Universal Healthcare Lost

Feb 7, 2019

Universal Healthcare Lost

Would you say that we have universal healthcare if we had a system that all could afford, even if one worked for minimum wage or was a fruit picker working for piece work with imported Hispanics?

Let us say that a fruit picker had an accident where he wound up spending three months in the hospital involving six operations, yet had no problem paying for the whole thing. Does that sound like the best system ever?

Yes, it does. This was what we once had and we let this utopia slip from our fingers for a bowl of porridge offered to us by Big Brother.

We had such a wonderful system back in 1958 when I had an accident with a homemade rocket exploding that indeed put me in the situation just described.

This happened at the worst possible time. My parents had just divorced and my Dad took off to central America, not to be heard from for years and giving us no support. We had no food stamps no welfare, no child support, no medical insurance and no skills in making money. To make money, my mother, younger sister and I picked fruit in the summer and my mother worked for minimum wage in a potato plant during the rest of the year.

After the explosion I spent eight hours in surgery and a month in the hospital. Then a short time later I had a second surgery requiring a few extra hospital days.

I was quite concerned about the cost to my mother for something that was my fault and discovered that my cost there was $8 a day. There were other rooms that cost $12 and $14 a day, but I had a cheaper one because it was a ward shared with others.

Even so, eight dollars a day in 1958 seemed like a lot for someone in our situation. That’s about $70 in 2019 dollars. On top of this we had the surgery costs and office visits.

We, of course, could not pay it off all at once, but over time we paid the whole thing by picking fruit, working near minimum wage and me mowing laws on the side.

Then, later I had four corrective surgeries by a specialist that required an additional two months in the hospital. To cover the costs my savvy mom found a private charity that paid for the whole thing.

If this happened under today’s system the overall bill would be around a half million dollars and there is no way that a fruit picker could handle it, even if he had good insurance that paid 80%.

Indeed, we used to have a universal health care system, in other words, a system that all could afford and it required no payments to the IRS taken out of paychecks to cover Medicare – neither did it require the government to borrow money to supplement healthcare.

What happened that destroyed such a fair system?

It happened when the government stepped into help in 1965 when Medicare was introduced. It was supposed to help with medical costs, but from that point on they increased exponentially.

Medicare seemed like a good idea to many, especially in consideration of the cost projections at the time. The public was sold on the idea that Medicare’s $3 billion cost in 1966 would only reach an inflation-adjusted $12.0 billion by 1990. Instead, the actual cost in 1990 was a whopping $67 billion. The “experts” were off by 7.44 times. Total Medicare spending reached $440 billion for fiscal year 2007, or 16 percent of all federal spending. Since that time, spending has continued to rise and Obamacare is sending taxpayer costs through the roof.

The only larger categories of federal spending are Social Security and defense.

Would the public have supported socialized medicine if they could have seen what they would loose?

Certainly not.

Unfortunately, young people today have no sense of history, of what a financial paradise health costs were when before 1965.

Back then doctors often put patients a couple days in the hospital for observation. Because costs were so low the payment was no problem. Now, even with insurance, no one goes into the hospital unless absolutely necessary.

Today people are often complaining about the price of gas, but when I had my accident in 1958 the price of a gallon of gas was 40 cents a gallon. In today’s money that is equivalent to $3.48. These supposedly greedy oil companies are now selling gas for as cheap as $2.06 a gallon at the time of this writing in my city. Consumers are winning in that they are buying this product below the cost of inflation.

On the other hand, if you spend a day in the supposedly non-profit hospitals you can expect to pay around $4000. That far exceeds the inflation of the $8.00 I was paying, which would be $70 today. In fact it is 57 times the cost of inflation.

If gas went up the same amount we would be paying almost $200.00 a gallon.

So much for the benefits of being non-profit and benefitting from government help.

Help like this is something we can certainly do without.

A question a real seeker of truth may ask here is which has worked better in proven reality? Has it been free market capitalism in bringing us oil or socialism replacing the free market in bringing us medical services?

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Notes on the Sabbath

Dec 26, 2018

Notes on the Sabbath

Comment from H. P. Blavatsky

That the word “Sabbath” had a mystic significance is shown in the contempt shown by Jesus for the Sabbath day, and by what is said in Luke xviii. 12. Sabbath is there taken for the whole week. (See Greek text where the week is called Sabbath. “I fast twice in the Sabbath.”) Paul, an Initiate, knew it well when referring to the eternal rest and felicity in heaven, as Sabbath; “and their happiness will be eternal, for they will ever be (one) with the Lord and will enjoy an eternal Sabbath.” (Hebrew iv. 2.) Secret Doctrine Vol 1 Pg 240

It is interesting that the Greek word from when the English translation comes did not always refer to a certain day. Take note of these scriptures where the Greek SABBATON is used which is the same translated as Sabbath throughout the New Testament.

Luke 18:12: I fast twice in the week (SABBATON), I give tithes of all that I possess. 18:13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

Acts 20:7 And upon the first day of the week (SABBATON), when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.

Now upon the first day of the week, (SABBATON), very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. Luke 24:1

Upon the first day of the week (SABBATON), let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. I Cor 16:2

Here it sounds like Paul is referring to three consecutive days as three Sabbaths.

Acts 17:1 Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:

Acts 17:2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,

Acts 17:3 Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.

Maybe the variety of uses of the word is the reason Paul told us to not judge people on how they interpret their Sabbath days:

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days. Col 2:16

Some think the early Mormons recognized Saturday as the Sabbath, but the record reveals otherwise:

We found a number in the neighborhood still believing, and now anxious to be baptized. We appointed a meeting for the Sabbath, and on the afternoon of Saturday we erected a dam across a stream of water, which was convenient, for the purpose of there attending to the ordinance of baptism; but during the night a mob collected and tore down our dam, which hindered us from attending to the baptism on the Sabbath. We afterward found out that this mob had been instigated to this act of molestation by certain sectarian priests of the neighborhood, who began to consider their craft in danger, and took this plan to stop the progress of the truth; and the sequel will show how determinedly they prosecuted their opposition, as well as to how little purpose in the end. The Sabbath arrived, and we held our meeting. DHC 1:86

There are many references in Joseph’s recorded history in his own words referring to Sunday as the Sabbath. Here are three of many I could present if necessary.

October 5.–I started on a journey to the east, and to Canada, in company with Elders Rigdon and Freeman Nickerson, and arrived the same day at Lamb’s tavern, in Ashtabula; and the day following, the Sabbath, (Sunday, Oct 6) we arrived in Springfield DHC 1:416

On the 2nd, (Sunday, March 2, 1834) which was the Sabbath, Brother Parley P. Pratt preached, and I spoke in the evening; we had a good meeting. DHC 2:41

August 2nd, (1835) being the Sabbath, I preached a part of the day. (Aug 2, 1835 was on a Sunday) DHC 2:239

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Handling Difficult People

Nov 11, 2018

Handling Difficult People

A reader asks this question:

“So how do you love your sadist, controlling, narcissistic enemy who spitefully uses and abuses you, when they are constantly doing just that and causing harm to an innocent you are protecting?”

Sounds like you are having some major problem to deal with. Such problems always provide opportunity for learning though it is not the type of learning the personality seeks while in mortality.

I have a daughter who is also in a precarious position. Her Ex tried to murder her, but she survived and prosecuted him and put him in jail for five years. Now he is out she has altered her identity in hope of staying out of his way. Situations like this are indeed taxing for seekers and they are more common than should be the case.

We need to understand that seeing the Christ in others is much different than any reaction to the outer personality, though it will influence how we deal with the outer self. Even Hitler had a Higher Self that is linked to God. Though that Higher Self would have been disappointed with its imperfect reflection on the earth, that may have even corrupted it in the soul level, the originating monad still exists with the qualities of love and light in the bosom of the Father Mother God.

In dealing with these situations I have taught about what I call the Lion Principle. The disciple will be aware that the lion is dangerous and may even eat him if he was not protected, ye in a protected situation at the zoo he can look at the lion, smile and appreciate it. Many an animal lover can appreciate even a dangerous animal because he sees all life as one and this life flows through all living things and one part is connected to all other parts.

Now let us take the person in life who is causing lots of grief. In examining him we must realize there are two major parts of this being. The first is the Christ self, connected to the true life aspect, which is very easy to love. The second is the lower imperfect reflection called the personality self which is often difficult to love.

The mission of the disciple is not to embrace the personality self, but to see behind all difficult personalities to the real self. This does not make the problems with difficult people disappear for we still have to deal with them. Instead, if we see the Christ within we view with a different attitude than one who does not.

Visualize two people viewing a lion at the zoo. The first realizes the lion is dangerous and that is all he thinks about and does not enjoy his visit for he sees lions as evil.

The second also realizes lions are dangerous but he sees a higher aspect involved in the lion’s life and doesn’t let the dangerous side affect the quality of his life. However, if the lion should get loose he would defend himself and do everything possible to keep his family safe just like anyone else. He wouldn’t try to lovingly embrace it.

Dangerous or obnoxious people need to be dealt with in a practical way. Sometimes you have to do something that they would not interpret as love. What is not realized by many is that teaching others a tough lesson that forces them to see with more clarity is an act of love.

When Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple he forced them to think about what they were doing and if they accurately reflected they would have been brought closer to embracing love of their fellow men and women.

On the other hand, this act provoked the enemies of Jesus and caused some to side with putting him to death. The disciple has to play a fine line and realize the possible implications when he teaches a lesson while also causing provocation. Sometimes you will not know what the end result will be. The best thing is to always follow the inner voice wherever it takes you.

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Warning from DK

Nov 1, 2018

Warning from DK

Can we avert destruction…? DK states this about 2025:

Three “recognitions” must take root within humanity by 2025. These three recognitions must be evidenced by humanity and affect human thinking and action if the total destruction of mankind is to be averted.”

* a recognition of the world of meaning,

* a recognition of Those Who implement world affairs and Who engineer those steps which lead mankind onward toward its destined goal, plus

* a steadily increased recognition of the Plan on the part of the masses.”

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 163

Here is another similar warning.

For two complete generations there must be a peace which will be unbroken because behind it and protecting it will stand the Armies of the Lord. At the close of that time, if the educational work done has been adequate, sane, wise and sound, then these Armies can rest from their labours and the sword be turned into the ploughshare. If this programme of supervision, education and spiritual direction is not thus enforced, the war that would then take place would wipe out humanity—as happened once before in human history. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 443

On the other hand here are some predictions where DSK seems to assume we will make it through the crisis period.

The tide of spiritual life is today so strong and striving that the next one hundred and fifty years will demonstrate the factual nature of the Kingdom of Souls or of God. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 296

During the coming century, the meaning of the resurrection will be unfolded and the new age will reveal its true significance. The first step will be the emergence of humanity from the death of its civilisation, of its old ideas and modes of living, the relinquishing of its materialistic goals and its damning selfishness, and its moving into the clear light of the resurrection life. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 470

I write for the generation which will come into active thought expression at the end of this century; they will inaugurate the framework, structure and fabric of the New Age which will start with certain premises which today are the dream of the more exalted dreamers and which will develop the civilisation of the Aquarian Age. This coming age will be as predominantly the age of group interplay, group idealism and group consciousness as the Piscean Age has been one of personality unfoldment and emphasis, personality focus and personality consciousness. Rays and Initiations, Page 109

Those Who implement the will of God and humanity everywhere is the guarantee of the inevitability of their expression in the future. It is only in the immediate interim—a period of one hundred fifty years—that delay may seem the rule. Such, however, will not really be the case. The forms through which these new and impending ideas must take shape and manifest have yet to be created, and that takes time, for they are built by the power of thought and due process of educating the public consciousness until that consciousness becomes confirmed conviction and demonstrates as an immovable public opinion. Rays and Initiations, Page 121

all levels of the human consciousness, plus the inspiration of disaster and suffering, are blasting open hitherto sealed areas in the minds of men, letting in illumination, sweeping away the bad old conditions. This is symbolised for us in the destruction of ancient cities and by the intermixture of races through the processes of war; this also signifies progress and is preparatory to great expansions of consciousness. These expansions in the human understanding will, in the next one hundred and fifty years, completely alter the manner of man’s thinking; they will change the techniques of religion; they will bring about comprehension and fusion. When this work has been accomplished we shall record an era of world peace which will be symbolic of the state of the human spirit.

Rays and Initiations, Pages 237-238

Even though DK gives a specific date the fulfillment of the three points is fairly nebulous.

Point One:

“a recognition of the world of meaning”

If this means seeing the real from the unreal then we may be occupying chairs on the Titanic for there is still much illusion to be had. Many are taken in by false channeling and teachings, false ideas of freedom and astral ideals. We have made a little progress in seeking the real. Let us hope that is enough.

Point Two

“a recognition of Those Who implement world affairs and Who engineer those steps which lead mankind onward toward its destined goal.”

Again he is not very clear. Is he talking about those who work behind the scenes or on the physical plane? Behind the scenes are two brotherhoods. Are both to be recognized? If so this has not happened for the masses except for the Christian view of God and the devil. If it is the masters only then this recognition has increased, but has not permeated the masses.

If it refers to physical plane entities then the masses have always realized their influence.

Point Three

“a steadily increased recognition of the Plan on the part of the masses.”

He has never defined what he means by the plan in this context. We know the plan includes freedom of the human spirit and peace and goodwill among humanity. Everyone wants peace, but many are not extending goodwill or encouraging freedom for others.

I guess we’ll have to wait until, 2025 to see how this plays out.

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Not Seeing

Oct 30, 2018

Not Seeing

Nimrod quotes me as follows:

”Thus to see beyond the world of form we must suspend the seeing of form and go to the universe of infinite ideas by not seeing, not thinking and not feeling.


There is much more that could be written on this subject. A few would find it fascinating, but others may lose interest.”

Then he asks:

I would like to formally request that you fascinate me (hopefully us) by saying much more on this topic 🙂 concentrating on the “not seeing, thinking, feeling” aspect.


How can I refuse such a sincere request? I will at least say a few more things.

This principle of “not seeing” dawned on me when I became interested in seeing auras and started attempting to see them. In my quest I found that the etheric double that extends a few millimeters from the body is easy to see but the aura which is made of a more refined matter is much more difficult. Then the mind stuff beyond the aura is much more difficult still.

I practiced for some time without results but kept at it and finally began to see flashes of the aura. They were quite beautiful and attracted my conscious attention, but I found that when I consciously focused on them they instantly disappeared. I found that curious, but kept practicing, trying to figure out the principle that would allow me to see these elusive colors.

Finally, I realized that the more I consciously cared about seeing them the less I saw, but if I put myself in a state of mind that did not care, and did not try, yet still allowed myself to look that I could then see.

I eventually called this process “not seeing”. The reason I called it such was that to see I had to not try to see, but merely allowed myself to see on a higher level.

Then I discovered that this principle not only applied to seeing but to all types of perception that occurs while in the body. For instance, to transcend physical brain thinking you have to temporarily put it aside and not think. This creates a vacuum that is replaced by a higher type of thinking from the higher mind. This explains why many of the great thinkers seemed to be absent minded. I read once that when Einstein went for walks that he became so disconnected from paying attention with his regular mind that when he resumed his regular brain thinking that he would be temporarily lost and not realize where he was.

There is a truth in the term, “absent-minded professor.” Great thinkers will use their lower mind when appropriate, but will enter a zone where they put it aside and “not think”. This does not eliminate thought as many presume, but opens the door to higher thought. The fact that lower thought is suspended does not mean all thought is suspended. When Einstein suspended lower thought he was still thinking, but on a higher level. This was when he received his best ideas.

This principle also applies to feeling. The higher octave of the lower feelings are the higher revealed through the intuition. To access the intuition with its high level of feeling and sensitivity the seeker must still feelings, or place them in a state of peace, so the higher can be accessed.

The principle behind this is as follows:

Tuning into the perceptions of the lower self is like turning on the radio and not being exactly on a station so all you hear is static, or maybe a combination of station and the broadcast. To hear the true broadcast you have to “not hear” the static and allow yourself to hear the real broadcast.

All perceptions of our lower self contain much static that causes blockage in our perception. These must be transcended so the real truth can be perceived. The correspondence is not exact, but close enough so the intuition can create a clear picture.

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The Mandela Effect

Oct 6, 2018

The Mandela Effect

Here are my views on the Mandela Effect. Most of it is caused by imperfect human memory. For instance, tell a person who wears a regular dial watch to close their eyes and describe it. Even though the person may have looked at it 20 times a day for five years he is likely not able to describe it. He cannot tell which numbers are missing or other details. I asked a number of people this when I was a kid and no one got it right.

How often have we recalled events of long ago with old friends and each of us has a different recollection? We had the same experience, but registered it differently.

I believe there is just one physical reality with us as players though there are numerous dimensions and other realities. There are not dozens or even millions of you on duplicate earths.

That said there is the real effect of deja vu and some memories seem so real that many do swear to the Mandela Effect. Is something other worldly at play here?

It could be. Remember the Holodeck from Star Trek? We have something similar to this available to us in the spirit world between lives as well as during sleep when the mind is united with the Higher Self. Before we were born we could use this spiritual technology to project what would happen in our lives if certain decisions were made or if various circumstances manifested. Sometimes we also do this projection during sleep and normally only have the faintest of recollection while awake. On the other hand, there are times that you were playing around with manipulating reality while in the spirit that comes across strongly while awake and this produces deja vu and the Mandela Effect in some cases.

Here is a previous post on the Mandela Effect – LINK


Feb 23, 2019

More on the Mandela Effect

So far have I have not found one Mandela Effect that cannot be attributed to tricks placed on the memory. If you have any proof beyond this possibility I would like to see it.

Concerning the origin of the phrase which began with people remembering that Mandela died in prison when he did not I distinctly remember it the way that it is recorded – that he served his time and was released.

Some are making a big deal of scriptures being changed attributing the changes to the devil, but if that were the case you would think that tricky devil would have changed scriptures that would have directly affected our belief in Jesus.

The most quoted Mandela Effect scripture is Isaiah telling us that instead of the lion and the lamb lying down together it is the wolf and the lamb:

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid.” Isa 11:6. They leave out the fact that when the entire verse is quoted then lion is in it, and probably the reason for all the pictures of the lion and the lamb, giving the false impression that was the wording of the scripture. Here’s the whole verse:

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young LION and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”

I never paid much attention to the lion and lamb scripture, but there is one cited in the Mandela effect that I did. It was this one:

“Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” Matt 9:17

Many say they remember the scripture as being “wineskins” and not “bottles.”

I distinctly remember the wording as bottles from Sunday School way back in the 1950s. The teacher read the scripture which used the word “bottles” and explained that in the days of Jesus they didn’t use bottles, but wineskins.

If a person has read any other version besides King James he will have read the translation as the more correct “wineskins” so it is no wonder that many think the King James also used this word.

There is one thing that happens to me that comes closest to making me think the Mandela Effect is real. It seems that every time I make a bet with my wife that she wins because reality seems to have changed. She gets a bang out of my perplexed state.

By the way, I have finished my treatise on the Law of One and would be interested in any comment you may have. The link is at the top of the page at this time.

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Some question my handling of disagreements by jumping in the fire and making attempts at correct communication. This does seem to take us away from our prime directive, but such resolution of conflict is a very important part of the spiritual oneness.

When Molecules are in the process of creation, and also after creation, certain egos will fluctuate between focus on the personality and the soul.

Two or more people in the soul will always be able to reach agreement. Now I’m talking about important points of direction, not something like a favorite color or movie.

“Why is this?” one may ask. “Wouldn’t people turn into robots if they always agreed?”

No. Not if the agreement is through the soul.

Agreement is not always automatic for when we all use the vehicles of the personality differences will materialize. All free souls think and feel differently about many things. As ideas and teachings are presented to the molecules all members will think and feel differently about them. But when the time comes to move forward differences must be resolved. This is first accomplished through the use of reason, searching the heart and discussion. For a group of soul sensitive people this orthodox method of resolution will often work, but there will be times when it will not. When it does not Molecular members will then follow their prime directive which is this: “To seek oneness through the soul by dissolving differences through soul confirmation, seeing the group as one living entity that only has livingness when all entities surrender to the voice of the one soul.”

Two or more people in the personality can also reach agreement. Those who are in group one, as talked about previously, can have the illusion of oneness through the subjection to, not the soul, but an outside authority.

For instance those in an authoritative church will rarely go against the authoritative pronouncements of the leaders or established doctrines, or even more subtle directives from the group thoughtform that many will mistake for the voice of God.

Those in a political party will often universally submit to party leaders.

Those in a certain profession will usually be at one with the leaders of the profession. Individuals may have their own ideas but they will go along to insure their jobs.

The interesting thing is that when the personality who has oneness because of subjection to authority steps outside the boundaries of that authority the illusion of oneness evaporates.

John and Mary attend the same church and do not question the teachings that come to them from the church. On this they are one because they do not question. Yet when they go home and start talking about how to spend John’s raise in pay all hell breaks loose. Why? Because there is no controlling authority in this department.

Two people in the personality consciousness have no problem in agreeing with an outside controlling authority. Their problem of separateness is revealed, however when they work together in a real world situation. When they apply their mindset to their goals on the physical plane they have as much or more friction as anyone else.

Now a third combination is that of a personality centered individual and a soul infused individual. You would think that because the soul infused person is a nice guy and sensitive to higher contact that he or she could achieve unity with the personality centered one better than another personality can. Not so. In matters of truth, philosophy and spiritual teachings the two will have more friction than any other combination. In fact he who is centered in the personality will often develop hateful angry feelings toward the one in the soul and be beside himself to explain why.

The prime example of this was Jesus. He harmlessly went forth and taught and healed the people. You would think no one would complain about that, but the Jews who were centered in the personality developed tremendous anger and hatred toward Him. It is interesting that when Pilate gave the crowd a chance to release the murderer Barabbas or the kind soul who was Jesus, they chose the murderer by unanimous vote. This is because those whose attention is on the personality are natural enemies of those who are in the soul. As soon as such a one gets a sense of the direction the soul is leading such a person, he will begin to think the soul infused person is an agent of evil that needs to be stopped.

Therefore, the one who is in the soul must be as harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent so he does not release too much soul energy too quickly or too soon to those who are resistant to such energy.

Yet to those who are seeking the soul the teacher must establish harmony or oneness through conflict if necessary, for oneness must be achieved if true spiritual work is to be accomplished.

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Walls and Borders, Part 9

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 9

Achieving Unity

It is interesting to contemplate how difficult it is for humans and groups of us to achieve unity. A group can accept the same sacred writings, the same Constitution, the same structure, the same goal and yet come to very different conclusions as to how to proceed.

For instance, many have the same Bible but there are thousands of differing religions having different interpretations of the same book.

This phenomenon repeats itself with all groups who hold dear to an authority and more modern writings of DK HPB and others are no exception.

When we disagree why can we not just go to our authoritative source materials and reach agreement? Why will two people read the same words and interpret so differently?

On each issue, is there not a point of highest truth that is available to perceive through the soul if both just look together?

Indeed there is.

What then prevents it from happening?

There are many obstacles preventing unity and that is few are willing to consistently look through the eyes of the soul. Even those who have established some soul contact allow the personality with its lower desires to creep in and make is lower will felt.

The personality interprets according to its bias, programming and personal desire, and, as these are different with each individual, you rarely will have two personalities agreeing on all issues.

On the other hand, if two people focus on the soul and put its will over the personality on all issues, agreement can be obtained and the point of workable truth will be seen together.

The problem with finding political unity is that finding agreement entails much more than just finding facts and agreeing on them. When have you ever won a political argument by quoting a true fact?

The main thing required for finding the best solution is judgment. Finding the right direction requires good judgment and as personalities we are very flawed in this quality. The pilgrim only gains good judgment when consistent soul contact is attained.

The problem with the personality is that it sees things in black and white, all good or all bad.

For instance, some see nationalism, borders and laws they do not like as all good or all bad . But what may be good in application now may be detrimental at another time. Thus, the black and white approach without judgment is always doomed to failure.

Disciples have to look at each situation and figure out what is best for the individual, the group, the country and the world. Then he must weigh the elements and make a decision as to how to proceed.

A border wall, for instance, may be beneficial now, but need to be torn down in a few years if good judgment prevails.

In one generation it may be vey beneficial to take in large numbers of immigrants, but in another, not so much.

It is the tendency of those in the personality to want a matter settled and then not to have to trouble themselves thinking about it again.

The problem is the only thing that stays the same is change and tomorrow always requires a different view and decision than today.

Law is required for a society to live in harmony. D K says this:

“In all things cosmic, perfect law and order are found.”

TCF, Page 212

Concerning law Percival, who some think is the Master P, said this:

“Law and justice do rule the world. If it were not so there would be no circulation in nature. Masses of matter could not be dissolved into units, the infinitesimals and atoms and molecules could not combine into definite structure; the earth, sun, moon and stars could not move in their courses and be continually held in their relation to each other in their bodily and spatial immensities. It is against sense and reason, and worse than madness, to fancy that law and justice might not rule the world. If it were possible that law and justice might be stopped for one minute, the result would be universal chaos and death. Universal justice rules the world by law in consonance with knowledge. With knowledge there is certainty; with knowledge there is no room for doubt.”

Democracy and Self Government by Percival

Perfect law governs the universe, but such perfection has not yet found its way into human society. The hope is that the power of the seventh ray in the Age of Aquarius will cause harmony through law on earth as it is in heaven.

If, therefore, our laws do not seem to be in harmony with spirit, instead of becoming lawless and breaking them, we need to change them so the will of the people will be satisfied.

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Walls and Borders, Part 8

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 8

The Seventh Ray

As most spiritual students know, all creation is formed and then governed by the seven rays. These rays go in and out of incarnation and wax and wane in influence. Right now we have two very different rays exerting influence. The first is Ray Six, which has been a dominating factor for the Age of Pisces over the past two thousand years. This is called the Ray of Idealism and strongly influences the emotional nature to support an ideal and sacrifice what is necessary to manifest it. Pisces is a water sign, which enhances the power of emotion during its dominance.

The positive manifestation of this ray occurred after the appearance of the Christ resulting with the presentation of the ideal man and of the path of love and sacrifice. Many embraced this and sacrificed their lives to establish ideals in the minds of humanity.

Later, this led to excess as wars were fought and persecutions were permitted in the name of Christ to force the supposedly correct views on the masses, and then extended to the Native Americans through the Conquistadors.

The influence went from helping establish the benevolent ideals of the loving Christ to being an agent of the beast in using excess unjust authority to enforce a corrupt ideal of the real thing.

Fortunately, Ray Six has run its course and is going out of incarnation as the Aquarian Age with different dominant influences is coming in. But it is not going out without a fight. Instead, it is reluctantly going out kicking and screaming. Those still under its influence want desperately to maintain powerful external emotional control over people’s lives. DK tells us there are still a large number of sixth ray souls in incarnation who will shortly be passing away which will greatly diminish the residual power of this ray of idealism.

Ray Six had great power because, in addition to being in incarnation, it is a dominating influence of the sign of Pisces, even so, Ray Seven will have a powerful influence in the Age of Aquarius. In addition to coming into full power as an incarnating Ray it is the governing ray of Uranus, the dominating planetary influence of Aquarius. The other dominating ray is Five which influences us on the path of concrete knowledge and science.

The influences of the odd number rays are often in conflict with the even numbers, especially when one is increasing and the other decreasing in power as is now the case.

Society is thus faced with the masses who are still under the strong influence of the idealism and strong authority of Ray Six which is at odds with the incoming Aquarian influences of Ray Seven.

Ray Six started waning in 1625 AD and Ray Seven started making its influence felt in 1675. As we enter into the Age of Aquarius at the cusp of the two ages, these two rays have approached the time of maximum conflict.

So where is the conflict? As noted Ray Six is the ray of idealism. On the other hand, Ray Seven is called the Ray of Ceremonial Magic or Organization.

The magical part of the influence will increase humanity’s understanding of the Law of Correspondences so people will look for and understand the meaning of symbols and how things on one level correspond to other levels. The use of analogies and scientific ceremony will come to greater prominence.

The organization part governs business and law and order.

We thus see an emerging conflict between those who support impractical ideals at odds with business and law and order.

Concerning this situation DK says:

“A large number of seventh ray egos or souls and also of men and women with seventh ray personalities are coming into incarnation now, and to them is committed the task of organising the activities of the new era and of ending the old methods of life and the old crystallised attitudes to life, to death, to leisure and to the population.

“The result of the increasing flow of seventh ray energy plus the decreasing influence of the sixth ray which shows itself as a pronounced crystallisation of the standardised and accepted forms of belief, religious, social and philosophic is to throw the millions of people who do not respond to either of the above influences through egoic or personality relation, into a state of bewilderment. They feel entirely lost, are gripped by the idea that life holds for them no desirable future, all that they have learnt to cherish and to hold dear is rapidly failing.”

The Destiny of the Nations, Page 30

Both conservatives and liberals have their pet ideals that are being challenged or shattered by the seventh ray influence. The magical aspect of the ray, which is enhanced by the fifth ray of science (many magical innovations) has shattered numerous religious beliefs and the organization part, empowering business and law, is challenging liberal ideals. If business does not align with their ideals they are against them and if law does not agree with them they ignore or break it.

DK indicates that a cycle of lawlessness draws the attention of an avatar which indicates we are in a situation today where such an event as the reappearance of the Christ may be near:

“The spiritual statement by Shri Krishna, to be found in the Lord’s Song, the Bhagavad Gita, was an announcement, preparatory to the coming of the Christ. In that Song He says: ‘Whenever there is a withering of the Law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth in age after age.’”

Rays and Initiations, Page 756

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Walls and Borders, Part 7

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series Walls Borders

Walls and Borders, Part 7

Law Creates Order

A fourth argument again uses labels rather than reason to attack those who support borders and Immigration law. They label such people as being anti immigration. “We are a nation of immigrants,” they say. “Immigrants made us who we are and we should welcome them.”

Those who support the enforcement of immigration law, as far as is feasible, find this accusation very insulting, deceptive and disingenuous. Neither myself, nor anyone I have talked to on the right, is anti immigration, and labeling us as such is just mean spirited deception.

I suppose there may be a few out there who are anti immigration, though I have not met them, but overall most on the right are pro immigration. They just want to process to proceed according to law to insure that those who do come in can be successfully assimilated and be a benefit to the country.

America was indeed built by immigrants, but they were legal immigrants. Our forefathers did not break existing law to come here.

Those who break existing law to enter the country are not legal immigrants, nor can they be considered immigrants when the law of the country says it is illegal for them to be here.

The comeback on this is the illogical statement that “there is no such thing as an illegal person.”

The implication is that the right is saying that it is illegal to be a person which is just plain silly. No one thinks this.

On the other hand, if a person breaks the law he is then an illegal person, meaning he is a person doing something illegal. A burglar or even someone speeding is an illegal person in that area of activity until he gets his case settled with the State.

Anyone breaking our laws is an illegal where that particular activity is concerned.

This requires such simple logic that it should not have to be addressed, but unfortunately it does.

So what are the real views of the typical person on the right when the distorted labels are stripped away?

I’ll give my views which represent many on the right.

I am pro immigration but want it done according to law. Negating law is a very dangerous avenue to pursue, as where does it end? If we say we can disregard immigration law and get away with it then we can do this with other laws we may not like because we feel personally justified. This would lead to chaos.

Now some conservatives do not pay taxes because they do not agree with tax law or outright reject it. They are equally misled. If everyone can merely obey the laws with which they agree, and break all the others, it wouldn’t be long before the country would be destroyed and controlled by pirates and roving gangs.

It is called “law and order” for a reason because without law there is no order.

I am happy to welcome legal immigrants who want to come here and assimilate. Many of them appreciate our country more than we who were born here.

If the majority are not happy with current immigration law then it should be revised to represent the will of the people. But whether we retain existing law or create new law such law needs to be respected and enforced, else we will not have order for there is no orderly society without law.

It is true that some laws are too strict and others too lenient and adjustment is continually needed, but concerning this DK says:

“The final postulate which I seek to emphasize is that the keeping of these three laws will lead necessarily to an urgent desire to keep the law of the land in which a particular soul has incarnated. That these man-made laws are inadequate I well know, and it is needless to point this out. They may be, and are, temporary and insufficient to the need. They may fail in their scope and prove inadequate, but they do, in a measure, safeguard the little feeble ones, and will be regarded therefore as binding upon those who are seeking to help the race. These laws are subject to change as the effect of the three great laws makes itself felt, but until they are wisely altered (and this takes time) they act as a brake on license and on selfishness. They may also work hardship. This none can deny. But the hardships they bring are not so evil in their nature nor so lasting in their effects as would be the result of their removal and the consequent inauguration of a cycle of law-less-ness. Therefore, the server of the race cooperates with the laws of the land in his daily life, working at the same time for the removal of the injustices they may produce and for the bettering of the legal impositions upon mankind in his country.

In the recognition of these four laws,—of Rebirth, of Love, of the group, and of the Land,—we shall see the salvation of the race.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 303

This statement reflects some good common sense of which some who tread the path need to be reminded.

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