Principle 45

This entry is part 41 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Consciousness

Part 1

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness has been a subject of debate since the beginning of intelligent beings manifesting on the earth. A number of questions on the subject have been debated. First among them is how to define it.

There are a number of dictionary definitions. Here is a popular one,

“the state of being awake and able to hear, see, and think.”

Obviously this is not universal enough, for Helen Keller was blind and deaf, yet all thinking people would agree that she was indeed a very conscious person.

Let us toss that aside and go on to another one:

“an alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation.”

That is a little better for this one would indeed include Helen Keller but may not include the animal or insect kingdoms. They may be aware of a number of things, but lack an awareness of themselves as a distinct individual entity as do humans. This was the awareness that came upon Adam and Eve in the Genesis story when they became aware they were naked and suddenly desired to be clothed.

The family dog doesn’t have this self-awareness and has no desire to clothe any part of its body, yet we know that it possesses consciousness, just a different kind than our own.

We need a still more universal definition. Let us try this one:

The state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings

That is a little better but one could argue that we have some degree of consciousness even when asleep. For instance, in the dream world we are aware of events unfolding there and even in a dreamless sleep we are aware of the passing of time and whether the sleep we are experiencing is a good one or not. In addition, we may be having experiences that are forgotten upon awakening.

Being aware of ones surroundings is perhaps the best yet, but this still doesn’t hit the mark for we have consciousness in the dream state, but unaware of our real physical surroundings.

It looks like we need to come up with a definition more inclusive than those found in dictionaries. Now we all realize that animals have consciousness, but how about plants? After all, we know they respond to a number of stimuli eastside of themselves. Arguments have even been made that they respond to music, prayer, human feelings and other plants.

The world of metaphysics has always taught that consciousness extends beyond that which science calls organic, stating that all matter has some type of consciousness. Science is now approaching new realms of thought with experiments indicating that water and various molecules have memory and then quantum physics takes us into stranger realms still.

That said, let us formulate a more inclusive definition of consciousness by breaking it down to its prime ingredients which are:

(1) An awareness that there are other things in existence outside or inside of the entity in question.

(2) An ability to perceive some of these things.

(3) An ability to respond to some of these things.

Therefore, an appropriate definition would be:

Consciousness is an awareness that the unit, or single entity, is not the only thing in existence. It can perceive some of these other influences and respond to them.


Consciousness Beyond the Physical

Now we have defined consciousness the question that needs answering is what is the principle that creates it?

As humans it is only logical to assume that we understand human consciousness better than any other so let us explore it.

What is it, of which we are aware with our consciousness, that is inside and outside of us?

On the inside we are aware of many parts of our body. These include such things as the heart beating, the lungs breathing, the stomach digesting and much more. Then there are immaterial things such as our feelings of love and hate, joy and sorrow on the emotional level, and our thinking and imagination on a metal level. In addition to these we have the dream state which also involves a mysterious awareness.

We also perceive many things outside ourselves with the five senses. We see the world around us as well as the heavens above. We hear many sounds of nature as well as those produced by humanity. We touch many things and feel their texture and quality. We taste numerous items of food that we decide to take into our bodies. Finally we smell the flowers, the foods we cook, the people we meet and even the air we breath.

All these perceptions add to our consciousness and help to guide us in making the major and minor decisions as we go through life.

In addition to the five senses many believe we have a sixth sense. Most people who have any degree of expanded consciousness know that indeed we have senses beyond he accepted five. What many do not realize is that it is not just one additional sense but many beyond he physical.

The fact that we have extra senses is easy to prove. For instance, the pure feelings of love and hate are not felt through the five physical senses, nor are they fully communicated through them. While the act of falling in love is stimulated through actions perceived in the physical world, the feelings generated go way beyond anything a mere piece of machinery could experience.

When the person you love looks in your eyes, or smiles, or is just sitting next to you thinking loving thoughts something beyond the perception of the five senses is communicated and felt. That burning desire to be close to another person is felt by something beyond the physical.

The same could be said of hate or even plain irritation at another person. Your computer may take in all kinds of data and you can get frustrated with it and cuss it out and even shake it, but it will not become irritated in the slightest degree.

On the other hand, if your neighbor hates your dog and kicks it something inside yourself that exists beyond the pure physical state is set in motion and you will definitely feel some strong emotion which is beyond that which can be sensed by the mere five physical senses.

These are perceptions we can all identify with, but many report having perceptions beyond these such as.

(1) Picking up communications from dead loved ones.

(2) Picking up thoughts and feelings of others who may be many miles away.

(3) Picking up communications from intelligent beings that do not exist on the physical plane.

(4) Picking up impressions of future events

(5) Picking up knowledge from some source beyond the physical.

The majority of us humans have perceived a number of things which lie beyond the physical world. Those who have done this realize that the physical world is definitely not all there is to be perceived and understood. Those materialists who reject that which lies beyond the physical will make every effort possible to explain any perception beyond the physical in concrete terms.

Unfortunately, for the materialists, their consciousness is limited for if one only accepts the existence of the material world to the exclusion of others then he is also limiting his consciousness.

We often hear the phrase expanding consciousness or different states of consciousness. We all accept that humans have a much different consciousness than non human living things, but many do not realize how many different kinds of consciousness there are in the human kingdom itself.


Consciousness and the Mineral Kingdom

It is interesting to consider the consciousness of the different kingdoms in nature. The first kingdom is the mineral. This is considered to be inorganic and having no consciousness.

This is not exactly correct as there is some consciousness anywhere that anything at all exists.

The elements that make up the mineral kingdom cooperated in their own creation in the beginning of this universe, which took a high degree of consciousness to initiate. Great forces are at play in the atomic world with particles moving near the speed of light, even in stones that have seemed to be still for thousands of years. An inorganic mineral or form is merely a prison that contains great forces and keeps them at bay. The power of the atomic bomb illustrates to us just how much force is constricted in matter. In the atomic explosion in Hiroshima only a couple grams of matter allowed the inner forces to escape.

What is within matter is the result of Godlike forces, consciousness and intelligence, but because of the prison like containment, actual consciousness seen by us in matter as we know it is low.

The outward matter about us only has enough consciousness to react to stimulation. It reacts to pushing, pulling, heat, cold, electricity and radioactivity.

Does it react to human thought? Normally the answer is no or only an immeasurably small amount. However, if an intelligence can bypass the outward form and speak to the inner life of matter then communication can be established and matter will respond.

The scriptures give hints concerning the possibility of the mineral kingdom responding to human thought. Remember that one of the temptations of Jesus was to turn stones into bread.

Then as Jesus was making his celebrated entry into Jerusalem and the people were crying out with joy the Pharisees said to him

Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Luke 19:40-41

Intelligence in matter can respond to human thought in several circumstances.

(1) United group thought. Humans joining together in thought creates a very powerful force that can be picked up by intelligence in matter when the point of tension is reached.

(2) A master soul with great powers of focused thought can accomplish this is varying degrees.

(3) An individual who exercises great faith.

When intelligence in matter is sufficiently contacted by human thought miracles can happen. Among the possibilities are:

(1) Healings

(2) Control of the weather and even earth changes.

(3) True alchemy.

(4) Neutralizing the gravitational pull.

When the molecular order is established we will see the beginning of humans speaking to and controlling matter. As the numbers grow of those who are united in spirit so will their power until the time will come that the elements will be under their command.

That will indeed be a great day, but how far in the future this will be is difficult to say as finding even three people who can unite in total oneness is difficult in this age. Even so, the divine spark within us all testifies to our souls that unlimited possibilities await those who do not faint and continue ever onward on the path of liberation.


Plant Consciousness

The next stage of consciousness above the mineral is the plant kingdom. Orthodox science tells us that plants have no consciousness yet it is recognized that plants are alive. Can something be organically alive, yet have no consciousness? Many think this is the case.

On the other hand, investigators with an open mind have come to other conclusions. Author and researcher Michael Pollan is one of many who as concluded that plants indeed show signs of having consciousness. Whereas certain fantastic claims about plants in the past has been somewhat debunked, Michael points out some that stand on solid science and reason. Among them are:

(1) Plants have memory. He points out a study that proves a plant can actually learn something new and retain it in some type o memory.

(2) Plants respond to sound. Most of us have heard of experiments indicating that plants respond differently to different music but Pollan takes this a step further:

“Researchers, says Pollan, have played a recording of a caterpillar munching on a leaf to plants — and the plants react. They begin to secrete defensive chemicals — even though the plant isn’t really threatened, Pollan says. It is somehow hearing what is, to it, a terrifying sound of a caterpillar munching on its leaves.

(3) They have a sense of feeling. He says, “they can sense gravity, the presence of water, or even feel that an obstruction is in the way of its roots, before coming into contact with it. Plant roots will shift direction, he says, to avoid obstacles.”

(4) Plants express intelligent movement. So how can this be since plants are not mobile? Yes, it is true that most are rooted in the ground, but they nevertheless show movement in their growth and the movement of their various p[arts. We have all seen time lapsed photography of flowers blooming. In addition, other time lapsed photography shows intelligent growth and movement of plants. For instance, Pollan illustrates this with a video on his website of vines sensing a pole next to them and stretching in its direction in an attempt to join with it. It is as if they move through deliberate choice, but are in a different time mode than are we.

Here’s a link to Pollan’s comments and video:

It is obvious that plants do not have a brain and consciousness as do us humans, but this does not mean they do not have consciousness. They indeed are conscious, but of a different nature than humans. Their consciousness is centered on the feeling nature.

They encapsulate the life of God through feeling and have perfected it to such a degree that their power to feel can almost give the appearance of an ability to duplicate all the senses of humans. They do not have eyes, yet sense light. They do not have ears yet sense sound. They do not have a nervous seem like us, yet they sense what s good for them. They do not have taste buds, but they can discriminate. They may not seem to have a sense of smell, but they produce the most beautiful fragrances on the planet.

The purpose of the plant world is to allow the life of God to perfect the world of feeling and through feeling become aware of that which is outside of the physical self.

All that has been learned in the mineral and plant kingdom is available to humans as we have plant and mineral parts. Hair is really a high quality plant and our bones and teeth are made of minerals.

Our ability to react and to feel have been gifted to us from the first two kingdoms of nature.


Animal Consciousness

So… What changes as we move from plant to animal consciousness?

Quite a bit actually. The animals make a giant leap away from limitation through gaining the power of movement. To utilize this feature requires a great expansion of consciousness. To move intelligently and to avoid predators with the same ability requires the development of focused attention. This demands the physical manifestation of the beginnings of mind, beginning with a sophisticated computer brain to amplify consciousness.

Whereas the plant reacts though feeling the animal reacts through conscious calculation and computer/brain driven reactions.

Perhaps, animal consciousness is best understood by comparing it to human for the consciousness of the higher animals is not that far away from the lowest of humanity

We concluded earlier that consciousness was being aware of things outside of self. To understand animals we must ask what it is of which they are aware or not aware compared to us. Here are some things in their awareness.

(1) They have the same five physical senses that we do so they have an awareness of light and color, sound, touch, taste and smell. In some cases their sensitivity far exceeds that of humans. A dog, for instance, has an amazing sense of smell. Just like us they use these five senses to take in information from the world they live in and process it the best they can to insure quality survival.

(2) They are able to communicate somewhat with their own species and to a lesser degree with other species.

(3) They are aware of those lives who are friendly or harmless and those who are not.

(4) They have a sense that it is important to survive and obtain food. To accomplish this they learn to pay attention to a very high degree at all times and places.

(5) They have an elementary awareness of self, but not enough to be self-conscious. They have no qualms about being naked or having sex in public as do most humans.

(6) Animals have a seed awareness of all the human emotions. Many wonder if animals feel love. They do not feel it to the degree we do, but the embryonic feeling is there. This is especially manifest in their caring for their young. Some say this is just the programming of nature, and indeed this is part of the survival instinct, but for many animals it goes beyond this. Animals experience a nurturing feeling that provides a seed for the development of love in coming eons. They also select mates and associates with which they experience feelings belonging to their own nature.

A feeling of belonging is important to an animal as a feeling of being loved is to humans. You’ll notice that your pets are happiest when they sense that they have a place in the household and they belong to the family. We love and accept them and give them a feeling of belonging and they in turn find ways to let us know they appreciate us.

Human Consciousness

Whereas the great leap in advancement of animal consciousness over plant came with freedom of movement, the advantage with humans is the move to self consciousness. The development of individuality gives humans freedom of movement with the mind which is an octave above freedom of physical movement.

Self consciousness opens many doors to humans, more than seems apparent on the surface. Here are some advantages of consciousness that humans have over animals.

(1) Individuality. Instead of seeing ourselves as one of the pack we see ourselves as unique individuals, and this instills in us a desire to excel. It causes us to wear clothes and jewelry, style our hair, shave and do what is necessary to appear as unique individuals. It also forces us to learn and compete, which greatly stimulates our evolution forward.

(2) Curiosity. Whereas animals may see stars humans wonder what they are and desire to explore them. Animals seek to use their environment whereas humans seek to understand it and even change it to suit their needs.

(3) Problem Solving If an animal approaches a locked door it will not occur to him that there may be a way to open it, but the human mind seeks to solve problems. To us a barrier is something that can be penetrated, given enough application of thought.

(4) Record Keeping. Humans learned to draw pictures, then write and now record in all kinds of formats. Keeping a history so we can build on past achievements is a tremendous advantage to human consciousness.

(5) Creativity Rather than merely follow programming provided to us by nature humans have a desire to create new and better things. This ranges from art, to dwellings to transportation and to all things that affect the quality of life.

(6) Love and Relationships. Humans have developed a much more complex relationship order than animals. They have created a family structure, established contracts, marriage, business and many bonding activities. Whereas some animals can feel affection, humans are able to take the feeling of love and friendship to a much higher dimension.

(7) Judgment. Humans have the ability to differentiate much more than do animals and can make decisions that go beyond the programming of our natural state.

(8) A Sense of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong. Humans have a conscience that guides us toward ever working to improve relationships and the quality thereof.

This list could be extended but the point is that the quality of consciousness for the average human is perhaps a greater leap than most of us realize or appreciate.

Now the interesting thing to consider is that there is a great difference in consciousness between humans at their different points of evolution.

Stages of Human Consciousness

Consciousness expands as it moves from the lower kingdoms to the higher and the rate of expansion greatly increases as it moves upward.

When a life becomes fully human in the worlds of form it gains the tools to accelerate consciousness. In addition consciousnesses is not only accelerated in the higher kingdoms, but within the human kingdom itself the rate of progression is much greater at the end of human evolution than the beginning.

At the beginning of the attainment of self-consciousness progress is very slow and many lives are spent just learning to survive and adapt to the human state. Then after many lifetimes when the pilgrim senses soul energy and begins to make higher contact his progress is amplified many times. At this stage he may accomplish in one lifetime what may have taken a hundred in past ages.

To understand our progression it is important to realize what is meant to the term, “expansion of consciousness.” Remember that to be conscious means to be aware of things outside or beyond the individual self. Therefore, to expand consciousness means to become aware of additional things that were previously unknown or unobserved.

When an entity first becomes a self conscious human he sets himself apart from the animal kingdom by becoming aware that he is a distinct differentiated person. He now has an ego and is aware that he is a self.

As he moves forward he becomes aware of his body, its needs and that he can make tools to insure his survival. He then becomes aware of his feelings and thoughts – that they are unique and somewhat different than any other individual. He becomes aware of that he needs to satisfy his emotions and his thoughts.

For many lifetimes his consciousness is directed to bringing satisfaction to what he sees as self and all is centered around fulfilling his desires. For many lives it seems that the only expansion of consciousness is in expanding power to satisfy the desires of self. He eventually achieves this to a high degree until he realizes that no degree of satisfaction for he individual entity has lasting fulfillment. He feels that there has to be something more.

For the first time he looks beyond self, and when he sees beyond the satisfying of his tiny self, he begins to see many things that before were not seen. He doesn’t see them because they were not present in the past, but because he is now looking. We cannot see unless we look.

The person enters the path and expands his awareness of many things beyond the self such as:

(1) There are worlds beyond the physical and kingdoms beyond the human.

(2) There are higher intelligences than human and they can be contacted.

(3) He discovers the inner voice and trusts it above the outer voices of the past.

(4) He discovers that there is greater fulfillment in serving the many rather than merely serving the one – or himself.

(5) He discovers that love has a number of levels of which he was previously unaware.

(6) He discovers that learning can be accelerated when he focuses on the spirit within, or his true Source.

(7) He finds solutions to problems that are not taught in any book.

The list could be increased but suffice it to say that the seeker will eventually achieve all the expansion possible as an entity in the human kingdom.

The next step is to enter the Kingdom of God, the fifth kingdom by linking with other lives to become a part of a greater life.

We as mere mortals can only scratch the surface contemplating where this will take us. Fortunately, as we approach the end of our human journey we get some glimpses into the kingdom to come. Here are a few things that this expansion will bring.

(1) Telepathic communication with your soul group and/or other linked groups.

(2) Access to the Akashic records

(3) Continuity of consciousness. There will be little change of consciousness during waking hours or sleep, in life or in death.

(4) You will be able to communicate with higher and lower life forms as well as lives from other worlds and dimensions.

(5) You will be able to sense higher love, will and purpose.

(6) You will be exposed to a higher vision of the Plan of the great lives who guide us.

(7) The limitations of time and space will diminish and you will even be able to be in two or more places at once time.

Try to envision how far a snail is from understanding our consciousness and then try to imagine a consciousness that far ahead of us that we will someday share.

Those who are willing to look, to see, to know and understand have more awaiting them than mortal mind can comprehend.


What Causes Consciousness?

We’ve talked about the definition of consciousness and how it manifests through the various kingdoms, but now we need to delve into the principle itself. What is it that causes consciousness to exist?

The materialists who say that the universe and all that is in it including life on earth just evolved without the aid of consciousness or intelligence have no explanation as to how consciousness and intelligence can exist in matter. And we know that these two things can exist within matter because they exist in the matter that composes human beings. This is perhaps the greatest miracle of existence – one for which the science of today has no satisfactory explanation.

So what is it then that creates consciousness? DK gives some interesting thoughts on the subject:

When these two (Spirit and matter) are inter-related during manifestation, and after the cessation of the pralayic interval or interlude between two systems, then the terms, life and form, consciousness and its vehicles, are more correct, for during the period of abstraction consciousness is not, form is not, and life, demonstrating as an actual principle, is not. There is Spirit-substance but in a state of quiescence, of utter neutrality, of negativity, and of passivity. In manifestation the two are approximated; they interact upon each other; activity supersedes quiescence; positivity replaces negativity; movement is seen in place of passivity, and the two primordial factors are no longer neutral to each other, but attract and repulse, interact and utilise. Then and only then, can we have form animated by life, and consciousness demonstrated through appropriate vehicles.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 227

The tendency of Spirit is to merge and blend with Spirit. Form repulses form, and thus brings about separation. But—during the great cycle of evolution—when the third factor of Mind comes in, and when the point of balance is the goal, the cyclic display of the interaction between Spirit and form is seen, and the result is the ordered cycles of the planets, of a human being, and of an atom. Thus, through repetition, is consciousness developed, and responsive faculty induced.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 276

(Time can be studied from the angle of) Atomic consciousness, demonstrating through successive states of repulsion and attraction. In this last definition lies the key to the other states of consciousness.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 279

The key to understanding consciousness is revealed in this statement:

“the two primordial factors are no longer neutral to each other, but attract and repulse, interact and utilize”

This sentence contains a lot of truth. First of all, it dispels the illusion that there comes a point when duality ceases to exist. In the great pralaya, duality does not cease, for it never ceases. There always exists “two primordial factors.” The only difference between existence in and out of form is that in form these two factors are no longer neutral to each other. As I have said a number of times, the whole universe is created because the particles composing it are just a little out of balance. If perfect balance were to happen then all form that makes up the universe would disappear. Life is driven through the seeking of balance. We achieve greater and greater balance until all life goes back to the Great Source for a blissful rest.

So then, what is the situation during pralaya, or the period between two manifestations? Is there really no consciousness or life? If this is the case then how could creation even begin anew?

Without form there is not consciousness and life as we understand it in our present state. This does not mean we will cease to exist. Existence continues through all cycles and that intelligence and power of decision that belongs to it always persists.

Concerning this state DK writes:

We need here to remember that it is always pralaya when viewed from below. From the higher vision, that sees the subtler continuously overshadowing the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that “which is not,” but simply that which is esoteric.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 130

So we could say that during pralaya we will still have subjective life and consciousness, but it is so different from objective life and consciousness that we would have difficulty in identifying it while existing in the worlds of form.

Some may ask how consciousness can still exist when the person no longer has a physical body. The answer is that the physical is just one of the worlds of form, for form persists in three worlds which are the physical, the astral/emotional and the mental.

After death we still utilize the astral and mental states of matter and the interplay within these states of matter still creates consciousness and memory as well as providing a vehicle for the expression of the life principle.

There are certain aspects of consciousness that can only be fully experienced in the physical. This is one of the reasons that we are drawn back into the physical time and time again.

The Great Pralaya does not occur between lives but between creations. While living in this creation, in or out of the body, objective consciousness on various levels will persist.

You shall always find what you created in your mind, for instance, a benevolent God or an evil Devil. Between them are countless facets. Therefore, concentrate on the depth of your consciousness and on what you consider to be positive and good.

Hans Bender

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 18

This entry is part 22 of 33 in the series 2014

The Second Thoughtform

The Question:

Question: What is the second illusion (in the news media) with the accompanying thoughtform?

When I tell you this I know it will register as correct because it seems really obvious when you think about it.

This second illusion explains why they are caught in the first illusion of thinking they are just reporting the pertinent news without bias. The illusion is that they see themselves as standing in that great center between the two extremes. They think they look at both sides and take that reasonable position which is neither left or right, but what the reasonable public wants and needs to know.

This illusion is particularly prevalent with what is called the “major media,” which all report pretty much the same news and usually leave out the same things.

The thoughtform that controls them goes something like this:

“I will avoid if at all possible any news that will give credibility to extremist views and will report nothing that would offend my friends from the center.”

The problem with this thoughtform, is what it calls extreme are often views held by half the country and many of his friends who he sees as being in the center are really far left.

This newsperson thus believes he is doing an admirable job of reasonable reporting from the center when he really takes a stand with the minority from the Left. He therefore carefully crafts his stories so they sound reasonable but gives extra time and attention to stories that support his personal point of view and minimizes, disparages or leaves out stories that do not support his thinking. You can tell where a media person (or network) stands by what he doesn’t cover, or covers with a negative slant.

Bernard Goldberg who worked for CBS for many years wrote a book called “Bias,” giving an insiders fairly objective view of bias in the media. He tells us that those who work with the news do not see themselves as biased to the left or right but sincerely believe they are coming from the center and being fair to both sides. If someone points out their bias it just goes over their heads. They just will not consider such a thing no matter what.

We are fortunate today to live in an age where there are many sources of news, including the internet. This doesn’t help the person who has little desire for the truth, but for those who do, the truth is out there and available with a little searching.

There are numerous other organizations controlled by thoughtforms based on illusion. The unions are another big one. Theirs runs something like this:

We have done great things to help the laborer and know what is best for him. He (or she) owes us.

This is the opposite of what the thought was when the unions used to do their job. In the beginning what the worker wanted was the important thing. Now it is what the union bosses decree.


Most members here see me as a pretty reasonable person who would not take any action to assume beastly control.


Is it possible that I could function as a beast to some?

Could Jesus himself be a beast to us if he were here?

How could this happen and how do we avoid such a thing?


As a group do you think we are successful in avoiding the mark of the Beast?


Aug 22, 2014

Seeing the Beast

The questions:

Is it possible that I could function as a beast to some?

Could Jesus himself be a beast to us if he were here?


The group seems to assume the answer is yes.


How could this happen and how do we avoid such a thing?


Even if the teacher makes every effort to not exercise any unearned or unjust authority over others he can still be put on a pedestal and accepted without question. Jesus and the teachings he is supposed to have endorsed are a large part of network of the Beast.

In the seekers quest for truth perhaps his greatest temptation into illusion comes through an “I found it” moment. He finds a source, a guide, a teacher, a book that seems to take him where he has not gone before. He tests everything to the best of his ability and he can find no error. At this point his temptation is to relax and depend on this outer source as a substitute for the inner. He just accepts what the teacher says without running it by his own soul as well as his maximum power to reason.

No matter whether the teaching comes from an angel, devil, prophet or a talking dog the seeker must run it by his highest preceptors of truth and not accept it completely until it satisfies the soul ands makes sense.

Now some go the other extreme and question everything with a jaundice eye when much of what the teacher gives out is easily seen as true by those with soul contact. Some of these types of people are governed by a thoughtform that says something like this, “Everything that is outside of my current belief system, or isn’t approved by the authority I rely on, is wrong.”

The true seeker will not accept all things without running them by the mind and soul and neither will he reject all things outside the comfort zone. He will avoid getting lazy and automatically accept or reject, and, instead, run anything that is in any way questionable past his highest personal truth detectors.

If something doesn’t sound quite right the first thing to do is to make sure you understand everything correctly. I’d say that about half the time that my teachings seem questionable to someone is because they are not getting the full picture and a more complete explanation takes care of the problem. If the student sincerely disagrees then he should open up dialog with the teacher and see where it leads. If the teacher is an earned authority and has satisfied your soul 99% of the time, but this one teachings seems wrong, then it’s a good idea to put it on the shelf and see if the picture changes over time.

I have put things on the self before only to take it off the later having achieved a greater understanding.


As a group do you think we are successful in avoiding the mark of the Beast?

We have an advantage over other groups because we know what the Beast and the mark is.. We are not waiting for a great one-world dictator to show up and plant a computer chip in our right hand or forehead, but realize the Beast has been here all along and the world worships those who use unearned authority in the present time. Members here know they are free to question me or anyone else. We are not perfect, of course. Some may question too much or not enough, but all must learn to run every new teaching by their own souls.

Keith mentioned that fear is a device used by the Beast and this was a good observation indeed. You will find that when one enters a group that is controlled by an authoritarian thoughtform that most will be fearful in speaking up or going against hat thoughtform while participating in the group?

Why is this the case? Give examples of situations where people are afraid to speak up to authorities. What is the best way to overcome the fear and challenge the Beast?


Aug 24, 2014

The Fear Factor

The question;

Why is fear such a core ingredient in the Beasts power and what is the best way to over come or challenge it?

Larry talked about what a driving force fear is in the workplace. We never talked about the thoughtforms at play there.

The power of the Beast works differently in the workplace than it does in other groups and this is why.

In the workplace you know you are being controlled and you know you are cooperating with it and you know what will happen if you do not go along with your boss. At best your movement up the ladder will cease and at worst you’ll just get fired.

Basically the main thoughtform in the workplace is this: “Do what the boss says or you are out of here.”

Of all the controlling thoughtforms the workplace is the least insidious. Why?

Because you get paid to cooperate and the laborer is constantly working to transcend the thoughtform so he is not controlled by it.

After all, who will accept a nasty boss barking orders at him for a minute longer than he has to?

Very few.

The controlling thoughtforms in other organizations are different in that participants gladly embrace them and they govern their thinking. After work, and the laborer goes home, he tries to distance himself from the controls at work. So, the thoughtform governing the employee could be classified as a partial one. You are only controlled for around 40 hours a week and most likely looking for an opportunity to break free. Other thoughtforms work in the background eight days a week.

The Beast therefore doesn’t use thoughtforms to control the thinking of people in private enterprise as much as other groups. On the other hand, government employees are under much more control of the Beast than are private ones. Here the independent thinking employee not only has a boss to contend with, but there will be overriding thoughtforms sent down from on high from Uncle Sam that must be subtly absorbed and followed if one wants to get ahead. Here are samples:

You have as much power as Uncle Sam says you have and the people need to respect this power.

You know what is best better than the people you serve.

We are all a family so don’t rock the boat if you know what’s good for you.

Religion has powerful thoughtforms that members buy into of their own free will and sustain them 24 hours a day. Perhaps the religion with the most powerful thoughtform among those with a substantial membership are the LDS. Yet if you tell the average member that they are governed by a group think that they are fearful to challenge they will most likely laugh and say something like this:

“As LDS we believe in free agency and we are free to think and say whatever we please. I accept the teachings of the church of my own free will. Nothing is controlling me.”

Here’s the key piece of knowledge. When you are a member of any group and buy into its thoughtform and follow the programming it will seem like there are no controls – that you can sincerely express yourself any way you want.

However, things completely change when you step away from the thoughtform and have an independent thought. This is where the fear steps in.

Question: So how does fear step in for control when one challenges the thoughtform? How does it suddenly appear you have gone from having free will to little or no free will?


Florence writes about the legends of the fall of the female side of creation..

You would probably enjoy the book Right Use of Will by Ceanne Derohan. She claims to have a revelation from God telling us how the female side was suppressed and it needs to be rediscovered and released. I think most of her books are from her fanciful imagination but do think she struck the right chord on female suppression and that it needs to be released and set free to express itself.

Male and female dominion goes in cycles and right now we are entering a cycle where the female energies are moving toward greater dominion. Right now, as evidence of this, there are more females than males in our colleges and those with the most education usually wind up in the dominate roles.


Distorted Good

One2 Quotes me saying:

“Good is a distorted reflection of positive and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of negative.”

So Good is a distorted reflection of male energy and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of female energy?

Good is still a distortion in reflection of the male energy or the Father energy then?


The Father (sending) aspect always represents the positive polarity and the Mother (receiving) the female.

The wording of that quote should be changed for clarification to:

“What is called good is a distorted reflection of positive and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of negative.”

What people see as good is often miles away from what the real good is. For instance, until recent history slavery was seen as a good thing. They saw it as being good for the slaves because they were too backward to govern themselves and needed someone to tell them what to do. They thought it was good for society because slave labor created a better standard of living for the slave owners. Everything was seen as win/win and even many slaves bought into the prevailing thoughtform.

Now looking back we see that this version of good is indeed a distorted version of the positive energy of being.

Now, in this age many people see another version of slavery as good. They think that it is for our best good to be taxed 50% or more to provide services for those who do nothing to earn the benefits. Centuries from now we will look back and see the current system just as much distorted good as we now do slavery in ancient Rome for the slaves in Rome were often allowed to keep two thirds of their earnings if they ran a business.

The actual principle of good and evil never changes. Good is that which moves us forward in our spiritual evolution and evil is that which takes us backward.


Aug 24, 2014

Challenging the Thoughtform

The Question: So how does fear step in for control when one challenges the thoughtform? How does it suddenly appear you have gone from having free will to little or no free will?

I am quite familiar with the thoughtform of the LDS (Mormon) church for I was active in it for 20 years, from ages 13-33. I am now 69 so it’s been a while since I graduated.

There were a number of things that attracted me to the church. Here are several:

(1) I was inspired by the Mormon scriptures. They seemed to bring me closer to the Spirit than the Bible.

(2) I was inspired by their early history and teachings.

(3) I liked their doctrine that we were eternal beings that did not begin at birth.

(4) I liked the doctrine of eternal progression, that we will evolve until we become like the Father of our spirits.

(5) It made sense to me that there just wasn’t a heaven and hell but a number of places we will go to after death, as the Mormons teach.

(7) I liked the idea of lay participation, that there was no paid monastery, except the upper levels. Members could participate in speaking, teaching and healing.

(8) I was captivated (and still am) of the idea of building Zion, a gathering of the pure in heart, which was to produce a near perfect society.

(9) The teaching that God can speak to prophets today just as in ancient times made total sense, as well as the idea that even lowly members can get revelation.

The LDS church was so unique that if a member has some type of rift with it then he has nowhere to go. With many protestant churches, if you do not like your minister you can just go to a different one and hear similar sermons. Not so with the LDS. Their basic sensible logical doctrines set them apart, and once you accept them you are stuck with that church or nothing. I checked out a number of different churches and didn’t find any with the least bit of appeal.

That said, I wasn’t the type of member who thought everything about the church was ideal. Here were some things that bothered me.

(1) Whereas I was attracted to the teachings I found many members didn’t even know what a lot of the teachings were. Most were drawn to the church for the social aspects and since every member gets a job or two many felt it gave them purpose.

Outside of a small handful I was not drawn there for the association with other members, as most of my best friends through life have not been religious church goers.

(2) I found that most of my time spent there to be boring as they taught the simple things over and over. I rarely learned anything.

(3) I really wondered how heaven was going to be such a great place when it was going to be filled with boring Mormons as I found non religious people more interesting and fun to be around.

(4) The members idolized the Prophet and General Authorities. They gave them much more credit for knowledge and spirituality than they deserved and this was a big turn off to me. Most appeared to be pretty ordinary men to me.

(5) Before I knew what a thoughtform was I picked up a group think among the members that greatly repelled me. Every member that was really into the church seemed to have invisible antennas that told them how to behave and what to think. They all knew instinctively what movies would be approved by the church, what books and which people and groups they could associate with, etc.

In private I ignored this thoughtform but when attending church or associating with other members I sensed that I needed to play along or my church standing could be in danger.

(6) One of the things I liked about the Mormon scriptures was that they told us to seek out the mysteries of God, but this seeking was not in the thoughtform. It was the opposite. Everyone knew not to seek for if God wanted them to know a mystery he would reveal it to the Prophet first.

When I realized this was the mindset of members I decided to set up my own test in search of someone who could transcend the thoughtform. Whenever I found a member who seemed to be intelligent I would ask him or her about one of the mysteries of the church. One of the mysteries was the location of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel, so this was the simple question I asked as a test:

“So, have you ever wondered where the Ten Tribes are?

To my disappointment, time after time I received the same answer which was:

“I’m sure that when the time comes that we need to know, the Prophet will tell us.”

When I received this answer I knew that I was dealing with an individual controlled by the thoughtform and it would be dangerous to pursue mysteries any further.

For years I asked this question seeking a kindred spirit to share many of the mysteries I had discovered, but to no avail until my nephew, Curtis Harwell moved into town and attended the same church. Since the Bishop often asked new members to give a talk so we could get to know them he asked Curtis. I was pleasantly surprised at how interesting his presentation was and invited him to dinner.

After dinner, I asked him about the Ten Tribes. To my delight instead of giving the standard answer he said that he would really like to know where they were and that it had puzzled him for some time.

I opened the scriptures and gave him my ideas and he was not scared off. Instead, he kept asking, “What else do you know?”

Then I would share something else and he would ask again, “What else do you know?”


Encounter with the Beast

Curtis kept asking me for more knowledge. He was like a sponge, for he realized that he hadn’t learned anything really new in the church for years.

After I shared with him numerous mysteries I had discovered in the scriptures I then moved to metaphysical teachings. I shared with him some of my books that few Mormons had laid eyes on. After he did some reading he exclaimed to me, “Wow, I didn’t know that knowledge like this was in existence.”

After a couple months of sharing with him he told me that he was moving about 300 miles distant to Blackfoot, Idaho. He said he was looking forward to sharing some of the teachings I gave him with the members of his new ward.

I explained to him that even though he may not be breaking any official rules of the church in doing this that he needed to be careful or he could lose his membership. He laughed at that, thinking that such a thing would not happen.

Then he mentioned a small treatise I wrote called Eternal Progression and said that surely this would be all right to share with others as it was merely giving scriptural evidence of progression in the next world.


I then told him that even the sharing of this fairly innocent writing could get him into trouble. He didn’t think this was possible and asked why.

I told him that even though the LDS scriptures seem to say otherwise that a recent prophet in the church declared that there is no progression from one kingdom to another and that is the view of the authorities today. My treatise talked about the three kingdoms from Mormon doctrine and proves that there can be progression from one kingdom to another. I told him that the Powers-That-Be will not like this challenging point of view at all.

He had a hard time believing that the examination of a minor point of doctrine would be of much concern to the authorities. He could understand reincarnation being problematic, but not this. When he moved I kept my fingers crossed that he would not be too eager to share what I had taught him with fellow members but seek to feel them out the way I did with him.

All seemed to go fine for a while and within a few weeks he had several jobs in the church. Then he decided that my treatise had to be harmless and he made a number of copies (not listing the author) and passed them out. Among those he gave copies to were his Elders Quorum President and the Bishop. He innocently thought that they would find it interesting and want to know more.

A couple days later he received a summons from the Bishop to meet him privately in his office. The Bishop sat him down and explained to him that the paper he was passing out contained false doctrine that runs contrary to what the current prophet endorses. He had conferred with the Stake President and they concluded that it would be wise to have a trial for his membership before the High Council. He was herewith relieved of all his church duties and the trial would be held in three days.

That evening Curtis called me up being very emotionally wrought telling me of his situation. Then he explained that the only witnesses that were going to be allowed on his behalf had to be good members of the church and since I was a member still in good standing he asked me to come down there and testify on his behalf.

I told him that any testimony I could give would probably make no difference and the result would be that I would also be excommunicated and most likely wind up losing my wife and kids.

He then said, “You got me into this situation and now you have to get me out.”

I reminded him that I had warned him, but did feel somewhat responsible and agreed to go testify on his behalf.

Sure enough, they excommunicated him despite my testimony and then came after me and excommunicated me also.

Curtis was fired from his job by his Mormon boss who decided he couldn’t put up with an apostate working for him.

No one could fire me because I was self employed but my wife was a true believer and thought I was being led by Satan. We divorced shortly thereafter and she did everything in her power to keep me from seeing the kids.

I tell this story because it illustrates the workings of the Beast of unearned unjust authority. When you are in the thoughtform as was Curtis it seems like you are free to say or do what you want as long as you are supportive and obey the rules. Curtis found out this was not the case.

In my case I realized what I was up against and that even a slight challenge to the authority of the Beast would bring down the maximum attack allowed by law.

Fortunately, we have some protection from the law for one of those on the council that excommunicated me approached me afterwards and told me his only regret was that they could not put me to death for that was what I deserved.

When the seeker senses correctly the thoughtform and understands the attack that will be forthcoming then he can either be paralyzed by fear or he can face the dragon and deal with whatever comes.

I knew my days were numbered in the church as I couldn’t stand the suppression of thought much longer. Curtis forced my hand a little early as I would have liked to plan my exit on my own terms. But maybe the way it happened was for he best.

Have you ever gone up against the Beast of authority? If so, tell us your story.


Aug 26, 2014

More to the Story

For any who want to read a fuller account of our excommunications and the aftermath I prepared some links. The first part is a fictionalized account with the names altered. I was David Johns in the story and of course Curtis Hartel was Curtis Harwell.

The events and dialog of his excommunication trial is very accurate. Wayne and I were only allowed in to testify but for the rest I placed my ear on the door and was able to hear all the conversation.

There is no fiction in the aftermath links as they are written from experience to the best of my ability.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Aug 27, 2014

Spiritual Experience

Greg related to us some great spiritual experiences and has chosen the path of light time and time again and we are honored to have him with us. I hope he doesn’t mind using him for teaching purposes.

He relates this:

“In early March 2010, I received the voice of God declaring over and over again, that on this day I was His son and that He had begotten me. I had received the declaration of the Lord that my calling and election was made sure.”

Let us suppose that this experience went to his head and he was tricked by illusion and ego to support the Beast. How could he use his spiritual experiences to give power to the Beast? Contrast this with the path he would take if he were free from supporting the Beast.


Aug 28, 2014

The Authority of the Beast

There are several categories of people in the spiritual arena who assist the Beast in this world.

(1) Those who have a true spiritual experience, high or low, and see themselves as unique or special because of it. They create a thoughtform that tells followers that this person has the key to such an experience and if you look to him or follow him you will have this salvation type of experience. The end result is the followers look to the outside leader rather than the God within – for the leader emphasizes his spiritual authority.

(2) Those who have a true spiritual experience, high or low, and see themselves as unique or special because of it. But the experience or source of revelation seems so removed from followers that they look to him as the only source rather than looking within. The leader only encourages this.

(3) Those who have a delusional experience or other worldly contacts they see as real and put emphasis on this in a way that directs others away from the God within.

(4) Those who fabricate spiritual experiences and contacts so followers will look to him for truth rather than within.

(5) Those who hold up an authoritative source, such as the Bible, a prophet, Jesus, reincarnation of a notable person, etc and claims special understanding or relationship.

(6) Those who attain an authoritative position in a spiritual organization and encourage the followers to look to them or the organization for knowledge and solutions.

In almost every case where a leader is empowering the Beast we see that he makes the claim that he is empowering individuals. One must wisely look between the lines to see that the way to empowerment is to not look outward to the leader and buy into his thoughtform but to the kingdom of God within. Any thinking running contrary to the authoritative thoughtform will be seen as an attack by a delusional soul.

Let us say that Greg decided to cooperate with the Beast and sought out his share of authority over the minds and hearts of men. What could he do?

He could start teaching the uniqueness of his experience that God had spoken to him and remind followers of this on a regular basis. Next he could come up with teachings and tell students that they either came from God who spoke to him or were approved by Him. Therefore, if you disagree with Greg you are disagreeing with God. You will therefore disagree at the peril of your own soul. This is where fear enters in.


What are several differences between those who empower the Beast and those who do not? What course would Greg take after his experience if he is free from the Beast and his mark? Why is it difficult for the average seeker to tell the difference between one who is free from the mark and one who is not?


Aug 29, 2014

Freedom From the Beast

First, let us deal with this question:

Why is it difficult for the average seeker to tell the difference between one who is free from the mark and one who is not?

One of the main reasons why the average person cannot tell who supports the Beast is that he looks at the surface of things. Those in the spiritual world who support the Beast are often very good at appearing righteous. They will generally preach about avoiding sin, keeping commandments, honoring God, etc. In fact they will often walk the walk and be very fastidious themselves in obeying the letter of the law.

The Jewish leaders who opposed Jesus gave the “appearance” of righteousness to the people and were more careful about obeying the letter of the law than he was. Their big criticism of Jesus was that he did not follow the letter of the law in obeying the Sabbath. The also accused him of being “a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.” (Matt 11:19)

On top of this they accused him of being in league with the devil:

“But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.” Matt 12:24

By all appearances the Jewish leaders were the righteous ones and Jesus was the free spirited fun loving guy who didn’t care what people thought.

They criticized the disciples of Jesus for not washing their hands before a meal. The Jews of that time were very diligent in ceremonial washing of hands in case they had touched something unclean previously. To them Jesus said:

It is “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” Matt 15:11

If Jesus were with us today he would not come across as the squeaky clean “saints” who expelled Greg from their midst. He would be easy going and a friend to all classes just as Greg is.

Here are some qualities of the person who escapes the mark of the Beast, contrasted with those who worship the authority of the Beast.

(1) They look for the spirit of the law and the principle behind things to determine their behavior rather than the letter of the law, scriptures or any written word.

(2) He doesn’t mind anything in his belief system being honestly examined in the light of day. He who has the mark will often take offense if his thoughtform is questioned or examined.

Did you notice that when I told Greg we were going to examine him to see whether or not he supported the Beast that he took no offense at all? That is one of the signs that he is free from the mark. On the other hand, those who excommunicated him would take great offense if we examined their thinking. Those bearing the mark of the Beast are easily offended when their belief system or their standards of righteousness are challenged.

(3) He judges his fellowmen by how they treat others rather than how pious they are or how closely they are allied to his belief system.

(4) He always follows the Inner Voice over the outer. This is the main sign of the person free from the mark. He who has the mark will look to some outside authority for his decision making for he will fear going against the outer voice. What makes this difficult for the person with the mark is he often thinks he is own man when he is actually controlled by the Beast.

So what course would Greg have taken if he was free from the Beast? Keith said it right in that “Greg has done exactly what he should have done.”

Greg has had a great spiritual experience, but he has stayed humble and doesn’t show any signs of feeling superior because of it. Neither does he insist that we all have the same experience or be damned. He just puts out there what happened to him and we can take it or leave it.

Most of the Keys members who have shared their spiritual experiences have been very humble about them and for this I am thankful.

We talked about the Beast using fear as a means of control. What is the greatest fear he uses against spiritual seekers and how is it overcome?


Aug 29, 2014

Principles and the Law

ImAHebrew writes:

Shalom JJ, in overcoming and being free from the Beast and the Dragon, does commandment keeping, turning from sin, and resisting the Dragon come into play at all? How do you interpret Yeshua’s words in these Scriptures:

Mt 23:1 – 23:3

1 Then spake Yeshua to the multitude, and to his disciples,

2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:

3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, [that] observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.


You must remember that sin is translated from the Greek HAMARTIA, which means to error or miss the mark. There are many ways to error besides that of not literally following the decrees of a belief system.

Jesus was not strict in his interpretation of the Sabbath but looked at the principle. His words give evidence of this:

“The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27

In other words, the law of the Sabbath wasn’t made to inconvenience or test us, but was made as something we can enjoy and benefit from. The scribes and the Pharisees had it backwards, seeing it as something that man must follow to the point of weariness and drudgery.

Then we recall the woman accused of adultery who should have been stoned to death for the act – that is according to the law. Instead if saying, “yeah, go ahead, Jesus maneuvered the situation so she was not executed. He then said to the woman, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

Jesus was looking at the principle and overall good. In seeing this he did not condemn her as would the strict followers of the law but saw that she should be given a second change.

So, why did he encourage following the law of Moss then?

For two reasons:

(1) If he had spoken against the law in any measure he would have been crucified before he finished his mission.

(2) People are judged according to their own belief systems. The Book of Mormon expresses this point well and the principle presented here is true, even if one does not accept the source.

7 Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth?…

9 And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.

10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written.

11 For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

12 For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; AND I SHALL ALSO SPEAK UNTO ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH AND THEY SHALL WRITE IT. II Nephi 29:7; 9-12

Where are these scriptures from the other nations?

The answer is quite simple. Every people of every nation have available sacred writings containing truths geared for the “salvation” of the people to whom they were given. These writings can range from the sacred teachings of the Hopi Indians to the Koran of Islam, to the Bavagad Gita, to the ancient Vedas to the writings of Confucius, to the sayings of Buddha to name a few.

Notice what God says about these words of his to all nations: “I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.”

Thus, those people who do not have the Christian scriptures but have other words of God, will be judged by those words that are accepted by their own people.

All the scriptures of all the religions teach the principle behind baptism – a new spiritual birth. But not all of them teach about the physical act of baptism.

Notice that the above scripture tells us that each group will be judged by their own scriptures. Therefore, if one joins a particular religion and the precept of that religion decrees that physical baptism is necessary then he is required to comply to be a full participant in the group of which he is a member.

So, when Jesus spoke to the Jews he encouraged them to follow those laws toward which their conscience was trained. If he had been talking to Buddhists he would have encouraged them in the same way to follow the precepts of their own religion.

These religious precepts are training wheels to guide people until they obtain power to escape the Beast and be guided by the inner God.


If sinning and not keeping the commandments doesn’t mean anything in overcoming the Beast and Dragon, why don’t we all eat, drink, and be merry while joining in with them?


Jesus said that on the principle of love hands “all the law and the prophets.” Matt 22:40

In other words, the one who follows the pure love of Christ from within will automatically fulfill the purpose of the law even though he may be seen as a lawbreaker by those with a black and white view. This is what happened to Jesus.

He who follows the law of love from within will not lead a carnal life, but will certainly not be beyond having a good time in harmlessness.

How do you explain this verse:


Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Here is what is written in my book, The Unveiling:

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Rev 12:11

The group has cast the aspiration of the ego from the center of decision in the head to its rightful place in the lower self, where it can no longer cause division in the body of the group. Even so, fiery desire is strong and still seeks to override the selflessness of the spirit and assume control.

Three things give disciples domination over the dragon:

(1) The blood of the lamb. Blood is a symbol of life and the lamb is a symbol of submission to the Christ consciousness, or the soul, before the lion of Christ is manifest. The group, which in the past submitted themselves to the outward authority of the dragon and his angels, now must subject themselves to the inner Christ. Their very life must now be guided by principles revealed through the soul.

(2) The word of their testimony. Their testimony is manifest as the two witnesses, or the Words and the Works, which they have accepted through the soul. They teach eternal words and perform selfless works of service to their fellow men and women. Their teachings and service takes their attention away from low desire and aids them in subduing the dragon.

(3) “They loved not their lives unto death.” The true disciple is willing to give his life as a sacrifice if necessary, but, more often than not, the physical sacrifice will not be required. Even so, he still gives his life. The life he yields is the life that is held dear by the dragon of desire and lower aspiration. He gives up the life and control of the lower self in favor of the control of the “lamb” or the Christ within. In many ways this is more difficult than sacrificing the physical life. For one thing, the temptation to revert to the lower is always there, tugging at the disciple and the group. He must stay in focus and cease to love the lower nature and embrace the higher.

After the complete sacrifice of the lower life is made the disciple is pleased to find that the higher can fulfill the lower nature better than the lower can fulfill itself. He becomes holy, or whole, because his whole self is happy with the Christ self in charge.


Book Cover


Why on the fourth book do you have an all seeing eye (or is that a UFO) above the pyramid which represents a hierarchy rather than at the top on the capstone. What is the significance of this symbology?


The cover isn’t meant to convey any deep symbolism but to be attractive and give a hint as to what lies within. The eye, of course, represents the all-seeing eye of God, which is not confined to the pyramid – which is a symbol of the New Jerusalem. The rays of light, of course, are symbols of rays of light and true knowledge.

By the way, the cover was done by Duane Carpenter who I think did an excellent job.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Christmas Message 2014

This entry is part 19 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

His Rest Shall Be Glorious (Isaiah 11:10)


‘Tis Christmas again

Not only a season for joy

For carols, for presents

For good will and friendship

But for reflection and empathy

For vision and understanding.


The Spirit of He whose birth we celebrate

Rests upon me, and looks upon the world

He sees the highs and lows

Those who are in a state of happiness as well as sorrow.

Those who are weary and feel they carry heavy burdens.

His eyes rests upon those with heavy hearts


Many of the sons and daughters of men

Are weary of the struggle just to survive

Many are hungry, fearful or are in pain

They ask, “Where are you Lord?

When shall we have what we need?

When shall we rest?”


He enters their hearts and speaks

“The earth is a great school

And you volunteered for a difficult class

Endure to the end – learn your lessons

Live to the highest you know

And your rest shall be glorious.”


Another speaks who lacks not in physical things.

“I seek for love and acceptance

And am met with rejection and envy.

I feel no love from my spouse, my children or associates.

Oh, Lord, I would rather lack money than love

When will I rest in the embrace of loving arms?


The Master embraces the man with his spirit

“I am here for you surrounding you with love

Look within and feel and learn of me

When your lessons are mastered

You will be consumed with love divine

And your rest shall be glorious.”


The Master’s attention rests upon a servant

Who seeks to follow his Lord and learn of him

Then share the knowledge with his brothers

That their burdens may be light

And their spirits bright

And experience a fullness of joy.


He speaks, “Those who seek are few

And those who feel your presence

In the words of light, eternal words

Are fewer still

I labor always, but results are few

Renew my spirit for I need strength.”


The Master laid his hand upon the head of the servant

And did cause his heart to burn with fires of love.

“There is a time of planting

And a time for the harvest.

You are plowing fields and planting

This is hard work indeed.”


“Much plowing and planting can tire the laborer

But continue onward with the goal in sight

Plant well my friend and nurture the seed

And you shall participate in a great harvest

The labor of the harvest is joyous

And afterwards your rest shall be glorious.”


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 17

This entry is part 21 of 33 in the series 2014

Aug 16, 2014

Glory to God


As a former Mormon, I share the story in Moses 4:1 where God talks about Satan (I think we could place the title of beast in place of the name of Satan)

with the beast (Satan) saying “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.” What the beast yearns for is glory. There is great power yielded unto him when we fail to give glory unto him whom glory should be given.


Good point Greg. The Beast seeks glory where glory is not deserved and does everything possible to direct glory away from the greatest source there is which is God which is within us.


Aug 16, 2014

Auras of the Stars

We were talking the other day about original writings not found anywhere else and it was pointed out that we have quite a few of them available on the Keys. Even though just about every subject you can think of can be found on Google we have still managed to present new ones here as well as give new perspectives on old ones.

Today I thought I would write about a subject I haven’t seen even mentioned anywhere else and this surprises even me for I am amazed this knowledge didn’t come to me sooner, let alone others.

As most of you know I have taught a number of classes on how to see etheric body, as well as the human aura and the outer film that encompasses each individual.

I had a strong interest for a couple years in developing this extra vision in my younger days. Back in the Seventies I practiced regularly and got pretty good at seeing that which is normally invisible. Then when I discovered that I could intuitively pick up what I needed with a lot less effort I switched my attention to a different level.

Because I no longer practice regularly my auric vision is not as potent as it used to be, but it is still available when I concentrate. However, my sensitivity seems to come in waves. Sometimes I can see a lot clearer than other times.

Well, the other night I seemed to be in the middle of a sensitive cycle and took a walk outside about 2 AM when the stars were out. I like looking up at the heavens for it fills me with wonder at the majesty of creation and the glory of God.

As I was looking up at the stars I focused for a moment on one of average brightness and contemplated it as the center of a whole solar system like ours, probably teaming with life of some kind.

Then suddenly, I thought I saw something. I blinked my eyes and looked again. Then an amazing thought entered my head which was this: “It is common knowledge that humans have beautiful auras, but stars are living things also. If we have auras then shouldn’t they have them as well?”

Then I thought to myself how much sense that made as it also fit in with the Law of Correspondences. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? Well, I thought of it at this time so I decided to go with it and focused again on that little point of light to discover whether I could see it’s aura, of which I seemed to catch a quick glimpse.

As I focused with concentrated effort it’s beautiful aura flashed into view and what amazed me was how large it was. The human astral aura stretches out about as far as you can stretch your arm, but this star’s aura reached outward billions of times its own diameter. It reached out so far that its aura interplayed with the auras of other stars.

DK says that when he looks at he night sky it is full of light to him because he sees what most people do not. I always thought he was talking about invisible etheric planets, but maybe not. Now I know that the heavens are full of light and the little dots we call stars and just a very small portion of what they represent. If we could see it all we would see the heavens full of the life force of the stars and galaxies all interplaying with each other in the dance and music of the heavens. I had heard teachings that the various heavenly bodies had relationships but know I knew of the reality and that the apparent trillions of miles of empty space between stars is not empty after all but filled with beautiful light and life.

I’m not an artist so I can’t draw what I saw so I thought I would find the closest thing observed by the Hubble Telescope to give you a rough idea.

The closest thing to what I saw was not a picture of a star but of a galaxy composed of billions of stars. To get an idea visualize the point at the center of the picture below as a single star and the rest as the aura and you’ll get the general idea of how a typical star would look if you could see its aura.


In fact, if any members of the group are sensitive they might try to see what I did. Go outside at night and pick out a star and look at it for a few moments, looking slightly away from it from time to time. If you see anything unusual post it here.

I also looked at the moon, but since it is a dying body its aura was not that strong, though it still has a weak one. We are too close to the sun to see it’s aura but I have looked straight at the sun from time to time and have seen a moving changing symbol in it that is very difficult to see correctly because of its movement. It is a little like a Star of David changing into different geometric forms.


I came across an interesting statement by DK where he gives some light on the stars and the sharing of their auras. He talks about:

“the method of understanding the song of life. As the “stars sing together,” as the “chant of the Gods” peals forth in the great choir of the Heavens, it produces a corresponding colour symphony.” TCF Pg 1256


Aug 17, 2014


Well, I’ve just endured another round of conflict over at Allan’s forum. I must like punishment to have participated again, but it started off innocently enough. One of the members claimed to have remembered a past life where Stephen was a notorious Inquisitor who put the righteous to death and was attempting to make up for it in this life.

I thought that was a pretty outrageous accusation. I was planning on staying away from the forum but decided I should defend Stephen. I decided to defend him as kindly as possible and use Allan’s teachings in doing so. Here is what I wrote to Stephen on Allan’s forum:

“It would seem to me from Allan’s teachings that it would have been impossible for you to have reincarnated from one of these bad guys. Allan says that such people do not reincarnate. The only ones that do are those who have merged with the soul, like James, the brother of Jesus. Therefore, if you go by Allan’s writings, you should have no concern about being one of those undesirables in the past.”

That sounds logical doesn’t it? If Stephen is a unique entity projected by his soul and is here as the first time as Stephen (according to Allan) then he should have no worries about paying off debts from a past life that did not even exist. I figured this should be accepted as I was cooperating with Allan’s views in my conclusion.

If I thought this would just be accepted, and the group would sing Kumbaya, then I was mistaken for they saw this answer as highly offensive. First I was asked to prove where Allan taught such a thing. This perplexed me because he taught this often.

Here was my answer:

Here is a quote that made me think that Allan’s teachings would convey the idea that a killer from a past life would not reincarnate as Stephen:

Contrary to Eastern dogma and the New Age concept of reincarnation, the soul or soul-self does not enter into this world — but rather, what enters into the body-vessel at conception is an embryonic image of the higher soul-self — i.e., “…But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!” And these images which failed to become manifest do not reincarnate — neither do they go to Glory as the Christians believe — but rather, as images that failed to attain the next level of birth, they remain within the Matrix of the Soul.


It sure sounds to me that a murderer and literalist from the past would qualify as a failed image “which failed to become manifest do not reincarnate.” Therefore, the image which is now Stephen could not have been the same as a failed image that did not reincarnate.

And yes, I understand Allan’s teachings about the Higher Self putting out many “embryonic images of the higher soul-self.” But if one of the bad guy images does not reincarnate then Stephen could not be that bad guy image reincarnated, even if the two have the same Higher Self. It would certainly appear that from what Allan says that Stephen would bear no karma from a failed image of the past that was not him.

Next Allan accused me of finding fault with the teachings of the higher reality of the soul and it went down hill from there. I tried to be as pleasant and courteous as possible for the next couple days where I spent most of my free time answering questions, handling accusations and straightening out wrong interpretations of my words and beliefs.

They were really upset last time that I posted some of their dialog here so in the interests of peace I will not do it this time. Suffice it to say that as the dialog continued their outrage at me just continued to grow. Finally, we reached a point where the dialog, questions, accusations etc were repeating, often more than once.

I came to the conclusion that I was wasting my time as they did not want to resolve or understand anything I was saying, but just wanted to catch me saying any small detail that could definitely be proved wrong. I know, many of you could have told me I was wasting my time, but I felt it was the right thing to do to defend Stephen from such an outrageous public statement and got sucked back in from there.

This time I have decided to not respond there no matter how much they misrepresent me or someone else, unless I am totally moved on by my soul.

Now that I have had a few days to relax from their negativity I have been reflecting on this whole affair and the root cause.

What do the other guys think?

They think I am mean and just bent on attacking Allan. But if you read our dialog you’ll see that I have not initiated any attacks. Most of what they consider an attack is merely me answering their questions or responding to their attacks or misrepresentations toward me.

On reflection I have come up with an interesting insight as to why Allan and his group are so highly offended at me, and some of you.

The core reason goes back to my original post that caught their attention. They interpreted it as an attack on Allan, some even saying I called him a liar.

But was it an attack on Allan?


It was the beginning of a discussion as to the validity of one of his teachings.

So here’s what happened. Allan and his group saw a discussion of one of his teachings as a personal attack on him.

I think Keys members can readily see that this would not occur with the Keys group. Outsiders can discuss what they think of any of my teachings and none of us will take any offense. If someone doesn’t think the Molecular Relationship is a correct idea, none of us will see this as an attack on me.

On the other hand, most offense Allan and his group have had toward us isn’t because we attack anyone personally, but merely because we disagree on teachings.

I maintain that if Allan’s group would have merely allowed us to discuss and analyze Allan’s teachings without taking offense then this great rift would not have occurred for we do not take offense if anyone analyses any teaching here, neither are we offended if someone does not believe what I teach.


Why are Allan’s group offended when Allan’s teachings are analyzed or disagreed with? Why do we have no problem with such things?

What is the core difference between the two groups?

Below is the original post that was considered highly offensive. Notice the only objective was to discuss the teaching, not attack a person.

The Original Post

One of his (Allan’s) core teachings is that the scriptures are not literally true but written as allegories with hidden symbolic messages that will be understood by the enlightened.

This is not a new teaching as many people think the Bible is not history but stories of fiction designed to present teachings of some kind. Some see the scriptures as presenting simple things while others see deep hidden meanings.

If the scriptures are truly fiction this means that whoever wrote them created a lie for, unlike Jesus presenting parables, and me The Immortal series, they have been presented as true history and in most cases the writers would have known that the narrative wasn’t true.


(1) Does this make sense to you?

(2) Would a truly enlightened teacher use such deception?

(3) Are there hidden meanings in the scriptures?

(4) Do you know of any useful knowledge anyone has derived from fiction presented as historical fact?


IamAHebrew writes:

Shalom JJ, I wrote that post and then deleted it, but apparently, the delete button doesn’t truly delete. I have a lot of respect for Allan and how he has dealt with me over the years,


Sorry, I didn’t realize you had deleted the post. It showed up in my email but not on the forum and I thought Yahoo was playing tricks on us again.

I am amazed that Allan’s forum talks about you like you were a big problem. You seem very respectful.



Don’t know about others, but it seems to me that the built in editor in Yahoo Groups used to create replies is not working very well. What you get after you post can be significantly different after you post it?


The only way I seem to be able to get my posts to look the way I want is to format them first in Microsoft Word and cut and paste. The problem seemed to start when you wondered why I didn’t use paragraphs – which i did and Yahoo took them out. Hopefully, they’ll fix this problem. I’m glad I’m not the only one having it.


A Big Clue

Allan writes on his forum:

So, when JJ asks the question: “Would a truly enlightened teacher use such deception?” He is posing this question from the perception of liner-bound blindness. Which means that his true problem with me, is that I reject the burka he is trying to impose upon me. Moreover, I am very much the voice of his higher soul-self attempting to open his mind to the reality portrayed above in the Gospel of Thomas.


What does this t

ell you about the difference between Allan and I as teachers?

(Oh, I forgot; he thinks it requires a big ego to refer to oneself as a teacher. He likes to just call himself “the prophet” instead.)


Aug 18, 2014

Voice of the Higher Self

One2 quoting Allan

“Moreover, I am very much the voice of his higher soul-self attempting to open his mind to the reality portrayed above in the Gospel of Thomas.”


Is he serious?

If he is the voice of your higher soul self, then that makes you his lower shadow self puppet?

That explains everything now.

It is not The Prophet…….It is the Puppet Master at work!


I’m surprised we didn’t receive more comment on this. It is one of the clearest statements I have seen of one individual attempting to shift the attention of another from his own inner God or Higher Self to an outside source.

Yeah, I think I prefer to listen to my own Higher Self rather than someone else’s version. And this is also the way I teach. I never tell the group that they must believe me or follow me because my God Within is right or I am in contact with the true source and they obviously are not or they would agree with me.

Instead, I give out the teachings and those who are ready can verify them for themselves without my help.



In JJ’s own words (see below): I maintain that if Allan’s group would have merely allowed us to discuss and analyze Allan’s teachings without taking offense then this great rift would not have occurred for we do not take offense if anyone analyses any teaching here, neither are we offended if someone does not believe what I teach. Well, here it is — i.e., an analysis of the differences between the original suppressed teachings of Jesus as set forth in the Gospel of Thomas and explained, explored and proven in what I write, in relation to the teachings of JJ…


Completely untrue Allan. You have not analyzed my view of reincarnation nor any other concept I teach. Just declaring what I teach to be wrong and what you teach as right is not an analysis. It is a declaration of your own belief.

If you want to analyze something I teach bring up some actual words I have written and then analyze. Putting words in my mouth is not analysis.

And things are not black and white. Discovering light in the written word does not involve a choice between writings you designate and everything else. There is truth to be found in many different writings and if one achieves soul contact he can have the power to recognize truth when he sees it.

By the way, I am already in touch with my Higher Self and live a consecrated life so it looks like the problem you see for me is solved.


Aug 18, 2014

The Beast 106.1


Contemplate what the wording of the most powerful political thoughtform would be and submit it to the group.


I though Dan gave a pretty accurate one. He said:

“Man is a selfish, greedy, willful warmonger that requires a strong central authority to constantly crack the whip or all would be laid to waste.”

Perhaps we could reduce it even more by saying this:

“Man is irresponsible and must be controlled for his own good.”

There are lots of other thoughtforms out there besides those of religion and politics, as One2 pointed out. There are thoughtforms governing every department of life and are so pervasive as to make any dictatorship look weak by comparison.

Let us examine one at a time. Several powerful thoughtforms govern health care. One2 guessed their thoughtform was “must have injections or medicines etc.”

That is one of the results of the core thoughtform, but not the thoughtform itself. If you were to encapsulate a wording that would describe the directions people follow as if their doctors are outer gods – what would it be?

And how about people who reject all modern medicine. Are they governed by a thoughtform? If so what is it?


Robert says he is reminded of the scripture: “Am I now your enemy because I have told you the Truth?”


Well, then according to your thinking, since I do not see you as an enemy then you must not have told me the truth.


Robert takes a stab at the on topic questions. We would encourage any of Allan’s group here to participate on topic rather than switching to explaining their method of salvation. We have heard this many times and get the idea behind it.

The Question:

Why are Allan’s group offended when Allan’s teachings are analyzed or disagreed with?


Nothing could be further from the truth.


It is amazing that you say this when it is extremely obvious that your group was highly offended. I’m sure I could come up with a lot of quotes where your group certainly sounded offended. Here is an exact quote from Allan right after I made the post:

“Before I even made my first post across the forum, I was attacked by JJ”

It is obvious that Allan thinks that a logical discussion of a doctrine that he believes in is the same as a personal attack on him. This belief is pure illusion.


Allan truthfully answers every question asked of him…


Wow. Where have you been? While I have answered hundreds of questions from your group he has rarely answered any. Here are several he has not answered:

(1) What do you believe to be the true story of the death and resurrection of Jesus?

(2) Give me the tenth word of the original Gospel of Matthew which you claim you wrote and remember.

(3) Give us examples of truth hidden in allegory in the New Testament, not counting the parables.

(4) What are the details of your technique which takes people into past lives and contacts the Higher Self?

(5) Allan says Jesus helped him write the original gospel. Did this happen before there was even a crucifixion or resurrection? In what time frame did this happen?

(6) Did the writers of the New Testament scripture intentionally write in people, events and history into them that did not occur as events in this physical reality?

Remember we are not talking about allegorical truth here so answer this. Would such writings be fiction or non fiction, historically true or not true?

(7) Is the intentional presentation of information you know to be not true, as if it were true, a lie or not?

(8) What did Jesus look like?

These are just a few. How you can say that Allan answers questions is strange indeed.


and has done an amazing job making the incomprehensible comprehensible in this age.


I’d say it is more like making the comprehensible incomprehensible as he keeps telling us that the true reality cannot be put in words and the words he does use takes us in circles.

Second Question

Why do we have no problem with such things?


Really??? What I pasted in and highlighted above surely suggests otherwise!


Nothing you highlighted shows anything like that. For instance, my problem with the accusation of Stephen being a murderer in a past life had nothing to do with teachings of past lives or karma, which I have no problem discussing, but with picking on a specific individual and making an accusation with no proof.

You cannot find one teaching that I give that would offend me if your group discussed. On the other hand, Allan and the group were highly offended that we discussed the idea of presenting false history as true for the sake of revealing truth.

Question Three

What is the core difference between the two groups?


Allan is a Shepherd who guides seekers to find the True Prophet within as Yeshua commanded us to do. This forum is led by a teacher who asks questions and expects his students to repeat his words back to him. Then either a “Good Student” or “Well Done” compliment can be issued or the student can be further instructed to see things the teachers way.


Allan is a shepherd all right, but one who claims we should follow him, not because his teachings ring true, but because he was the brother of Jesus in a past life and he has merged with his Higher Self, and thus any disagreement with him has to be wrong. His actual words confirm this, “Moreover, I (Allan) am very much the voice of his (JJs) higher soul-self .” This attitude leads followers away from the true teacher within.

And, as usual, you do your best to mischaracterize me. When I ask questions members often give good answers that are different than I had thought of, which contribute to the understanding of the whole. At the conclusion I give my view which members can take or leave. Generally members like this process better than me just posting teachings because they get to participate – yet you find fault with such a beneficial process.


Aug 19, 2014

The Beast and Healthcare

The Question:

If you were to encapsulate a wording that would describe the directions people follow as if their doctors are outer gods – what would it be?


Olivia was the only one who took a stab at the actual question. She said, “blind adherence to a belief.” Now this idea runs through the general tactic of the Beast in using all governing thoughtforms, but is not a thoughtform itself. Remember that a thoughtform used by the Beast is a computer program that enters the mind like a virus and takes over to the extent that the victim thinks it is he who is doing the thinking when it is the program.

The key is that the thoughtform must be accepted into the brain to have an effect. Remember we are told that all but a few accepted and worshipped the Beast.

But who is there among us who would accept the idea of being a blind follower?

None. No matter how blind the follower he doesn’t think he is following blindly, but always believes he is using his own mind.

So what is the thoughtform then that people willingly accept for their healthcare?

It is basically this old aphorism:

“The doctor knows best.”

I’d guess that well over 80% of the population are governed by this thoughtform which is widely used by the Beast.

Does this mean that the few who are not governed by this will reject all the advice of their doctor?

No. If you are thinking in this direction then you are lacking in understanding of how to escape the mark of the Beast.

He who does not have the mark and listens to the Inner Voice above the outer ones will take into consideration the advice of doctors and other educated authorities, but at the same time they are hearing advice they are running it by he Inner Spirit and coming to their own conclusion. That conclusion may be to accept the doctor’s advice, or it may be to reject it. He who does not have the mark will not automatically accept the advice of a doctor, a priest, a politician or whatever.

He who does have the mark will follow doctors orders if he has accepted the basic thoughtform.

It is interesting that many who are into alternative medicine and think they are independent of “doctor knows best” still are governed by the “doctor knows best” thoughtform when the chips are down. When many who think they are free from such a thoughtform are told by medical authorities that their life is in danger and they must follow orders exactly or they will die then what do most of them do? They drop all alternative ideas and follow orders just as they are told.

The sad thing is the doctors are often wrong and their advice sometimes leads to a painful drugged up last days. Those who escape the mark will often find a life changing alternative, but they have to do a little thinking on their own accompanied by research.

The Second Question

And how about people who reject all modern medicine? Are they governed by a thoughtform? If so what is it?

There are a handful of people who do not trust doctors and will automatically reject all or portions of their advice. This category does not reject doctors because they are free from thoughtforms, but because they are governed by a different one than the masses. Several thoughtforms govern this group. Here are two possibilities:

(1) I trust God rather than doctors.

This guy doesn’t go by the inner voice but what some religious authority has told him God thinks about doctors.

(2) All orthodox medicine is corrupt.

This governs the guy who has read a lot of alternative material that speaks negatively of doctors and orthodox medicine and instead of using judgment he takes in the black and white thoughtform that calls for automatic rejection.

It is a key factor in understanding the workings of the Beast to realize that controlling thoughtforms leave no room for individual judgment but are black and white in their execution.

Another key in understanding the Beast is that this powerful authority is more concerned in control and obedience than what it is you are obeying. If a subject can be tricked into accepting one of his thoughtforms then he can easily be tricked into another one. Bait and switch are key words here.

Now let us switch to science. Name a couple thoughtforms that govern them. Remember there are a number of subjects where scientists can buy into thoughtforms such as global warming, evolution, God etc.


ImAHebrew says:

So this Beast, this sinful or carnal man that dwells within each and every sinner, overcomes the sinner and the sinner is enslaved by the Beast:

2Pet 2:19 promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.

So I would suggest that the most powerful thoughtform known to man IS the lusts and desires of their sinful flesh, known as the Beast. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.


Well, ImAHebrew, we are in harmony as far as the big picture is concerned.

The Greek from which the word “sin” was translated in the New Testament comes from HAMARTIA which is derived from HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.” In other words, when the Greeks 2000 years ago shot at a target with an arrow and missed they “sinned” (HAMARTANO) or missed the target. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon tells us that the Greeks also used it to mean “an error in understanding.”

People largely miss the mark because they listen to outer authorities above the voice of God which speaks within. This misplaced attention is indeed the cause of most of the error or sins of mankind.

However, the lusts and sins of the flesh is not a thoughtform. It is kind of like gravity, which is a force and not a thoughtform, but the pull of the material side is definitely behind the creation of many thoughtforms that deceive mankind.


Science and Thoughtforms

The Assignment:

Now let us switch to science. Name a couple thoughtforms that govern them. Remember there are a number of subjects where scientists can buy into thoughtforms such as global warming, evolution, God etc.

In considering the thoughtforms that create misplaced authority in a system the key is to examine how people react to that system. Then one must ask this, “What is running through their heads that they should react the way they do, as if they are reading the same script?

There are two basic thoughtforms governing science. The first affects the vast majority of those who are not governed by religion and the second governs many of the believers.

The first thoughtform is this: “You can’t argue with science.”

This thoughtform affects both those who have studied science and those who have not. There are many out there who have little understanding of science, but when they hear that science supports a thing they figure the argument has been settled. To them the authority of science is the closest thing we can get to the voice of God. Just like the believer wouldn’t think of a rejecting God, even so, will the low educated science believer not question science.

If he hears a report that science says the global warming issue is settled, that it is happening now he will believe and not question. If you show him that the earth is cooler now than in 1998 his eyes will just glaze over. If he says anything it will be accusing you of denying the science which he supports.

On the other hand, many scientists and those with a knowledge of science are captivated by this same thoughtform. Those who are trapped by it will also see science as the highest source of knowledge but will respond differently than those with little learning. If you point out that global warming seems to have been on a pause since 1998 they will give a complicated answer that will seem reasonable to them, but not to the logical thinker. For instance, many say that the earth has indeed warmed but the warming has been trapped deep under the oceans.

So, even though one may be learned in science he can still get trapped in a thoughtform that takes him away from real science and truth. He doesn’t want to challenge the thoughtform that governs his group.

Then in different divisions of science there are supportive thoughtforms, such as:

Global warming: “All scientists agree.”

Evolution: “Evolution has been proven.” While it is true that it has been solidly proven that evolution has happened this does not mean that all theories about how it happened are true.

God: There is no one wording but the general idea in the thoughtform runs something like this, “The belief in a sky god watching my every move is just plain silly.”

There are several thoughtforms governing those who reject science, but a common one is, “Science is godless; therefore, I choose God.”

This fellow automatically rejects anything from science that contradicts his religion or what he thinks the scriptures say.

Both sides are in error because of their acceptance of thoughtforms. While it is true that science has proven many things, there are also many other avenues that are not proven. Many science supporters, and even scientists, often do not differentiate between the proven and the unproven when talking under the influence of their thoughtform. The trick they often use is to give an undisputed fact and follow it by something that has not been proven. By lumping them together they give the impression that neither can be challenged.

Those who have escaped the mark of the Beast will neither automatically reject science or accept all they tell us is true. They will look into the facts and come up with their own conclusions.

The next area to look at is the media. In this, let us include TV, Newspapers, magazines, Hollywood and the internet. What are some thoughtforms governing those who deliver news and influence us?


Aug 20, 2014

Illusions in Hollywood

Keith writes:

The most powerful overarching thoughtform of the beast is ‘FEAR’. All of our most awful mistakes in past lives occur because ‘FEAR’ leads us to believe (erroneously) that we have no choice, but to comply with the beast’s demands.


Great observation Keith. You have touched on the key principle behind all thoughtforms used by the Beast in all departments of life. You are getting a little ahead of the program here. We’ll get back to this when we do a general wrap up.

The Question:

The next area to look at is the media. In this, let us include TV, Newspapers, magazines, Hollywood and the internet. What are some thoughtforms governing those who deliver news and influence us?

Good comments on this.

I was contemplating the principle that would pin down the actual governing thoughtforms and this came to me:

“Find the illusion and you will find the thoughtform.”

That turned on a light in my head. As are all truths it is very simple, but enlightening.

The illusion in medicine is that doctors and authorities there always know what is best better than you do.

The illusion in science is that the scientists can gather scientific facts and always come to a more accurate conclusion than you can, even if you access the same facts.

The illusion in religion is that a minister, prophet or preacher is closer to God than you are or can be.

So, what is the illusion of the media? There are a number of them. Susan pointed out a big one which is basically self importance – they feel their words should carry more weight than the rest of us, just because of who they are.

This illusion particularly applies to Hollywood and is fed by many sources. There are the fans who worship them, business who pays for their endorsements and politicians who want to rub shoulders with them and get their advice. On top of this, they create all kinds of award ceremonies where they have lots of opportunity to pat themselves on the back.

The key to seeing their main governing thoughtform is realizing that the self-importance of the individuals involved is only half the equation. The other half is the weight that they give the opinion of their peers. Therefore, in all their work, most involved in Hollywood seek not only to magnify their own glory through their work, but to get approval from their coworkers. Since it is usually assumed their coworkers are from the Left they will generally do what is necessary to appeal that that thinking process.

So what would the thoughtform be then if we keep this in mind?

“I will do what is necessary to generate praise from others in the business and for this will receive maximum glory with the people that matter.”


Now, how about those who deliver us the news? What is their illusion and the main governing thoughtform?


The Question:

How about those who deliver us the news? What is their illusion and the main governing thoughtform?

Let us analyze the answers so far for illusions to see the progress made.

They want to outdo the competition… Not quite. That is the truth of what they are trying to do. No illusion there.

They want to be the first… No illusion there. That is what we all know they want.

They would think that they are greatly needed in society to keep us all well informed… It is true and not illusion that we do need newspeople to keep us informed. If we did not need the m they would have no power.

It would also be something along the lines of “I can “feed” you information” No illusion there. They can feed us information.

The Illusion is that reporters are better informed than everyone else so they know better about politics than everyone else. The reporters are better informed than average but their job is not to preach politics, but to report the news so this wouldn’t be a core illusion.

Finally Larry says: “But there is another strong thoughtform that works on TV reporters in particular. They must maintain the appearance of unaffected and non-participatory.”

Here Larry is approaching one of the two major illusions in the news media. Let me reword this illusion as follows: They are under the illusion that they report without bias and are unaffected and non participatory.

The thoughtform would be “You are a sincere unbiased reporter just trying to get the important facts to the people.”

Question: What is the second illusion with the accompanying thoughtform?


The Question:

How about those who deliver us the news? What is their illusion and the main governing thoughtform?

Let us analyze the answers so far for illusions to see the progress made.

They want to outdo the competition… Not quite. That is the truth of what they are trying to do. No illusion there.

They want to be the first… No illusion there. That is what we all know they want.

They would think that they are greatly needed in society to keep us all well informed… It is true and not illusion that we do need newspeople to keep us informed. If we did not need the m they would have no power.

It would also be something along the lines of “I can “feed” you information” No illusion there. They can feed us information.

The Illusion is that reporters are better informed than everyone else so they know better about politics than everyone else. The reporters are better informed than average but their job is not to preach politics, but to report the news so this wouldn’t be a core illusion.

Finally Larry says: “But there is another strong thoughtform that works on TV reporters in particular. They must maintain the appearance of unaffected and non-participatory.”

Here Larry is approaching one of the two major illusions in the news media. Let me reword this illusion as follows: They are under the illusion that they report without bias and are unaffected and non participatory.

The thoughtform would be “You are a sincere unbiased reporter just trying to get the important facts to the people.”

Question: What is the second illusion with the accompanying thoughtform?



Here’s a clip from the archives that looks at the media Beast…

The beast in our lives 11.22.98


Welcome to the group Flo and thanks for posting those quotes. They are very supportive to the topic at hand.

We have covered a lot of material on the Beast, but the depth of the mystery is great and there always seems to be more to discover.

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Principle 44

This entry is part 40 of 98 in the series Principles

 The Principle Of Truth

What is the principle behind truth? I do not recall anyone ever giving this out.

Truth is an accurate description of what is being experienced, or is existing, is going to exist, has existed or been experienced in the reality in which consciousness finds itself.

Falsehood is a distortion of an experience or an existence to make that which did not happen or exist appear to have happened.

It is thus true that the moon is in the sky because it exists and we experience it. Even if the universe is illusion, as some teach, the fact that we experience it as well as the earth and moon is still true.

To say we have two visible moons would be a distortion or falsehood.

To say that I had an experience in a dream of a monster chasing me would be true. Even though it was a dream, the experience was real.

To say that I had an experience in a dream of a dog chasing me last night would not be true. If I had not such a dream then I did not have such an experience.

Many people make truth much more complicated than it is, but it is so simple a child can understand. It is what we experience and what exists in the world of consciousness.

Some truths are obvious and everyone agrees on them. For instance, all of us agree that we have one visible moon. But truths of other things are not so easily agreed upon.

For instance, which is the better system, a government that leans heavily toward socialism or one that relies on capitalism and free enterprise?

There are many with good brain savvy who have written on both sides of this argument and many on each side believe with all their hearts that their ideology is the best.

So why is the truth of this matter and many others so obscured that about half of the country disagrees with the other half?

In this case, and many others (such as religion), the real truth of the effectiveness of both systems is obscured by value judgments.

For instance, the socialist places a lot of value on helping the poor, and maybe himself, usually with other people’s money. In his mind poverty should just not be and we should use any means necessary to eradicate it.

The free enterpriser has a different value system. In his mind freedom of the individual is where his greatest value often lies. Since government social programs only work by diminishing freedom he sees them as a negative thing. He thus believes it to be true that capitalism and free enterprise to be the superior system.

Both sides tend to judge the truth of their system by their values rather than some gage of what is efficient and what is not, though one must note that the socialist relies more on what he feels should be true and the free enterpriser relies more on mental calculations.

For instance, the ultimate socialist/communist empire in the world is North Korea but that doesn’t discourage believers from pushing our government toward greater central control and more socialist programs.

To find the truth, where ideology and values are concerned, one must separate the whole into multiple parts. Then one must find the truth about the parts and put them back together.

Whether or not there is a God or an afterlife are other topics that have many truths and values on both sides of the argument, but no one can put them together in such a way as to prove beyond doubt which side is correct.

One thing that is eventually discovered by all seekers is soul contact which allows the consciousness to see beyond petty arguments and false values to the central governing truths.

People talk about “my truth and your truth,” but is this really an accurate phraseology? To find out let us take something that we all agree to be true such as 2+2=4.

Now suppose a guy comes along and says, “That is your truth. My truth is 2+2=5.”

Sounds kind of silly doesn’t it? 2+2=5 cannot be his truth because it just plain is not true. It would be much more accurate to say that it is his falsehood or illusion. At best one could say it is his perception of truth.

People often use the phrasing of “my truth” and “your truth”when discussing spiritual matters. For instance, two people may have differing view of what God is and when agreement cannot be reached one will say, “Well, that is your truth, but this is mine.”

In reality truth is neither yours or mine, but stands on its own. It is just true. If the speaker were accurate he would change his wording to something like this, “Well, that’s your belief, but this is mine.”

A belief is much different than a truth. A belief may or may not be true but “the truth is true and nothing else is true.” (From A Course in Miracles) If something else could be true other than the truth then that which is false could be true and this is not possible.

Concerning truth, there are two basic camps. One says that truth is absolute; the other says that truth is relative.

Basically, I am going to present another framework, but it will be an important framework because it will lead to a greater perception of truth in the end.

What people refer to as relative truth is not relative truth at all, but relative perception of what seems to be true. Because our perception is relative does not mean that truth is relative.

Consider again this quote: “For truth is true and nothing else is true. There is no opposite to choose instead. There is no contradiction to the truth. Choosing depends on learning. And truth cannot be learned, but only recognized. In recognition its acceptance lies, and as it is accepted it is known.” ACIM Workbook Page 257

Here is stated the great principle behind truth itself: “The truth is true and nothing else is true.” Run this by your soul and see if it does not resonate.

The truth of this has been demonstrated to me, not only because of soul contact but because no one in my entire life has ever been able to give me a relative truth. Relative perceptions yes, but not relative truth. There is no such thing.

One may object and give the example of the three blind men and the elephant. Each touches a different part and comes up with a different truth about the elephant. Isn’t that an example of relative truth?

Or is it that the blind man’s perception that the elephant’s leg was like a tree is absolute truth?

Let me state the principle of absolute truth and go from there. “At any point in time and space (the reality where we presently reside) there is a point of absolute truth that will never change. If we are to move from truth to truth and realization to realization we must recognize those points as we pass by them, else our perceptions become dull and truth seems to be relative.”

So what in the world is the absolute truth that the blind man feeling the leg of the elephant sees when he thinks he is feeling something like a tree?

Answer: If he could see, he would not see that he was wrong. Instead he would see that he now has more power to find additional truths about the elephant and many other things. At that point in time and space when he felt the leg of the elephant, it was absolute truth that his sense of touch revealed that there were similarities between the way an elephant’s leg feels and the way the trunk of a tree feels. A million years in the future that point in time and space where that perception occurred will still be true.

Two plus two equals four is absolutely true at this point in time and space and nothing else is true. There are trillions of illusionary answers but only one right one. Nothing else but four is correct.

I am typing on my computer at this point in time and space and there is no other truth in the universe that will contradict this, either now or a million years from now.

Some say life is an illusion or a dream and nothing is real, nothing is true. Not so. Even in dreams there are points of truth. If I dream I am stranded on a desert island surrounded by beautiful women then at that point in time and space it was absolute truth that I was having that dream experience. That experience will still exist in time and space a million years from now.

If we are to find the truth, teach the truth and apply the truth then it is of extreme importance that we understand what the truth is and whether or not it is relative, absolute or shifts around like a moving target.

If we cannot generally see together the essence of this thing called truth then all the truths that are presented become nebulous and just beautiful theory of no practical consequence.

One of the current problems I see is in the use of the term “absolute truth.” Some seem to believe that this seems to apply to some great truth beyond the physical reality or maybe some one great truth centered around the One God.

All truth is absolute. My dictionary says the word absolute means: “Not limited by restrictions or exceptions; unconditional.”

Therefore 2+2=4 is an absolute truth. There are no exceptions. Every time you add 2+2 you get 4.

Playing silly games such as adding 2+2 in a foreign language or using a binary numbering system changes nothing about this truth.

I mentioned the truth that I was typing on my computer and that event would be true forever for that point in time and space. It is still absolutely true now that I was typing at that time. It will always be true.

Some may be rolling their eyes, I can sense it. Let me try and paint a picture that makes the point a little clearer.

Visualize a painting with innumerable pictures. You look up, down, left and right and can see no end to the images. This unlimited mural represents time and space.

Now you are curious about how the painting is created so you use some Star Trek device that magnifies it. The beautiful images become larger and larger until you can no longer recognize them and you get to the pixel level something like exists on bit map computer artwork. The difference here is that the pixels are not uniform squares but each one is a different shape and image in its own right. Each of these individualized pixels is a point in time and space, a part of the Eternal Now. When in the Eternal Now these pixels are stationary and eternal and ever present, but when present in time and space consciousness can only see one pixel at a time as if they are passing never to be seen again.

In time and space the pixels seem transient and have nothing to do with the great event called absolute truth, but in the Eternal Now no pixel is ever lost and is ever present to be retrieved by the mere power of thought.

What are some of these pixels? I just mentioned one. It was me typing at the computer. The pixel of that true event may seem to be gone, but it is not. It still exists in the great painting called the Eternal Now.

Now I can deny that I was at the computer. I could say I was having a wild party over at a friend’s place. I could make up a million different stories, but out of the million things I could make up only one thing agrees with the pixel in the great painting in the Eternal Now. This truth is absolutely true and nothing else is true. I was typing at the computer. This truth and all other truths and pixels are not relative to anything else. All truth stands by itself.

You can, however, stand back and see dozens, hundreds, and thousands of pixels as they naturally are gathered together and view a larger picture that brings a larger absolute truth to your consciousness. This does not mean that truth is relative. Instead you have adjusted or enlarged your perception of it and are thus able to see the bigger picture. The tiny pixels of truth are not changed because you now see the bigger truth or picture. The tiny pixels have to be seen correctly, and without illusion or deception, before the bigger picture can be viewed. If we are deceived about the pixels we will be deceived about the picture of truth they create.

Truth seems relative to many, but it is in the perception of truth where the relativity lies.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true. The other is to refuse to accept what is true. Soren Kierkeqaard

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 16

This entry is part 20 of 33 in the series 2014

Aug 3, 2014

Bailey Writings


And the idea that the Jews should be wiped off the face of the earth, is pure ignorance.


Who in the world is saying this? The Alice A Bailey writings were one of the few in the area of philosophy that was against Hitler and such ideas from his rise to power.

Please refrain from throwing out wild accusations on this forum with no evidence.

You might also take note that we do not agree with a lot of Theosophical material. We attempt to run all things by our souls for verification.


Here is what the Bailey writings actually said:

The gradual dissolution again if in any way possible of the orthodox Jewish faith, with its obsolete teaching, its separative emphasis, its hatred of the Gentiles and its failure to recognise the Christ. In saying this I do not fail to recognise those Jews throughout the world who acknowledge the evils and who are not orthodox in their thinking; they belong to the aristocracy of spiritual belief to which the Hierarchy itself belongs.

Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 544

DK thought that the orthodox practice of Judaism (nothing to do with allegory) will gradually dissipate as well as many other outdated religious practices. This will occur naturally. Nowhere do the Bailey writings advocate wiping the Jews off the face of the earth. That may be the most outrageous and untrue statement ever made on this forum.


Aug 4, 2014

Resolving Conflict Through the Soul

This experiment with the Nazirene group has been interesting and intense. Unfortunately, we got off to a rocky start. The first post that got the ball rolling was one I just intended for the Keys only to discuss. It wasn’t intended to be an attack on anyone, but merely an analysis of whether it would be a good or bad idea to write an allegory with apparent history in it that was not true and present it as being true for the sake of teaching true principles.

Then when both groups interacted on this the misunderstandings reached Biblical proportions.

This type of conflict between two groups illustrates just how difficult it will be to find 24 people who can learn to resolve conflict and see eye to eye through the eyes of the soul so the foundation of a human molecule can be laid.

But seeing eye to eye should be easy for our group, right? – since most of us here agree on the basics. Well, remember the experiment we did a couple years ago. I set the group toward discussing a controversial subject, one that I knew that not all on the Keys agreed upon and challenged the members to attempt to resolve the differences through the soul.

The topic involved was whether it was right or wrong for Obama to execute the American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, in the foreign country of Yemen with no trial, even though there was overwhelming evidence that he was a participating terrorist.

Indeed it turned out that there were strong opposing opinions on this subject. The conflict turned out to be at least as strong as we have had with Allan’s group. The only difference was that no one saw anyone else as being mean or not nice but lots of stubbornness was on display.

When I saw we were not making any progress I tried to get the group to break the argument down to its basic parts. So I steered them away from whether it was right to whether it was legal. Then the group moved to an argument I did not anticipate and that was the definition of what “legal” is. After about a week of intense argument over the definition of a word I put an end to the discussion by pointing out how simple reaching agreement should have been, yet we could not even agree on the definition of a word that would allow us to get to the first base of agreement.

Now, this doesn’t mean that gathering a group together that can see eye to eye and resolve differences is impossible. There were people involved there that did try and see through the soul, but all it takes in a group is a couple of people overly attached to their belief system to destroy the possibility of union.

If we threw out a net and gathered in 1000 people from the general population there would probably be about a dozen who could drop their bias enough to resolve conflict through the soul.

If we threw out the net again and gathered from seekers seeking spiritual truth we may find ten percent who could do this.

Indeed the path to beginning the next great step in human evolution is difficult, if not impossible.

Meanwhile it is good practice for us to work with each other and possibly other groups in attempting to resolve differences through the soul so we can see eye to eye.

I’ve been thinking about Stephen’s idea and I think anything we do in the future should have very little structure. If every couple weeks Allan or I think it would be advantageous to throw something out to the other group – that may work, but it would be treated as any other post. If it generates interest fine and if not fine. Both groups have their own agendas and this interaction should not interfere with either one.

In addition, we have had some of Allan’s members join our forum and some of ours joined his. These should be accepted and treated as any other member and be encouraged to conform to the protocol of each group.

If anyone has further comment or ideas I would be happy to hear them.


Aug 5, 2014

Re: Resolving Conflict Through the Soul


JJ apparently wishes to debase what I have said, effectively calling me an idiot at best and liar at worst, when stating: “Those who say they have read similar things before are like those who say they read about the Theory of Relativity before Einstein because they read about theories and they read about things being relative, or maybe they have relatives. Not the same at all. Actually Shohn needs to read the book before he can even say he has read of similar concepts.”


Hey, settle down. No one is calling you an idiot. What is it with members of your group having such a thin skin?

My point was that you cannot say that you have read anything that teaches the Molecular Relationship and how it works until you read the book. All you have right now is a rough idea.

You can’t really write on any subject that hasn’t been written about in some degree. Even Einstein was criticized at first for coming up with nothing new because all the ingredients of his theory was already out there. But when the whole picture was seen then his fellow scientists had to admit that he had indeed come up with something new.

One can put pieces together and create an insight in a different way than has been done before – and this I have done a number of times as my readers will attest. I wrote the first draft of the Molecular relationship in 1979 and since then no one has been able to point to any work similar to it in all these years.

If you hang around here long enough and read through the archives you will find a number of insights and principles that should be new to you.

I think most of the group is tired of playing defense here. We don’t want to spend the next three days debating what is new and what is not or comparing my teachings to Allan’s. It is time to move on and discuss some new things.



I thought I should add a few more comments of clarification on civility and name-calling.

Most of us do not mind a little passion in an exchange as long as it does not get too insulting or goes on for a long time distracting the forum.

Secondly, name-calling is different than accurately describing what the person does that may fit the name.

For instance, outright calling a person a liar is probably the most common form of name-calling going on throughout the internet. Often this is thrown out with no evidence just because the writer doesn’t like what the other guy has said. Even with evidence it is still an uncivil thing to say.

What would be the appropriate thing to say to a person stating something you know to be not true?

The civil approach is this. “What you said is just not true and here is why. You said this (quotes his words) but this is what actually happened (give account).

With this type of response readers can examine the situation and determine if the guy did lie or maybe was just mistaken.

Even so, it is with the word hypocrite. If one just calls another a hypocrite with little explanation as to why, or even a good one he is taking the uncivil approach. On the other hand, Larry Woods took a more civil approach with Shohn. Instead of calling him a hypocrite he stated that what he did was hypocritical and explained clearly what he thought that was. Now readers can read the explanation and assess for themselves.

Even giving descriptions though can inflame people. On various forums I often come across statements that seem to be outright lies and if I respond I give my reasons so people can see. I could end with this statement: “This accusation you made is obviously a lie.” Instead I may say something like, “your statement is just not true – here is the actual truth which can be verified.”

Even this gentle response will still inflame many because people do not like their flaws exposed, but sometimes it is appropriate.



If it was misunderstood the first time, then allow and accept an amended explanation. Give the benefit of the doubt. I know, its hard.


Good point. If people would do this one thing half the arguments on forums would cease. Sometimes people do not want to understand what the other is saying.


Aug 7, 2014

Claims to Fame and Power

It seems that about once a year or so I come across someone who is making strong spiritual claims. Many of them have strongly warned me that I need to listen to them or my very soul will be in danger. Because I did not jump on their bandwagon and actually analyzed their claims with reason I have been condemned by several of these as one who has sinned against the Holy Ghost and will reign with the devil and his angels for eternity.

Others have condemned me to a regular Christian hell. Still others have condemned me to extinction or some outer darkness where I will suffer more than one can imagine. Then some kinder ones do not speak so much of punishment but basically tell me that unless I heed them that I will never know what they know or see what they see which is always a great state of knowing or bliss that they assume I know nothing of.

The claims made by some of these guys are interesting and sometimes amusing. The most popular claim is the leader is reincarnated from some great historical being – from Joseph Smith, an early apostle, to Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and even God. One guy who demanded I follow him claimed to be the Logos of the entire galaxy. Another who condemned me for not following him channeled the very voice of God the Father (so he said.) You should have heard this guy bark out orders in a voice not his own. It would have been scary if I had not been seasoned in dealing with such things. Then there was another who topped the list in claims stating that he was above God and was his boss.

Then we can’t forget Chris Nemelka who drew the attention of a number of Keys members. He claims to have had numerous encounters with the resurrected Joseph Smith, Jesus and early apostles.

He is far from the first to make such claims for a number of ex Mormons have claimed to visit with resurrected beings, have visions or speak for God.

On top of this if you surf the Internet a little you’ll discover all kinds of people claiming to be the Second Coming of Jesus or a messiah of some kind.

All these guys stand in stark contrast to Jesus who made no claims. He did not say who he was in a past life, nor did he even claim to be the messiah or anyone great or even that he attained any lofty spiritual state. When he began his work what did he do that caused people to pay attention?

He manifested the Two Witnesses as spoken of in the Book of Revelation. And what are the Two Witnesses?

They are the Words and Works that testified to his mission. His words spoke to the soul and his works manifested faith. Because of these two witnesses he had no need to make a great claim to gain attention.

So why do these various gurus feel the need to make such claims? “Because they are true,” says one. But even if he thinks it is true this is still not a good reason to claim a thing that cannot be proven – just so people will pay attention. The biggest claim to fame for Jesus was his resurrection, but that was not a claim, but an actual happening witnessed by many. A thing that can be demonstrated is not a claim, but an event.

There are several reasons that gurus make claims of spiritual power or greatness.

(1) They realize that few people will listen to them if they merely relied on their words and works.

(2) A strong claim will give them greater recognition.

(3) A strong claim will cause people to lean on the leader for light and give him more power to influence, or in many cases control the lives of followers.

(4) A strong claim creates fear in those without soul contact. Many are afraid to question the words of the guru for fear they are questioning the will of God or will fall out of grace with God or the guru.


(1) Even though many of these leaders or gurus think that they are the furthest thing from representing the beast, how are they furthering his power?

(2) Contrast how a representative of the beast instills fear whereas a worker in the light instills hope, peace and faith?

(3) What are the three most common claims made by representatives of the Beast?

(4) What do you suppose the personality traits are that causes certain people to make great claims and expect to be followed because of those claims?

A lot of writings on the beast can be found in the archives. Here is a link.


Aug 8, 2014

Beastly Question

Here’s another question to fine-tune our thinking on the Beast.

Both the Catholic Church and the Evangelical churches would be surprised to discover that they compose part of the network of the Beast. But … the power of the Beast controls the actions and thinking of their followers through different means.

What then is the difference in how Catholics and evangelicals are controlled by the Beast?



The Catholics through Authority claims of being directly linked to Peter and God and the evangelicals through emotions.


Yes, but where is the current main source of authority for the Catholics and where is it for the Evangelicals?


Aug 9, 2014

The Faces of Truth


Truth to one man, is not to another.


Here is a great quote from A Course in Miracles that may shed some light:

For truth is true, and nothing else is true. There is no opposite to choose instead. There is no contradiction to the truth.

The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there. Let Me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you. Offer your faith to Me, and I will place it gently in the holy place where it belongs. You will find no deception there, but only the simple truth. And you will love it because you will understand it.


Allan gives a long quotation and writes:

“What is true to one man, is not to another.”


Incorrect Allan. The truthful wording would be, “What is perceived to be true for one person is perceived differently to another.” If a person interprets that to not be true as true then it is not true for anyone. The person is only seeing illusion and interpreting it as truth.

Let’s analyze your quote and see what stands up to the statement, “The truth is true and nothing else is true.”

“Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces,”


It is true that he is talking about a crystal with twelve faces and nothing else is true. To say it has 13 faces would be false.

“each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all.”


This is true and nothing else is true.

“Behold again, When one climbs a mountain and attaining one height, he says, this is the top of the mountain, let us reach it, and when they have reached that height, lo, they see another beyond it until they come to that height from which no other height is to be seen, if so be they can attain it.”


It is true and nothing else is true that if you climb to the top of a mountain then you are at the top and if you see a higher mountain then it is higher.

“That which appears true to some, seems not true to others. They who are in the valley don’t see what they who are on the hill top see.”


Again, this is true and nothing else is true that would contradict it.

“But to each, it is the truth as the one mind seeth it,”


It is true and nothing else is true that those who are in different locations see different things. This is really elementary.

“and for that time, till a higher truth shall be revealed to the same; and to the soul which receives higher light, shall be given more light.”


If a guy has one piece to a large puzzle he is crazy to say he has all the pieces and can see the whole picture. That would be illusion. The truth that is true and nothing else is true and he has one piece of the puzzle and when he gets all the pieces he will be able to see the whole picture.

“Be faithful to the light you have, till a higher light is given to you. Seek more light, and you will have abundantly; rest not, until you find.”

“God gives you all truth, as a ladder with many steps, for the salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth which seems today, you will abandon for the higher truth tomorrow. Press toward perfection.”

From Gospel of the Nazirenes

Good advice. It is what we teach here.



Each person due to the Laws they are born under, each sees a different face of the crystal. And each face is 1/12 of the whole — portraying a different perspective — which appears different than the other 11 faces of the crystal. “And that which is seen and received by one, is not seen and received by another. That which appears true to some, seems not true to others. They who are in the valley don’t see what they who are on the hill top see. But to each, it is the truth as the one mind seeth it, and for that time, till a higher truth shall be revealed to the same; and to the soul which receives higher light, shall be given more light.”


Yes, all people see different things at different times. That doesn’t mean the truth changes it means their perception changed and the fact that perception changes is a truth that is truth and nothing else that is true contradicts it.

If a bottle of jelly beans has 1000 beans in it, according to your best perception, that does not alter the truth that there are really 1022 beans in it. It doesn’t matter what you perceive or how many perceive differently the only thing that is true at that time is that there are 1022 beans in the jar.



Yeah, I agree Allan it is basic philosophy 101 that to learn anything you have to move forward a step at a time, but you do not abandon any truth as you move forward, you only abandon things that are not true or usable. When you move from Spanish I to Spanish II you do not quit using all the true words from the first class, but just add to them. You would only abandon the words or usage that are not true Spanish.

As I said, it is philosophy 101 that we do not see or understand all things now but we move forward until we do. Truth is true whether it be spiritual of physical. From a higher pt of view all things are spiritual.


The Question:

What then is the difference in how Catholics and evangelicals are controlled by the Beast?


“For the Catholics Pope Francis and for the evangelicals whomever they are following…a tv minister…”


Or the Bible? Maybe the Bible itself is the Beast to Evangelicals?


Now we are headed the right direction.

How is it that the Bible and the Pope represent the forces of the Beast which lead us away from the Inner Voice? After all, they seem so different?

What force works with the Bible to support the Beast for the evangelicals?

Aug 10, 2014

The Beast 101

All right. It’s time to focus and get back on topic. If anyone wants to talk about Allan’s material then please suggest a topic with short description and if the class expresses interest we’ll discuss it when we move to a new topic. The problem we have had lately is that a half dozen things are in play and none of them get covered well. It is best to approach a single topic step by sep until the ingredients are absorbed.

We have discussed the Beast before, but there are aspects of it as it applies in the lives of people that we need to explore in more depth.

Concerning the Beast it is written in Rev 13:

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

All but a handful will worship the beast. The word “worship” here comes from the Greek PROSKUNEO. Literally translated into today’s language it means “to kiss ass”. In more sensitive language it would mean to “fawn over someone” that you see as your boss or master.

The fact that the Beast is fawned over tells us that this is not necessarily a Nero type of character that forces people to acknowledge him but is something that almost all give their minds and hearts to voluntarily. In other words, people love the Beast, respect him, kiss up to him and are happy to replace the inner voice with the voice without.

Shohn asked why this would be the case. The answer is simple. We humans are lazy and tend to take the path of least resistance. Outer answers are easy to find and they are in black and white. Once accepted no more thinking is required.

The Inner Spirit works with our free will and it takes effort and contemplation to connect with it and come up with an answer. And the answer is never the final answer but is always something to help the seeker on the path of true knowledge that will take you to your next step. Another problem is an answer from the inner Spirit is seen as threatening to the Beast and his agents so the person who is guided by the inner rather than the outer God will often meet with great opposition.

It is just much easier to let the outer authorities who represent the Beast do the thinking and tell you what to believe.

So, even though we live in an age where we are not likely to get burned at the stake, there is still strong incentive to worship (kiss up to) the Beast.

So who represents the Beast in the Catholic Church? More people than you might think. The obvious suspect is the Pope but he is only one of many, though obviously he is a big fish.

All the hierarchy down to the local priest represent the authority of the Beast and replace the true God within with the shadow God without. They tell the people what to believe, what sins are forgiven and how they are to worship.

The outreach of the Beast does not stop there. It’s greatest power is with the people themselves who kiss up to this outer authority. Among families and friends Catholics will receive reinforcement of the thinking which has been passed down from higher authorities. If someone wants to break with the thinking of the church he will receive great pressure from family and friends to conform.

Now the good news is this. The hold of the authority of the Catholic and other churches has been diminishing the past couple centuries. Does this mean the power of the Beast is diminishing? Not necessarily. The Beast just moves his power base to other areas as we shall see.

Now the Evangelical churches do not have a strong central human authority as do the Catholics. Does this mean that they are not controlled by the authority of the Beast?

Unfortunate the answer is no.

Where then is their outer controlling authority?

lwk gave us the right answer. It is the Bible.


How can an inspired work such as he Bible be a controlling instrument of the Beast?

Can an instrument used by the Beast be someone or something that is seen as good as well as being sinister? Can a kindly old man such as Pope Francis unknowingly really be an instrument of the Beast? Why?

The Bible by itself is just a book… What is it that gives it power in the hands of the Beast?

If the Bible is an instrument in the hands of the Beast for the Evangelicals then what is the deal with the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and other religions that have a different interpretation? Do they represent the Beast also?


Truth Conversation Continued


..what is seen in the below is the fact that you clearly do not possess an in-depth comprehension of the Laws.


It’s the other way around. You only state that you comprehend laws, but do nothing to demonstrate an understanding of them. Just stating I am wrong and you are right does not make me wrong or you right.


And the problem is seen in the fact that the necessary comprehension of what is presented in the below, is as a gateway transition point that has the capacity to open the door to higher understanding and true spirituality. It is clear from your own reply where you attempt to portray me as being wrong, that you fail to comprehend not only WHY each person sees truth and the world from a different and often opposite and conflicting perspective — but just as important as to WHY this great variance in vision and understanding is important to your own development, as well as the development of those who see you as their teacher.


First, it was you that attempted to prove me wrong and I merely defended my own thinking which you continually insinuate is incorrect or substandard.

Secondly, I perfectly understand why people perceive from different points of view, but I am not so sure about you. You seem to be arguing in support of that which is not real rather than the real.


Especially in view of the fact that without this knowledge of the Laws, a seeker will not only mentally and spiritually flat-line — but will have squandered away a most important opportunity.


You’re not talking about me because I am a long way from flatlining and you have no idea of the experiences I have had as I make no claims as you do, but just give out knowledge and let people take from it what feels right to them. You insist we listen because you’ve merged with your higher self. The problem is that you give no more evidence that you have done this than other gurus we have encountered.


Should I apologize to your forum for knowing and understanding the important knowledge that was suppressed and even outlawed by the Pagan Church of Rome?


No apology is asked for as we are already aware of this.


There are members of your forum who are threatening to leave, because I claim to know more than others who did not have the same opportunities that I did over the course of my soul’s previous lives.


That is not the problem. You need to read more accurately. The problem is all the conflict as well as all the different directions your group has taken us. This particular problem stems more from your group members than you. Outside of insulting our spirituality and insisting you save us from ourselves you behave yourself fairly well.


If you had what you portray as soul-contact before you replied to me and told me I was wrong, you would have responded differently than you did.


And perhaps if you were really in contact with your higher self you could understand what I am saying and would have responded differently than you did. You still seem oblivious as to my view of the scriptures and couldn’t seem to answer the questions that would have clarified my thinking in your mind.


Why? Because your own higher soul-self knows and sees things as they truly are. My only objective is the development and enlightenment of you and your forum members.


We would like to see you and your group receive an extra shot of enlightenment also, but we have enough light here to see that attempting to force feed you is not the answer. The plan here is just to reveal simple truth step by step and those who are ready will use those truths to advance onward until full soul contact is obtained.

But that is just he beginning.

There is more, much more.

Aug 11, 2014

The Beast 102

Thank you for your participation and thoughtful answers on the Beast so far.

The First Question:

How can an inspired work such as he Bible be a controlling instrument of the Beast?

I just may be the first person on God’s green earth to teach that the Bible is a powerful instrument in the hands of the Beast and its branches, but indeed it is.

Does this mean that the Bible is a flawed or evil book? No. People who are looking in this direction do not understand the Beast for God and Jesus themselves are powerful instruments in the hands of the Beast. After all, its objective is to take the place of God, so, of course, he uses God as a draw. Not the real God of course, who dwells within but a false image of God – a trick god..

The Beast uses unearned authority differently with the Evangelicals than the Catholics. The main thrust of authority with them is the Pope and hierarchy of the church. The Bible may be important to members but the words of the authorities carry much more weight.

For instance, Jesus clearly said, Call no man Father, yet they ignore this scripture and call their local priest, Father. What Jesus said about this doesn’t concern them because of where their worship of authority is placed.

Now the Evangelicals do not have a powerful hierarchy so their reliance on authority is in two areas

(1) The Bible as the infallible word of God. Among this group if one of their own were to doubt the truthfulness of any scripture quoted they would indeed receive the evil eye of disdain. If the Bible says that God created the earth in six days then, by George, that is exactly what happened. If Jesus said he is coming quickly then He is coming quickly, even though we’ve been waiting 2000 years. After all 2000 years is just a moment for God.

To the Evangelical every word in the Bible is infallible and literally true, even the passages that do not make sense to the logical mind. They are not to be questioned, just understood.

Therefore, the Bible is an instrument of the Beast with the Evangelicals because it is set forth as a powerful outward authority which directs many spiritual seekers away from looking to the God Within for answers. Instead, they look to the god without, the infallible words of the Bible which are not to be questioned. If you do question them you will not be accepted as a preacher, teacher or faithful member of the congregation.

If they were free of the Beast they could openly question and discuss the veracity and unorthodox meaning of any scripture.

But the authority of the Beast retains tight control over the minds and hearts of the masses. If you question his agents you will be rejected and often attacked in some way.

(2) If you thought I was just going to give you the second one think again. Here is the question of the day.

The infallible Bible is the first powerful instrument of the Beast among the Evangelicals. What is the second and how is it used to steer believers away from looking within?




Whatever I write is automatically rejected in this forum.


The few teachings you have presented has been accepted such as;

We have a higher self with which we are to merge.

We do not see all the truth in this land of shadows.

As we grow in truth we change our views.

Actually these things pretty much agree with what is taught here.

What is rejected is the incessant preaching to us by you and your followers that we are not seeing through the spiritual vision as yourself and your group and insinuating we are spiritually inferior. It seems the only solution for us is to accept every word you say without question – then we can enter the promised land.

The problem is that you present no steps for us to follow to enter that exalted state from which you claim to perch yourself.

I have never insinuated to your group that I am more spiritually advanced than they are or that they must listen to me if they want to be saved, enlightened , merged with soul or whatever. If i had approached them the way you approach us their rage at me would have been much greater than it currently is.



In those links exist an in-depth explanation of the workings of the Laws … If you seriously wanted to know what virtually all the biblical authors portrayed as inconceivable from a human organic perspective, then you would read the links and ask meaningful questions in search of the Ultimate Answers. And if you were to do this, then I would be glad to engage you.


I’ve done this and found mention of law and things that were supposed to be mysteries, but very little in the way of explanation. About half of what I read were quotes and most of these were repeated many times. After a while I got tired of reading the same quotes over and over.

One of what appears to be your most important teachings is about the Twelve Rounds of the Tree of Life. Others teach 10 rounds or 11, but you teach 12 so I guess this sets you apart.

Since this is presented as a very important teaching you would think there would be an explanation of it somewhere. The only place I could find that even named the 12 rounds was a graphic image that I had to blow up to read. I couldn’t find any explanation of those twelve rounds or whether one can progress from one to another or how to progress or absorb all twelve or whatever.

This explanation may be on another site I haven’t read, and that is another problem you have. Your teachings are scattered in lots of places, so I’m sure I must have missed something. You ought to place all your basic spiritual teachings on one site the way I do. That would make searching for things a lot easier. You’d think it would be easier and cheaper than maintaining a dozen sites.


I am here to convey the Mysteries of the soul and the Gospel to those who Paul portrayed as being spiritually mature enough to receive this wisdom.


Then you should do this. Tell us of a mystery that we do not already know.


I am not a teacher. I am not a master. I am only a lowly servant who is performing a service to the lost prodigal sons and daughters who desire to Prove the Truth by Travailing in TheWay.


But you do claim to be “THE prophet” which is a much higher and holy claim than that one who says he is a teacher because he teaches things. Here is a quote from one of your sites:

The world-wide ministry of the Prophet Allan Cronshaw — known to some as the Long Island Mystic — the Nazirene Disciple of The Way — the man who lived in a previous life as Jacob who is known as today as James the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus


Re: The Beast 102

The Question:

The infallible Bible is the first powerful instrument of the Beast among the Evangelicals. What is the second and how is it used to steer believers away from looking within?

We can look deeper if the group considers the following.

When we look at the various churches that take the Bible literally, as their personal Beast, we find something interesting. The various denominations have much different interpretations yet within each denomination is amazing uniformity. This uniformity is usually seen as a wonderful thing by them, even the work of he Holy Spirit. Yet what they fail to realize is that each religion has this and the more authoritarian they are the greater the uniformity.

How is it that the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons and the Evangelicals (who all literally accept the Bible but believe different things) are uniform in their internal beliefs? In other words, you can go into one of their churches several times and it will not be long before you know what you are supposed to believe and support.

What creates this uniformity that seems to almost be picked up by ESP?


Aug 12, 2014

The Beast 103

The Question:

How is it that the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons and the Evangelicals (who all literally accept the Bible but believe different things) are uniform in their internal beliefs? In other words, you can go into one of their churches several times and it will not be long before you know what you are supposed to believe and support.

What creates this uniformity that seems to almost be picked up by ESP?

Susan, Duke and Ruth mentioned thoughtforms in some type of context and this is certainly the right direction. The average person doesn’t even realize what a thoughtform is and those who do generally fail to understand how pervasive they are. They not only exist in the religions, but in all walks of life. They are particularly powerful right now in politics.

Even though average people do not understand thoughtforms many do have a sense about what they do. Most are familiar with the term “groupthink” and have some understanding of the power of unified group thought on the individual.

Few realize how potent thoughtforms are, especially when they themselves are controlled or influenced by them. Believers see themselves as attending church and not questioning anything entirely because of their own free will and intelligent decisions. More often than not they have bought into the parameters of the thoughtform and are controlled by it. Ironically, they often see this as the work of the Holy Spirit when they are really controlled by one of the tentacles of the Beast.

I have attended quite a few different churches and movements in my day and being aware of the power of thoughtforms makes the situation quite interesting. As you enter from the outside world it seems as if you are leaving one world and entering another. As soon as preaching or teaching begins you start to pick up what is acceptable and what is not. You do not interact with anyone from the pulpit but there is sometimes interaction in Sunday School Class. Sometimes I will ask a question that is not a part of the thoughtform and you ought to see the looks that generates. The question can seem quite harmless to an outsider, but if it doesn’t fit the thoughtform the group will see it as intrusive, rude and sometimes outright evil.


How is a thoughtform created?

Name some thoughtforms in your life which you have to handle?

How can you control the thoughtform rather than it controlling you?

Aug 13, 2014

The Beast 104

How is a thoughtform created?

A thoughtform is created through this principle: Energy follows thought. The more thought that is applied the more power it has.

Basically, a thoughtform in the context that we are using it, is a computer program that writes itself from thought energy and tells a person how he is supposed to think, act and feel. Most people who pick up one associated with his group identifies with it and takes the thoughts and feelings as his own. He is thus controlled without realizing where the control is coming from. It is difficult to go counter to something which you think is you. Why would you want to go against your own thinking?

Now just because the Beast uses thoughtforms does not mean that they are evil in principle. The good guys use them also. Thoughtforms are like plants. Some are weeds and need to be ignored or discarded while others are nourishing and useful.

Most people are controlled by thoughtforms without realizing it, but if one understands them he can use or discard them as suits his goals and needs. If he accepts the thoughtform as part of his own makeup then he becomes subject to the intelligence that created it.

Examples of thoughtforms that can have a positive effect are:

(1) A highly structured successful business that uses its thoughtform to direct its employees to high production and efficiency, making the company successful.

(2) A health spa or program that aids you in keeping in shape.

(3) One you may create for yourself to establish good work habits.

Then there are examples of thoughtforms that can have a negative effect:

(1) The Nazis had one of the most destructive ones in history. It was so powerful it swept good people’s thinking in line with an evil plan with ferocious speed and power.

(2) While some aspects of a religious thoughtform can influence people to moral living, other aspects cause undue devotion to illogical thinking or allegiance to an authoritarian leader.

(3) Some create exclusiveness and feelings of specialness that make subjects see themselves as better than their neighbors.

There are many unconscious assistants of black magicians that create or support thoughtforms that assist the Beast in controlling the hearts and minds of “all kindreds, tongues and nations” as spoken of in Revelations 13:7 Those on the Right Hand Path do not create thoughtforms to control the minds of men but to assist themselves and others through free will.

The distinguishing characteristic of a thoughtform used by the Beast is that of unconscious control that directs the subjects attention toward an outer god that replaces the need for checking with the Inner God.

Those in the light do not use a thoughtform as a replacement of the Inner God, but may use it as an instrument for good just as we use our computers. Just as we realize that our computer programs do not replace our thinking, even so, do workers on the Right Hand bypass all thoughtforms to go to the Inner Voice.

The controlling thoughtform in the Catholic Church, as we said, is created around the idea of unquestioned authority that speaks for God. This was created with the cooperation of both the people and the leaders placing sustaining thought into this idea. In this transition age thought power is slowly being taken away from this idea and the authoritative power there is finally diminishing.

Among the Evangelicals there is not so much powerful thought placed in the direction of their various leaders. Instead, here is where their thought is placed:

(1) On salvation though faith alone in Jesus. Good works are nice, but have nothing to do with salvation.

(2) The inerrancy of the Bible.

Any scripture or person that supports these two ideas is fully accepted and anything that does not is rejected.

For instance, take this passage from James:

“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” James 2:17-20

This scripture clearly talks about the importance of works, but even though they believe in the infallibility of the Bible they are more attached to the thoughtform as a whole and ignore this or explain it away. They still believe in the infallibility of the Bible, but see James as really saying something different than appears. Anything that does not support the prime ingredient of being saved by faith only, without works, is automatically rejected. No amount of logic or even scriptures to the contrary will convince them otherwise.

A number of other religions are ruled by strong thoughtforms. Ironically, the Catholics and Evangelicals often look these on with disdain.

(1) The Seventh Day Adventists. These are ruled, as the name implies, by a belief that Saturday is the correct Sabbath and all who do not recognize and obey this have the mark of the Beast. Little do they know that their allegiance to their controlling thoughtform is the true mark.

Now this religion has other ingredients in its general thoughtform such as diet and a number of literal interpretations of the scriptures, but their view of the Sabbath is the major controlling one that is not to be questioned.

(2) Jehovah Witnesses.

Even though this group takes the Bible literally it is not the main source of programming for their thoughtform. The programming comes from its governing body and the publications that we are handed each time they knock on our doors.

Their thoughtform has been powerful enough that it has persisted through a number of failed prophecies about the coming of Christ, Armageddon etc. Through required study and paying attention to governing authorities each member knows exactly what he must do to stay in the good graces of leaders and local members. They know that if they question or get out of line they will be shunned.

(3) The Mormons (LDS)

Since many members are somewhat familiar with this religion let us consider several questions in relation to it.

  1. What is the main source of power in its thoughtform?
  2. One of its main teachings is about free agency. How can this be accepted as a core belief when they are controlled by a thoughtform?
  3. Another core belief is new revelation. How does their thoughtform assure them that they are getting new revelation when there is no revelation to be found?
  4. Does their thoughtform answer some of their prayers? Explain.

Aug 14, 2014

The Beast 105

As we delve into thoughtforms that give the Beast its power we need to be aware of this fact. The programming for thoughtforms of various groups changes over the years as thinking changes. Think of a thoughtform as you would a computer program that keeps getting new versions. Each new version is more complicated than the last and often lacks the original simplicity and is more difficult to learn.

The thoughtform that governs the Mormon Church is an interesting one to consider. The Prime Directive that governs its program is “authority.”

Now authority has been important for the Catholics down through the centuries, as they see themselves having authority from Peter who was appointed by Christ to be the rock of the church. But, whereas their emphasis on authority has decreased, that of the LDS has increased. The seeds of this strong authority was started by Joseph Smith who claimed visitations from God, Jesus, angels with the authority of the original church given to him and Oliver Cowdery in person by John the Baptist and the apostles Peter James and John.

Members that accept these visitations give great authority to the words of Joseph Smith. After all, opposing his teachings would seem to be like opposing God, for he not only claimed visitations but often said, “thus saith the Lord,” and then the words were supposed to be Christ himself.

It is interesting that even though Joseph possessed all the ingredients to exercise powerful outward authority to steer members away from the inner voice that he was the least authoritarian of the leaders of the Mormon church. He rarely spoke of his supernatural experiences, or emphasized them to sway the people. Instead, he emphasized that it was important for members to go within and get their own revelation.

Then, after Joseph was murdered Brigham Young became the next prophet and this was where the powerful emphasis on authority really took hold. One reason Brigham placed more emphasis on authority was that he thought that one of the reasons Joseph was killed was he was too lax in its use. Joseph did not clear out al the dead wood that caused opposition and problems. Brigham decided that if he was going to avoid a similar fate he needed to be more controlling and get everyone in line thinking the same thing.

The thoughtform then had an upgrade which told members, “When the prophet speaks the thinking has been done. Independent thinking is not to be tolerated.”

It is strange then that the church started off with powerful claims of authority, and used it sparingly, but then as miraculous events diminished the projection of authority increased.

This quote from the official Church magazine gives the prime directive of the programming:

“When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done. When they propose a plan ‚Äî it is God’s plan. When they point the way, there is no other which is safe. When they give direction, it should mark the end of controversy. God works in no other way. To think otherwise, without immediate repentance, may cost one his faith, may destroy his testimony, and leave him a stranger to the kingdom of God.”

Improvement Era, June 1945, p. 354.

This idea has been repeated many times since then. It thus seems contradictory that one of the central doctrines of the church is free agency. Joseph Smith taught that the original war in heaven was over the free agency of man. Satan wanted to take away the free agency of humanity to make it easy to save them, but Jesus wanted to give us our agency so we could make our own decisions and earn our salvation.

So how do they reconcile free agency with having no agency to think contrary to what the leaders say?

They say that they have the freedom to think contrary to authorities, but a member just may be thrown out of the church for it and risk being a Son of Perdition to reign with the devil and his angels for eternity. In addition they say that there are lots of things they can use their free will on that the authorities have not given orders on. For instance, they can decide who to marry, what career to pursue, etc.

The problem with this rationalization is that even under the greatest of tyrannies people had some freedoms including speaking against the dear leader if they were willing to pay the price.

The other prime doctrine that seems contradictory is that of continuing revelation. Joseph taught that not only the leaders of the church receive revelation of the mysteries, but such revelation was the right of every member.

To any outsider looking in there is a major problem with this belief. The church leaders haven’t presented a revelation in over a century. There was an official pronouncement in 1978 that the blacks could hold the priesthood, but no revelation on it was ever presented to the church. The other problem is that if a lowly member claims to receive a revelation about any of the mysteries that are promised in LDS scriptures he most likely will be excommunicated.

So… how does the Mormon thoughtform tell the members to think to get around this contradiction? It says this:

“When the leaders give instructions to govern the church there is the hand of God at work giving them revelation to do their jobs and when they speak to the church, God is revealing things to their minds that come down to the members. There is more revelation coming down from on high than you can shake a stick at.”

A as far as personal revelation goes, they can’t get revelation on doctrine, the mysteries or the affairs of the church but each member can get revelation for his family or personal; affairs.

So do Mormons get answers to their prayers from a thoughtform?

In many cases, yes. This happens with many religious people, but the Mormons are particularly vulnerable because they pray for answers for all kinds of personal things.

I used to sell children’s books which had good moral uplifting stories in them for kids as well as a children’s encyclopedia. After the presentation everyone fell in love with the books and bought them if they could fit them in their budget. Everyone that is, except the faithful Mormons. Almost every time I gave a presentation to an active Mormon family I received the same reply, a reply I received nowhere else, even from super religious people of other faiths:

This was what they said: “We will have to pray about whether or not to buy the books. Come back tomorrow and we’ll give you our answer.”

When I came back the next day the answer was always the same. God told them to not buy the books. Not once did any LDS family get a yes from God to buy those great books for kids.

One can only conclude that either God hates children’s books or…

The members are picking up the programming from the thoughtform that governs the church.

I think it is the latter because I’m sure God would have liked the books.

Now does this mean that all prayers are answered from a computer-generated thoughtform? No. Now and then a sincere seeker will break through the barriers and make a true spiritual contact. Unfortunately, this is the exception and not the rule.

Now don’t think the Mormons are unique in having rationalizing thoughtforms. All of us are exposed to them and it takes a very spiritually independent person to recognize them for what they are.


So what about atheists and non believers? Are they influenced by thoughtforms? Are they also controlled by the Beast? If so, where do the thoughtforms come from?

Aug 16, 2014

The Beast 106

The Question:

So what about atheists and non believers? Are they influenced by thoughtforms? Are they also controlled by the Beast? If so, where do the thoughtforms come from?

Looks like the group realizes that atheists and non believers are influenced by thoughtforms. And yes, they are influenced by a thoughtform around Darwinism and anti religious rhetoric, but that is not where they are most powerfully influenced. Since they do not believe in God or trust in Him they believe in man and the power that he has. And what is the greatest source of humanity’s power?


Political thoughtforms are very powerful, especially the ones on the Left. Many on the Right are controlled by the thoughtforms governing their religious thinking and do not have a lot of attention left over to give to political thoughtforms. If they get involved in politics it is usually because something about their faith is involved, such as abortion, gay rights, drugs etc.

On the other hand, non believers and those not involved in religion do not pay much attention to religious thoughtforms. This frees their attention up to be captivated by powerful thoughtforms in other areas.


Contemplate what the wording of the most powerful political thoughtform would be and submit it to the group.

What other powerful thoughtforms are out there besides that of religion and politics? How are people controlled by them?

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Principle 43

This entry is part 39 of 98 in the series Principles

The Lever Principle

Archimedes made this famous statement:

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

He referred to the Lever Principle many times and was quite enthused about it. The reason was that he saw that this could create a great advantage for those who understand how it works. If he could have seen how this principle is applied in millions of different ways to create the powerful machinery we have in our modern age then he would have been even more enthused.

It may be no coincidence that the word “clever” includes the word “lever.” Every clever person uses the Lever Principle.

The application of this principle goes far beyond moving things with a physical lever and fulcrum. Here are points to consider:

The lever principle is basically this: A fulcrum and force properly applied leverages, or increases, the power of a force to move a mass a small distance.

Therefore with very little force one can move a heavy rock, but the distance of the move would not be great.

The benefit of the principle is this. It is better to move a mass a small distance through the principle than have no effect when not using it. But by using the principle over and over any distance can be attained.

For instance, the push of a lever may just move a rock a few inches but by applying it again and again one can move the rock a great distance.

Most of us have used a car jack to change a tire. The average person could try until the cows come home to lift up the car with his hands, but with no effect. On the other hand, by using a jack and a lever one can easily lift up the car one step at a time and change the tire.

If one tries remove the bolts holding the tire with his fingers he will only get frustrated, but by using the lever principle with a lug wrench the bolts can easily be removed.

Similarly the lever principle allows one to steer a heavy car with ease or stop it with a small force applied with your foot.

Most of us are fairly familiar as to how this is applied to physical mass but does the principle have applications beyond the physical? Can we use the Law of Correspondences to see how it applies to life?

Indeed we can.

Let us say you want to learn Spanish. Well, you could go to Mexico and mingle with the folk there and attempt to pick up words, but that would be like trying to lift your car with your bare hands. If you’re smart you’ll get some leverage by getting some good learning materials such as a textbook, an audio program and a teacher. With these levers you can make solid incremental progress in mastering the language.

Similarly can we use the lever principle to enhance our spiritual progress?

Again, the answer is a solid yes. Whenever the seeker finds a good book, a teacher or a program that helps him learn faster he is using the lever principle. It is a problem indeed when the student has no levers and is left to learn on his own strength. In this situation his progress will be very slow or non existent until he finds a lever.

The Christ and other great teachers came to the earth to supply levers to those seeking greater light and knowledge.

These teachers have guided us to the greatest lever of all which is soul contact. One flash of inspiration through the soul can give the seeker knowledge of a greater value than a lifetime of struggle by many.

The language of the soul is the language of principles

Making them as a whole the greatest lever available to humanity. After all, one principle can reveal many facts and details. The language of principles can communicate many times faster than the transfer of data. This is why I have placed so much emphasis on principles as they are the most powerful levers known to the human mind.

Mind is the great lever of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered.

Daniel Webster (1782 – 1852)

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 42

This entry is part 38 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle Of Beauty

(1) What is the principle that determines whether a thing is beautiful?

(2) Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder?

The cliché that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is not exactly a truism. There is truth in it for a small percentage of the people, but for the vast majority the criteria for beauty is the same in all eyes.

“That’s not true,” says one. “I see beauty where many do not.”

That may be because you are looking where others are not, but if two look at the same thing they will generally see beauty if it is there.

Let us give an example. Who is the best-looking female – Jessica Simpson or Roseanne Barr? Now we are not talking about inner beauty, personality, sense of humor, etc. We are talking about physical beauty.

What percentage do you suppose would pick Jessica? Probably about ninety-nine percent, with the one percent just trying to be contrary.

Now, who would be the more beautiful – Jessica as she is today or as she will look at age 90?

Again, all but a few contrarians would pick Jessica as she is today.

Now many think that a bug-eyed alien may see us as ugly and its race as beautiful, but I don’t think so. I believe that beauty is universally recognizable.

As evidence of this it is notable that all races want virtually the same changes made to their bodies when requesting plastic surgery. What woman, for instance, will demand the surgeon give her a large nose or tiny breasts? None that I know.

We seem to know beauty when we see it, but what is the principle behind it? The principle behind beauty has been very illusive to researchers who have studied it. They did, however, find one characteristic that seemed common to beauty and that was symmetry.

In other words, if the right side of the face was very similar to the left side the face was seen by subjects as being more beautiful than if the features on one side did not seem to match the other.

But symmetry alone does not explain beauty. If half the face is ugly, duplicating it on the other will not a beautiful person make.

The question therefore remains – what is beauty and the principle behind it?

The answer is quite simple. The principle behind beauty is intelligent design. Symmetry enhances beauty because it does not happen by accident, but is created by an intelligent force.

A beautiful garden is not one that has no intelligence in its design. One lacking beauty will have weeds, withered plants and a random type of mixture. A garden produced by intelligent design will have wondrous color, healthy plants, symmetry and taste.

An attractive male or female will possess a body, which is intelligently designed to provide the maximum usability and function for which they were created.

The same thing could be said for a beautiful animal, flower, or even crystal.

A diamond increases in beauty after additional intelligent design is added to it and it is cut and polished.

We loose some physical beauty when we age because we move away from our original design. We were once strong, but become weaker, once firm then flabby, once smooth then wrinkled. Strength, firmness and smoothness are all ingredients in the intelligent design behind our bodies.

This principle of beauty applies to much more than physical bodies. It even applies to Roseanne Barr. The intelligent design behind her humor is more pronounced than Jessica Simpson so in this aspect she exudes more beauty.

The Mona Lisa has more intelligent design behind it than any art I could presently produce and it is also more beautiful.

Each new generation of computers and devices has greater intelligent design so their beauty in construction creates a greater magnetic force than does the last generation.

Beauty provides a strong impetus for creation whether we be man, god or atoms. When the entity is finished with his creative work there are no sweeter words to the ear than, “It is beautiful,” or, “what great intelligence is behind this.”

“Order is the shape upon which beauty depends.”

— Pearl Buck (1892 – 1973)

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 41

This entry is part 37 of 98 in the series Principles

Discerning the Good

Isaiah predicted a time when people would have great difficulty in recognizing what is good. He said people would call good, evil; and evil, good.

Some differentiations are not difficult to recognize, but others are.

Here are a few good things easy to recognize:


Helping those less fortunate.

Forgiving others.

Getting an education.

Living the golden rule.

Going the extra mile.

Helping the sick.

In simple individual circumstances these and other acts are fairly universally seen as good things. But seeing the good becomes much more complicated when groups, peoples and nations become involved. Opposing groups will almost always see the other as being evil and themselves as being the good.

For instance, each extreme among the Christians and Moslems see themselves as good and the other as evil.

The world is divided between socialist/communist thinkers and capitalist/free enterprise.

Then you have dictatorships and freely elected governments.

Union and non-union workers is another.

Within certain dichotomies of thought both sides firmly believe they are right and the other side is evil and nothing seems to be able to change their minds.

Is there some key available that the objective person can use as a guide?

Fortunately, there is.

This key is buried in several examples we can discover from the past.

Example 1: World War 2.

The core conflict that started the war was between Nazism and western democracies. Both sides saw themselves as the good guys and made great sacrifices to win.

To understand who better represented the good, one merely need step back and ask what would have been the difference in the results of the two sides winning?

We know what happened when the Allies won. Peace and tranquility was established and in Western Europe and the people ofUnited States went on with their lives in relative freedom.

The interesting thing is that even the archenemies Germany and Japan became democracies and experienced a great improvement in freedom and prosperity.

In other words, when the Allies won even the enemies won because all benefited through the win.

But what would have happened if Hitler had won the war?

Would there have been an increase of freedom in the United States and Europe? Would people have the freedom to criticize their leaders? Could each individual control his destiny?

Most people are very happy that Hitler did not win and can visualize how miserable existence would have been if he had succeeded.

Example 2: The American Revolutionary War.

At the historical beginning of the United States we had the Revolutionary War. On one side were the Royalists who believed it was good to be ruled over by a king with unlimited power over the people. The other side wanted self-government where the leaders would be elected and the people could throw them out if they did not like them.

Back then it was difficult to see which side was the good as evidenced by the fact that only about a third of the people in this country supported the rebels.

Now, several generations later the good is easy to see. We see many benefits from a free government and even England has removed the governing power from the king and given it to the people. When the rebels won the war not only did the United States benefit, but the losers benefited also.

And this leads us to the key of discernment.

Here is the principle behind recognizing the good.

When the good prevails the majority benefit, not only among those who win in the conflict, but among those who lose.

When evil prevails only a handful in power benefit on the winning side. Most of the rest suffer or lose in some way and are controlled through fear and indoctrination.

The only trouble is that during a conflict both sides teach that the majority will benefit from their winning. To find the good we must visualize what would occur in the future if each side had their way. Look not for the benefit of the few, but of the many.

For some this vision is easy and the probable results are obvious. Others are fed propaganda and programmed to not see objectively. Yet vision for the majority is possible. What is needed are teachers of light to make accurate vision easy to obtain.

People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.
Miguel Angel Ruiz

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Principle 40

This entry is part 36 of 98 in the series Principles


In the East the Principle of Harmlessness is stressed — sometimes to an almost fanatical degree. Some will avoid stepping on a bug at all costs. Even though highly ridiculed, the idea is good and also stressed in the Christian Bible, but in different words. For instance, Jesus said, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matt 10:16

A dove is fairly harmless but will eat bugs and worms to survive.

Jesus preached forgiveness even unto seventy times seven, which guides disciples in a harmless direction. He set an example by not letting Peter harm the soldiers who came to arrest him.

When James and John wanted to destroy a city that rejected them they suggested to the Master that they call down fire out of heaven. Jesus said: “You know not what manner of spirit you are. The son of man came not to destroy, but to save.” Luke 9:55

So what exactly is the Principle of Harmlessness? If we truly follow it does it mean we not even injure a blade of grass or an insect?

As with all principles the second key of judgment must be used to apply them in life. To follow the principle of harmlessness does not mean that one will never cause pain or discomfort to another. One must recall that there are many forks in the road in life where neither decision or path is an easy one. Often it seems as if we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. In other words, there are times that people are going to get hurt no matter what we decide.

Example: Jim has a fatal attraction toward Julie. Julie senses the danger and tells Jim she is not interested in a romantic relationship. Jim is hurt, but the overall hurt suffered is much less than would have been the case if Julie had gone contrary to her will, become romantic with Jim and then cut him off.

Many examples like this could be given, but the point is that harmlessness is misunderstood by many. Harmlessness does not mean that you will never hurt anyone. Instead, it means that when you are faced with a decision that you will choose the more harmless of the two choices. For instance, in the example above Julie chose the path of harmlessness because she made the least hurtful decision.

One may wonder if Jesus was practicing harmlessness when he chased the moneychangers out of the temple. The act made them angry and caused hurt feelings. Even so, he accomplished a greater good by illustrating the truth that the things of the Spirit should have priority over materialism. The temple workers were doing harm to the true purpose of the temple and Jesus reminded them of this. As with Jesus sometimes the path of harmlessness will lead the disciple to be a cause in stopping harmful actions.

For instance, it was the path of harmlessness that was taken by the Allies to stop Hitler during World War II. If Hitler had won great harm would have been carried out toward humanity.

Many other aspects of Jesus’ life were not seen as harmless by the authorities of the day. His teachings were seen as a threat to the status quo which they saw as essential to maintain. His miracles and growing numbers of people following him were also seen as something that could become very harmful. His words and works bothered so many that he was led to say, “Blessed is he who is not offended in me.” Matt 11:6

We assume then that Jesus set the example for harmlessness as he did for other spiritual values. This tells us that the one who treads the path of harmlessness will sometimes step on a few toes and offend a number of people.

Now there are a number of offensive things a person can do that will be harmful and takes one off the path. If one calls people names, insults them or speaks harshly without justification then more harm will be done than good.

But he who follows the spiritual path and lives by the highest he knows may find himself offending many who are emotionally polarized. It is interesting though that a disciple with soul contract will rarely be offended by anything another disciple does or says.

The Principle of Harmlessness could therefore be distilled as follows:

“He who follows the harmless path seeks to do harm to no living thing, but realizes that indecision can often bring more harm than a wrong decision. He will therefore, not shy away from decision, but will use all his wisdom to make choices that will produce the most harmless direction. Ironically, the disciple will often have to step on a few toes when he chooses the path of harmlessness.”

Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.

Thomas H. Huxley (1825 – 1895)

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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