
Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  That old enemy fear keeps many from moving toward the light of truth.

2  If all fears are related to a fear of loss, then this fear of loss is the primal fear that keeps us from all truth.

3  Fear of rejection in some form is probably the second most common fear related to loss.

4  When one person in a group discovers a new truth that is not accepted by the others, there will indeed be a loss and if that possibility of loss is not accepted by the seeker, a fear will indeed surface.

5  Perhaps the greatest overriding fear of one approaching the straight and narrow path between the two extremes of error, is the fear of hell, the fear of God’s wrath, the fear of being wrong or guilty before God, the fear of losing one’s soul or eternal life. These are all related to the fear of the unknown because no aspirant knows for sure the true fate that awaits him beyond the veil.

6  All have to face the fear of God at one time or another and the fear of God has more potency than any fear of a devil.

7  Fear is not always related to illusionary beliefs. Often this is true but such is not always the case.

8  The typical New Ager is a little like Luke in Star Wars who thought he had everything down. The initiate is like Yoda who knows of the realities to come and tells him “…you shall fear.”

9  Many go through numerous lifetimes with this non-fear belief until they encounter the Dweller on the Threshold. This dweller is terrifying enough, yet to destroy this Dweller one must face the Angel of the Presence which is even more terrifying because this, once encountered, is of such power that it will feel like you could be destroyed body mind and spirit with a blink of an eye. Moses had to spend 40 years in contemplation of the presence before he mustered the courage to face it.

10  Fear is based on truth. How one reacts to truth perceived determines the fear.

11  Even a fear within a dream is based on truth.

12  [The Mormon Prophet] Joseph Smith made the interesting statement that “God created the worlds with fear and trembling.”  This would explain why “fear has its roots in the warp and woof of matter itself.”

13  Fear is overcome through using the mind to calculate the best possible moves to eliminate the perceived future loss.

14  It is true that many have fears that are not justified because of wrong perception.

15  When perception and calculation are accurate then fear will be based on the real.

16  This portrayal of fear by many teachers of the day, as a thing held only by the deluded, the unloving, the unevolved or the ignorant, has led many into great illusion. Because many seekers have swallowed this pleasant sounding doctrine without processing it through the mind they enter into a world of deception and denial.

17  That fear which is denied or suppressed does not go away. Instead it foments and grows and when it resurfaces it will loom greater than it was at the moment of burial.

18  Perfect love casteth out fear, but it does not prevent the pilgrim from encountering and facing the fear.

19  The most important fear to master is the fear of fear, for he who fears fear will pretend to himself that he has no fear in any circumstances. Fear thus becomes a seed growing in the dark seeking the light of day.

20  If we release ourselves from sending attention toward the cause of fear, the fear will die through attrition.

21  Fear of being worthy is a big hurdle for many.

22  Fear is a huge barrier to soul contact, but I submit that there is another barrier much larger, one that you will not see written about in New Age philosophy that I know of. He who has fear yet overcomes this barrier will reach the soul before he who has no fear and does not overcome it. What is it?

23  We fear because we give too much attention to pain and negative repercussions of things that may happen to us.

24  To speak of fearful things without fear is to overcome the fear of fear.

25  Fear of fear is one of the greatest tools of the beast.

26  All people of feeling fear that which they do not understand and mistake it as being an evil thing. They are ignorant of the workings of the mind nor do they care to understand, as they feel their foundation will fall.

27  Quantum changes for the better are almost non existent because of the fear of change that exists among the masses.

28  I have learned by experience that even great fear is no barrier for it can be immediately cancelled by a powerful decision and if such a decision is in alignment with the will of the soul then you immediately move toward the Kingdom of God and soul contact.

29  I’ve heard rumors for years now that our economy is supposed to collapse because of some switch in oil currency but can’t find anything reliable to back up the fear that is circulated by some.

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