White Magic 101

White Magic 101

I recently said this about white magic. White magic produces miraculous manifestations through placing attention on the spirit of God that dwells within us. The miracles of Jesus and the prophets are called white magic by those who use the term. White magic is used for unselfish purposes in the service of others. Christ is recognized as the greatest white magician. Black magic denies the Spirit or soul and works with the properties of matter and materialism. It is used to further selfish ends.

To this a reader said: “That’s right out of the Wiccan reply-book.”

JJ: Labeling someone as a Wiccan, Lucerferian, racist etc. does nothing to establish a true point. If you really want to refute me or anyone else you must use the actual words and beliefs of the one you wish to label.

First, the Wiccans are, (except for maybe a small handful) neither into black or white magic as taught in modern metaphysics. Overall, few of them produce any magic of the soul. Most of their ceremony has little effect and an effect must be produced on the souls of men to qualify as either positive or negative magic in the metaphysical sense.

Also, the Wiccans have generally do not reference the spirit of God. I have never heard a Wiccan mention that term. If you could find it I would be interested in seeing it. Where the Christian uses the Spirit of God they will be into the influence of the Moon or Gia.

True black or white magic deal more with the souls of men than with ceremony though ceremony is used at times. Jesus, the Master White Magician, sometimes used ceremony. For instance:

“When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.” (John 9:6-7)

It is amusing that if a Mormon were to use such ceremony in healing today, he would be reprimanded.

Then too, the sacrament was another ceremony.

The true white magicians today are those who can reach the souls of men and awaken the God and kingdom within each of us.

The true black magicians are those who shift attention away from the inner spirit and cause men to focus on a god outside of themselves with the effect of blocking inner communication. The end result is control over them.

Both the black and white magicians can do their work with little or no ceremony though ceremony can be used. Joseph Smith was a White Magician and certainly introduced ceremony.

Those practicing true black magic gravitate first to politics, secondly religion and seek leadership in other organizations that grant them power over others.

Reader: “The salient question is why one needs magic at all? Doesn’t it presume that ‘something’s not right’? (‘Therefore I can fix it with magic’)”

JJ: Yeah it does. Jesus approached the blind man because something wasn’t right. He was blind. Then he fixed the situation using ceremony.

Reader: “I wonder what Christ would say about ‘The Principles of White Magic’ and why it would be a key topic with JJ?”

JJ: This reminds me of the many attempts today that are made to falsely label in order to avoid intelligent discussion.

For instance, many who are unable to win in an argument today will call the one on the opposing side a “hater,” a “racist,” a “denier” and others, and think that this gives him the upper hand in the discussion.

But instead, it does the opposite. It reveals his weakness.

Here you seem to be throwing white and black magic into the same category. Perhaps before you make such assumptions you would check with me for the definition of white magic.

For clarification purposes here it is:

White magic produces miraculous manifestations through placing attention on the spirit of God that dwells within us. The miracles of Jesus and the prophets are called white magic by those who use the term. White magic is used for unselfish purposes in the service of others. Christ is recognized as the greatest white magician.

Black magic denies the Spirit and works with the properties of matter and materialism. It is used to further selfish ends.

Reader: “Wiccans will tell you, however, that their motives are unselfish… that they are doing it for ‘good.’ That is why some magic is white.”

JJ: They define magic according to intent. Most Wiccans are trying to do good with their ceremonies and are fairly harmless. They may sometimes produce a magical effect, but their knowledge is not sufficient to be either black or white as seen by the true magicians.

Reader: “Interesting. So, which credo most closely resembles your own faith/belief, JJ?”

* Love is the law; love under the law. (Crowley)

* Do what thou wilt, but hurt no man. (Wicca)

* Nothing is real; all is permitted. (Ismali)

JJ: How about my real credo which is this: Follow the highest you know and move forward with pure intent. You will make mistakes but because your heart is pure you will correct them and then move upon the path with greater and greater accuracy until you manifest the fullness of the Son of God.

Reader: “How does one know if one’s heart is pure?”

JJ: Only like can understand like. One may recognize the purity of another’s heart up to the point his own heart is pure and little if any further. You’ll notice that a liar thinks all people lie and a selfish person thinks all people are selfish.

If one defines what purity of intent is to one who is not pure then he will still not be able to recognize that which is above his own level.

Words like Shakespeare ought to give us all a goal to shoot for:

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Reader: “Is there just “one” path, or do all paths lead to the same end?”

JJ: There are many paths, but in the end they are one path. None of us goes in a straight line back to God but all of us take detours from the straight and narrow. Even so, these detours are necessary steps in our learning so, from a higher point of view, they are still a part of the one path.

When the pure in heart sees that he is straying from the direct path he will move back on because he is true to himself. The one who is not pure in heart will continue on the detour for egos sake until pain forces him to retreat.

Reader: “I think I know what ‘manifest’ means. What does ‘fullness of the Son of God’ mean?”

JJ: Simply put it means to become as the Christ is, or to be one with God.

People say ‘It’s as plain as the nose on your face.’ But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds up a mirror for you? Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992), I, Robot

Aug 7, 2007

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