The Seven Letters

The Seven Letters

You probably thought we were done with our exegesis of the Book of Revelation. Not so fast. We bypassed the first three chapters to get to the heavenly vision, which has baffled the mystics for thousands of years.

The first three chapters cover letters to the seven churches in Asia. They seem to be straightforward instructions and admonitions, not having great mystery in them as does the vision.

But has the world been deceived? Are these really just simple teachings to the churches or do the first three chapters also carry great symbology that needs to be deciphered?

I submit to you that the latter is true.

I have been a student of the Book of Revelation since around 1965, but it is only recently that I have come to understand it. In fact, probably 90% of my understanding has come through the process of writing this treatise.

Around the age of 20, I had completed a fairly extensive study of the scriptures and came to a conclusion, which was this. The Book of Revelation is indeed the deepest, most profound writing, in the entire Bible and perhaps the planet. I thought within myself that if I could understand the meaning of this book, I would then have access to great mysteries that would lead to greater understanding of the mind and purpose of God.

The next question was how was I to go about understanding this great book? My church was of little assistance, for it discouraged its members from “delving” into mysteries and basically let us know that no one could understand it unless it was first revealed to church leaders.

I therefore went outside my church and studied commentaries and expositions of the Book. I found these interesting, for they presented some stimulating ideas. Chapter 13 in the Book of Revelation about the Beast was commented on much more than any other and the diversity of interpretation was mind-boggling.

Every once in a while, something I read spoke to my soul, but overall, the book remained sealed to me, even as it also seemed to be sealed to even the greatest scholars.

Finally, I decided that if I really wanted to understand it I needed to imbed it upon my psyche. I realized that the best way to do this was to memorize the book word for word. I thus began this project and continued working on it for some time – a year or two. I concentrated on the vision beginning with chapter four and memorized the book to the last chapter. By the end of my project I was fairly successful at being able to recite entire chapters of the book from memory.

There were two major benefits from the memorization.

First, I had the book in my mind so I had verses crossing my mind at times in quiet moments providing seed thoughts for reflection.

The second thing that came to me was the realization that every word had meaning and no line should be ignored. This was important because I noticed that every person who wrote about the book would comment on part of the words and then ignore others. No doubt they felt that if they could not understand something it was best to say nothing.

That said, even after this great effort, my understanding was still sadly lacking. I received a few insights from the memorization, but the basic keys to understanding eluded me.

Over the years I lost the ability to recite chapters word for word but found the basic idea of imbedding the principles of it in my psyche through memorization was a good step, as the book was never far from my mind.

Finally, over forty years later, my soul confirmed to me that the time of my understanding was at hand, and I was to write about an important level of meaning for this era in time and space.

I thus began to write, but, despite of my long study and reflection on the Book, I did not know most of the meaning of it until I wrote it down in this treatise. I probably enjoyed learning the symbolism as much or more than my readers.

I began the project with the vision in chapter four and proceeded toward the end. As I neared the end I considered wrapping up the book and not including the first three chapters. Then the inner voice said, “Not so fast. You are not done yet. The letters in the first three chapters are more than letters to churches; but they are instructions to aspirants of differing ray divisions and places upon the path of liberation. You must write again and finish the work.”

When this realization came I saw in an instant the wholeness of the book and kicked myself for not seeing it earlier.

I now see that the Book of Revelation, which mystified me for over 40 years, is really simple once its language and purpose is understood.

To have a correct overview of the Book one must realize it is divided into three sections.

(1) The first section is chapters 1-3. These contain instructions to those who have experienced the birth of the Christ within and seek to become sons of God, disciples and initiates.

(2) The second section is chapters 4-13. These are instructions to the disciple or initiate who has been successful in holding his mind steady in the light to the extent that he is dedicated to becoming like his Master, the Christ.

(3) The third section is found in chapters 14-22. This tells what happens after the initiate becomes as his Master. He has begun a great work that will change many people and gather many followers. This tells us the destiny of the work and the disciples involved. This not only applies to the work that the Christ initiated 2000 years ago, but will apply to an increasing number of high initiates and their assistants that will manifest for some time to come.

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. Jules Renard (1864 – 1910)

Nov 23, 2006

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