Treating Health Issues

Jan 2, 2016

Treating Health Issues

Thanks or your inspiring post, Tyler. I’m glad you are resisting getting on pharmaceutical drugs as most of them do ore harm than good. Once the person is on them he often becomes very dependent and has great difficulty getting off of them. He often has withdrawal symptoms.

Like anything you can’t approach this with a black and white attitude for thee are a handful of drugs that may be beneficial in some circumstances.

One must always run this by his own soul. My wife and I have found in our own experience that going the natural route works best for us. If any are hooked on pharmaceutical drugs and want to get off I would suggest seeking help from a natural healer in your area who will work with you.

I would also suggest that all read as many books as possible that touch on alternative treatment of your health issues.

Tyler asks:

Most of the research I’ve done says that autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s starts in the gut but manifest elsewhere. Metaphysically, would I have issues in both places, just the gut, or just the thyroid?


It is most likely that both your solar plexus and throat centers are somewhat congested. If you are sensitive you will be able to tell which center needs the most attention Place you hands first in the back of the solar plexus near the spine and hold them there a few minutes and try and pick up the problem. Then do the same thing with your hands on the back of the throat.

If it fees like any center is in need of energy then muster up all the love energy you can and send it to the needed area. Love by itself is a great healing force. You can have your wife assist by also sending love to the needed area.


What about genetic diseases like my hemochromatosis? What do those mean metaphysically? Anything? Was this something I just signed up for before this life?

Since the main symptom of hemochromatosis is too much iron in the blood we are probably looking at some type of imbalance here, probably something carried over from a previous life. You said that you thought you chose this condition and it is quite possible you did so you could find ways to achieve greater balance as an evolving soul.

Many people have overcome diseases that are supposed to be genetic in nature.

My wife read a book recently, called The Good Gut which really impressed her. I would suggest you get a copy and read it.

If you haven’t read it yet I would also read this book on Hemochromatosis called: The Iron Disorders Institute Guide to Hemochromatosis.

Here is a part of the introduction to The Good Gut which will give you an idea of the flavor of the book.


We all know that much of our health is predetermined by our genes. We also know that we can generally improve our health if we eat right, exercise, and manage our stress. But how to do those things is a matter of great debate. Many well-meaning health programs are focused solely on weight loss or heart health, but what if there was another key to our overall health, a second, malleable genome that could influence our weight, our mood, and our long-term well-being? What if we could influence this genome by very specific (and often surprising) lifestyle choices? Well, this second genome exists. It belongs to the bacteria that inhabit our gut and is vital in countless ways to our overall well-being. The details of how this microbial community, known as the microbiota, is hardwired into health and disease are starting to come to light and they are reshaping what it means to be human.

As scientists try to unravel the causes behind the prevalence of predominantly Western afflictions such as cancer, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autism, and inflammatory bowel diseases, it is becoming clear that the microbiota plays an important role in the development of each of these conditions and in many other aspects of our health. Our bacterial inhabitants touch all aspects of our biology in some way, directly or indirectly.

The inhabitants of our gut have evolved inside us over millennia, but today they face new challenges. The modern world has changed the way we eat (highly processed, calorie-dense, industrially produced foods) and how we live (homes sanitized with antibacterial cleaners and the overuse of antibiotics), and these changes threaten the health of our intestinal microbiota.

Our digestive system is much more than a collection of cells that surround our last few meals-it also contains a dense consortium of bacteria and other microbes. Although all body surfaces, orifices, and cavities are teeming with microbes, the vast majority are located within our large intestine. Among their many attributes, these bacteria chemically snip and consume indigestible dietary fiber and convert it into compounds that our colon absorbs. Some of these compounds are vital to our health and are our last chance at salvaging nutrients from hard-to-digest dietary fiber. Nurturing our gut bacteria so that they produce the compounds that our bodies need is one of the most important choices we can make for our health.

More than we ever suspected, our gut microbiota sets the dial on our immune system. Our immune system is central to all aspects of our health. When it works well, we fight off infections efficiently and extinguish malignancies at their earliest appearance. When the immune system operates suboptimally, numerous ailments can result. If the gut bacteria are healthy, it’s likely that the immune system is running well. If the gut bacteria are not healthy, we are at increased risk of developing autoimmune disease and cancer. Microbiota-produced chemicals can impact the level of inflammation – our immune system’s response to injury or perceived threats that manifests as swelling, redness, and irritation – in our gut and throughout our body.

Inflammation can have a cascading effect on all manner of health issues.

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Truth and Health

This entry is part 73 of 73 in the series 2015


Dec 31, 2015

Truth and Health

Dan writes:

I am curious why you think this book is “one of the best”. Is there some particular aspect of it that impressed you specifically?

The reason I ask is – In the above post you also recommend eating raw garlic but the author whose book you recommend, Andreas Moritz, says that garlic (and onion) are very toxic and bad for you (video and transcript below).


There are two reasons I recommended Moritz’s book. First is that the book is quite thorough and gives useful information on a wide range of alternative health issues.

The second reason is that it is accessible free online so all who are interested can download it and read it.

Do I think the book is infallible or completely accurate?

No. In fact I have not found any health writer that I agree with 100%. Getting the truth about health is like getting the truth about philosophy. There is truth and error everywhere and the seeker must run all things by his common sense and the light of his own soul and then follow the highest he can perceive. He must also consider that one man’s cure may be another man’s poison and find out what works for him.

I probably agree with about 90% of what Moritz has written and that 90% lays out some very useful information, especially for the person not well studied in alternative health.

I disagree with him on garlic as do most health students and practitioners.

I read about the health benefits of garlic over 40 years ago and tried to take it raw but just couldn’t handle it. Over the years I have taken garlic tablets but didn’t notice much either positive or negative. Then my wife stumbled across an article about how extra strength was released from garlic ran through a garlic press and exposed to the air for 5-15 minutes. A positive effect was that it would greatly reduce the chance of getting colds and if you did get one it would be mild.

Well, getting a significant cold about once a year was the only health issue I have had to deal with for some time and once I get a cough I have a hard time getting rid of it.

About 2-3 years ago I started taking the raw crushed garlic most every day and I haven’t had a cold, flue or anything since (knock on wood). I can sense that my immune system is much stronger and I can see no problem with my brain because of it.

Eating the crushed raw garlic is much easier if combined with food. Eating it with chili works great as well as soups, stir fry, pizza or salad. Make sure you do not heat it after application. If I do not have anything that works I put some on a Triscuit cracker and wolf it down with a small slice of cheese.

Moritz had many health problems and weak heart when he was young and this drove him to seek out health solutions. All seemed to work for him and appeared to be in robust health until he died suddenly at the age of 58. Many of his fans suspected foul play and his critics suspected that he died of Cancer or some disease he claimed to have cures for. His family stated that he died of a mold he contacted that was just too much for his heart that never operated at full strength.

I suspect that what pushed him over the edge was taking too much of a fairly dangerous formula he recommended called Miracle Mineral Supplement which was developed by Jim Humble. Taking too much of this could be toxic for the body.

Here is information about it from Wikipedia


If I had to pick one guy who has the most common sense and safe approach to alternative medicine it would be Dr. Mercola. I would imagine some of you receive his emails.

Here is a link to his site:


I’ll write more about good examples and teachers of health shortly.

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The Ethers

This entry is part 72 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 30, 2015

The Ethers

Dan asks:

Why would cameras suddenly be able to photograph the 4th ether?


The fourth ether is the densest of the more refined matter that is unseen by most of humanity and is quite easy to see at times and in past ages was closer to the physical plane and was more generally recognized.

The etheric body of most humans is built from the fourth ether. To see this find a light colored background, like white or cream, and holdup your thumbs with the background behind them. Put your thumbs together until they are touching and then produce just a little space between your thumbs; about a quarter of an inch. Now look at the space right in between and slowly pull the thumbs apart until they are about a half inch apart and you will see a light blue film around your thumbs.

This film that you see is your etheric body built of the fourth ether.

I’ve done this exercise before numerous groups and almost all the audience generally sees the etheric matter.

This illustrates what a fine line there is between the physical world and the invisible etheric.

Assuming that the images in the clouds were made of the fourth ether then why could they be actually photographed now and then? The answer lies in the principle of energy following thought. Because the fourth ether is so close to the physical plane it only needs a slight lowering of vibration through the power of thought (or some unknown spiritual science) to attain some visibility here in the physical.

Many thousands of people have reported seeing ghosts. What they saw were left over images of individuals composed of the fourth either. They can be seen because their thoughts at the time of death were very earthbound.

I do not know what produced those buildings photographed in the clouds. Since many remain in bodies of the fourth ether for some time after death it is possible that these strange buildings reflect after death habitations of those who have not yet returned to their souls.

Alex makes some interesting guesses about the possibility of some secret science or aliens just messing with our minds.

Actually DK tells us that life on the seven sacred planets is centered in the fourth ether. Venus, for example, looks barren to us but there is advanced life dwelling in its fourth ether – not yet visible to us. Life on earth will one day move to the fourth ether when it too becomes a sacred planet.

It is possible that these buildings are some type of projection from another planet where life dwells in the fourth ether.

Each one of the seven planes of this Cosmic Physical is composed of seven subplanes. This includes the physical plane which is composed of seven ethers or states of mater which are.

Ether Seven: Solid matter

Ether Six: Liquid matter

Ether Five: Gaseous matter

Ethers Four through One: These are invisible states of physical matter. Four is almost dense enough to be seen with natural eyes whereas the higher ethers are much more rarified. For instance, the city of Shamballa is built of the Second Ether and the bodies of its inhabitants are constructed of still higher ethers or planes.

It is the job of the disciple to purify himself in word and deed so his etheric body is gradually rebuilt with higher ethers. He becomes a master when his etheric body is composed of the first ether as the primary ingredient.

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Time and Consciousness

This entry is part 71 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 29, 2015

Time and Consciousness

JJ Quote

From our perspective the time involved is vast, yet from a higher perspective the life of a universe is the blink of an eye.“


How does that work in this context? It takes time to develop things and that is a heavy and time consuming work, higher perspective or not. … The time is vast from our perspective. If our perspective of time was different then how much different is it after we die? The same perspective? So I can feel like a day has passed from my death but in reality a 1000 years would have passed down here? Or is it a little more complex than that?


From our perspective the time that has passed since the creation of the universe, or even earth, is vast indeed. No argument there. Time is registered differently by each type of life and even within humanity there is some difference. Time passes slower for a child than an adult and much slower still for a fly, or a cell. It passes differently out of incarnation than when in a physical body. Some say there is no time in the afterlife, but we are not governed by clocks there and there is no feeling of rushing to get anything done. Yet there is still time.

Time is the registration of passing sates of consciousness or as DK says, “Time is literally the length of a thought.” (A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 557)

Wherever there is thought or conscious calculation of some kind there is time. We have thought in this world and the next so there is a registration of the passing of time, but because consciousness is different time is different.

On the physical plane it takes about the passing of one heartbeat to register the passing of time. The tinier lives have faster heartbeats and the larger ones are slower. The heart of the earth only beats about once every 25,000 years so this gives an idea of how different the time scale is for the planetary life as a whole. The life of the sun would be even slower.

Now the time registration for the masters and the Kumaras are different than the planetary life. They are in touch with the timeless spheres as well as those of time and can direct their consciousness in and out of time.

Humans when in incarnation work on their own little destinies whereas when out of the body they may be assisting with the creation or improvement of various life forms. There is no sense of being rushed for those who work in the spirit.


City on and Under the Sea

Here’s another idea that can be used for Seasteading.



Clear vision as to these outer relations in the world of professional activity, of friendships and of family relations is a necessary requirement in treading the Path, and until a disciple sees these relations in their true and right proportions, his mind is frequently disturbed and his service handicapped. I give you here a hint. Every link that one makes on earth does not necessarily entail the recognition of a soul link. We make new and fresh links and start new lines of karma and of dharma. One of the first things that a disciple has to learn is right judgment as to the relative soul age of his associates. He soon discovers that these vary. He learns then to recognise those whose wisdom and knowledge surpass his own, to cooperate with those who stand with him upon the Path and to work for those whom he can help, but whose evolutionary status is not on an equality with his own. The ordered pattern of his life can then take on definite forms and he can begin to work with intelligence.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 307

As birds fly together to summer realms, so souls unite in flight. Passing through the gate they thus alight before the throne of God.

DK quoting an unknown Saint of the Church

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The Peacemakers

This entry is part 70 of 73 in the series 2015

Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2015

The Peacemakers

We live in a time of great differences. There have always been differences of belief among families, groups, peoples, and nations, but now it seems that we are approaching some type of crystallization where the differences are more pronounced and enunciated.

Today we see pronounced and emotional political differences as seen few times in history accompanied by sharp religious conflicts between Islam and the other world religions. Fortunately, we are not seeing all out world war, but there are a lot of smoldering disturbed and disgruntled people on the planet ready to take up arms. This causes all informed people no small amount of concern.

If there were a time that we could use some words of comfort or advice from the Prince of Peace, this is it.

Fortunately, his voice is not that far away. Have we forgotten what he said?

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matt 28:20

“If he is with us always, even unto the end of the world, then where is he?” asks the skeptic.

He is much closer than you may suppose. Close your eyes, still your thoughts and feelings. Let peace abide in your soul, love in your heart, and resist not the light that streams into your mind. When you find that point where peace, love and light meet, then you will know that He is here, that He has never left us alone. You will hear the Master speak:

“Be not afraid, my friend, for it is I. I am indeed aware of your concern over the times in which we live and the turbulence thereof, but this is not new. Each cycle has its own set of difficulties that seem to call for a savior, but as each cycle passes humanity survives, learns a lesson and moves on to the next challenge. Each new challenge is a little different than the previous. People complain about these difficulties, but in the end we make another step closer to peace on earth good will to all men, women and living creatures including the earth itself.

I said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

And who are the peacemakers?

These are they who go within and from that great center of peace hear my voice and know the oneness of that center which is linked to all the children of God.

The peacemakers look not for perfect peace without, but seek it within. When the peace is discovered then nothing without can disturb it.

Consider my life which did not seem to be outwardly peaceful.

Herod tried to kill me shortly after birth. My family had to flee to Egypt for safety. When I taught many religious authorities challenged me and argued with me. When I performed miracles they accused me of using the powers of Satan.

My disciples did not understand me and argued among themselves and one close to me betrayed me leading to an agonizing crucifixion.

Even though great conflict and uproar followed me wherever I went I was still a peacemaker for I brought the peace that passes all understanding.

When I greeted my friends I often said:

“Peace be unto you.”

These were more than words for great thought and intent were also conveyed. When my friends heard these words their hearts were penetrated and their souls rejoiced. A sense of peace came over their entire being.

The outer gods and christs bring the sword of division, but the inner brings peace and unity. The true peacemakers light the inner candle that glows and sends peace, light and love and lights the inner candle of associates. The peacemaker widens his circle of inner peace wherever he goes.

If you want to do your part in bringing peace on earth then find my peaceful presence at the core of your being and from that point of focus send peace to whoever will receive.

Say, or at least think, “Peace be unto you,” to all you meet this Christmas season. In doing this you move the world a step closer to outer peace as well as inner peace.

One more time… Hear my voice penetrate your whole being.

“Peace be unto you – may the love of God rest upon you.

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Advice for a Happy Life

This entry is part 69 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 23, 2015

Advice for a Happy Life

Here we are nearing Christmas again. It seems we were here just a month or so ago. It does indeed seem that the space between two Christmases is a lot shorter now than when I was a kid.

Since it is the season of giving gifts I will give you, my friends, some advice I consider crucial to a happy life.

  1. Maintain your health.

This is an important one because if a person is in ill health and always feeling out of sorts, or in pain, he or she will have difficulty in getting full enjoyment out of anything else in life. He will not be able to fully enjoy a good marriage, good friends, good food, wealth, vacations, entertainment, sports, or just plain kicking back and relaxing.

We have much more power over maintaining good health and vitality than most think and the first key is to not see yourself as a victim. If you see yourself as a victim of bad genes, bad childhood, past mistakes, bad luck, bad karma or whatever you already have two strikes against you.

He who takes responsibility for his lot in life is miles ahead of the person who is born in the best of circumstances who becomes disgruntled and sees himself as a victim when things go wrong.

Energy follow thought so a negative attitude will draw negative energy causing ill health. Negativity is dispelled by hope, love and faith in yourself and others. Always give the other guy the benefit of the doubt when making judgments. See what is best in others.

You probably know someone who beaks every health rule in the book but is still healthy. Well, you can bet that this person does not see himself as a victim and has a healthy view of himself.

A positive attitude helps but diet and exercise are still important. Even with a positive attitude a bad diet and low exercise will cause Father Time to catch up with you.

I do not have time to give you a treatise on exercise. All of you know what it is and know we need to get some daily.

As far as diet goes eliminate processed food, anything made with white flour, processed sugar, fructose, chemicals, and processed table salt. Use Celtic or unprocessed salt instead. Look at the ingredients of anything packaged that you buy. If it has more than a half dozen ingredients you are probably eating some chemicals that would terrify you if you Googled them. Breaking the rules once in a while won’t hurt you – sometimes you have to when you eat out, but when you buy for yourself buy whole foods and make yourself healthy meals.

Thousands of books have been written on diet and health but HERE is one of the best and it is free on the web.

Take some time to do some reading on natural healing. If you are in ill health and do not read at least two or three books a year on alternative health then you are not taking enough responsibility for your own health.

Here are two tips I have found helpful that you will not find mentioned by many authors.

First Tip: Fast from food after your evening meal to close to noon the next day – 16-18 hours. Just drink close to zero calorie liquids. Do this every day, except for special occasions.

I have been doing this for a number of years now and it has produced a number of health benefits.

Second Tip: Eat a good sized clove of garlic every day. No, you don’t just throw the garlic in your mouth and chew it, but it must be prepared a certain way. Take a garlic press and crush the clove in on a small plate. Then spread out minced garlic so it all gets maximum exposure to the air. When the crushed garlic is exposed to the air for 5-15 minutes it produces a powerful substance called allicin which has tremendous benefits.

The reason this caught my attention was that I read about a study that said that those who took raw garlic daily had a great reduction in colds and if they did get one it was very mild. Well, over the past 50 years since I have been paying attention to my diet I have been very healthy, except that I usually did get a cold once a year.

I have been taking this crushed garlic for several years now and haven’t had a sign of a cold since the day I started consuming it.

Here are some health benefits from the allicin in garlic:

From immune enhancement to cancer prevention, there is a wide range of health benefit in allicin. Many clinical studies have showed that garlic/allicin has the ability to lower total cholesterol, LDL, or “bad cholesterol” and triglycerides, and increase HDL cholesterol. (2,3) This in turn may aid in the prevention of heart-related conditions such as heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke. In addition, garlic/allicin may support the overall health of the circulatory system, which may help in lowering the risk of heart attack and strokes. (4,5) Specifically, garlic/allicin activities are believed to have the following positive effects:

Prevention of cardiovascular attacks

Restore suppressed antibody responses

Broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities.

Preventing the common cold

Prevention and treatment of cancer.



Here are some more tips for a happy life.

  1. Choose carefully all that you allow to come into your life. We all realize that getting clean air, water and good food is essential to good health, but the ingredients we consume in life that affect us are much more than these.

Be selective in the books you read, the shows you watch and all the words you allow into your consciousness. This includes words you speak, especially to yourself. Memorize some inspiring words.

Be especially selective of people you allow into your life who may have an influence on you. Negative people are like an infection and are difficult to tune out. Be particularly selective in choosing a mate. No marriage is much better than a bad marriage.

  1. Be thankful for what you have and find a few seconds each day to just feel grateful to God for the good that is in your life. Since energy follows though this will draw more good things to you.
  2. Focus on the soul in all who you meet and feel a sense of love and goodwill toward them. Those who have a sense of goodwill will respond positively.
  3. Don’t take yourself too seriously and see the humor, even in difficult situations.
  4. Focus on giving more than receiving and see yourself as having an unlimited means to give.
  5. Free yourself from the beast of unearned unjust authority. If you do not do this you will suffer from guilt and never feel that you are good enough. The God within is much more understanding of our flaws than is the god without.
  6. Follow the highest you know so you can be at peace with yourself.
  7. Be as harmless as possible.
  8. Find work to do that you enjoy
  9. Work on something each day that makes you a better and more valuable person. Always seek to do better.
  10. Take some time out for fun and relaxation on your own terms.

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God’s Imagination

This entry is part 68 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 22, 2015


God’s Imagination


I don’t know how God or the All had an imagination when It had no beginning and no ending. How does one imagine things, that one has never, ever seen or experienced in one’s life…


Why anything at all exists is the greatest mystery, but it is a fact that creation does exist, and you and I exist and that we have imaginations. If we have imagination then certainly God does because we are in His image.

The great thing about imagination is that we can conjure up things we have never seen or experienced that will take us into new experiences. I can imagine many things I have not seen and am sure you can to.


For example, how did the All, or One, even know what a human being looked like etc etc?


At one time he probably didn’t. For most of Steve Job’s life he did not have a clue what the iPhone was going to be like, yet through trial and error with the help of his (and his fellow workers) imagination it came into being.


Yet all of this information and imagination was stored in It’s consciousness, even though It had never had a beginning.

JJ No, it was not stored there and neither was the iPhone stored in Steve Jobs mind. Steve created using imagination and also God created on the same principles.


These types of questions sometimes keep me awake at night, because it is like a miracle that WE all even exist, because we stem from something that had no beginning and no ending.


It is good that you are reflecting but don’t let the mysteries keep you from your sleep. After all, we must go forward into new and unique experiences and we know that experience is real. We know we are here and that within your body of matter is intelligence. Since we are proof that there is intelligence in matter then we know that there are unlimited possibilities for intelligence to exist and create in matter on many different levels.


So I take it that there were no missing years of no hierarchy without any Kumaras before AoD

came here. That there were just other Kumaras with a different job and when AoD came here that was just an addition to what was already here and maybe some of the other Kumaras went away after AoD came here.


The Ancient of Days has a totally different job than did the intelligences that laid the foundations of the earth and life in it. Life and creation itself first had to be imagined in the formless worlds and then created in mental matter. The astral and physical came later and followed the pattern set, though imperfectly at times.

There has always been hierarchy, but there are many different degrees of hierarchies with many different jobs to do in many different spheres of activities.


What strikes me is the huge amount of time this all takes.


From our perspective the time involved is vast, yet from a higher perspective the life of a universe is the blink of an eye.


Me one of them? Like Job? Don’t you have to be a little more advantaged than what I was in a distant past to fill that description, of building life itself on a molecular level?


You are looking at yourself as you function on the physical plane as a reflection of your soul with only a small part of the intelligence of the whole. Neither the humans or any other physical race had a hand in their own creation while dwelling in the physical plane. On the other hand, when we were one with our Higher Self we had access to much more intelligence and awareness without the pull of illusion from the physical world.

Before we came to this earth (as well as between lives) we, in our higher bodies learned and did all kinds of amazing things including assisting Divine Intelligence in the creation of life on this and other planets.

When we descend to the physical we are greatly diminished in spiritual intelligence from what we were in the soul. Visualize the soul swimming in water and you swimming in honey to get the idea.

To overcome this handicap we must make soul contact and work toward being one with the soul. When this is achieved swimming will be more like being in water rather than honey.

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The Foundations of the Earth

This entry is part 67 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 21, 2015

The Foundations of the Earth

Johann writes:

JJ, you have said that no life outside a singular cell life forms would be here without the presence of man.

1200 millions years ago simple multicellular organisms evolve. That is a long way off from when the hierarchy under the direction of the Ancient of Days came here a few millions years ago relatively speaking.

So if it was not the hierarchy then who where those that are responsible for everything in between including the dinosaurs?

Who are those men that occupied the other planes from 1200 million years ago to about 20 million years ago and are they here now?


Sanat Kumara came here with a number of associates to establish the foundations of Shamballa and prepare the way for self-conscious humans to manifest on the physical plane.

Before this time, however, there were many advanced human beings working on this and other planets in guiding and developing the life therein.

Job writes about this:

Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof?

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38 1-7

Who hath divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning of thunder; To cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no man; To satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth?

Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? Job 38:25-27, 33

Here Job was asked where he was when the foundations of the earth was laid and “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

He was one of the sons of God that shouted for joy, but could not recall that event to answer God’s question.

The morning stars were advanced human entities who had achieved liberation in a past system. The Ancient of Days and Christ were among these.

The Sons of God were advanced intelligences who cooperated with the creation of the earth with the intent of incarnating here. You could have been one of them.

Evolution and creation of life just didn’t happen by accident but was developed by great spiritual scientists from higher spheres putting the ingredients together and vitalizing them with life moving life forward from a single cell plants to animals to physical humans.

Job acknowledged this when he gave higher Intelligence the credit for causing “the bud of the tender herb to spring forth.” And then asks:

“Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”

Or as the New Living Bible words it:

“Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth?”

These great lives indeed use the laws of the universe to create earths like this and the life in it. They have always been present here though not always in the physical.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Manti Gathering Video

This entry is part 66 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 19, 2015

Manti Gathering Video

Bryan Smith made a video recording of the 2004 Manti gathering and gave me the DVDs. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them as they would have been expensive to duplicate and sell at the time and you could only put ten minutes of video on Youtube at that time.

Then I misplaced them and they were lost for close to a decade. We looked everywhere for them but could not find them. After we moved a few years back I figured they were lost forever, but then a few months ago, on a bookcase in plain sight, there they were. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I guess it must be destiny that they be made available. I can now place larger videos on Youtube and will be placing the additional videos on there shortly.

Here is the first part.


Check out the Youtube directory on the right for the other ten videos.

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The Lives in the Head

This entry is part 65 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 17, 2015

The Lives in the Head

Now let us look at the two highest centers which are the center between the eyebrows – the ajna, sometimes called the third eye, and the crown center – also called the sahasrara chakra, or the thousand petalled lotus.

The center between the eyebrows consists of two major petals. One petal is rose red and yellow and the other blue and purple. Each of these major petals consists of 48 lesser petals each making a total of 96 petals composing this center. It takes many lifetimes to unfold all of these lives but when they are the powers of heaven are manifest on earth through a human entity.

Just as the physical eyes see and bring in data for the brain to process, even so does the ajna center see, but on a higher level. How much the seeker sees depends on his point of evolution and how many lesser lives of the center are activated and cooperating.

So how much can the disciple see through the ajna center? Seeing is virtually unlimited as a fully opened center is linked to the originating monad. He or she can penetrate into the unseen worlds of form as well as the formless. He can see into the hearts and minds of men and sense the heart and will of God and beings unseen by common man.

As the disciple opens this center he begins to penetrate the realm where ideas are born and principles understood. He realizes he must do more than memorize facts and data, but must understand the how and why of things. This third eye receives principles and reflects them to the heart center which processes them with added wisdom and understanding.

So, what will the seeker feel when he senses the lives of this center? These lives dance and play upon the inner light within the head. Close your eyes and focus in the forehead until you see or sense living light in motion. Feel them transmitting that light to your whole being.

You’ve sensed them before, but you didn’t realize they were lives in their own right laboring to bring heaven down to earth for you. Recognize their labors and the gifts of the spirit will multiply and manifest.

The highest center in the body is the crown at the top of the head. Even though it is called the thousand petalled lotus the actual number is a little short of this. It consists of twelve larger outer petals, white and gold in color, that interplay with the twelve golden petals of the heart center. This is sometimes called the “heart center in the head.” Within the circle of these twelve petals are 960 lesser petals.

This center is linked to the monad and this link is slowly realized by the seeker, after many lifetimes of struggle, when many of the petals are activated.

This center reflects the will of God and assists in manifesting it on the earth. Each of the 960 lesser petals represents some divine purpose manifested in some life, past or future. The twelve major petals represent a greater embrace of Divine Will where the seeker becomes a disciple and performs a correspondence to the Twelve Labors of Hercules in twelve or more lifetimes or cycles.

Have you ever sensed that you have a purpose that you are supposed to fill in this life? All of us have this sense whether we acknowledge it or not. This sense is reflected to you from one or more of the lives in the head center.

Be still for a few minutes and contemplate your purpose and the value of your life. That sense of value and mission is reflected to you by an inner life doing his darndest to get through your thick skull. If you are like the rest of us these dedicated lives have their work cut out for them.

As the disciple advances along the path his sense of higher will increases so he can see beyond the purpose of his own life to Divine Will as it is designed to work out in groups, nations, the human race, the entire planet and more. There is always more.

Now we have covered the seven major centers it would be beneficial for the seeker to practice now and then in quiet moments in sensing the lives from the base of the spine to the top of the head and then synthesize them in the inner consciousness and see them and himself as one greater life working in cooperation.

Give thanks to the lives within and the God they serve as you cheerfully continue on your journey.

If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.

Bishop T. D. Jakes

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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