The Separation Begins

This entry is part 2 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

The Molecular Relationship

Chapter Two
The Separation Begins

Approximately one third of the children of The One were interested in entering the great illusion and gathered together in consciousness and formulated a plan. Since The One did not endorse their endeavor, they decided to create a reflection of their Creator. They then used their great powers to unite as one great life that would create a new universe, inferior to the one that was their natural home, but one that would offer them many limitations to overcome as well as all aspects of duality. Not only would there be love, but there would be hate, and instead of eternal peace there would be both peace and conflict. There would be opposites to everything they presently enjoyed that would lead to many disturbing feelings. But they all felt that this opposition in all things would present great challenges, and by overcoming them an even greater joy could be achieved than was offered in heaven.

After embracing the plan, they joined to create a reflection of The One but with a mind that would accept the negatives of duality as well as the positive. They called this the United Sonship. This Sonship would be separate from the universe of The One for they would create a new universe governed by the Sonship, one that would incorporate all the aspects of duality. In their life with The One, each monad shared a supreme equality. What one possessed all possessed and all qualities were shared equally. These monads wanted to find out what it would feel like to be different from each other and create their own identity and even have their own individual names.

As the plan progressed, all the remaining hosts of heaven looked on with great alarm and did all they could to influence them to not execute their plan. Neither The One or the lives within wanted to see such a large part of the whole become separate. They were also concerned that the separation would not be temporary as planned, but could become permanent.

The United Sonship ignored their concerns and continued with their plan. To execute it they would have to use the powers given to them by The One to not only create an illusion, but make it seem totally real so the challenges could be seen as real. They realized that this could not be done in the realm of light, for in that realm they had everything. They willed themselves to go to the edge of creation – to that point toward which the universe of the One was ever expanding. Their consciousness moved past many vast creations of light until they came to a great barrier with a beautiful golden hue. They knew that beyond this golden light was a void of nothingness. Everything was within the light and nothing was without. To make their illusion real they had to go into the void and create as was done with The One, but this time using duality instead of placing focus only on the positive.

They attempted to go through the golden barrier but discovered that they could not penetrate it. It was at this time that they realized that they were a part of creation and it was impossible to leave it. It seemed then that since they were a part of The One, there was no way they could totally leave this great life of which they were a part.

These lives still wanted to execute their plan and believed that this was possible, for hadn’t they been given all power? This should mean they have power to separate from The One and create according to their own desires.

The United Sonship finally came up with a solution “We must leave our original light and mind here in the real universe and project our minds through the golden barrier into the void. Once there, we can create according to our desires. The only problem is that we will have to descend to a great depth to forget our identity. We will eventually enter a great dream state not connected to our true home.”

As the lives in the Sonship contemplated moving forward, they realized the path of return may be more difficult than they supposed and a shiver of fear echoed through the entire group.

Fear was a quality that had never been realized by any life that was in heaven. The original Twelve felt it when They created the One, but it seemed alien to them and was ignored. Now that which was denied loomed before them with such strength that it had to be recognized.

The question was, what would happen if they left their essence in heaven and projected an illusion of themselves into the void? Would they be able to awaken to their true reality and return?

“It will be worth the risk,” came a response, “because in the end we will have an enhanced heaven, one that knows good and evil yet prevailed. Just imagine the possibility of an increased joy.”

After considering this, the United Sonship suppressed their fear and decided to continue on their venture. The vast group, consisting of an immense number of monads who were Sons of God, thus went into meditation deep and projected themselves into the unknown – the great void.

The Descent into Form

Once in the void a sense of loss came over them. They still had creative powers but could not create the Eternal. From this point on, all creations would have a beginning and an end. Nevertheless, they proceeded forward.

In their beginning as living monads, they existed as points in divine space, but in this void before them, there was nothing, not even space; so the first order of creation was space itself. Their united mind then conceived of the idea of space where there could be an imagined distance between two points. They used their creative imagination to create new space as vast as they could conceive. It was a space that seemed endless, yet ever expanding to make room for themselves and all that could be imagined.

This was their first plane of descent.

Next, they decided to project themselves as monads, or points of light, into this space. In doing this they desired to take their first step toward differentiation to move away from the sameness and total equality that each had in their spiritual home. They decided to start with a Trinity of differences and use this number as the foundation of all their creations.

Within The One all monads were equal in that they had all power, a fulness of love and equally shared the mind of God. Their first limitation in their new venture was that each monad would choose to focus on one of these aspects, for in this new universe each would excel at one of the aspects while not enjoying a fullness of the other two.

A majority chose the aspect of love-wisdom followed by the next choice of mind and that which it would create. A lesser portion chose will, power and purpose. Even though power was a very desirable aspect, it was also the easiest to misuse as well as the most difficult to understand without a fullness of the other two qualities. This caused many monads to be hesitant in focusing on this first aspect.

The next order of descent was to plane number three, the plane of ideas. In the unity of The One, ideas were indeed in circulation, but none based on duality. Now that the Sonship could consider both the positive and negative, a vast number of new ideas could be expressed. The monads settled in this plane until every conceivable idea was shared and in circulation.

The problem of settling on this plane was that the ideas were merely ideas and were not followed by creation. The thinking of the group was that some type of manifestation must follow these ideas. They must create a plane wherein form can become manifest.

The decision was made to create a plane where ideas can manifest as form. This would be a big leap from anything done by The One, or by them previously, for in a universe of form it would appear to the monads that there is creation outside of their united minds. This was something never done before, but it was the reason behind their whole endeavor so they moved forward.

To manifest form, yet keep their higher connections. they proceeded to create two planes at one time. The monads would project themselves down to an initial plane of form governed by mind and then create another plane that would link the lower plane with the higher.

The fourth plane of descent would connect the higher and the lower, and the fifth would initiate the creation of form. This fifth plane is called the plane of the mind, whereas the fourth manifests the intuition. It is in the plane of the mind that higher ideas are received and given some type of form by the power of thought. It is here that individualized souls, often called causal bodies, are created.

The monads then proceeded to project a portion of themselves into the plane of the mind and reflect themselves in a soul body. Such a soul could manifest as any form desired, or merely as light, but even as light it would have a vibration and identity different from any other soul. Because of this each projected soul took upon itself a distinct name.

This world of thought was a pleasant place to reside, for as soon as a desirable thought occurred, a manifestation immediately followed. Thus, by the power of their thought they created beautiful worlds with beautiful life forms, consisting of glorious cities with marvelous buildings and scenery. Every idea that the souls desired became manifest.

The only problem with settling here was that their main objective was not yet accomplished. The souls did not have a full awareness, but they still had significant realization of who they were. To really challenge themselves they had to sever the link of awareness and enter a world where they would be a blank slate with no true knowledge of their themselves. This would be the ultimate challenge and overcoming such a limitation would be the ultimate victory.

They then moved forward to create a plane of dense physical manifestation. The soul, which was a partial reflection of the monad, would then reflect part of itself into form so dense that it would seem to be beyond the control of thought. To manipulate this dense form would require the application of other forms, instead of mere thought as on the plane of the mind.

The souls then saw that on this lowest plane they would need individualized bodies to complete their mission. Within these bodies they would be linked to a lower projection of the mind of the soul. Then they saw that the interplay of lower mind with the dense physical would create desire, and this desire, a lower reflection of love-wisdom, would constitute a distinct plane. The mind was the fifth plane, the desire nature was the sixth, and the lowest that they could conceive was the dense physical, the seventh plane. Finally, the physical was a plane that they could enter with the ultimate challenge of near total forgetfulness, yet despite this challenge, they had faith they could overcome all the limitations imposed, enter the path of return and eventually reunite with The One with an enhanced awareness.

As they began to manifest in these two lower planes of time and space a point of no return was reached, and a great fear swept over the entire sonship. They were indeed plunging into the unknown. They were confident they could return, but an element of doubt crept in saying, “what if we could never remember who we are?”

This fear which followed them caused the path of return to be much more problematic than they planned, but they certainly had what they wanted – a limitation to overcome. On the other hand, the fear factor gave them the ultimate challenge, which, according to their thinking, would give them the prospect of ultimate joy.

The Path of Return

The One and all the remaining extensions, or Sons of God, became aware of the great descent into a realm so dense that all knowledge of heaven and their true identity was virtually gone. The universe they created would indeed last for billions of years and their essence would be recycled many times, but even though some would think the universe of form was eternal, it would indeed have an end. If the monads did not regain their identity and power before the end of the universe then that which gave them habitation would disappear into the nothingness from whence it came, and all these children of the One could be lost in the great void forever.

The One was already feeling a loss with the entering into the great sleep and the departure of the consciousness of a third part of itself. “This situation cannot be eternal,” It thought to Itself. “I must save my children and thus save the wholeness of Myself.”

This thought reverberated through all the lives that were within the body of The One. There was complete agreement, for all who remained identified completely with the whole.

In that instant, all the focus of The One, which included all the lives within It, focused on Its center, and within that center was a great circular bubble which symbolized the divine space taken by the sleeping monads. Within that bubble were endless points of light which represented that great number of sleeping monads.

The One did not enter the bubble to save Its children for It would then become trapped in the illusion and heaven and all that is eternal would cease to be accessible. Instead, it gathered together all the co-creators to assist in a new creation, an entity composed of threads of living light, knowledge and love which would be projected into the bubble, but with threads connecting it to heaven and other threads extending to separated ones. This universal entity would then maintain an awareness of all that is in heaven while entering the dream with enough light to guide the willing monads back home when they are ready. The threads connecting it to The One would keep it safe from fully entering the dream and forgetting its Source. It would always know who and what it was. This was the beginning of the mission of what many call the Holy Spirit. Others call it the Christ or the God within.

The idea was that all the prodigal sons would eventually greatly tire of the separated condition and indistinctively seek guidance to return home. When that time comes, then this projection of The One would be a beacon they could follow back to their Source.

It is interesting how this account harmonizes with the famous scripture from the Gospel of John, which reads:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:1-5

Notice how this harmonizes with the account presented here, especially when we realize that the Word was Christ as noted in several passages that follow. Here is one

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14

It is interesting that concerning the creation of all we see that it is only the Son that is mentioned and not the Father. It is also enlightening to note that the Concordant version, which gives a literal translation, describes the Word as an ‘it” and not a “he.”

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word. This is in the beginning toward God. All came into being through IT (not Him), and apart from IT not even one thing came into being which has come into being. In IT was life, and the life was the light of men.”

In other words, the Christ, which made all the worlds, is more than the man Jesus as noted by Paul:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, SO ALSO IS CHRIST. For by ONE SPIRIT we are all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body is not one member, but MANY (All lives together)… Now Ye are the body of Christ (the Son), and members in particular.” I Cor 12:12-14, 27

Since Christ is a body of which we are members, it would make sense to refer to such a body as “it” rather than “he.”

That which made all things in this universe of time and space was not God the Father, but God the Son which John called “the Word.” And The Christ, which created all things is a body with many members which includes all of us before we completely lost our identity as one with Christ or Sons of God.

Amazingly the Bible acknowledges that we were thrilled at the creation of the earth for the opportunity provided:

“Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding…When the morning stars sang together, and ALL THE SONS OF GOD shouted for joy?” Job 38:4&6

We, which includes all the monads who left their spiritual home, were part of the Word, or Sonship which created this earth as well as the universe of time and space. We rejoiced at the creation of this earth which made it possible for us to be challenged and grow and rejoice at the overcoming of limitations.

In our history of existence, then, there were five great events which occurred.

The first was the natural interplay of cause and effect which stimulated monads to go beyond the zero point and manifest as intelligence.

The second was the gathering together of intelligent monads into groups which created a group life greater than the sum of the parts.

The third was the gathering of groups into greater groups.

The fourth was the gathering of all groups into one which created the One Great Life called The One, or God.

The fifth was the separation of a third of the monads into a void where they proceeded to create the universe of time and space, or that which we experience in the current reality where we have forgotten our true identity.

In the first four cycles of our existence, we gathered together until we became one. In the last, we shattered that oneness into the many that we now experience.

Now, in another great phase, we must unite together again and experience greater and greater oneness until we, as prodigal sons, can find our way back home.


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