Three and a Half Cycles

Three and a Half Cycles

Reader Question: Why did the Christ say He would return in about 2000-2500 years, if it takes about 3500 years or 3 and a half times longer as the principle?

JJ The three and a half does not refer to a thousand years any more than it would refer to three and a half times 100 or 50. Instead it refers to natural cycles. Specific natural cycles mentioned in the scriptures where this figure applies are days, years and months.

Other natural cycles are generations, seasons, hours, periods of work, repeating cycles, etc. It could refer to 1000 only if an identified period of a cycle covering that time period is mentioned.

I do not see the three and a half used in reference to the absence of Christ, but it is used in reference to the church of Christ being hidden from the earth, which we shall cover in the next chapter.

The three and a half periods generally apply to a period of work or tribulation that ends with a step of progress if the labor is not terminated.

The cycles could be divided like this.

First Period. This is the period which lies within the expected time that the work is thought to be successfully completed.

Second Period. This is the period that goes beyond that which was expected. Now it is apparent to all that the labor is much more difficult than expected. If the initiator perseveres some complaints will surface, but it appears he still has the support to continue to victory.

Third Period. The initiator has persevered with bullheadedness, in the eyes of many, and it seems the work is doomed to failure and any more effort is a waste of time. Even many friends and supporters turn on the initiate and attempt to make him alter his path.

The Half a Time, or Period. Only the committed initiate on the path of the Christ has the will to continue until this final time of enduring to the end is reached. Perhaps the best example of this was the work of Lincoln, a high initiate, during the Civil War. After over 500,000 deaths of his own brethren, he continued to the half a time with a determination seen by few people in history. Now, on hindsight, we see that this half a time of perseverance was extremely important to the history of the world.

Even so it is with any disciple who follows the path of Christ. He will see a vision of his work and within himself form an estimate of how long it will take to achieve success.

This is the first period and after it passes it will seem he is farther from success than when he started. Then twice that time passes and still the goal is far away and initial supporters are starting to grumble and fall away.

Two times or cycles have passed and now he enters the “time,” or the third cycle. Not only do supporters turn on him and wonder if he was ever right or inspired to begin with but he doubts himself. Only by going back in his mind to the initial revelation of the work and reminding himself of its reality can he manage the power to continue.

The disciple who does not do this only cries out “My God, why have you forsaken me!” and quits.

The disciple who does correctly reflect may still make this cry but he continues for the half a time despite the appearances and circumstances.

As he endures to the end through the final maze and fog the inner sun arises and its blazing flames dispel the mist and all doubts evaporate. After the half a time the disciple wonders why he ever doubted, for he is glad beyond measure that he did not give up.

Those who fell away from the cause return as if they were supporters all the time.

Those who betrayed him retreat into silence and dare not speak as they did before, else they appear as fools.

Those who stayed with the initiate are seen as true friends to himself and to each other and have joy and knowledge of real brotherhood – a brotherhood known to a sacred few.

Three and one half is half of seven, the number of days in a week and the number of cycles of creation.

After three a half days of creation God was in the middle of making the great lights in the heavens, darkness was no more.

After the three and a half cycles are passed the work is not done but the second half of the work begins. This is the work where the laborers proceed in the light rather than in the dark. It is now seen the labor is beneficial and desirable and many come to the aid of the initiator (who is often dead or gone) and finish the work.

For instance, after the civil war, even though Lincoln was dead, the people now saw the value of the labor and sought to finish his work and reconstruct the country. Indeed, there were many problems but overall the labor benefited many generations to come.

Remember that after God completed the seven days of labor his greatest creation (Adam) fell and still more labor was required to salvage him.

The earth itself was beautiful, but was far from perfect. Even so, no work started by an initiate is perfect and beyond criticism, but it will be a thing of beauty and will be a vehicle to assist humankind to go where they have not gone before.

 Next we will more closes examine the following concerning the Two Witnesses: Rev 11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. Rev 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

(1) Who are their enemies? (2) What is the fire coming out of their mouths? (3) What will happen when heaven is shut? (4) What does it mean that they will have power over the waters? (5) What is the symbolism of turning the water to blood and smiting the earth with plagues?

A reader asks: Does your comment mean that because some may not support or agree with the disciple they are no longer his friends even though they bear him no harm.

JJ I don’t know where you get this idea, certainly not from anything I have said. What happens is usually the other way around. As the initiate proceeds with his work many of his friends and fellow workers give up on him as well as the project. These often view the initiate as insane or mislead and will often withdraw their friendship.

One who is fairly progressed along the path will attempt to be friendly and a friend to all though he may be limited in establishing numerous personal friendships because of time.

Reader Comment: They may support him in general, or in some things, but that doesn’t mean in everything. That would prove them fools, indeed!

JJ An initiate does not expect perfect agreement in all details but it is important that all workers see the same big picture or else little will get accomplished.

If a true disciple is laboring to complete a certain job, he certainly would not expect someone who does not like the labor or the project to work against his will.

Reader Comment:  There are many teachers, disciples, and initiates working in the world today in common purpose and I’m familiar with the work of a number of them. I don t personally see any one of them as superior to the other, or another. Each is very well suited to their particular calling and missions and most will go on against all odds, but this is the only time I have ever heard it implied by anyone, that those that didn’t see and recognize the superiority of an alleged initiate would eventually come crawling back hiding the fact that they were fools like nothing had ever happened. Only time will tell who the real fools were, if any. It may not be a matter of fools, but those that were fooled.

JJ I don’t know where you see this aura of superiority that you are talking about here.

Let us again use the example of Abraham Lincoln who DK acknowledged was a “racial avatar.”

He felt within himself that it was of extreme importance in the scheme of things to preserve the union and to free the slaves in the process if at all possible.

When the war started many thought it would be short and Lincoln had reasonable support. But as things progressed and it looked as if the it would never end many who previously supported him turned against him, There were conspiracies in both the North and the South, in Canada in France and England to kill him.

Then after the war ended, he was martyred and his work began to be seen as one of extreme significance for humanity. Many of those who opposed him acted as if they were supporters all along. Many who were not friends claimed to be his friend. Those who openly spoke against him during the work became silent and did not speak else they appear a fool, especially in the North.

Now did Abraham Lincoln project a smugness and air of superiority? Not really. Even his enemies did not accuse him of such.

Did he have a work to do that he internally knew was right and good to accomplish?

Yes, he did or he could have never persevered the way he did.

Was Lincoln unfriendly to those who had different view than himself?


If someone was an open and hostile enemy how was he handled?

In a number of different ways. If possible, Lincoln ignored him but if his hand was forced, he dealt with them as an enemy.

Did Lincoln think that his work was superior to all others?

There is no evidence that he thought this way, even though his work was indeed important. It only appears that he thought he had a job to do and went ahead and did it.

Did Lincoln depend on others who saw eye to eye with him to get the job done?

Yes. Lincoln did depend on many others who agreed with him in the general principles of the work. Those who wanted a nation divided were not much assistance to him.

Reader:  “.”I am certain that the path and direction we have taken is the Will of Almighty God. Adolph Hitler

JJ Are you implying that if a person believes himself to be in harmony with the will of God that he is insane?

While it is true that the bad guys and the disillusioned often think they are following the will of God but so do many of the good guys.

Lincoln thought it was within the will of God that slaves should be freed. Was that a bad thing?

Notice that the two disciples who fought Hitler were also confident they were following his will.

“We are not content to stand still. As Americans, we go forward, in the service of our country, by the will of God.” FDR Inaugural Address 1941

“Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar. As the Will of God is in Heaven, even so let it be.” Winston Churchill Radio Broadcast May 19, 1940

“Such inspired leadership is now being given to humanity by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in contradistinction to the focused leadership of the forces of materialism through Hitler and another man in his group. …These Avatars express the Will of God, the energy of Shamballa…” From Externalization of the Hierarchy Page 301

Hitler ate carrots too but that doesn’t mean I can’t eat them. He initiated the Volkswagen, but it doesn’t mean it was an evil car.

No matter what work is put forth we have to examine it in the light of the soul and then go by the highest we see to be correct.

In closing I think it is important that readers understand as we examine this part of Revelation that we are talking about the work that is seen and attempted by a high initiate following the path of Christ. Generally, a work chosen by a high initiate will be a beneficial one for humanity if accomplished.

Compare it to building a house. If a builder works on creating a house, which is very usable and a positive creation, then this is not to say that others cannot also work on homes of their own design which are also good.

On the other hand, neither does it mean that every house built is good. Some have poor foundations and are built cheaply and fall apart.

If the builder decides to go ahead, he does not find those who overly criticize to be of much use. He needs those who are willing to work on the building according to the blueprint. With no blueprint the house will be a dismal failure.

The logic here is pretty basic.

To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person. Bruce Lee (1940 – 1973), Tao of Jeet Kune Do

Nov 28, 2005

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