Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 31

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 31
Healing Session

JJ: (Laughs) Yeah. Okay, we’re going to have a healing circle. Where you been, Curtis? We’ve been waiting for you.

Curtis: “Here I am.” (Note: This was the first gathering that Curtis attend ed)

JJ: Well come on up here and say hello to everybody.

Audience: “JJ, would you repeat what you said about sinus symptoms?”

JJ: Yeah, just a minute. This is my nephew Curtis. I’ve talked about him several times. He’s the one I was talking about yesterday, that I was looking for somebody to share what I had with. Then he moved close by and I told him a few things.

Curtis: “Yeah. There I was, happily a member of the Mormon Church (laughs), went on a mission, married in the temple. My life was going just fine.”

Wayne: (Inaudible).

Curtis: “(laughs) Hey, Wayne! But I was always looking for more. It was like, ‘I’ve been this far, now what’s next?’ I gave a talk in church one Sunday, and Joe said, ‘You know what? You might just be ready.’ And Joe is my polar opposite. He’s Aquarius, I’m Leo. He’s nine years my senior, so he had a big head start on me. So he started teaching out of Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East and The Aquarian Gospel and some Alice Bailey. But he never used the ‘R’ word. Because, you know, that’s what got me excommunicated — using the ‘R’ word: Reincarnation.

“So one day, Joe came over and we’d had, oh gosh, probably a year’s worth of teaching and I’ll tell you what, I’d been on a mission but I’d never been as excited spiritually as I was when I started getting some deeper doctrine from Joe.

“Well, I guess you call him JJ now. So one day he came in and he said, ‘There’s one bit of information that you’ve got to know about, and that is that we have more than one lifetime.’ And I said, ‘Wow!’ It rocked my boat, because religions don’t teach that. So I went in that very day and knelt down in prayer and got a witness that reincarnation was true. And that was the beginning of my journey that I was launched on. And of course, once you get a revelation like that, you can’t really hold it in. I was teaching kids in Sunday school.”

Audience: (Laughter).

Curtis: “It didn’t take long. Because they wanted to know what happens to bad people when they die, and of course we get into beginning, middle, end and, like Joe said, energy follows thought. In one lifetime you might create some negative energy, you atone for it in the next life, and you keep going. These kids liked that idea so they told their parents, their parents told the bishop, and two days later I was in hot water. Excommunicated. And I’ll tell you what, that was the thing that changed my life. Since then, the gathering of lights is really — I know Joe has written about that, I’ve written about that. It’s really the most incredible, wonderful journey, discovering the treasure that’s in each one of us. Thank you, Joe.”

JJ: Give this boy a hand.

Audience: (Applause).

JJ: Okay. Where did Sharón go? She asked me a question.

 Audience: “JJ, are we going to do that ‘seeing each other’s soul’ before we do the healing? That way we can raise our vibration up.”

JJ: Yeah. Let’s get in a circle.

 Audience: “What about the Song, too?”

JJ: Say the Song? We could do that. We can say the Song first. Since you spoke up, will you pass these out to everybody?

Audience: “(Laughter) You’d think he’d learn.”

JJ: Okay, let’s say the “OM” first. Follow me.

(The group says a series of “OM’s” together, and then begins to say the Song.)

“We thank you, Father, that You revealed to us Your protective universal Light;

  That within this Light is complete protection from all destructive forces;

  That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in the Light,

  And wherever we will the Light to descend.”

JJ: Okay, visualize what we just said.

(There is then a long contemplative pause, and then the group continues with the second stanza of The Song.)

“We thank you, Father, that You fill us with Your protective fires of Love;

  That within this Love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings;

  That the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this Love,

  And wherever we will the Love to be inflamed.”

(There is a shorter silent pause, and then the group continues with the third, and final stanza of The Song.)

“We thank you, Father, that You are in us and we are in You;

  That through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of Power;

  That Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven;

“That through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the sons and daughters of Mankind.”

(The group then says an “OM” at the end of The Song.)

JJ: Now let’s turn it around and we’ll say the invocation for the Avatar. Back in Nauvoo when we had the Gathering there, we were talking about invocation and evocation, and we were thinking of ways to invoke the Avatar of Synthesis. So we wrote this for that purpose. It starts with a line from the Great Invocation, which already has a lot of power connected with it because there is so much thought connected with this verse. And then the rest of it is connected with invoking the Avatar. Begin with the first verse and again have a period of silence between each one. You can say the “OM” to yourself. Just silently think the “OM” in the silences and think of the materialization of what we’ve just said.

“From the center where the Will of God is known

  Let purpose guide the little wills of men.”

(Silent pause.)

“Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose

  And send forth Its Avatar.”

(Silent pause.)

[Note: It was a warm, balmy, spring-like day, and the windows and doors where opened to let fresh air in. As Sun Valley is in a mountainous area, it is also prone to sudden thunderstorms. Interestingly enough just following the “moment of silence,” a strong gust of wind caused from an approaching storm “whooshed” into the room through the open windows and doors.]

JJ: Here He comes! (chuckles) Like the rushing of a mighty wind. I couldn’t resist saying that.

“Let this Master of Purpose come forth

  And amplify our wills to synthesize them with His own,

  Giving us power to serve.”

(Silent pause.)

“Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part,

  That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.”

(Silent pause.)

“Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.”

JJ: Say this three times more, the first time not so loud — kind of normal — the second time louder, and the third time louder still.

JJ, together with the group repeat:

“Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

  Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth!


(Following this, the entire group then say one long “OM.”)

JJ: Before the healing session, anything we do to raise up our vibration and concentrate on positive energy is helpful. Let’s all join in a circle for our next step. Just put your arm around the next person or hold their hand even, as long as there is a connection.

JJ: We’ll say a few “OM’s” again.

(JJ with the group all say “OM.”)

JJ: Visualize a ball of light right around Larry’s head over there. Just visualize that. Now visualized this ball of light beginning to move by the power of our thought as we say the “OM’s.” And it’s moving around over Robin’s head, then Rob’s, Sophia’s, and so on like that, all around everybody here. As we sound the “OM’s,” its energy and speed of movement become faster. When it touches each one, it becomes stronger. So visualize that. We will begin with Larry over there. Okay?

(JJ with the group all say “OM.”)

JJ: See it still on Larry’s head; it’s not moving yet. (“OMs” continue) It’s growing in strength. (“OM’s” continue) Larry’s about to catch on fire.

Audience: (Laughter).

(“OM’s” continue.)

JJ: A little bit more. Now the ball of fire is going to Robin but it remains on Larry. Now it’s on Robin, and you can see it on Robin and Larry. (“OM’s” continue) Now it’s moving over to Rob. Now it’s on Robin, Larry and Rob. (“OM’s” continue) Now you can see this move along until it does it to everybody in the group. Take about a minute or two. (“OM’s” continue) Some of you will sense it when it comes to you. (“OM’s” continue) It’s over half way now. (“OM’s” continue) Two more sets of “OM’s” and we’ll be again to Larry.

(“OM’s” continue.)

JJ: Now just say this part. “O-O-O-O-O-O-O…”

The group follows with “O-O-O-O-O-O-O…”)

JJ: See this ball right over each one of our heads, energizing us, and healing us. (long pause) Repeat after me:

“I accept the divine fire of Light and Love.

  The Power of God is manifesting in me.

  The Power of God is manifesting in this group,

  Because the group is one in the Mind of God.

  This Power is making us whole in the Mind of God.

  I freely accept all the energies that belong to me.”

 (Long pause.)

“I feel the circulation of the energies within me

  And the divine energies within the group.”

(Long pause.)

“Holy, holy, holy is the name of the Most High.”

(JJ along with the group all say “OM.”)

JJ: Now we’ll have a couple minutes of silence. And as we’ve experienced before when we do this, we tend to kind of rock a little bit. If you feel like slightly moving your body back and forth, go with that flow. Feel the energy circulating around the room. It goes around the same direction that ball of fire went around.

Now repeat these words:

“I have no resistance to the Love of God, which heals me and gives me Light.”

JJ: Now see the ball of fire that’s over everybody’s head. It duplicates itself, and every duplicate ball of fire merges into the center. And there’s a ball of fire composed of white living fire in the middle. You can look at the fire either with your eyes closed or open; it matters not. Within this fire materializes the Master. And since we’re invoking the power to heal, He is here to tell you what you need to know to obtain your greatest healing — it may be physically, it may spiritually, or emotionally. Concentrate on looking at Him in the center and ask Him, “What is it that I need to know to be healed?” Sound the “OM” and then concentrate on the answer.

(JJ along with the group all say “OM.”)

JJ: Now this you will not speak aloud, but acknowledge your answer and respond to the Master as to whether or not you’re willing to do what is necessary to be healed. That is between you and Him. Some of us may think the answer is great, some of us may think the answer is difficult. (long pause) Okay, we probably don’t have time to go around and get responses from everyone, but…

Audience: “That was hot(?)!”

Audience (Laughter and inaudible talk.).

JJ: Okay, we’ll go around this way. Does anyone have any particular impressions that they want to share?

Audience: “I do. I was told to live without limits, to fill the measure of my creation. My response was that I would lay my fear aside and do so.”

Audience: “That was pretty eloquent.”

Audience: “I didn’t get that … (audience laughter) … but I felt like a was glowing, between Garrett’s hand on my back and Christ in front of me. I’m not kidding. I just felt like — in fact, did you feel my arm, like, raising. It was pretty intense.”

 JJ: Good. Intense good, right?

Audience: “The message I got was forgiveness.”

Audience: “We asked what we should know in order to heal, so I asked what am I supposed to know in order to be healed, and I just heard ‘I love you.’ So I wasn’t told anything to do.”

JJ: Are you already in pretty good health?

Audience: “Mm-hmm. Well, physically.”

Audience: (Laughter).

JJ: So that’s probably an important thing to realize that you’re already in reasonably good health… (inaudible). Okay, who’s next?

Audience: “I had an aura picture today, and I was told that I have to learn to heal myself.”

Audience: “I have a pain in my shoulders and… (inaudible).”

JJ: Do you feel better?

Audience: “A little bit, I guess.”

Audience: “I have a situation with my young son that I was asking for guidance for healing for. I was told that I have done everything that I can do, and now I have to trust God and turn it all over (inaudible). And that’s the hardest thing for me to do, because I think there is just one more rock I can turn over, one more switch I can flip. I’m a resourceful person and I don’t give up. And I have to let go.”

JJ: Yeah, sometimes with other people, it’s out of your hands.

Audience: “Yup, it truly is out of my hands. And I’ve been told this by other people, but I keep hanging on, and the more I hang on, the harder I’m making it.”

JJ: Well, it’s also healing for you to realize it’s out of your hands. Because that way you won’t be (indistinct) struggling. Anybody else in that direction there?

Audience: “(Inaudible) … At me with his piercing eyes full of love … (inaudible).”

JJ: Anybody else? Okay, Garrett brought his table there.

Audience: (Laughter).

JJ: We have a person… (inaudible). Garrett’s idea is to use a massage table is that more people can touch the person

Garrett: “Yeah, you can get around grabbing just a chair and we’ll put the massage table in the center.

Audience: “Also, Melva is available. She is a reiki master too, so…

Garrett: “Garrett: Well, this is going to be for our group healings… (inaudible) … I’ll be doing personal healings later. I’m going to drag the table over… (inaudible).”

JJ: I don’t know if I’ll have time to go by everybody. What we’ll do this time is — a couple individuals that may need particular healing we’ll do one at a time, and then we’ll do several at a time as groups move ahead because there are too many to do individual … (inaudible) … Okay, does anybody have any particular problems that they want dealt with?

Audience: “Charice needs her heart healed.”

JJ: Okay. Do you want to come lie down?

Audience: “Audience: Do you want to take your jacket off?”

Audience: “You’ll be warm in a minute (chuckles).”

JJ: Your name is Charice? What’s the matter with your heart?

Charice: “I got an aura picture taken and they said that mostly I was green but I had red underneath my heart.”

Audience: “Yeah, she’s got a lot pain in her heart from a lot of… (inaudible).”

JJ: Well, what does the medical doctor say?

Charice: “Charice: Well, I don’t know because I didn’t know about that until today.

Audience: “ It’s more emotional.”

JJ: Okay. Everybody touch her on some part of your body or touch somebody who’s touching her.

(Everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: Charice, say these words: “I send and receive the pure love of God.”

(Charice repeats.)

(Again, everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: Say this: “I feel the pure love of God in every cell of my body.”

Charice repeats (what JJ said).

JJ: Now visualize light going through our hands into her body, illuminating her whole body.

(Again, everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: All my fear is replaced with love.

  Charice repeats (what JJ said).

(Again, everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: We’ll do some individual ones … (inaudible).

 Charice: “Thank you very much … (inaudible).”

JJ: Anybody else?

Another audience member comes forward

(Everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: I accept the energy of the group.

(The participant then repeats what JJ said.)

JJ: I completely relax and let the power of God do its work.

(The participant then repeats what JJ said.)

(Everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: (Inaudible).

There is a long pause, and then JJ says:

Okay, say these words: “I’m responsible for myself, and not for other people unless they want me to be.”

(The participant then repeats what JJ said.)

JJ: Feel all that sense of responsibility purged.

(Another long pause.)

 Audience: “Did you feel it? Do you feel all right?”

Participant: Yes … (inaudible).”

(Everyone in the group says “OM.”)

Wayne comes forward next

JJ: Everybody in the group, say after me: “Let the healing power of God permeate Wayne’s body.”

(All participants repeat what JJ said, followed by a long pause.)

JJ: Wayne, say these words: I joyously accept.

(Everyone in the group says “OM” which is followed by a long pause.)

JJ: Okay, is there anybody else in particular who has a problem?

Audience: (Inaudible discussion.).

JJ: Let’s put this boy on. Come on. Bryan’s had his near-death experiences too, here.

(Everyone in the group says “OM.”)

JJ: Have the group repeat: “Bryan, we send you our love merged with the love of Christ.”

Audience: Everyone repeats what JJ said.

JJ: Now, Bryan, repeat: “I feel your love with every fiber of my being.”

Bryan repeats what JJ said.

After finishing the healing procedure Bryan experiences a very emotional catharsis and release.

The body heals with play

The mind heals with laughter

The spirit heals with joy. Buddhist Proverb

Dec 31, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 30

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 30
Principles of Health

JJ: This class is on healing. We’re going to go through some healing processes. Everybody needs to be healed of something; if nothing else, just receiving a good charge of energy so they feel better. It’s amazing how many people think that the things that happen to them seem to be for no reason at all. But there’s a reason behind everything.

If a person gets ill or has ill health of any kind, there’s always a cause, and it’s important to find out what that cause is. There are a number of ways to find out. But all distress, all pain, all sorrow is connected in some way to resistance to the soul. If the person were completely accepting of soul energy, he would have enough prana and soul energy flowing through him to the extent that he would always be in relatively good health. But what’s interesting is that even some of the greatest souls experienced some bad health.

Buddha had a period where he had some ill health for a while. There’s no record of Jesus having an illness; we don’t know on that. Somebody said to him one time, “Physician, heal thyself.” Maybe he had something wrong with him. Who knows? But even some of the greatest souls have experienced different problems, but that doesn’t mean that they had everything figured out in every single category. Even the greatest souls will have resistance and have to learn some type of lesson in some particular area.

Sometimes we go through processes where if we know something is right, we just quit paying attention to it and we have to be reminded at some time to get back on track. So sometimes we experience illnesses when we know better but we go ahead and do it anyway. For instance, a person may eat too many sweets, and he knows it’s wrong to eat too many sweets but, boy, they sure taste good at the time. So he eats too many sweets and winds up with diabetes, but he knew better. He needs to catch himself before the disease becomes irreversible. So sometimes a person does know but he needs to catch himself. He treats himself a little bit too much in the direction that may cause a problem of some kind.

Now, the various diseases are linked largely to a person’s point in evolution and also the places where you have energy blockages. You have the seven chakras, and when they all have the energy flowing without any hindrance you will have reasonably good vitality and health. But usually, the problem is centered around one or two — usually one — of the seven chakras. There are some diseases and problems that a person has to be fairly highly evolved to even experience. For instance, sinuses are connected with the third eye chakra, and most people who have sinus problems are fairly evolved people because it’s connected with a fairly evolved chakra.

Heart problems are connected with the heart chakra, and it’s usually a lesson or an impulse from the soul to develop a better understanding of spiritual love and a better sending and receiving of the spiritual love. Now, a person who is not fairly far along upon the path will maybe not have this lesson sent to him at all. He can have heart problems because of diet or maybe other problems, but normally in people with heart problems it’s a message from their soul to send and receive and understand what true spiritual love is.

So as you progress along, you will reach points where certain lessons need to be learned. What will happen as you progress along the path is that you’ll have diseases in a certain area and then you will finally cut down your resistance from the soul to these certain areas. Then a higher chakra will begin to open, and if you accept this energy from the heart chakra, you’ll maintain your health. But most people don’t. Most of us, when the new energies begin to open, we resist, because it’s in human nature to resist change. No matter where you are, high or low upon the path, we tend to resist change. It’s just a human trait that we all tend to have.

So, if we’re low upon the path and the lower energies begin to unfold, we will resist. If we’re high upon the path and the higher energies are coming forward, we will resist them, too, because human beings are resistant to change. If you don’t believe that, just go in to any church and disagree with the Sunday school teacher. Give him some piece of information you think is true that is beyond what he thinks and you will see how resistant they are to examining something that may change them. But we’re all resistant to change.

As a matter of fact, this is one of the main reason we die. It’s the reason death is the great healer. Because what happens is that we’re born as a little child and we’re all ready to accept and learn all kinds of things. But by the time our first Saturn cycle approaches between the ages of 28 and 29, we’ve gone through a cycle of learning. Then it’s time to enter a new cycle of learning. You will have not only new energies from the chakras but new astrological energies coming in to influence additional change and learning. The majority of people, even at the young age of 28/29, will resist the new cycle of learning from their soul. Then what happens is that they begin to crystallize.

Near the second Saturn cycle around the ages of 56 to 58 — at this point, when a new cycle comes in, about 90% resist the new cycle. Only about 10% continue to be open and not resisting. Now, this creates a different type of disease when the person resists these changes from these Saturn cycles. It causes what we call crystallization. Does anyone know what that term means?

Audience: “Set in their ways.”

JJ: Right. What happens when you crystallize? Water crystallizes when turned to ice and then if you hit it with a hammer it will shatter. You hit water with a hammer, it still stays water. It splashes around a little bit. But we’re like ice when we crystallize. When a person crystallizes, then when he encounters changes in his life he is very resistant to them. And if the force for change becomes too strong, he shatters. In other words, he becomes ill. He loses his vitality.

So it’s important that we roll with the punches in life. And this is why we die; it’s because we become more and more resistant the older we get, except for the 10% that manage to go through the two Saturn cycles and still stay adaptable and flexible. When you hit around your fiftieth birthday, you need to be real careful about examining yourself with regard to being flexible. Continue to be flexible and adaptable so you can move into that 56-58 year time period with flexibility. If you move into that with flexibility, you can stay in relatively good health into your older age. Probably only about 10% of people do really stay in relatively good health in their older age. And a lot of these are people with that flexibility and adaptability.

So what happens is that we reach an older age and people begin to really crystallize, and so the soul says, “This person isn’t learning anymore, so it’s time to take him home and prepare him for a new cycle of learning.” So we die, we go through periods in the other worlds where we absorb what we’ve learned, and then we are reborn as a child in a new cycle without any memory of what crystallized us. So now we’re flexible again for at least one new Saturn cycle. But this is why the people who stay crystallized after the first Saturn cycle are the really orthodox people of the world. They make really good bureaucrats, good church members, good followers who just do what they’re told.

They stay in the same business, stay in the same employ throughout their entire life. Of course, if a person stays in the same employ, it doesn’t mean he’s crystallized, but this is a trait of those who do crystallize. They won’t make needed changes in their life when they are needed. So it’s important that we assume that adaptability.

To overcome death — to be a master of it — one of the most important ingredients is to obtain that flexibility where you roll with the punches, you remain open to the new energies that are coming in. That’s also important for healing, to remain open. To remain open is probably step number one. Remain open to the possibility that anything can happen when you’re experiencing healing energies. The second thing is to not have any ill feelings toward anyone in the room where you are experiencing the healing. Negativity can sometimes cancel out the positive energy of healing. So it’s important that you look on the soul of everybody that you’re in the presence of during any healing session.

Any questions before we begin?

Audience: “I have a question. You talked about how heart problems are connected with the soul and trying to learn a higher spiral of spiritual love or whatever. Is there any connection — modern science says that it’s genetic, it runs in families, that sort of thing. Is it a combination of things or…?”

JJ: Yeah, some of it is a combination. But see, if you incarnate in a body that they say, “Well, he’s inherited these problems because of genetics,” you’re drawn to that body because of different resistances that are already within yourself. So even though genetics is involved, you can counter-balance it by correcting some flaws that you inherited from a past life. Energy follows thought, and to incarnate in a body that’s going to give you problems means that you’re following your thought into that body because your thought is comfortable there. So by changing your thinking and by changing how you handle energies, even though you’re born in awkward circumstances, you can often create miraculous change in your state of health.

Now, the things that go wrong with you, of course — it’s not a simplistic black-and-white solution to any problem that a person might have. A person, for instance, could have problems with his diet. But even your diet is energy following thought. Why do you drink so many Cokes, for instance? It’s because your energy toward picking up that Coke and drinking it is following your thought. So even that is energy following thought.

So “energy follows thought” is a key principle behind health more than anyone realizes. By changing our thought, we can change our state of mind, we can change our health, we can change our diet, we can change our exercise, we can change how we look at life. Your attitude has a tremendous amount to do with your health. The thought has to be changed if you want to change everything else. Anything that is done can be undone. So, if you come into life handicapped by something from a previous life, that can be undone. Now if you come with a missing leg, well that obviously can’t be undone without a tremendous miracle, but whatever caused that missing leg, by changing your thought at least you can have a whole body in your next life.

By the way, I wasn’t born with a bad hand. I lost it in an explosion. For those of you who don’t know, I used to make rockets and when I was 13 I was making one and it blew up in my hand. I thought it was funny when elders from the church used to come visit me in the hospital. They always said the same thing to me; it kind of irritated me. They said, “Boy, I bet this teaches you not to make rockets, huh kid.” (chuckles)

And I said, “Well, obviously I can’t make rockets right now. I’ve got to wait till I get out of the hospital. Then I’ll make some more.” (chuckles)

You should have seen their faces. “What’s the matter with this stupid kid? He didn’t learn his lesson after all this?” And it’s true; I made a lot more rockets after I got out of the hospital than before I went to the hospital, except I was a lot more careful. (chuckles) And also I didn’t make my own rocket engines. I bought them from the Estes Company. Anybody see that movie October Sky? Those are the type of rockets I made after I got out of the hospital. These guys made the safe rockets. They were completely homemade before my accident. But even though the new ones were from the Estes Company, I still had to be a little careful.

Audience: “Why were you making rockets…. (Inaudible.). Just for fun, or…?”

JJ: It was fun. You know? Plus I was interested in being a rocket scientist someday. I never quite made it. I got sidetracked along the way to other interests.

A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick its prison. – Francis Bacon

Dec 26, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 29

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 29
Finding Soul Contact

JJ: Any more questions? We’ve got a few more minutes. Let’s take another question from a Keys member. I don’t know if we’ve got time to fully cover it, but we’ll take a stab at it. This is a fairly new member of the Keys, and he has come across something that somebody said that just rubbed him the wrong way. Again, we learn a lot more from people who have a problem with us than the people who say, “Hey, I agree with everything you say.” We like those people too, you know. Don’t run away if you agree with us.

Reading from a Keys post, JJ continues with:

“After reading over the past few weeks’ worth of posts, I can’t help but notice the trump cards that get played in this group. For instance, does soul contact really mean that everybody agrees on every issue, and therefore if someone disagrees with a soul contactee they must be wrong? If so, then the way for me to win any argument around here is to be the first to claim soul contact.’

“And if anyone dares question me, I play the ultimate trump, the mailed fist in a velvet glove, leaving my opponent crushed and condemned and myself exalted. It goes like this: I forgive you of your illusions! The moral high ground is now mine, do you hear me? ALL MINE!! MuuHaaHaaHaaHaaaaaaa!’

At least the guy’s got a sense of humor.

Okay, so first of all, I don’t think I have ever claimed to be right because of soul contact, in any argument with anybody. In other words, this guy almost makes it sounds like we’re saying, “Well, this is right because I got soul contact on it, so don’t argue with me because… I got the soul contact, man! My soul tells me it’s right; therefore, you’re just wrong to even argue with me.”

What we tell people in this  group is this: We throw this teaching out there; now it’s your responsibility to contact your own soul and verify whether it’s right or wrong. When you verify whether it’s right or wrong, truth or error, you may think you have soul contact but not have it, and you may be verifying error to be truth. You may have true soul contact and you may find out something to be true. Then you may find out I’m wrong and you’re right or you’re wrong and I’m right. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you take the teaching and verify it with your own soul. And that’s a principle that I’ve always taught. I think some other member must have said something in a way that gave him the impression that we have an opposite approach to that.

Audience: “But JJ, there are absolutes in the universe and there is a truth. What’s true is true and nothing else is true. And the people who don’t hear truth– like when we read The Immortal we all went, “Oh my gosh! There’s so much truth and light in that!” But there are people who read that and don’t hear or know or feel anything.”

JJ: Right. But when somebody comes along and they take what we have that we think is truth and they don’t think it’s true, that’s their right to do that. And they could be right and we could be wrong. Now, let’s suppose, though, that’s from a universal point of view. Let’s suppose you have proven something to yourself to be true. You know that something is true, like, say, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You’ve pretty much formulated it in your mind, verified it with your soul, and you are absolutely sure that is correct. Then John comes along here and he says, “No. I don’t think that’s right.” And Lorraine says, “Well, check with your soul.” So John checks with his soul, and according to the highest he can see through checking with his soul: “Yeah, I’m right and you’re wrong. There’s not an equal reaction for every action.” You may then get in a big argument. Lorraine could say, “Well, I’ve checked with my soul” and John says, “Well, I checked with my soul.” You wind up a big argument as to whose soul is correct.

Well, the truth is that the soul is always correct, but not all of us tap in to the soul accurately. Sometimes two people think they have tapped in to the soul and neither one of them has. What have they tapped in to? Normally, they tap in to the lower astral body, which governs the emotional feeling. If people have a strong emotional feeling around something, they will be most absolutely sure they are right. Oftentimes one person will have soul contact and the other one will not, and in this case they will generally not agree, because one person is seeing through the soul; the other one isn’t. But in the times where the two have soul contact, they will see eye to eye in principle. They may express it a little differently. Sometimes they express it differently enough that they think they don’t agree, on the personality level. But you go back to the principle that they both believe in. If they both have obtained soul contact on a principle — and the soul speaks in the language of principles — then they will see eye to eye.

Audience: “Well that leads us back to the very same thing the guy was saying, though. If John is sure that he’s got soul contact and I’m sure that I’ve got soul contact, and I’m sure that the law I believe is true IS true, then I know that he doesn’t have soul contact. Aren’t I sitting there with my scepter saying, ‘You’re wrong’?”

JJ: Well, you could if you want to, but if that happens to me, what I do is I say, “John, you’ve got to go by the highest you know. If you believe that every action doesn’t produce an equal reaction, well go for it if that’s your highest belief.” But what I tell them to do is go by the highest they can discern. And if the highest you can discern is what I know is wrong, that’s still where he is and that’s what he’s got to go with. Now, where we go wrong is when we say, “John, you’ve got to change your mind on this. You know, you’re all screwed up.” (audience laughter) You don’t tell him that because that’s just going to make him mad. Like this guy has been rubbed a little bit the wrong way by somebody in the group. It gives him the impression that he’s got to go along with us because we’ve got soul contact.

Audience: “Even if you’ve got soul contact, your soul isn’t the highest thing in creation. So while there may be absolute truths out there in creation, I think it’s a very dangerous thing. People should be spelling their truths with a small ‘t’ and not a capital ‘T’. Because your truth will change. If you look at something like Newtonian mechanics — those laws that Newton came up with mathematically describe almost every motion in the universe for a large body. Boy, they just break down when it comes down to quantum mechanics and the internal workings of an atom. There’s another level there, another level of truth. Because they’re both true, just like things are both — is light a wave or is it a particle? They’re both true. And you derive different useful applications for viewing from one perspective or the other and apply them in different situations where they work. But they’re both true.”

JJ: But what Newton did discover, what he perceived to work, still works. But what Einstein discovered was that there are other things that Newton wasn’t looking for. Einstein was looking at a little higher level and he found additional material, additional pieces to the puzzle. But the pieces Newton found still work and were still pieces.

Audience: “It’s just like on this planet we sort of operate by a certain standard of operating rules of reality. But hey, there are people who have walked on water, put their hands through walls and stuff. I mean, they defy the laws of matter.”

JJ: Defy laws as we understand them. But we just don’t understand them completely.

Audience: “Yes, exactly.”

Audience: “But the point is, if I think I’m right and I think John is all screwed up, you have to recognize that each person doesn’t knowingly choose that which is wrong or in error. John is choosing the highest he knows and maybe he’s seeing an angle I’m not seeing or maybe I don’t understand him completely. But I’ve got to let him go with the highest he knows. So what I tell a person in that circumstance– if he wants to have an argument I’ll argue with him, but when the argument is over I say, ‘Well, you’ve got to go with the highest you know. If I’m right, you’ll eventually discover it. If you’re right, I’ll eventually discover you’re right… IF we continue to go with the highest that we know.’”

Audience: “I was going to say that it’s like what you say in The Immortal, that truth is not relative but man’s perception of truth is relative. There was a point in my life when I could have read The Immortal and just laughed and been like, ‘Yeah, right.’ But even if you do have soul contact, your soul is only going to tell you what you need to know at that point in time. It knows that, basically, growth is such a delicate process. It’s like baking a cake or something. If it’s not done correctly, it’s not going to work. You’re only going to get what it thinks you need to get.”

JJ: Yeah. You know, it’s really important that we realize this and that we’re tolerant of other people’s beliefs. Almost all horrors are created by intolerance — the Crusades and all these things. Most of the wars that have been fought– there is a handful that maybe one side has been on a side that they had to fight the war, like World War II against Hitler, that had to be fought. But many wars are fought by both sides that are wrong and both sides that are intolerant of each other, and the winner gets to impose their belief system on the other. Whether that belief system is right or wrong, it doesn’t matter.

It’s like when conquistadors came to the Americas, they figured these Indians were just a bunch of savages and, by George, they needed to get the blood of Christ in their system immediately. They were commanded to bow down to the Virgin Mary or the cross, or be killed. And a lot of them became Christians, but not by their own choosing. But after a few generations, Central America is now dominated by Catholics, just because of their forefathers’ being forced to bow down to the cross.

We cannot allow an ounce of this coercion within our system. The most you can coerce anyone and stay in the light is by reasoning with them. It’s fine to have a few arguments where you reason together, maybe even have a little conflict, go back and forth. Then after you’ve gone back and forth, recognize the person’s sovereignty over his own opinion. Recognize his sovereignty and say, “I respect your sovereignty. We don’t agree, but I respect you, and I respect the fact that you’re following the highest you know.”

Now, Wayne and I have probably argued as much as anybody. Wayne looks for things to argue with me about. He loves a good argument, yet we’re the best of friends. But we recognize each other’s sovereignty. We recognize each other’s intelligence. Neither one of us tries to impose our opposing beliefs upon the other guy. I don’t think I’ve ever tried to do that with you, Wayne, have I?

Wayne: “Yes you have! There you are, right now!”

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: (Laughs) That’s right. Where’s that rope we brought to tie Wayne up with?

Audience: You asked, JJ.

JJ: Yeah, I did. I asked for it. I ought to know Wayne better than that by now.

Audience: Laughter.

Audience: “I have a question. How do you respond when somebody says, “Who do you think your are?” I mean, you have such wonderful comebacks. How do you respond to that?”

JJ: I’ll give you one of my best responses to that. I was telling somebody, I don’t remember if it was a group or an individual, about this. When I was younger and I was in the Mormon Church, I uncovered a lot of metaphysical philosophy and deeper understanding of various scriptures, and I didn’t have anybody to share it with. Nobody in the church wants to learn anything except just really standard stuff like — “How can I obey the Sabbath more purely?” You know, that type of thing — a really boring thing to think about as far as I’m concerned. But I was always searching for more exciting things to discover. I would give people test questions — test them out and ask them questions — and they would always give the wrong answers, so I could never find anybody…except for Wayne. I could always talk to Wayne about anything.

But he lived in Boise and I lived in New Plymouth at the time. My nephew Curtis moved into town and I asked him a test question and he answered in a way that showed that he was a seeker, so I started sharing with him. Then I started sharing with him a doctrine or a teaching that goes contrary to what the modern-day “prophet” teaches. The church teaches that after you die there are three kingdoms to go to. The telestial is like the glory of the stars, the terrestrial like the glory of the moon, and the celestial like the glory of the sun.

They teach that once you get into one of these kingdoms, you’re just stuck there for all eternity. Well, I wrote a little paper showing that that’s not true, that there is progression. It’s not only taught in the scriptures, but it was taught by Joseph Smith himself, taught in the Mormon scriptures and indicated in the biblical scriptures. So I wrote up this little paper and I gave it to him, and he found it pretty interesting. Then he went to see a friend of his who was a staunch Mormon and he shared that with him, and they had some questions to ask me. They both called me up on the phone — they were on two different phones there and I was talking to them both at the same time. As I was explaining something to them, they said, “Well, that doesn’t agree with the prophet. Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re smarter than the prophet?!”

I said, “Yes.”

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: And there was a silence there. I mean, they never expected that answer. “Yeah, I’m smarter than the prophet.” (laughs) The answer just blew them away — I mean, they were stunned. There was about ten seconds where they just didn’t know how to respond. They’d never heard anybody say that before. Because in the church, if you even think such a thing it’s like you’re going to go to outer darkness after you die — not the three kingdoms but reign with the devil and his angels. (laughs)

Curtis’ friend who was the staunch Mormon, was totally turned off by me. But that really impressed Curtis when I told him I thought I was smarter than the prophet. I said, “Yeah, the prophet’s wrong on this.” (exasperated sounds) The staunch Mormon guy, he was really turned off by everything I said. But when I told Curtis those two things — that I was smarter than the prophet and the prophet was wrong — he started mulling those things over and started thinking, “Well, maybe the prophet could be wrong. Hmm. I never thought of that before.” When you’re in a powerful religion and you’re brainwashed, you just don’t think of that. You just don’t even consider that the prophet could be wrong. It’s not something that enters anybody’s head.

But when it entered Curtis’s head, unlike his friend, he started meditating on that. “Well, if the prophet’s wrong on this, what else could be wrong on?” And it led him in all kinds of different directions after that.

  Audience: “Yeah, but how did you handle the ‘who do you think you are?’”

JJ: When they said, “Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re smarter than the prophet?” I said, “Yes.” The temptation is to say, “Well I’m not really smarter than anybody. Everybody’s just as smart as everybody else.” But see, I answered in a way that really made an impact on him. I said, “Yes, I’m smarter than the prophet.”

Audience: “So that answered the second question. To the first question, ‘who do you think you are?’ you should just go, ‘Well, who do you think I am?’ That would be a good comeback.”

JJ: Well, he asked me who did I think I was because if I was right, then I was smarter than the prophet — I knew something the prophet didn’t know.

Audience: “Let’s say he didn’t ask the second question but just stated the first question.”

JJ: Well, “who do you think you are?” is always associated with something. When somebody comes and asks you that question, it’s because you’ve brought something up. You say, “I have soul contact,” and they ask, “Well, who do you think you are that you think you can have soul contact?” See, you’ve brought something up that enters their mind in such a way that it disturbs them.

Audience: “So you counter them by forcefully making your point even more?”

 JJ: Yeah. For example, the lady I was married to before Artie, was bothered by a certain word; it was “control.” Whenever I said the word “control” she would just clam up and act really strange on me. She just didn’t like that word. So do you know what I did? I said, “Control! Control! Control!” (laughs) I kept saying that to her over and over, and pretty soon it didn’t bother her anymore because I was saying it so much. (chuckles) But it must have been a past life or something, because that word really bugged her. It didn’t matter how innocently it was worded, she just got her dander up when that word was stated.

So when “who do you think you are?” comes up, I go the opposite direction they expect me to go. I try to make an impact on their minds. Well, I can think I’m anybody I want. Why can’t I? Turn it around on them.

We’re going to take a break till about 2:30 and meet back here.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts. – Shakespeare

Dec 23, 2009

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Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 28

Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 28
Why Good Dominates

Audience: “Isn’t it like survival of the fittest? Since the dark brothers are going towards destruction and progress lasts, isn’t it the survival of the fittest and the dark brothers are not really surviving?”

JJ: The answer to that is yes and no. Yes in the fact that it’s a principle that as we progress along we pick that which is good to hold on to, just like nature picks that which is fittest to keep and lets that which is not fit go. It’s kind of a cruel way of looking at it. But because we apply intelligence, we not only want ourselves to be fit, but we want everybody to eventually achieve where we are. This is the meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ.

The name itself means to take a brother by the hand and pull him up to where you are. That’s the true meaning of the name. And when you do this, then somebody else higher than you will come along and take you by the hand and pull you up to where he is. That’s the law of the universe; that’s the way it works. You cannot move ahead until you first pull somebody else up. When you pull somebody else up, then some life in the universe will take note of you and pull you up, because he needs somebody to pull him up, too. It’s an eternal chain that operates, and this is part of the reason that the good dominates.

But unlike where nature lets the species go and they may disappear forever, when somebody chooses a negative side and becomes destructive, it will only last for a while and then he’s going to bounce back and he’s going to find out what works. Eventually all will find the dominating good and follow it.

Audience: “If it’s true that good dominates over evil in the long run, why does the dark side seem to have such apparent power in the short term?”

JJ: Well that’s why people pick the dark side to begin with, is because it has power in the short term. You have to step back. It’s like with Edison. He was working on the light bulb, he performed 10,000 experiments and it cost him a tremendous amount of money and time and sweat and tears to go through those 10,000 failures. The short term success would have been “Well, I’ll just stop this and take all this money I’m putting into the light bulb and I’ll put it into whale oil or something that is going to make me a good return on my investment.” And 999 people out of a thousand or more would have done that. But we had one guy that didn’t do that, and one guy that didn’t do that produced something that created a lot of good for mankind.

So evil is powerful in the short term. But eventually a person rises in intelligence to see the long term, for the person has to see the long term to be an agent for the dominating good. But when he’s an agent for good he then produces that long-term effect. Since Edison produced the light bulb, have we ever just eliminated it? Have we ever decided, “Well, we don’t want the light bulb any more. We’ve had it for 50 or 100 years, so we’ve had it long enough so we’re just going to throw it back”? No, because it dominates — that good dominates. We’re not going back to whale oil to live on, to light our lamps with, are we? (chuckles) There aren’t enough whales anymore, anyway.

So once that good demonstrates itself, we don’t go back. We keep it. We’re keeping the light bulb, we’re keeping the radio, we’re keeping computers. We keep all these dominating good things. We’re not throwing them back. They can be destroyed through our negligence, but we’re not letting them go willingly.

Audience: “I think that some of the apparent dominance of evil over good is really that even in our own personal lives, not just in our country and in the world, but even in our own personal lives selfish people are very assertive and take other people’s energy. And it’s also so easy to destroy something versus to create something. I mean, every time we get a new technology, somebody figures out how to make a bomb with it. You know, 9-11 was carried off with a couple of box cutters and a flying gas tank. Oooo, such a mastermind plan. Any of us in this room could have thought of that plan. It’s very easy to destroy stuff. And we all know these pushy people and bosses that we — people just, like, they just dominate and they’re just all over you, they’re just aggressive, they just take what they want. And all of us nice people, you know, we suffer for it. So I think it’s pretty apparent why it appears to dominate.”

Audience: “There is a scripture that says children of the dark are more wise in a generation than children of light. A scripture in the New Testament.”

JJ: Yeah. But it doesn’t say “dark.” It says the children of the wicked one are more wise in a generation than the children of the kingdom, or something to that effect.

Audience: (Inaudible.)

JJ: Well, you look at a lot of these arguments they have on TV — I mean, they’re arguing everywhere on TV on politics, and I always pick the one I think is the most logical. And often I think towards him, “Why don’t you make this argument that is obvious in my mind?” There are so many good arguments this guy could make, and he’s just letting the other guy steamroll right over the top of him. And I think, “This guy who’s on the wrong side is a lot smarter than the guy who’s on my side, who I think is the dominating good, myself.” But this often happens, that those who are on the right side will often let themselves be steamrolled over.

Audience: “I think that good and evil is also within us, because there might be a tendency, when we look at good and evil, that when we are fighting for evil, it might be like outside of us, but actually it’s also inside of us. The other thing is, and I’m trying to remember this, but…”

Audience: “Can I say something? Since the survival of the fittest was mentioned, it also reminds me that it is an objective fact that this survival-of-the-fittest mode is always there. And it seems that we transcend if people understand and have unconditional love. It seems that, for me, if we get this higher intelligence incorporated into ourselves and manifest it, then everything seems to go into balance. But it takes willpower to put that intelligence into action.”

Audience: “What I was about to say is that you emphasize intelligence, and I think it’s true, but I think it has to be balanced by love. Because even the dark side can use intelligence towards– like, Atlantis, actually. The scientists used intelligence, but it led to destruction. So, I think there has to be a balance of love, which is more of unity. And intelligence is very discriminative, but it’s going to creation.”

JJ: Yeah. Well, okay. So we’ll wrap this up by making this statement here: There is good and evil as much as there can be anything that’s real. Some philosophies question that nothing is really real, we all just need to go back to what some call the eternal void where there is a state of nothingness and live there for eternity in a state of some type of a bliss. But that’s a reason God created everything to begin with — to get away from the nothingness, to put a little bit of excitement in His life. And remember what I said yesterday? We are reflections of God, we are in the image of God, and by examining ourselves we can understand the mind of God.

We crave experience. That’s why we all came to Sun Valley — we want to have a new experience here. We don’t want to gather to the same place every year. We go to different places because we like to have a new experience, a new location, and experience new things. And even when we sleep, we manufacture dreams so that we can continue to experience. We crave experience so badly that we can’t even get away from it in our sleep. We still dream of those monsters chasing us, and then there’s who Dan dreams of being a rock-and-roll star.

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: And Artie dreams that I make the bed every morning when I get up instead of her. (chuckles) But we all have our dreams. Psychologists say that we dream to compensate for unfulfilled experience in life. So, if Dan isn’t the rock star in this life, he can at least dream about it and have the experience there. If Mike over here doesn’t have a lot of beautiful women fawning over him, he can dream about being on a desert island surrounded by 100 of them (laughs).

So we all crave experience and we’ve decided we’re going to get experience one way or another — either in wakefulness or sleep. But forget about whether or not the illusion is real. We are here, and the experience is real. No matter where you go from this point, you were here in your experience, even if your body is created of nothingness, as some philosophies teach. No matter what creation is, you are here experiencing. You will take your experiences with you always and will always go to new experiences.

Audience: “Aren’t there beings who have decided not to come here — like angels or something — and they’ve decided not to have this experience and they just kind of…?”

JJ: Yeah. What they’re doing is they’re just delaying the experience. And oftentimes people are afraid of experience. There are people who are afraid to leave their homes because they have fears about everything that’s going to happen out there — all kinds of fears. They have a fear of crossing the street for fear they’ll get run over, a fear of getting struck by lightening, or whatever. People fear new experiences. They think, “Well, I haven’t experienced it yet. Am I going to really enjoy it?” People fear getting married. “I don’t know. Would I enjoy getting married? Could I handle getting married?” Well, whether you can handle it or not, being married myself, it’s something from which you’re going to grow a lot. (chuckles) It’s going to give you an in-depth experience.

Audience: “It’s going to give you a real opportunity to find out about yourself.”

JJ: (Laughs) Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes: “A bad decision is better than no decision.” A bad experience is better than no experience. Because with a bad experience, you know what to avoid so next time you can have the good experience.

More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. – Cicero

Dec 19, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 27

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 27
Intelligent Choices

Audience: “Audience: Well, from my observation, good is able to grow from evil in many cases, and I have a personal observation that I could offer here to help illustrate that. I used to drive my kids to an outlying town for music lessons. It took about 30 minutes to get there and we would take a back road that drove past a landfill. Then right next to the landfill area was an operation that produced compost, and we always hated passing that because of the stench. It really had a horrible smell, this composting factory. It had giant piles in various states of disintegration, and the hugest piles were, like, the wreckage of trees and there were wooden pallets and all kinds of jagged, huge things piled up in these piles. The next pile would be a little more broken down and it had all these piles that would descend to this point where it was — actually, the smelliest was when it was broken down into the smallest pile. It was this deep, dark, rich compost that really stunk. It all came from this great wreckage. And I thought about how we hated the smell of that compost, and I thought in my mind, ‘Well, what’s a contrasting smell?’ And I thought of roses. Then it hit me that from this great and horrible wreckage and all of this stink, people put it in the ground and they grow roses and they smell wonderful. The best smell I can think of is that of a rose.”

JJ: Matter of fact, creation could not take place without both good and evil, without both positive and negative. They both have to be there, but what we want is for the progression to dominate. Within the atom itself you have the negative electrons balanced off by the dominating positive force of the protons in the middle of the atom. The protons dominate, we know, because they hold the electrons within their orbit. The electrons do not hold the protons. But without both of them interplaying, there is no atom at all. Without the interplay of the manure and the sunshine and everything, you don’t have the roses. But with the interplay of the positive and negative forces, you have the roses — which is the dominating good — prevailing there. Then the roses crumble and they don’t smell so good after a while, but then more roses come up later. So because the roses always come up eventually, it is a symbol of the good dominating.

Audience: “There are two points I would like to bring out here. One is, what I notice is that a lot of the so-called evil is being reflected when they are sowing disunity and division. They are not looking at the overall situation. And the other thing that I would like to bring out here is that we should be very careful about good and evil because that was used during the Crusades and religious wars. When they are in the ego mind, you have these two pointing at each other as evil and both of them are supposed to be good.”

JJ: Okay. That’s a good point. So, in other words, what he’s pointing out is that the Crusades were a fight over good and evil, but here they define good as, “If you’re not on my side, you’re evil. If you’re on my side, you’re good.” That’s not the definition. The question is, is your side moving forward in evolution or not? But even if one is moving forward in evolution, then it’s a step backward to try to force somebody else to move forward with you, because you cannot force someone to do good, because forcing the will of another is in the direction where evil lies.

Audience: “You gave us intelligence as a seed thought for understanding the reason good dominates, but here we know that intelligence is applied for both sides. As I see it.”

JJ: But  intelligence learns from its mistakes. And because of that….

Audience: “It has to be together with intention, because if your intention is to evolve and be better and towards good for the whole.”

JJ: Even the people on the dark side think they’re on the right side. When you have two people fighting a war, generally both of them think their side is the dominating good, but one side will always be more for the good of the whole than the other. We look at World War II, and on hindsight it’s really obvious that the Allies were the ones to move forward and Hitler was moving backwards. But when the people were back there living in that time just before World War 2, a lot of people couldn’t see it. A lot of people thought that Hitler was a pretty progressive guy — even Joseph Kennedy, John Kennedy’s dad. He thought Hitler was somebody we could work with. He thought he was a misunderstood character. Quite as few people thought this way. They couldn’t see the picture of what’s good and evil — what moves us forward and what’s backward — until everything is over. Especially with war, because wars bring out such impassioned emotion in people that people can’t see the forest for the trees.

Now, Isaiah makes an interesting statement. He says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” … “There are none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Isaiah 5:2 & Psalms 53:2) Isaiah was complaining about the people in his age. The people see good and they call it evil; they see evil and they call it good. They see light and they call it darkness and vice versa. Poor old Isaiah was going around teaching and he couldn’t find one person who could recognize the difference between good and evil. But in this regard, what does the scripture say on that? It says, “When you partake of the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil, you shall be as gods, for you shall have the power to discern good from evil.” That’s the power of God, to be able to discern what is evil and what is good. That’s interesting when you think about it. In other words, the difference between a regular guy and a person who is manifesting the God within is the ability to discern what moves us forward and what doesn’t.

Now, what intelligence does is, even when it makes the bad choices that pull us backward, it eventually learns — the guy eventually learns that it’s wrong, that it just doesn’t work. Then he discards that and makes another choice, and that may take him backward too. But eventually, he makes a choice that pushes him forward. Leonardo da Vinci makes a stroke: “Ah! I finally got the smile the way I want.” And he doesn’t erase it this time; he keeps it. Now that he’s got it the way he wants, he keeps it. This is another reason good dominates; when the good is discovered — when that is discovered which moves us forward — we keep it.

Audience: “What is good to one person is not good to another. It seems like perception — it seems like an ego thing.”

JJ: Now, you’re talking about likes and dislikes there. See, what you like is not necessarily good. What you dislike is not necessarily evil. Likes and dislikes vary, but what is forward in progression is fairly absolute. If you move forward in spirit, your vibration will increase. That’s an absolute.

Audience: “But it’s not always pleasant to do that. Your personality doesn’t always like it.”

JJ: Right. Your personality will rebel against it. But when your vibration towards spirit increases — this is like measuring something scientifically. If something gets hotter, the speed of the vibration of the molecules increases. So, if something is getting hotter, it can be absolutely measured. If something gets colder, it can be absolutely measured. As we progress toward spirit, our spiritual vibration gets stronger, and that’s an absolute. A lot of people say there are no absolutes, but there are absolutes. But as far as likes and dislikes, there are no absolutes there. Some people like to be whipped, (laughter) handcuffed to the bed and taken advantage of when they’re making love. People like all kinds of weird stuff.

Audience: Laughter.

Audience member just joining the group: “I just heard all this laughter coming through the back and I wanted to find out where it was coming from.”

JJ: That’s because Bryan got whipped last night.

Audience: Laughter.

Bryan: I was only trying to receive her love.”

Audience: Laughter. Inaudible reply and more laughter.

Audience: “Bryan, show me your back.”

Audience: Laughter.

Wayne: “The statement that there are no absolutes is, in itself, an absolute statement.”

JJ: Yeah. That’s a good point, Wayne.

Audience: “What is good and evil is not subjective. It’s not what you feel. What is good and evil is an objective standard based on who and what you are. If you are a son of God, that identifies what you are. That says what is good and evil for you. It’s purely objective.”

JJ: Yeah.

Audience: “Under our discussion here of the difference between good and evil, then was God evil in telling Eve not to eat of the apple?”

JJ: Well, it depends on what His objective was. If His objective was, according to Mormon theology, that God knew she was going to eat of it anyway and that he had to give her that choice so that they could grow, so that they could move forward. If it was something that did actually move them forward — forward through falling, so to speak then that would be a good thing because you have to fall before you can rise up and appreciate being up.

Audience: “She’s the one that made the choice. Adam kind of follows.”

JJ: Yeah. Adam just went along, didn’t want to lose his…

Audience: “Yes, dear” (laughter).

Audience: “You know what my grandson said when I had just explained the story of Adam and Eve, he got really angry and upset and he said, “Well, why didn’t Adam just kill him? Get rid of him?” (referring to the serpent?)”

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: Okay, let’s get back to our friend who wrote us this letter.

Audience: “That’s exactly what I was thinking about. I think he is at a point where he’s having trouble discerning light from dark, and then you don’t exactly know which way you are really making progress. I think he wants to, but he is not sure — there are so many contradictions and so many illusions that he’s like what Isaiah says. He wants to be sure he is doing the right thing that is making progress. Now, I don’t think he knows at this point.”

JJ: Right. So it’s interesting that a person progresses on the path of selfishness, which appears to be going backward, but he learns that selfishness is not the way, because when he is selfish, he keeps reaching dead end after dead end and not obtaining any lasting happiness from it. Because there is no lasting happiness and he reaches all the dead ends — then he eventually turns around and says, “Well, what else is there? I’ve got to look another direction.” Like Edison: “This didn’t work and this didn’t work. I’ve got to look another direction.” Then he finds the direction that works, and no longer is he on the path of selfishness.

It’s the same thing with every direction. We have to find out everything that doesn’t work until we find out what does work. And then when we find what does work, our intelligence makes the decision “I’m going to stay with this now. I’m going to incorporate this into my philosophy.” So he incorporates the good, and this causes good to dominate over evil in the long run.

Now, with our friend here, he seems somewhat depressed because, it sounds like, he’s reached a couple dead ends. He’s searching for knowledge, the meaning of existence, questioning why he’s here, if there’s any purpose for being here, and he keeps reaching dead ends. What he needs to do is keep on keeping on, so to speak. If you realize that good always dominates over evil, then eventually progress will be made. Eventually you will find out what doesn’t work, and then you will find out what does work and you will choose that because you are being interested in your self-interest. And because you are interested in what’s good for you as well as everybody else, you will choose the good.

When you realize this, you will never get completely discouraged. You may get down a little bit, but you’ll never get completely discouraged. If you incorporate into your philosophy that good dominates over evil and you have faith in that, you will always pick yourself up no matter how low you get and you’ll move onward.

Everybody in their life reaches a low point now and then, but I’ve always personally believed in the dominance of good, and that has helped me to pick myself up many times and then just move forward. Because if you have faith that by moving forward you eventually are going to triumph, then the only thing to do is to get up and move forward to the best of your ability — and follow what? (audience murmurs) Follow the highest you know. The highest you know may not be right, but if the highest you know isn’t right, you will find out that it isn’t right and then you will have a new highest you know, and it may be right this time. Sooner or later you will get to the one that’s right. But follow the highest you know and don’t have a guilty conscience about it if it turns out to not work. Just keep on with the highest you know and good will dominate.

Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge. – Leonardo da Vinci

Dec 15, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 26

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 26
The Destiny of Good

Audience: “I’d suppose that the dark brothers, who represent the evil, are using intelligence too.”

JJ: Yes, but there are not as many of them on the dark side as the light side. On the other hand, more rank and file humans inadvertently go in their direction.

Audience: “Wouldn’t another thing that made it that way be because the dark side has in it a failsafe switch that will only let it go so far without self-destructing?”

JJ: Right. See, the dark brothers eventually self-destruct. The Brothers of Light do not. The Brothers keep on going. Now, as far as controlling the people of this planet Earth, they’re more under the control of the dark brothers than they are the light right now, and the control is switching over from dark to light. And this is what’s going to initiate the age of peace that we’ve all looked forward to.

So, a lot of the illusions have to be dispelled, but everything that the dark brothers do is transitory. In other words, once the dark path is chosen, it’s a path of destruction, so they eventually wind up destroying themselves; everything except their spiritual essence eventually is destroyed. And then their monad starts their path of evolution all over again millions and billions of years hence. They lose a lot of time. But then eventually the dark brother begins his progression all over again, and he eventually becomes a Light Brother, because good even dominates with them. They try to prevent it, but they can only fight against truth for so long.

The dominating intelligence in the universe is that great Entity that we call God, and His will pushes us forward in spiritual evolution, producing the power of the dominating good.

Audience: “Just a question and maybe some ideas on good and evil. I can see some real evil things that retrogress, but don’t you think there might be, from God’s point of view, a certain point of time when he might actually create evil to make the point of evolution? It’s something that is controlled. You know, like, there are some– I don’t know how to express it, but, you know, like, sometimes destruction is important in order for a new creation to come back.”

JJ: Sure. As a matter of fact, people are surprised to learn that the Bible says that God created evil. I believe it says that in the Psalms and maybe Isaiah, too. Well, he created the positive and negative. In order to have creation, you’ve got to have the positive and negative. But he created both good and evil, but he puts his energy, his intelligence, into the domination of the good, the domination of moving forward, the domination of eternal progression.

Can you think of a greater hell than reaching the end of your progression where somebody tells you, “Well, John, you just can’t move ahead anymore. You’ve just got to stay where you are”? That would be very discouraging, wouldn’t it? I mean, you’d get bored. Yeah, it would be maybe nice for a month or so. You just rest, sit back, enjoy the beach. Then pretty soon you think, “I’d like to do something.” As we were saying yesterday, there was God in his great void, the One Great Life, saying, “Man, I’m getting tired of just being in this great void. I’m going to reflect myself billions and trillions of times, create people in my image, and pour myself into them and experience through them everything there is to experience in this universe that I’m going to create.

And then after I get done with that, then I’ll do something else, because I’m getting tired of just floating in this void here.” Wouldn’t you think that if you were God? Sure you would, because you are a reflection of God. You were created in his image.

Audience: “I really like the analogy of the tree and the forest. If a tree grows up protected from any wind it’s very weak, but if a tree has wind it grows stronger. So if we didn’t have opposition we wouldn’t develop the strength that we have. So it’s very necessary for us.”

JJ: Matter of fact, who was it that said the other day — I was reading somewhere on the Internet, I think — somebody was saying, “If you don’t have opposition in your life, go find some.” Was that you, Sharón? I heard that the past day or two. I can’t remember where I heard it or read it.

Audience: “(Inaudible) …you need to get out of your comfort zone to progress.”

JJ: That’s a good statement. If you don’t have enough opposition, everything is just sailing smooth, well, go create some ripples. Go make somebody angry. (chuckles) Go irritate somebody.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: At least it will make life interesting. I don’t have to try to irritate people. I can just try to be Mister Nice Guy and people still get irritated. So, it’s kind of interesting.

Audience: “Some people will go around scaring other people, like little practical jokes like jumping around on a corner when they’re bored or something.”

JJ: Yeah. You know, probably the worst hell is boredom. Indecision is perhaps the worst. The second worst is boredom. And I think that God created the world just because he was bored and wanted to do something exciting and different.

Audience: “What I wanted to ask is, is it possible that while we’re going through this life to go up, we have already been through the opposite, being on the opposite side? Do we have to experience both?”

JJ: Well, we experience both in any life that we go through. In any life that you go through, you have the pull of both going forward and going backward. And what decides whether you go forward to backwards?

Audience: “Intelligence.”

JJ: Right. And whose intelligence?

Audience: “Our own.”

JJ: Yours. You make the decision.

Audience: “Yeah but I mean, do we have to experience both to ultimately be that part of God.”

JJ: You mean like maybe in a past life your were a bank robber or something like that?

Audience: “Yeah. Or a dark brother.”

JJ: Sure. We go through all these things, but it’s a lot of trial and error. We go through a lot of trial and error when we learn anything. Just like Leonardo da Vinci, again, or Edison creating the light bulb. We go through trial and error and have many failures. We have many failures in our personal life, and when be begin our evolution we may think, “Being selfish is where it’s at, because if I’m really selfish and just looking out for me I’ll come out ahead — nobody else is going to look out for me.”

So that logic seems good, and that seems to be the path of good. To hell with everybody else; you are what is important because you’re your whole universe. That’s the way you feel at that point in evolution. And so, you’re just looking out for you, and if you can rob a bank or steal from somebody and get away with it, you think, “Well, what’s the harm for me?” or “Maybe it hurts the other guy, but I don’t care about him. I care about me.”

So we do go through that phase until eventually we have something that happens to us — somebody comes and steals from us — and we think, “Boy, you know, I didn’t like that very much. Maybe I understand how those people felt now that I stole from. Because it took me ten years to save this money up for this dream that I had, and the guy stole my dream.”

So he thinks, “Well, maybe I need to have a little empathy for the other guy.” And eventually the person tunes in to the soul and he begins to really identify with other people more. Then he eventually learns that the dominating good is not just his universe, but we all have an effect on each other — that we’re all in this together.

And because we’re all in it together, the good that his intelligence needs to be applied to is, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” to quote Spock again. And eventually everybody comes to that realization, but it’s through trial and error. Even the dark brothers do after a long, long detour. Because everybody comes to that realization, the good of the whole eventually dominates. Good dominates over evil because our decisions are made in the direction of progress for we then apply our intelligence in that direction.

Audience: “You also stated that the power of intelligence to discover that which is new or good for humanity, whether it’s something that saves lives, is just more powerful than the intelligence applied to stop that to keep people under control?”

JJ: That’s one way of putting it. But oftentimes — like we created the atomic bomb, like we said, and that’s where we really want good to dominate right now. Because if evil were to dominate even for a cycle, we could wind up destroying ourselves. So we definitely want good to dominate over evil when we do bring great power into our hands.

God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing. —Dr. J.A. Holmes

Dec 12, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 25

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 25
The Dominating Good

JJ: Do you ever notice when you try to take a step forward that there seem to be all kinds of forces pulling you backwards? Anybody in here ever smoked and tried to quit? Who has tried to quit? When you try to quit, have you ever noticed that every force in the woodwork comes forward to offer you cigarettes and get you back on the habit? This is what happens. That’s a good analogy because every smoker can identify with that. Not only smoking, but everything you do that will move you forward, to more happiness, better health, whatever, there are forces trying to pull you back, and they come out of the woodwork when you take that step forward. If you’ve never taken a major step forward, you may not have noticed it, but if you ever try to make a major step forward in your progression, you will encounter forces pulling you backwards. You’ll wonder where they all come from and where they’ve even been all your life, because they are powerful and they will pull you backwards.

Jesus gave a parable about this. He talked about a man with an unclean spirit who cleaned his house and got rid of the unclean spirit. The unclean spirit went abroad and found seven more devils more evil than himself. He brought these seven back with him and they entered into the guy, and his last state became worse than the first.

Now, there is a principle around this, discounting the fact of the typical view of what devils may be. There is a principle behind this teaching of Jesus, and that is — and Dan encountered it when he tried to quit. Have you wound up quitting?

Dan: Well, sort of.

JJ: (laughs) You’re really good at it because you’ve done it hundreds of times, right?

Audience: “He did quit.”

JJ: Oh, you did quit? Okay. Are you still kind of tempted now and then?

Dan: Dan: No. Actually, it’s been a long time.

JJ: Okay. So what happens when you try to make a step forward, especially a spiritual step? Now, Dan has also encountered this in the Keys group. He has decided to create a course, and he presented the course to our triad group and he got all kinds of flak over that. Now, good ole Dan, he was just trying to help people move ahead spiritually, and you got all kinds of flak over that, didn’t you? So it’s interesting. Now I’m not saying whether Dan was right or wrong, it’s just a fact that he was making an attempt to move ahead, and when you make an attempt to move ahead, you’re going to have forces pulling you back and trying to make you think you’re just all screwed to the dickens with your idea to move ahead to begin with. You’ll have these forces that will come to you and ask you this question — this is what I call the mantra of the dark brotherhood: Who do you think you are?

Now, getting back to quitting smoking. This mantra enters you head in a certain strange way when you even do something simple like that. You try to quit and something in you says, “Who do you think you are, trying to quit? You can’t quit.” And whenever you try to move a step forward, you will have this inner voice from the dark side pulling at you: “Who do you think you are? You’re nobody. You can’t move ahead. You cannot be a spiritual man. You cannot be a healthy man. Look at all these people and the bad shape they’re in. What makes you think you can move ahead of them? You think you’re better than they are?”

You’ll have this inner voice from a point of darkness trying to pull you back. In other words, the dark energy that you threw out will go find seven other dark energies worse than itself and come back with about a dozen times the force he had before. And you thought it was hard before; now, all of a sudden, as you’re taking that baby step ahead, you feel a force very powerful trying to pull you back.

Do people here identify with that, when you look over your lives? Have you felt that force trying to pull you back when you try to move ahead? Lots of people nodding their heads here.

Audience: “Do we need the dark brothers to provide that resistance for us? Or is there enough — if they all disappeared tomorrow, would there be enough resistance…?”

JJ: Well, it’s not that we need them, it’s just that whenever we’re in creation, the polarities just are. One polarity will always be to move us forward, and the other polarity will manifest to pull us backwards. Now, the question is: Why does good dominate? A lot of people think that good doesn’t dominate, that they are exactly equal and they balance each other out. But do you realize that in all of creation, creation exists because one energy dominates over the other. Without this domination, all the universe would disappear. Do you ever think of that? And that’s a scientific fact, it’s not spiritual metaphysics.

If you look at the creation of the atom, you have the positive nucleus of the atom, and then you have the electrons. Within the atom itself, it will be created because it’s a little out of balance toward one energy or the other. And in this universe, it’s toward the positive energy — what we call the positive. Slightly positive. And that out-of-balanceness causes rotation and movement to try to balance off the two energies, and that rotation and movement, and the wavelengths that are created, creates everything there is. If you had the most powerful microscope in the universe and could look, look deeper and deeper, you’d see empty space wherever you go — empty space with wavelengths. You go into the atom, you go into the quarks, you go deeper and deeper. You do not find anything solid. Everything is created out of energy and motion that is just slightly out of balance.

If you could take the matter in this book and balance off the two energies so that the positive and negative were exactly equal, it would disappear into nothingness. Not exactly nothingness, because where it comes from is not nothing. It is that which is esoteric; it is that which we do not understand. There is no such thing as nothing. But where creation comes from is a point that is just not understood by us. There is something there, but from the concrete mind we would call it nothing. But it’s not nothing. So one energy balances over the other at all times, and it causes creation.

Now, there are only two energies in the universe: positive and negative. And they manifest in all kinds of different ways. One of the ways they manifest is in good and evil. In good and evil you have them interplaying against themselves, and one always dominates over the other. Now, sometimes one will dominate for a period of time and then the other for a period of time, but in the whole scheme of things, one dominates over the other eternally, and that is good, at least in this universe we are in. Now, we define good as being that which moves us forward in our evolution. There will never come a time when we are not moving forward, but there will be rest periods. There will be a great pralaya where the universe all folds up and then a new universe will be created. In between the universes, in between the solar systems, in between the creation of the planets, in between lives we may have a rest, but there is always a new period where we are moving forward. But why is moving forward dominant over moving backwards? It’s a key principle here.

Audience: “What’s the name of that law that says that once you’re in motion, you stay in motion?”

Audience: “Inertia. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion if there is no obstruction.”

JJ: Okay, I’m going to give you one word, and that’s the answer.

Audience: “Intention. Intent.”

JJ: Good guess, but I’m going to give you one word to contemplate on as a seed thought. Intelligence. Intelligence. Contemplate that word in relation to why good dominates over evil. Let’s go back to the painting of Leonardo da Vinci. He had a vision of how his art was supposed to look. His dominating good, or his good that he has in mind, is creating a masterpiece of art. Say, either the Last Supper or the Mona Lisa, something like that. That finished product is the good. He begins to paint the Mona Lisa, and he can’t get the smile right — or the non-smile, or whatever people call it. He wants it to look a certain way, and he can’t get it right. The evil is that he keeps making mistakes. He keeps not getting it the way he wants. This is evil because these mistakes take him backwards. He thinks he’s making progress, then it doesn’t look right. He erases it, and he starts over. So he’s going forward, he’s going backwards, he’s going forward, he’s going backwards, and eventually he goes forward and he achieves the dominating good. What gave him power to achieve it?

Robin: I just wanted to say something else. Actually, I’m not sure that it’s evil each time he tries and doesn’t get it right, because he’s actually moving forward by eliminating possibilities that aren’t working. Just like Edison with the light bulb. He tries and tries and tries….”

Audience: “Is it because God is innately in the project itself? Like, this being God’s creation….”

JJ: Okay, but see, that’s the way we’re defining evil. In other words, it’s true that without good and evil, there can be no creation. Without good and evil, there could be not creation of a light bulb. There could be no creation of anything, because you have a force pulling one direction and then a force pulling another direction. But one of the directions will dominate. If the direction with Edison inventing the light bulb — a lesser man would have had 10,000 failures and he would have thrown his hands up and given up.

And the evil, or the going backwards, would have dominated. And that happens many times. Many times people attempt a great work and they encounter so many frustrations that they give up. I have encountered many people who say, “Well, you know, I’ve read your teachings, and right after I did this, I had this negative thing happen that’s a sign to me that I should just go on to something else.” Okay, well, is that a sign to him about that? (laughter) No. That’s a negative force pulling him away.

In other words, if the teachings have something that could actually move him forward, and that sign discourages him, he’s being dominated by retrogression. Edison would have been dominated by retrogression, because– I think she’s referring to the famous story about Edison when a reporter came to him and he said, “Listen, you’ve made 10,000 attempts to create this silly light bulb idea of yours. Are you ready now to admit failure?” He said, “You have failed 10,000 times.” And Edison said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. Ten thousand times I have successfully identified that which will not work, and that only leaves a handful of things left to try. So I’m just about there.” (laughs) That’s what you call a positive mental attitude.

Yeah, Larry?

Larry: “Maybe the reason why the good dominates is because God, the ultimate One God, has made a decision of will and power that things are going to go this way. It’s like a stream, and if you’re trying to go backwards, it’s like swimming against the stream. And a really strong swimmer like Hitler can go back for a while, but even if Edison had given up because the stream was going forward, somebody has got to invent that light bulb.”

JJ: Right. And if Edison had given up, Larry made the good point, somebody else would have come along and built on what he had — probably would have taken Edison’s notes about the 10,000 things that didn’t work and maybe made two or three more experiments and found the one that did.

Audience: Maybe good dominates because we’ll continue to choose until we get it right. It’s like that parable you gave about going to heaven and hell. Even if you end up in hell, you keep choosing again or recreating again until you get it right. Maybe that’s why good dominates.”

JJ: That’s a good point.

Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise. —Anonymous

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Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 24

Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 24
Defining Good and Evil

JJ: I thought I would read a letter that was posted to the Keys.

We received this from a guy — guy or gal, I don’t know which one he is — he just uses a screen name so it’s hard to tell. I won’t say who he or she was. Let me read the letter. The person sounded somewhat depressed as he doesn’t seem to have a lot of grasp on the purpose of life. He’s kind of looking forward to reading our stuff….

So I’ll just read this to you.

“Great story. Inspiring,” he tells me, concerning a parable I posted.

(The letter:) “I would like to post something personal here now.

“I feel that doesn’t help me much. I still have the same overwhelming questions that I can’t ignore, no matter how much I read and search for these answers. No one is going to be able to tell me. So I’m struggling for these answers and still am not finding them.

“I am struggling against apathy and numbness because of the pain. Is it my fault? I wish it was, then I could do something about it. I honestly feel powerless and don’t know….

“When there is no solution in sight for so long, anger is also building. They say purity can pass anything. But I can’t help but feel like I’m assaulted with a great injustice. For the limitations I admit my weaknesses. And to overcome I have to be more than human. I have to conquer wisdom and knowledge. I don’t know how.

“Do you really think life is a simple package, or a simple perception? Do you really think you can hold that perception without being the all of it?

“Can it really ever be understood? Can the mystery of this infinity ever be understood?

“When you say, “You may as well self destruct without purpose,” you may as well not self-destruct… you know what I mean? Think about that….

“What is the point of the decision to commit suicide, another weakness. It is pointless. What is the point of escaping suffering? What does that achieve? It gives you a break from your weakness.

“If there is life after death (I am dead right now) maybe you merge with everything that exists… maybe then you become nothing and everything….

“Everyone that is trying to understand is trying to wrap life up in a neat little package that can be understood so that they can have some beliefs about what they think the truth is… even with all it is that they are lacking… the rest of truth. It is like a hologram, if you are missing some part of it, you are missing all of it.

“I am frustrated and tired of not being free. I even feel it is my right to be free, to know everything I want to know, and to be able to do everything I want to do.

“Anything that limits my wisdom and knowledge and freedom is an obstruction. I believe I deserve to know the answer to all this and be done with it.

“For some reason it doesn’t work that way. With all the searching, I still am not getting ‘the’ answer, so I will continue to search in this numbness. I am becoming so detached from it all and from my emotions and myself it is not even me. And I know it never was.

“But here I am conscious in an unending nightmare, still without answers, and I continue to try.

“When you make it sound so simple, JJ, like in those stories, it almost feels like an insult when I am reading it, I feel so naive.

“I appreciate it. I do more than anyone. But I also have my perceptions about who you are and why you do such things, as well as everyone else’s place in this oneness. You are just you and I am just me. We have no memory of creating these circumstances of our identities. We just are. You are in your life and I am in mine. All decisions are based on some identity and personality we don’t even remember creating; we just are it. And it’s just here. Some seem more fortunate than others.

“You know what it feels like? Deja vu.”

JJ: So anyway, this person is somewhat frustrated.

Wayne: “I don’t think he’s frustrated.”

JJ: You don’t?

Wayne: “No. He’s full of himself. I mean, he tells us right at the start that he can’t find the answers and then goes into this whole litany about why the answers aren’t available to, not only him, but to anybody else. Anybody else who claims to have an answer is somehow inferior to this wondrous position that he has assumed that there are no answers that are available to anybody, even though they try as hard as he has. And he’s full of it.”

Audience: “But it’s clear he’s not really having any fun.”

Wayne: “Well no, he’s having fun being depressed. His whole theme is, ‘I don’t have to know. Nobody can know. But I’ve thought about it a whole lot, and so I know more about not knowing than is normal.’ You know? It’s gobbledygook.”

JJ: Okay. Anybody else got any comment on the post?

Audience: “It appears to me he simply doesn’t want to take any responsibility for his own life and he’d rather blame everybody else.”

JJ: Okay. Any other comments before we proceed?

Audience: “I think that he is so far out of his body that he has lost humanness. He is so far out there in the outskirts of world that, as we have been talking about all along, we find the answers when we come back into ourselves. The divine answers are in here. And he is so far out there that he has become lost. He or she. And so, it sounds like he is just blaming the whole world. Because I think, like Wayne said, he won’t take responsibility, come back in, and claim his own life.”

JJ: Wayne says, “This person has to be a man because no woman could be that lost.” (laughs) Well, you can’t accuse Wayne of being sexist, anyway. Okay, any other comments on the letter?

Audience: “You’re not going to like me for this, but I think exactly the opposite. I think that person is at a crossroads. I don’t care what he says. I think he’s at a point where he is searching for something that will give him something to grab on to that will be a focal point where he can find meaning. And although I grew up with a brother who was an atheist, now he’s just totally into religion. You couldn’t talk to him when he was younger, but he was a good soul and I knew he was. And this person seems to me like he is also. He’s real down, but….”

JJ: That’s a good point. I feel a little bit the same way in the fact that I’ve been following his posts for a while and– sometimes he posts just really positive things and then he’ll post something– I’ll say something maybe that just rubs him the wrong way and he’ll post, not so much negative, but quite disagreeable. Which is fine; we don’t mind people disagreeing with us at all. But I think the guy is at somewhat of a crossroads. I think he’s searching and he’s hoping to find some answers. But we’re all in that boat to some degree. We’re just looking for answers, but we’re all at different locations.

One of the key things in there that pinpoints his frustration — he says something to the effect that he wanted to find the truth, but then be done with it. Now, are you ever done with it? No. Would you want to be done with it? Would you want to find the one true religion and, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it memorized”? You know, “I’ve got the Articles of Faith memorized now so I’ve got it all. I got the basic truth that God wants me to know and I can just sit back and relax and enjoy heaven when it comes and falls in my lap.” Would we want that?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. Remember that “Twilight Zone” story where this guy dies and, if I remember right, he was a mobster or something. He realized he was a bad guy and he was expecting to go to hell. He meets this guy that was kind of dressed like a butler who asked him what he wanted. He says, “Well, I didn’t expect to be greeted like this. I thought I’d go to the other place.” Then the guy there said that he was there to serve him, so he said he wanted to go gamble. So he took him to the casino and he gambled and he wanted some prostitutes so he bought some prostitutes and plenty to drink. And so he was having wine, women and song for about 3-4 days and he was having a good time.

He thought, “Boy, I guess I must have gone to heaven.” Then after a while he started to getting bored with everything. He was tired of the women, tired of the gambling and only winning, and he said, “You know, I thought heaven would be a little bit different than this.” And the guy says, “What makes you think you’re in heaven?” It’s funny how those old Twilight Zones often — many of them have a strong point of truth that’s not duplicated in the shows today.

Okay. This kind of fits in with the Law of Dominating Good. Anybody know what the Law of Dominating Good is? We’re talking about principles. This law is built around a principle. First of all, do you believe in a dominating good? Does good dominate? Many philosophies — new age, metaphysical, and eastern philosophies — kind of make the point that good and evil just balance each other off evenly. But the Law of Dominating Good says that this is not so — that good dominates. And if good dominates, why does good dominate?

Audience: “Because it’s a point of evolution.”

Audience: “It’s the will of God.”

Audience: “Because of the intention.”

JJ: Okay, first of all, let’s define what the Law of Dominating Good is. What do you think it is? Wayne?

Wayne: “I think it has to do with statements like ‘All things work to the good of those who love the Lord.’ Nothing can happen that doesn’t bear inherently some benefit to the person that experiences it. So if you have a terrible experience, there should be something in there to learn.”

JJ: Okay. So the Law of Dominating Good — DK  is the one who coined that phrase; I don’t know if anyone said it before him or not. But he says, “This lies behind all that God has made,” this being the Law of Dominating Good, which means that between good and evil, good dominates. Now, it’s amazing how many people are out there saying, “Well, there’s no such thing as good and evil. There’s no good and there’s no evil.” Okay. Is that true or not? What’s the argument they give that there is no good and evil?

Audience: “Well, there’s different levels. On God’s level, there is no good and evil, because everything is just the way it’s supposed to be. But on our level, a lot of times there is the opposition and the good and evil, because that’s the fallen world that we live in, the world of good and evil.”

JJ: Okay. To figure out whether or not there is good and evil, we have to define what good and evil is. If we don’t define it, then how can you say it doesn’t exist if you don’t know what it is?

Audience: “Isn’t that just a perception?”

JJ: Okay, we’re going to get into that.

Audience: (Inaudible.) “Isn’t that from your archives? ‘Good is that which propels us forward, and evil is that which takes us backward.’”

JJ: Right. What makes a lot of people say there is no such thing as good and evil is a rebellion against the biblical words again. Remember we talked about that? A lot of people just don’t like these old biblical words because they make a person sound a little fanatical. Like “repent,” “righteousness,” “sin,” “atonement,” all these words in the Bible, and many of them are misunderstood by today’s society. People hear them and they grew up hearing these words pounded in their head, and they’re rebelling against them.

Now, one of the words that is in the Bible quite a bit — a set of words — is “good” and “evil.” A lot people say there’s no good and evil because of just an instinctual rebellion against religiosity, so to speak. But that’s not enough. If you’re going to rebel against good and evil, you’ve got to figure out what you’re rebelling against. If you’re going to say, “Good and evil doesn’t exist,” you’ve got to say what it is you believe does not exist.

So we’re going to define what good and evil is. What’s the normal definition that people have?

Audience: “Like breaking the Ten Commandments.”

JJ: Yeah. Take the typical religious person. What does he call good and what does he call evil?

Audience: “Stuff of God is good; stuff of the devil is evil.”

JJ: Yeah. And that’s kind of nebulous, isn’t it? What belongs to the devil and what belongs to God? If you’re doing God’s will, you’re good; if you’re doing the devil’s will, you’re bad. Well, that’s pretty nebulous because if you’re in the Seventh-day Adventists, you think the born-againers are evil, and the born-againers think the Seventh-day Adventists are evil. So who’s right about what’s evil there? So when we look at these nebulous definitions of good and evil, well it is  no wonder that a lot people discount what it is.

But let’s look at what good and evil really is in the cosmic sense. Now, Sharón defined that a minute ago. Why don’t you define that again, Sharón.

Sharón: “Good is that which takes you forward, and evil is that which takes you backwards on your path. That’s not my definition; that’s in your archives.”

JJ: Right. And I actually didn’t originate that definition. That comes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey through the Master DK. Good is that which moves us forward in evolution. Evil is that which takes us backward. So let’s pick somebody who everybody agrees is evil who is Hitler. Was Hitler moving us forward in evolution or trying to take us back.

Audience: “Backwards.”

JJ: Right. He looked at the kingdoms of the past — the past glories of Germany where they were led by a great and powerful tyrant. He didn’t look at himself as a tyrant of course, but a dictator. And he wanted to bring the past glories back. He was bringing back the past in so many ways, it’s hard to believe. He was bringing back the past by concentrating on form instead of spirit. He authorized a lot of experiments to create the perfect human being through breeding and things like this, and he had a certain type of human being in mind that he wanted everybody to eventually look like. That’s the past.

On the other hand, leaders like Churchill and FDR — what were hey concentrating on? They were concentrating on moving ahead to where man has not been before. FDR enunciated the four freedoms. Churchill had a lot of great ideas about unifying the nations, bringing them all together. He had ideas like producing a United States of Europe type of situation. Both of them were forward thinking and had ideas that would move mankind onward. Hitler wanted to return to the glories of the past. That which brings us forward is good. That which takes us back is evil.

Now, if this is what good and evil is, then if you say there is no good, what are you saying? You’re saying, “I don’t believe in progress. I don’t believe that I can move to spirit. I do not believe I can return to God. I do not believe that my life will be better tomorrow than it is today. I do not believe that I can achieve happiness tomorrow if I’m not so happy today.” Is this what we really want to believe? Do we want to not believe in that?

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dec 1, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 23

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 23

JJ: The third concept is revelation. As we said, one leads to another. Meditation leads to contemplation; contemplation leads to revelation. Revelation is used in a lot of different ways. What does it mean if I say I got a revelation?

Audience: “Something has been revealed to you.”

JJ: Right. Something has been revealed to you that you didn’t really know before. If you get a revelation for the planet, it means you have something revealed to you that nobody knew. If you get a personal revelation, it means something is revealed to you that you personally didn’t know but maybe other people knew; but something just dawned on you that you didn’t know before.

So there are revelations where you may be just studying something and your mind puts things together and this produces a revelation for you. But is there a higher revelation than that — than just putting things together with your mind?

Audience: “Yeah, it’s through the Holy Spirit.”

JJ: Right. Through the Holy Spirit. Okay. What happens when you get a revelation through the Holy Spirit? Wayne?

Wayne: “Well, I was going to answer a question before you asked the second one, but revelation is just realization, where you understand the concept and the aspects about it that you are concerned with.”

JJ: Okay. Realization. That’s interesting. So Wayne says revelation is very similar to realization. It’s true; you may be contemplating a seed thought, an idea that has just been bothering you, it’s going over and over in your mind, and all of a sudden you realize something, and this is like a revelation.

Audience: “I was just thinking, the Holy Spirit, for one thing, reveals the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit reveals the knowledge of all things. To be enlightened by the Holy Spirit is to have an understanding, not just to think. It’s coming from a source which is beyond you.”

JJ: Okay. One of the things I’ve taught about the Holy Spirit is that the language of the Holy Spirit is the language of principles. Now we’ve just been talking about a principle which is “energy follows thought.” That’s a principle. A principle is worth a thousand facts, because principles allow you to put together information in such a way that it paints a whole picture.

In other words, the difference between the principle is looking at a picture completely formed — and a picture is worth a thousand words — and then looking at a word describing the picture. The word describing a picture, like “beautiful,” is a piece of data, but there’s a thousand beautiful pictures. That doesn’t tell you much about the picture, just that it’s beautiful or it has red colors in it or red leaves. Well, what does that tell you? But when you see the picture, it’s worth a thousand words. When you see a principle, it’s worth a thousand pieces of data. And this is the language of the soul — it is the language of principles.

And so, to get revelation through the soul, a person must understand what a principle is. Otherwise, the only revelation he will get will be realization through putting 2 + 2 together through the power of the mind. Through the power of the mind, you can come up with some interesting conclusions and theories, but through the soul you can come up with packages — quantums — of information. Remember, physics talks about quantums of packages of power, so to speak.

So, a revelation through the soul is a quantum of spiritual knowledge, because the soul doesn’t deal much with facts. If you seek, through the soul, to know, say, for instance, a piece of data — like what the far side of the moon looks like, or whatever — you probably will never find out unless you learn the principle of astral travel and can travel there and look at it. But just asking through the soul what it would look like in some unknown place, or how many planets are circulating around Alpha Centauri or whatever, those are pieces of data. But to understand and seek a revelation through the soul, a person must understand the principle of principles itself.

Can anyone here give me another principle?

  Audience: “Justice. Truth.”

  Audience: “Those aren’t principles.”

  Lorraine: “How about, ‘As above, so below.’”

JJ: They’re related to a principle, but you have to find the principle that has something to do with truth. Okay, “as above, so below” — the Law of Correspondences. Lorraine just gave us a principle, and the principle is this: The Law of Correspondences — as above, so below — which means if we look at creation below, like in the atomic world, and then look at creation above, we’re going to see correspondences; in other words, similarities. So we look at an atom, and it’s composed of a nucleus, and it’s circled about by electrons, and it’s very much like a solar system, which has a nucleus which is the sun, circled about by planets. But the way, the Law of Correspondences works is, God, when he creates above, does not do things exactly the same. He operates on the lower principle and then alters it because he gets bored doing the same thing over and over, so he does it with a twist. Some early scientists looked at the atom and they thought, “Well, maybe it’s exactly like a solar system,” but then they discovered, “No, it’s like it but not exactly like it.” And that’s the way it is with the Law of Correspondences.

So, using the Law of Correspondences– for instance, earlier we were talking about corresponding water to the emotions. Well, there are differences between water and emotions, but there are similarities between water and emotions. There are differences between the air and mind, but there are similarities. And using the correspondences, you can come to many points of truth.

Yes, Lorraine?

Lorraine: “You know, I was just going to say, I was contemplating the other day that Dr. Emoto thing about messages in water, and in the movie ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’ they said that our bodies are 90% water, and then I recognized that the earth is 75% water also. So I’m contemplating that in my mind and it suddenly occurred to me that, what if the water on our earth is part of a design. In other words, God knew that we were going to have emotions kind of bouncing around the atmosphere, so our planet has water on it to catch all the…”

JJ: Yeah, you said that earlier and I thought it was really good how it just struck me because it fits in the Law of Correspondences.

Lorraine: “That’s right. That’s what I thought, too. Our body, the body of the earth, holds emotions… (inaudible).”

JJ: So the Law of Correspondences is a principle. When we understand principles, then it makes it much easier to get divine revelation.

All great reforms require one to dare a lot to win a little. —William L. O’Neill

Nov 29, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 22

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 22
Positive & Negative Meditation

JJ: There are two types of meditation, a positive and a negative meditation. Does anyone know what the difference is? They both have their uses.

Audience: “I think if you concentrate on negative thoughts you’re actually meditating on it.”

JJ: I don’t mean negative bad. There are two polarities in meditation. They’re both good but there are two different types.

 Audience: “Sleepy and awake (laughter).

“Passive and active?

“Being the observer? Being the observer is a negative connotation.”

JJ: It depends. You can be an observer in both types. The two types are the receptive meditation and the active meditation. Anybody know what the difference is?

 Audience: “In one you are just listening and in the other you focus?”

JJ: The negative meditation is the normal thing we call meditation. You sit and try to still your mind and receive from your higher consciousness. This has a lot of benefits. It lowers your blood pressure, it’s good for your health, it calms you down and helps you sleep more peacefully. You concentrate on receiving. You empty your mind and develop a peaceful feeling. This has a lot of positive aspects. Now, what is an active meditation?

Audience: “Focusing on something.”

JJ: That’s the second part of our discourse tonight. It’s contemplation. Contemplation is the act of meditation. What does it mean to contemplate? When you contemplate do you want your mind empty? No, you have something in your mind when you contemplate. So, there are two types. One you empty yourself out and this one is generally pursued by people who want an inner peace or to be a receiver and to receive impressions from the higher consciousness, the higher self or higher beings. To contemplate is different. It requires a seed thought. Does anyone know what a seed thought is?

Wayne: “It’s the point to which you direct your concentration.”

JJ: Okay. A seed thought for these basketball players who didn’t practice was making baskets. They didn’t just empty their minds. They had their mind full of a thought and that thought was to visualize shooting and making the basket. that was a seed thought for them and they apparently did it successfully because it actually improved their game. I wonder if you can do that with pool? You should try that Wayne so you can beat Curtis more regularly.

You contemplate a seed thought and it leads to revelation. The one thing that I did right when I was a young guy in the Mormon church is that I memorized a lot of scriptures. I found that those scriptures were like seed thoughts. At times twenty years later I might be driving down the road and a scripture that I memorized twenty years ago is going through my mind. Something like “You shall know the truth. The truth shall set you free.” Something simple that you think you understand completely and all of a sudden something new comes.

It’s good to have seed thoughts because we often find ourselves in circumstances where we’re driving or whatever and might feel like we’re wasting time but you can let that seed thought roll around in your mind. I found I received a lot of benefit, while I was driving, from seeds planted in my mind. I used to live in New Plymouth which is 50 miles from Boise. I worked in Boise and drove there every day. I grumbled about it a lot but on hindsight it was probably good for me because I did a lot of thinking. While I was driving there would be seed thoughts going through my mind that would produce a lot of interesting inspiration.

Wayne: “How many horses did you hit with your car?”

JJ: Just one. It was an expensive race horse. This guy’s horse ran onto the highway and I ran right over it. It ruined my car. He thought it was my fault, but the horse just jumped right out in front of me. It was Highway 44. Race horses aren’t supposed to be galloping down the highway.

There were benefits to me driving such a long distance every day. Now I kind of miss it. Now I make signs and oftentimes while I’m working making signs I have time to think. Actually, it takes me almost as long to get to work now only a few miles away as it did when I was 50 miles away. When I was 50 miles away in New Plymouth [Idaho, USA] I could go about 75 mph until I got to Boise so it took me only 45 or 50 minutes. Now it takes me a half an hour to drive the 5 or 10 miles to our office through traffic. So I’m not saving much time and because I’m fighting traffic it’s much harder to concentrate on seed thoughts. When I was whizzing down the highway with nothing to do but stare straight ahead it was a lot more productive for meditating. My mind is on automatic pilot a lot of the time when I go to work so I need to really watch myself and be aware or people are honking at me for doing something wrong.

Let’s contemplate some seed thoughts. What do you think a good seed thought would be for meditation reasons? Does anyone remember reading any in the Alice A. Bailey writings? You can use a lot of her writings. Let’s say the three aspects of the first ray is will, power, purpose. Think of the names of the first ray. Father is one of the names, Will, Power and Purpose. What does that mean? What does the word “Purpose” mean? Why is it associated with one of the aspects of God? There are three major aspects of God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They’re called the first aspect, the Father, the second aspect is the Son and the third aspect is the Holy Ghost. Let’s say we want to understand this. We put seed thoughts in our mind and in his instance the seed thought is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You ask, “What’s the difference between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?” And you think about this and see what ideas come. Maybe think about it for a week or two and you’ll have ideas begin to manifest. Then you break it down. You think, “Okay I kind of have a rough idea of the difference so let’s look at the aspects.” The Father aspect is Ray One. Ray one breaks down to three sub-aspects which are Will, Power and Purpose. What does this tell me about this First Ray energy? The Second Ray energy is Love, Wisdom and Understanding. That’s connected to the Christ Principle. The third, the Holy Spirit Principle is by an Active Intelligence, but it breaks down to Light, Knowledge, and Activity. Those would be the three basic aspects there. And you can break them down in different ways.

Let’s go back, then, to the Father energy — Will, Power, and Purpose. Then you ask yourself: Well, what is the Will of God? What does will mean? So you think on that. And when you think on that, ideas will begin to manifest to you. Maybe a little bit different angles of Will than you have heard in church or whatever. “The Will of God demands you do this.” Well, what is the Will of God? And then examine Purpose in relation to this. How does Purpose relate to God? How is Purpose different from Will? And then Power. What does the Power of God mean in relation to this? So you ask yourself these questions.

One of the basic differences between “he who is enlightened” and “he who is not” is: He who is enlightened will ask questions — will put seed thoughts into his mind and will ask questions about them. “Well, what does this mean?” And then he will keep asking those questions until the answers come.

The person who is a poor student that asks questions will progress much faster than a good student who asks no questions. Because when you ask a question and demand an answer, then the answer is incorporated in your system through your soul much more profoundly than if somebody just tells you something and you weren’t particularly interested in knowing but you have some teacher just telling you. But if you’re asking the question, if you really want to know, then you have discovered the path to true knowledge — the path to understanding principles.

Meditation is a mental discipline that enables us to do one thing at a time. — Max Picard

Nov 26, 2009

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