

Question: What kind of health and spiritual problems can surface because of emotional dishonesty and why?

I cannot stress enough that dishonesty and deceit on any level diminishes soul contact and the flow and discernment of spiritual energies.

One of the problems with incorporating honesty into our lives is that some do not seem to realize what it is. In other words, what is and is not a lie in relation to our spiritual progression?

Dishonesty, or a lie, is when you communicate on any level and that information is knowingly presented so as to communicate to another that which is not true.

Thus if some one hurts your feelings and they ask you if you are hurt and you say no you’re fine – that is a lie on the emotional level.

What is not a lie?

It is not dishonest or a lie to keep a secret or to not reveal all your thoughts. Some believe that not telling all is a form of dishonesty, but if this were so, we all would be dishonest each moment of our lives for none of us spill our guts on everything. Becoming as the National Enquirer or on Jerry Springer is not the ideal here.

If a Master were to appear to you this moment there are many questions that you could ask that he would not answer. On the other hand, everything that he would tell you would be true. That is one of the prime reasons he is a Master because he has learned to make all his words reality and his promises all come true. This is perhaps the most important lesson we have to learn on the way to adeptship.

A reader brought up the most crippling physical result of emotional dishonesty and that is cancer. The suppression of negative emotion and the lie of pretending that all is well, when all is not well is a much greater threat to health than any pesticides we get in the grocery store. The people who suppress and deny emotion often come as a surprise to their close friends for they usually are known as the cheerful positive one that nothing seems to phase or bother. The cancer people seem to be the “good that die young,” as almost all of them are very nice people who just “want to get along” in peace.

There are two major areas where the problem lies. The first is suppression of negative emotion. This negative emotion is what the Course in Miracles calls a “grievance.” Someone hurts your feelings and you think that it would be hurtful to respond so you suppress, bottle up the emotion, and hope that it will never see the light of day.

The trouble is that emotion is a type of living energy and when it is bottled up it is still in existence and must manifest in some way on the physical plane.

The second major problem is denial. The person who suppresses realizes that there is a negative emotion welling up in his breast, but one who is in denial has so controlled his emotion and even lied to himself to the extent that he has convinced himself that the negative emotion that still resides within him no longer exists. The lower level of vibration that he has settled into is now accepted as his normal state and has thus made friends and become comfortable with the enemy of spirit.


What is the solution to suppression and denial? How do we help one who suppresses to express their true feelings? How do we help one who is in denial to admit that they are harboring negativity?

I do not want to get off on a totally separate topic here until we are ready to cover it in depth, but I will mention several thoughts on DNA.

I believe that about 99% of what you read on the new age sites about it is not true. We hear a lot about activating new strands – sometimes 12 sometimes 24 or more. We currently have two strands called the double helix and this pattern will remain pretty much as it is now for probably thousands of years to come. The only major change to be expected is when the final root race, the seventh appears.

Many mystics are saying that the “junk DNA” is not really junk but are just superior strains that need to be activated. I agree with the scientists here that these are remnants of past evolutionary developments that no longer have an active use, though they may have an influence. It’s a little like our tailbones as a remnant of a tail that is no longer of use to us. All DNA, including the so-called junk, I am sure does have ancient programming and some memories, but for a true retrieval of ancient memories one would have to tune into the permanent physical atom which is composed of etheric matter.

Many talk about DNA as if a rudimentary knowledge it will provide us with enlightenment. It is fine to study this and all other science to look for correspondences, but it may be a drawback to seek enlightenment or spiritual progression through DNA.

Everything on the physical plane is already prepared for us and will unfold as we expand our consciousness. It is not the other way around. DNA is a tool and does not expand our consciousness. – this occurs through our own decisions.

Someone asked me about the virgin birth. Since this is controversial I will throw it out with no claim of authority, but as a seed thought for your own soul confirmation.

Jesus, the man, was born not of a virgin, but of two parents – Mary and Joseph. Mary was already betrothed to Joseph when she became pregnant – the scriptures have been altered in this regard. When the time of conception was ready the spirit of the Christ overshadowed Joseph and raised the spiritual vibration of the couple joined in physical union. A perfect climax on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels ensued and Mary became a vessel to provide a flawless physical body for Jesus. Later around the age of thirty the actual entity who was the Christ entered into the body of Jesus. Concerning the Christ who was Melchizedek it is written he was:

“Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.” Heb 7:3

It was thus the Christ who was born into the virgin womb of Jesus at his baptism (symbol of new birth) that gave rise to the legend of the virgin birth.

Thus in more ways than one the Master who is the Christ is the Father and the Son.

Note: After I wrote this I became curious what may be written on the subject in the Gospel of the Nazirenes. Evidence suggests that this is the oldest gospel in existence written in the first century AD. I bought a copy some time ago but haven’t had a chance to read it. Anyway after writing the above I opened the book and read:

“And then said Mary to the Angel, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” And the Angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit shall come upon Joseph thy spouse, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow you, Mary, therefore, also that Holy One which shall be born of you shall be called the Messiah, and his name of the earth shall be called Jesus…” Chapter 2 verse 6.

Interesting verification.

April 19, 2000

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Emotional Honesty

Emotional Honesty

Question: Do you think that honesty and the keeping of your word will have a positive effect on health? Why?

Honestly as well as the keeping of one’s word has the important effect of lowering resistance to higher spiritual energies. One of the most common causes of disease is the resistance of the evolving pilgrim to the next level of energies released through the soul into our energy centers. If deceit or betrayal is found within our personal universe then the vibration is lowered and the higher light seeking expression is met with darkness. Thus does the vibrations of higher light sound a note that is off key and pitch and the discordant notes provide a fertile soil for the growth of disease.

We are all familiar with honesty on the physical plane, but an important part of good health is honesty on the emotional plane. Many who are very honest in the regular sense are very dishonest in the emotional sense and what makes correction even more difficult for them is that they are often praised for it.

What is emotional dishonesty?

It is basically when you feel one thing (usually negative) but communicate to others that you are feeling something else.

Why would one be emotionally dishonest?

Emotionally dishonest people are usually people with a strong desire for peace and harmony. Because of this when they find themselves with a negative feeling or grievance they will often refuse to acknowledge it in themselves or communicate it. Failure to face fear is involved here because this person often has a fear of not being accepted or hurting another’s feelings if he or she is honest.

Examples of emotional dishonesty:

(1) The Martyr

The husband says: “Honey, I’m having Bob and Jim over for he big game tonight – make us some sandwiches would you?”

She does not like Bob and Jim and she does not want to make sandwiches. They can make their own damn sandwiches! Besides she was of the understanding that they were going to have a romantic evening together. Even so, she decides to pretend that all is well and fixes the sandwiches and delivers them with a smile. She thinks that she will create a major argument if she does not cooperate and this is the way of peace.

She is indeed deceiving herself and her husband here because, even though all seems to be well, there is an internal storm brewing within.

(2) The Peacemaker

Mary enters the room and says to Bill: “You know that trip we are taking next week to Yellowstone Park?

“What about it?” says the husband Bill.

“Well, I’ve invited my mother-in-law to come along. I knew you wouldn’t mind.” Then she turns and walks into the kitchen as if all is well.

Now poor Bill will be absolutely miserable if the mother-in-law comes along, but he feels that if he protests that Mary will get very upset and a major disturbance will follow. So for the sake of peace Bill says nothing and pretends to go along. Again in this case there is outer peace but no inner peace.

(3) The Denier

Jim and Sue are watching Jay Leno and Pamela Anderson comes on the scene. “Wow! What a body,” says Jim as he takes a swig of beer. “I think I’m going to have a fantasy tonight.”

Sue is very quiet for the next ten minutes and finally Jim asks: “You OK?”

“I’m fine,” she says.

“I was just kidding about that fantasy thing. I didn’t hurt your feelings did I?”

Sue’s feelings are really hurt, but she feels that it is petty to be hurt over such a thing and says: “No. Don’t be silly. I know I’m no Pamela Anderson. You love me anyway though don’t you?”

“Sure baby…”

Sue has a terrible feeling within her breast, but feels small-minded that it is even there and attempts to deny it out of existence, but a part of her remains aware that it is ever there, especially when Jim makes other insensitive remarks.

Question: What kind of health and spiritual problems can surface because of emotional dishonesty and why?


I was surfing through the posts of a rebel Mormon group, and I discovered at least three, possibly four, claiming to be the Messiah, and there might be others who have not come forth yet.

In addition to this there are hundreds of others claiming to be Messiah types on the internet. It doesn’t take much surfing to find them.

It is interesting to compare these characters to a real Messiah as the Christ was.

Did He proclaim: “Hey, guys! I’m the new Messiah. I’m reincarnated from a great one. Don’t you recognize me? How about being my followers?”

Instead Jesus went forth and taught and did mighty works and it wasn’t long before he did not have to make any claim for his works spoke for themselves.

The words of Jesus come to mind here:

“And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them, When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

“For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” Luke 14:7-11

If we are not sure of our position it is best to take the “lowest room” for if we by chance are a beginner we shall not be embarrassed when the truth is revealed. On the other hand, if the Master says: “come up higher” we then are honored. There would be nothing more embarrassing than to think of oneself as a great avatar only to learn that the first initiation has not yet been taken.

Remember, the true disciple does not publicly reveal his status. He is prepared to work with no recognition if that turns out to be his fate. I cannot stress this too often.

I was asked if I had read the Keys of Enoch. Yes, I have read that book. I have the first edition and read it in the late 70’s. That is the only thing of Hurtak’s that I have read. I have not followed anything else he has done or written.

When you read revelations in other sites about energy grids, crystalline structures, DNA, language of light, Merkabah or Metatron you can bet they were influenced either directly or indirectly by Hurtak’s writings.

April 18, 2000

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Real People

Real People

Everyone in favor of throwing Craig to the wild dogs raise your hand. Let’s see. It looks like only one hand went up. Our old friend ZOR. Too bad ZOR, you are outvoted. Now don’t pout ZOR, Craig will say something outrageous again soon and we’ll have another vote. What? You don’t want to wait? No ZOR, the group will be upset if you take the matter into your own hands. They like Craig. What? You don’t like him because he has not turned into a clone. listen ZOR. Nobody is expected to be a clone. Now stop it ZOR. You can’t go after Crag.. John, Glenys, Samu give me a hand, I think we need to throw ZOR to the dogs.

ZOR is taken and heaved into the wild dog pit. Glenys comments about what a great emotional release it was to throw ZOR in the pit.

We close our eyes. It’s too terrible to watch. Then I open mine just in time to see ZOR escape over the fence. Looks like he got just enough roughing up to get fuming mad. Oh Well.

Well, here we are back on dualities again just as I predicted. As I said before, it does not matter which subject we choose be it health, the purpose of life, discipleship or whatever there is no way to discuss any interest or philosophy in this world without the bringing in of duality. And what happens as soon as a strong duality word is used?

Someone comes forward who is attached to escaping duality and we hear a sermon on how it is us who need to escape attachment and live beyond duality.

Let me state this again. Every subject we will be discussing as long as this group exists will have the involvement of dualities. It will save a lot of painful repetition if all can accept that fact and release ourselves from the need to preach to us about escape from this world. Some of us like the dualities that we find ourselves in and get great enjoyment from it. Some of us are smelling the flowers on the way to higher evolution and there is no smelling of flowers without duality. (There can only be a good smell if there is a possibility of a bad smell).

Some have heard that the word holiness is related to the word wholeness and I believe this to be true. Therefore, to achieve true holiness one must achieve the opposite of the priests and the monks who withdraw from the world and spend every possible moment in meditation upon the formless while withdrawing from the world. These are not the whole ones, they are the lop-sided ones. They are living in only part of reality.

John (a Keys member) is a true example of one who I consider to be holy (there are others on the group, I’m just picking on him). He is very disciplined at meditation and visualization, yet this reaching the void does not consume him. He does not let his lower centers such as the solar plexus and sacral atrophy, for after hearing just a few words from him you can sense that his passions and emotional intensity is alive and well and he makes no apologies for it. He does not want to leave behind emotional love, but embraces it while it is in season and smells the flowers of love on all levels upon the path.

I can see John getting angry and raising some hell now and then, but he knows the limits where his soul does not want him to pass and can check himself when necessary.

I can see John feeling some jealousy if someone made a pass at his wife and I can see him feeling pain if she was hurt or if she packed up and left in the middle of the night.

I can also see that if the worst happened that he would exercise detachment by letting go of the past and make the best of the present and move on.

In other words, John is a fine example of one who functions on all levels of being and becoming that is practical for us to work on in regular human consciousness.

You can only reach true oneness by being whole or holy. Without wholeness the mind is split as it is deceived into thinking it is achieving a reality that lies beyond that in which wholeness lies.

There is a lot of truth in the clichés of the world such as – “The test of the pudding is in the pie.” In other words, if the pudding is truly desirable then the pie that is made from it will be good also.

Therefore one of the things I look for in the various philosophies that surface is the end result of that philosophy as it plays out in the believer’s life.

I have met, conversed with and studied people of many different philosophies and rubbed shoulders with many who see themselves as beyond duality. These people are afraid to use certain words like “evil, loss, pain, incomplete” and others in relation to themselves even if they apply. It’s as if the boogieman will get them if they use a taboo word. You speak of any enjoyment you get from duality to them and they look at you as if you are a poor misguided soul that does not know as they know or see from the higher vision that they see.

The interesting thing is that I pick up a very similar vibration from another group and that is the authorities in the Mormon Church. These authorities and the “beyond duality” new agers have much more in common than they will admit – they just use a lot different vocabulary. Here are some similarities:

(1) Neither of them are fun to go drink a beer with.

(2) Neither know any good jokes or have cutting edge humor.

(3) They both speak in a sickly sweet monotone voice that artificially seems to be an attempt at sounding like they love you and have your interest at heart, yet I have rarely felt much love from either group. If you’ve ever noted how a funeral director talks differently from the average guy you’ll get a jest of what I mean.

(4) Both of them have their followers convinced that they are unlikely to ever get angry over anything and seem to display little passion for anything. On the other hand, I have pushed buttons in both groups that shows me a lot of suppressed emotion and anger.

(5) Both groups have an air of superiority that makes you want to shake some reality into them.

(6) Both groups expect you to believe them because of what they say, not because of what is spoken from your own soul.

(7) Both groups have formula beliefs. Go outside that formula in conversation and they get uncomfortable and attempt to get back on the formula.

(8) Many in both groups see money as undesirable unless we are handing it over to them.

(9) Both speak a lot about miracles, but rarely does anything miraculous happen to them outside of that which they imagine.

(10) Both think you have to give up freedom in certain individual areas to fulfill the divine plan.

(11) Weak passions.

I could go on here but you get the idea.

On the other hand, the people I do admire that I look up to and feel a sense of camaraderie and friendship with have this in common.

(1) Strong passion. Not only are their higher centers active but their lower ones are alive and well.

(2) For want of a better word, they seem like real people.

(3) Their attention is on their next step in evolution and not something obscure a zillion years down the road.

(4) In addition to being able to talk about higher knowledge they can enjoy Jerry Springer, the National Enquirer and Mad Magazine.

(5) They take total responsibility for their life.

(6) They make money by providing a real need and service to others.

(7) They are very harmless in most circumstances, but strong passion will come into play when they see injustice or hypocrisy.

(8) Strong sex drive yet having necessary discipline.

(9) There’s an interesting sparkle and passion in their voice when they talk. They are not boring.

(10) Strong desire to excel and achieve.

(11) Willingness to take chances.

(12) Says what they think without filtering out certain political or spiritually incorrect words or phrases.

Conclusion: I vote for associating with real people in touch with duality with real passion capable of feeling not only the love of the soul, but also the stimulating love and passion of the personality.

April 17, 2000

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Emotion and Karma

Emotion and Karma

There are two points in a recent post I will comment on.

First: “I don’t remember who, but somebody said that karma is created when one or both (or several) parties have any energy involved. If nobody cares, nothing happened. For example, I don’t think any of you care what kind of toilet paper I buy.”

Karma is usually defined as either a debt to be paid or a positive balance from which one may draw benefits. Thus the mere act of caring has little to do with the creation of karma.

I believe I know the teaching you are referring to, however, which I believe to be a true one and it goes something like this.

Strong emotion such as love or hate, desire or repulsion, fear or protectiveness creates not karma, as we understand the term, but an energy link that will bring you into repeated contact with the person with whom you share such emotion. If such emotion carries with it any degree of attachment then this person must be faced in relationship again and again, life after life, until you learn to detach yourself from him or her and the emotion connected with the relationship.

Even the lower octave of love creates this problem. Love from this angle would be defined as: “the desire to keep another in a relationship because of what they do for you rather than what you can do for them as the prime motivator.

This is why forgiveness is so important. If you hold a grievance and do not forgive then that negative feeling creates a link that will draw that person back into your life until you do learn to forgive him on all levels.

Imagine the future consequences if you have a dozen people in your life that you have not forgiven. In a future time or life you will have a dozen annoying people in your circle of work or friends and be beside yourself as to how you could have such bad luck in choosing associates.

If you merely have a feeling of attachment toward another a real debt (karma) is not created. Thus you can free yourself of the link instantly at the moment you let go of attachment. This concept is probably why some believe that you can release yourself from karma with a decision – because they have mistakenly called the linkage of attachment a karmic debt. Instead, the linkage we have to others because of attachment merely holds a lesson to be learned.

Karma is different. You can learn your lesson, but still owe the debt just as happens in real life. You can run up your credit card balance too high and learn the lesson not to let that happen again, but the sinking in of the lesson does not pay the bank. You often find yourself making payments long after you have learned to not over extend yourself.

The linkage because of emotion creates no karmic debt, but is immediately dispelled by forgiveness or the release of the binding emotion.

Second: In response to my comment on breaking promises the reader states:

“There again, humanity has made a collective judgment that it is “wrong” to share sexual partners with others. That is not the ultimate “truth” in my mind, but something we have made so.”

The main point I was making was not around sex, but around the subject of honoring your commitments and your word. If a person makes a promise to not eat peas and another is depending on this promise for some reason then he should honor his word. If he does not want to honor it then he should seek a release from the person to whom the promise was made. This has little to do with whether peas are good or bad for you.

If we are to learn to be one with God and establish reliable soul contact through that oneness then we must all learn to honor our word when it is given to another, especially if it would create pain or harm to this trusting person if the word is broken. If we wish to obtain liberation then we must learn to be as the Spirit of God within and keep our word on all matters. When we thus become like the Spirit we commune with the Spirit.

Because I understand this principle I have always been very selective about giving my word, for the breaking of it does create definite effect and karmic debt that must be dealt with in a future time.

If you have an uncommitted relationship and have sex with another person with the understanding that multiple partners is part of the agreement then you are not responsible for your friend’s hurt if he should take offense. But when you make a promise to another soul and that person places trust in you because of that promise then the breaking of that promise can create tremendous pain, pain that would not occur if both parties were true to their word.

If you thus betray a loved one through the breaking of your word, the time will come that one with whom you have placed your trust and given your heart will betray you.

The pain through the betrayal of a loved one has little to do with attachment. You can be very detached from a spiritual point of view yet suffer pain through the broken word.

But do not we suffer pain in relationships because of attachments?

Not necessarily. In a romantic relationship there is a bonding through the circulation of energy for the two become one as the scriptures says. Now you may figure that you are not attached to your little finger and could live without it, but this detachment does not spare you any pain if someone were to rip it out of your hand. Similarly in a committed relationship the other person becomes like an extension of your body and this severing of half of that which makes up a greater life is very painful no matter what state of detachment you have reached.

The Christ himself, the greatest of us all, formed a greater life out of the twelve disciples and because of the flow of energy and the betrayal by Judas he suffered enormous pain and came close to dying in the garden of Gethsemane as a result.

One who is detached as the ancient wisdom teaches can release any person from any relationship and let hem go their way. But he will realize the principles involved and work with the energies so the pain on all sides is at a minimum.

Question: Do you think that honesty and the keeping of your word will have a positive effect on health? Why?

Some have indicated that we should not put a lot of weight on past writings like the scriptures, Blavatsky or Alice A. Bailey. What do you think? If a writing or teaching is confirmed by your soul does the passing of time lessen the value of the teaching?

From Whence Cometh my Writings?

It seems that skeptics are always trying to figure out where I get my writings from, as they think they must have been lifted from somewhere. Now I have just been accused of copying them from The Keys of Enoch by J J Hurtak.

Of all the books to pick that I may be lifting material from I would say that the Keys of Enoch would be far down the list.

The first book to use if such an accusation could be attempted would be the Bible. Of all the written word, that has been the strongest influence in my life. Second would be the writings of Alice A. Bailey. There have been times that I have written something that I thought was pretty original and the later found that AAB’s writings either spoke about it or hinted at it.

Hurtak and I both claim to have keys and that is pretty much where the similarity ends. None of the Keys I either have or will present will be the same as his. He writes from a scientific point of view and I do this to an extent, but I write with much more simplicity than he does and do not include a plethora of obscure words to cause the reader to have to constantly have a unabridged dictionary at his side.

You indicate the Song and the New Jerusalem meditation was lifted from Hurtak. That’s outrageous. The Keys of Enoch has nothing like either of these. Do you care to give evidence of this observation?

As far as the story of Joseph, I do not know what you are referring to here. I do not recall Hurtak or myself elaborating on a story of Joseph. I have given some details about the life of Joseph Smith, but Hurtak gives no elaboration on him, even though he briefly mentions him.

Any two metaphysical writers who write a book will say at least several similar phrases and possibly present some similar ideas in different language, but I challenge you to find anything in my writings that seem to be lifted from his.

On the other hand, I think Hurtak’s book is very similar to the Urantia book concept. He just added a much more sophisticated terminology and teachings. Many phrases he uses are borrowed from Urantia however; others are fairly original.

As far as you being so detached that the one to whom you may be committed would not bring you any pain even if the relationship should be suddenly shattered by betrayal let me say this.

The only way to accomplish this sterile undesirable objective is to not give of your heart, to not let the energies of love and romance flow between the two of you. Once the energies are in circulation there is indeed the possibility of pain if there is sudden interruption through betrayal.

He who is not willing to give to another to make himself vulnerable in this way is missing the most wonderful dimension of human existence and until one has this willingness he cannot commune with completeness to the souls of humanity.

Just as oxygen does not combine with hydrogen to make oxygen more complete even so in true union of souls the male does not unite with the female for completeness, but for the experience of greater life and livingness. Oxygen remains what it is when water is formed and I still remain what I am in my union with my wife. If she should be severed from me I would still remain complete, but miss the experience of the greater life her presence offers me.

Copyrighting Truth

A reader   criticized me for copywriting my writings stating that it is wrong to copyright truth as no one owns it. He also thinks I have borrowed a lot of my ideas.

First I will again state that a lot of the things I write do not come from any book that I am aware of and one reader certainly stretched his imagination when he tried to prove that the early Mormon writers have covered my material. Few of them even had an elementary understanding of reincarnation.

Contrary to popular belief there are new things under the sun, and thank God for this. Who would want to go on a recycling of the past for all eternity?

I think I explained this before but the reason I started putting a copyright notice under my writings is that I noticed in another group there was a copyright notice at the bottom and it was not from the group admnistrator, but Microsoft Corporation. That could mean that if a reader posted some of my material and Bill Gates copyrighted it and later decided that he wanted to own it instead of me that he could prevent me from using my own material.

Actually a similar experience happened to me, as did another member, for I once wrote a parable and gave a copy to a friend of mine on the way to California. A couple years later I discovered that the parable was picked up by someone else and published and copyrighted in nationally distributed book. Now I am in danger of being sued if I publish my own material. For this cause, I have not even shared the parable with the group – one of the best I have written.

As far as copyrighting truth… I think you know that is not the idea. Did you copyright your own book? Did you see yourself as copyrighting truth??? I don’t think so.

April 16, 2000

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The First Law Again

The First Law Again

I think that a reader may have given the wrong impression about belief and disease through this statement:

“the reason people get sick is because that’s what they want”.

Now think on this for a moment. Have you ever been sick or in pain and then said to yourself: “Man this is just what I want. I want to have my nose stuffed up. I want to not be able to breath… I want a good dose of diarrhea – I want to puke in the toilet.

Obviously none of us consciously want pain and disease. How about the unconscious then?

I may be the first to tell you this but there is no such thing as an unconscious desire, for desire can only be manifest through consciousness.

Let me rephrase the above statement in a way that I believe will be seen to be true by most of the members in the group.

“None of us want disease and pain, but disease and pain are often caused by what we want.”

When I was a kid I wanted and loved sugary products but at the same time I did not like feeling ill. I did not realize it at the time but all the sugar I ate made me feel good in the short term but ill in the long term.

Because what we want is often a thing that gives short term pleasure but long term pain our computer brain often takes these signals from us and takes the short term want as its prime directive.

Note: The important thing to understand about the computer brain is that it is not very smart. It is a great computer and storehouse of data but it has primitive reasoning powers. It always adds A+B to get C. It cannot look at the picture composed of A+D+F+G+K+M+P and get X as you and I can do consciously.

Our computer program in our computer brain thus takes in the input as “I want sugar – sugar is good – sugar is pleasure” and does its best to adjust its programming to cooperate with this desire. It does not recognize that “sugar brings long term discomfort,” for that would be seeing the big picture or coming up with X.

Sometimes illness does bring us some of the things we want – sympathy and attention, for instance.

Now if the computer brain receives the input as follows: “sympathy is good and illness brings sympathy,” then it will draw the simple conclusion that “illness is good,” and arrange an illness for you since that is what you seem to want.

Notice the word “seem” here. No one who is sane wants to be ill but your programming can misinterpret it because of conflicting or confusing desire messages that we send to it.

Now in the above case it is entirely possible that someone could apply the technique that the reader used to get rid of the illness. That is you could send a message to the internal programming telling it that you do not want to be ill.

In our above example the computer brain made the person ill to get sympathy – so what happens if you send it a message that you do not wish to be ill? Depending on other aspects of the data that is stored it could do one of two things.

(1) It could receive the “I do not want to be ill” as a mistake because illness is equated with sympathy and therefore you cannot want health because illness brings you sympathy and sympathy is good. It would therefore calculate that you wish to remain ill and keep your illness for you.

(2) It could receive the “I do not want to be ill” as correct and thus assist in your healing but at the same time conclude that the need for sympathy was a mistake and thus influence the program of your life so you no longer receive sympathy.

Now this (#2) may work out fine if you have outgrown the need for sympathy, but if you have not you may find your life as miserable living with little or no sympathy as you did living with an illness. If your computer brain receives strong input that this new health seems to be a mistake because you are more unhappy than before then it will resume the old program of illness and then see if this makes you happier. If you seem to be happier being ill than being healthy it will make the simple interpretation that you desire illness above all else and it will cooperate to keep you in that condition because it seems that this is your desire.

But is this what you really want?

No, of course not, but your internal programming is deceived into thinking so because of wrong messages sent.

Another member writes: “I believe that there are no judgments unless you make up one…”

Yes this is true, but life is composed of millions of judgments. Without judgment there would not even be consciousness.

Below is a quote from a previous post:

When you think of it, it is silly to say we should not judge. As soon as you wake in the morning you make a judgment as to whether to get up or sleep a while longer. When you get in the shower you make a judgment as to when you are clean enough to get out.

When you eat breakfast you make a judgment as to what you will have and how much.

When you drive to work and are a little late you make a judgment as to whether you are going to speed or not.

Finally you get to work and meet the new guy who was just hired. He wants to be your best friend and now you make a judgment on whether or not you want this type of personality in your life.

Then your boss wants you to dig up some dirt on the boss above him. You judge your boss to be wrong and refuse.

We could go on and on here but hopefully we get the point. Judgments are not wrong. Only wrong judgments are wrong.

Every quality and ability has a positive and negative side to it.

When the Bible and A Course in Miracles talks about judgment in a negative light, they are talking about negative, limiting judgments.

Example: The kid tells the parent he is going to get straight A’s next time around and the parent says: “You’ve failed miserably in the past, so you’re going to fail again.”

This is a cruel and limiting judgment.

A positive judgment would be something like this: “I have seen you make progress in the past when you make an effort and I do believe you have it in you to dramatically improve your grades.”

Here the parent made a judgment on the positive possibilities of the child and in this case judgment is a good thing.

Thus we see that making judgments is not the problem, but using the negative aspect of judgment can be.

The reader continues:

“and “you are betrayed because you betrayed someone in the past” doesn’t make sense in that light. It’d suggest clear “universal judgment” directly from the Higher Self, who’s not supposed to judge in the first place… :)”

Where do you get the idea that the Higher Self does not judge? If we equate the Higher Self as being One with God then it would have to judge. For one thing, all the sacred writings of the world tell us that God does judge.

Your Higher Self made a judgment and a decision to extend itself and create the entity which is you. Therefore, without judgment you would not even exist.

In this reality we have made certain judgments about what constitutes betrayal and rightly so for without such judgments civilization would have no order and would cease to exist.

For instance, at least 99% of humans would judge the following to be a betrayal.

You (Person A) finally meet the person of your dreams (Person B) and make wonderful soul contact together. You both seem to desire to spend a lifetime together and make many wonderful plans to this end. You both thus make a voluntary commitment to seek union together throughout this life and to keep romantic and sexual energies within the union. As an external symbol of this agreement you both enter into a marriage contract and make promises to each other and the world.

Now shortly after your marriage at a time when you think all is well you come home from work early and find the love of your life having wild sex with the UPS person in the back of the truck.

Is there betrayal here?


Is there hurt?


Now some would go so far as to say that the hurt is the fault of the Person A who is innocent by most standards. They will say that as he or she opens the UPS truck door and gazes on the sexual escapade, that he is not supposed to judge.

What’s he supposed to do then? – say something like this:

“Honey, I am sorry to disturbed you. Obviously you have needs to fill so I’ll go in the house and read a book so you can finish your fulfillment without me in the way judging you.”

There are actually people who believe that they are so non judgmental that they would behave like this…

Until they go through the experience. Then they change their mind. Then they discover a reality that they were oblivious to in their idealistic past.

Now such a discovery is not the ultimate reality, but a necessary stage of reality that must be faced before higher realms of non attachment and bliss can be truly discovered.

The fact is this. Person B broke a solemn promise to person A. Even though Person B knew that the breaking of this promise (a promise given through free will) would cause great hurt to his/her spouse he/she did it anyway.

Just like setting your dog on fire will cause a negative effect that you will have to account for even so will the pain caused through the breaking of a promise create an effect that will need correction.

The reader continues:

“Now, I do believe that we, when we act from a limited consciousness, make mistakes, and that we create our realities based on that, but I do not believe that it is purposely made “difficult” but that we get “stuck” on what we haven’t learned, and thus by merely not understanding enough to be aware that we can create a better outcome, we make the karma principle work.

So, in actuality, our Higher Self wouldn’t make us “pay back karma”, but instead steer us towards experiences where we could best learn to forgive ourselves and the situation, thus freeing the energy that was previously stuck in relation to that particular issue.”


Karma, or cause and effect, as it effects you has nothing to do with the judgment of your Higher Self. Cause and Effect is just there for eternity and there is nothing anyone or any being can do about it. It is not created by judgment for it exists independent of all things and is the power through which all realities are created.

Karma also has nothing to do with guilt. If Person A and Person B are both in accidents that break another person’s leg, is there any difference in the effect if person B feels guilt and Person A does not?


The third party still has the broken leg whether guilt is involved or not. The doctor needs his pay no matter how much guilt you feel or do not feel – it makes no difference. Both person A and B must cough up the payment for medical expenses.

The Higher Self therefore does not “judge” the amount of Karma (effect) that you have manifested in the great pool of universal response. It is just there for you to deal with. Instead the Higher Self is a little like your financial advisor who understands your debits and credits much better than you do. It sees that you owe X amount of money and is aware that you may not have the capacity to pay it all off at once so it works out a payment program so you can retire the debt in the most pain free way possible and at the same time teaching you the perils of overreaching yourself. This Higher Self (advisor) thus seeks to get you debt free so you can use your assets (good karma) in a joyous way.

Thus eventually you can use money (effects) to the ends that you desire with no limitations.

April 15, 2000

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Visitation, Karma and Health

Visitation, Karma and Health

Been very busy my friends. Sometimes I wish I just had a nine to five job instead of being self-employed with such a demanding business, but the thought is brief. The freedom from the beast of authority means a lot. I’ve only worked for someone else a couple years of my adult life and that was enough to cure me.

During one short period that I attempted to work for someone else I went through about six businesses that went out of business shortly after I went to work for them. One had been in business for 130 years. After going through this experience I thought that maybe a higher power was telling me to work for myself and become self-sufficient.

This I have done. If my business fell apart tomorrow and I lost everything I could still go to work the next day and make money because I understand sales and there are thousands of products out there to sell and many companies pleading for a good salesman to appear.

Thus circumstances have forced me, a born introvert, to learn the skills of the extrovert, so hopefully I can avoid the pitfalls of most visionaries who are often somewhat disconnected from physical reality.

What’s in store for us one asks?

Perhaps the best answer to that question comes from the words of Jesus:

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.” Matt 24:42-47

The keynote of this parable is that your Lord will come in an hour that you think not. Now forget for the moment about any mass appearance of the Christ and instead consider your individual relationship with God. If you follow the highest you know there will come a time when you will be visited by a Presence, either visible or invisible. It will come at a time that you least expect it and a time when perhaps you feel the least prepared spiritually, but it will come.

To dream and wish for the experience will only delay the happening. But if you take the highest you know and go forward in the vineyard of the Master and serve with no end in sight, in season and out of season, in good times and bad. If you serve with love in the dark of night with the same strength as in the light of day, if you continue with loving service through the fiery darts of hate, malice and betrayal and above all if it appears that even your Master and your God seem to completely ignore you as if you do not exist… Through all this you will continue to serve with the highest you know. You continue even if God himself seems to be your enemy putting every obstacle possible in your path and laughing at you as you stumble and fall. You rise up and continue. The time comes that it will not seem to matter to you any more if friends, God or the Masters approve of you or not. It matters not if you are some great chosen one or are looked upon by the Master as the least and most needy of the brethren. You will now serve for the sake of selfless love alone because the need is out there and you sense the need. When this stage is reached in your being one of the Great Ones will take notice and speak: “Behold, the servant! He has become as one of us. Let us invite him into the circle of higher friendship, brotherhood and service.”

But even here the invitation comes not as you expected. All your expectations are shattered and soon replaced by newer ones and the groping in the dark is replaced by walking the path with vision. The reward for your selfless service is sight and as you see the path ahead your heart is filled with joy for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.

We approached this subject of health with the intent of helping members of the group who were having problems. I feel that we need to do what we can to insure that all of us are in reasonable health for it is difficult to serve when all that is on one’s mind is his own survival or release from pain.

After we finish this subject we shall return and finish the principles of discovery. This is another very important subject for if we know not how to discern truth we will “be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine” as the apostle Paul worded it.

To achieve some unification on this I believe we need to have a beginning, middle and end to the topic. Our trouble so far is that we have always found ourselves in the middle of the subject and there has been no linkage of ideas or definition of terms to make sure we all speak the same language.

The Question:

Taking reincarnation and karma into effect why do you suppose it is that some people can he healed and others not? Is it possible for one to be healed when his disease is connected with his karma? If one learns his karma is it possible to accelerate payment and thus free himself from unfortunate circumstance?

Many diseases are caused because of past karma and if nothing is attempted but an act of faith, in some cases the healer will be attempting to cancel out certain lessons that are to be administered through the soul.

Someone recently asked how we can discover our past karma, especially if you cannot remember your past.

The first thing to realize is that your soul does not expect you to pay off all your karma in one life, but in any one life where the debt of negative karma still exists there will be a certain amount allocated that you will be expected to pay off. If this karma is linked to a disease (as I believe it was with my uncle) then the karma (or the lesson to be learned) must be lifted or redirected before the person can be healed.

Since the understanding of karma is important in the attainment of permanent freedom from disease it is necessary to discover how it may be affecting our lives.

Of course, the most popular way of discovering karma is to review past lives. The trouble with this is that unless the disciple is relatively free from illusion that his discernment of the past is likely to be incorrect.

Hypnosis and guided meditation, for instance, sometimes reveals the true past, but other times brings forth an imaginary past for a variety of reasons. Only through soul confirmation can one know if such a revealed past is correct.

A second way to discover the past is through dreams, but there is also much distortion in this and the soul must be used again. You can enhance the power to discover the past through dreams by giving yourself suggestions to remember as you are going to sleep. This will not produce immediate results, but will bear fruit over a period of time.

Do not trust someone who claims to be a great one from the past because of supposed synchronicity. Relating oneself to a historical figure because he sees similarities is often very misleading as vision is filtered through a multitude of glamours.

Another problem is that even several revealed past lives does not give the full story of karma you may be facing. For instance, you may know about your last past life, but your Higher Self may have karma arranged for you from a more distant past with which you may be unfamiliar.

One of the best ways to determine areas where one needs to put attention is to study the law of cycles. The adage “history repeats itself” is based on this principle.

Saturn largely governs the energies of karma in this solar system and its orbit around the sun takes over 29 years. This period of time is called a “Saturn Cycle” by astrologers. The first half of the cycle is polarized female/receiving/negative and the second half (from ages 14-29) is male/sending/positive.

The first 29 years of your life is like a mini incarnation. If you have solved your problems and learned the lessons assigned to you then the next 29 will be like a new birth or an advanced incarnation. If the needed lessons are not learned then the second 29 year period will bring you face to face with the same problems you had in the first twenty-eight. If the pilgrim ignores the solving of these problems he will just coast along the line of least resistance and become crystallized by the second Saturn Cycle at age 58 or earlier. He is also likely to suffer ill health.

Then there are those who pass their first cycle successfully and follow the line of least resistance in their second and also crystallize in their third. Only about 10% of humanity successfully navigate into their third Saturn Cycle where they will learn new principles, solve new problems and essentially live three lives in experience and progression whereas many only live one.

It is therefore beneficial to examine your life in 7, 14 and 28 year cycles, in alignment with the Law of Cycles – a little shorter than Saturn’s period of orbit. The first question to ask yourself is this. On reflection can you see that you made either major changes or major events happened to you around the end of these cycles? What was going on in your life and your internal makeup at age 14, 28, 42 and 56? If major changes were taking place around these periods then this is a sign that you are progressing as you should be. If no major changes have occurred since age 28 this is a sign that you have been coasting. Be careful though that you do not coast too long because if one finds himself coasting toward the third Saturn Cycle he will find the energies within himself crystallizing.

When honey crystallizes it gets thicker and thicker so it will no longer pour easily. This is what happens with the human in incarnation. If he follows the line of least resistance and does not work on his progression he will find his movement forward at a standstill by the time he reaches his mid fifties.

What the disciple needs to do is to look at these 7, 14 and 28 years cycles and watch for different circumstances that seem to be repeating themselves.

Does it seem that a lover or friend betrays you cyclically? This would indicate that you have betrayed others in past lives and that you must reach a state of mind where you have a resolve to be true to others in relationship.

Does it seem that you get stolen from regularly, not only materially, but in other ways? Then this indicates that this was a problem for you in the past and it is time to incorporate the lesson of not seeking for that which you have not earned.

Do you have a problem with dominating people? Then you created a problem for others in the past.

And so on.

If you have periodic illness it is helpful to examine repeating problems and see if they correspond. All illness is caused or enhanced by some type of resistance to spiritual flow. If the person can hone in to the problem he needs to solve and start making progression with it then his health and vitality will increase,

The part of the body the physical distress is located in is also an indicator of the cause of the physical problem.

For contemplation I will name several problems. Using the Law of Correspondences tell me what you think the spiritual cause is.

(1) Heart Disease

(2) Skin rashes and inflammation.

(3) Constipation

(4) Throat Cancer

(5) Backache

(6) Neck problems

(7) Alzheimer’s

(8) A major accident

April 13, 2000

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Voiding the Void

Voiding the Void

If you enter this void wherein dwells Harry the bug where are you? You are in a place that is no place, no karma, dualities, no time, no form and no space. If you try and look down (if that were possible) would there be a bottom? No there would be nothing – no bottom and therefore a bottomless pit.

The point between the dualities of creation is a place wherein lies the Purpose of God which is very real and as DK said it “is not that ‘which is not,’ but simply that which is esoteric.” And as we know the word “esoteric” means hidden.

The beast from the Book of Revelations has his home in the bottomless pit because his creations are from a true void of nothingness. They are not even real to people in the world of duality once they cease to fear illusionary authority.

I personally do not see any evidence that those who want us to dwell in the void really want to do so. They tell us that this desirable void is beyond dualities yet they speak of nothing but dualities in their posts when referring to their beliefs.

(1) A believer mentions she is sad. Happy-sad duality #1.

(2) She talks about the void setting us free. Duality #2 Free/slave

(3) There is talk about the creative power of the void Duality #3 create/destroy

(4) A believer speaks of courageous authors that are admired. Duality #4 courage/cowardly

(5) She loves my spirit. Duality #5 love/hate.

(6) One speaks of “beloved friends.” Duality #6 beloved friends/hated enemies

(7) I am accused of defiling the void. As a side note I do not know how to defile that which does not exist. Duality #7 Defile/holy

(8) Believers speak of “being.” Duality #8 Being/becoming

(9) Then there is mention of choice. Duality #9 choice/no choice

(10) I am called “earthbound.” Duality #10 earthbound/spiritbound.

(11) I am criticized for writing fiction. Duality #Fiction/nonfiction.

Note: James Redfield’s Celestine Prophesy books are admitted to be fiction even though this is not admitted in the book itself. If the God of the universe was not speaking through Neal Walsch then that is also fiction even though he claims it is 100% true as is spoken by God.

(12) They speak of consciousness. Duality #12 Consciousness/unconscious….

I could go on. My question to believers is this.

How can you claim to be one who dwells in a void with no dualities when every belief that you expound upon is full of dualisms???

Most seekers believe the maxim that energy follows thought. Since all believers’ thoughts are centered on duality then the energy must also be in duality with them just as much as the rest of us.

By the way, why do believers think we are here anyway? Do they see the creation of duality as a big mistake or just have the view that the creation of duality never really occurred and we are not really here and thus no escape or transference is even necessary?

Since many believe duality to be a perception that you have risen above and beyond what do you do when you are driving and come to a fork in the road? You obviously cannot turn left or right for to do so would be to perceive duality. Do you therefore just proceed straight ahead full speed and slam into the tree?

Some have quoted an interesting scripture about God.

“I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End…” Rev 1:8

Notice that even God uses duality in describing himself. He did not say: “I am the nothingness between Alpha and Omega or that He was just Alpha or just Omega. Instead even God had to use duality in describing Himself to us mere mortals.

Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End are terms of duality as much as positive and negative or night and day is.

In defending the void idea a reader said:

“It is possible to be in a space of consciousness where there is the absolute ability to respond without reaction …”

My dictionary defines “response” as follows:

“A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus.”

If a response is a reaction then one cannot respond without reaction. You seem to be saying that you can respond without responding. Perhaps you need another choice of words to make yourself clear.


Some keep bringing up the subject of the void, beyond duality in which we should plunge. But to bring up this subject of oneness beyond duality again and again at the irritation of many does seem to show a strong attachment to one’s own ideas and even beginning students of metaphysics learn that non attachment is a necessary step in liberation. The ironical thing is that those who seem most attached to making this the main topic of discussion in this group are always attempting to teach us the virtues of non attachment.

The Master DK tells us that one of the last and most important things a disciple must learn before he becomes a usable tool in the hands of the Hierarchy is to master irritation. He explains that this is not irritation as most generally understand the term, but an irritation caused because other seekers do not accept their point of view.

Now several in this group have attempted to enlighten us again and again on their point of view and the rest of us do not see it exactly their way. So instead of allowing us to have a different view they bring this subject up again and again. What is the reason for this? Is it some lack of acceptance of a difference of opinion and does this difference of opinion present an irritating thorn in the side that must be pursued until the thorn is removed and we all finally see as they see?

So why does this oneness thing keep coming up?

I’ll tell you why. It is simply because we cannot discuss any subject … health, the beast, the meaning of life, soul contact, the principles of discovery, the qualities of a disciple and so on … we cannot discuss any of them without talking in terms of duality.

Then if we mention dualistic words that are impossible to avoid, something clicks in the minds of the “beyond duality” people. They seem to have this irritation fomenting within them and seem to be saying to themselves: “these poor unenlightened souls – they would not be using words like good and evil, light and dark and so on if they just could see oneness as I do. I must attempt one more time to enlighten them.

The problem we have here is that as long as this group survives dualistic words will be used over and over and thus as long as the “beyond duality” group feel this irritation and non acceptance of such words they will be impressed to correct the rest of us again and again.

The solution?

Let go of this attachment to repeated correction on this subject for there will be no end to it until we allow others to speak in dualistic words and terms if that best serves their ability to communicate.

Even God in the Bible had to use the dualisms of Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End to describe Himself.

So let me herewith warn all group members. Dualistic words will be used in almost every post. They are necessary terms of communication in this reality. Just because we use them does not mean that we do not understand the midway point between the dualities. I believe most group members have some concept of it and have had enough enlightenment on it to allow them to survive for now.

This subject of duality and oneness has been talked about more in this group than any other subject even though it has never been an official topic of discussion.

The time may come when it will be an official subject and I hope then to cover it in detail and at that time comments on it will not be a distraction. Until that time comes let us let go of our attachments to this subject, make our final posts, and move on.

April 9, 2000

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To Heal or Not


To Heal or Not

Back to the subject of healing.

We left off where I have related the story of the first real miracle I experienced in my life.

(See post #317, March 31, 2000 for the account of the miracle.)

This example I gave does illustrate that it is possible to heal without any conscious cooperation from the ill person. But does this mean that faith exercised by the person who is ill is not necessary?

No. Cooperation, belief and faith from the ill person can be a great aid as witnessed by the healings of the Master himself. In many accounts of healing in the Bible Jesus told the person experiencing the miracle “your faith has made you whole.”

Notice that he did not say “my faith has made you whole,” but “your faith.”

It is also interesting that when he visited his home town that he could perform no miracle there because the people who thought they knew him did not believe in him. Instead of taking advantage of healing by faith they attempted to kill Jesus by throwing him off a cliff merely because they disagreed with him.

So if a normal part of a miracle is a show of faith from the person being healed then how was it that my command for healing was honored by God?

Someone came close to the truth, but I do not recall the name, but the answer I received as time moved on was this. I was at a point of tension and at this point I was trying to decide whether to make my prime focus the following of outside authorities or the inner self and the scriptures? On top of this I felt full of faith and without doubt at that moment.

I believe the healing was honored more as a teaching lesson to me than for the healing of my friend. It is even possible that my friend came down with the disease as part of the plan behind the lesson. Whatever the case, this event did have a profound influence on me throughout the rest of my life to date. From that time on I have never just swallowed what any authority has said without questioning and thinking it through for myself. Once an authority proves himself several times I will give him some leverage, but until then I apply the principles of discovery first.

The funny thing about this miracle is that at the same time I had an uncle who also had MS for some time and was slowly getting worse. For some reason I did not feel impressed to try to heal him. I picked up that he did not believe he could be healed unless it was by an elder of the church. Years later when I did become an elder I approached him and asked him if I could give him a blessing. As me and a companion laid our hands on his head and I began to speak I tried with all my power to give the command to my beloved uncle to rise and walk, but the spirit within told me no. It was not to be. I then gave him a general blessing of support, but could not promise him a healing.

Then a couple of years later I tried again and still the Spirit within said no – the time is not yet.

Finally, some time later again I was visiting my uncle again who was cared for by my grandmother. My friend Wayne from the book was with me. I looked at my uncle and my friend lying on the couch. He could no longer rise himself up; he could not speak and could barely eat with my grandmother’s assistance. As I touched him I felt great sadness and wondered to myself why God would heal a casual acquaintance through me, yet would refuse to heal a man who had suffered so much for so many years – a man I loved deeply. He was one of five brothers and the whole family agreed that this man was the most spiritual of the bunch and was the last person who deserved such a fate.

As I stood in silent contemplation the inner voice spoke to me and it said these words: “This man has suffered enough.”

I stepped back and reflected. What does this mean? If he has suffered enough it would mean it is either time for him to die or to be healed. I hoped it was time to be healed, but prepared myself for the other possibility.

I turned to my grandmother and said: “Do you think it would be alright to give Bob one more blessing?”

She looked on at her son who had been struggling with the disease for 20 years and said yes, that would be fine.

Wayne and I then laid our hands on his head and I promised him that he would either be healed or be taken, but that he would suffer no more.

Wayne and I were in our college years at the time and the next day we departed back to school for it was the end of Christmas vacation.

Three days after the blessing I felt a powerful presence and I knew it was my uncle who had passed on. The man was absolutely thrilled to be released from that dreadful situation. He was as happy and joyful as it is possible for a man to be and was extremely appreciative for my assistance in releasing him from his earthly prison.

A couple hours later my mom called and spoke with sadness in her voice and said: “I have some sad news. Bob died.”

I told her. “That is not sad news. Its good news for I assure you that he is very happy to be free from that terrible disease.”

It was years later after I learned the truth about reincarnation and why life seemed to be so unfair, that because of cause and effect or karma accumulated over many lifetimes, each of us are in special situations unique unto ourselves.

Dual with Duality

A reader for some odd reason speculates that I could be a Hitler in the making.

What you say here demonstrates the importance of understanding the past to create a better future. Many suppose, as you do, that Hitler achieved power through pure deceit, but those who study history will understand that he wrote and openly taught, almost step by step, everything he eventually perpetrated upon unsuspecting humanity. Then after he did what he said he was going to do people were surprised that he did it.

It is interesting to note that in the ten years before World War II the English were more afraid of Winston Churchill than they were of Hitler. There were many in his own land who would have much rather had Hitler as their leader and few seemed concerned about the German dictator at all until war was actually on their doorstep. Then in the moment of their darkest night the whole nation turned to this suspected antichrist who in the end turned out to be their most trusted friend.

If the people would have studied the actual words and actions of the two men they would have clearly seen who was who, but as it was they were lead away by their unjustified fears into a dreadful war.

Thus it is that Isaiah’s words are fulfilled again and again. People call good evil and evil good. They take darkness for light and light for darkness and in the end get themselves into terrible situations where their thoughtform is destroyed and the true reality is finally seen, but at what price?

If I remember correctly you came from a rebel Mormon group which indicates you have Mormon connections. In the Mormon scriptures people are admonished “to obtain a knowledge of history, and of countries, and of kingdoms, of laws of God and man, and all this for the salvation of Zion.” D&C 93:53

To become aware of the past for the salvation of the future is good advice no matter what the source.

It is true that history does repeat itself and the masses are deceived time and time again. Whether we be one person 200 or a million strong we must all do our part to promote the principles of light, love and freedom. If each individual and group does their part to make the world a better place then the time then comes that the majority see the benefit and the world does indeed become better and the masses see the path ahead more clearly.

Next this reader accuses me of being too much into the mind and not the spirit.

In a way this is a compliment for the mind is “the plane whereon the masters can be found.” DK

As far as my words having little spirit and lifeless – I am glad most here do not feel that way or I would have to jump into the void and hide myself.

A reader says that the shattering of the causal body of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane ended duality.

Where do you get the idea that the shattering of the causal body ends duality? I would say it would be much more accurate to say that the fourth initiation ends a persons attachment to the pull of the lower worlds over the higher. He wields the forces of duality toward union with the will of God. Christ still spoke of heaven and earth (duality) after the resurrection.

There seems to be two camps on this oneness and void idea.

Camp 1 (of which I am a part) We should seek oneness which is still something while seeking to wisely Become while living in the world of dualities. Our reason here is something much greater than to just escape into a void of nothingness.

Camp 2 We should seek oneness which is a void of nothingness where no dualities such as Decision, consciousness, happiness, joy and peace could even be exist. We seek to go there with our whole being forthwith – without delay.

Whichever camp we see ourselves in let us leave this duality of oneness behind and move on.

Hmmm Is this point a point of nothingness? Am I nothing right now because I am at this point? … Wake up JJ! Slap slap… Snap out of it…

Whew, that was close. I almost got sucked into a black hole.

April 8, 2000

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Things to Come and More

Things to Come and More

A reader asks me to elaborate as to who I am and my mission.

I am a disciple firmly committed to do all that I can to prepare the way for the return of Christ and to bring in the new age of peace that so many have yearned for over such a long period of time. I am not special in this. Many others feel this same call within them and all are invited to join in this quest.

“Is there something about you that I am unaware of?”

Probably. But that tells you little. There are things about you that I do not know also.

My importance is not important but your sense of “something more” is accurate. Part of this something more is the Molecular Relationship and this is available to read along with my other writings for free at this LINK

If you have time I would suggest that you read all the archives there. This will help develop a vision of the coming work that needs to be accomplished.

“Are you an Ascended Master? Are you John? Or are you getting some of your teachings from someone in the “higher” realms?”

I am obviously not ascended since I am dwelling in regular vulnerable mortal flesh just like the rest of you. I do get much of what I write here through the Oneness Principle. I have written quite a bit about this and it will be covered more thoroughly in future writings. This is like a spiritual internet of higher lives and all who wish and focus their attention can “log on” to it.

Let me warn you though that all will receive the same answers to the same question as they view the same spiritual web page. This will sometimes make two or more in agreement look as if they are clones but such is far from the case. Just as all of you are reading these same lines of print that are in front of you now you will register and relate them with your own individuality. Nevertheless individuality does not prevent oneness because two or more can always go back to the source and see the originating truth through the same eyes.

Others in the past have asked for more detail about who I am or who I was in past lives and I have given little detail except to explain that it is not wise to elaborate on this. It is important that teachers in this age be judged on the content of their teachings and the value of their actual works. It is folly to judge a teacher by who he says he is, by how important he presents himself to be or by what he claims he will do. The only thing that you should trust should be verification that comes through your own soul.

If you have a being of light appear to you claiming to be an angel or the highest God, even then you should not accept him unless the inner spirit speaks verification to you.

Truth is true whether spoken by the most wretched creature or the highest Dhyan Chohan. That which is not true is false even if it comes from the lips of a god. The reason we can trust the Holy Spirit within is that it can only speak truth and does not even see or acknowledge that which is not real.

Another reader wants to know what is fiction or true in the Immortal books.

There will be a series of books to come. After they are complete I may tell my story and separate the fact from the fiction. I will never tell everything, but enough to put the questions to rest.

I am completely honest with you my friends. Everything I tell you here is true to the best of my ability to perceive and communicate. That which I do not reveal to you is not dishonest or untrue, it is merely hidden until the time is right.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

As is stated in the book there have been teaching attempts by the Brotherhood that were not successful so far as permeating humanity goes. Part of the reason for this is that teachings alone are often not enough to attract the attention of humanity. If you surf among the new age sites or even the religious ones that claim new knowledge you will see that the most successful ones are they who make the most outlandish claims. The teachers either claim to be reincarnated from Jesus, Buddha or George Washington on one hand, or are so important that the whole lot of the Masters in this system as well as the Adromeda Galaxy are lined up to channel through them.

It is a sad commentary that those with outlandish claims yet with nothing new to say are listened to more than many true messengers.

The last two successful major revelations were given through H. P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey. The permeation went pretty much as hoped through HPB. Her influence has been greater than most realize. On the other hand, the teachings revealed through Alice A. Bailey have not reached the masses of humanity as much as was expected. It was thought that the Great Invocation would be much more widely circulated and spoken than is now the case. It was anticipated that certain disciples would have picked up the teachings and that they would have been widely circulated through print, radio and television by the beginning of this new millennium.

While it is true that many disciples have picked up some of the teachings of light that is in the books, the teachings themselves have not filtered down to seeking humanity as desired.

Since Alice A. Bailey very few new teachings from the Brotherhood have been successful in being registered by humanity.

Instead, the masses have been deluged with tons of counterfeit material that has more glamour than simple truth and drowns out any true teachings just as the thorns choke out the seeds of truth in the parable of the sower. This is a part of the strategy of the Dark Brothers. Throw lots of high sounding counterfeit material out there that has the appearance of glamorous revelation or terrible doomsday and thus divert the attention of seeking humanity away from true purpose which is needed to usher in the new age.

The Immortal series and other writings to come is a part of a plan to capture the attention of seeking souls that are bored out of their minds with dryer writings (from some points of view) such as Alice A. Bailey presents.

At present I am devoting what little free time I have to this group instead of working on Book III. In addition to writing the Immortal series it is important that many of the core teachings and answers to questions be presented in clear black and white.

Along these lines Glenys asks:

I’ve been reading about the Shamballa Force and noted this quote relating to it “…. direct impact will again take place in 1975, and also in the year 2000……’ from The Rays and the Initiations by AAB.

Are we in for something special this year?

Let me give the quote you are referring to:

“You have been told that this force has-during this century-made its first direct impact upon humanity; heretofore, it reached mankind in the three worlds after being stepped down and modified by transit through the great planetary centre to which we give the name of the Hierarchy. This direct impact will again take place in 1975, and also in the year 2000, but the risks will then not be so great as in the first impact, owing to the spiritual growth of mankind. Each time this energy strikes into the human consciousness some fuller aspect of the divine plan appears. It is the energy which brings about synthesis, which holds all things within the circle of the divine love. Since its impact during the past few years, human thinking has been more concerned with the production of unity and the attainment of synthesis in all human relations than ever before, and one result of this energy has been the forming of the United Nations.

“It will be apparent to you, therefore, that this energy is the agent for the revelation of the divine purpose. It may surprise you that this is regarded as presenting a problem to the Hierarchy, but if this power-impersonal and potent-should fall into the hands of the Black Lodge, the results would be disastrous indeed. Most of the members of this centre of cosmic evil are upon the first ray itself, and some of the divine purpose is known to a few of them, for-in their due place and in the initiatory regime-they too are initiates of high degree, but dedicated to selfishness and separativeness. Their particular form of selfishness is far worse than anything which you can imagine, because they are completely detached and divorced from all contact with the energy to which we give the name of love. They have cut themselves off from the spiritual Hierarchy, through Whom the love of the planetary Logos reaches the forms in the three worlds and all that is contained therein. These evil but powerful beings know well the uses of the will, but only in its destructive aspect.” From Rays and Initiations, Page 716

As you can see from this statement it is extremely important that disciples pick up this energy rather than the Dark Brothers as was the case with Hitler and his bunch. This is why one of the most important parts of the great invocation is “sealing the door where evil dwells.” This fear of using the word “evil” is a great detriment to the success of this important phrase and the neutralization of evil.

The Shamballa force was released between 1975 and 1980 and was successfully picked up and used by some disciples. A great success of the force in the hands of disciples resulted in the fall of communism and the Berlin wall. Note than it may take a while between the picking up of the force to the fulfillment of the force.

The Shamballa force was also partially responsible for the development of computers leading to the Internet which has placed much more power in the hands of common humanity. This technology also presents certain dangers that disciples must neutralize.

The Shamballa force was picked up by certain teaching disciples, but they were unsuccessful at making the hoped for impact. However, those disciples of the new generation and the older ones who are not yet discouraged will have an opportunity to use this First Ray of power to bring much needed light to humanity.

The next wave of Shamballa force is sensed by the Masters, but has not yet been stepped down to humanity in usable form. My guess is that it will be picked up by disciples in another year or two and the impact will be realized between 2010 and 2030.

Just as computer technology has been a prime focus of attention as a result of the last release, even so spiritual technology will be the prime focus of the next release. If all goes as planned 20-30 years from now you’ll turn on the TV (or whatever it is we’ll be watching) and instead of Jerry Springer type shows you will see discussion after discussion about higher spiritual insights.

Ophra is a dim forerunner of this change. Note that she has changed her programming away from sleaze to self-improvement. She has successfully picked up an impression of the coming change.

This Shamballa force could also bring some earth changes but that will be determined by how we adapt to the coming release.

There are also many changes to come that none can presently predict and 30 years from now some will look back at earlier predictions and marvel at what was not foreseen.

April 7, 2000

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The Bottomless Pit

The Bottomless Pit

For some time now we have heard talk about the void, a point of nothingness as if this is a desirable place to go or be. This idea has always ran against my grain and I wondered to myself if such a concept was talked about in the scriptures and sure enough it was:

“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Rev 17:8

Here it is! The illusionary Beast that destroys the souls of mankind comes from the void or the “bottomless pit.” The description of his origin sounds a lot like the description of the void we have been getting. It “was, and is not, and yet is.”

Have we not heard this argument in relation to ourselves and the reality we are in? “We seem real, but we are not really here, but then in an illusionary way we are here.”

Now there is a big difference between the origin of the Beast and you and me. The Beast truly has no real existence, but is created by an astral thought form and sustained by fear which is also a temporary emotion. As soon as the fear is dissipated the beast will return to the “bottomless pit” and then it will be as if he never existed.

The essence of a human being, however, never had a beginning and when we die we do not go to a void and become as though we are not, but we go to a real place which is the opposite of a void.

There is a powerful law which says that “energy follows thought” and thus if we belief and think that we can go to such a void, the power of the God within will create an illusion of a void that will slow progression to zero until the person tires of the attempt to be no-thing.

The scriptures indeed tell us that this void is about as close to hell as one can get to:

“And he (the angel) laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

“And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.” Rev 20:2-3

The writings of Alice A. Bailey are in harmony with the scriptures on this. DK says that a void is created within when the soul is rejected again and again through full attention on self rather than the higher realities of soul and Spirit. When attention is focused on this illusionary point to the exclusion of the soul then an illusionary vehicle is created out of mental matter that is beyond the reach of soul. When this happens in completeness the person becomes a Dark Brother and lives in a literal void. This void, or bottomless pit, becomes like an individual black hole that pulls all that remains of him into the primeval state and the elements that made his vehicles will return to their essence. Then billions of years hence the soul will rebuild the entity on sounder principles.

Now everyone that believes in “the void is wonderful” idea is not a Dark Brother by any means, but I do believe that this is an idea promoted by them to trap the souls of men.

This also goes along in the belief that we can escape cause and effect.

The only way to appear to be free from cause and effect is through the denial of the soul and the creation of an illusionary mental body where soul is not.

This person will seem immune from normal effects to some degree. What he will not realize is that he will experience the most terrible effect of all and that is the destruction or dissolution of all that makes him what he is – all that he has created in a progression over myriads of ages of time.

Belief is the beginning point of a journey and if we start out going the wrong direction and do not turn around with higher realization then we will eventually wind up in the wrong place, and (IMHO) the wrong place is the void.

Independent Thinking

As I have pointed out before – there are two methods of achieving oneness. The first is allowing an authority figure to replace the God within and then allowing this authority to do your thinking for you. This results in following the authority over God.

The second way to oneness (which is the only real oneness) is to touch the soul together and so the two see through the same eyes of the Spirit. When two or more with soul contact see as one they will appear to some to be following that which is without in blindness whereas they are following that which is within with vision. Only when the onlooker sees this same inner vision can he understand. I assure you that whenever I say anything that does not ring true to soul that I will be called upon it by even my strongest supporters.

Rick has done so recently and even Glenys questions me from time to time. Sometimes those who are in great harmony with me through the oneness principle send their questions through private e-mail such as this one from Glenys:

“I have taken from your previous writings that females have magnetic, receptive energy and somehow got the impression that the leaders who are to appear to prepare mankind for the return of the Christ would need to be men with their sending energy in order to attract more people to the cause. I saw female energy as just as important but playing a role that was more supportive in nature. Therefore, I thought the anointed ones would be men because they would need to be ‘out there’. I somehow thought that female masters would come later when humanity was more ready for them.”

Glenys here was looking at two teachings that I have posted and one seemed to contradict the other. I can tell you this about her and that is that if my explanation does not ring true with her soul that it will not be accepted.

Notice that before she jumps on me for being wrong that she asks for clarification of my teachings. In the end if what I say is in harmony with her soul then all will be well, but if it is not then I will guarantee that she will not blindly follow. She has had enough experience with me so she may give me the benefit of the doubt where soul confirmation is not readily available, but I know she and many others in the group would choose the voice of their souls over any authority I may have.

This situation does not exist in any of the churches I know about. I was excommunicated from the Mormon church only because of my thoughts about the scriptures, not for anything I did.

Now to answer Glenys’ question.

“It is true that in the Molecular Order that the females have the magnetic-receiving energy and the males are radiant-sending? It is also true that from a higher view the male-female combinations will be viewed as one Adam (atom) or one unit of greater balance.”

The members of the molecules will, especially in the beginning, lead dual lives – one as an individual and another as a member of a group life. The group life will have its goals, but this will not prohibit the individual from acting within his own sphere and initiating in harmony with his or her own soul.

It is possible that some of these nine of prophesy will be male/female units acting as one, but it is also possible that some could be individuals either male or female. The thing to remember is that the greater powers or the soul and spirit are much more accessible when disciples operate within their natural energy. The female’s natural line of force is magnetism but for the male it is action-radiation.

In the beginning of the creation of human molecules there will be some imperfection in the lining up of energies and there will be times when the physical female will assume the male energy and the physical male will assume the female energy. This will produce some stress on the male-female units but it will not always prohibit the creation of a successful molecule. If the twenty-four plus members of a molecule allow the spiritual energies to flow without resistance a link can be established.

Here is another point. The Brotherhood are working through disciples all over the planet and even after the first molecule is created there will be many high disciples around the globe who may not be aware of it or drawn to it. Eventually, all disciples will be molecular on the physical plane, but for some time to come there will be many who are only linked through their work to an unseen molecule of the Brotherhood.

So ladies – do not forego initiating because that is “a man’s job.” There is equal opportunity here. Sometimes male and female will work together, as my wife and I do in many areas, and sometimes you must act as an individual.

Madam Blavatsky was in a female body yet was a much more powerful initiate and leader than was her male associates.

No matter which sex we are, no matter what age or race, there are always more opportunities for leadership and initiation than we can imagine.

April 5, 2000

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