The Reason for Death

The Reason for Death

Question: Why are we born with no memory of our past and purpose?

To understand the answer we must understand the main reason we die after a few short years upon the earth.

When you watch people age you notice that most of them settle in a routine, mindset, belief system, habits, and learn less and less the older they get.

If the average person lived a thousand years, he would spend over 900 of it in the same routine, the same profession, with the same habits and would learn very little during that period. As far as actual usable progression goes for many that last 900 years would be a waste of time.

To solve this problem of inefficiency the divine plan places into effect the law of economy and pulls us away from physical life around the time we start wasting our time.

We have to then be placed in a new situation without the memory of our past habits and ability. We are forced to start with a clean slate and forced to learn if we are to function at all. We repeat this cycle for many lifetimes until we gain control of our own learning and purpose. When this happens we become “born again” without being reborn in the flesh and can learn and create new things through our own initiative and thus become an initiate. The initiate is then on the path to overcoming all things, including death.

No matter where you are on the path you must follow the highest you know with extreme honesty and sooner or later the next step will be revealed.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:26

Since we have members here with diverse views on the Bailey writings I want to make it clear that there is no demand or expectation that anyone accept the Bailey writings as gospel to be in good standing in this group. All it takes to be in good standing in this group is to be considerate and abide by the basic rules.

The Bailey writings are not for everyone. In fact, DK says this several times and indicates that the main people he is writing to are a handful of disciples who will take what he says and filter it down to the consciousness of seekers so it can be assimilated. This is what I have tried to do with much of his material. He says that many other seekers and intellectuals will glean some helpful information from them.

He also says that if it feels like you are not assimilating much continue reading anyway and after a while, things will start fitting together. I found this to be invaluable advice for when I started reading the books I wondered if I was absorbing much but continued and eventually everything starting making more sense.

I remember when I first bought my first Bailey book. I read a few pages and it didn’t take long to come across several things that went against my belief system. I also found it very difficult to read, but I sensed a high intelligence there. I put the book back on my shelf and it was several years later that I finally got around to reading some more. When I finished the complete book on White Magic I was hooked and determined to read and understand all the books.

On the other hand, the Bailey books are not the only ones I had difficulty plowing through and understanding. The Book of Isaiah and Revelations are equally obtuse, yet when studied they turn out to be the most profound writings in the Bible, except for the words of Jesus.

A reader made a reference to trance channelers. Bailey did not go into a trance when receiving the material from DK. Trance channelers usually receive from the astral world, often from entities that know less than earthly teachers. A Master communicates to a disciple while both are in full consciousness using impression or mental telepathy.

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it. Edith Sitwell (1887 – 1964)

Dec 21, 2006

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