The Principle of Losing

The Principle of Losing

Question: Could you expand that idea a bit–in what manner does one ‘lose oneself’ in order to ‘find oneself,’ except metaphorically?

The standard view of the scripture is that if one is called upon to sacrifice his life or become a martyr for God he will gain eternal life, but if he is not willing to do this he will not obtain that glorious life in the hereafter. While there is some truth in this literal interpretation the principle is overlooked. While a narrow application of a principle is often rejected by the logical mind a principle itself when properly explained is usually seen and accepted even by the person of reason who has not obtained soul contact.

Here is the scripture again:

“Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” Luke 17:33

The principle:

If we put our full attention on saving or preserving a thing because of selfishness or lower desire that thing will slip away from us and be as if it never was. If the seeker is attached to this object of illusion much pain will be the result.

If we can overcome attachment to the object of lower desire and let go then we not only have available the lower as needed but open the door to higher life and enjoyment.

Let’s apply this principle to a practical situation.

Let us say you fall in love and desire this person more than any person you have ever met. You try to ensure that you will possess this person by throwing all your attention on him or her. You call six times a day, you buy flowers, candy, run errands and at the loved one’s beck and call 24/7.

The effect is you scare the dickens out of her and she avoids you like the plague.

Another person also meets the love of his life but he understands this principle and is willing to risk losing her to win her. He doesn’t come on too strong and is himself around her even at the risk of not impressing her and losing her. She senses the freedom she has with him and that she could lose him if she doesn’t respond so he winds up winning her affection.

Spiritual healers also teach this principle with their work. They say that if the ill person puts all his attention on being healed from his disease the disease usually gets worse. He has to take his attention off the disease as well as healing and let it go. In other words, obtain the frame of mind that he has not care whether he is healed or not. Then he needs to live his life as if he is in perfect health. He thus loses his attachment to health as well as the disease and is healed in the process.

There are hundreds of applications to this principle. Jesus was just using it in relation to the situation faced by his disciples.

Here are a few other things I have written in the past about the scripture in question:

Quote #1:

When the lower desires govern decision-making, the Son of God that is within each of us is bound in chains and has no freedom of expression. When the higher desires govern decision-making, the Son of God is released from his prison and sits upon his throne to direct the lower self to greater expression and fulfillment. Thus, the whole self becomes free. This is one of the meanings of the injunction:

“Whosoever shall seek to save his life (lower self) shall lose it (not find what he is seeking); and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”

When we yield up (or lose) the lower self to the higher, we find the greatest expression of the whole.

Quote #2:

The pilgrim treads the path as the humble lamb which is herded about and controlled by many shepherds, some good and some not so good. With each new shepherd he thinks he has found the ultimate truth, but each time this happens he finds he is only herded about until eventually he winds up on the kill floor. As the lamb faces death by the hands of those with whom he was supposed to trust, and all his friends flee to a safe distance, the lion is born from the humble lamb; he rises from what seemed to be a dead end, seizes kingdom and opens the seven seals which before were beyond his grasp.

Even so it is with us. Each of us must find the peaceful Christ consciousness within and humbly follow it even as a lamb follows his shepherd, until the point of tension is reached. Then, the initiate, or the lion part of the Christ, is resurrected and seizes the pillars of knowledge. The lion of Christ realizes the shepherds can only take him so far, even with the help of the lamb of Christ within.

Eventually, ‘Carpe Diem’ comes to his consciousness and he finds he must not only seize the day, but he must seize the kingdom.

Seizing the kingdom is a great mystery and exact instructions for it cannot be put into earthly words. The path of the lamb can be put into words and followed and this takes the pilgrim to the threshold. At the threshold the revelation comes and the lion comes to life and has an innate knowing of how to take the scroll out of the right hand of power and open the seals.

Until that day comes the pilgrim must play the role of the lamb of God, follow the highest he knows and as well as the promptings of the Christ within, even if it seems he will be slain.

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matt 16:25-26)

The lamb seems to have been slain, but rises with the strength of a lion and takes the kingdom. At that point the Christ within says:

“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matt 28:18)

All things are now possible, but he no longer wants all things. He wants to see the will of God done on the earth as it is in heaven and accepts that portion of the marvelous work which belongs to him.

Quote #3:

Even Christ cared about things as enlightened as He was. What I mean is that you’re not attached to things so that if you see that something needs to be done for the benefit of humanity you will allow yourself to lose your life. Remember Christ said, ‘He that loses his life for my sake shall find it. And he that seeks to save his life shall lose it.’ In other words, true enlightenment is when you’re willing to let everything go for the greater good. When you have that state of mind, when you’re willing to let everything go whether it be your wife, your kids, your job, your money, your house or your life itself, when you’re willing to let all that go for the greater good and sacrifice it then you’ve made a great step toward enlightenment.

Larry said maybe we’re just shifting our attachment from self to being attached to the greater good. That’s true. It’s a series of new attachments, perhaps we could say. We’re attached to our life then we switch our attachment to the greater good. Later on we find something above the life of the greater good so we switch our attention and keep switching our attention until we get to the whole one life.

There’s always somebody who is paid too much, and taxed too little – and it’s always somebody else. – Cullen Hightower

Sept 10, 2007

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Finding the Seekers


Finding the Seekers

A friend of our group wants to promote what I would call a bridge website for Mormons who want to know more but are too shaky or nervous to come on to a site like the Keys.

I think this is a good idea. Even so accomplishing the goal may be somewhat difficult.

I know this from experience.

After I “graduated” from the LDS organization and authoritarianism I recalled the scripture which says that many people are looking for the truth, but know not where to find it. I figured that now I was free to speak my mind I could reach many Mormons who would be happy to learn that higher knowledge is available.

I got together with my nephew Curtis and together we brainstormed how best to do this. We concluded that the nearest place to us with a high-density Mormon population was Idaho Falls, about 300 miles from Boise.

We rented a conference room at the Holiday Inn and ran ads in the local daily paper. Then we went down there three days before the event and passed out flyers all over town. I can’t remember the topic but I think it had something to do with the mystery of God and receiving revelation. We thought it would stimulate interest but evidently there was something in the ad that raised a red flag.

The big day finally came and Curtis and I prepared to receive the multitude of seekers storming the door.

We waited and waited and waited and no one came. As we were about to fold up and go home one lone soul finally drifted in.

It was a sixteen-year-old kid.

We welcomed him and asked him what caused him to come.

He said he came to call us to repentance.

Curtis and I looked at each other and we didn’t have to speak. We knew what each other was thinking. This was worse than no one showing up. It was adding insult to injury to have a brainwashed kid show up calling for us to repent from seeking the mysteries of the kingdom.

This was indeed a needed wake up call. From that moment on we knew we had an uphill battle if we thought we were going to attract Mormons with teachings that are out of the box.

After this we reached out to Mormons in every way that seemed possible and nothing seemed to work. We even ran some national ads and the few we attracted were often quite odd individuals. One extreme was filled with glamour and wanted to be the new Moses. The other were people who were expecting the world to end and wanted to go live in the wilderness like the Amish, but with lots of guns – kind of like Randy Weaver on Ruby Ridge.

In addition to that we attracted many more non Mormons to our teachings than we did Mormons.

Here’s the funny thing. When we gave up on the idea of approaching the Mormons directly and just presented teachings without the religious overtones to the general public we had much greater success. I first met my wife, Artie, at a seminar I gave on reincarnation where about 400 people attended.

The funny thing about throwing out a big net is that quite a few people who showed up were Mormons. This stunned me that many more Mormons came to listen to us when we were not going after them, then when we were.

I even spent a period where I was a professional astrologer as I thought it would be a fun way to make a living. Again, I was surprised that a number of people who came for readings were active Mormons.

Here’s what I found. Many Mormons are indeed looking for truth outside the box, but their leaders put the fear of God in them about associating with former excommunicated Mormons such as myself. If they do not feel threatened many, or at least some will listen.

Our Mormon friend is wise in seeking to establish a non threatening environment in an attempt to find those who are seeking. I’m happy to see anyone experiment in this direction as I think there are many Mormons who need some stimulation but are scared away if one comes on too strong.

His group uses the pendulum principle I have taught and this causes concern to some. He teaches about it in his own words and this limited borrowing of my material does not concern me.

If he or anyone else needs to quote significant portions of my writings then in most cases I will freely cooperate if I am asked permission.

Speaking of borrowing from me I found a new age book on Amazon called “There’s Nothing too Good to be True.” I’ll bet the guy got the title from reading The Immortal.

“If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see.” — Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

Sept 6, 2007

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Truth from Outside and Inside

Truth from Outside and Inside

A Bailey critic presented the idea that Alice A. Bailey was a regular trans channeler and DK was merely some spirit. He lectured me on a number of items. This was my reply:

First let me correct you on [Djwahl Khul] DK. He is a man in a physical body living in Tibet. I don’t know where you get the idea he is a spirit. Alice A. Bailey even got mail from him and was visited by a Master in a physical body.

Thanks for the moralistic lecture of going within. You seem to be confused as to what I think on the subject. Perhaps I can clarify this for you.

Many say “truth is never about the outside.”

Now when the majority of people hear this they will think “Yes, of course that is true. The Kingdom of God is within.”

Now let me give you a statement which is equally true, but which you may not have heard before.

“Truth is never on the inside.”

If truth is not on the outside or the inside then where is truth?

Answer: Truth is discovered through the interplay of that which is outside with that which is inside. We observe that which is outside and reflect it off that which is inside and through the power of the soul truth is registered.

To illustrate this all we need do is to look at the two extremes.

Outside extreme:

A person on this extreme will not seek to register truth within, but have it verified by an authority without to whom he has given his power.

Example One:

“The earth is only six thousand years old.”

“How do you know that?”

“The Bible says so?”

“How do you know the Bible is literally true?”

“My parents taught me.”

“What makes you think your parents are right?”

“They just are!”

Here the person is basing his version of truth on that which was given from the outside with no inside reflection.

Example Two:

“The cause of the California energy crisis is deregulation.”

“What makes you think that is the cause?”

“I heard it on the news.”

“Why do you think the news is correct?”

“Well, they wouldn’t say it if it were not true.”

This person is as far away from the truth as the first because his authority is the Beast — which is an outward authority accepted “just because.”

Now let us look at the other extreme.

Example One:

Ron: “All knowledge is as you perceive it from within.”

Jim: “You mean that if I perceive from within that Al Gore won the election then Gore would be in the White House now and not Bush?”

Ron: “That would then be your truth.”

Jim: “And if I perceive within that the earth is 6000 years old then that would be how old it is?”

Ron: “That would be your truth.”

Here Ron mixes up truth with perception. If you perceive something from within it is only true that you perceived it, but it does not follow that your perception is true.

Imagine trying to contact your friends by using phone numbers you randomly perceive from within. It would be pretty frustrating.

This idea that whatever you perceive is true is a huge leap in taking us away from truth rather than toward it. If everything is true just because you think it is, then the search for truth ends for there is nothing left to search for. If the search for truth ends then no further increase in light will come and the person is reduced to a stagnant, I AM rather than I AM BECOMING.

Example Two:

We have all heard cases where some cruel adult locked up a child in his room for ten years or more, so the child had no contact with the outside world.

Now in this case the child is forced to go within for his stimulation and learning from without is close to zero.

If learning from within is the goal, then after ten years in isolation the kid should be a genius, right?

Not quite. The interesting thing that researchers have discovered is that during these long periods of isolation the child learned virtually nothing and his consciousness was as if the ten years did not exist.

If the child were locked up at the age of five and released at fifteen he will still see himself as a five-year old. Lack of stimulation from without brought his progression to a halt.

This lack of progression is something that I have observed in both extremes of thought. The literal Bible believer cannot get past his outward authority riveting him into his mindset and the “all is within” person will not take an objective look at reality as it is.

I mentioned earlier about a time that some Keys members were trying to convince me that all knowledge is within so I gave them a challenge.

I wrote down a one-digit number in my notebook and challenged the group to go within and retrieve it. Now as soon as I wrote that in the notebook it became true that in this moment in time and space, I had indeed written a certain number.

The group guessed every number they could think of from 1 through 9, and none of them were correct. They were beside themselves until someone realized that it must be a negative number. Finally, when the group was headed the right direction through the process of elimination and about a half dozen more guesses they discovered that the answer was minus 2.

The interesting thing is that no one by going within was able to even discover the direction of the number (positive or negative) let alone the number until almost all wrong answers were eliminated.

Now it is true that the number was written in the akasha and an adept could have retrieved it, but none in the group who were preaching that they have this great power to go within and find truth were able to.

The question is this. What good does it do a person to believe that they can go within and retrieve all knowledge when they cannot manifest that belief?

The final test of the validity of a belief is whether or not the belief can be demonstrated.

So how would an adept have retrieved the number? Wouldn’t he have gotten it from within?

Answer: No. Within alone does not cut it. He would have gone to his higher senses within and observed the Akashic records without. Using a balance of the within and the without he could have retrieved the number.

So why am I teaching this and why is this important information?

The answer is this: if a person has the simple belief that all he has to do to get any information in the universe is to go within, then, if this belief is strong enough, it creates a thoughtform that hovers around the seeker almost as a separate living entity that has a life of its own. This quasi entity also picks up information from questionable sources and feeds the seeker.

What often happens next is that the seeker gets more and more facts and data fed to him from the thoughtform. Usually there is no way to confirm whether or not this data is true and no principles are ever transferred.

This person will then get all kinds of false information filtered through his belief system. If his beliefs are centered around extra-terrestrials he may believe he is in contact with ZOR from Alpha Centauri This ZOR will have a piece of data for any question asked. He can tell you the exact hour the great earthquake will come, the exact date the world will end, when the mothership will show up, how many planets are in his system, how old the universe is, what parts of the earth will soon be under water and so on.

The thing is that ZOR is telling you nothing that David or Dolly couldn’t think up just as well. I could say Alpha Centauri has 10 planets around it and one of them is populated by intelligent lizards and who could prove me wrong?

I could say that the mothership will show up July 5, 2025 and no one could prove me wrong until that date, and even at that time ZOR will tell us that mankind was just not ready in time and the date was moved up.

Beware of anyone who claims to be going within and only brings forth facts and data, but no principles. True disciples of the Christ and the Masters around Him will always teach or amplify principles and teach others to find truth through such principles and verification of principles.

There is no knowledge–facts and data as we understand them–in the formless worlds. This is why you cannot retrieve them by going within. You can go within and use the power of the Spirit through your soul to confirm true principles, but you cannot acquire data only by this high method. On the other hand, after a principle is made clear to the student, through an increase in light, much knowledge then becomes available to the physical brain that was previously hidden.

Consider this analogy: You as the master of your body are like a god to the infinite little lives who live there. Similarly, the one God has the whole universe as a physical body, and you are a tiny life that lives within this greater body.

Now there is a terrific number of things going on in your body that you are completely unaware of because your attention is on a higher level. Right now, your kidneys and liver are doing a fantastic and complicated job of removing poisons from your body and you are completely oblivious as to how it is done and the intelligence that is doing it, even though these life energies are a part of you.

Your tiny cells with their DNA are duplicating themselves with overwhelming intelligence and you do not have a clue as to how it is done.

In other words, you (the wholeness) as a god to your body “know nothing” about many of the things going on there. If your little cells were to ask you a question about how to alter their DNA there is little you could do to help them because your attention is on a higher level. Because these little lives have their attention on their own world they are expected to solve their own problems. You, as a larger entity, have your own new worlds to conquer.

If there were some purpose in it you could use your power of ATTENTION to commune with the lives in your body, but it is important that they handle their own problems so you are allowed to place your ATTENTION on the world where your normal consciousness and Purpose is.

The biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small. – Witter Bynner

Sept 5, 2007  

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The Hierarchy of Gods

The Hierarchy of Gods

Question: A regular Christian would get confused over some of the esoteric teachings you present. Could you add some clarification as to where Jehovah, the One Great Life and LDS teachings on God fit in?

The first thing to grasp is that there is a hierarchy in all things from the particles within the atom to the universe itself.

On this earth itself we have a hierarchy of seven kingdoms.

The first is the mineral, second vegetable, the third animal, the fourth human, the fifth Christ and his inner group of Masters — called the kingdom of God by many. The Seventh is composed of beings who have achieved immorality on past system and here dwells the Ancient of Days and his associates. This kingdom is called Shamballa in the East. These inhabitants have come here to assist all evolution on the earth, of which human is only a part.

The sixth kingdom is a bridge between the fifth and the seventh. The Christ, the Buddha and a number of great souls native to the earth navigate between the fifth and seventh kingdoms and link them together.

The Ancient of Days who achieved liberation on a previous earth rules over the seventh kingdom and hence all the earth and is the one mentioned by Joseph Smith when he said:

“The heads of the Gods appointed one God for us.” (History of the Church 6:475).

The Ancient of days, called the “Father” by Jesus, is the “one God for us” mentioned by Joseph. Another name for him is the “Planetary Logos.”

This being was also the first man, as taught by BrighamYoung, but that incarnation was much more ancient than 6000 years ago. Think millions of years ago. He will also incarnate at the end of man’s transition period here on earth, but that will be in the far future.

Above the Ancient of Days in hierarchy are the Seven Spirits before the throne as mention in the Book of Revelations. (See Rev 1:4; 3:1; 4:5.) These are seven planetary Logoi over seven sacred planets in this solar system. Over them is the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos and the seven spirits would have been the “heads of the Gods” who appointed the one God for us.

Above the Solar Logos is an even greater logos who is over seven solar systems of which our solar system is one. He is such a high order that even for Christ he is seen as “The One About Who Naught Can Be Said.”

Once one goes so far up the hierarchy we become like slugs trying to understand the mind of Einstein. The God with whom we have to do, the Ancient of Days has a consciousness much higher than we can comprehend in our present state of being and Christ who is much below him in spiritual evolution is our example that sets our goal of attainment.

Outside of a couple encounters had by Moses most references to Jehovah do not refer to an individual entity, but to the soul of the children of Israel. Their combined thought and belief as a people created a thoughtform from which they received revelation. This explains some of the primitive commands such as putting people to death for minor crimes such as breaking the Sabbath or being a rebellious child. Such commands represented the thinking of the minds of the people in that age.

I believe Moses, on the other hand had several encounters with the Ancient of Days, but because the people were not prepared for the great light that was available they were resigned to a god of their own making or the laws of carnal commandments.

Within each of us resides higher planes of spirit. These have been accessed by the Masters who have preceded us and such advanced beings inspire teachings from time to time that assist us here on the earth in breaking down the veils and accessing God who dwells in each of us. Each of us must find the God within and commune with Him to achieve liberation from the domination of matter over spirit.

Those who have gone on before us can provide teachings and inspiration but each of us must do the majority of the work on our own.

All those who have achieved mastery recognize the One Great Life, but they also understand their oneness with It. Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” In an esoteric sense if Jesus and his Father are one then Jesus is also the Father.

In this same sense if an individual is one with God then he is as God is. This is why Christ, the Masters and the Ancient of Days are called Gods to us, even though they are only dots in the fabric of the universe of the one God.

Hope this helps.

You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it. Robin Williams

Sept 5, 2007

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New Age Duality

New Age Duality

I was thinking lately about the dualities as they manifest in religious/philosophical thought.

The first major division is between East and West. Western thought is mainly male/outward/active and represented by Christianity, Islam, Judaism and some active New Age types.

Eastern is female/inward/magnetic and Buddhism, Hinduism are typical of this approach.

In Western civilization Christianity dominates and within it we have another male/female, conservative/liberal position. The conservative side are the evangelicals, Mormons and other fundamentalists who are the male side, active, outward and proselytizing in mindset. The liberal side are usually found in the more established churches settled into non-confrontational mindset, except for the anti-war people.

When we look at Christianity as a whole in the West, I would say its opposite polarity would be the New Age movement. Now one may question this and say that there are only a few who identify themselves as New Agers and many who say they are Christians. Therefore, they cannot be an opposite polarity.

Consider this. The New Age influence is female/magnetic invisible whereas the Christian side is male active and visible. If this is true then the New Age side would have more influence than is obvious.

A Harris poll taken in 2003 bears this out. Overall, over a quarter of the people believe in reincarnation and 31 percent believe in astrology. But even more interesting is this:   In the age group of 25-29, forty percent believe in reincarnation compared to 14 percent of those over 65.

Similarly, 43 percent of the younger group believe in astrology compared with 17 percent of those 65 and older.

What does this tell us? It tells us that even though New Age people are rarely joined in groups that they are beginning to dominate the younger generation where the seat of influence lies. Their influence is counterbalancing orthodox Christianity to the extent that it has arrived at its opposite polarity.

Does the polarity manifest within the New Age movement itself?

Yes. It is divided into those dominated by mind/heart and emotion/heart. I use heart in both examples because you have two heart centers. The first is associated with the heart area of the body and the second is a heart center in the head. The heart energies thus link the two dualities so they are similar in their feeling, but the mentally polarized are not very understood by the emotional/astral ones.

The mental side is composed of those who are attracted to the Alice A. Bailey writings, Theosophy, Rosecrucians, Masons, Gnostics and others in some ordered or structural pursuit of higher knowledge.

The emotional side is composed of many who follow no one train of thought but are attracted to most any astral channeling even if one contradicts the others. Some, however, do get hooked up with a guru that follow without question. This group will often claim there is no such thing as good and evil on one hand yet declare the mind to be evil on the other and disdain its use.

All these dualities have their use and if true heart and mind are used in directing them good can result. If the mind is sterile from feeling then the philosophy will be lifeless and if the feeling is devoid of common sense then a workable philosophy will not even be achieved.

The Keys is one of the few groups polarized in the mind with a link to the heart. We seek the mind as a link to the higher realm of pure reason and the heart as the link that leads to service to a struggling humankind.


I thought I would make a few comments about this obscure state I live in.

Usually, we are quite below the radar as far as national attention goes but lately we’ve been getting more than our share both good and bad.

On the good side Boise State started out the year winning Fiesta Bowl beating Oklahoma in what many observers called the best college football game ever. Then yesterday we started off the season with a bang by beating Weber State 56-7. Hopefully, we’ll have another great year.

On the bad side some of our forest fires are getting national attention.

On the good side Barbara Morgan a teacher from McCall Idaho successfully went into space and returned on the Shuttle. She was the backup for Christa McAuliffe, who died in the Challenger disaster. Everyone here breathed a sigh of relief when she returned safely.

On the bad side Idaho Senator Larry Craig’s lifetime career in politics appears destroyed for the accusation of soliciting sex in a bathroom.

I really feel sorry for the guy. We both attended the University of Idaho at the same time and both majored in politics and took many of the same classes together. At one time he was my debate partner. He always seemed like a decent fellow.

His foot touched the extended foot of an undercover cop in the bathroom stall next to him and this was interpreted as a signal he wanted gay sex and was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

After this problem hit the news he was immediately relieved of his positions in the Senate and most of his colleagues were calling for his resignation.

But imagine if this supposed signal was a mistake and he was innocent. What a terrible thing it would be to have your life ruined over an innocent tapping of the foot.

On the positive side for Idaho perhaps a future headline will read:

“JJ Dewey, author, teacher and all-around good guy is selling millions of books. Readers from all over the world see Idaho as the new Mecca and make regular pilgrimages to attend his ‘gatherings.’”

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. — H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956)

Aug 26, 2007

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True Resistance

True Resistance

A reader gives this quote from my book, The Unveiling: “The three parts are first the conservative polarity, secondly the so-called liberal stance, and third, those few who see that the whole truth is never found completely on one side or the other, but must be discerned through good judgment.”

He then questions as to whether there is any truth on both sides as their main aim seems to be in maintaining power.

You’re right. You will not find much truth in the two extremes, neither have I indicated that you will. You find the truth by looking at both sides and all the data between. Then you contemplate the true principle involved and seek the logical point of truth around that.

For instance, one side says abortion is murder and the other says it is not. To say you do not see either side as having the truth doesn’t mean that there is no truth. In the scheme of things there is an approach to this and other problems that harmonizes with true principles and is the least harmful with maximum benefit. The extremes rarely see this point of truth and you will not read it in the New York Times. It will only be discovered through the inner reflection of the few. This is the narrow path that few will find.

Another quotes from The Immortal series: “John smiled knowingly. ‘They have to shut down your resistance before they can steal your energy. When you yield to their illusionary authority you virtually become a subject and a source of their power, but their power is not real because it is stolen. When humanity wakes up and reclaims their power, the power of the Dark Brothers will instantly vanish and the adversaries will be bound for over one thousand years as predicted.”

Question: Isn’t resistance much different than attrition for we give energy to that which is resisted.

JJ: Even attrition is resistance, but a different form of resistance. The point to consider is that to defeat an enemy you do not yield to the enemy. When using attrition, one does not yield but uses intelligent tools with which to battle.

Let us say that you are a general about to go to battle against a fierce enemy. You are about to attack with swords when an idea hits you. You see a way to cut off the food supply. You choose this alternative and the enemy starves to death and you lose no men. This is how attrition would work, but it is still a tool used in the great battle.

The point made above was that those who give their energy and power to the Beast yield and give it no resistance. It does not even occur to the average person that there is any enemy to resist or fight as he is surrounded by the Beast and his legions camouflaged as his benefactors.

The first step in escaping the mark of the Beast is understanding that there is something to resist.

When one wakes up to this then he can pursue the most intelligent form of resistance. You are against the head-on, direct resistance and in many cases you are correct. However, do not forget that there is a time and place for all things.

It is correct that a head-on resistance toward the Beast is usually not effective. The disciple in the world is much like Hercules fighting the nine-headed hydra. Whenever he cut off a head two grew in its place. The solution was not to yield or to do nothing, but to battle with intelligence. Hercules attacked the hydra directly and lifted it above the stench of the swamp where its heads were exposed to the pure sunlight. The rays of the sun weakened the hydra and Hercules won the battle.

The disciple’s greatest weapon of resistance is the light of truth itself.

A reader writes quoting a message they received privately:

“The reason for this short message is to alert you to a situation happening right under our feet. In case you have been wondering about the reality of a earth shift you can rest assured it is no myth.”

He then invites us to go to the website involved and check out this alarming warning.

JJ: I checked out the website and there is something is fishy there, for if there were such a shift of 26 degrees, as claimed, the days here in Boise would be 24-hour sunshine in the summer with no night, and the winter would be mostly night with no day. We would also be entering an horrific ice age rather than getting warmer weather as has happened.

Indeed, the number of end of the world false alarms are without number.

An author ought to write for the youth of his own generation, the critics of the next, and the schoolmasters of ever afterwards. – F. Scott Fitzerald

Aug 16, 2007

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Clarifying Magic

Clarifying Magic

I was asked to further clarify my views on magic to further clarify my views on magic.

First of all, let me make clear that there are different definitions floating around out there and, as is the case with any teacher, the student must learn how he is defining his terms so the communication can be effective.

First let me restate the definition of magic as I use it:

“It is the manifestation or the influence of things on the dense physical plane with power that does not come from this plane.”

I have created this definition to not only harmonize with my own thinking but with Djwahl Khul (DK) and Theosophical writings.

Some say that magic is that which happens which is beyond our understanding. This would mean that computers are magical to most of us for few understand how they work.

This may work for some definitions of the term but technology or even that which is beyond our understanding is not all magical according to the above definition.

For one thing, the principles of true magic are not beyond our understanding. It is possible to gain a full understanding of magic and how it works. If this were to happen then would it no longer be magic? No. Magic is not magic because it is not understood for it is still magic after it is understood. Nothing changes.

Jesus was the master white magician and he understood what he was doing and it was still magic even to him.

I understand the reluctance of calling Jesus a magician for it seemed odd to me at first but then when one realizes that miracles are also magical it makes perfect sense.

Anyone who believes in miracles also believes in the magical work of the soul and spirit of God within. The real problem is the word has been the subject of much bias because it is associated with the dark side and Satan by most religious ones.

A rose is a rose by any other name and if magic is called a miracle then it is still magic.

A reader wondered about magic as being something acting outside of law.

No. This is not the case. The whole universe and all the spheres within it are all governed by law. Magic uses law, but it is not restricted to Newtonian type physical laws.

Magic brings down into the physical results that are the product of interplay of energies above the physical with the physical.

Let us give an example of lower and higher magic. I use the term lower instead of black because lower magic is used by both the white and the black magicians, but only the white magician can use the higher magic of the soul.

Let us use healing as an example.

Healing by lower magic:

This can be done by hypnotism and seed thoughts that can stimulate belief and in some cases neutralize disease and bring a flow of healing pranic energy.

If the Brother of Light uses these tools he does so only with the idea of assisting the one in need. If the one on the dark path uses it he does so to increase his power over his associates and set himself up for a spokesman for the god without.

Healing by higher magic:

The Brother of Light seeks the highest spiritual contact for himself through the soul as well as for the one to be healed. If successful he will bring down high spiritual energy that stimulates the lower healing energies into circulation so the person will be healed.

This is white magic whether the healer completely understands what is going on or not. All operates according to the interplay of lower and higher law even though the result may seem to suspend natural law.

A reader gives us this quote from Djwahl Khul

“The Master Jesus, who is the focal point of the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. He travels much and passes considerable time in various parts of Europe. He works specially with masses more than with individuals, though he has gathered around him quite a numerous body of pupils. He is upon the sixth Ray of Devotion, or Abstract Idealism, and his pupils are frequently distinguished by that fanaticism and devotion which manifested in earlier Christian times amongst the martyrs. He himself is rather a martial figure, a disciplinarian, and a man of iron rule and will. He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes.”  (Initiation, Human and Solar – Chapter VI – The Lodge of Masters, by Alice A. Bailey)

Question: “So is Jesus still mingling with us down here, or did he go back to the etheric level years ago?”

JJ: This statement was first published in 1922 and probably written even earlier. It sounds like it was describing a man at least 40 years or older which could mean he laid down that body some time ago. Part of the plan was for the Master Jesus to assume control of the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1925 DK wrote: “The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas effect a re-spiritualisation of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 759

I believe the “vehicle” Jesus planned on working through was Pope John Paul the First, but the plans of the Hierarchy were delayed by his poisoning after serving just 33 days in office.

There is a fascinating book giving a lot of evidence of his murder. The book is called In God’s Name written by David A. Yallop, copyright 1984.

As far as the coming of Christ is concerned, I believe the Brotherhood was overly optimistic after World War II. Evil had been dealt a deadly blow and it appeared that good may dominate to the extent that Christ could soon make an appearance.

Three things have happened that still places his appearance some time in the future.

[1] The powers of evil regrouped faster and with more power than was anticipated.

[2] Numerous disciples who incarnated to prepare the way got stuck in ancient thoughtforms and focused on Piscean goals rather than the new Aquarian.

[3] The inertia among the masses is great causing tremendous resistance to change.

On another note, a reader says this:

“Perhaps you have heard this before, but it is said that in the Kennedy-Nixon debates, people who listened on the radio thought Nixon won, but people who watched television thought Kennedy won. The differences being many of the things which you cited here.”

JJ: I was 15 at the time and watched every debate with great interest on television.

At the time I thought Nixon was the better debater but that Kennedy was better looking and had more charisma. The reason I was more impressed with Nixon was that he often spoke off the cuff with no notes whereas Kennedy relied heavily on his notes and text he always had in front of him. I remember that Nixon one time gave Kennedy a bad time for always using his notes when he didn’t need any. It was the one time during the debate that Kennedy looked a little shaken by Nixon.

They both did very good in the debates and there hasn’t been a national debate that has come close to equaling it since.

Nixon seemed to be a lot more intelligent, human and energetic back then than when he later became president. I liked the young Nixon, but not take to the older Nixon.

I wasn’t really converted to Kennedy until he gave his inaugural address. It was the most inspiring speech by a president since the Gettysburg address. From the moment he said “ask not what your country can do for you…” I was converted and was looking forward to him serving two terms.

I remember when I heard the news that he was shot it was as upsetting as losing a family member. Then later I felt very sad again when Bobby was killed.

Is it possible that John and Bobby were not supposed to die but would have been instruments in preparing the way for an early return of the Christ?

One never knows what could have been, but one thing is sure. Assassination is a tool that has been used many times by the dark ones to achieve their goals.

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it!” — Jonathan Winters

Aug 11, 2007

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Conversations on Magic

Conversations on Magic

Question: “What do we really mean when we use the word magic, when say that something is ‘magic’ or ‘magical’”?”

First let us eliminate two things that are not real magic.

[1] Magic tricks. Magic as practiced by a professional magician is not magic but illusion.

[2] Modern technology. It is often said that if we transported a person from 1000 years in the past to our time he would think that out TV’s cars, computers, and others are magic.

This may be true but that does not make them magical in the truest sense. Advanced mechanical or electrical inventions are not magic, understood or not.

What then is true magic?

It is the manifestation or the influence of things on the dense physical plane with power that does not come from this plane.

Example:   Jesus turned the water into wine.

To do this he did not use an advanced physical technology, illusion or a trick. He used a power or force that is beyond physical to produce physical results.

Example:   Peter and others received a revelation that Jesus was the Messiah.

For this miracle to happen a spiritual energy not from the physical descended upon them and moved them in a new direction.

The dominate energy of the White Magician comes from higher realms through the soul. The soul is the point where magical energies are touched because it is the point where spirit and matter meet–the point which is neither spirit nor matter but opens the door for their interplay.

The Black Magician is too selfish to raise his attention to the soul but seeks to control and does this by utilizing the energy in the etheric web of matter itself and works with the elemental lives and some building devas. The Brothers of Light can also do this but do not use these as the dominating energy.

The Dark Brothers influence the behavior of men by bypassing the soul and appealing to the emotional nature and using the magnetic draw of matter and form to attract the unthinking to their cause.

They too produce miraculous results and influence through no visible physical means.

Our reader from our last post on White Magic stated the belief of Jesus healing the blind man with a paste made from his saliva and dirt was merely symbolic.

I’m also a big believer in symbolism, but I would never use symbolism to negate something written as historical fact.

Jesus healing the blind man may have some symbolism behind it but it was not written as a parable as was the Prodigal Son. It was written as historical fact and so I do not take it upon myself to alter a scripture into that which it is NOT stated to be.

How far will you take this?

Are all the miracles merely symbols and not history? Was Jesus just a regular guy who did no miracles but his teachings evolved into false stories? Was the resurrection a parable? Or maybe you are with the crowd that believes that Jesus was not a true historical character that his life was just a parable/story made up by the Romans.

There is nothing wrong with seeing symbology in the story but to deny that the event was an actual happening, and only a parable, defies logic – that is unless you have received a personal revelation from God that the literal miracle did not happen and is deceitfully presented as an actual happening.

So did you receive such a revelation, or even historical proof? If not, then why do you reject this as probable history?

I am open to the fact that any scripture could be in error but until I have a reason to believe otherwise, I will accept historical presentations as they stand, and as this story stands, Jesus did use ceremonial magic.

Finally, he makes this odd statement: “I think the literal interpretation of JJ’s will bring suffering to the soul… more spit in the eye, so to speak”

I haven’t even given any symbolic interpretation so there is nothing you can disagree with here as much as you want to.

For reasons unknown you seem to think that it was not a historical event but a parable only. Perhaps you have seen no miracles in your life and do not think they are possible.

Next, he accuses me of being a Mason

You will have much difficulty putting me into a box. I am not a member of the Masons nor have ever I been. I have never been to a Masonry meeting nor sought membership nor have I ever had any interest in membership. I am not a member of any organized society, not even AARP. (Now that would be suspicious).

Next, he tells me that my motto of following the highest you know imprisons.

And which part of this statement imprisons? Following the highest you know empowers. What do you do then; follow the lowest of your carnal mind?

Or does correcting mistakes imprison? If you believe this it would mean you stubbornly persist in spite of error. That is a strange path to liberation.

Next the reader criticized me for encouraging pure intent and correcting our mistakes.

Then you are so evolved you no longer need sincerity and to be true to yourself? Neither do you need to correct mistakes. You just believe in doing this “for a time.”

The odd thing is that you made this response as a criticism of my credo and the word “sincere” was NOT even in it.

If you argue with me you need to use words and concepts that I do say, not what I do not say.

Just so your memory will be refreshed here is my credo (for want of a better word) again:

“Follow the highest you know and move forward with pure intent. You will make mistakes but because your heart is pure you will correct them and then move upon the path with greater and greater accuracy until you manifest the fullness of the Son of God.”

Sincerity is a different animal than the quality of being pure in heart. One whose heart is pure does not have an impure mixture of ego and glamour corrupting the intent the seeker is attempting to harmonize with the spirit of Christ within the heart.

One who is sincere may be quite corrupted from the ego but it is still much better to be sincere than insincere.

Sincere people may have pride or ego but to equate the two is akin to saying something like this.

Hitler liked dogs; therefore, dogs are bad for they must have caused Hitler’s behavior.

People who are sincere make many mistakes but the mistakes are not caused by sincerity.

Sincerity will lead us away from the ego, not deeper into it. It is illusion, ego and glamour that cause the problem you are concerned with here, not sincerity.

He then proceeds to tell us that sincerity leads to a dogmatic approach.

The problem of dogma is not caused by sincerity, but preconceived notions, intolerance and a closed mind. Sincerity will lead one away from dogma when the truth is found. Case in point: A sincere approach led me away from numerous dogmatic beliefs of my youth.

If one is not sincere then he must be insincere. Since you do not like sincerity then one can only surmise you embrace the insincere approach for yourself.

The highest within us is God and if we could all see and follow this all would be well, but there are veils between us and God and few are able to do this. Many are not sure if they are following God or not, or on the right or wrong path. What are they to do?

They are to “follow the highest they know.” Now the highest they know may still be wrong but if they continue on this path and follow corrections as they are revealed then eventually, they will find the truth and the God (or highest) within.

Another reader says: “Magicians (white or black) who exercise their own will are oblivious to the will of God.”

JJ: A white magician must tune into the will of God or he will not be a white magician. A white magician uses the powers of God to accomplish the magical work of the soul to inspire others to seek the kingdom of God within. In following this path miracles may or may not happen depending on the need.

Intent alone is not enough to produce a white magician but he must be unwaveringly focused on the light and love of God within.

Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness. George Orwell (1903 – 1950), 1984

Aug 8, 2007

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