King for a Life

This entry is part 26 of 34 in the series 2010B

Tom wrote:
Can you explain why someone is born rich or born a King, Queen or Emperor?

Not everyone can be born a king out of the billions of lives that inhabited the earth. What makes that person so special? Is there karma behind this?

You are right in that it is mathematically impossible for all of us to take a turn as a king, a famous movie star or President of the United States. What then is the criterion that allows one to assume a position of power where he can influence millions?

The principle is this. If a person has karma that pertains to millions that were harmed then he will eventually be born in a situation where he can undue that damage by performing a good service for millions. This is true if he seeks redemption and has not taken the dark path.

Let us say that a tyrant who brought suffering to millions has seen the error of his ways and after a series of redemptive lives he finally has an opportunity to pay for much of the damage he did. Because he damaged millions of people he cannot pay off this dept with average lives. He must be in a situation where he can benefit a similar number of people that he previously hurt.

Just as not everyone becomes a king, even so not everyone was a Hitler. Even so, all of us have lived like kings in some lives and in others made grievous mistakes. Fortunately, most of us haven’t done enough damage that requires us to positively influence millions of lives to pay off our karma.

Unfortunately, when the big opportunity comes for the seeker to pay off his karma through a position of power he will sometimes revert to his old patterns and create even more bad karma for himself. The difficulty in paying off great karma is therefore very hazardous and thus the seeker should always do everything in his power to tread the path of harmlessness.

So, was everyone who is now in a position of power paying off a huge dose of karma from being a bad dude in the past?

Not necessarily. Not all positions of power are reserved for working out karma. Sometimes disciples who owe little karma seek and obtain positions of power merely so they can have greater power to serve. Sometimes the need is great and hierarchy supports a karma-free disciple obtaining power so divine purpose can be more easily worked out.

In almost every case and situation general laws and principles apply, but not in the black and white mode with no judgment involved. There are always exceptions to every rule of thumb.

Seeing Eye to Eye

This entry is part 28 of 34 in the series 2010B

Thanks to the group for your thoughtful comments.  It always helps when I ask a question that invites group response.  Maybe I should do more of that on this site since the more activity we have here the better will be our ratings with search engines.

Even though it was a hassle to change servers and transfer information I think the extra activity here will pay off in the long run.  WordPress also keeps updated on the latest programming technology so we won’t be left behind as the web progresses.

Larry W made a comment that deserves some attention.  He surmised that third degree initiates and higher are pretty much in agreement.  So, is this a true statement and if so what is the principle involved?

The answer is that from the perspective of normal human consciousness this is true, but from a higher perspective it is not.  Let me explain.

The principle is this.  People agree consistently on that which they understand. If a subject or idea is below the level of understanding of those seeking union then there is likely to be disagreement.

It is interesting to note, however, that two can agree on a falsehood.  In this case the union of thought comes not from understanding but from either wrong mutual perception or the acceptance of an outside authority who is in illusion. If the authority changes his mind the followers will normally be united in changing their minds also.

In the days of Galileo the church members as a whole were united in the idea that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun circled around it.  They “knew” this for two reasons.  First, they could see the sun moving around the earth each day and secondly the Vatican Scientists stated that this was both scientific and spiritual fact.

Their authorities wee wrong as well as their perceptions so they were united in illusion.  The goal, however, is not to be united in illusion, but in truth.  This is only achieved consistently through a mutual understanding or shared vision of the real.

As people advance in their spiritual evolution they become united in a larger number of shared truths.

Average people can now understand that the earth circles the sun, that 2+2=4, that human slavery is undesirable, that basic freedom of speech is good, getting an education is a good thing and numerous other items.

As we move up the scale of thought there is less agreement among the masses, but agreement is still to be found among the thinkers.

The first initiation pertains to the physical plane and physical desires.  These initiates will tend to agree on diet, exercise and sex.

The second initiation is centered on mastery of the emotional nature so these individual will extend their agreement to values centered on the feeling nature.  They will agree on the importance of taking personal responsibility, the ingredients of success, love and relationships to name a few.

They will agree on physical and emotional values yet still have disagreements on the plane of the mind and have differing philosophies.

The third degree initiate masters illusion on the plane of the mind so two such initiates, even with widely different backgrounds and belief systems, can sit down and reason together and see the logic in each others’ thought. If one is able to bring forth facts, reason and logic that differs with the others’ beliefs then he will consider the new information and will not reactively reject it.

So do the higher initiates agree on everything?


Why not?

Because no matter how high you get, there are many unknowns to be discovered.  Even though they have solved illusion on the plane of the mind, there are still many things unknown to them and with such unknowns they can only theorize and guess about all the truth involved.

Not knowing an unknown is not illusion if you know you do not know.  If you do not know how many beans are in a jar you know you do not know and there is no illusion.  If you think you have some special gift to guess the correct number of beans, then that is illusion. The many are in illusion because they accept certain things as fact that are not facts and they do not know that they do not know.

When the archangel Lucifer fell from heaven he did not sink into illusion as we understand it but was part of a group seeking solutions to the advancement of humanity, a project with many un known’s to the group.  He therefore thought that he could devise a plan as good as his elder brothers.  He liked his ideas better than theirs and went with them and drew many after him.  Since there could only be one master plan for the whole of the human race a plan was accepted and he was overruled.  He has been seeking to prove he was right ever since.

As entities progress they will agree on lessons learned and truths understood, but their disagreements will become more complex as they strive to achieve their next level of understanding and expand their own ring-pass-not.

Before I comment more on yesterday’s post let us expand the search for political initiates.  The group has only mentioned people in the USA.  How about the rest of the world and political thinkers who are not politicians?
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

The Book of Quotes

We finally have The Book of Quotes transferred to this new site and up and running.  In the past this has been a very popular site on freeread and we assume this will continue to be the case.  The best way to check it out is to go to the index and then navigate through the subjects that interest you.  Check out the index of subjects here:


You can also access it by using the link at the top of the home page.

We owe a lot of thanks to Bryan Smith for compiling this.


Dark Brothers and Dark Matter

This entry is part 29 of 34 in the series 2010B

A reader asks:  “if being a Satan or ‘the tempter’ is a step in the evolution of someone’s eternal path. Not that one is called to be a tempter but if it naturally happens in the course of one’s progression…Is there a Satan role during our eternal paths?

This is an interesting question.  In other words, are all of us destined to be a devil before we become one with God?

The answer is yes and no.  As we make the long journey to the feet of God we all go through periods of great selfishness and do some pretty devilish things and cause a lot of hurt along the way.  We also become tempters and lead many astray with us. Does this mean that we all eventually spend an eon as a dark brother at some time or another?

No.  Most of us learn our lesson as karma forces us to see the results of our bad behavior.  Only a handful proceed onward on the dark path despite all the warnings and attempts by the soul to turn the entity around.

The teaching seems to be presented by all the prophets, scriptures and masters that when we reach a certain degree of progression that we will be “saved” or dwell in the light forever onward.  But then we read of how Lucifer, a son of he Morning, rebels against God and was thrown out of heaven and apparently became Satan.

Now this being was of a celestial nature and a son of God as we hope to become, yet he fell.  Does this mean that after all our efforts of finally achieving liberation that we could still blow it and become a Satan?  That doesn’t seem to quite jive with the promises of eternal life as most understand them.

This is an area tat has never been cleared up by any teacher that I know of.  Here are several points that should help.

After liberation we do not lose our free agency.  We still have power to choose and the choice always leads to higher and lower paths.  The difference between humanity and those in the kingdom of God is the Higher Lives have learned certain lessons and know better than to revert to known errors.  For instance, the hiker who gets exposed to poison ivy will avoid it in the future.

Those who have gained entrance to the Council Chambers of the Most High have learned certain lessons and there are many errors that they will not repeat.  Even so, on a higher level of thinking where new concepts are being considered there will not always be agreement.  Therefore, even a liberated soul, such as a Son of the Morning can disagree and present his own ideas that may not be in harmony with his master.

When a liberated soul falls out of alignment with his brothers he does not descend to the lowest realms of darkness but continues to move forward the plan as he understands it.  The Dark Brotherhood evolved from beings on this earth and not from the Council Chambers of the Most High.  A fallen archangel may use the forces of darkness but in his mind he is still moving the work of God forward.

Good and evil as it plays out with liberated beings is a much different thing than good and evil as humanity sees it as it pertains to them.

We never arrive at a point where we will be totally free from mistakes for all eternity.  We learn by making mistakes and this principle even applies to Christ, the Planetary Logos and on up.

Here’s another question from QuasarAZx
I am an amateur astronomer and was wondering if the JJ could explain what dark matter is which is a theory about missing matter in galaxies. Dark matter is thought to make up the missing matter.

Nathan showed some good thinking in indicating that dark matter and regular matter represent male and female polarities.

Scientists believe that there is dark matter because there are gravitational pulls in the universe that cannot be explained by the gravity of regular matter.  Even though they cannot find this elusive matter they believe that 80% of the matter in the universe is this dark, or unseen matter.

Does such matter really exist?  Yes, but it is not dark, but very light compared to our own.  There is much matter in the universe that science has not discovered and this is clearly taught by the Ancient Wisdom.  First we have the matter of the etheric plane.  Next up we have astral matter and then mental matter.  Above this we have undifferentiated matter.  All this matter and life from unseen worlds has an effect on life, form and matter in this plane.

Science will find dark matter when they discover that there are co-existing dimensions that interplay with us and effect us.