of The Unveiling, which gives the inner meaning of the Book of Revelation. It will be interesting to see what he thinks of that.

He teaches that we need to go on a vegetarian diet to achieve enlightenment. This indicates he will be drawing those who are approaching the first initiation, as it is important for these aspirants to go on a vegetarian diet to prove that they can master the physical appetites. Some inner work is made easier by a vegetarian diet, but it is not essential for overall enlightenment. Many advanced initiates find it essential to eat meat because of their purpose or situation – especially those who are doing outer work. Those concentrating on inner work will often be vegetarians. There is not a one size fits all diet in this age.

He correctly teaches about reincarnation and presents himself as James, the brother of Jesus born again. Since James has not received a lot of glory in the scriptures or the historical record it seemed to add some credibility since another apostle or Bible figure would have been glamorous. That is, until I read a quote he discovered in relation to James. He wrote:

In the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas it is written: (12) The disciples said to Jesus, “We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?” Jesus said to them, “Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”   So to once again restore the teachings of TheWay which is today known as Christianity, the Lord has sent Jacob/James, the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, back into the world in order to guide the faithful flock into the Truth, the Light, and the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21).   It is there that my brother Yeshua/Jesus awaits you.

So here we read that James was so important that he is the reason “heaven and earth came into being.” That puts James right up these with the standard thinking about Jesus.

If one with a strong ego reads this quote he may be inclined to desire to be James in a past life even more than Moses, Elijah or Peter since heaven and earth was created for his sake.

I don’t know how such an outlandish statement got into the Gospel of Thomas for heaven and earth was not made for the sake of James any more than it was for you and me. Something obviously got lost in the transcription or translation.

If Allan’s followers take this statement seriously it would place him in a position to be a powerful outward authority. After all, who wants to disagree with the guy for whose sake heaven and earth was made?

Do I think Allan was James in a past life?

It doesn’t matter. What matters is what he does and teaches now. He is an intelligent man and is apparently appealing to a number of souls to seek for greater light and knowledge. I wish him well in encouraging his group to seek the inner God.


I would guess that the original words of Jesus are not represented correctly in this scripture. One can take any set of words and give some symbolic meaning to them but nothing works as well as just clearly stating what is true, whether it be for aspirants or high initiates.

Symbolic teachings such as parables only advance understanding when it is understood that there is deeper meaning involved and the symbolism adds to the understanding.

Let us say that Jesus did not really walk on water but this was given as a symbolic teaching.

The first problem is that readers do not know this so they do not even look for the deeper meaning. If one does not look he will not find.

Then let us suppose that the meaning to be conveyed was that the seeker (represented by Jesus) is supposed to master the emotions (represented by water) and thus take in higher knowledge (represented by air for the mind).

What would be the advantage of making up a false story that few get compared to just coming out and stating he truth?

I can’t see a lot of benefit here. If you approach teaching as Jesus did then there is a benefit. He taught various principles and then illustrated them with parables which had obvious symbolic meaning. Using this method the symbolism was helpful.


JJ wrote:

What would be the advantage of making up a false story that few get compared to just coming out and stating he truth?


  1. If the masses weren’t ready yet but you wanted to preserve the encoded teaching for insiders that are to pass on the “key” to deciphering them.
  2. Or if you thought the real deal would get altered or deleted (by a future authority/church say 🙂 and yet wanted to preserve them as in #1.


I think you have a good point when dealing with parables or visions, such as the Book of Revelations. But i think it is confusing to record a thing as historical fact when the real purpose is to teach a symbolic message. The problem is that if Bible stories are meant for this purpose it would seem that no one knows the purpose for sure. On the other hand, a parable can have several levels of meaning and the reader knows there is symbolism hidden there. The nursery Rhymes we read our kids were really written to convey symbolic meaning and to make fun of authorities. The common people knew the meaning but the authorities did not, but no one took them as literally true.

In addition, I think real history has more underlying symbolic meaning than fictional history would have.


The interesting part of the quote about Bible history really being only a symbolic teaching aid is the only symbology mentioned is not historical scripture but a parable (prodigal Son) which was never presented as history. If that which is taken to be Bible history was really written to contain hidden symbolic teachings them someone ought to use them to teach just as much or more than they use parables which were never intended to be taken as history.


July 9, 2014

James/Heaven & Earth

Dan points out that because Allan teaches the scriptures are not literal that the Gospel of Thomas should be interpreted figuratively when saying that heaven and earth was created for the sake of James.

That is a good point except when we consider a couple details.

First, Allan has not interpreted this key scripture symbolically but what he has said in connection with it has a literal, not figurative basis. He teaches that James was the main leader in that day to whom the true disciples gathered around and he is James reincarnated to fulfill that literal purpose which James had back in that age. He is to literally restore the purity of the teachings of Christ to which men are to come to in order to be guided toward the true key of knowledge.

Even if we interpret the scripture symbolically it does not seem to fit in with the “come to James” idea.

James comes from the Greek IAKOBOS, which is derived from the Hebrew for Jacob. The Patriarch Jacob had two names. First, he was known as Jacob, but then, after he wrestled with God, he was renamed Israel.

Jacob signifies the lower nature and comes from the Hebrew YA`AQOB and is derived from AQAB. From this word and its variations the Bible gives these various translations: “heel, take by the heel, supplant, restrain, lie in wait, crooked, deceitful, polluted, and subtlety.”

After Jacob wrestled with God his name was changed to Israel, which means “to prevail as God.”

When the disciple, as symbolized by James (Jacob), meets the Christ (God) he wrestles with his lower nature until he prevails as Israel and then lives a life through the consciousness of Christ or God.

So to symbolically tell seekers to come to James is like saying to come to the lower nature. It would make more sense if the scripture made some subtle reference to the name Israel, which signifies overcoming. It could have been written, “Come to James, the Israelite,” or something to that effect.

It appears that Allan is referencing the scripture to be taken fairly literally, rather than figuratively.

Furthermore, it appears that he gives a lot more literal weight to the New Testament than the Old. He definitely sees most of the Old Testament, including characters, as figurative but when he quotes from the New Testament he teaches from it as it the words are literally true. All the characters mentioned, such as Jesus, the apostles, Paul, John the Baptist, the Jewish leaders etc., are presented as real people. The only teachings given a lot of figurative interpretation are the parables, and this all men do.

I think one thing he needs to do to clarify his teachings is to itemize some of the things in the scriptures that he sees as true accounts and those which are figurative. Which people are real and which are not?

As it is, when Allan quotes scripture one always has to wonder how he really sees the words he is interpreting.


July 10, 2014

The Deniers

Here’s another letter I’ve written to my paper. Unfortunately, I am limited to 200 words.

Since having a number of letters published skeptical of the orthodox global warming view I have been attacked in print and online with great intensity.

The most common attack is to call me denier of some kind even though I deny nothing factual.

Where alarmists cannot point out any facts that are denied by me I can point out plenty by them.

(1) They deny the value of skepticism which has always been a scientific staple.

(2) Many deny there has been a warming pause since 1998.

(3) They attempt to deny skeptics a platform to speak, publish and be heard.

(4) They deny or suppress the benefits of global warming.

(5) They deny that data has been altered to make warming seem worse than it is.

(6) They deny that a researcher’s career could be ruined if he doesn’t get his mind right and support alarmism.

(7) They deny the fact that skeptics such as myself understand that human released CO2 can have a warming effect. That is not part of the debate. The real debate, which is denied by them, is how much that effect is compared to many natural causes and what to do about it.

July 12, 2014

Post to Allan’s Group

I visited Allan’s group and noticed that some of my teachings were discussed with some misunderstandings. So, I decided to make a clarifying post. Here it is.

My fellow seekers,

Since there has been quite a bit of dialog between one of our Keys of Knowledge members and Allan, which has been followed up here by some discussion I thought I would make a few remarks.

First, I think there should be more interchange of ideas between the various groups seeking higher knowledge. One thing that is an obstacle to this is that many from one group will approach another with the idea of proving them wrong or converting them. Our group has certainly come across our quota of these characters.

If various visitors would concentrate on sustaining the good things of the group they visit while leaving an open door for a visit to their group we would see some mutual benefit of having exchanges. To understand this group I have read around 150,000 words of Allan’s teachings from his websites and find some praiseworthy thinking there.

There has been some discussion of my teachings which tells me there is some misunderstanding of what I teach so I thought I would make some notes of clarification.

Allan writes:

If the Jesus that is portrayed in the Gospels is allegorical, then so it the disciple John — which Mr. Dewey promotes as an actual person who is still physically alive..


I make no such claims. I have two sets of writings. One set of over 6000 free articles contains my teachings which are to be taken as written. The other set are my books on The Immortal series. These books are written allegorically, the way that you say the scriptures are written. The allegorical series says that John is still alive but my much more voluminous teachings are silent on this and leave the truth up to the reader to discern.

Just like the scriptures contain part history and part allegory so also is the case with The Immortal books. It is up to the reader to determine the whole meaning through his own contemplation.


When the scriptures speak of the Christ, the reference is not to a man or being — but rather, the Christ is a Power of Enlightening Light that can only be manifest within one’s self by those who first come to Know Thyself — and then seek Oneness with the Indwelling Logos.


Agreed with the note that Jesus or anyone else can become a Christ.


The people who are attracted to JJ Dewey’s books and groups are still at a level where they look outwardly for a Messiah to come.


Jesus and the Spirit which entered him are certainly not limited to one life, just as you and I are not. Many great entities from the past will be reborn to which you must agree since you see yourself as the return of James, the Righteous.

We do not see Jesus or the overshadowing Spirit returning in a blaze of glory in the heaves as do regular Christians, but advanced entities can reincarnate or communicate spiritually with certain people on earth.

Our main emphasis is not based on waiting for some great entity to arrive but to manifest the Christ within, similar to that which you teach. That which opens the door to this we call “soul contact.” A search of my website at for this phrase will reveal lots of teachings on this.


In contradistinction, all of my writings and teachings are totally concerned with the coming of the Kingdom within the seeker’s own mind and being, and the process of them becoming the Messiah.


We may differ a little here as I teach about both the inner and the outer. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says, “the Father’s kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

Jesus recognized both the inner and the outer and if you have a gathering of those who discover the inner kingdom then the outer manifests making God’s will realized on earth as it is in heaven.


Where Mr. Dewey is attempting to gather twelve couples together in order to manifest Jesus as the higher being of the group, I work to manifest what Jesus represents within the mind and life of the individual.


That is not what I am attempting. I am attempting to create the next great step in spiritual evolution with the creation of a greater life form, which will not be Jesus. First however, the individuals involved must find the Key of Knowledge within. That is not the end of the quest, however, but just the beginning.


Moreover, if Mr. Dewey was to adopt these points which I hold as important, he would quickly be abandoned by many of his followers who are quite New Age in their thinking.


And the reverse would be true. If you adopted certain parts of my teachings some here would think you lost your mind.

All we can do as teachers is be tolerant of each other and let the students use the Christ within to assist in discerning truth from error.


If some cosmic messiah could come and zap the earth — invoking an artificial peace and goodwill among men — then the actions of such a messiah would suspend the Laws and derail the spiritual evolution of the individual souls.


Agreed and I have taught this myself a number of times.


While the utopian mindset is with good intentions, its wishful thinking is based upon the ignorance of self and the Cosmology of Mind.


As far as the utopian ideas and methods of communism or the political left I completely agree. However, I believe it is an error to see that humans cannot improve their condition and after a sufficient time there can be a literal “peace on earth and goodwill to men.” The Will of God will manifest on earth as it is in heaven and the time will indeed come that the brotherhood of humankind will be a reality.

The hearts of the fathers (those of us in the present) must turn to the children (to the benefit of future generations) or the earth will be smitten with a curse. See Mal 4:6

July 13, 2014

Initiation analogies

One can never go far wrong when contemplating the Law of Correspondences.

The important thing about diet is what the seeker receives from his own soul. One size does not fit all. He should be guided by inner guidance much more than some commandment from a priest or guru.

Those working on the first and second initiations are guided at some point to go on a vegetarian diet. For the fist it is important to master the physical appetites and for the second the vegetarian diet reduces the strength of the carnal passions. Most have difficulty mastering the emotional plane while on a standard meat eating diet.

As the disciples moves forward he gains greater self control and can handle the astral plane no matter what diet he is on. At that point, he chooses his diet depending on whether his attention is to be on the inner our outer work. Many western disciples (such as Churchill) concentrate on the outer work and eat and drink as seems good. On the other hand, if one wants to concentrate on the inner work one not only wants to go on a vegetarian diet, but a very light one of raw foods.

Another factor in the minds of disciples is heath. The disciple, whether he be a vegetarian or meat eater, will carefully choose foods that will keep him healthy.


July 16, 2014

Precept Upon Precept

Greg being overwhelmed by new terms and the knowledge available is familiar to many of us who have either been kicked out of or left past orthodox belief systems.

Many of us call this moving away from orthodoxy as “graduation from spiritual kindergarten.” Indeed, kindergarten serves a purpose but we do not want to stay there forever. Once the simple basics are learned then it is time to go on.

Unfortunately, the churches have done such a good job of brain washing their members that they see it as a good thing that the people learn the same things over and over.

Isaiah spoke accurately of this situation.

“Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will be speak to this people.” (Isaiah 28:9-11)

There has been much written about the stammering lips and another tongue that miss the point. The English word “stammering” is translated from the Hebrew LAEG. When one speaks stammering or LAEG., he speaks in a sort of repeating baby talk to jokingly irritate his listeners. Isaiah himself is using this sort of talk with the Jews when he repeats himself unnecessarily in verse 10. When he speaks of “another tongue”, we must remember that our tongue today is a different one than that used by the ancient Jews.

A higher interpretation of the other tongue is refers to a new way of speaking and teaching to Israelites. Jesus spoke with a different tongue, or manner of speaking, than Moses, and God will speak in new and different ways as the times change in this age. The teachers of the various ages and climes teach so differently (even though it is all one message) that it seems to be “another tongue.”

“But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.” (Verse 13)

Here Isaiah again used his “stammering” language for he again uses his repetitive speech. He clearly illustrates how the word of the Lord has been presented to the resisting religions. He says it is, “Precept upon precept, precept upon precept;” the repetition or stammering indicates the manner of presentation of the gospel to the churches today. The church teachers say the same things over and over, and the Sunday School manuals teach the same simple lessons over and over. Because they “would not hear,” this is the backward manner that teachings would come to them.

Why is this? So that they “might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.” “Taken” is from the Hebrew LAKAD which signifies being “caught in a trap.” God is allowing the churches to follow the backward course it is taking so they will be caught in a trap, and when its bands are made strong the real truth through wise virgins will come forth to reveal the bondage to those who thought they were free. There must be great contrast between light and darkness or the light will not be seen or sought.

“For the bed is shorter than a man can stretch himself on it: the covering narrower than he can wrap himself in it.” (Verse 20)

The “bed” refers to the foundations of the church and kingdom as presently constituted. They are not enough to fully satisfy the earnest seeker; therefore, he cannot “stretch himself on it.” The “covering” refers to the teachings available. The fullness of revelation is no longer with the church; therefore, the covering is narrower than a member can wrap himself in it.”

Visualize yourself going to bed in a cold room to take a rest. Your bed is so short that your feet hang over the edge. The covers are so short that they only cover half your body. Would this not be an uncomfortable situation you would want to rectify at the first possible moment?

Yet the foundation teachings, the good, the beautiful and the true, of most religions have been in large part shorted or removed making the bed of religion too short and a very uncomfortable resting place. Foundation teachings and new revelation have been suppressed so members do not have sufficient light as a covering and shiver inside stone buildings lacking warmth.

I remember feeling unsatisfied by being restricted to church teachings for knowledge. I looked for greater knowledge but little came outside of my own inner reflections. Finally, I discovered the freedom of exploring everywhere from inside myself to the outside world for greater light and truth. When this happened I was delighted to find that there is much more available than anyone can learn in one lifetime. But this is a good thing.


July 18, 2014

Dark Brotherhood Dream Assassins?

Aphoenix writes:

I, too, came under the worst attack in all the years I’ve endured them…this time in a gang of 3.


I’m sorry you had to go through such an experience. Because energy follows thought there were several things I was hesitant to include in the books, but I figured the positive knowledge conveyed would be worth the risk.

When one hears or reads about dark attacks the best course is to watch your thoughts and emotions carefully. Do not let your thoughts be directed toward the possibility and do not fear. Not providing any energy of thought or feelings provides a good shield. Absorb knowledge of the principle of Attrition discussed in the Lost Key. Learning to let negative energy pass through you as if it does not exist is an important key.

Stay focussed in the light and you will get the assistance you need from time to time.

Jenny writes:

I was wondering on what plane the “deceiving spirits”, dark brothers, etc. reside. Is it the astral plane or is there such a thing as a spiritual plane?


Most work on the lower levels of the astral or from the Eighth Sphere. This Sphere is a very low level plane of illusion even more dense than the physical where it is said lost souls dwell. Here the inhabitants are in the process of disintegration.

More advanced dark brothers who have not yet entered the Eighth Sphere sometimes dwell in the higher astral or lower mental. The lower mental is the highest level any of them can function. An advanced dark bother is difficult for many to recognize because when they work in the higher astral or lower mental they can come across an a regular inhabitant. This is why the trusted teachers there are from the higher metal plane or vibration.


July 19, 2014

Why we need the Astral body


The Emotions drop below the threshold of consciousness eventually, just like our instincts have dropped below the threshold, but we are still able to tap into them when we need to. Is this assumption correct, JJ?


Not quite. All those in physical incarnation have an astral body and all disciples have fully functioning emotions that are not below the threshold of consciousness just like the physical body and it’s feelings of pain and pleasure are not below the threshold.


If we got rid of our astral body, then we would no longer have any more emotions, correct?


No. The astral body is a lower reflection of the buddhic body and plane where the higher more true feelings reside. As long as we reside in some part of this universe there are feelings of some kind.

All entities incarnating on this planet have an astral body and do not get rid of it any time in the foreseeable future.


Most people die and pass over into the astral realm on the various levels of consciousness, so if there was no astral realm, then we would pass over to _______?


No need to be concerned. The astral realm will be there in any future that concerns us.


Although I understand that Disciples etc can pass over onto the mental realm when they die.


Passing to the mental realm does not make the astral world disappear, nor does it mean a disciple cannot use his astral body or later incarnate into the physical.


When humanity reaches and works through it’s collective mental body, then the emotional body does not disappear and become non existent, but rather just drops below the level of consciousness, because humans are living and using their mental consciousness.   Is this correct?


No. They will still use their astral body, but control it with the higher mind.


July 22, 2014

The Feeling World

One2 asks:

Thanks for clearing this up for me because I was wondering if the emotions dropped below the threshold in millions of years, like our instincts have.

Although the emotional body has to be mastered like our physical body, but the instincts belong to the animal soul, so that is why the instincts dropped below the threshold?


The feeling nature and instincts are two entirely different instruments. Instincts are like computer programs. You don’t use a computer program all the time and there are some that you don’t need any more and you may not use them at all in the present, but they can be retrieved when needed and attention is focused on them. These are below the threshold of consciousness until retrieved.

The feeling/emotional nature is not like a computer program but is generated by your consciousness interacting with your environment. As long as you interact with the worlds of form you will have feelings about what is happening. You can negate certain feelings but you cannot negate feeling itself. For instance, if you hate your next door neighbor and conclude that you are being unreasonable and through understanding replace hate with friendship, then you negated the negative feeling. It is not below the threshold of consciousness, but just doesn’t exist any more. That doesn’t mean that you could not wind up hating something else.

What we feel about things changes over time but some type of feeling always remains, even in the higher worlds. And who among us would ever want to negate happiness, joy, peace or bliss?


Also is there a Principle of Sealing?   Or is Sealing incorporated into the Molecular Relationship?


Sealing exists, but not in the way the LDS church teaches it… And they should be thankful this is the case. After all, there are many thousands of unhappy married couples sealed together for all eternity (in their minds). Who wants to be bound for eternity to someone you cannot stand? This would be especially difficult if you found someone who you truly could love that was not currently your spouse.

Two things will bind you to another person so you will meet them in a future life: Love and hate. Love will cause your Higher Self to arrange a future life so you can enjoy each other’s company again and hate will cause you to meet again so you can learn to work things out and let the negative feelings go.

The Molecular Relationship is the closest thing to sealing as is generally understood in that you and others joined learn to share group consciousness so it will be as if you are never separated in life or death.

Joan basically says that she is a helpful person and people seem to be taking advantage of her but when she withdraws they are upset, which thing concerns her.

Yes, those who take more advantage than they should are legion, but the key to handling it is this.

Your peace and happiness is just as important as anyone else’s and if you do not do the basic things to insure this happens for you then you are doing just as much of a disservice as when one ignores the legitimate needs of others. If you do not keep yourself mentally and emotionally healthy then you will not be of much use to others, so for the sake of the whole you must examine your feeling needs and keep them satisfied.

If you have too many people coming into your life draining you of energy this means you are sending out signals that draw them to you. Reflect on what signals you must be sending and reduce them. Once reduced then fewer people will come out of the woodwork asking for favors.

The worst thing that can happen is if people impose so much that you suffer a grievance. Such a thing can fester into ill health and low energy. It is of extreme importance that the seeker keeps his emotional body balanced and happy.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 12

This entry is part 15 of 33 in the series 2014

July 4, 2014

The Principle of Glory

The following presentation at the 2014 Gathering by JJ Dewey on the Principle of Glory was transcribed by Dan Howell

Well, but that’s not what the scripture says. God said to Moses, because you did not give me Glory, you will not enter the Promised Land. So, according to God’s own words it wasn’t a trumped up thing, it was really the reason. According to the way the scripture is written.

And because Glory lies behind everything. It lies behind all progress, all creation, all incentive, all everything.

Without Glory nothing, virtually, would be created or nothing would happen or nothing would get organized.

Because . . . we all do it because of the Principle of Glory. We all do it because we want recognition, because we want a feeling of achievement, and this is one of the reasons god created everything.

If you’re all alone, where’s the Glory? God had no Glory when he was alone. No Glory at all, he had to create us in order to have Glory.

He had to create in order to achieve this . . . because Glory is the root of all creation . . . when you think about it.

So, what is the Principle behind it?

Glory is basically recognition of ability or achievement. When you get recognition for something, you get Glory. In varying degrees. When people give Glory to God, what do they do? They praise him.

[regarding parable of the feast in Luke 14:7-11] And he says in the same way, he says, he taught that we should be humble and not assume that we have more glory than we have coming. Or not try to grab glory to ourselves.

Here’s the Principle: You cannot glorify yourself, but must be glorified by others. In other words, that guy that came in to the festival, he thought, Ah if I sit in the place of glory I can glorify myself. And he sits there, but you can’t glorify yourself.

So, the guy with the power to give the Glory says No, you don’t belong there you go back here. So, he was unable to glorify himself.

[regarding John 7:18-19, John 8:50, John 17:4-5, John 17:22] So, He talks about this transfer of Glory. That Jesus’ Glory was dependent on the Will of the Father. He had no power to give glory to himself, but he was dependent upon the Father giving him Glory. And the disciples were dependent on Jesus giving them glory. They had no power to get glory for themselves.

So, there was God, all alone, with no one to give him Glory. In order for the Glory of God to be manifest, he had to have more than one available. So, he created us for his own Glory. And that was part of the motivation. And why do we do any work? Well, we want a little bit of recognition.

A lot of people think it is bad to go seek recognition. If you do it the wrong way it is bad, if you do it in a selfish way. But if you do it in the right way where everybody gets their share of the Glory . . . Then, you are on the path to Glory yourself.

Let’s suppose you are all alone. So, let’s say you are the best speller in the whole United States. And you are all alone and nobody knows about it. Well, are you gonna go learn any new words? No. You think, well, I’m the best and its not doing anything for me so, I’m not gonna learn any new words. But, if say there is a national spelling bee – Oh, I can go get some recognition there.

So, then you get to studying more, learning more words, and you go into the competition and if you win you get glory not because you proclaim yourself to be the best, but you have convinced others to give you recognition.

Let’s suppose I was Stephen King, standing right here before you. A lot of people think Stephen King is the greatest horror writer of all time and some people think he was one of the greatest writers period of all time.

Now, lets suppose I was Stephen King and I’m speaking before you about my writings and I say, I’m Stephen King and I’m the best damn writer you’re ever gonna come across. I am the BEST! There’s nobody out there better than me. What would you think?

Right, he’s taking glory to himself, and even though you’ve read his books, you think, Boy, what a jerk!

So, whenever you try to take glory to yourself, you do the opposite, you take away from it, your own glory. The only way to achieve glory, is to recognized by others. You cannot take glory to yourself, it must be given to you by others. And a lot of people don’t understand this principle. A lot of very highly evolved people don’t. Moses didn’t even understand it and he was one of the greatest souls of all time.

God told Moses, he says, Behold, I am a jealous god. Why did he say that? Because, the Glory that he had, he didn’t want to give it to anybody else.

He [God] wanted other people to achieve their own glory. Now, remember the story about Satan and the Christ coming to God offering to redeem mankind. And Jesus says to him, I will be the saviour but I will give you all the glory but Lucifer comes to God and says I will redeem all mankind but I will take glory to myself and I want your power so that I can have the glory. And god says, no, I don’t give my power to anybody. I won’t just give you my power carte blanche.

It’s like a chain. One person recognized the person above him in the chain and that person recognizes the person above him, and sends Glory up the chain from the lowest life to the highest life in the Universe. And what happens when the chain is broken, is the path of Glory becomes broken.

And it’s broken at humanity right now as we do not understand how to pass the glory up. Most of humanity are doing everything they can to take glory to themselves.

Let’s say – and this happens quite often – somebody fairly unknown comes up with an idea and somebody with power comes across the idea and says, Oh, I like this, I’m gonna take this for myself. And so he takes it for himself and doesn’t give the guy credit, but presents it as if he came up with the idea himself. This is where the principle of glory is violated. And what the person does is, he puts a wall between himself and his soul. So Light from his Soul is diminished when this happens.

Any type of deception puts a wall between you and your soul. So, its important that every word that comes out of our mouth is true. And why do we trust God? Or a representative of God? Because we believe that every word that comes out of his mouth is true!

Now, there are a lot of people around that say, Well, even God lies. Well, if he does, and if he lies every now and then – like every fifth time – then how do you know that this isn’t the fifth time, even if you get a vision from God? How do you know it’s true then?

We have faith in God because his word is true and if we want to be like God, we have to make sure our word is true.

Now, in the scriptures it says it is the glory of God to conceal a thing. In other words, all of God’s words are true, but he doesn’t tell us everything that he knows. There’s a lot of mysteries that he hasn’t revealed to us. And it’s part of the Glory of God that a lot of these things are concealed. Because he can reveal them at the right moment when he sees an opportunity to increase his glory.

And so it is important that we copy god in this way. You don’t have to spill your guts on everything. If some female asks you if her thighs are too big, you just . . . be careful. [laughing] Change the subject, just don’t lie. [laughing] You look just wonderful the way you are in my eyes. Or whatever. But, it’s important that every word that comes out of your mouth is literally true. As much as it can. And every promise that you make, you keep.

And if you do that, you’ll be on the path of liberation. There’s nothing that will take you on the path of liberation more than having your word be true.

And this is what has caused the downfall of many great men in history. Even people sent on a mission with a great spiritual value, have fallen down in this particular area. And have not been true to their word. And have felt it was important to lie to cover things up.

I’ll tell you one very important reason why the Principle of Glory needs to apply – because if it’s not applied then there’s deception.

So, let’s say that somebody else claims to have written The Immortal and that I stole it from him. Well, he’s taken Glory to himself – he’s deceiving. He’s saying something that is just not true.

Moses said, Behold, I will deliver you water, and he smites the rock. That was an outright lie. If Moses just would have told the truth, he would’ve said, The power of God will deliver you water and smite the rock. If he would’ve said that, he would’ve been telling the truth. Moses told a lie. So, when the Principle of Glory is violated a lie is told, and Glory is only revealed in Truth – True Glory.

Now, there’s false glory. Like say, if somebody like Stalin or Hitler or somebody like that, or Saddam Hussein – they have everybody under their control and everybody has to give them glory or else they’re head gets cut off, right? Or they get shot, or thrown in prison. But is that real Glory?

No, it’s a lie. These tyrants are having people lie to get a false sense of Glory. They want Glory so bad they’re willing to torture and kill people in order to get . . . to try to steal, true Glory.

But, you can’t steal Glory. In people’s hearts, they know the tyrant is a bad guy and in people’s hearts they’re not giving him glory. And as soon as they can speak freely, all the Glory is gone. Which really isn’t Glory. Because forced Glory is not Glory. When Glory is given in a circumstance where untrue words are spoken, then it’s not glory.

In circumstances where there is not true Glory, there is deception. And deception is the main thing that holds you back from progression. So, one of the reasons the Principle of Glory is so important is that it takes away deception.

You can give Glory either way, you just can’t give Glory to yourself. You can give glory to those higher, you can give Glory to those lower.

If you’re a teacher and you’re teaching Spanish and you have a star student that’s really learned the language good, you can say, Well Jim over here, he’s really doing good, I give him a lot of praise. The whole class looks at him and thinks, Oh, teacher’s pet, uh? [laughter] Whatever, but anyway he stands out as the one that’s learning more than anyone else.

But if Jim gets up and says, Hey, I know Spanish better than anyone else in the class, teacher ought to give me a little recognition! What’s everybody going to think? Even if deserves it, they’re gonna think, Jerk! [laughter], we aren’t giving HIM any glory because he’s seeking it for himself.

Even if it was TRUE that he was a good student. If he gets up and DEMANDS attention – and this happens every once in awhile. I get a letter saying, You don’t give me the recognition I deserve! I want some recognition from you! I want some more respect!

I don’t go around thinking, Well, who can I show recognition and respect to today, I mean that’s not what I do, I just give out the stuff and if people want to take it and do something with it, fine and if you want to reject it, that’s fine. And sometimes I will give praise out if somebody really shines and other times, people say some really good stuff and I just don’t have time to comment on the good stuff they say, so it gets overlooked somewhat.

When you look at motivation, few people that are on the right path are motivated by the Glory alone. But, it’s a side benefit of going forward. And when you go forward in service, and you forget about the self, then Glory will follow. But Glory is just a natural evolution of doing the right thing. And eventually it will come.

Okay, let’s suppose that a teacher has a student and he teaches him something but the teacher doesn’t want, for some purpose, doesn’t want the information to come back. Well, maybe like in Nazi Germany he may have somebody, an underground thing, and he says, If this gets back that I’m teaching this, then I’ll be lynched. So, don’t tell anyone where this came from.

In that case, the student may get some glory and he may say, Well, I can’t tell you where this came from. In that case, he’s not taking Glory unjustly in any case. But, all the teachings that I have that are true – yeah there may be some error in my teachings just like with anyone – but all my teachings which are true come from above, so I give all the Glory to Life above me for what I receive.

But the thing is, to not take Glory to yourself that does belong to somebody else, and that’s something I have always tried to abide by.

Now, you get Glory the most when you don’t go after it. It’s like happiness. If you want to be happy, you don’t think, Well, I going to to do ABC today and that’s going to make me happy. It doesn’t work that way. You just do what’s natural, and you do the right thing, and pretty soon, happiness will just be an after effect. Or a benefit of the whole thing.

And the same thing with Glory, you don’t think, Well, I’m gonna get lots of Glory, I’m gonna go out and I’m going to do this work and everybody is going to love me. That’s not the motive, that’s not the thing that motivates you but what motivates you is doing the right thing, doing service, doing things that people will appreciate, and then you just know that it will come back to you.

And when it does come back to you, it will often come back to you at unexpected moments.

The right approach is to just be the servant, if you’re the servant then Glory will come back to you. This is why the Principle of Glory is so important, is if Glory doesn’t come back in its rightful place, then something is amiss. Something is amiss in the chain. Because we have the chain from the lowest to the highest life and Glory flows up and down this chain. And if its broken, this produces a ripple in the force so to speak, or the glory doesn’t flow smoothly.

And mankind is a big problem for the Gods as they look down upon us because we don’t understand the Principle of Glory. So the Glory doesn’t manifest in the Kingdom of God as much as it should because we’re a kink in the armour of God so to speak. Because we want Glory to ourselves.

We want to be like Lucifer a little bit and take Glory to ourselves. That was the difference between . . . that’s the difference between the dark brotherhood and the light brotherhood, one of the differences was the dark brotherhood seek to take Glory to themselves. The Brotherhood of Light are willing to pass the Glory on to who deserves the Glory.

He who will give his life for my sake shall save it. The same with Glory, He who seeks Glory for its own sake will lose it. He who is willing to relinquish the Glory and serve us will be given Glory.

Like Jesus says, Every idle word you’ve ever spoken, you’ll be held accountable upon the day of judgment. In other words, everything that you’ve ever done, whether good or bad, isn’t forgotten. You’ll either be acknowledged for it or the opposite.

Yeah, self-interest and selfishness are two different things. Selfishness is wanting more than you deserve. Self interest is wanting what you DO deserve. And so, self-interest is not selfishness. Wanting what you do deserve – say if you’ve done an hours worth of work, you want an hours worth of credit, you want the hours worth of wage, you earned it, you deserve it. But, say if you’re getting ten dollars an hour and you want twenty, then you’re being selfish because that is more than you agreed upon. You can ASK for more, you can say, Well, I did work hard, I’d like a raise. That’s fine. But to demand it when you’ve agreed to something less is not correct.

So, with Glory, it gives God the incentive to create and gives us incentive to create. Because, if there was no recognition at all – you may not see that as your motive, you may see that as serving people or whatever – but, let’s say you served and served and served and nobody appreciated anything, pretty soon you’d get tired of serving and wouldn’t do it anymore.

But if you serve, not thinking of Glory, but if it starts to come back and people appreciate it then your incentive is increased and then you follow the path even more. But if nothing comes back to you after a period of time, you’d quit doing it.

If God created the Universe and the being in the Universe, none of them believed in him or none of them gave him Glory, He’d say, Well, the heck with this, I’ll make that universe disappear and do something else. [laughing] So, you gotta get some satisfaction out of your work and just the job for the job’s sake . . . that’s halfway there but it doesn’t take you all the way there.

Eventually, you expect some feedback. Even Jesus did, at the end of his life he says, Father, Glorify thou me with thine own self. With the Glory I had before the World was. So, even Jesus sought God to glorify him, he asked God to glorify him. He knew he couldn’t glorify himself but near the end of his life he thought, Well, you know, I’ve done … I’ve done some hard work here God, so … you know … you should give me a little recognition. [laughing] So, even HE did this.


The Fourth and Freedom

Since today is the Fourth of July it seems to be appropriate to say a few words about freedom.

Before I get into that it is interesting to note that it seems the Fourth of July was selected as the date to celebrate because it has a good ring to it. The Fourth of July just sounds a lot better than any other date you could think of. Here are some interesting details:

On the night of July 2nd, the Pennsylvania Evening Post published the statement: “This day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States.” John Adams thought July 2 was going to be the day future Americans celebrated, or so he said in a letter to his wife, Abigail Adams:

Americans didn’t first celebrate independence until July 8, when Philadelphia threw a big party, including a parade and the firing of guns. The army under George Washington, then camped near New York City, heard the news July 9 and celebrated then. Georgia got the word August 10th. And the British in London found out on August 30th.

Though both Jefferson and Adams later claimed the signing ceremony took place on July 4th, David McCullough writes in his biography of John Adams:

“No such scene, with all the delegates present, ever occurred at Philadelphia.”

In fact, most delegates signed the document on August 2nd, when a clean copy was finally produced by Timothy Matlack, assistant to the secretary of Congress; some waited even later to sign, and the names on the document were made public only in January 1777.


One thing we do know for sure is that July 4, 1776 marks for us the beginning of a free America – the first major nation in the history of the world to offer its people the power to escape the beast of unjust and unearned authority.

Yes, before independence we were subject to a king who ruled with absolute authority at the seat of the beast. After independence, we were ruled by a wise president who did his best to rule by the will of the people and then relinquished his power after eight years.

The struggle between good and evil at this time is the struggle between those who want powerful centralized control at the seat of the beast and those who want minimal government and maximum freedom.

What confuses the low information non-thinking masses is that both sides claim to represent the highest state of freedom. This has always been the case.

Rome and other empires conquered surrounding nations in the name of liberating them and giving out more freedom.

Hitler tried to conquer the world in the name of freedom. He spoke about freedom in many of his speeches that aroused the masses.

Slave owners in the Southern States claimed slavery was a good thing as it gave the white people more freedom and the blacks did not need it.

Now today the illusion persists in that many want to over tax us, over regulate and make restrictive laws in the name of freedom.

The question must then be asked. What is the difference in the views of freedom from both sides?

The answer is quite obvious to any fair minded person who studies the use of freedom in the past by those we know were on the wrong side of history, such as slave owners, Hitler and King George.

The leaders on the left hand path seek full freedom for themselves at the expense of others and will give out limited freedom to supporters in order to further their selfish goals of power and wealth. When they talk about freedom that are talking about what they and their supporters will receive. Those who do not support them will have little or no freedom if such leaders get their way.

Those on the right hand path seek freedom for all, even those who do not support or agree with them. They so not seek to take from one group by force and give to other groups, but emphasize personal responsibility which is essential to insure the preservation of maximum freedom.

Those on the right do not want to enslave one group so another group can have greater freedom but seek equal freedom for all.

This was the goal of our founders, but is now being sabotaged and subverted. Those with the spirit of freedom in their hearts must stand up and be counted and do all in our power to fulfill the dreams of our fathers.

May it be so.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 30: The Atonement

This entry is part 26 of 98 in the series Principles

The principle of atonement releases us from the negative effects of sin or error. The negative effect of sin or error is guilt. Guilt is caused by looking for God in the wrong place. “The kingdom of God is within,” and that is where the principle of atonement lies. The seeker At-One-Moment shifts attention from the outer god to the inner. When he does this all guilt disappears and he sees a vision of a path that leads away from error into the light of truth.

The orthodox idea behind this is that “we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.” This causes each one of us to be unworthy to enter heaven and be happy and at peace forever. To rectify this problem God sent his one and only Son, Jesus to be crucified for us. The idea is that His pain and the shedding of his blood atoned or paid for our sins. This atonement only works though if we believe in the right Jesus and accept the gift he gave us. If we have wrong beliefs about Jesus all bets are off, even if we accept him – so they say.

It is interesting that it is believed that the atonement of Christ removes all sin from those who either repent or accept Christ.

This is obviously flawed thinking which is revealed when we examine the Biblical use of the word “sin.”

As previously stated sin comes from the Greek word HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.”

So to sin is basically to make an error. Therefore, it is interesting to ask those who believe they have all their sins removed if they still make errors. The answer is, of course they do.

Therefore, the atonement must stand for something more than the removal of sin or error.

The atonement removes guilt; and guilt often has more to do with imagined causes rather than real causes.

One always feels guilt when he violates the commandments of his religion no matter which one that may be. Judaism was a religion with a great number of laws, most of them manmade and there probably was not a Jew in the days of Jesus who did not suffer some guilt for some violation of what he perceived to be God’s will.

If you feel that God has commanded you to not dance and you break His will and let it all hang out then you will feel guilt. Even though dancing causes no real harm you still need the guilt removed. But then if a savior comes along and reveals to you that your guilt is produced by illusion and reveals the truth, the guilt magically disappears. This is how the magic of the atonement works.

It is best expressed in these words of Jesus:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

The true atonement is a revelation of the truth so illusion passes away and guilt is lifted. Then real progress can be made. That is a lot different than the idea of being released of the responsibility of all misdeeds by confessing Jesus at a revival or a death bed repentance.

The word was used a lot in the Old Testament in reference to animal sacrifices and cleansing processes as atoning for the sins of the ancient Israelites.

This process tended to have a similar effect to the current principle of Catholic confession. The sacrifice or the confessions by themselves do nothing to change cause and effect, but they do have a powerful effect.

What is that?

The effect is that it removed guilt from the participants.

As I have previously written, this is also one of the effects of looking upon the sacrifice of Christ as a great and final sacrifice. It does not remove karma, or cause and effect, but it can remove the sense of guilt that plagues so many.

It is an interesting fact that the word “atonement” was never spoken by the mouth of Jesus in the New Testament scriptures. Neither was it written by any New Testament prophet. The King James has Paul speaking it once, (Rom 5:11) but it is mistranslated from KATALLASSO, which means “restoration.”

The natural question arises then – why is it that Jesus Himself was silent both in His life and in various revelations given about this principle?

Could it be that His silence was a witness to the possibility that the common understanding of the principle was not correct and they were not mentally prepared to hear and understand the true principle?

Is it possible that the ancient prophets, good men though they were, had an imperfect understanding that needed correcting in a future time?

This, I believe to be the case. We have heard that there is significance in the word itself as it is broken up into a trinity of syllables as follows: AT-ONE-MENT.

Some have expressed the idea that AT ONE moMENT in space and time a great synchronization between God and man happened.

There is more truth in this than writers on the subject have realized.

The true atonement, as brought by Jesus, took place when AT ONE moMENT in time and space the lower man was lifted up in consciousness to be AT ONE with the higher spiritual life of the eternal Son of God.

What then, is the atonement in relation to us as individuals?

Our atonement comes when we have faith, not on the man Jesus, but on the words which He brought as taught in the scriptures:

John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Thus we see that His eternal words “are spirit, and they are life” and if we keep them God will make His home with us.

When we accept the eternal words of Christ and they stimulate the life of the spirit in us AT ONE moMENT, in this “holy instant” God as Spirit descends and we as humans ascend meeting at the midway point of the Christ consciousness.

At this instant we leave our errors (sins) behind never to be the same again. Never will we let a substitute for God control us with guilt. The disciple has now tasted the greater life and the blending AT ONE moMENT of spirit and matter has an everlasting and eternal effect on him so he can never again return to the person he was. He is not perfect and will yet make many mistakes, but he has been atoned toward a new life and path that will forever eclipse the old one.

But what the disciple does not yet realize is that there are numerous atonements and they are all infinite. The first great atonement through the words of Christ is the attainment of soul contact, but after this is achieved there are further steps to take to return to our true home.

The multiple atonements are steps on a great stairway and when one of the steps is taken and the new vision obtained the ascent becomes infinite, for the pilgrim does not retreat, but goes onward forever in eternal progression and BECOMING until he achieves a fullness of BEING.


Dialogue on The Atonement

Thinker: So, what is your thinking on the atonement of Christ?

True Believer: I believe he died for my sins and through the shedding of his blood I am saved.

Thinker: And what have you done to be saved?

True Believer: I believe on Him and accept the gift he has given me.

Thinker: And what are you saved from?

True Believer: My sins.

Thinker: All your sins or part of them?

True Believer: All of them, of course.

Thinker: Are you saved now?

True Believer: Yes, I’m saved through the blood of Jesus.

Thinker: Does this mean that your past sins will be as if they never happened?

True Believer: Yes.

Thinker: Theft is a sin, is it not?

True Believer: Yes. The scripture says, “Thou shalt not steal.”

Thinker: Let us suppose that before you were saved you robbed a guy on the street of his money that was going to pay for an operation to save his daughter’s life. Without the money the kid dies but shortly thereafter you find Jesus and get saved. Is the kid still dead?

True Believer: Of course.

Thinker: So, even though you are now saved, your sin still has a terrible effect and the father hates your guts. Sounds like your sin still has an effect even though you accept Jesus.

True Believer: Well, I suppose our sins have a residual effect in this world, but when we accept the atonement we have a clean slate in God’s eyes for the next world.

Thinker: So, even though you are saved your sins have an effect in this world but none in the next.

True Believer: Yes.

Thinker: Let us suppose that the sick girl was not saved when she died but was on the verge of it and would have found Jesus if she had lived. Because of your sin then she goes to hell instead of heaven. Does that sound like your sin will have no effect in the next world?

True Believer: There’s no way to tell if she would have been saved.

Thinker: We do know that a lot of kids do eventually accept Christ. That is a fact and in our example we are talking about one of these. Now, let us place ourselves in the kid’s position after death. There she is suffering in hell with the realization that she was going to turn her life around if she had lived, but this didn’t happen because of you. She curses your name even as you are enjoying bliss with Jesus. Does that sound like your sin has no effect in the next world?

True Believer: God will take away the memory of my sins so I will not be affected by anyone in hell.

Thinker: Where does it say that in the Bible?

True Believer: I’m not sure. It’s in there somewhere.

Thinker: Wrong. It’s not in there. And even if this strange idea were true it would be pretty cold hearted to ignore the eternal suffering of a child, by blotting out the memory, when that suffering was your fault. Don’t you agree?

True Believer: God’s ways are not man’s ways. If we could understand God then it would all make sense. We can’t use the reasoning of this world.

Thinker: But it sounds like you are using the reasoning from your mind in this world to make sense of the atonement. What makes you think that reasoning from your thinking in this world is correct?

True Believer: That’s what faith is all about.

Thinker: So your faith is based on the reasoning of this world?

True Believer: You’re twisting things. My faith is based on the Bible, the Word of God.

Thinker: And what makes you think you understand it since you have to use your worldly mind to read it?

True Believer: The Bible is clear. I just accept what it says.

Thinker: Let’s see if you accept this:

Gal 6:4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

Gal 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.

Gal 6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Would you read verse five for me?

True Believer: “For every man shall bear his own burden.”

Thinker: Does that sound like Jesus is going to negate the effects of our mistakes or sins?

True Believer: You’re taking things out of context.

Thinker: But the context continues in verse seven. Read that.

True Believer: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Thinker: So, even though you have found Jesus this does not negate the fact that you robbed a guy and caused his daughter to die and go to hell. What do you suppose this will cause you to reap?

True Believer: I will reap heaven because I am saved.

Thinker: Not so fast. Read Revelations 14:13

True Believer: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.”

Thinker: So, even though you now accept Jesus and are righteous what happens to your works?

True Believer: (He doesn’t want to answer.)

Thinker: Since you won’t say it, I will. It says “their works do follow them.” It is clear here that it is speaking of our works following us into the next world. Concerning our debts, Jesus said something interesting. He stated that those who are cast into prison “shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matt 5:26

So let us sum these scriptures up. They tell us that we will bear our own burdens, that we reap what we have sown, that our works follow us to the next world, and finally we have to pay our debts to the “uttermost farthing.” That doesn’t sound like a simple belief in Jesus is going to instantly undo all the damage created by the robber who cost the girl her life, does it?

True Believer: But the scriptures clearly say we are saved by the blood of Jesus. How do you explain that?

Thinker: One of the problems with the scriptures is that those who prize them greatly often misinterpret them the most. A prime example, from the Christian viewpoint, is the ancient Jews belief in the Messiah. From diligently reading the scriptures they thought he was going to come as a conquering hero, destroy the wicked and restore the kingdom to Israel. Did that happen?

True Believer: No.

Thinker: Correct. They missed reality by miles. He had no army, he said to love our enemies and his kingdom was not of this world. Yet you can’t blame them because when you read the Old Testament it does sound like they could have been right. Have you ever considered that you may also have wrong interpretations of the scriptures?

True Believer: No, because I interpret them just the way they are written.

Thinker: And so did the Jews who were looking for a conquering Messiah – and so do the hundreds of religions who disagree with you. They all think they are interpreting the scriptures just the way they read, but obviously they are not all correct. Would you agree?

True Believer: Some people just read things into them that are not there.

Thinker: Well, let us see what is there. Since you give much weight to the scriptures that tell us that we are saved from sin through the sacrifice of Christ let us examine those words. The word “sin” in the New Testament comes from the Greek word HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.” In other words, when the Greeks, 2000 years ago, shot at a target with an arrow and missed they “sinned” (HAMARTANO) or missed the target. Another way to phrase this would be to say that to sin is to make an error in their aim or judgment. Would you agree?

True Believer: I suppose.

Thinker: The word “saved” comes from SOZO which is “to save or deliver.” The similar word “salvation” comes from SOTERIA which is more correctly rendered “deliverance” or “rescue.” Therefore, when the prophets wrote of being saved from sin they were literally saying they were delivered from error. So what did Jesus do to save the people from error?

True Believer: I’m not sure what you are getting at,

Thinker: Let us look at the actual words of Jesus. He said to his disciples, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” John 15:3

Notice that this was spoken before his sacrifice of the cross. He didn’t speak of blood saving them from sin but something else. What was it?

True Believer: His word.

Thinker: Good. In other words, that which delivered the people from error was the words of Jesus. He also said, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63

So what did he say his words were?

True Believer: Spirit and life.

Thinker: Here’s another powerful scripture giving light on the words of Jesus: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24

So, his word can lead to what?

True Believer: Everlasting life.

Thinker: Notice that he taught this salvation before he shed any blood. Now let us read the advice of James. He advised us to “receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:21-22

So, what is it that can save our souls?

True Believer: The word.

Thinker: Yes, Jesus’ words were so powerful he was referred to as the “Word of God.” Now we see that when he saves us from sin he really delivers us from error. How did he deliver people from error when he was alive?

True Believer: I see what you are getting at. You want me to say his word.

Thinker: That’s what the Bible you believe in says and it is quite a simple principle. When we make an error we can be corrected through words that set us on the right course. For instance, the people sinned or erred in thinking that they should hate their enemies but the words of Jesus corrected or saved them. He told them to love their enemies and do good to those who despise them.

What error did the sacrifice on the cross correct?

True Believer: I’m not sure.

Thinker: Again, the answer is quite simple. People had very limited ideas of how far we should go in showing love and forgiveness. Jesus not only forgave those who crucified him but volunteering for the great sacrifice was an unheard of act of love that saved or delivered the people from their wrong thinking. One could say that the shedding of his blood saved many from their errors. Because of him many take the principle of love to a much higher level than before.

True Believer: Wow, you are really twisting the scriptures.

Thinker: No, I’m following in the footsteps of Jesus and attempting to save you from your sins by the power of the word. In other words, these teachings have power to deliver you from your errors of judgment and wrong interpretation.

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17

Conclusion: You are sanctified, or receive an atonement, through the corrective power of spiritual words, or words of truth.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 29: Sin

This entry is part 25 of 98 in the series Principles

It may seem strange that I list sin as a principle. The problem with this word is that the true meaning has been lost and this has caused the principle to be lost. In today’s religious world sin is now a fact rather than a principle. Ministers see sin as the idea that we are all sinners and that is that. Jesus will save us if we just believe.

So what is the real meaning of sin and the principle in countering it?

The orthodox Christian view of sin is that it involves breaking the laws given out by God.

The scripture says: “Sin is the transgression of the law.” John 3:4

“The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.” Cor 15:56

For instance, one of the Ten Commandments says to not steal. If you steal you are therefore transgressing the law and thus you commit sin. Sounds pretty simple and cut and dried. Not quite.

To understand sin we have to look below the surface at the principles involved and first ask this question.

What negative effect does one suffer from sin? Forget about the next world for now, for there is no way to prove what happens there, but we do understand effects from our own experience in this life. How does the sinner suffer in the here and now?

Outside of repercussions of the effects of our actions the main suffering comes from guilt. When a person feels he has violated the law of God he suffers from this.

So what is it about sin that creates the guilt?

It is this. When a person accepts a word or command as coming from God, or a strong authority, and then violates that will, guilt is a natural effect. Thus if he violates a commandment as seen coming from God or a parent figure he can feel guilt.

The strange thing that few consider is this point. The command does not have to come from God to create guilt. It can (and usually does) come from an outside authority who is a substitute for God. For a small child this can be a parent but for the grownups it is some human authority who claims to know God’s will and speaks on his behalf.

When a person becomes subject to such an authority then anything he says becomes the law and any violation becomes sin (in his mind) and produces guilt. If the authority tells him that it is God’s will he not eat peas then eating peas will be a sin to him and produce guilt.

We can see this principle at play with the Mormons. The prophet, who they believe speaks for God, tells them God doesn’t want them to drink coffee. A Mormon who thus drinks any amount of coffee violates the law of God (in his mind), sins and feels guilt when he drinks it. On the other hand, a Methodist recognizes no such authority, sees no sin in drinking coffee and feels no guilt.

Since humans do not receive laws directly from a heavenly being we must receive them from some earthly authority. Unfortunately, this substitution of an earthly authority for the voice of God is the Beast as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

When the scriptures talk about Jesus saving us from our sins the real meaning of this is that he came to release us from the power of human authorities that produce guilt, which pain of guilt can follow us to the next world. He also came to release us from sin as it was defined in his time.

The word sin comes from the Greek word HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.” In other words when the Greeks, 2000 years ago, shot at a target with an arrow and missed they “sinned” (HAMARTANO) or missed the target. Therefore, to sin is to make an error. Jesus came to correct our errors which is to save us from our sins. One of the biggest errors that we fall prey to is the acceptance of an outward authority as speaking for God, thus creating many unnecessary laws that result in guilt and pain.

Notice how Jesus attempted to correct this false idea:

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matt 22:37-40

So on what hangs all the law and the prophets? The law of love.

What does this mean?

It means that if you are motivated within from true spiritual love that you will automatically follow all the laws of God and guilt will have no power over you. He who is motivated by love needs no commands or law from outer authority for he has the law written in his heart as predicted in scripture:

“After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, (no more outward authorities) and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 31:33-34

True salvation from sin comes from the realization that sin is merely an error which can be corrected by listening to the inner voice of God that speaks to the heart and mind.

True salvation from sin is given in this verse:

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written IN THEIR FOREHEADS.” Rev 14:1

The key to escaping guilt from sin is to realize that the Father, God, is in your forehead or within your own mind. You escape the outward authorities trying to control you by replacing them with your true source which is God within yourself. It is as Jesus said, “the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21.


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Principle 28: The Observer

This entry is part 24 of 98 in the series Principles

What is the Principle of the Observer?

This principle operates on the idea of stepping aside or standing back and watching yourself and situations from a distance. This causes one to not become overly attached to the feelings generated or the outcome.

An example of this is an actor playing a part. Let us say that Jim is a good actor who is playing the role of a guy who discovers his wife is cheating on him. As he goes through the scene he feels real emotions of rage and sorrow. Tears stream from his eyes. So what is the difference between what Jim is feeling and what is happening to Bob who is going through the real thing?

They are both experiencing the same feelings so is there really a difference?

Yes, there is and it’s a subtle one. Jim is going through the experience as an observer and Bob is totally identifying with the character he is playing in life. Because of Bob’s identification with his character he suffers much more than does Jim. Being a good actor, Jim feels a sense of real discomfort as he plays his character, but because he realizes the emotions do not really belong to him he can merely observe himself as he plays the part and thus keep his discomfort to a minimum.

One may say, “But Bob can’t do that because it is really happening to him.”

Wrong. Bob can do this. The first few times it is difficult and takes a lot of self-control but all of us have this power and when we take this power to ourselves we become invulnerable to emotional devastation. The seeker can then handle betrayal, criticism, hate, jealousy etc as if he is in a play and keep his focus on the purpose of the play of life as he moves forward.

Shakespeare seemed to realize this for he wrote:

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts.


How does applying this principle help the seeker rise above the control of the emotional plane?

It is important to realize that the disciple does not leave the emotions behind. He does not turn into a Vulcan with no emotions. Those who try to do such things wind up suppressing emotion that bottles up inside creating great damage later on.

Instead, he is a good actor who allows himself to feel the entire range of emotions. He can handle them though because he has the attitude of the observer.

To attain this attitude one must make a conscious decision to observe rather than to identify with the lower self. After the decision is made self-control must be applied again and again until this attitude becomes a part of the consciousness.


In applying this principle, what are three important things for you to observe?

Here are three I consider important;

(1) Observe, but do not identify with, all your vehicles in the three worlds of form, the mental, the emotional and the physical.

(2) Observe the reactions of these vehicles with the realization they are not the real you but merely taking you for a ride through earth life.

(3) Observe the interplay of higher spiritual contacts with the lower self and learn to discern the difference between the two.

Why is this a principle?

I’ve talked a lot about the difference between principles and facts. Here is a new insight.

You can easily teach a fact or piece of data and even the densest of students can memorize and repeat them.

On the other hand, a teacher can explain a principle a hundred times and the student will not fully understand until he or she sees how it works. Mere memorization does not bring understanding. It must come through contemplation.

A natural question is this:

Okay being the observer sounds pretty good, but is it really possible and, if so, how do I go about achieving it? You compare it to an actor going through a painful experience and because he sees himself as an actor, separate from the experience, he can observe himself and be detached from the pain. On the other hand, if I hit my thumb with a hammer I experience real pain and there is no acting involved. The same goes if my spouse left me. That would be painful beyond just observing it.

So, is it really possible to bypass or minimize pain by taking on a certain attitude of mind?

The answer is yes and can be concretely proven. A person under deep hypnosis can have all pain taken away instantly with a simple command or the snap of a finger. A person could be badly burned and not feel a thing. In fact subjects have had major surgeries using only hypnosis as the anesthetic and have felt no pain. A demonstration used by some hypnotists is to place the person in a trance and stick him with a needle. When he is commanded to not feel pain or draw blood the subject will be as if nothing has happened to him.

Similarly one can take a subject who is deeply depressed because of lost love and make him overlook the feeling instantly and move to a state of bliss.

This illustrates that the human consciousness has the power to bypass pain and replace it with other feelings if he merely follows the right procedure.

The problem with us mortals is when pain occurs we have difficulty in taking our attention away from it. In fact, it doesn’t occur to most that they can even take their attention off of it and in addition to this many do not want to. Some who are in a state of sorrow or depression seem to derive an odd benefit from it and are unwilling to work themselves out of it.

Some yogis who do a lot of meditation are able to nullify all physical pain or place themselves in a state of peace or bliss at will, but for the average human being, who has to stay connected to his surroundings, such states are difficult to achieve.

There are steps that can be taken by us all.

(1) Realize that detachment and the attitude of the observer is indeed possible and can be achieved. After all, others have done it so you can too.

(2) Practice. When pain or an undesirable situation occurs practice being the observer. See the pain as not belonging to you, but your body. See yourself as not being your body.

You will notice that if you put attention on pain or discomfort that it will seem much more bothersome. If you take attention off of it, the pain will not seem so bad.

Let us say you are home alone and have a terrible headache. There seems to be nothing else to consume your attention but the pain.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and it is your long lost love. She wants to get back together. For the next few hours times passes quickly as you are thrilled to become intimate again. Two hours pass and suddenly you realize something. Since she has shown up you seemed to have forgotten that your head even ached. Now you think about it you notice the pain again but the shift of attention seemed to take it away for a time.

Practice taking your attention away from the pain and eventually moving to the state of being the observer. Then the pain will still be there but it will have a minimal effect on you.

We do not want to run around in a deep trance where we feel no pain at all because pain is a message sent to our consciousness that something is amiss and needs correction. When pain is there we must register enough of it to take curative action.

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 11

This entry is part 14 of 33 in the series 2014

June 23, 2014

The Fifth Key

We had a great gathering with a lot of fresh faces. The Principle of Glory is now out there. For those who were not at the gathering here is an additional hint.


Who is it that can give glory and what is the only way it can be created?


June 25, 2014

The Fifth Key Revealed

Here is the latest hint:

Who is it that can give glory and what is the only way it can be created?

To this Assaf gave the closest answer:

“The ones who see the accomplished creation can give glory to the one who accomplished it, to the creator, whoever it may be.”

That is pretty close to the principle. What Assaf saw here is that the Principle of Glory may have nothing to do with God, but one who creates (God, angel or man) and the one who recognizes the glory of the creation.

Here is the principle of Glory:

One cannot give glory to himself, but depends upon others besides himself for any recognition he receives.

The group kept making the mistake of saying that only God can create glory, but this is not true. God could have created the whole universe and if there were no living being in it who appreciated the creation there would have been no glory. Not even God could pat himself on the back and given Himself glory. If he were alone there would be no evidence that the creation would be seen as a thing of value by another living being.

Let us say that Stephen King gave a speech saying, “I am one of the greatest writers who has ever been born and you’d better appreciate that.”

Would that enhance his glory as a writer?


It would take away from it. People in the audience would think, “What a jerk!”

On the other hand, if a respected person introduced King and said, “Here is Stephen King, one of the greatest writers ever born, and he deserves our appreciation.” What would be the response? The audience would agree and his glory would be enhanced.

The story of Moses not giving glory to God illustrates that God himself cannot give glory to himself and depends upon others to do it. In the work that God and Moses were doing together God depended on Moses giving him credit where credit was due. Moses smote the rock and took credit for the water coming forth and violated the principle which is sacred, especially among the higher lives. God calls himself a jealous God because even He depends on others for glory and does not want others to deceptively take credit when the credit is due to Him.

In the parable of the best seats the guest tried to take glory to himself by taking the most honored seat. But he had no power to take the glory to himself. The host ordered him to take the lowest seat and placed someone else there.

John 7:18 “He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true.”

This very clearly illustrates the principle that you cannot be glorified by seeking it for yourself, but must be glorified by another. Jesus realized that  he was to give glory to God and in return God would glorify him. Neither Jesus or the Father could glorify themselves.

If we want glory and recognition we cannot demand it for ourselves but must wait for others to give it. If you do what you consider to be a great work and no one says anything then there is no glory. You cannot rectify the situation by demanding to be recognized. The only solution is to enhance the work until someone does recognize it and gives glory. After glory is given by one then others usually follow.



Sorry, but this so-called principle is plain common sense, and has nothing profound in it.


Then obviously you do not understand it with its implications. The highest of us all, the Christ, saw the profoundness of the principle and often talked about it.


If anything, it is so broad in definition (glory = external/public recognition)


You are not enunciating the Principle of Glory so obviously you do not understand it. The principle has little to do with the definition of glory as you just related.


that it actually encourages cult leaders and other delusional folks to think they are actually receiving glory because they are worshiped by ignorant people…


The principle has nothing to do with cult leaders and only worship as far as God is concerned. You are really confused here.


This looks more like the principle of idolatry than the principle of glory.


So if you think someone does a good job and you tell them so you are them practicing idolatry? Strange reasoning indeed. I guess you are not an idolater then for I do not see much praise coming from you for anything to anyone.


There are people that received no external recognition but they are maybe more glorious than anyone else out there, anonymous people that sacrificed themselves for truth and justice.


This statement tells us you do not understand the principle which you just called “plain common sense.” There is no glory without recognition. Glory is created from the consciousness of intelligent lives. As I said, if God created the universe and there was no one in it to praise or appreciate the work then he would have no glory. You cannot glorify yourself. Thinking that a work deserves glory does not glory make. Many have sacrificed themselves for a cause and received no glory because no good was produced by the sacrifice.


June 26, 2014

Re: The Fifth Key Revealed


So, a molecule is activated only when someone gives glory to others in that molecule? Is that what this principle means?


Glory has nothing to do with the activation of a molecule. It is activated by the members achieving unity through soul contact, and being accepted by the Christ. The violation of the Principle of Glory could hinder group soul contact though.


Thomas Kinkade never received glory for the great artwork he has done as most people put his artwork down…maybe he received glory from a few that

liked his work but most people hated his artwork and would not give him glory…what do you say to this,


I do not recall anyone here saying anything negative about your artwork.

All of us, whether high or low, must do the same thing with our work. We must do our best at creation and then present it to the people and let them decide. If they give us glory we will feel everything was worthwhile. If they say negative things or ignore the work then the creator must reassess his work and either work to improve or change direction.

Believe me… I have done many things for which I have received no glory and if I did not just accept the response and move on the effect on me would have been negative. Sometimes an attempt at a work that receives little recognition in one life is preparation for great recognition in a future life.


What if someone was working behind the scenes and helped create stuff for Steve Jobs that he later used for the computer but he never gave him any credit and took the credit for him self. This unknown person received no glory for helping to initiate the computer.


If you’re working at the creative level at Apple you are probably making over $200,000 a year. That is pretty hefty recognition for your contribution. A company does not pay that kind of money unless it recognizes a person’s talent.

A new product coming on the market is usually the result of the hundreds if not thousands of cooperating minds and rarely does the company list them all. If it is a fair company the management will do it’s best to acknowledge the contribution of its various employees.

Now if Steve Jobs had lied and stated he created an improvement when someone else was behind it then he would have been violating the Principle of Glory. When something like this happens in a company there are usually people who do know the truth and acknowledge the work.

Even if someone else takes credit for a work the creator still receives glory when people praise the creation because the creator will know that they are praising something he initiated.



I must be missing something,

The way the story reads to me, Moses was not intentionally deceptive…


No one said that Moses was intentionally deceptive, but when he gave the impression that the power was his then he was thoughtlessly deceptive.


but rather committed a social faux pas by not taking the time to explain that God deserved the credit.


It wasn’t that he was expected to give a sermon on it. God expected Moses to not take credit. After all Moses said,

“Listen to me, you rebels. Must we get water out of this rock for you? Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out in abundance and they all drank, men and beasts.”

If Moses had merely said something like “God will create water for us” he would have kept out of trouble. Instead God saw a violation of the Principle of Glory, which Moses understood, and “the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, ‘You did not trust me so far as to uphold my holiness in the sight of the Israelites; therefore you shall not lead this assembly into the land which I promised to give them.’” Numbers 20:10-13 NEV


I also don’t see where God let him know he’d screwed up and gave him a chance to apologize and correct his mistake either; maybe he did and Moses refused, but I kinda doubt it.


He made it plain that Moses screwed up in the above verse. Moses did not lose his reward but the Principle of Glory is so sacred to the higher lives that God did not want to take the chance of Moses assuming unearned glory to himself again and thus falling into darkness. For the rest of his life Moses got to practice the Principle of Glory but suffered the effect by not entering the promised land.

As it was, Moses received great recognition:

And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face. Deut 34:10

As disciples to enter the promised land of full soul contact we must consistently practice the Principle of Glory for as soon as we assume unearned glory a cloud of darkness descends which is difficult to lift.


Must admit I’m not really impressed with this God that Moses was busting his butt to serve and then Moses uses the wrong wording and God holds it against him for the rest of his life.


Suppose you wrote a book that you were really proud of and you gave the book to a trusted friend to share with a group. Then you find out the friend makes the claim that he wrote the book and takes credit for it’s contents. You may not write the friend off forever, but you would be offended and not trust him again until he has proven himself over a period of time.

We are in the image of God and if we want to understand God we must understand ourselves and when our glory is taken by another we become angry. So do the higher lives on their own level.

Before the Principle of Glory is understood in its fullness the inclination is to think it is small minded to desire appropriate glory be given, but it is not small minded at all for without the implementation of this principle creation would come to a halt and the glory or God would cease to be.


So does God really need his pats on the back, and does he really get that indignant when he doesn’t get them?


All life forms in the universe need this, even God. Truth is the core principle guiding higher lives and the Principle of Glory can only be violated with deception. To uphold truth, the Principle of Glory must apply. There is much more to it than desiring a pat on the back. If that is all one sees he does not understand the principle.


Should we be like that too, and punish the people in our lives who fail to give us the glory we feel we deserve?


You are not seeing this correctly. That is not the problem. The problem is not receiving glory for what we feel we deserve but what we do actually deserve.

If I think a book I write is a masterpiece and you think it is a piece of junk and say so then you have not violated the Principle of Glory just because I think the book is good. I would accept that and allow you your opinion, as I should. But if you read the book and think, “This is great, I wish I would have thought of this,” and then proceed to present the book, or its original ideas, as if you wrote it yourself, then you are stealing my glory and I would be upset and would not trust you for some time.


Yes I understand that credit should be properly given, but how pissed off should we be, and for how long should we hold our grudges, if we feel slighted?


I have had people steal my ideas numerous times and do not feel a grudge but do not trust the person in this area until he can prove he is willing to follow the Principle of Glory.

No one likes to be stolen from and the stealing of intellectual or spiritual property is seen as a much greater violation than the stealing of a physical commodity. Artists, for instance, are very upset when someone plagiarizes their songs or writings. This is why we have copyright laws which uphold the Principle of Glory.


God still needs help in uplifting his lower self.


The Principle of Glory applies to higher and lower selves. Upholding truth is universal and applies to all planes of existence.

Greg Anderson’s Account of a Past Life Regression at the Gathering


June 22, 2014

Past Life Regression

By Greg Anderson

As part of the Gathering of Lights 2014 JJ Dewey did a past life regression exercise with the group. He began by having each in the group relax and then placed us in a deeper state of conscious hypnosis. He took us to our most recent past life. As I tried to view and understand what I was looking at, I saw a deep blue view before me. I thought it might be the sky, but there was little recognition or confirmation of what it was I was seeing


I next had a very brief view of a city in rural America much like what I imagined in pioneer days or seen in western movies. Inside I was straining to clarify the picture, but it would not budge. I felt hopeless in trying to see. To my surprise, JJ then went further and had us as a group; go deeper in thought and to see our next life. At his suggestion I was there. I could sense and see where I was. I was hiding in a wooded area a small distance from a military fort, and I knew instantly that I was a spy. I was looking upon the troop movements of the British army. I was thrilled. I had actually seen something. The feeling was profound. The visions was clear.


At about this time JJ chose to bring us out of the deep meditative thought and we were then brought back to the present. JJ then went around the room and questioned each as to what they experienced and saw. I shared with him, and the group, what I relayed above. After JJ visited with each person regarding their experience, he came back to me and asked me to come forward. He sat a single chair in the midst of the group, and had me sit down. JJ took me back to the deep meditative state and the life two times before.


I found myself back in the forested area looking upon the movement of the British troops. I knew instantly why I was there. I would record what I saw and then in code I would send the information to Washington and the Continental Army. I then saw that I was spotted by a patrol, chased down and captured. JJ asked me if I knew George Washington. This brought forth a flood of memories. I shared with the group that I indeed did know George Washington. I knew him very well. We lived in proximity of each other.


He asked me what I knew of the character of George Washington. My memories knew him to be honorable and a good man. JJ asked me if he was perceived as such by others in the area. The memories came forth and I shared that there were those within the area that were loyal to the crown and did not trust Washington. JJ asked me about my conversations with Washington. I remembered that they were of the finest conversations; much of what we discussed rang true to my soul. I had developed a trustworthy relationship with Washington. As the time came and war broke out, I was asked by Washington to be a part of a special group that was to gather information regarding the enemy and their movement. JJ asked me “What then.” My memories went back to my capture. I was questioned and beaten for two days as to Washington’s movements and plans. I did not respond. I did not yield, for I knew I held in my hands the lives of many friends.


On the morning of the third day I was dragged before a wall to be shot. I arose slowly as my broken body would allow in an act of last defiance. At this point tremendous fear flooded back to my memory. I began to weep as I continued relaying what I remembered. There were six muskets aimed at me. I looked into the eyes of each of my executioners, and then closed my eyes. JJ asked me what happened after I left my body.


Where did I go? I remembered a great peace that came over me. I was brought before an entity. I only remember the form and the intense light. A review of my life took place. JJ asked me how many people were there at the review. My memory could only recall two. JJ asked me what they looked like, but I could not gather any further clarity other than a form with great light. JJ then asked me what was the conversation between me and the entities. The memories came forth that in the review of my life that I had been sent to learn and manifest courage in the face of adversity. I remember being very disappointed that I was not able to help in the further cause of independence. I did however have satisfaction and peace regarding my purpose in this round.


JJ asked me what I knew of the outcome of the time regarding the war for independence. After searching for the right words to answer his question, it basically was that I knew that the probable outcome would be successful. JJ then asked “What then?” I remember planning with these entities my next round and what was need for my development, but also in furthering the cause of light. JJ asked me if I had ever been with these two other beings in carnation? The overwhelming feeling was yes! Who they are or were, I cannot clarify in my memories.


JJ then asked me to go ahead to a time between lives. He asked if it was a reunion with friends. I did not recall that. I remember the desire I had in my heart to be in the presence of those I considered to be Gods. I remember finding great love and solace in being with them for a time. JJ asked me if I had any birthmarks. I shared with him I did, and JJ indicated that they often indicate trauma from past lives.


At this point JJ brought me back to the present consciousness. At this point I was conscious in the present, but I was also still seeing this past life. Members of the group asked some questions which I tried to answer. The gathering was closed, we said our good byes to those who were not going to dinner with us, and left for the restaurant. However, as I was traveling with my wife and companions to the restaurant, a very profound experience then took place, with an extraordinary exchange between me and persons from that era, whom I had associated with regarding some instruction for the remaining time I had on earth.


I won’t share in this forum the remainder of those events, but it reaffirmed to me the doctrine of eternal lives and the principle of re-incarnation. I am indeed very grateful to Artie and JJ for the gathering and the time and efforts that were spent to help make me a better person. I feel very fortunate to have made many new friends, whom I can honestly say that I love. There is a familiarity with them that goes beyond this past weekend’s activities. To some this may seem like nonsense. To me it was very real, and I think those in the group that experienced it with me can attest to the extraordinary spirit that was with us.


June 27, 2014

Re: The Fifth Key Revealed

JJ Quote

“Many have sacrificed themselves for a cause and received no glory because no good was produced by the sacrifice”


What about those that sacrificed themselves but there was nobody around to observe the good produced? Maybe they received the unseen glory of God.


Such people could not glory themselves but any sacrifice that accomplishes something good is seen and appreciated by someone, either in this world or the next, and thus the person receives recognition and glory.


Your principle is:

“One cannot give glory to himself, but depends upon others besides himself for any recognition he receives.”

My question is how does this principle help you discern between false and true glory?

For instance, you see glory for Bush when he started the war in Iraq, but I see false glory and accuse him of murder.


False glory is that which is forced upon people as has happened with tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong Un etc. Here people have to praise their leader or go to jail, or be killed. Praise given in that situation is not real praise but truly false glory.

If praise is given freely then it is not false glory but sincere praise. Now, there are many situations in life where the decision to praise, be apathetic or condemn is a judgment call. Moses was not praised by everyone and I’m sure there were a number who though he was guilty of lots of sin including murder. His own brother and sister judged him to be unworthy because he killed an Egyptian, but Jehovah affirmed (gave glory) that he was the man for the job.

Most everyone who receives glory for something that is a judgment call does not receive accolades from all. Some people even hate the Beatles but since a high percentage give them glory they will go down in history in a positive way. The fact that some hate the Beatles does not take away from the glory given by those who like them.

Even so with Bush. The fact that you do not approve does not take away from the sincere glory of those who praise him for certain actions.

Some time from now the world may see Bush in a much different light than they do now just as we now see Truman in a much better light than those did who lived under his administration.

The main point of the Principle of Glory is not to get everyone to agree or disagree that a certain action is good but that glory comes from sincere praise and recognition from somewhere else besides the creator of the action or work. The one responsible for the work should get the recognition (good or bad) and not another. Glory should not be stolen.

Believe me if Bush had found lots of WMD people on both sides of the aisle would have been lining up to share the glory. When glory is achieved people come out of the woodwork to take or share credit when no credit is deserved.


I use the principle “Judge a man by his actions”, and consider the evidence out there.


That is what everyone tries to do, not just you, but different opinions are formed and for every action some give glory and some do not.

Whether or not an action or a teaching is good or bad is a judgment call and the closer it is to the will of God the more glory the person will eventually have. Jesus only had 200 people to give him glory after the resurrection while the world condemned him, but now billions give him glory. Even though a small number still do not give him glory he is probably the most glorified person in our history.

It is definitely true that Bush was responsible for taking us into the war with Iraq and deserves the recognition, pro and con, for that action. It is also true that John Lennon wrote the song Imagine and deserves to be recognized for that. By following the Principle of Glory the ones who are responsible for an action get the glory or the condemnation. If someone plagiarized Lennon’s work then he would be violating the Principle of Glory.


Secondly, how does your principle add more to the standard definition of glory?


It doesn’t. Why would you ask a question that has nothing to do with the Principle of Glory? People already know what glory, praise and recognition is. We do not have to add to it. Obviously you are not looking for the principle.


The meaning of glory already presupposes the idea of recognition by others. That’s the simple meaning of the term. It’s common sense.


All principles are simple and appeal to the common sense. The key to understand the principle has nothing to do with understanding the definition that everyone already knows but in realizing that you cannot give glory to yourself or obtaining it by demand or theft. It must be voluntarily given by others. Even God would have no glory without us voluntarily giving it to him.


How can you tell between a good job and a bad job if only the good job should receive glory? Your glory principle ignores this point…


No it doesn’t. Through deception a person can obtain temporary glory for a bad job but when the final results are seen the job can be more correctly assessed. For instance, Obama started out in a blaze of glory which is quickly diminishing because of poor results. Bush is now more popular than Obama according to Gallup.

After we leave this world the true quality of a person’s work will be much more accurately seen and there the right people will receive just glory.


I am not saying that your definition is wrong, what I am saying is that it adds no new understanding to the concept of glory.


I do not believe I have defined it because everyone knows what praise and glory is. You are missing the principle. When you see it vistas of understanding will open before you as it has for many who see a glimpse of the keys of decision and judgment – two other key words of which everyone knows the definition.

I will post the audio on it soon. Maybe that will help.



Both you and JJ get so upset sometimes, which is surprising for honest seekers of truth.


It does not mean that I am upset just because I disagree with you. If we used that criteria it would mean you are upset all the time. You have no power to upset me.

Sorin quoting JJ

Glory should not be stolen. […]


The issue is not that people steal glory because they don’t know what your principle of glory is, they know what glory is.


You need to argue with what I say not with what I do not say. Of course that is not “the issue.”


They steal it because they are jealous and want the glory of the truly glorious one.


Agreed. And your point is?


Your principle doesn’t help much in convincing people not to steal glory.


That is not the main benefit of understanding the principle, though such understanding does make one more sensitive to all the ways it can be stolen. When one realizes how important this principle is to higher lives then seekers will take it to heart with more intent and be more assiduous in not violating it. I know that such understanding had that effect on me.

However, the main benefit is in seeing how glory is obtained and then taking the correct path to receive it.

Obviously, most people do not understand the principle as the majority go the wrong direction numerous times in attempting to receive recognition and glory.


The principle of karma is a much more effective principle in preventing people from stealing glory.


The Principle of Karma is the root of all other principles so the understanding of this naturally leads to more correct behavior. BUT the more we understand branch principles related to karma (cause and effect) the better we can control the outcome of this and future lives. If one attempts to create his own glory it will have the effect of reducing glory. This is karma in action.


True glory should be given to God, not to himself, because creativity is a gift from God not a self concoction.


So if one practices all his life to master the violin are you saying the guy should get absolutely no recognition for the great effort that creates a performance that people enjoy? God himself in the scriptures gives glory to those who perform well and it is a correct principle for humans to do this also.


It’s kind of a false dichotomy. You don’t need a principle for this to happen, it happens automatically…


All principles work automatically. What else is new?


Well, maybe because your principle is not really a principle, and only repeats the definition of glory?


This has obviously gone over your head. The people in the Keys had weeks to guess the principle and over and over I told them that the definition of glory was not the principle. Now I have told you this in my recent posts and you still do not get it. After many attempts no one here got the principle so it is obviously not so obvious as you seem to think.

There is an insight here that has never been presented to the world before and as evidence of that you can use Google all you want and not find it. You can find lots of definitions of the word glory but you cannot find anyone teaching the principle and it’s implications – of which there is more to come.


Everything you say is fair, but it’s nothing new or illuminating.


Okay, find someone else teaching the principle. You may find others teaching ingredients but not the whole principle, which has gone over your head, and when you argue with me you keep going back to the definition of glory rather than talking about the principle and it’s implications.

Nothing any teacher says is entirely new but sometimes new insights are given. Even many of the teachings of Jesus had been given before but not with the insight and emphasis in which he presented them.



You’re logically inconsistent. How is “Glory should not be stolen” NOT part of the main benefit of the principle which is “seeing how glory is obtained and then taking the correct path to receive it”?


You have little power to prevent people from plagiarizing or stealing glory from you, but you do have full power over your behavior which will determine the steps you take to receive glory.

For instance, in the seating parable I cited. The guy had full power to pick his seat and he chose the highest in an attempt to glorify himself.


That’s based on the law of karma not on the principle of glory.


All principles are related to karma, but you need to examine more than the word “karma:” to understand them. You are really being nit picky here lately. What is getting into you? You were not like this until you realized you disagreed with me politically and now you act like I am an enemy who can say nothing right. You are acting very out of character compared to the way you used to be. I think you should dispassionately examine your bias here.

Here are ten other principles out of many I have covered.

1 Male-Female Energies

2 Freedom

3 Law of Correspondences

4 Energy Follows Thought

5 Initiation

6 The Name of Christ

7 The Ring-Pass-Not

8 Good and Evil

9 The Ancient Law of Evil Sharing

10 Law of Dominating Good

These are all related to karma, but a surface understanding of karma will not explain any of them, just like it will not explain the Principle of Glory which you are attacking merely because I have presented it. It appears that from here on out that anything I present that is new will be attacked in the same way with your new approach to my teachings – with no effort to see the significance.


No. Karma for instance has to be known to be actively used, otherwise its usage is passive.


There are people who suffer or benefit from the results of karma every day, not because they understand it but because it is automatic. After all, it is merely the result of cause and effect. When a cause is set in motion the effect is automatic whether the cause is known or unknown.


While your principle of glory “One cannot give glory to himself, but depends upon others besides himself for any recognition he receives.” states something widely accepted by everybody


If this is so widely understood them why did no one, including yourself, get the principle after weeks of time and dozens of hints? It is because that most have not realized that even God cannot give glory to himself but must get it from others. Where have you ever read before that God is powerless to manifest his own glory? You haven’t. Obviously I am not just stating the obvious. If it were so obvious someone in the group would have seen it after the dozens of hints I gave.

On the other hand, after a principle is explained it always seems quite simple though the real meaning is still going over your head, as you do not want to see it.


June 29, 2014

Re: Past Life Regression


Awhile back you mentioned something about hypnotizing someone in order to have their “higher self” diagnose their illness.

1) What “higher self” would you contact via this method; solar angel, guardian angel, higher mental, etc?


If I said higher self I may not have been technically correct. Deep hypnosis can access all the computing power in your subconscious and often this access can give the patient a pretty accurate diagnosis. In doing this sometimes a link will be established with a higher part of oneself, in turn linked to the solar angel, and some information will filter down, but not always.


2) You have mentioned that hypnotic experiences are fraught with illusion from various sources. Is there a way to “invoke” this particular “higher self” such that you have less chance of contacting a less reliable, “lower” self or the hypnotized person’s desire to please, and etc.?


There are many grades of hypnosis and the first thing to do to avoid illusion is to get the subject in a deep state. Information retrieved from a light state is not as reliable as that retrieved from a deep state unless the person is very sensitive. Even in a deep state the subject may be relating some misinformation. An experienced hypnotist can usually tell how reliable a subject is and there are things he can do to help with accuracy.

Greg seemed to be quite accurate. Some of the signs were the depth of the feelings retrieved and the amount of details given. If we had more time he could have come up with a lot more information.


3) Is it possible to do this via self-hypnosis? If so, will you suggest a technique/method/script for doing so.

4) Is “self hypnosis” really possible?


Most self hypnosis puts you in a light hypnotic state compared with regular hypnosis, hence to accomplish the same thing you need to give yourself suggestions or visualizations many times. The best way to do this is to make a recording of an affirmation and play it over and over. You can also enter the hypnotic state by using a recording of a hypnotist’s voice, but I would recommend one be present if you want to go deep. Once you go so deep you do not recall anything that transpired unless directed to.

With rare exceptions the only way to go deep through self hypnosis is to get a hypnotist to put you under and then direct you to have the power to put yourself under and safely bring yourself out of it.


5) Assuming #4 is “yes”, then will repeated self-hypnosis be as potentially detrimental as hypnosis (by another) and cause one to become more susceptible to hypnosis (hypnotic suggestion) from other sources?


Regular self hypnosis would do little to make you more susceptible, but if a hypnotist directs you to have the power then it could over time.

Except on rare occasions I use guided mediation which puts subjects in a light harmless state where they can bring themselves out at any time. This is deep enough to always get some in a group back to past lives. Going deep a couple times should be fairly harmless, but I wouldn’t recommend doing it often as it does increase one’s susceptibility to suggestion.


if Greg had not had that past life experience at the Gathering, would those two past life people still have been able to contact him later on at some stage to tell him more?


Probably not though he may have had impressions through dreams or reflection.


Was it just a coincidence, or did you specifically pick Greg out of the group at the Gathering to stimulate more contact with those working behind the veil.


In each group regression I pick someone who I think is sensitive to go deeper. We usually get something interesting retrieved.


I know you have said in the past that our past lives are not that important to focus us because we need to work in the now and with who we are in this life, and sometimes past life information can cause a glamor for that person if they think that they were an important person in one of their lives etc.

Or do the people at the Gathering who you take back into past life regression need to know who they were in that life and how they are connected to you?


I do not believe I said past lives are not important. After all, they make us what we are today. What I did say is that it is not important to let the world know who you are, especially if you think you were someone famous. There is a lot of glamour and control around this as many gurus claim they need to be believed because they were a great sage in a past life.

All knowledge can be useful and if one can retrieve a past life it will broaden his perspective. The knowledge of the retrieved past life should be for personal use and not as a tool to show the world how great you are.


June29, 2014

Here’s a treatment for gallstones which worked like a miracle for my wife.

Liver And Gallbladder Cleanse

  1. Monday through Saturday noon, drink as much health food store apple juice or apple cider as your appetite will permit, in addition to supplements and regular meals.
  2. At noon Saturday, eat a normal lunch.
  3. Three hours later, take 2 teaspoons of disodium phosphate or Epson Salt dissolved in one ounce of hot water. The taste may be objectionable and may be followed by a little freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  4. Two hours later, repeat step 3.
  5. For the evening meal, have grapefruit juice, grapefruit, or other citrus fruits or juices.
  6. At bedtime have
  7. 1/2 cup unrefined olive oil followed by a small glass of fresh grapefruit juice, OR
  8. 1/2 cup warm unrefined olive oil blended with 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  9. Go immediately to bed and lie on your right side with your right knee pulled up close to your chest for 10 minutes
  10. The next morning, one hour before breakfast, take 2 teaspoons of disodium phosphate dissolved in 2 ounces of hot water. Eat a large, greasy breakfast. (Ex. Bacon & eggs, fried potatoes, etc.) This will get the gall bladder to flush out any gallstones within hours.
  11. Continue your normal diet and nutritional program. If a large number of gallstones is found in the stool, repeat in 2 weeks.


Re: The Fifth Key Revealed


I understand that criticizing can be annoying, but I am a bit disappointed when your response is an invitation to piss off. Obviously some will disagree with you, but it’s not the end of the world.


I do not believe I have told anyone to piss off in my life. Where are you getting this? You need to complain about what I do and say not with what I do hot do and say.

You have undergone a drastic change in approach of late, as if a switch has gone off in your mind, and you must now look at everything I say with a jaundice eye and disagree even before it is clear that you have anything to disagree with. After all, I haven’t even presented the audio yet on the Fifth Key.. I think the switch went off in you after we discussed the Iraq war.

The switch has not happened because I was reasonable in the past and now, all of a sudden, everything I say is completely unreasonable. That makes no sense at all and no one else is seeing such a change in me.


You provided some good answers to my questions, hopefully your answers will be useful to some other people as well.


Actually even though you seem to have made a big switch in attitude your challenges are useful for they bring our more detailed explanations.

JJ Quote

It is because that most have not realized that even God cannot give glory to himself but must get it from others.


On the other hand, if God suffused himself in all creation, isn’t God giving glory to himself?


A person can pat himself on the back but that doesn’t do much until someone else acknowledges that it is deserved. We have a local crazed guy who has run for president several times. He pats himself on the back thinking he is the best man for the job, but it doesn’t do much good until he can get others to vote for him.

To receive glory God had to nurture distinct individual lives. When we all realize our oneness and go to the great rest of pralaya then there will be go glory or light and dark, but rest and absorption to prepare for the greater glories to come.


Gathering Audio Explaining the Principle of Glory



June 30, 2014

The Gathering 2014

Yes, since we are talking about the Principle of Glory we should give Steve Evans recognition for coming the closest to enunciating the principle. This was the first gathering for Steve and Jenny and a number of others who were a delight to meet.


July 1, 2014

Re: The Gathering 2014


Why did you say in the audio that you gave out the 12th key earlier, just in case something happened to you in the future?

Are you worried that things are not progressing as fast as they should be, because of the failure to get enough home study groups or study groups off the ground around the World to prepare for molecules and the gathering?


The future is not 100% predictable and i am getting older so I figure I should get as much as I can out there in case something unpredictable happens.

The work has not progressed as much as I had hoped but we still have a ways to go to meet the time for the beginning of the gathering in earnest which I have always said should be around 2025-2030.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 10

This entry is part 13 of 33 in the series 2014

June 5, 2014

Another Radio Show

I was on the air again with Dr Lorraine Hurley Wednesday morning. Here are the links if you want to listen.

Hour 1

Hour 2

June 6, 2014



Looks like they are finally doing a long overdo study on fasting. Check it out.



June 7, 2014

Introduction to the Molecular Relationship

Stephen has been putting together a couple web pages as kind of an introduction to the Molecular Relationship. He’s been running everything by me for approval and doing his best to put together materials that will help the new seeker.

Take a look at his pages and let us know if you think thee are things that should be covered that isn’t or improvements that would help.




June 8, 2014

More on Global Warming

It is difficult to arrange my thoughts within the 200 word limit but here they are for the next Statesman Letter.

The thinking of global warming alarmism is comparable to a crazy guy heading full steam ahead over a cliff while putting all his attention on trying to correct bad radio reception.

There are a number of threats many times more serious than an increase in the plant fertilizer – CO2.

Here are some.

(1) The threat of an asteroid. The question is not if but when this will happen. In the past an asteroid wiped out about 90% of life on earth and another hit could destroy the human race.

(2) A solar flare. The question is not if, but when. In 1859 we were hit by one that knocked out telegraph systems all over America and Europe. We are totally unprepared for another event like this which would create chaos and destruction.

(3) A magnetic pulse created by an atomic explosion in our atmosphere by a rogue nation would produce similar results.

(4) Nuclear missiles headed our way. This can be overcome by a missile defense envisioned by Reagan.

Future generations will look back on our judgment and by comparison the flat earth people of the Middle Ages will look pretty good.



J.J. every item on your real threat list is likely to happen. The only question is in what order?


Statistically the asteroid would be number four in order. We are not likely to have a major threat from one for thousands of years though one could show up next week. We just had a close flyby of one large enough to destroy New York City.

A nuclear attack is not a sure thing but a solar flare is and we are overdue for another one. We could avoid disaster by burying our cables underground – a thing which some other nations have done.



“The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.”


Wrong. Most researchers believe the Medieval Warm Period was warmer. In addition we had a period of about 1000 years with a midpoint in 1100 BC which was much warmer.

Take a look at this chart:



“Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.


I’ve responded to this numerous times but it must have went over your head. The 97% answered a couple very nebulous questions – so much so that I would answer with the 97% and cannot understand why even 3% of the scientists answered to the contrary. The 97% merely agree that humans have some influence on the climate but there are no specifics on how much that influence is. Within the 97% the guesses (and they are guesses) range from 1% to 120%. You ought to read the convoluted reasoning as to how humans could be responsible for 120% of global warming.



“Global climate is changing and this is apparent across the United States in a wide range of observations. The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels.”


First of all you are referencing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which places emphasis on ocean studies. You also need to check data from UAH, RSS, GISS and HadCRUT and then compare then to get a good feel of the overall picture.

So, if global warming is due mainly to humans activities then what has caused the non global warming, or the pause, in the last 18 years? Have humans ceased doing anything?

And how about the global cooling from 1940-1978? Did humans cause that also?

Overall we had global cooling from 1940-1978, global warming from 1979-1998 and then a pause from 1998 to the present. Did humans cause all these or just the warming from 1979-1998? Some basic common sense is needed here and many scientists lack this trait.

And if humans did not exist would climate change just cease to be? Using the logic of many of the alarmists that is the conclusion one would have to reach, which is ridiculous. Before humans arrived there were occasions where there was greater climate change in a week than the past 100 years.

You just can’t take in all that the beast of authority doles out to you or you will be deceived every time. You must look at the facts and put the together for yourself relying on your inner authority for the final conclusion. That is the path to be delivered from the mark of the beast in the forehead.


June 9, 2014

Faster Than Light?


Physicists at the CERN laboratory in Geneva announced in September that

they had detected a neutrino traveling faster than the speed of light, a

finding that violated Einstein’s venerable theory of special relativity.

They retested the speed of the neutrinos and concluded they were not traveling faster than light after all. Overall Einstein was pretty accurate though even he admitted he made mistakes. He rejected the Big Bang at first and later accepted it calling his steady state theory his biggest mistake though his cosmological constant that seemed to be a mistake is being examined again to explain dark energy.



Failed Global Warming Predictions

I’m tabulating some failed predictions from global warming scientists and supporters.


In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million climate refugees by 2010. This did not happen. It would be difficult to find a dozen such refugees caused by global warming.

They have attempted to erase that prediction from the web but are now claiming that it will be further into the future, and there will be 50 million refugees by the year 2020.


Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012 (Made Jan 8, 2007)


Prediction made in 2007: Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013


But in 2013, Arctic sea ice coverage was up 50 percent from 2012 levels. Data from Europe’s Cryosat spacecraft showed that Arctic sea ice coverage was nearly 2,100 cubic miles by the end of this year’s melting season, up from about 1,400 cubic miles during the same time last year.

Scientists predicted in 2000 that kids would grow up without snow. It was 14 years ago now when UK climate scientists argued that global warming would make snowfall a “a very rare and exciting event”.


May 15, 1989, Associated Press: “Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide [USA] two degrees by 2010.”

They were off about 400%


“Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000.”

Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1972

“I think we’re in trouble. When you realize how little time we have left–we are now given not 10 years to save the rainforests, but in many cases five years. Madagascar will largely be gone in five years unless something happens. And nothing is happening.”

ABC, The Miracle Planet, April 22, 1990

“By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people … If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” Paul Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971.

Here’s a clincher:

95% of the climate models made by the scientists the left trusts so much are wrong.


Would you trust a wild eyed religious guru if his predictions were wrong 95% of the time? if not, why trust wild eyed Al Gore and his supporting band of U.N. scientists?

Conclusion: this teaches us to not trust the authorities of the world just because they say a thing is true. Look into it for yourself and then decide.



The New Key


Giving Glory to God is what Jesus always did.


You have mentioned the Key word which is “Glory.” Now the real question is what is the principle behind it and how does it work?

This is as far as I want to go in giving hints before the gathering. In the meantime the group can attempt to solve the key, and we’ll see who comes closest to the truth. We’ll talk about it shortly after the gathering.



June 10, 2014

Climate Change


Did you just say that NASA is wrong and you are right?


It’s not just me who has an issue with NASA switching from concentrating on space to global warming. 50 former NASA astronauts and scientists had enough and wrote a letter protesting NASA’s dive into propaganda.


None of the current NASA employees had the guts to sign it because they were worried about losing their jobs.

Global warming activism at NASA comes mostly from James Hansen, a leftist and ideologue. Back in the Seventies he tried to start a campaign against global cooling but then switched to global warming when it became politically expedient. So, I guess NASA was wrong even from your view when Hansen warned of global cooling.


You misread. The text says “proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years”. Your graph only shows a sudden rise in temperatures only for our current period of time. The medieval warm period had a much more slower heat increase rate. What caused this sudden increase? Maybe humans?


Even interpreting   this literally it is still wrong. In this current time frame – that is the last 18 years – warming has pretty much flatlined. 2013 was cooler than 1998 so you can’t say that in the present time warming is proceeding an unprecedented rate.

From 1880 to 2012 the planet warmed a mere .85 degrees C which is not alarming at all and has made the earth greener and more productive. LINK We do not have complete records of the Medieval Warm Period but it is quite possible they had a similar rise in that length of time. It is guessing to say otherwise. Geologists tell us that the earth has had some quick temperature changes in the past.

Human caused CO2 has undoubtedly caused some warming, but the effect has probably been less than 20% of the whole.


The 97% merely agree that humans have some influence


Did you just say again that NASA lied? The text reads “97% of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities”. I’ll go with NASA on this one too.


I wouldn’t use the word lie, but I would use the word “distort.” They present the idea that 97% of the scientists surveyed support the idea that warming is “due to human activities.” (And the survey was not done by NASA) They present it as an all or nothing thing which is absolutely false. The question is not whether humans are a warming factor. Instead, the question is HOW MUCH? If humans did not exist there would still be warming and cooling and this survey makes it sound like all warming is 100% due to humans.

Just about all scientists agree that CO2 is a warming factor but disagree on how much. The guesses range from less than 1% to 120%.

The reason, of course, they were not specific in their survey is that almost all scientists believe that human released CO2 does have a warming effect so if the answer can only be yes or no they will admit that humans do have an effect. I also claim they have an effect so I am with the 97%


I have shown you that concerning the war in Iraq you where fabricating historical data to be in accordance with your view.


Your fantasies are getting out of hand here.



June 11, 2014

Cosmos Comments


You totally missed Tyson’s point JJ because, like you accuse of Tyson, you have the agenda of the global warming “skeptic.” Tyson did not deny that Venus being closer to the sun doesn’t contribute to its increased heat. Tyson was implying that a large portion of the increased heat is due to the CO2 content, which is absolutely true.


Here are Tyson’s actual words.

“The surface is hotter than a broiling oven, hot enough to melt lead.

“Why? You might think it’s because Venus is 30% closer to the Sun than the Earth is, but that’s not the reason.”

It sure sounds like he is discounting the fact that Venus being closer to the sun is part of the reason Venus is hotter. And he didn’t say that CO2 was a “portion” of the reason for the extra heat. He left the unscientific viewers with the impression that it was the total reason. And I think he made this distortion in an attempt to scare us into thinking the earth may become like Venus if we do not fall in line with Climate Change Agenda.

Like I said he would have been correct if he had said. “that’s not the total reason.”

The truth here is so obvious, I’m surprised you are trying to argue with it.


Venus is farther from the sun than Mercury, so how could Venus be slightly hotter? Perhaps it has something to do with, oh I don’t know, lots of the greenhouse gas CO2 in the atmosphere?


You need to argue with what I say, not with what I do not say. Of course there is a greenhouse effect on Venus. There is also the effect of the high pressure of the atmosphere being 90 times that of earth which also creates some heat. My point was that Mercury is closer to the sun and has a surface of about 800 degrees, which is very hot and the heat is only due to the sun illustrating that being closer to the sun does cause a planet to take in extra heat. This point should be beyond any argument yet Tyson made it sound like Venus being closer to the sun than the Earth made no difference in temperature.

JJ Quote

But if we go upward about 30 miles we would arrive at an atmospheric density similar to that of the Earth, and get this. The temperature is no longer boiling hot but actually a lot like of our planet.

How can this be when the atmosphere is 96.5% CO2. Looks like we have the opposite of a greenhouse effect with CO2 there experiencing more earthlike conditions.


Are you being serious right now JJ? Have you ever been up a mountain and have gotten that sensation of pressure in your ears? That’s because the atmosphere gets less dense as you go higher up. Everyone knows this. The same is true on Venus, so therefore even if the atmosphere is still 96.5% CO2, there is still much less of it and therefore much less greenhouse effect.


You missed my point completely. Of course all atmospheres get thinner as you go higher. That was what I was saying yet you are using it as a point of argument. That is very strange.

When you ascend on Venus until you get to the same atmospheric pressure as the Earth’s surface atmosphere the amount of CO2 is still 2400 times more in quantity than on the earth, yet the temperature is fairly cool like earth. So we have an example of an area (Venus’ upper atmosphere) where CO2 in an atmospheric pressure as on earth is fairly cool even though the concentration of CO2 is 2400 times as much as exists here. You’d think that with the extra solar radiation and the high concentration of CO2 that it would be a lot warmer, but it’s not. This indicates that scientists may be giving too much weight to the greenhouse effect of CO2.



Brat’s Amazing Victory

Here is an interesting piece of data concerning the election upset:

“Cantor’s office spent more money renting out steak houses for campaign events than Brat’s office spent during the entire election cycle, according to FEC campaign finance data.”

I’d say that if Cantor unsuccessfully spends $5 million to defeat an unknown candidate who only spends $100,000 that he needs to go.



June 13, 2014

The Fifth Key

We’ve just had a couple stabs at the principle behind the Key since I acknowledged the Key word is “Glory.”

Here are three members going the right direction:


I see two aspects to the word “Glory”. One is, giving credit where credit’s due. The other is, a sending up of energy.


The Principle would have to be something along the lines of “Acknowledgement”..

Giving Glory to God is what Jesus always did.


These are all effects of the principle but not the principle itself.

The name of the Key is

“The Principle of Glory.”

There is a principle that brings glory. What is it?



Wind No More

Looks like the environmentalists will soon be protesting wind power as it is causing a huge disturbance in the animal kingdom.


Then solar power is also frying some birds that fly to close so if they get their way we’ll eventually be left with our own body eat as the only desirable source of energy.



No I’m afraid not JJ. There are no environmentalists that are protesting wind or solar power.


I was speaking of the future, but it is already happening and will just get worse.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the most famous environmentalists in the country and the other Kennedys are not far behind, but have protested and enacted lawsuits to prevent the contraction of wind turbines way out in the waters of Nantucket Sound because they will destroy the pristine view even though you need binoculars to see them from land.

Link 1

Here are three other links of environmentalists protesting wind power.




Here are three links concerning protests of solar power. The last one takes place way over in China.





Nathan: “You are not referencing mainstream environmentalists.”


Wow, you are really a moving target You said nothing about mainstream environmentalists, but said: “There are no environmentalists that are protesting wind or solar power.”

On the other hand, you cannot get any more mainstream than Robert F. Kennedy Jr, one of the most famous environmentalists in history suing to stop production of wind power..

If you Google it you can find dozens of stories of environmentalists unhappy or protesting with aspects of wind and solar. I gave seven and that should have done the trick. One link was bad. Here it is again LINK


Nathan: “The only exception was with the one in China which protested a factory of solar panels, not solar power itself.”


That is like saying that people are not unhappy with oil itself, but the byproducts of oil. The manufacturing of solar panels is part of the whole package. No one protests energy itself, but many are upset at the processes that bring it to us including wind and solar.


June 14, 2014

Re: Wind No More

I answered Nathan’s letter last night but it seems to have disappeared into the ethers. I’ll briefly answer it again.

Nathan claims that I am painting all environmentalists with a broad brush saying that all, including RFK, are against wind and solar.

Nothing could be further from the truth and not sure where he is finding this in anything I have said.

He gives an incomplete quote from Kennedy. Let me repeat what I actually said.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the most famous environmentalists in the country and the other Kennedys are not far behind, but have protested and enacted lawsuits to prevent the contraction of wind turbines way out in the waters of Nantucket Sound because they will destroy the pristine view even though you need binoculars to see them from land.”

Now did I say there he is against all wind? No. He is against wind in his own backyard while claiming to support it. He compares putting the wind farm out at sea so far that you need binoculars to se it as the same thing as putting a wind farm in Yellowstone. That is a ridiculous hypocritical comparison. Wind farms at sea create a lot less distraction than many I have seen in California as I have driven though those distractions from nature.

It is an ironclad truth that some (not all) environmentalists are protesting some wind and solar production. This is not because they claim to be against wind and solar in principle but they are increasingly finding details with which they disagree that make it difficult to produce energy from these sources.

(1) They are growing concerned about, pollution during the manufacturing process

(2) They are concerned about wind and solar disturbing the environment, insects, birds, animals etc at planned locations.

(3) Windmills killing birds that fly into them and solar plants frying birds that fly into the hot zone.

(4) As we increase production, wind and solar becomes an eyesore on the natural environment. This causes an increase of concern not only to the environmentalists, but the general public.

My point which Nathan did not seem to understand is that environmentalists concern over the impact of wind and solar will only increase as the years go by. Even if breakthroughs are made in the technology and it appears that we can have unlimited energy from them I suspect that this will not make them happy and they will increasingly find reasons why more wind and solar cannot be installed just as they did with nuclear and hydro – the two cleanest, as far as release of CO2 goes.

I don’t know why that one link did not work. Here is the actual address. It works when I cut and paste.,6205779


June 15, 2014



So did the Jew laggards lose the game in the previous universe, and now the game is harder for them in this universe, to learn from, of course.


In each round you lose some and you win some depending on where we put our attention. In the last solar system (according to DK) those who are now incarnated as Jews concentrated too much on the material aspect and not the spiritual and had come to earth at this time to learn additional spiritual lessons.

In many ways life is easier for them because they have, as a race, a lot of material savvy under their belts. That is why they have always been good at accumulating money and possessions – until their neighbors become jealous. Because they are old souls many of them have excelled at whatever they attempted because they have more experience than most other humans.



Re: The Fifth Key

The group has posted some good insights related to the Fifth Key but no one has enunciated the principle.. When you discover it you will see that it is really quite simple and makes a lot of sense and explains a lot.

I don’t want to reveal it here before the gathering but I will give these additional hints in questions.

If one expects to receive glory what must he not do, and what must he do? What must he receive from his associates and why?



Are we a talking about Glory as Praise or Glory as Light?


We are not talking about brightness or shining light and neither does praise always produce glory. Obama has received tons of praise from the media but will go down in history with very little glory.

We are talking about recognition of true achievement.

The group keeps naming good qualities that the person receiving glory should have. Yes, good qualities are important to good achievements but has little or nothing to do with how the principle works. A person can be trustworthy, honest, kind, loving etc and complete screw up the Principle of Glory because he does not understand it and has the wrong focus.


Larry Woods is dancing around the edges of the principle but no one

has stated it. It is like it is neatly tucked away in a box and

everyone is looking outside the box. Larry’s post looked at the edges

of the box.



Good comments from all but we are looking for the principle not definitions. We are not looking for the leaves of the tree but that which gives the tree life. Think. What is the principle that determines whether man, angel or God receives glory for his work? It is very simple but no teacher I know of has taught it in fulness.

I do not want to give out a lot more here as I do not want to acknowledge what the principle is until the gathering. So far only the edges of the box has been approached.


John Crane brought us closer to looking into the box in one of his posts. I can’t give many more hints without telling the group the key outright. Think again. What needs to happen before a person receives glory and what would be the sentence that encapsulates the principle?


June 18, 2014

Re: The Fifth Key

The group says some good things but no one has moved any closer to the principle since John Crane posted.

Here is a huge hint for you that illustrates the principle.

When he noticed how the guests were trying to secure the places of honour, he spoke to them in a parable : ‘When you are asked by someone to a wedding-feast, do not sit down in the place of honour. It may be that some person more distinguished than yourself has been invited ; and the host will come and say to you, “Give this man your seat.” Then you will look foolish as you begin to take the lowest place. No, when you receive an invitation, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he will say, “Come up higher, my friend.” Then all your fellow-guests will see the respect in which you are held. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.’ Luke 14:7-11 New English


Someone is opening the box and coming very close. I’m not going to say much more in the way of hints till after the gathering. I will give one more tonight. I will say this. The principle is hiding in plain site in the parable.



This must be it, start at the bottom and work your way up. The same applies for each new incarnation. Then the achievements are plainly seen for what they are, in time, and the respect that comes with them. Again this forms a chain moving ever higher.


Great discernment, Johann. That is not the principle of Glory but worthy of further contemplation.

That is the irony here. Individuals are looking for the truth in various directions and hence are finding truth; so even if you are not the first to discover the Principle of Glory you are likely to find something interesting.


Because you are looking.



Seek not for glory, follow the highest you can perceive, and glory will find you.


That’s not the Principle of Glory, but a great statement of truth. It could be in the famous quotations section someday.


June 19, 2014

The Key

Major Hint.

The Key is hidden in plain site in these scriptures.

John 7:18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

John 8:50 And I seek not mine own glory:

John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

John 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:



But we can’t guess the key before you have given it out at the Gathering……….?

Two or three words fit in here, but I am sure someone else might find the exact key word…….so I will add these in, because it is something along these lines…..


Sure you can guess it. That’s what the group is trying to do. If someone gets it I may not fully acknowledge it until after the gathering, but no one has got it yet though one has come close. You already have the key word which is glory. The challenge now is to explain the principle in a way that shows you understand it. In the past day the group has been saying some good things, but drifting away from the box.


June 20, 2014

More Hints

My Friends,

Thanks for your effort in attempting to grasp the understanding of the Principle of Glory. The group continues to make good observations but has come no closer despite the powerful hints. Some wonder how in the world can the principle be lying there in plain sight in several scriptures and hints and not be able to see them.

It’s a little like the story of Columbus and the egg.

After discovering the New World, a dinner was held in his honor. Afterwards they were talking and one of the guests stated something like this:

“Columbus, what you did was really no big deal. Since you have sailed to the new world, many others have done the same thing. What makes you think you have done anything great since others are now doing the same thing you did.”

To this challenge, Columbus took an egg off his plate and handed it to the heckler and said: “Take this egg my friend and see if you can make it stand on its end.”

The man looked at the egg and said: “It’s impossible.”

But Columbus urged him on: “You’re wrong. It is possible. Go ahead and try.”

The man tried several times and each time the egg rolled over on its side. After he failed several others tried it with the same results. Finally the frustrated audience handed the egg back to Columbus and said: “We do not think that such a feat is possible, but if you really believe that it can be done please show us how.”

Columbus then took the egg back and smashed it on its bottom end on the table. The bottom of the egg was crushed into flatness and the group stared at the egg doing the impossible – standing on its end. Then Columbus taught them an important lesson. “Now I’ve shown you how to do it, the easiest thing in the world is to follow.”

He was right. A minute before no one could make an egg stand on its end. A minute afterwards everyone could.

Similarly, there are many great principles hidden in the words of the masters and the prophets and we do not see them. I have had various scriptures memorized for maybe 30 years and then just driving down the road with my mind blank the scripture comes into my mind bearing a new meaning that I had never seen before. When this happens I almost feel like slapping myself for after such an event the meaning seems so obvious.

Even so it is with the Principle of Glory. The principle is very simple, more simple than some of the explanations that have been given here. It will seem obvious after I give it out. I’ll give it out to the group here shortly after the gathering.

One last hint.

Do not look for definitions or concern yourself with what glory is. We all have the general idea. Look for the principle that creates glory.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Questions on the Universe

This entry is part 57 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Fifty-Eight

Questions on the Universe

 Is the Universe Infinite?

No.  There is no such thing as anything that is infinite.  The universe has a beginning and end in both time and space.  If we could travel far enough we could find the end to the universe and if we could see it we would discover that it contains a certain number of galaxies, stars and even atoms.  The number of these things is not infinite, but a certain number. Admittedly, it is a pretty huge number.


Are There Other Universes?

Yes. Our universe represents a mere particle in a universe of universes.  Its vastness is beyond normal human imagination to comprehend.  If we could travel to the edge of the universe we could not see surrounding universes because they are so far away that their physical light cannot reach us.


Is There an Infinite Number of Universes?

It would seem that way as creation to the human consciousness is endless, but there is a number to all things.  Only the mind of God knows the total number of particles.  If you could find the number of worlds necessary to give every variation possible and supply every possible experience to the evolving life then you could find the number.


Why Did God Create Such Vastness?

He wanted to experience every possibility and since the Universe is his body He is aware of all parts of His being. In order to experience all things He has to create an extremely vast universe of universes. One of our purposes as humans is to give the Life of God a unique experience that He has not had before.  This means that your life is meant to be unique.  There is not another quite like it anywhere in creation. If you want to please God then get off your behind and do something interesting.


Is There Life on Other Planets?

There is life in all things from the tiniest atom to the Earth, the Sun, the galaxies and the universe itself. Life in the mineral kingdom is far removed from human consciousness as it is asleep to the power to act, but it does respond to outside stimuli.  The life that inhabits a planet or star is on a different time reckoning than human and there are thousands of years or more between heartbeats.

Almost all planets have some type of life equivalent to plants or higher.  There is life in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn and life beneath the surface of barren planets such as Mars and Mercury.

Each planet has a double made of refined matter not visible to our current technology and these doubles are teaming with much more intelligent life than the dense physical ones.  Human type life is fairly rare on physical planets but much more abundant on the spiritual doubles.

The time is not too far distant now that we will decode intelligent signals from life on other planets.  This will have the immediate effect of expanding human consciousness as a whole. The other event which will stimulate human consciousness is the discovery by scientists of a means to communicate with the dead. Edison thought this may be possible and eventually he will be proven correct.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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