Ray Qualities and Politics

This entry is part 01 of 5 in the series Rays

Ray Qualities and Politics

Ray One – Intent

We hear a lot of talk about Donald Trump, and often his supporters, as being deplorables, racists, fascists, Nazis, bigots, white supremacists, KKK lovers, climate deniers, enemies of the environment, women haters – just about everything except persecutors of cute baby kittens and that may be coming next. Surely of all people he must be on the dark side, right?

We have two sides here. Donald Trump and his voters and those who voted against him. This include not only Hillary voters, but many of his own party as well as voters for minority candidates. Let us apply the seven ray light and dark qualities test to see which side leans to the right or left hand path.

The First Ray is represented by selfish and unselfish intent. Now many jump to the conclusion that Trump has selfish intent because he is rich and the media group think portrays him as the epitome of selfishness.

Spiritual students are often too quick to judge people with money as being evil as pointed out by DK who stated:

“Yet the results of their application to science or their accumulation of the crystallised prana (money) of the financial world are turned to the helping of mankind. This will be a hard saying for some of you who rate an irritable remark by a co-disciple as something disgraceful and belittle the efforts of the money-maker, and do both with a sense of self-righteous congratulation.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 337

In context he is saying here that people with money have an important place in the plan if they have the intent to use it to help mankind and many judge incorrectly about these people while patting themselves on the back “with a sense of self-righteous congratulation.”

Now reading the intent of a person’s heart is a subtle thing and many get it wrong. I know that throughout my life many have read my intent incorrectly. Nothing illustrates that good intent is difficult to see more than the story of the Christ. We agree that if anyone had good intent it was him, yet the religious authorities at the time thought he had the intent to destroy them and was in league with the devil.

Only through intimate association or spiritual communion can we read the intent of a person’s heart correctly. Therefore, it is wisdom to give the other guy the benefit of the doubt. No matter how much I dislike a person’s actions I make it a policy to restrain myself from judging selfish intent. On the other hand, if I see evidence of unselfish intent I see no harm in expressing this.

In this case we will just look at evidence from one side since he is our designated president and Hillary whether for good or bad is out of the equation.

The main question of concern here is, whether Trump sought the presidency for personal glory or to serve his country and the people.

What I do is listen to what the person actually says and Trump says he is running because America is in trouble and he thinks he knows how to fix it and wants to do it not only for himself but for all Americans.

Now it would be easy to say he is just running for fame, glory and ego, but all politicians show signs of this and sometimes the ones that are best at presenting a good image are the worst and are as a lion among the sheep.

Trump is in the Guinness Book of Records as making the biggest financial comeback of all time and this is what America needs as it is almost $20 trillion in debt and we need someone to take us out of the hole or we face financial doom which will make the global warming problem seem miniscule by comparison.

He says he wants to make America great again so let us sit back and see what he actually does as president. After a year or so passes we can then analyze and perhaps be more accurate in judging his motives and whether he is really trying to serve the people rather than just himself.

It is my opinion that he ran for president because he thinks he can be of service to our country and that most of our past presidents ran for this same reason. Good intent does not make one right or successful though as other ingredients must be in play.

While the first ray quality of intent is difficult to judge as evidence is subtle the qualities of the other rays present more evidence so the demarcation is easier to see.

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A Trinity That Reveals

Dec 9, 2016

 A Trinity That Reveals

I have often taught that a major dividing point between the dark and the light or the Dark Brotherhood and the Brotherhood of Light is the Principle of Freedom. The dark side is willing to enslave their brothers to accomplish their goals and the good guys are willing to work with our free will to the maximum extent possible.

This makes it difficult for the Hierarchy for we indeed are a stubborn bunch and I am sure the temptation is great to just herd us like animals rather than guide us through free will.

Even so, the Elders among us have chosen the better way, though it seems slower at times, the end result is much better and permanent.

It is interesting though that the Trinity, through the Law of Correspondences manifests in all things and indeed there is a great Trinity of qualities that separates the opposing sides. We know that the Principle of Freedom is one of them. What are the other two?

When I give them out many seekers will immediately register that this triangle is valid. Here they are:


Here is how it breaks down.


Intent on the Dark Side centers on selfishness and separateness – “the one real sin.” (DK) Fulfilling their desire is more important than truth or freedom.

Intent on the Light Side centers on unselfish service, inclusiveness, finding truth and manifesting freedom.


The Dark Side is willing to lie or distort the truth at the drop of a hat to get their way usually while presenting themselves as people of integrity yet accusing others of lying when real truth is spoken. They will pretend to be open minded yet will shut down the opposing side of an argument at the first opportunity. Instead of seeking truth they seek to verify their desires and beliefs. They lean on outward authority over truth.

Those on the side of light try and tell the truth and keep their promises to the best of their ability. They also seek the truth, even if it will wind up proving some of their current beliefs incorrect. They are willing to allow both sides of an argument have their say and consider each in reaching conclusions. They often see truth beyond that accepted by the authorities of the world and receive criticism for expressing it.


I’ve already written much on freedom so I will just say here that the Dark Side only cares about freedom for themselves and the Brotherhood of Light desires freedom for the many.

It is interesting that pure intent leads to finding the truth and truth leads to freedom as enslavement comes through deception.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus

I will be writing more on these three points but for now consider that they provide a key to discern which side of the various arguments among us that is supported by the light and the dark.

Of the two sides of any argument one will lean to the left and the other to the right hand path. Sometimes the difference is great, sometimes small. Sometimes the truth seems obvious, but often the difference is subtle and the masses are persuaded more by propaganda than the truth.

Using these guides it is interesting to look at the proponents of the various arguments out there and ask this. Which side shows more selfish intent, distorts the truth and is willing to take away freedom. Then ask which side has the most unselfish intent, seeks the truth and supports maximum freedom?

Look at the two sides of the various divisive arguments going on today and seek to apply this Trinity.

In addition to these correspondences to the Trinity there are four other qualities representing the additional four rays, making a total of seven.

Light, Dark and the Seven Rays

We have touched on the qualities that manifest in the dualistic physical reality that relate to the Trinity of the first three rays which are:

The duality = unselfish intent vs selfish intent.

The duality = focus on truth vs lies and distortions to reach goals.

Freedom = focus on self-control by inner authority and initiative vs control by strong outer authority.
The question now arises as to what are the qualities represented in rays four to seven? Take a look at these and see how they register.

Ray Four: Conflict

The duality = focus on attack, name calling, labeling vs argument through logic, reason and measured words.

Ray Five: Concrete Knowledge

The duality = focus all pertinent facts vs focus on a few facts mixed with distortion.

This boils down to the open mind willing to look at both sides vs one who is not open and seeks to look at only that which supports his view.

Ray Six: Seeking the ideal

The duality = focus on harmlessness vs force or violence to achieve goals.

Ray Seven: Law

The duality = focus on law and order or lawlessness followed by lack or order.

These seven criteria is an effective measure to examine the two sides of a conflict and then determine which side is closer to the light or the right hand path. We shall examine a few conflicts in duality out there and see how the two sides hold up to this seven ray standard.

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Freedom and Illusion, Part 1


Freedom and Illusion, Part 1

The Principle of Freedom is that which creates the dividing line between the left and the right hand path, between good and evil, the light and the dark in the minds of humanity.

This is perhaps the most important concept for the seeker of wisdom to understand for without the continuation of freedom there is no continuation of light and without light playing upon the wick of freedom there is little if any progress and a drift backwards toward a dark age.

We can understand why many among common humanity support the idea of limiting freedom, for many obtain more power and riches for themselves by forcing their fellow men and women to give against their will to support their desires. What is more difficult to embrace is the fact that there is a great chasm of difference in views of freedom between sincere seekers of truth of all stripes including students of the Ancient Wisdom.

It is interesting to consider that many such students will agree on numerous details such as ceremonies, meditations, use of mantras, brotherhood, the rays, the masters, hierarchies and more, yet strongly disagree on this most important principle which creates the major dividing point between the left and right hand path.

I have already written quite a bit about this principle, but feel impressed to write still more for so many seem to be caught in illusions about it. Illusions can only be dispelled by higher thought or the soul. The feeling world will only reinforce them. I therefore seek to write words of spirit that will touch the soul and spirit of those who are attempting to be a light unto the world. If our light is really darkness then our efforts are in vain. Any darkness in the seeker must be lit by the fires of freedom if the world is to be transformed into a new and glorious age of peace and abundance.

Before we proceed let us give a clear definition of the Principle of Freedom, but first we must realize that true freedom is not anarchy, for without law no one is free. Then again too many laws and rules suffocate freedom. True freedom lies between the two extremes and it often takes judgment playing upon soul contact to discern where that point is.

I have always said that principles are the language of the soul and thus to be one through the eyes of the soul we need to see the principle that determines freedom which is basically this.

“That which manifests maximum freedom for the one and the many.”

There are many applications of this principle on which all seekers will agree.

For instance, should a burglar be free to enter your home and take that which he pleases?

We can see that he violates the principle because he takes away more freedom from others than be gains for himself.

On the other extreme, should we be free to own slaves? After all, such ownership would give more freedom to the slave owner.

Fortunately, we have come to see that human slavery violates the Principle of Freedom for it takes away much more freedom that it gives.

We live in an age where more people accept elements of the Principle of Freedom than ever before, but we still have a long way to go. Unfortunately there are many who are willing to sacrifice the freedom of others so they can gain an advantage for themselves or their ideals.

We can use hindsight and plainly see that the Principle of Freedom won out when slavery was abolished through the American Civil War. But we must realize that before the war the greater good was not so obvious.

Even so today, the greater good is often not obvious, but a humanity in the future will look back and to them many things will be obvious that we argued over in political discussions at the dinner table.

The problem we have today is that it takes a degree of discernment and good judgment to spot the point of maximum freedom on issues such as immigration, health and welfare, laws, rules, regulations and more. Instead of examining the whole picture many just take a piece of the puzzle and take their stand on that. The lights of the race must make the effort to see the whole picture and judge from that.

This is easy to say, but hard to do as evidenced from this Clinton-Trump presidential race where there are such heated disagreements on fundamental issues. One of the reasons the division is so sharp is that many on both sides are following their ideals and desires rather than using the Principle of Freedom as a guide.

Let us therefore seek a more sure guide to following the principle by examining situations. Instead of presenting a specific example allow me first to present a generic one that will have no hot buttons.

Congress comes up with a benevolent idea that could help many people, but the only way it could be implemented is to also have a tax increase.

How could they execute this without violating the Principle of Freedom?

For Part 2 go HERE

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Freedom And Illusion, Part 2


Freedom And Illusion, Part 2

Received some good comments on this from various groups. A popular comment was that such measures should be accepted by the majority of the people.

This would be a step better than we have now where many laws and measures are passed that run contrary to the people’s will and do more harm than good. But even if we go by majority will the Principle of Freedom can be violated.

And how is that?

A strict majority will can violate what we may call the Little Red Hen Principle as well as the Principle of Freedom.

Most know the story of the little red hen where she finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other animals to plant, harvest, mill and eventually bake some bread. At each step the animals exclaim “Not I!” and refuse to help.

Finally, she asked, “Who will help me eat the bread?” To this they all exclaim, “I will!”

To this she tells them that she will not share because she did all the work so she gets to decide who gets the final product and she shares the bread with her chicks instead.

Now the recognized moral to the story is, “if any would not work, neither should he eat,” but the meaning goes deeper than that. The little red hen has power to distribute the bread as she sees fit because the bread was a result of her labor.

Most versions of the story have four animals involved – a pig, a cat, a frog and the hen. Let us supposed they had an orthodox version of democracy and the four voted on what to do with the finished product. Of course, the little red hen would vote to use the bread for herself and her chicks because she made the bread, but the other three would vote that it all be shared with them.

If this happened would the Principle of Freedom be violated?

Indeed it would for we should be free to have control over the results of our labors. One could even say that the three freeloading animals have devised a way to steal from the hen in their democratic system.

Now let us suppose that the farmer, who has authority over them all, comes along and decides he wants half the loaf for himself and then divides up the other half with the animals. He likes the cat the most and gives it the biggest and best piece. Then he divides the remainder with the rest of the animals according to how deserving he thinks they are. It turns out the little red hen gets the smallest piece because the farmer figures she is the most industrious and can easily make some more bread.

The first case illustrates a possible flaw in a pure democracy and the second a major flaw in our present system of government where the farmer represents big government as it exists today.

It is interesting that most can see the problem of unfairness in these two examples where the hen loses control over the fruit of her labors, but then when we switch to the real world and apply this to our current situation many just cannot see it.

There is much illusion that needs dispelling. An important one is the belief that all should have an equal vote.

We see through this illusion in the story where the three virtually steal from the one, but many cannot see it at all in real life.

In real life most believe it is fine for those who do not pay taxes to have power to vote to take more money from those who do.

How is this different from the three animals voting to tax the little red hen of her bread?

It is not.

A huge chunk of our citizens believe it is fine for our government to take what it wants from those who have, and, after taking its share, to divide up the rest as it sees fit.

How is this different from the farmer dividing up the bread owned by the little red hen?

It is not.

“Okay, wise guy,” says the skeptic. If we can’t be fair with a democracy how are we supposed to do it?

The answer is that a democracy where the will of the people prevail can work, but such democracy must be composed of similar people with interests in common.

To get the idea let us look on the nations as units. What would our people think if our leaders decided to have a vote between the United States, Russia, China and Iran as to how we are going to spend our revenues? That would indeed be a crazy form of democracy as they would vote to have us spend nothing on defense and give everything to their interests.

In this country almost half the people pay no federal taxes and a similar amount receive some type of assistance from the government. Many economists and thinkers have warned us that when those figures exceed 50% that it will be impossible to have responsible taxation and spending which will lead to a collapse.

We are headed toward a situation similar to that where the three animals could vote to take what they wanted from the little red hen.

What is creating the problem?

The will of the people is a good standard if the vote consist of those with similar involvement and interests.

In our case, the amount of taxation and sharing should be determined by those who are doing the work and paying the bill.

“But, says the skeptic, if we let that happened we wouldn’t have any tax revenue or sharing.”

I submit that is completely incorrect.

Those who have abundance are willing to be taxed and share as long as they feel it is fair. On the other hand, what is the human tendency of those who receive things for free with no labor required on their part? They usually just want more, have little desire to contribute and no empathy for the sacrifice of the producers.

What would be the difference in a democratic system where the actual taxpayers decide on how much they will share compared to everyone deciding when most are not paying taxes?

In the first case we would have much more responsible system of sharing and one that is more efficient with more sharing going to where it is needed rather than to the overseers.

In the second case we have a system that is headed to collapse where all will eventually suffer and none will be satisfied.

The skeptic replies, “This seems unfair as the poor and disadvantaged should be able to vote.”

And in most cases they would where they have equal participation, including many taxes other than federal. For instance, we all pay sales tax so we should all have an equal say on this. They should have equal say in laws that apply to everyone, but in the case of Federal taxation and sharing the Little Red Hen Principle should apply. Those who have to pay should be the ones to vote on how much should be required and those who do not have to pay should not be able to tell those who do how much they need to contribute.

Right now we are a long way from implementing a fair system that follows the Little Red Hen Principle as our Republic has flaws that prevents the will of the people from being accurately represented. Right now our situation is similar to the hen where the farmer decides the contribution and disbursement. We may have to have a complete collapse of the system before we see such a replacement happen. The best we can do at present is to teach correct principles as seeds that will grow and eventually mature.

In the meantime I have introduced a compromise democratic system in my book, Fixing America, that would take us a step in the right direction, so long as those receiving freebies from the government stays below 50%.

For Part 1 go HERE

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The True Liberal


Dec 3, 2016

The True Liberal

Someone posted this definition of a liberal from a Webster’s Dictionary.

  1. Possessing or manifesting a free and generous heart; bountiful.
  2. Appropriate and/or fitting for a broad and enlightened mind.
  3. Free from narrowness, bigotry or bondage to authority or creed.
  4. Any person who advocates liberty of thought, speech or action.

I thought I would comment on this since this was evidently posted with the idea of presenting the people of the Left as being represented by this definition.

I have written a number of times about the fact that people are confused about the use of the words liberal and conservative as they often use liberal when speaking of conservatism. For instance, the strongest conservative stance on earth is taken by some environmentalists groups who fight tooth and nail to conserve earth in its natural undistorted state. In spite of this strong desire to conserve, they are called liberals.

On the other hand, religious Christians who are labeled conservatives, have been documented as being the most liberal people in the country as far as donating time and money to charitable causes.

I believe that Libertarians such as myself, who strongly adhere to the Principle of Freedom, are the most liberal of all people. We even have the word “liberal” as the base of the title we claim. Strangely though libertarians are usually grouped with conservatives by the masses rather than the so-called liberal Democrats and when forced to pick between the two major parties we usually vote with the Republicans because they are the most liberal on all things but the social issues which isn’t as big a deal to us as downsizing government control and controlling overspending.

Now let us look at these definitions of a liberal and see how they apply to me.

  1. “Possessing or manifesting a free and generous heart; bountiful.”

I certainly believe in this approach and try to live up to it.”

  1. “Appropriate and/or fitting for a broad and enlightened mind.”

This quality is difficult to pin down in black and white for neither side thinks the other is enlightened or broad minded. Like most people though I attempt to entertain things from a broad and enlightened point of view.

  1. “Free from narrowness, bigotry or bondage to authority or creed.”

I don’t think anyone can accuse me of narrowness. My belief system has changed and evolved throughout my life as I have e looked into many Christian religions, Islam Buddhism (even written a book on it) eastern religions and of course the Ancient Wisdom.

I study both sides on political issues and have read books by Obama and Al Gore as well as Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly. Many I communicate with only know of one side and that only in part.

So am I free from bigotry? The online Oxford dictionary defines bigotry as follows:

“Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.”

So far in my life of 71 years no one has pointed out anything I have said or done that is bigoted. I must confess though I am somewhat intolerant of those who murder, rape, steal, etc.

I like the last part of this definition which sees a liberal as one who is free of “bondage to authority or creed.”

This is the essence of a true libertarian. He especially wants maximum freedom from government authorities, regulations, restrictions, as well as most other authorities and creeds.

In my case I do not just blindly accept any statement just because it comes from a supposed authoritarian source. For instance, when I hear an non scientist politician authoritatively tell me I must accept his version of global warming because 97% of scientists agree with him I immediately question and look into it. Then I discover that the statement is a great distortion, that the 97% do not really agree on much except that humans do have some effect on the climate, but how much varies from one scientist to another. Some say humans account for less than 1% of the warming and a few even say 100%. Of course the 100% makes no sense for that would mean there would be no climate change without humans and there was a lot of change before fire was discovered or before humans were on the earth.

The last definition is placed in a second category, meaning that it can stand by itself as an alternative definition. I like this definition best of all which says a liberal is “Any person who advocates liberty of thought, speech or action.”

This goes to the heart of my teachings on the Principle of Freedom which strongly supports these three freedoms.

Unfortunately, many who are called liberals today support restrictions on these three things. Let us examine these three items.

First, thought and speech go together because you do not know what one is thinking until he expresses it.

The main side trying to restrict speech today are the ones labeled as liberals. They tell us what is politically correct and hate speech and in many cases seek to curtail such speech by force of law or enforced rules. In the liberal universities students are demanding “safe places” where they will be insulated from speech with which they disagree and if a conservative speaker comes on campus they will often protest or shout the person down in attempts to limit speech.

As far as action is concerned both those labeled conservatives and liberals seek all kinds of unnecessary restrictions on us. The true libertarian, or liberal will not seek to control any action of others unless a definite harm is created and I certainly support this idea.

So, overall after considering this definition of a liberal I must confess that I must be about as liberal of a person as one can find. This is quite the irony for when I go on a political site and merely mention a belief in Divine Intelligence, articulate doubt that climate change will bring an apocalypse, or express a desire for responsible government spending I am called names and attacked as an extreme conservative.

For more details on what a liberal and conservative is go to this LINK.

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Nov 29, 2016

Thoughts From the Past

I hope the group enjoys the thoughts I post every day. I appreciate the likes, loves and shares you give. Most of the quotes lately are new and not found in my writings.

This isn’t the first time I’ve attempted to give out provocative original thoughts. When I was in college I started putting some humorous words on the door to my room in the dorm I was staying in. I did this for a few days and then missed one day and pretty soon students were knocking on my door complaining that I had not posted anything and demanded I continued.

Well, I was glad they liked my stuff so I obliged. It always gave me a charge when I heard someone laughing on the other side of my door.

I saved some of the thoughts and decided to share a few with you. Here is the first installment. It is a book and each day I put a new chapter title on my door


Chapters from the great new book that rips the lid right off of Hell, written in Hell entitled: TO HELL AND NOT BACK – written by THE SINNER.


Chapter One: Watch that first step after you die… it’s a long one.


Chapter Two: He that drinks and drives and dies shall not recognize hell…  at first.


Chapter Three: Hell is when the alarm goes off.


Chapter Four: Eat, drink and be merry for if tomorrow ye die your belly shall be full, your thirst quenched and ye shall go to hell happy.


Chapter Five: He that raises hell raises nothing new.


Chapter Six: Run for the heavenly hills. There’s a population explosion in hell.


Chapter Seven: One good thing about hell, there’s a lot of beautiful women down here.


Chapter Eight: Come to hell and see such historic men as Hitler, Stalin, Judas, etc.


Chapter Nine: I sure wish someone would throw us a rope.


Chapter Ten: Ain’t nothing to drink down here but warm coke.


Chapter Eleven: Hell’s a nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.


Chapter Twelve: Hell’s not big enough for both of us. That’s why it’s gonna be hell.


Chapter Thirteen: never on Sunday, not even in hell.


Chapter Fourteen: it’s going to be a long hot summer.


Chapter Fifteen: Sure wish we had an Indian down here who knew a rain dance.


Chapter Sixteen: Sure wish lions and tigers went to heaven.


Chapter Seventeen: Half the people went to hell because of a woman… that’s what the other half is.


Chapter Eighteen: I can’t wait till Farrah Fawcett Majors dies. (If written today I might have used Katy Perry or Rihanna)


Chapter Nineteen: If Farrah goes to heaven I’ll repent!


Here’s some more of my first attempt at making memorable quotes posted on my door in my college dorm, but was an attempt of a humorous nature. I believe the year I did this was 1964.

Nov 30, 2016


The FORGET PILL made especially for sinners. It erases the memory of the past twenty four hours. $4.99 a bottle.



Swallow it Saturday night and you’re a Saint Sunday. Wears off in 24 hrs. Not a sleeping pill. $9.99 for a bottle of 50.


Join the SINNERS ANONYMOUS. Find out that you are not the only one. Call out hot line: ST1-268-645


Come ye – Come ye and join the hottest new church around:





Come one and all to the big Pre-dinner revival of Feb. 30. Work up an appetite by:

1.. Rolling on the floor.

  1. Screaming.
  2. Contacting spirits. (Liquid form acceptable.)
  3. Drowning your enemies (and friends).
  5. Speak in tongues (Pig Latin).

There will be a pre function of strong drink to assure results.


Get your spring cleaning done now! Come get rid of those nasty little sins you’ve committed. $1.00 per dunking. That’s right just one dollar. Special offer just three days only. Money back guarantee on those that drown.


Come get healed by Big Chief IWOGAHMMHAMIER medicine man. Payment in buttons, beads and scalps accepted.


Sins for sale! In Spring cleaning I found a mess of old sins I need to get rid of. Varied assortment. Cheap. Call 335-4455.


THE SIN GAME. The most economical game ever put on the market.

The reason: The kit includes the instructions only – You do the rest!!


JUST OUT OF THE LAB!!!   THE SIN PILL! Now you can sin and remain virtuous. Here’s how it works! You take the pill at night, after which you can sin all you want. That’s right: Sin Sin Sin. The best part is you wake up the next morning and find out it was all a dream. $5.00 a pill. While they last.


What has three antennae, 71 eyes, 100 teeth, scales, is harry, funny looking, three nostrils, weighs five pounds, and is climbing up your back??? (Especially on Saturday night).

ANSWER: The Sin Bug.


BEWARE”’    Of the Sin Bug. Once it bits you’re hooked.

SOLUTION: Send $9.95 in cash check or money order for a pint SIN BUG SPRAY. Kills sin bugs on contact or half your money back. You’ll need it tonight.


COME YE AND HAVE YOUR SINS FORGIVEN! Bargains! Prices slashed! Never before so low! Crazy Days!


White lies 25 cents each

Bigger lies      25 – 75 cents each

Stealing    25 cents – $10.00 (Or if you prefer 10% of what you stole)

Coveting beautiful girls … 10 cents per girl. (Adds up fast)

Murder     $25.00 each (Rates on mother in laws.)

Others:     10 cents – $100.00 (Depending on the sin)



REPENT BEFORE JULY 12, 2030 — That is the end. Make a note to repent July 11, 2030.


REPENT!!! Be prepared. Only 24,416 repenting days before the end.

Dec 1, 2016


This is the last installment of my thoughts I posted on my door back in my college days.


And in that day when you drop and anvil on your toe, take no heed what ye shall speak, for the words will be freely given unto you.


He that hath two navels is born again.


In the beginning there was darkness and Farrah Fawcett Majors was not yet wrought upon the face of the Earth.


Whoever reads this and does not immediately repent shall have a curse wrought on his left foot at midnight.


What is smaller than any hole in the world?

ANSWER: The Sinner.


And in the last days there shall be tests and rumors of tests, and students shall be found studying in divers places.


If hell is a state of mind; then there’s a good chance that’s where we are.


He who is innocent of all sin shall be swooped up into heaven. Observation: We are all here.


Sign on door: Knock and it shall be opened unto you (If the occupants are in).


Another sign on door: If ye knock, then walk humble and repentant ye shall be accepted. But if ye do not knock, and burst in and raise the devil … then ye shall be cast out.


Insecurity is reaching over the edge of your bed in the dark and feeling the grip of a slimy hand.


The left hand is the only part of your body that doesn’t know what your right hand is doing.


Cross-eyed is when there is a 36-23-36 babe to your left and a 93-50-93 to your right.


He who hath a short fuse makes the loudest noise for the longest length of time.


HELL is when you have a DESCREPTOPINSECTORHTORIMETER and don’t know what to do with it.


The following was the only statement on an entire page:

“Woe, Fire, brimstone and funny feelings to him that reads what is written on the backside of this page.”


(The reader turns the page): Wo, fire, brimstone and funny feelings unto you for reading this.

(Everyone in the dorm looked on the backside of the page)


The rich man will find it hard to enter heaven; therefore dump your excess greenbacks here.

I will take the burden of going to heaven rich.


He that marries young shall die, young. He that marries old shall die old.


Posted Saturday morning: Tonight is the night when all good men don’t do what they want to do.


REPENT! If ye remember what ye did last night, but REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, if ye have no memory.


Let your light so shine that it may hit the print of your books, that ye may not read in darkness.


Wo unto him that starteth contention for he shall receive the laying on of hands.


Hell is when a truck load of live ducks collides with a bus full of rock musicians.


Procrastinate not the day of salvation.

The end draweth nigh for finals, study now or suffer wrath.


Yea… He that sins and brags

Shall marry an old hag,

That chews the rag,

And nags.


Let she that hath no navel lay her own egg.


Wo unto him that admires beautiful females for he shall be liken unto me.


Verily, there are three heavens and one hell which one may enter in this house:

  1. The telestial Kingdom: The rooms on the north side.
  2. The terestial Kingdom: The rooms on the east side of this door.
  3. The celestial Kingdom: It lyeth behind that door upon which thou casteth thy eye.
  4. The Sons of Perdition: The shower room.


Seek to gain knowledge qf Orisextractopody (A real word). It’s worthwhile.


Wo wo wo (and more wo) unto him who makes any mark whatsoever in this box for fire and lightening shall consume him on April 14, 1996; 2:32 P.M.

(There was a box drawn on the sheet of paper I put on the door and it was extremely marked up by the end of the day.)


Wo wo and gnashing of teeth unto him that touches this spot (Placed on the page):

Not only will he suffer hellfire and brimstone…

But he shall feel flakey.

(Everyone said they touched the spot)


Beware of dog: He lurketh on these grounds and seeketh after and biteth him who disturbeth.



(Picture of a giant eye)


(You had to have been there to appreciate this one. When a student walked by my door and saw the big eye with these words he was usually amused)

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Freedom is Freedom


Chapter Three –

The Second Division

Slavery Is Freedom, Or Maybe 

 Ask anyone if he is for freedom and he will say, “yes, of course.”

It is interesting that everyone in the universe sees himself as a supporter of freedom. Hitler saw himself as fighting for freedom. Terrorists claim to fight for freedom. Southern slaveholders fought the Civil War in the name of freedom. One of those freedoms was the freedom to continue to hold slaves, which they thought was essential to their own financial freedom. Lincoln found himself perplexed at such an odd view of this sacred right.

Most communist revolutionaries who enslaved their people saw themselves as fighting for freedom. Fidel Castro presented himself as a freedom fighter.

So, are all people really for freedom? If so, who is left that is restricting freedom and enslaves so much of the world? Surely, there must be quite a few people out there who are against freedom or there would not be so many restrictions and so much tyranny in the world.

Just as in the first chapter we illustrated that the general public is deceived as to what a Democrat and Republican is, this chapter will attempt to illustrate a second important fallacy, which is that most people do not understand what freedom is. This misunderstanding of freedom is another great illusion that is dividing America and the world.

One of the reasons for the great division boils down to an extension of the division of the feeling and thinking nature. Some believe they are for freedom because that which they support makes them feel free. Others see freedom as that which seems to be a logical application of the principle as they see it.

Both groups can be totally wrong. Feeling you support freedom does not make you right, as feelings are often illogical. Thinking you support freedom can also be illusionary, as many have gaps in their reasoning process.

Before we can proceed, the question must be asked: what is freedom? In other words, how can we ascertain who really is for freedom and who it is that thinks he is for it, but is deceived?

First, we need to identify why any person, even he who embraces an enslaving ideology, sees himself as an advocate for freedom.

The reason for this is simple. No matter how flawed the system of government, there are always a few who will benefit, even if it is on the backs of the vast majority.

Castro, for instance, fought the revolution in Cuba in the name of freedom and now the nation is enslaved. Was Castro wrong? Not from his point of view. He fought for freedom and now he is one of the freest men in the world. He can do whatever he wants. He even has the freedom to execute or imprison all those who oppose him. He has the freedom to impose his will on any of his subjects. He has the freedom to speak his mind without fear of repercussion. From a warped way of looking at it, that is more freedom than any American has.

Let us call this the Castro Principle of Freedom, which is illustrated as follows: “I am free if I get my way. To hell with anyone else who feels his freedoms are trampled on.”

By this principle, the slave owners could proclaim they were fighting for freedom: “I am free because slavery frees up my time and makes me money, giving me the freedom to do as I please.”

Now, when the average person looks at these examples he may smile, nod his head and agree that there are ignorant people indeed who swallow the Castro Principle. Fortunately, he thinks he is far removed from such harmful thinking. But is he? We shall see.

It is obvious to the thinking person that true freedom is much more than freedom for a handful of people at the expense of the many. Let us, therefore, give a more universal definition.

True freedom occurs not when a few are able to act according to their will at the expense of the many, but when the maximum possible number of people in a group or nation are able to act according to their wills, as long as they are not directly harming others.

Incorporated in true freedom would be the ability to access, without restriction, our individual homes. Not included within the principle would be the ability of a burglar to access your home and to take what he pleases. The total freedom of a few burglars would mean a lack of freedom for the many. The burglar believes in the Castro Principle of freedom. The homeowner, on the other hand, exercises the True Principle of Freedom.

Now, it seems as if the difference between the True Principle and the Castro Principle of Freedom is very obvious, that all but a few very selfish people would know it when they see it, but such is not the case. When it comes down to a choice between the benefit for the few at the expense of the many versus the benefit of the whole, most will choose the benefit of the few if they are among the few who benefit.

When a person is one of the few, the temptation is great to believe that he is on the side of true freedom, even if his choice enslaves the many.

Why is this?

Because human nature tends first to look at what benefits us as individuals, and, more often than not, ignores the problems suffered by others. A person has to consciously stretch his heart and mind to identify with the whole, and to support the benefit of the whole rather than a fraction of that whole.

Unfortunately, the Castro Principle of Freedom prevails, more often than not, even in the land of the free.

When it comes down to choosing the greater benefit for the individual or the group, most will choose the individual.

When it comes down to choosing the greater benefit for the individual’s group or all the people, most will choose the individual’s group.

When it comes down to choosing the greater benefit for the individual’s political party or all the people, most will choose the individual’s party.

When it comes down to choosing the greater benefit for the individual’s state or the whole nation, most will choose the state.

When it comes down to choosing the greater benefit for the individual’s country or the world, most will choose the country.

Those of us who thus choose so selfishly may not be fully justified in condemning Castro for seizing his own brand of freedom. After all, maybe the only difference between him and most of us is that he just had more opportunity to hijack the freedom of the whole of his country.

Let us consider next a few examples of how the freedom of the many is hijacked by the few.



Perhaps the main source of grumbling about loss of freedom from the general public is around the taxes we pay. Taxes rarely go down and almost always go up. Taxes are taken from us by force of law, and a high percentage of tax revenue is spent in ways that are contrary to our will.

Almost everyone cringes with disbelief when hearing the report of a million dollars granted to study the sex life of fleas, or a quarter of a billion dollars to build a bridge in wilderness Alaska to accommodate 50 people and to pacify a congressman.

Perhaps nothing angers us more than when Congress gives themselves a pay raise of 25% with our money, when we are lucky to stay even with last year.

To make matters worse, over 97% of federal taxes are paid by the top 50% of wage earners.1 What does this mean to the 50% who pay little or no taxes?

Because the Castro Principle sways most of them, they couldn’t give a rat’s behind if the “rich” half pays more taxes. In fact, if it means the non-taxpayers will receive additional government benefits, they will insist the rich “pay their fair share” and fork over more money.

Should the non-taxpayer have a voice in how much the taxpayer has to pay and how the money is spent? As it is, the lazy freeloader has as much say in the matter as the guy working 100 hours a week to feed his family. But if the freeloader can get a bigger handout by increasing the workingman’s tax burden, the Castro Principle will nudge him in that direction.

Many economists have warned us for some time to avoid the situation where over half the people who do not pay taxes dictate how much is to be taxed and how it is to be spent. If this were to occur, we would then be in a situation where we could quickly be destroyed economically. It would basically be like children, who earn no money, telling their parents how much money they have to give them and how the money is to be spent. It wouldn’t be long before the house would be full of toys and everyone would be eating candy bars for breakfast. Within a short time the regular bills would go unpaid.

Even so, we are reaching the point where those who do not understand what it takes to earn a dollar will tell the more responsible half how their money will be spent.

   This puts us in the situation very closely paralleling the Israelite slaves in ancient Egypt. The slaves did all the work, while the Egyptian taskmasters just sat back and told them what to do. Consequently, the Egyptians saw the slavery of the Israelites as essential to their own freedom, just as did the slave holders in the Old South. This is why the Pharaoh did everything possible, and even risked his entire kingdom, to stop the slaves from escaping. Their Castro view of freedom was at stake.

On hindsight, we can look back and clearly see that the Egyptians were selfish and violated human rights in forcing the slaves to provide for them while they did not work themselves. But turn the situation around, place it in our day, and the vision becomes obscured by our own Egyptian-like self-interests.

And what is that paralleling situation in our day? It is quite simple. Obviously, modern taxpayers would correspond to the slaves. Who are the taskmasters? These are composed of three groups.

The first group is the almost 50% who pay no federal taxes, yet receive the benefit of taxes. As a group, they have great power in that they can vote in representatives who will do their bidding. These have power to demand the taxpayer work on their behalf, just as did the ancient Egyptians in relation to the slaves.

The second group is comprised of those who receive their income from taxpayers through the government. These folks may pay some taxes themselves, but because their income comes from tax revenues, most have little resistance to tax increases. Often a tax increase to others means a pay increase for them. Of course, there are some conscientious public servants, but many of them are oblivious to the uncertainties of life in the private sector and the capital needed to insure success. If you want proof, just look at Congress. When they want more money they just impose more taxes, while making sure their own pay raises insulate them from the pain. The private sector, then, not only has to deal with the increased taxes, but also has to redouble their effort to make a profit.

The third group is composed of powerful people who have significant wealth. Some of these pay a reasonable amount of taxes, but others work the system and pay very little. Members of this group receive more benefit from the money paid by taxpayers than they pay in to the system. The idea is that heavy taxation does not hurt them, for it usually just increases their own power base.

If we add up the numbers in all three of these groups, we find that they total much more than half the population.

Taxpayers are at the least partial slaves of those who take more from the tax revenues than they pay in. Little do these taskmasters realize they follow the Castro Principle and are the modern-day Egyptians.

The only difference between ancient times and today is that some modern taxpayers get to keep enough money so they are better off than the non-taxpayer, but that could change. Just take a look at where we have gone with taxation in the last 100 years. What if the burden increases correspondingly during the next century? The income tax started in 1913 as a basic 1% tax on the “rich.”2 Look where it has spiraled since then. It’s a scary thought of where we may be in another 100 years.

Another thing to consider is that only about half of the taxes collected come from income taxes. There are hundreds of subtle ways that all of us pay additional taxes. Many of them are paid by the unsuspecting consumer in increased prices for their purchases.

When I first saw the movie Ten Commandments, I was puzzled as to why the Pharaoh was so stubborn and would not free the slaves. But, if you think of what would happen if all the major taxpayers of today fled to a new land of Canaan, the picture becomes crystal clear. Those who receive more from taxes than they pay would become alarmed and do everything in their power to force the taxpayers to return, just as the ancient Pharaoh did.

“But there’s no escaping death and taxes,” says one. “Some will always benefit more than others.”

The fact that some benefit more than others is not the problem or the point. The major problem that is leading modern taxpayers into slavery is that non-taxpayers, and those who receive more than they pay in, have equal input in decreeing how the taxpayer’s money is to be spent.

Suppose you help your needy friend and give him some money each week out of the goodness of your heart. Then he approaches you and says that you have to pay more and that he has as much right as to how your money is spent as you do. You would become angry, wouldn’t you? The guy is applying the Castro Principle of Freedom at your expense and you do not like it.

Even so, each taxpayer who pays more to the government than he receives should be outraged at the fact that others who do not contribute are attempting to tell him how much he should be taxed and how the money is to be spent.

So, how can the modern-day slaves obtain their freedom? The answer is not to do away with taxes. The State will always need a certain amount of revenue, and most people are willing to pay a reasonable tax if they receive a benefit and have some say-so in the matter.

The taxpayer must obtain freedom from those who do not contribute, yet wish to control him. To obtain this, any increase in taxes should have to be approved by the taxpayers themselves in a public referendum. If one does not pay income taxes, he should not be allowed to vote higher taxes for those who do.

To oppose such a measure is to seek to follow the Castro Principle, where your freedom or will is increased at the expense of the freedom of others.


Social Programs

The main reason taxes are so high is because of the plethora of social programs. The situation creates a vicious circle. Congress shows their greatest creativity in dreaming up social programs to score points with a handful of voters. Then they seek a way to increase taxes so only a minority will be affected at one time as they promote their social cause, making it sound benevolent.

Most will admit that some social spending is okay, and most taxpayers would not complain if they were not taxed in so many differing directions, including hidden taxes. But the problem is that a little socialism is like a little pregnancy. Once the tax-and-spend process starts, it’s only a matter of time until birth is given to a financially crippled society that begins to break down and eventually even lose its power to defend itself from internal as well as external enemies.

The beginning and end of social programs reminds me of the story of boiling a frog. If you boil a pot of water and just throw in the frog, it will be alarmed by the scalding hot water and immediately jump out to avoid pain and death. BUT, if you place the frog in a pot of cool water and gradually increase the temperature, the frog will not be alarmed, nor will it perceive the danger until it is too late. Instead, it will voluntarily stay in the pot until it is boiled to death.

The answer as to why this occurs is simple. Because the water is increased in temperature just one degree at a time, it seems that a single degree is not enough to cause alarm, so the frog just stays put.

So it is with social programs. Each program adds another degree to our economic peril, and it always seems that there is no cause for alarm. Our politicians promoting the good cause will tell us something like this:


The cost of this program is very small when we consider the number of people it will help. The average cost to the taxpayer will be less than fifty cents per day (or some other small figure) and look at the benefit.


Then, to sell their scheme, they may promote something like:


  • If your child qualifies, he will have his education paid or subsidized.
  • Many people without healthcare will receive treatment.
  • We can work on a cure of your favorite disease.
  • We can give grandma free drugs.
  • We can pay rich farmers (ignore the poor ones) to not grow sugar beets.


This list could go on forever. In addition to making the increased spending of your tax dollars sound so small, they also apply the guilt factor:

Without your support and your fifty cents a day, cute little children will go hungry, old people will die and your neighbor will probably have a heart attack. You don’t want that, do you? Then shut up and don’t complain. It’s only fifty cents, you cheapskate!


The taxpayer feels small if he complains because everyone else doesn’t seem to be complaining. If he complains, it will look like he wants little children to starve. Of course, he doesn’t want little children to starve.

This brings us to the core of the problem with social engineering from the top down. A point is never reached where authorities are satisfied with social interference. No matter how many programs are in place, a new one that sounds like a good cause can always be dreamed up.

Senator Blowhard thus introduces a bill to protect squirrels from getting run over by cars. If you complain, you may be met with:

“What’s the matter, do you hate squirrels so much that you are not willing to pay five cents a day to save the cute little fella’s life? What kind of person are you, anyway?”

We wind up being hit with five cents here and fifty cents there – a quarter the next day and then another dime. It all seems harmless until the pot starts to boil, and then we become paralyzed by the heat as the end of life as we know it approaches.

The problem with the socialist approach of government is it violates the prime directive of the True Principle of Freedom and supports the Castro Principle. If a social program is not approved by a majority of those who are supplying the money, then those who are on the receiving end are enjoying greater freedom at the expense of the many who are being forced to pay. These who may condemn the Castro Principle as it applies to Cuba cannot see how they are embracing it as it applies to them.

Now, the ideal would be that all social programs are financed by freewill participation; but, at the very least, no taxpayer should be forced to pay money into a system unless there is majority support from those who pay. We are a long way off from such an ideal and will continue to drift away until… until what?

Until citizens realize the truth of the Castro Principle in comparison to the True Principle of Freedom.

When the takers realize they have become the modern Egyptians, and the providers understand they are the modern slaves working against their will for their benefit, then things will begin to change.

But, this will just be the beginning of change. To complete the change, something else must happen. And what is that?

The realization must come that social needs can be fulfilled by staying within the perimeters of the True Principle of Freedom. Not only can social needs be taken care of through cooperative free will, but the way would be paved for abundance and wealth for the nation, as a whole, that would far exceed anything ever witnessed in our history.

In the meantime, every good citizen should cease supporting the Castro Principle of freedom – social benefits they receive through forcing the many to pay.

To some this may sound harsh, but remember this. Abraham Lincoln sounded harsh to the South when he elaborated the True Principle of Freedom as it applied to their system. It sounded so harsh that they fought it tooth and nail at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. But, then when they lost the war, they really won. The slaves were free and both the slaveholder and the previous slave were the better for it.



Over Regulation

Over regulation, resulting in larger government to control regulation, results in restriction of freedom, which lowers quality of life for all.

Just as we can’t seem to establish several social programs and be happy with that number, neither can we have basic regulations and then move on to better things. Instead, the creative minds in Congress go into overdrive when their thoughts drift toward the need to restrict all that out-of-control freedom going on out there.

We have all heard of silly “dumb laws” passed generations ago that are still on the books. Just type in “Dumb Laws” in Google and you’ll find hundreds of them.

Here are just a few old laws that will tickle you.


  • In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset
  • In Marshalltown, Iowa, horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants
  • In Oklahoma, molesting an automobile is illegal.
  • In Alabama, boogers may not be flicked into the wind.
  • In Alaska, kangaroos are not allowed in barbershops at any time. (I didn’t know there were any kangaroos in Alaska)
  • In Arizona, a man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
  • In California, it is illegal to detonate a nuclear device in city limits. (I guess it’s OK to blow up a few farms with one.)
  • In Denver, it is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor.
  • In Connecticut, any dogs with tattoos must be reported to the police.
  • The only legally acceptable sexual position in Washington D.C. is the missionary position. (I’ll leave that one alone.)
  • In Florida, having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. (Talk about an unnecessary law!)
  • In Georgia, no one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.


Here are a couple of dumb ones of recent date:

In the old days, they passed laws telling us silly things we couldn’t do, but, in September 2005, the Oregon Supreme Court, under pressure from the ACLU, ruled that Section 1 Article 8 guarantees that the right of free expression makes sex in public or on a stage legal. A separate ruling made it unconstitutional to place a four-foot buffer between the performers and the audience. Now that should make for some interesting interplay.

In Emmett, Idaho, a judge has been using a 1921 law still on the books to prosecute pregnant teens. The crime is for having sex before marriage. Those who have sex and do not get pregnant are not prosecuted, just those who are with child who cannot deny they had sex.

We see some odd warning labels on various products such as:


“This product not intended for use as a dental drill” — On an electric rotary tool.

“Do not use in shower” — On a hair dryer.

“Do not eat toner” — On a toner cartridge for a laser printer.


We see these and just figure that the manufacturers must be very stupid, but they are not the ones to blame. Instead, you can rest assured that the cause is too many laws passed by creative legislators and too many lawsuits.

Some crazy guy probably did use an electric drill on his teeth and sued over the damage because there was no warning label not to do so.

You can also rest assured that someone used a hair dryer in the shower and another thought toner would be good to eat.

Unfortunately, dumb laws allow dumb people to sue smart people for their own dumb mistakes.

Some of the new laws are not funny.

Because of a vote on an initiative in November 2005 in California, it is legal for teenagers to get an abortion without telling their parents. This seems odd to me even if you are an abortion zealot.

The ACLU defended the rights of NAMBLA to promote itself. NAMBLA advocates male adults having sex with little boys.

In June, 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that local governments have the authority to seize private land and turn the property over to private developers for economic development. This put the fear of God into many conservatives and liberals alike.

For the past couple of years many laws have been passed aimed at the Christians by attempting to restrict the wearing of religious items, displaying religious symbols, and to even control the singing of Christmas carols. Where I live there has been a movement afoot to remove a cross on a hill that is on private property.

This type of legal attack goes far beyond any desire to prevent a state religion, as was the design of the Founding Fathers.

I am not a member of any religion myself, but if others want to wear a symbol of any religion in any circumstance, I am not offended in the least. If someone wants to put up a cross or a statue of Buddha, so what? Whatever happened to a live-and-let live attitude?

There have even been efforts to outlaw vitamins and herbs unless prescribed by a medical doctor.

Perhaps the dumbest laws that have been passed in recent times concern wage and price controls. They have been attempted in various legislative packages time and time again (and fail time and time again), and still we have touchy-feely do-gooders with good intentions fighting to bring them back.

Feeling that something like this SHOULD work doesn’t make it work. As soon as wage and price controls are implemented, all kinds of evils creep in; among them are black markets, shortages and public anger and discontent. Then the companies that are controlled will find ways around the controls and the price goes up anyway. Eventually, when the controls are lifted, the price on the original item will jump more than it would have without the controls.

The puzzling question to be addressed is this: if we are indeed headed toward disaster because of too many laws, taxes and social spending – like the dumb frog boiling by degrees – why is it so difficult to turn things around, even after we see what is happening to us?

The answer to this has always been seen as very complex, but it is not.

Most will agree that Congress and the Executive Branch are the root cause of our financial excess. The problem seems to be that there is nothing we can do about it. The mystery is that many good people run for office making warm promises of financial and legislative responsibility, but then something happens to them after they go to Washington. A short time after arriving, they change and become just like everyone else and vote for spending like drunken sailors.

To many this seems like a great mystery, greater than the Big Bang, and it will only drive you crazy if you think about it too much.

I beg to differ. The answer is very simple. Please memorize the next sentence: Our leaders have the wrong job description.

Wrong job description? What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with the problems in Washington. This is the reason that, after well-meaning legislators spend a few months in Congress, the common people start calling for the “bums” to be thrown out.

So, what is wrong with their job description, or, perhaps we should first ask – what is it?

When we ask this question, we must answer it as seen in their eyes rather than the exact words of the Constitution. What legislators see as their job description is much more important than any black- and-white words on a piece of paper.

Basically, they see their job description as doing two things:


(1) Passing legislation. This includes making laws and dreaming up new taxes to raise money.

(2) Spending money.


Now, the Founders expected Congress to pass some legislation and spend some money, but they had nothing in mind like the boondoggle mismanagement we see before us today.

Spending money is now one of the two major points of their job description – at least in their own minds. In fact, spending money and bringing home the bacon and pet projects to their home states is probably more in the forefront of their minds than making laws ever was.

If we then examine the two points of their job description, it becomes perfectly clear why we can send a seemingly good person with good intentions to Washington, and within months he seems to turn into a clone of the good-old-boys network that exists there. He then becomes just as corrupt as anyone else.

Consider this. We elect someone who we think is a good and decent public servant of the people. What does a good servant want to do?

He wants to do a good job.

How does he make sure he does a good job?

He finds out what his job description is and then he does it well.

If a representative thinks his job description consists of making laws and spending money, then what will he do if he is good reliable public servant?

Right. He will make laws and spend money.

Because this is his perceived job description, then what will be the evidence in his own mind that he is doing a good job?

Right. He will see himself as doing a good job if he makes lots of laws and spends truckloads of your money. The more laws and money he moves through the system, the more satisfied he is with his work ethic.

When the representative relaxes for a moment, the media comes out of the woodwork and screams that we have a “do-nothing Congress.” This, then, makes our representatives feel guilty that they have been slacking, so they make even more laws and spend additional billions of dollars to get a little positive media attention.

We, the public, have been in error in criticizing Congress as being a bunch of good-for-nothing bums. We have been wrong. Our representatives are skilled at their job description that WE HAVE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, and, if anything, they deserve praise for going even beyond the call of duty.

We are the stupid ones, not them. They are doing their jobs; we are the slackers.

If we do not like what they are doing and doing well, then the solution is simple beyond belief.

Change their job description!

What, then, should be their job description that would make for a happy, healthy society?

Before we can create a job description that is right, we must realize what is wrong with the current one.

Perhaps a parable will help:


A Man Just Doing His Job

A family received a fine inheritance and elected an enterprising person as a contractor to build them a suitable house in which to live. To do this, they gave him access to the funds of the inheritance and gave him a reasonable salary. The man understood that he was supposed to buy building materials and then use them to build the house in which the family was to live.

He went ahead with his assignment and, after a while, a house was built. It was comfortable and all were happy for a time.

The family, however, never told the man the job was done, so the man continued to work as before and bought additional building materials. At first, he used them for remodeling and improvements, but soon became frustrated because there was only so much he could do. He realized that he would be out of a job if he did not think of something, so he decided to do more building. He then added a family room, extra garage and shop in the back.

Some of the family members liked these additions, some did not, but no one told him to stop or that his job description was to be changed or curtailed.

He soon found himself idle again and felt guilty he was doing nothing for his pay, so he built a guesthouse in the back. Some family members liked the idea, some did not. After this was accomplished he found himself idle again, so he built a swimming pool and added a gym. It wasn’t long before someone saw him getting some sun by the swimming pool and called him a lazy bum. This made him feel guilty again and he got back to work. He next hauled in some expensive rock, beautifully landscaped the whole place and hired a crew of expensive gardeners. After this, he added another wing to the house.

On and on the man continued until a banker called the family and explained to them that their inheritance was all spent.

The family was aghast, called their representative and said, “What is this? You have spent our whole inheritance and all we have to show for it is a monster of a dwelling much too big and elaborate for our needs. There are many other things we could have done with our inheritance to bring joy to the family but, instead, you have squandered our assets. Explain yourself.”

The contractor shrugged his shoulders and said.

“All I did was my job, and I did it well and received praise from many of you. If I did not spend the inheritance the way you wanted, that is your fault, for you gave me the job and told me what to do and did not restrain me from doing it.”

Just as this family contractor thought he understood his job description and sought to do it well, even so do our political representatives seek to perform well. The two objectives they see in their job description are passing legislation and spending money.

But there are problems with the two objectives:

(1) Passing legislation. This includes making laws and dreaming up new taxes to raise money.

Passing legislation is sanctioned by the Constitution and a certain amount of laws are necessary, but just like the guy who is assigned to build the house for the family, there comes a time when all the basics are completed and just a small amount of maintenance is needed. The problem is that the maintenance isn’t enough to keep the guy busy. It is true that most workers complain about being overworked, but neither do they want to be under employed, just sitting around doing nothing. A worker desires job satisfaction and he cannot obtain this unless he has real work to do.

To obtain job satisfaction, a Congressman will use his creative mind to go far beyond simple maintenance and repair to dreaming up new program after program and law after law to add to his accomplishments.

Sooner or later, his extended family will wake up and realize that most of the additions have been overkill and unnecessary.

(2) Spending money

Letting our representatives think that spending is a major part of their job description is perhaps the greatest mistake we the people have made.

Question: What happens when the allotted money has been spent?

Answer: They are out of a job.

Question: What happens when they are out of a job?

Answer: They look for more work.

Question: How do they get more work?

Answer: They raise more money.

Question: How do they raise more money?

Answer: They pass still more legislation and increase taxes.


Thus, we have created a vicious circle of passing legislation, raising money, spending money and then back to passing more legislation.

Can the vicious circle be stopped before the inheritance is gone?

Yes, it can be stopped, because all things are possible. What is done can be undone, that which has been created can be taken apart, and that which does not work can be transformed into that which does work.

It does little good to just look at a bad situation, throw our hands up and say “What a mess!” It’s easy to complain.

It is more difficult to do something about it, but do we must.

The first step is to have faith in the best that is in humanity – that we are capable of solving any problem, no matter how insurmountable it may seem.

That said, what is our first step?

Our first step is to realize that the ultimate power in this country (and many others) lies with the people themselves. If we believe that ultimate power lies with our leaders, then we are doomed. Few of our leaders will lead us well unless the people remind them of the real job they are supposed to do.

When we realize that we the people are the ultimate power, then real change can begin. In fact, any practical change can begin when the common sense of the people discriminates between that which will work from that which cannot.

The solution from the people is very simple. We must create a plan and then force Congress to incorporate it. The plan must come from the people because our representatives do not want to lose power, and will not touch anything on their own that diminishes it.

What would be in the plan?

Details will be presented later in the book, but one thing we could do is call for Congress to set aside a certain amount of legislative time to examine previous laws and either simplify them or take them off the books completely. They should also examine tax laws and simplify what they can and eliminate what is practical.

Jessie Ventura, the maverick governor of Minnesota, came up with a version of this idea, but nothing came of it. But it was a good idea that could be implemented if the people carried the ball.

How do we get representatives to put the brakes on spending, which can also lead to putting the brakes on taxation?

This may be the most monumental challenge to ever face a people, but remember – nothing is impossible. It can be done.

To accomplish this, we cannot just make suggestions to our representatives and expect them to get excited about acting upon them. Again, a plan must be presented for reduced spending along with the reduction of laws. Part of the plan must include some powerful incentives, or the representatives will certainly drag their feet in cooperating.

First, we must change their job description in this area. Instead of hiring them to spend money, as they seem to think is their purpose, we make known to them they were hired to manage our money and balance the budget.

Does it not make sense when an employee does a good job that he gets a bonus of some kind, and if he does not do well he receives no bonus? In the past, what reward have our representatives received if they balanced the budget or reduced spending?

None. In fact, they receive the opposite. Many are attacked locally because of reduced spending on pet entitlements.

How do we give our representatives an incentive to perform as we the people wish? The same way any employer does with his employee: he pays him a bonus for a job well done.

What a novel idea… We pay our representatives bonuses if they spend our money wisely and balance the budget.

Here are some ideas. Keep in mind these are not written in stone, but point us toward the right general direction.

For every billion dollars shaved off the budget deficit from the prior year, a bonus is set aside for members of Congress. It would be well worth it to make them all millionaires if they balanced the budget and reduced waste, but $100,000 or $200,000 for each year they perform might well be incentive enough.

Now for the good part: when the budget is balanced, the only bonus we have to pay them after this is achieved is the yearly bonus of balancing the budget. Reducing taxes could be worked on next.

If this program was implemented and enforced, I guarantee you we’d see the most liberal of spenders turn into fiscal conservatives, the likes of which we have never seen in Washington.

And, what if any of them feel guilty about receiving so much money? Then they can either give it back to the government or donate it to charity.

Whatever the case, it would be money well spent, and the positive part of this idea is that many of our representatives would like the idea of doubling or tripling their salary merely by doing their job well. This prospect would make it possible for them to pass the legislation necessary to set up the new job description with bonuses.

The only way to make this happen is to draw up a proposal and circulate it throughout the nation. Getting several million signatures endorsing it wouldn’t hurt.

When our representatives get the message that this is what we want or they may not get elected again, they will cooperate.

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Appreciating the Left and the Right


Nov 16, 2016

Appreciating the Left and the Right

We currently have a heated political divide in this country not seen since just before our Civil War. Back then the divide resulted in a physical conflict and even the great Lincoln at the helm could not prevent it.

Today, additional conflict is inevitable, but let us hope it restricts itself to emotional and mental levels, but not all out war on the physical plane.

It is interesting that there are intelligent and sincere people on both sides that do not see those with an opposing view as such. To these their personal view seems so obviously correct that the guy on the other side must be in idiot.

So, why does this happen? How is it that two intelligent and sincere people can see things so differently? Why can’t they just exchange information and then see in the same light, or at least see where the other guy is coming from?

The answer is polarization.

The political right is polarized in the left side of the brain which focuses on the mental/analytical more male side of the duality whereas the left puts more focus on the right side of the brain where more focus is on the emotional/feeling female side.

I wrote a chapter in my book Fixing America to illustrate this point, but perhaps the easiest way to prove this point is the fact that the right draw a majority of the male vote and the left draws a majority of the females.

For instance, in the 2000 election, where the votes were split down the middle, Bush received 53% of the male vote and only 43% of the female. Gore received 54% of the female vote and only 42% of the male.

In 2012 53% of men voted for Romney where 57% of women voted for Obama.

Then in the recent election 54% of the women voted for Hillary and 53% of the men voted for Trump.

In general the left appeals more to the female/.emotional side and the right to the male/analytical side.

To understand this one must drop the black and white view and realize that each of us, (as well as the political parties) has elements of both sides of the duality, but that does not discount the polarization. The right is more drawn to the mental analytical side and the female to the emotional side.

Understanding this is a key to understanding the problem of the two sides having difficulty seeing eye to eye.

How many times have you heard males complain about how difficult it is to understand how the female thinking works and how the female wants to relate to feelings rather than just taking a logical approach? For instance, when the female gets upset a logical approach to the solution is not what she wants to hear from the male. Instead, she wants the male to understand and relate to her upset feelings. This is often very perplexing to the male.

Then how many times have you seen females being disgusted with males because of their lack of sensitivity and simplistic approach to things? The male is in the sending mode so he doesn’t like to stop and receive instructions whereas the female wants to stop and receive at the first opportunity. Fortunately, this is not much of a problem anymore due to GPS. The female gets frustrated with the male because of his analytical approach to problems before the feelings behind them is understood.

Fortunately, for the two sexes there is a strong sexual attraction that brings them together and once a successful relationship is formed the two often appreciate the differences.

The political left and right do not have this specific advantage, though they do have a corresponding one.

“How so,” one asks?

The sexual relationship is responsible for the human creative process insuring the creation of human beings to perpetuate the race.

Correspondingly, the left and the right, among humanity, supply us with creative endeavors needed and often desired by both sides.

The left dominates on the creative side which includes movies, television, creative writing, music, broadcasting, news, art etc.

Many of the staunchest conservatives will still gladly pay to see Star Wars created by the left leaning George Lucas.

The right dominates on the building and business side. They run most businesses and construction projects. The strongest liberals are happy to work in a business for a decent paycheck as well as fork out whatever is necessary for a roof over their heads.

It is interesting that they are both attracted to each other’s creations yet both complain about them corresponding to how males and females complain about each other, but of course with differences.

The right complains incessantly about most of the media, yet they still pay to use them.

The left complains to the extent they will march in the streets against business interests yet they still use their products and will not quit their jobs.

Again, let me remind the reader to look at the whole here rather than black and white detail. Yes, there are some conservatives in the media and liberals in business. We are looking at where the domination is.

The Key to harmonizing the left and the right is the same as the process of bringing harmony in a marriage relationship. Both sides must first recognize the differences and then must learn to appreciate and utilize those differences rather than see the other as an enemy that must be subdued.

The right needs to not present a threat to the creative endeavors of the left. The left needs to feel free to create in their areas of interest without fear of undue interference.

Similarly the left needs to not present such a threat to the more physical side of creation by the right through business and construction. They need to not have fear of unjust restrictions and opposition to their endeavors to benefit humanity.

Yes, there are legitimate criticisms that can be directed at both sides, but these must be made with goodwill and good judgment. Both sides make the mistake of seeing some ingredients of the other side as matters of life and death, when often there is much there to appreciate.

Solving the problems of duality is the great task of humanity and it may be some time before harmony is achieved, but as they say, a thousand mile journey begins with the first step. The task of both the left and the right is to each take a step toward the middle and resist the inclination to take a step backward toward greater separation.

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Majority Vote


Nov 15, 2016

Majority Vote

Duke writes this:

We seek to follow correct eternal principles.

It is my understanding that one of these principles is, that the will of the majority prevail, at least in elections.

In this case, the will of the majority did not prevail. The will of the minority prevailed.

From the standpoint of following correct eternal principles, UNLESS there is some other principle that trumps majority will, THERE SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE WILL OF THE MINORITY PREVAILING OVER THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY, regardless of what sort of technicality caused it.

So…1) Is there some other eternal principle (not something situational like “we have to follow the rules even if they’re sometimes unfair”) that overrides majority will in elections?

And 2) If so, what is it, does it apply here, and if so, how?


You bring up some good points that need some clarification.

First, the idea that majority rule always works out for the best is not a principle. Something that is a principle is consistent and can be depended on to guide one toward that which is true.

In many instances I support majority rule and in others I do not. Why? Because in some instances it provides us with the safest most reliable path and in others it does not.

What is the difference?

The majority when properly and fairly informed on a subject will generally make the right decision.

On the other hand, if they are misinformed, biased and have an emotional stake in several errors of judgment then the majority will often make the wrong decision.

When a true innovation is presented to the people that requires a change in thinking the majority will usually resist and take the wrong path. It will generally be a small minority who sees correctly. Take inventions like the, automobile, airplane, the telephone, radio TV and even the computer. When first introduced the majority saw them as playthings for the frivolous and didn’t want much to do with them.

Here are several quotes to illustrate my point:

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”

By Ken Olson, president, chairman/founder of Digital Equipment Corp.,1977

“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.”

From Western Union internal memo, 1876.

“The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?”

Quote of David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment the radio in the 1920s

Innovations or anything different, will not only be resisted by the majority, but by many experts in and out of the field.

There are many true things that could be presented by Christ himself that would be rejected by the majority, just as happened the last time he was here.

The Spiritual Hierarchy does not consider majority rule as far as how they decide to influence mankind. They know that there are many things that would be good for us that the majority would resist vehemently.

Their aim is not to introduce light according to what the majority wants, but to assess the next step that the majority would accept once that next step is understood. After this assessment is made they then figure out a plan to move humanity forward in the light so the majority will see that step and approve of it.

Majority acceptance is not necessary for the beginning of a step, but it is necessary for the consummation of it.

For example, we did not need majority acceptance for the introduction of computers, but we do need it to establish the universal use as we have now.

Government is always a combination of majority and minority rule. In other words, there are situations where majority rule works best and others where a minority or even a single person making the decision works best.

For instance, at the foundation of our country a small minority wanted to establish a separate and free nation and even many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were not on board with them.

Then as the situation changed and ideas and light permeated the people more people started supporting the idea. By the time of the Revolutionary War the rebels had, not a majority, but approximately a third of the people supporting them. Another third supported King George and the final third attempted to remain neutral.

Thus our country was fought for and the government established by a third who saw the vision. It wasn’t long though after the establishment of the nation that the majority was happy with the result and supported their new country.

The founders respected the will of the people and incorporated it as much as deemed wise to do so. Representatives were elected by a simple majority of the people. But after being elected they could defy that majority and vote however they wanted so the majority sometimes got their way, but not always.

The Senate was not elected directly by the people in the beginning but were appointed by state legislatures that were in turn elected by popular vote.

Now we have the strange situation where the Senators are elected by popular vote yet represent greatly different numbers of people. Here in Idaho a senator represents less than a million, but in California he or she represents over 19 million

Then when setting up a process of electing the president the founders wanted to include the vote as much as practical, but also considered the importance of each state having a significant impact. Therefore, the system of the Electoral College was set up which gave value to the individual vote yet keeps the smaller states from being overwhelmed in power by the larger ones.

Another consideration was the recounting of contested elections. Recounting in one state is bad enough but if a recount had to be performed by the entire nation it would be a nightmare indeed and if the recount was not accepted a civil war could result. Think of the difficulties with the one state of Florida with Bush and Gore and multiply it by 10 in a close national recount. In any close national election the people would have to wait weeks before finding out who will be president. As it is we generally find out election night.

So, did the Founders follow or not follow some principle correctly as far as majority vote is concerned? To answer this question one must realize this. The amount of incorporation of majority vote in a system is a judgment call. You can’t have a majority vote on all things, but you can on some things and a group simply must use their best wisdom to create the most efficient system possible for the people as a whole.

I am fine with the present system of the electoral college as the popular vote usually agrees with it, but if we change to the popular vote by legal means I would be fine with that also. Whatever system is in play I would accept the results, so long as fraud is not involved.

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Principle 101 – Humor

This entry is part 98 of 98 in the series Principles


Principle 101

The Principle of Humor

Those with an obvious good sense of humor are sometimes looked down upon by religious and other authorities as non conformists that need to be set straight. On the other hand, some great spiritual teachers recognize the value of well placed wit and humor. Not the least among these is DK through Alice A. Bailey who said this:

“There are two things which every disciple must some day learn, my brother. One is to cultivate the ability to “sit light in the saddle” (to use an old proverbial injunction) and the other is to develop a sense of humour, a real (not forced) capacity to laugh at oneself and with the world. This is one of the compensations which comes to those who can succeed in working in the light upon the mental plane. When you can do this, the constant tension under which you labour will adjust itself.

Discipleship in the new Age, Vol 1, Page 414

Lucille Cedercrans had this to say:

“Achieve to that perspective which is able to see yourself lalopping and laugh. It is a sense of humor that you need as you go into this training. See yourself in all of your failings, in all of your little miseries, in all of your ridiculous positions, then laugh. You see, it is this ability to laugh and to laugh particularly at one’s self which is the healing, the cure. It is this that makes it possible for you to pick up and to go along with whatever task you are presented. If you can laugh at yourself you can keep your head up in that Wisdom, regardless of where your feet may be walking or what your astral body may be doing (how much lalopping is going on). Still, if you are able to laugh you will keep your head in the Wisdom. If your head will stay up in the Wisdom, you can reach up every now and then and take a breath of it into yourself. Then it has to rub off; it has to come down to the feet and be grounded where you walk. It meets with the earth upon which you walk.”

Applied Wisdom, Page 813

Indeed. One of the hallmarks of the worker in the light is the ability to see humor, even in difficult situations. Many of those who have not yet transitioned into light and love take themselves and life much too seriously.

Humor is a somewhat illusive quality that is difficult to define, similar to that of love. You can read every dictionary definition and still not be able to put a finger on exactly what it is.

For instance, a common definition is, “Something that is funny or makes you laugh.” Overlooked is the real question which is: exactly what is it that makes something funny? A short black and white answer will not do here as a thing that is funny in one situation may not be funny at all in another.

For instance, a guy may offer some good-natured ribbing of a teammate in a locker room that draws a big laugh, but if the same thing were said at a Jane Austin book club meeting there may be outrage instead.

So what is the illusive principle that makes us laugh? In a nutshell it is this:

Humor, or that which is funny, is created when the dialog takes an unexpected, but pleasant twist. There is an element of mild surprise and often subtle truth in those statements that make us smile or laugh.

Let us examine a couple jokes from one of my favorite comedians, Steven Wright.

“OK, so what’s the speed of dark?”

This is a play on the speed of light which was discovered after a very serious scientific investigation. It is unexpected that anyone would even consider that darkness has a speed and the fact that it makes light of a serious subject adds to the humor.

Here’s another:

“Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.”

It is unexpected that anyone would think of being lazy as rewarding, but when you think about it there is some immediate reward to it. The unexpected but pleasant twist to thinking makes it funny. Don’t tell this joke to your boss while you are working on a deadline as he may not think it is funny.

Here’s one more example:

“I intend to live forever – so far, so good.”

Again we see humor here because of a pleasant but unexpected twist. The reader may smile and say to himself, “The guy has a point. So far so good for me too.”

Let me tell you of a time that an unexpected statement really made me laugh. At one time I was thinking of going into the insurance business and I attended a presentation given by the owner of the company. Now I expected this guy to be very serious because selling insurance was a very serious business and as he began his presentation everything was proceeding about the way I expected until the guy just stopped and brushed his hand against his nose and made this statement, “Hmmm,” he said, “I think I have a booger in my nose.” That not only made me laugh but the whole room just exploded in laughter. That was the last thing that I ever expected to come out of his mouth at that time.

Overall then here are some, but probably not all, of the ingredients of good humor.

  1. The unexpected
  2. A subtle truth isn’t always necessary, but helps.
  3. It should be a pleasant thing to hear for the receiver.
  4. It should not insult the receiver’s belief system. For instance, a joke making fun of God may be funny to an atheist group, but not to a church group.
  5. Timing. This is very important and perhaps the most difficult to learn. Sometimes a statement said at just the right time may be hilarious, but fall completely flat when the timing is off.

There are many benefits of laughter, not the least of which is one’s health.

I first became aware of the healing qualities of humor many years ago when I read about the experience of the famous writer and editor, Norman Cousins. In 1964 he was diagnosed with a terminal and painful disease called, ankylosing spondylitis. The doctors told him that he only had a few months to live.

After concluding that the orthodox treatments he was given was accomplishing nothing he decided to treat himself. He felt his disease was triggered by stress and the best anti stress medicine is laughter. He checked himself out of the hospital and sealed himself in his room and read every comedic writing and watched every funny movie he could get his hands on. When something tickled his funnybone he went with the laughter as much as possible.

Within a month he had greatly improved and his doctors were amazed and couldn’t believe that laughter had anything to do with it. Within six months he was completely cured and went back to work full time.

His story inspired a movie and stimulated significant research. Since then they have concluded that humor stimulates a number of health benefits such as”

  • It relieves stress and relaxes your whole body
  • It boosts the immune system
  • It triggers the release of endorphins causing a natural high relieving distress and pain.
  • It increases blood flow making for a healthier heart and circulation.
  • Laughter helps you live longer according to a study in Norway. It is particularly helpful for cancer victims.

In addition to health benefits there are many spiritual ones. Those without much humor in their lives tend to focus on the negative and keep their attention there so much that their mood is soured and negativity seems to fill their lives. They tend to be quite pessimistic.

Laughter shifts ones attention away from the negative and causes the consciousness to put things in perspective. Yeah, maybe you’ve had a bad day, but after a good laugh you see that, all things considered, it wasn’t so bad after all.

A good sense of humor helps the spiritual seeker stay focused on the essential of reality and avoid pitfalls such as;

  • Taking himself too seriously
  • Trying to assert too much control over other people
  • Avoiding a messiah complex
  • Being an unpleasant associate.

If he ventures into teaching a little humor goes a long way into making the presentation more interesting.

Overall, there is no downside to humor in right proportions. May we all add some of its spice to our lives.

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