Predictions, Prognostications and Prophecy

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  This world as we understand it is not coming to an end, but many ways of thinking are.

2  We are now living in the time that all prophets and holy men had visions and dreams of, but were not able to taste for themselves.

3  Now it is true that anything is possible, but there are always conditions that have to be met before the unmanifest becomes manifest.

4  Any mortal man or woman claiming to be Mighty and Strong is really “nothing” from a higher point of view for only the one true Spirit of God manifesting in us is Mighty and Strong.

5  There are certain great events which are predetermined and which will take place despite the decisions of mankind, but there are other events which are predicated on the cooperation and decision of the workers of light.

6  Prophesies can be fulfilled either physically or on a higher level. The course is determined by those who have stewardship over the captive students and political realms of the earth. The events to come are more related to the natural law of cause and effect than it is the decision of an angry God.

7  It is interesting to note that there are probably over a hundred people of Mormon belief who have proclaimed themselves to be this one Mighty and Strong and hundreds more of other faiths who make similar claims to be a mighty prophet or messiah, or even God himself. It is also interesting to note that none of them are mighty and none of them have more than normal strength.

8  Prophesy does not have to end with calamity on the physical plane. The judgment of God could be a correction from God as the voice of the Spirit is allowed into the heart to speak to the souls of men and change them so the consumption will be a consumption of old outworn teachings and not a consumption of physical calamity.

9  People on one hand expect great destruction or expect to be swooped up into heaven to be saved, or they expect life to be preserved as it is with no effort on their part. Both views are reckless.

10  Ancient prophets always spoke with dual meaning. On one hand, their prophecies applied to the people in the day they were living, and on the other it applied to a future corresponding generation.

11  If a future holocaust is prevented it will not void the scriptures as everyone thinks, for a correspondence to most of the prophecies of doom have occurred several times.

12  One thing to look for in fulfillment of prophecy is the principle behind the prediction.

13  Mental and astral correspondences always precede the physical, and the physical correspondence to an inspired prophecy does not always materialize.

14  Let us work toward the fulfillment of prophesies on the mental and astral levels and not the physical, for physical externalization does not have to occur in this cycle if those with vision do their part.

15  No prophet in history has ever made clearly understandable predictions of the future that came one hundred percent literally true. Not even Jesus.

16  The greatest prophecy in the scriptures concerning the kingdom of God was given by the ancient prophet Daniel. Unfortunately, this is one of the most widely used but least understood scriptures on the planet.

17  The old orders of controlling the souls of mankind through glamour, illusion and force will be destroyed as Daniel predicted, and will be replaced by higher orders that link heaven and earth bringing greater freedom to the children of men.

18  I have found that every single prediction that the “conspiracy under every rock” person has had has been wrong.

19  The truth is that there are circles of conspiracy, but no one I have seen has put their finger on how it works or what the plan really is. If anti-conspirators had the truth then they should be able to predict with some degree of accuracy.

20  I personally have found great value in contemplating the predictions in the Revelation of John and find the accuracy of his words amazing. It is truly helpful to understand the meaning of the beast and its unjust authority which has an effect on every man woman and child on the planet.

21  A Master can make some amazing predictions, but still cannot see all things.

22  The prediction [concerning a mortal man or woman] could still be valid if this one whom the Mighty and Strong Spirit of God will work through was born in the days of the seventh President [of The Mormon Church].

23  Not one person [out] of 6 billion has [ever] been able to give a detailed account of even one day in advance, let alone a thousand years. This gives proof with about 99.999 percent surety that the future is not set.

24  To think that all events and decisions in the universe can be predicted when scientists cannot even predict the path of a rat through a maze is an amazing thought.

25  The unpredictability of many future events is not caused by randomness, but it’s opposite. It is caused by intelligent intervention to create that which is not random.

26  Intelligence, free will and purpose are not predictable in detail because they exist outside the illusion of time and space yet create all the causes in time and space.

27  I cannot even predict what I will do in all circumstances in the future let alone what you will do. What data could I possibly put in my computer to know how you would react to a naked saleslady?

28  The principle of cycles is this:  Cycles are repetitions in time. The principle of cycles is what makes prophecy possible.

29  Many things are set and can be predicted, but not all.

30  Exactly how close the [a] prophecy comes to a literal fulfillment depends on the freewill of men and circumstances that freewill will bring about.

31  I know the time is close for Excalibur to be released from the stone once again, but I will not predict the exact date.

32  The biggest surprises over the next two hundred years are not predicted by anyone with any degree of accuracy in the present.

33  The prophecy of Jonah was meant to teach that freewill can always control events.

34  One or two mild predictions that are wrong does not necessarily mean that the teacher has no light to offer, but a number of outlandish predictions that are far removed from reality is a sure sign that you should take your losses and run.

35  It is interesting that all have heard of the great last battle at Armageddon. Therefore it is of interest to note that the scripture just ends here. No battle is described. What then really happens at Armageddon?

36  History proves that a prophecy based on common sense is usually the most accurate.

37  The reason so many predictions, even from a spiritual source, do not materialize, is that the divine purpose is fulfilled on higher levels and a physical materialization becomes unnecessary.

38  It’s obvious that anyone who is stockpiling weapons, for instance, preparing for doomsday and the final battle of Armageddon is going to make a lot of authorities nervous – no matter what their message is. If a person or group looks like a loose cannon, they will indeed be watched very closely.

37  The world is no more wicked than it has ever been before.

38  The astounding prophecies of doom and a great Antichrist is just a smokescreen used by the Dark Brotherhood to cast an illusion over the real beast, antichrist and meaning of 666 so the masses will continue to bear the mark.

39  A prophecy can be made to be fulfilled. If it was not uttered in the first place, a corresponding event would not have been produced.

40  If we are successful in establishing a democracy in Iraq and other Moslem nations follow its example then the conspiracy will move on. If democracy fails then the conspiracy will stay there for some time and attempt to destroy the free world.

41  The scripture says what the scripture says and may or may not have reference to things we will be involved in.

42  The chances are now that another Antichrist after the manner of Hitler will not gain power and that the prophecies concerning him will not be literally fulfilled, just as the prophecy of Jonah was not fulfilled. It all depends on the amount of light and love generated by the people.

43  The fulfillment of an inspired prophesy should correspond to all parts of that prophesy.

44  Believe me, no one who read anything about conspiracy theory in the sixties and seventies expected us to move into a new century without a major depression.

45  I know the economy is fragile and we always have a danger facing us in it, but the problem is that there is little that we as individuals can do about it except in preparing the best we can for emergencies. Let us hope things hold together until the time of the gathering.

46  Religion several hundred years from now will be much different than it is today.

47  Diverse groups will demonstrate that there are many ways to worship God which bring similar results, and they will gain an appreciation of each others ceremonies and beneficial teachings.

48  There will be many people making a break from their mother religion in ideology while still remaining membership in name.

49  Churches are now approaching a point of tension where there will shortly be a revolutionary war of rebellion within the world of religion. This war will be fought on both the emotional and mental planes.

50  Eventually, the invisible God will be seen as the head of all spiritual movements and the various groups of seekers will be diverse as were the original thirteen states, yet united in purpose. These break offs will be seen in all religions including the non Christian.

51  Even though future cities and communities of Light may not follow an exact pyramid formation many correspondences of the pyramid will be seen. Eventually there will even be a cities in outerspace symbolizing the top of the pyramid.

52  The heavens and the earth will come together and eventually produce the Great Transfiguration of the Earth, but the total event will occur over a long period of time. It will begin with a periodic and occasional transfiguration of individuals, then small groups of individuals, then larger groups, and later entire cities of Zion. Finally the transfiguration will spread over the entire earth and the “whole earth will be filled with the glory of God”.

53  If the world does not prepare the hearts to accept the coming of the entity who is Christ and learn to live in peace with one another, then all we will receive is the physical externalization of the Sign of the Son of Man. As we all know, a full scale nuclear war could bring the “utter destruction” that was prophesied.

54  The holocaust under Hitler was for this cycle, and we do not need another one, but if it comes it will be the grand daddy of them all.

55  Seeking to change the hearts of man is fine, but if that is all we do then the doomsayers wishes will come true, and the world as we know it will be erased through weapons of mass destruction.

56  The only wild card in the immediate future is not natural destruction, but weapons of mass destruction that can be set off by the free will of humanity.

57  Remember to always look for at least two interpretations to every prophecy of destruction and let your mind contemplate the spiritual side, for there is a great thoughtform of doom hovering over mankind composed of strong emotional energy and this in itself is the strongest threat to world peace. One must be careful not to add to this energy, but to work toward the shifting of the attention of mankind to spiritual deliverance so the thoughtform of destruction will die from lack of attention.

58  Any honest observer will admit that mankind is making progress toward the injunction of Jesus to “do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” but have we done enough? Do we still need seriously consider the prophecies of destruction? Perhaps.

59  Using logic and principles one can predict possibilities, but in the demonstration of an idea you have free will and unforeseen circumstances entering in making it impossible to predict all the details.

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