Understanding Cycles

Understanding Cycles

I received a comment from a reader who seems to believe that there are no laws that govern cycles. It is hard to think that one would disbelieve this since every cycle that has exoteric facts behind it can be explained and predicted.

We have heard the phrase “history repeats itself.” There is a lot of truth in this statement, but no one has figured out the exact cycles of history. This does not mean that history does not have cycles, however — a point to which I think we will agree.

An important point to understand is that no two cycles are alike, even though there are correspondences. A conservative or liberal cycle may be quite different from the last one, yet there will be similarities that will allow for some correct predictions.

Let us examine the number ten again. He says in one breath that our number system is based on this because we have ten fingers, then goes on to say that the Incas based theirs on the number 60. Did the Incas have 60 fingers?

For that matter why do we have ten fingers? Why do the more evolved animals have ten fingers or claws and the lesser evolved have other numbers of tentacles.

Man is given ten fingers because the Powers-That-Be planned on him creating a numbering system based on ten because the number ten is a governing number for the cycles of humanity in this and other systems.

The cyclic system works two ways. There are cyclic numbers that mankind can tune into and use. Then when he uses them, the cycles developed by the numbers receives added power of repetition because of the thought form created around the number.

For instance, people all around the world expect great change at the end of a century, a generation or a millennium because they recognize these are the end of cycles. The power of this group thought actually sets up a vibration to create change. Look around you and see how much change has occurred in the past fifty years.

Mankind was given a hint of the usefulness of the number ten when he was given ten fingers. Fortunately, we took the hint and have used the number. If we are wise, we can take a further hint and use the number to our advantage to predict cycles.

If the Incas used a base number of 60 then this number would somewhat affect their cycles of history. Such a number is an anomaly in history indicating that such a choice of that number was against the grain of cycles for this planet.

He says that we acquired the use of the number 12 because of lunar cycles. This does not fully explain it because twelve lunar cycles equal 354 days, 11 days short of a year.

Seven was a natural number for mankind to use as divisions of the days of the week because it is a universal dividing number as evidenced by the seven notes in the musical scale and as light in a rainbow is divided into seven colors.

Mankind has borrowed some of our major cyclic numbers from nature, but the psyche of the race instinctively knew the correct places to use them.

In cases where the correct numbers were not used (by some cultures) such a use has not endured the test of time.

Every number has a place in the law of cycles, but there are certain governing or major numbers.

1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 24, 49 are key numbers for governing cycles in the world of form. 10 and multiples thereof are important governors of time. By studying the numbers of form and time as well as using the law of correspondences you can become a prophet more accurate than the general psychic.

Let us take a number not in this group, for instance the number 9. Nine should be interpreted from the aspect of three threes rather than nine ones. 27 would be looked upon as 3 X (3 X 3). Since three is the foundation number for all life forms then the number twenty-seven has particular significance when examining life purpose. It is not by accident that this corresponds closely with the Saturn cycle as talked about at length by astrologers.

“The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.” — Jay Leno

March 7, 2009

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