Moving the Energy


Moving the Energy

The Question: “When you feel an emotion within you that you are tempted to ignore or suppress what should you do? What if it will offend others by bringing it out in the open? What if it makes you look petty or unenlightened? Should you do it anyway?”

The answer here is yes, find a way to release the negative emotion even at the risk of causing great disturbance.

Second question: “There are three ways to release such emotion. Can you guess what they are?”

Let us suppose that someone makes you so angry that you feel like strangling them. What should you do? Here are three different lines of approach.

(1) You can take physical retribution and actually try and strangle the guy.

Now after you do this you may feel great for about five minutes, but this is not a wise path for as soon as your rage expires you will suffer a lifetime of regret, remorse and possible punishment by the authorities.

(2) You can do nothing, but hold the feeling in and hope it goes away. Whereas you hurt another person with number one you hurt yourself with this approach. This approach redirects the attack away from the offending person to yourself and the negative energy then attacks your own body as well as dams up your healing soul energy. The person with suppressed negativity may wind up suffering much more than the guy who was strangled.

(3) You release the negative energy by communicating the feeling to the offending person.

Suppose Lynn offends you so much that you feel like strangling him. You rule out number one because you do not want to hurt him and you rule out number two because you do not want to hurt yourself. What then do you do?

The answer is that you resort to pure honesty and communicate how you feel. It doesn’t matter if the insult seemed huge or trivial, small or great, intentional or not intentional. The only thing that matters is that you hurt and you need to communicate it so it can be released.

So how do you do this? Quite simply you tell Lynn in a pleasant way that you wish to talk to him and in as harmless manner as possible say something like this.

“Lynn. You may not realize this and you probably did not mean to hurt me, but when you said XYZ you made me feel very angry. In fact I felt so angry and still feel angry to the extent I feel like grabbing you and shaking or even strangling you.”

Now after this communication a strange thing will happen. The negative package of energy that was in you is now released and is sent to the person who caused the offense. When this occurs one of two things will happen.

(1) The offender, Lynn in this case, will feel bad he hurt your feelings and attempt to understand and make things right. If he does this, the light of the soul comes in the relationship and dispels the negative energy forever, no more to return.

(2) He takes no responsibility for your negative feeling or your hurt. In this case the negative energy remains. You are now free from it because you released it through communication, but Lynn now has to deal with it. Because the negative energy remains in Lynn’s aura he begins to release it in some way, usually by lashing out or attacking you.

If he does lash out at you, you must not return fire no matter how hurtful the words are. If you do the negative energy will return to you. Instead show only love, compassion and understanding. If you do the offender is likely to come to his senses and show love in return which will dissipate the energy. If he is so hardened to resist your love he will then keep the negativity to himself because he inwardly believes he deserves it, but at least you are free.

Do not be deceived into not communicating because the cause of the hurt seems like such a small thing or trivial. Your emotional body is not subject to logic and it matters not if the cause is significant or not. Do not be deceived into thinking that you will not communicate because you may hurt someone’s feelings. If you do not communicate you will hurt yourself and your relationships anyway. Unless there is complete forgiveness on all sides there is going to be some hurt to deal with and there will be no way around it so you might as well start the process of neutralizing it.

Teachers and Students

A reader maintained that since all souls are one that there is no hierarchical relationship or teacher-student association in the soul realms nor should there be one here among those who are soul connected.

On the other hand, DK says that the Ancient of Days is the student disciple of the Solar Logos and the Christ is a student disciple of Him in return and that he (DK) is a student disciple of the Christ. Perhaps you should go straighten the masters out on this separative idea they have. In fact perhaps you should lecture to them about disbanding the “hierarchy” which is entirely giving-receiving and student-teacher in its organization.

The reader’s argument seems to be that all souls are one and already connected therefore we should not even try to connect with each other in this reality is about as far into illusion as one can descend.

True soul connection is much much more than memorizing the “all souls are one” statement. That is a physical brain activity. As one progresses in the soul he will connect to others who are making the same progression. Those who are in the personality do not make that connection

If you want to believe you are in some other reality and are at one with all and no further progress can be made for yourself that is fine, but please do not try and discourage others from moving ahead in the soul as they see it.

I think that many have an aversion to seeing themselves as polarized as either student or teacher in relationships because they see one in a teaching situation as proclaiming some type of superiority or higher worth and the student as being inferior.

Perhaps this analogy can clarify:

Jack and Ron go hiking along the same trail in the woods, but one begins before the other. They both have cell phones to keep in communication.

Is it likely that Jack, who is a mile ahead of Ron, will call him and brag about his superiority because he is further ahead?

No. That would be ridiculous. Jack is merely on a different place on the path not a superior place.

Does it make sense that Ron would wish to skip over the next mile of trail so he could be even with Jack?

No. He wouldn’t if he could because the reason he came hiking in the first place was so he could experience the beauty and majesty of the wonders of nature along the journey. Ron is not worried about being inferior to Jack, but he does want to see all that Jack saw and more along that mile of space that separates them.

As the two traveled, however, Jack spotted some poison Ivy and called Ron to warn him about it. Now instead of seeing this as an attempt of Jack to show his superiority Ron sees it as an act of service for which he is grateful.

Later Jack calls again and tells Ron to look for some wild blueberries at the next bend. They are delicious and he knows hat Ron will enjoy them.

Again, Ron does not even consider the idea that Jack is demonstrating his superiority, but is merely thankful for the service. In fact he is so thankful that he decides to make a call to Mark who is just beginning the journey to pass along Jack’s tips plus a few of his own. And if the full truth be known Jack himself has been receiving communication from another who is ahead of him.

Thus does the chain of pilgrims proceed upon the Way, veering on and off the Path at will, but eventually all wind up at the appointed destination, all with an equally full and rewarding experience.

It is important to realize that there are two types of leaders that compete for our attention:

(1) Those who desire to be served. These self-deprived souls do not care about the progress or the benefit received by their followers. The follower is only of benefit in so far as the leader’s ego is stroked and his own little will is served and satisfied.

(2) Those who desire to serve. These are like Jack in the example. They pass along helpful knowledge for the sheer pleasure of knowing that are helping another progress joyfully along the path. After all, what fun is such a journey if you cannot share the experience? Sharing brings greater enjoyment to all.

To believe that merely having others serve you will bring the greater happiness is pure illusion.

April 25, 2000

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Choosing Life or Death

Choosing Life or Death

A reader asks about the resurrection in relation to reincarnation. If Jesus or a Master overcomes death and supposedly has an immortal body how can he be born again in a new body? Is it possible that Jesus or the Christ could be reincarnated?

First let me quote to you a scripture that refers to celestial beings who have overcome death. It states: “Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death…” D&C 76:59

Thus if a person becomes a master, all things are his. He can choose life or death. If a master can choose death then his body is only as permanent as he desires it to be.

There are two main stages in the overcoming of physical death. The first is the obtaining of the power to rejuvenate the body for as long as service in the physical world is required. This was obtained by Moses for instance. During the forty years in the wilderness living conditions were so harsh that all died but a handful. At the end of this period Moses was still vigorous because he obtained the power from God to rejuvenate his body. Finally, when his mission was accomplished he let his body go the way of all flesh.

The second major state is restoration and is referred to in the scriptures as the “better resurrection.” Jesus was the only one in recorded history to demonstrate this. When the power of restoration is acquired the adept’s body can be destroyed and he can restore it to pristine condition. He can also restore or resurrect any body from a past life for the memory of all his past and the patterns thereof are recorded in his physical permanent atom.

If the high initiate decides he wants to incarnate as a regular human again he can do it several different ways depending on his evolution. If he is in a current body and wants to preserve it he can place the body in a secure location, and then leave it and enter the body of a new baby or participate in an overshadowing where another body is shared.

The second method is to fold up his physical body within the parent vibration of the spirit and then enter again into a new incarnation. In this case his new body will be his vehicle of manifestation for some time to come.

True immortality is in the spiritual body and not the physical as the Mormons believe.

Paul made a reference to this:

“It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” I Cor 15:44 & 50

When one travels to kingdoms above the physical he does not go there as a physical being. When Jesus walked through the walls to meet the apostles what body was he in as he passed through the wall? It was not the physical for the physical body in its present condition cannot pass through a wall. When a Master passes through a wall or to other worlds he folds his physical up in the spiritual. One could say it is a little like deep sea diving. When you come up out of the water you no longer need the diving suit. You take it off and only use it again when you want to make another plunge.

Hope this gives you food for thought.

Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit

Some want to know if there is a difference between the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. In actuality there is no difference. Everywhere in the new Testament where “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” is used, both the words “Ghost” and “Spirit” come from the same Greek word which is PNEUMA.

Translators merely used the word “Ghost” instead of “Spirit” because they felt like wording it as such at the time, not because of anything in the original language.

Something Wicked This Way Comes

A reader expressed concern that I may be secretly affiliated with some sinister organization or have some secret agenda to establish control over people’s lives. He brought us Urantia and Hurtak as possible connections.

Let me first specify that I have nothing to do with any Urantia organization or Hurtak. I read his book around 20 years ago and that was all. I am not particularly impressed with Hurtak or Urantia. I cannot find a true newly revealed principle in either of them and the revelation of principles is my main criteria for value.

I am not a member of any church or even loosely affiliated with any organization among humanity. I haven’t even joined the local Chamber of Commerce.

As Glenys said I have stated my intentions numerous times.

Here they are in a nutshell.

(1) To do all I can to bring peace on earth goodwill to human kind.

(2) To enhance the power of decision and the exercise of free will for the individual and group.

(3) To free the individual and group from unearned and appointed authority which is the mark of the Beast. I do this by teaching that all things must be tested against a person’s own soul in connection with judging through mind and heart.

(4) To pass on teachings that I believe have much value.

(5) To stimulate higher spiritual progress and evolution.

(6) To do what I can to prepare the world for the coming of Christ.

(7) To have a good time in the process.


A newer reader criticizes me for the way I present my teachings, to which I responded:

Many find my presentation as a breath of fresh air after working through numerous works of fiction that are presented as truth. Anything that I present as a true occurrence I assure you is an event that really happened. Any teaching I present is presented as an item for consideration that you should not accept as true unless you give it every test possible, especially the test of your own soul.

My methodology may be good or bad but method has nothing to do with fruit. Many disliked the methods of Jesus and crucified him for it, but his fruit was still good.

One can plant a tree and have strange and unusual methods in cultivating it, but in the end it is the taste and quality of the fruit that is the test of value. The fruit is the fruit; the method is the method. They are two separate items.

I would say that judging by the quality of people who are in harmony with me that the fruit is very good so far. Like attracts like. If this principle is indeed true then I am flattered.

The reader continued saying that I present my teachings as truth rather than just saying that they are mere opinion. He says that members should question me.

In many cases I see the teaching I give out as more than opinion, Thus it would be a lie to state it as such from my point of view. I present all teachings in as positive light as possible to jolt all seekers into using their discernment to discover the truth. The best way to get a response from your soul is not to run a weak opinion by it but to run an easily understood positive or negative statement or thought past your inner higher intelligence. Thus if I say something in error it is more likely to ring a bell within than some watered down statement that does not even wake the interest of the soul.

I have preceded my teaching many times with the statement that they may or may not be true and that they go out with no claim of authority and that each seeker must test them with his own soul.

Perhaps you and other newer members should read over the archives where many teachings were totally dedicated to laying the foundation of not trusting me without confirmation.

If I am right about everything and you believe it and follow the teachings without confirmation from within you have found nothing. The fountain of living waters is the Spirit of God within you, and guiding seekers to this discovery is at the core of my teachings.

I challenge you to find another teaching situation where there is more questioning (and answers given) than there is here. I probably spend about a third of my teaching time handling challenges. In fact I spend so much time that many complain to me that we spend too much time with the type of questioning you mentioned.

Again I think you are underestimating the intelligence of many group members who accept most of my teachings. Just because they do not challenge me on a regular basis does not mean that they are not independent thinkers. Often times a person does not agree entirely and just wants to mull it around in their mind a while rather than overtly question.

April 24, 2000

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Discovering Suppression

Discovering Suppression

Question: What is the solution to suppression and denial? How do we help one who suppresses to express their true feelings? How do we help one who is in denial to admit that they are harboring negativity?

One of the problems with suppression is it creates negative energy within us that acts like steam building up in a kettle. It builds and builds and builds in pressure until it explodes through the safety value. If there is no release through such a valve then the person will develop many health problems because of the internal pressure.

Most people with the problem of suppression are basically nice people. Casual acquaintances will see them as very balanced emotionally, one who never flies off the handle. But those in close relationship know better.

When in close relationship with a suppresser and you hurt their feelings once, twice or three times nothing seems to happen. In fact they pretend that their feelings are fine and that you have done nothing to offend them. You, the offender, tend to think to yourself that it is nice to be around an individual who is so tolerant. You may continue to hurt their feelings a dozen times or more and all still seems to be well from the outside, but inside a storm is brewing. As the pressure of the emotion grows inside it reaches a point where it merely takes one more small offense to create the explosion.

When the explosion happens (with the straw that breaks the camel’s back) it often comes with a very small offense to which the person responds with great anger or emotion. The person making the offense is beside himself. Often the offense is so small that he has no idea what he did wrong and he is most puzzled that his associate seems to be acting way out of character. Whereas this person usually seems so level headed – now all of a sudden he’s acting like someone totally out of control.

What is the solution?

It is not easy for the one suppressing because it is very difficult for them to find and face their true feelings.

Much help can come from their associates, especially a lover or spouse. One must pay strict attention all the time when in relationship with one who suppresses. Whenever you say something that could cause hurt, do not listen to their words, but tune in to their feelings. Picking up negativity is probably the easiest energy to receive psychically because it is so dense and powerful, so you do not have to be extremely sensitive here.

When you pick up or calculate that a new storm is brewing the best thing to do is to get the small storm moving before the big storm happens. If you keep letting some air out of the tire it will never blow up. In this case the energy of harmony through conflict is a good path and it is advisable to forcefully draw the hurt out of the person. If you sense there is hurt and he or she says no everything is fine then press the issue. If the suppresser still denies then repeat the offense.

“So it really doesn’t bother you at all that I think your kid is spoiled rotten?”

Do whatever it takes to bring the emotion to the surface. If you bring it up before the boiling point is reached then it will be much easier to deal with. When the emotion does come to the surface the instigator must turn into Mr. Nice Guy and apologize profusely if necessary and show a fullness of love and acceptance to the suppresser. This will often result in a very blissful sharing between the two.

Have you heard it said that the most passionate lovemaking is after a good fight? This is the same principle at work.

It is important that we each learn whether we or our associates suppress and the easiest way to discover it is through handwriting analysis.

Suppression is revealed in handwriting through the retracing of strokes, particularly in the letters M and N, but can also be revealed to a lesser degree in other letters.

Look at the first sample below.




The upstrokes on the first M retraces showing suppression of emotion. The second M has little retracing showing normal control and the third has all the upstrokes breaking off with no retracing showing a person with a very outgoing and healthy release.

Marianne Williamson’s writing gives us an example retracing with high suppression whereas John Kennedy’s writings shows a very healthy emotional release.

Study these and attempt to see where your handwriting fits. If you are surprised to discover suppression this is normal because, as I said, many people who have the problem do not acknowledge it in themselves.

Denial of emotion can also be discovered in handwriting and is revealed in the backhand script. The one who denies does not allow himself to feel all the emotion that is there for him. This habit is usually initiated through some major hurt in childhood. The prime suspect is the parents, but a lover or peer group can also be the cause.

After the major hurt occurs the person decides that he does not want to ever hurt like that again so he will not allow himself to feel with full intensity again. By not allowing the registration of full feeling the person thinks he is protected from full hurt.

This denial has several negative repercussions. First by tuning out the bad he also tunes out the good and denies himself many of the emotional joys available in life.

Secondly, he also winds up tuning out his sensitivity to his own soul so the channel of soul contact is lessened.

If you discover through handwriting that you have suppression or denial what should you do?

The most important thing with suppression is to PAY ATTENTION at all times to the emotions you feel within you, not matter how silly, unenlightened or insignificant they seem. When you feel them acknowledge them and seek a way to release them

If you discover denial the cure is to face your fears about feeling emotion with full intensity for he who denies, denies because he is afraid of repeating an old hurt.

Another thing you can do is to seek to alter your handwriting. Practice making your M’s and N’s with no retracing. If you have a backhand practice writing with a slight forward slant. After about six weeks of such practice some will experience an internal change.

Question: When you feel an emotion within you that you are tempted to ignore or suppress what should you do? What if it will offend others by bringing it out in the open? What if it makes you look petty or unenlightened? Should you do it anyway?

April 22, 2000

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Two in One

Two in One

I was asked for more clarification on the overshadowing.

Some questioning the overshadowing have a Mormon background so here is an LDS scripture for them:

“And he received all power, both in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with him, for HE DWELT IN HIM.” D&C 93:17

The Christ is called both the Father and the Son in the scriptures. He was called the Son because he dwelt in the flesh, but was called the Father because he was polarized as the sending entity in relation to Jesus. The Father here spoken of who “dwelt” in Jesus was the Christ. Jesus has all power in heaven and earth because of his link to the Christ. We also have this same promise.

Neither Jesus, the Man, or Christ the Master of Masters created the worlds, but it was the Word (Logos) which is the aspect of the universal Christ that created all things. Both Jesus and the Christ were one with this aspect or “position” as Joseph Smith called it.

There is no argument about Jesus Being the Messiah (with the help of his Father of course).

I would suggest seekers read my numerous postings on this proving the doctrine from the scriptures.

I really had my doubts when I first learned of the overshadowing principle but when I opened my mind I received powerful undeniable confirmation on the matter.

The entity who incarnated as Jesus was Joshua from the time of Moses. His mission was to nurture a near perfect vehicle of expression that was to be used by the Christ who was Melchizedek in a past age. By vehicle I mean the combination of body-emotions and mind. He was to learn all that was possible in that age in order to provide the best possible means of expression for the mission.

At the baptism John saw the Spirit of the Christ descend and enter into Jesus. This spirit that entered into him was the “Son of God” without father or mother here on the earth.

This was much different from a walk in. It was the highest order of overshadowing and would more technically be called “divine possession.”

Mormons are taught that evil entities are not original, but copy and alter the things of God. Even so it is with possession. The difference is that evil possesses by force, but the good possesses with cooperation and free will.

When Christ entered into the body, Jesus did not walk out, but the two were in one body at one time. This was such an overwhelming experience that Jesus departed into the wilderness to fast for 40 days in order to commune with his Master and gain an understanding of how the partnership was supposed to work.

After the 40 days Jesus attuned himself to his Master’s vibration and the two minds functioned almost as one mind. It was a little like two entities using one mind – two keyboards – one computer, except the communion was through the science of impression rather than words.

This is why Jesus insisted over and over that he was not the originator of the greatest of the works and words such as in the following quote:

“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: But THE FATHER THAT DWELLETH IN ME, HE DOTH THE WORKS.” John 14:10

This is why Jesus said he represented the testimony of “two men.”

“Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: FOR I AM NOT ALONE, BUT I AND THE FATHER THAT SENT ME.. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that beareth witness of myself, AND the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.” John 8:14-18

On the cross the Christ left the body leaving Jesus alone. This is why he made the exclamation of the Father forsaking him.

I have written quite a bit on this subject. If you can’t find it let me know and I could post it again.

This is such a different doctrine than anything learned in any standard Christian belief that it takes strong spiritual sensitivity to consider it.

The Holy Spirit

Good run down of the Holy Ghost from the Mormon viewpoint Brian.

Here are a few words I said earlier about the Holy Ghost:

“Here on earth we have individualized consciousness and we seem to be separate souls, but in the world of pure soul there is only one oversoul for all humanity and you and I are parts of that whole..

“This oversoul is an extension of the oversoul for the whole planet and the soul of the planet is an extension of the oversoul of the whole solar system and so on up the line. The Holy Spirit is a great Cosmic entity that works through the Oversoul. In addition to this there are representatives of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost within the Brotherhood. The Christ, of course, represents the Son for this planet, even though from another way of looking at it he is a Father (or sender) to us.”

The Holy Ghost is also called the Holy Spirit and in some writings the Holy Breath.

Communion with the Spirit is called different things in different circles. Some call it the “Still Small Voice” and others call it the God within. In my teachings I have most commonly called it soul contact, a phrase borrowed from Alice A. Bailey writings and has wider implications than contact with the Holy Spirit.

The first contact is almost imperceptible, and that is why it is called the “Still Small Voice.” This is intuitive contact. Then after the person follows the communication received, the contact becomes more sure and stronger. Then comes the time the person receives the baptism of fire which is a sure witness of direction and the purpose of God. This is communion sent through the Monad.

The raising of the Kundalini has to do with raising the natural fires from the lowest to the highest centers and is a different matter. This clears the channels for higher communication. All seekers regardless of their evolution can receive communion to some degree with the Spirit. Thus in the justice of God truth is always available to all who earnestly seek.

April 21, 2000

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