Journey’s End, Part 1

Journey’s End

Copyrighted 1979 & 2007;

and written by: J J Dewey

Part 1

NOTE: The first part of this story is based on true events with some fictional dialog added. However, the dialog at the trial is very close to the actual occurrence. Curtis is my nephew, Curtis Harwell, and the David character is myself. Wayne is my good friend who was also in the Immortal series.  The second part is fiction written to make the LDS take a realistic look at how their preparations could play out.

Fred Cole was just about to fall asleep in the High Council meeting until he half heard the Stake President say something about a trial to be held next Sunday evening concerning a certain Elder who may be in danger of excommunication.

Fred came to life and sat up in his chair.

Lee Jason, the Stake President, spoke in his usual monotone: “The Elder in consideration is Curtis Hartell. I’m sure this is a shock to you as it has been for me, for Curtis seemed to be faithful in all his duties and has a great knowledge of the scriptures, but it seems as if he’s studied so much that he thinks he knows more than the prophet. He’s been circulating some heretical writings and doctrines and poisoning minds. Not only that, but it seems as if he’s found another prophet or guru to follow. As difficult as it is we must try him for his membership next week.”

Fred was too stunned to make any response. Curtis was his good friend. They had at one time been in the Elder’s quorum presidency together. They had played ball together. How often had Fred and his wife June entertained Curtis and his wife Kathy and often they had talked past midnight about the scriptures. Although he had found Curtis’ thinking unorthodox, he had always found him enlightening and quite well read. The last year or so Fred had seen very little of him. It seemed as business interests and different church positions had caused them to drift apart. As of late Fred had opened up his own law firm and had been doing quite well. His business associates as well as his church obligations seemed to take up all of his time. From what he had heard of Curtis it was about all he could do to put food on the table. He was a struggling real estate salesman and seemed to have so many interests lately that perhaps he wasn’t concentrating on his work as he should.

But Curtis excommunicated? An apostate? Never. “No not him! Please don’t let it happen to him, God. Please!!!”

June greeted him at home with a tired look in her eyes: “What a day I’ve had. Those five kids of yours about drove me nuts…” She continued to elaborate on her daily problems, but Fred was oblivious. After several minutes June became aware that she had no listener: “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?”

“What . . . What did you say?”

“Never mind. What’s bothering you, that Tate deal?”

“No. No, something more important.”

“More important. Why, if you handle that right you’ll make $40,000 and we can finally take that vacation abroad that you’ve been promising us.”

“You remember Curtis and Kathy don’t you?”

“Of course, but about all I see of them now is at church. Our interest seems to have gone in separate directions.”

“Well, maybe you had better sit down for this. Curtis is in some serious trouble.”

“What he’d do? Rob a bank?”

“This isn’t funny. They may excommunicate him next week, and I may have to vote against him. I’d rather condemn him to death than this.”

Fred just about cried.

“Fred. Fred. What is it…? He didn’t step out on his wife, did he? He couldn’t find a sweeter wife in the country than Kathy. I don’t believe it. He wouldn’t have done something like that!”

“June. There are other things a person can get excommunicated for than adultery.”

“Well, they sometimes excommunicate inactive people that request it, but I understand it really takes some doing to get off the church records. My brother Bill has been trying to avoid the home teachers for years, but they track him down wherever he goes. He even asked to have his name taken off the rolls, but the Bishop refused. They think they are going to get him sooner or later, but he’s a tuff nut. Maybe there will be hope in the spirit world.”

“June,” said Fred with a grim face. “Curtis is going to be tried next week for apostasy.”

“Curtis tried for apostasy? Why, he goes to church each Sunday and has half a dozen jobs. How could he be apostatizing? Now Bill, I could understand.”

“It’s much worse than being inactive… Curtis doesn’t believe and sustain the prophet any more. He’s following another prophet.

“You gotta be kidding. What prophet is he supposed to be following?”

“I’m not sure. Must be one of those who claim to be Mighty and Strong.”

“And who on earth could that be?”

“I don’t know June. The Stake President just said he’s been circulating some very odd writings. I just can’t understand it. I know he had a testimony; I can’t see how he can deny it!”

“What’s he been teaching? Does he have a bunch of wives? Is he one of those? Now I can understand how something like that could get a man’s interest.”

“I don’t know anything more than what the President said. You know as much as I do about the situation.”

“Well, let’s find out some more. I’m not going to sleep tonight until I know what’s going on.”

After and exchange of words Fred dialed the phone: “Hello. Curtis, is that you?” His voice sounded a bit strained.

“Sure isn’t the Lone Ranger! Say, is this Fred? I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I suppose you heard the news today.”

“Yes. I heard,” he said gravely.

“I wanted to be the one to tell you, but that’s under the bridge now. What have you heard?”

“I heard you don’t believe in the prophet anymore and that you’re following some other guy. Curtis, tell me it isn’t true.”

“Well, I’m sure everything you’re thinking is not true, but I have received a witness of several important things. The General Authorities don’t know any more than we do and are not working to fulfill the true purpose of the church. There are other teachers out there who are more like prophets than leaders in the church.

“But the Lord always speaks through the prophet. If the Lord wants his people to repent, he’ll tell the president of the church.”

“But the prophet won’t listen so He had to tell someone else,” said Curtis

“What do you mean the prophet won’t listen? If anyone is righteous enough to receive revelation he is.”

“How do you know he’s righteous?”

“Listen. He’s a damn sight more righteous than you or your prophet ever thought of being!”

“I know that you believe that Fred, but calm down a minute and tell me why you think he’s righteous.”

“I’ve read all about him and his life is nothing but good works. Besides I met him once and shook his hand and looked in his eyes and when I looked in his eyes, I knew I could not question him being a prophet.”

“His eyes seem pretty ordinary to me. Even when I accepted him as the one and only mouthpiece, I thought he had an ordinary set of eyes. Come now Fred; you’re letting the glamour of his position get the best of you. I once knew a guy who met the Pope and he said about the same thing about his eyes. Now come clean. What makes you think he’s any better of a person than you are?”

“I wouldn’t even dare compare myself with the prophet,” said Fred timidly.

“Why not? Haven’t you tried to do good works all your life?”

“Well, yes,” said Fred, “but I’ve made a lot of mistakes. He’s a lot better than I am.”

“Has the Lord told you that? “

“He doesn’t have to. The prophet is chosen because he is worthy to receive revelation for the whole church and we are promised that he will never lead us astray. I know that he is a righteous man. I have a testimony that he is the only person on the earth who can receive revelation for the church.”

“And I have a testimony that anyone can receive a revelation on any subject he wants to and that if the church is out of order, then the Lord himself will give a message to prophets of his own choosing to cry repentance. Do you think one has to be president of the church to cry repentance?”

“No, but if the prophet is out of order the Lord will set him straight himself or he will take his life.”

Curtis sighed. “The scriptures say that the Lord works the same today as he did in ages past. Do you know how he corrected a prophet in the Old Testament when he went astray?”

“How’s that?”

“In Numbers, Chapter 22 we are told that the Lord rebuked the prophet Balaam through an ass. Now tell me… If an ass had authority given him from God to call a prophet to repentance, then why couldn’t you or I be called the same way?

“Things were different back then. The church wasn’t set up as it is now.”

“You mean back then an ass could rebuke a prophet, but for some odd reason it couldn’t happen today? Use your courtroom logic. Why couldn’t it happen today?”

“We are promised the church will never fall. This dispensation is different. The Lord will not let us go astray this time.”

Curtis sighed and replied, “Then why did the Lord say: ‘Wherefore let the church repent of her sins, and I the Lord will own them, otherwise they shall be cut off?’”

“Where’s that found?”

“It is in the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 63, verse 63.”

Fred opened up his Doctrine and Covenants and studied it a moment.

“The Lord was just warning those people in that day. He had to be strict in order to get the church started, but he had a foreknowledge that everything would work out. That’s why he promised us the church will not fail.”

“And where did he promise us that?”

“It’s in the scriptures somewhere. I don’t know them by heart, but I’ll find it.”

“I’ll tell you what. You find it and let’s get together tomorrow evening for a few minutes. There are several things I want to share with you.”

“I don’t know… I’m pretty busy.”

“Fred, I have a feeling that you’re nervous about talking with me. Are you afraid of what you might find out?”

“Of course not!”

“Then let’s do it. Are you free tomorrow night around eight?”

“Okay, come on over… and bring your wife.”

“You’re on Fred. See you then.”

Fred found himself questioning some of his feelings as he hung the phone up. The conversation seemed to cause him to be unusually agitated and Curtis was right. Fred was reluctant to invite him over. He couldn’t quite explain to himself why. Could it be possible that he was afraid of finding out something? “No!” He told himself. He knew the church was in order and there was nothing that could shake his testimony.

The next evening June had just finished putting the kids to bed when the doorbell rang. Fred answered it. “Curtis, Kathy, please come in.”

“Good to see you again Fred.” Curtis lightheartedly walked in and took a seat. He always seemed able to make himself at home without seeming imposing. On the other hand, Kathy was quiet and unimposing, yet always friendly. She waited for Fred to find her a seat.

“We’ve been here for sixty seconds and you haven’t offered us a drink,” said Curtis lightly. “What’s the matter, aren’t we friends anymore?”

“Just hold on a minute,” said June. “Some root beers are on the way.”

Fred sat down facing Curtis over a coffee table. “Did you find that reference about the prophet not leading the church astray?” Curtis asked.

“I got to admit I didn’t have time to look, but I know it’s in the scriptures somewhere. I’ve heard it quoted many times.”

“There is such a statement,” said Curtis, “but it’s not in the scriptures, but was an official declaration by the church and is now placed as an addendum to the Doctrine & Covenants. President Wilford Woodruff said it; the statement is in his biography. It was not given as a revelation, but it was a pronouncement given in his own name. He said that if the Prophet tried to lead the church astray that God would remove him. Interestingly, in that same address he also said that God would do the same thing to any other person that tries to lead the children of men astray. Looking at it in that context one is lead to wonder why God did not remove Hitler sooner. Obviously, the removal is not always immediate, or even obvious.”

“But later prophets have said the same thing.”

“Yes, Fred, but consider for a moment that they could be wrong, and if this doctrine of infallibility is wrong can you think of a doctrine that would cause greater rejoicing in Hell? Just consider a people who believed in following a man without question and that man was under the influence of Satan – just think of how disastrous the results could be?”

June’s eyes turned red: “If you’re saying that our prophet is under the influence of Satan I think you can just leave!”

“Calm down,” said Fred. “Our friends are always welcome here. Are you saying, Curtis, that the prophet is under the influence of Satan or that he is evil? I don’t think we can buy that.”

“I realize that he is a sincere man, trying to do what he considers right and seems to be very righteous in the eyes of his followers, but so is the Pope, Oral Roberts, and Billy Graham, yet Mormons readily believe that other religious leaders are influenced by the adversary. After all, who isn’t at times?”

“Well, not even the prophet believes he is perfect,” said Fred.

“I realize that, but the church teaches strongly that he will never lead the church astray and thus must be supported at all times. Anyone who doesn’t support without question is cut off. On the other hand, there are many adulterers, liars, wife beaters, child molesters, and many completely inactive people who are nursed with great care and are not cut off unless it becomes an embarrassment to the church.”

“You do have a point there,” said June. “My brother Bill has begged to be taken off the records, but they just won’t do it. The bishop says it would break his mother’s heart.”

“I have a friend like that too,” said Curtis. “But the point is that this doctrine of the prophet never leading us astray is the same as the doctrine of infallibility, and it is a very dangerous doctrine.”

“But the people need some guidepost to lead the way,” said Fred.

“Yes,” said Curtis. “The sheep always need a shepherd, but we are told that in the last days men will not be able to live on borrowed light, that the five wise virgins will depend on the Holy Spirit and not on the arm of flesh. Now there’s something else important I need to tell you about, something that is important to your physical survival.”

“I’m sure the church has already told us all we need to know to be prepared,” said June.

“That’s what the Jews thought in the days of Lehi,” said Curtis, “but the authorities were astray then, and who is to say that it cannot happen again? After all, the only ones we have a record of who were aware of the true situation were Lehi, Jeremiah, and several unnamed prophets. There is a scripture here that I want to read you which is rather frightening: ‘For a desolating scourge shall go forth among the inhabitant of the earth, and shall continue to be poured out from time to time, if they repent not, until the earth is empty, and the inhabitants thereof are consumed away and utterly destroyed by the brightness of my coming. Behold, I tell you these things, even as I also told the people of the destruction of Jerusalem; and my word shall be verified at this time as it hath hitherto been verified.’ (D&C 5:19-20) Do you realize what this means, Fred and June?”

“We are aware that there is going to be great tribulation,” said Fred. “That is nothing new – all the prophets have warned us.”

“Yes; but were you aware that this scripture indicates that these last days will be patterned after the destruction of Jerusalem?”

“We know there’s going to be great calamities.”

“But in the days of Jeremiah and Lehi the destruction began at the Lord’s own house, first among the leaders of the church. There were only a few righteous that were saved.”

“Well, I’m sure the general authorities will be righteous enough to be saved,” said June.

“I hope for their sake that that is true,” said Curtis, “but concerning the calamities the Lord said: ‘And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; first among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me.’ (D&C 112:25-26) This is what happened in the days of Jeremiah. The judgment began at the Lord’s own sanctuary.”

“I’m sure there will be people high up in the church who will falter,” said Fred. “After all, look at the days of Joseph Smith. It could happen again, but that doesn’t mean that the church is being led astray. On the other hand, it says that even the elect will be deceived. We are told that there will be great deception and you are a part of it Curtis. Come to your senses man!”

“It’s a compliment, at least, that you think 1 am one of the elect. You are right, however, there is supposed to be great deception, but not many believe the way I do. I am just one person, so even if I am deceived how can you call that great deception? On the other hand, if the whole church is led astray that is great deception, is it not?”

“There are many apostates today and billions do not believe the Book of Mormon, so I’d call that great deception too,” said Fred.

“The deception talked about concerns the believers, not the unbelievers,” said Curtis.

“So how are we deceived?” said June. “I don’t see the prophet leading us down to hell. If everyone did what he said the world would certainly be a happier place.”

“Deceptive teachings never appear evil,” said Curtis. “They are almost always approved by the majority. On the other hand, the truth always stirs up a lot of opposition.”

“Tell us some way that we are deceived,” said Fred.

“Let me ask you this,” said Curtis, “If there were an economic collapse or disaster tomorrow what would happen to you and your family?”

“The prophets have told us that if we are prepared we will not fear,” said June. “We have done as the prophets have instructed us and stored a year’s supply of food, clothing and firewood. We have also attended our meetings and studied the gospel so we are also spiritually prepared. I’ll bet we could live longer on our supply than you could on yours.”

“Not if I could break in and steal your food,” said Curtis.

“But I’ve got guns and ammunition to prevent that,” said Fred.

“Has the prophet told you to shoot your brethren that don’t have food?” said Curtis.

“No said Fred, but in a situation like that I would decide myself what to do.”

“And you think you would shoot me?”

“Really, I’m not sure what I would do. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes.”

“Don’t you know what the General Authorities have told you to do?”

“I guess you’re one up on me there,” said Fred.

“They have told you to store extra food so you can share with your neighbors.”

“I guess we’d better buy some extra food then,” said June. “Come to think of it I do remember Brother Featherstone saying something about that a while back.”

“Do you know anyone in the ward that has extra food now to share with their neighbors if they needed it tomorrow,” said Curtis.

“No,” said June,” but I’m sure the church will be prepared when the time comes. After all, the church has much grain stored now that could feed the hungry.”

“In a disaster that would all be gone in two weeks,” said Curtis.

“And even if they had enough how would they get it here with no gas, and even if they had gas how would they get it here if a disaster broke the roads up?”

“If we do what we are supposed to do we will be protected,” said June. “The Lord has promised.”

“But let us see what the scriptures tell us we are supposed to be to be protected,” said Curtis.

As he was opening his scriptures Fred looked at Curtis’ wife: “What do you think of all these things he comes up with, Kathy?”

“At first I was very upset, but I’m beginning to see how they are true. We’ve got two little children and I want to make sure they are protected.”

“Here’s the scripture I was looking for,” said Curtis. “When Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith he quoted a verse similar to the last chapter of Malachi, but differently. He said: ‘And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers. If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming.’ (D&C 2:2-3) Now I ask what are the promises made to the fathers?”

“That refers to genealogy work,” said Fred.

“The power of sealing is just One promise that was made to the fathers, but notice the word is plural. It says ‘promises.’ What other great promise was made to the fathers?”

“You tell me.”

“One of the greatest promises repeated all through the scriptures is the gathering of Israel. This gathering of the elect is part of the preparation the church must make for we are told: ‘And that the gathering together upon the land of Zion, and upon her stakes, may be for a defense, and for a refuge from the storm, and from wrath when it shall be poured out without mixture upon the whole earth.’ (D&C 115:6) It is true that we are told that ‘if ye are prepared ye shall not fear’, but the next verse says: ‘And that ye might escape the power of the enemy, and be gathered unto me a righteous people, without spot and blameless.’ (D&C 38:30-31) We are clearly told that if we want protection that we must be gathered.”

“But that was pertaining to that day when the church was young,” said Fred. “They had to gather to protect themselves because of the persecution. Today the authorities tell us to stay where we are. There is no need to gather any more, and if we do it will be in Jackson County.”

“Where is the revelation telling us that we no longer need to gather.”

“The prophets receive revelation and they tell us. They do not have to say everything in the name of the Lord,” said Fred.

“It would be nice if they said anything,” said Curtis. “Any word on ceasing the gathering has been in their own name and not the Lord’s. Furthermore, we are told that the gathering is to protect us from latter-day calamities, which have as yet not happened. If the gathering is for our protection, then why do we cease doing it when we need it the most? Why Fred?”

“I’m sure the prophet knows what he is doing.”

“Fred you’re relying on the arm of flesh by trusting in the reliability of a man. Remember Moroni said that if these promises are not carried out by the children ‘the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming’. The reason the earth would be wasted is because if there is no gathering of Israel then there will be no refuge and if there is no refuge then the earth will be wasted and all the inhabitants consumed and all flesh would be destroyed when the Lord comes. That’s how important the gathering is Fred. Without this principle you’ll be destroyed.”

“You’re just trying to scare us,” said June. “If we follow the prophet we’ll be protected and that’s that.”

“But what would you do if there was an economic collapse and all the food was gone from the stores in two weeks and then your neighbors started demanding your food. After all, they know you’re a Mormon and have food stored. What would you do when you find a hundred hungry men banging at the door with sticks wanting food? Then what would you do if they tortured you for the names of other Mormons with food?’ What would you think of the prophet’s advice then?”

June rose up and screamed: “Get out! I’ll have no more of this talk in my house. The prophet is a holy man and he talks with God and what you’re saying is blasphemy. I’ll have no more of it!”

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” said Curtis getting up. “I merely came here in a sincere effort to warn you, but I see you do not want to be warned; however, I will tell you this. Great tribulation is prophesied to come and when it does it will last for quite some time. I hope you remember my warning for it may be your physical salvation.”

Fred saw Curtis and Kathy to the door. “I apologize for my wife’s behavior,” he said. “I can see you are at least sincere about your beliefs.”

“I’m sincere because it is in the scriptures. I have received a spiritual witness of a number of things the church would consider blasphemous”

“Tell me then,” said Fred. “How will those who are not deceived supposed to be protected?”

“We will do as the scriptures say and build communities and cities and gather together in them. If those who are gathered have the Spirit with them, they will be protected.”

“But the saints have already gathered in Utah,” said Fred.

“The effect of the gathering has been neutralized for there is no gathering in Utah of a truly spiritual people. Salt Lake is about as prepared or unprepared as any other city.

As Curtis and his wife walked to the car Fred thought he was going to cry, but could not quite understand why. Could that really be the Spirit of the Lord that accompanied the words of his friend?

June jarred him from his contemplation: “That Curtis really has a nerve saying” those things about the prophet. Fred. I don’t want you to see any more of him.”

“Now June, Curtis is my friend even if he is deceived. I’ll see him when I want.”

“You start seeing him and you’ll see no more of me or the children. Satan’s got a hold on him and I’ll have no part of it!”

Fred was somewhat startled by her abrupt attitude. It did not quite seem like June. He said what he could to pacify her, but his mind was on the words of Curtis. “June, how do you think we really will be protected in a day of calamity?”

“I’m not sure exactly how it will come about, but I’m sure the prophet will lead us so we will be prepared if we just do as he says. Now I don’t want to discuss it any more. Next thing you know you’ll be his disciple.”

Fred was quiet the rest of the evening contemplating the warning Curtis had given him. He wouldn’t think a thing of it except that as Curtis left he felt that strange feeling, that strange wonderful Spirit, a peaceful Spirit. Could the Spirit really be supporting those teachings? What if Curtis was right? Fred began to see that if he was then his family would be in a very fragile condition in a calamity. What could the prophet do to save us in such a situation he thought. Somehow Fred was disturbed beyond what reason would allow and he only slept a few hours that night.

A few days later Fred was having lunch with Ralph Davis, a real estate broker. “What do you know about Curtis Hartell’s situation?” said Ralph.

“How much have you heard?” said Fred.

“As you know he is one of my salesmen and he’s been telling the other guys some real strange stuff. One of my men told his Bishop about him and I understand they are going to hold a court for him.”

“Sounds like you heard correctly.”

“But is he really going to be excommunicated?”

“We won’t know till the court, but I don’t see any way out for him. I really feel bad about it,” said Fred.

“Well, if he goes out of the church then he goes out of my company.”

“But why, Ralph? I’m sure he could still be a good salesman. After all a man needs to make a living.”

“That’s right. A man needs to make a living, and number one comes first. Everyone in town will know that Curtis is an apostate, and what do you think that will do for my business when almost everyone here is a Mormon? I’d be lucky to sell anything at all,” said Ralph.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt you that much and he’s got to earn money too.”

“He can earn it somewhere else. I just about fired him this morning when I caught him polluting Smith’s mind. That boy is really going to have some answering to do on judgment day.”

“Just go easy on him Ralph.”

“I’ll go easy on him all right. It’ll be really easy to fire him.”

Fred was disturbed at the way Ralph grinned afterwards.

It was Sunday morning, the day of the Stake conference. This was a special day because a general authority was visiting. The day was also unique because a leading Elder in the stake was to stand trial. Lee Jason, the stake president shuffled papers in front of him as he was entertaining the visiting General Authority. His counselors, Presidents Hyde and Murphy were at his side. Elder Perry was taking the minutes.

“What shall we do about this Curtis Hartell,” said President Jason to the visiting authority.

“Is he the one you told me about that’s been preaching false doctrine and associates with known apostates?”

“That’s the one.”

“There’s only one thing to do. If he doesn’t support the Prophet he must be cut off.”

“Have you heard of this Curtis and his associates before?”

“Their group sent me and other authorities copies of various writings. I guess they think we need straightened out” The authority let out a brief chuckle. As to any following I don’t think the group is credible enough to attract many disciples. This Elder is the first one I know of that we have been able to pin on this group. What kind of person is this Curtis Hartell?”

“Actually, he has been to date one of the highest respected students of the Gospel in the stake. Often when people have a doctrinal question, they will ask him for advice. Also, he has always done whatever job he has been asked to do, and that quite successfully.”

“A typical pattern,” said the Authority. “A lot of these people who study a lot and rely on their judgment get to thinking they’re smarter than God and finally get to the point where they will not follow counsel. Unless he humbles himself to his knees and irrevocably supports the prophet he must be cut off. I will examine the minutes of the meeting personally.”

“I understand,” said President Jason. “I sure feel sorry for the guy though. Especially his family. I know them and they are nice people.”

“You’re doing them all a favor by cutting him off. Maybe he will repent this way. Have you ever excommunicated someone for apostasy before?”

“No. Several on immorality, but nothing like this.”

“Well, don’t have any sympathy with him. Remember he is an apostate and anyone who leads people away from the church is committing a sin worse than murder. I wish we had laws so we could control these people. Now let’s review your attendance goals.”

Fred had just finished saying a prayer in the privacy of his bedroom. He asked for help for both himself and Curtis and that if Curtis did have any truth that it would be revealed unto him. Fred was pretty sure that Curtis was completely wrong, but there was always that off chance. He decided to leave a corner of his mind opened.

“I’ve got to leave,” he said to June, “or I’ll be late to the High Council meeting.”

“This is where Curtis gets where he deserves,” said June. “If he knows what’s good for him, he will grovel your feet.”

“June we are not trying to get revenge on him. The purpose of the court is an act of love. It’s to help him repent.”

“He’ll never repent. I’ll prophesy of that,” she said defiantly.

“I’ll admit that his mind seems made up,” said Fred, his voice quivering somewhat.

Sept 16, 2007

Copyright by JJ Dewey

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