The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 18

Day 198

The Open Mind

Principle Ten: Unless the seeker has an open mind progress upon the path of discovery will cease.

I have a friend who, for a period of time, made it a point of asking his religious friends if they considered themselves open-minded. He never received a “no” answer. They all considered themselves open-minded and dispassionately able to consider new thinking.

Then after he received a positive answer he would present them with a thought that ran contrary to their church beliefs. Suddenly, their minds closed down and they wanted to end the discussion.

Then he would say something like, “I thought you said you were open-minded.”

To this was the response that yes they still saw themselves as open-minded but his direction was plain wrong. Most would not even allow him to present his facts.

You may rest assured that the Vatican scientists who condemned Galileo also thought they were open-minded. They just didn’t want to look through Galileo’s ridiculous telescope. Even so, did those who burned heretics at the stake see themselves as the fair and open-minded ones.

It is interesting then that virtually everyone, even the most closed-minded, see themselves as being open to new knowledge. It is also noteworthy that all of us know a number of people we consider to be closed minded.

In other words, the closed minded person cannot see the flaw in himself, but can see it in others.

The fact is that he may be judging an open-minded brother to be closed just because he does not agree with himself, yet judges himself to be open minded because to him, his beliefs are just true.

At this point we need to define what it is to be open-minded.

To be open or closed-minded does not mean to agree or disagree with the other guy. An open-minded person may listen to all the facts and reject an argument because it just makes no sense.

I make this point because many accusations of closed-mindedness occur because the other fellow does not agree.

In the end, the open-minded person may agree or disagree but what he will do is consider the possibility that a proposal may be true and look at the facts involved.

Let us take an example. The belief in a flat earth has resurfaced and has been circulating around the internet. Though it may seem outrageous to even consider such a belief, the open minded person will look at their arguments and see if there is anything to them. Then he can weigh their arguments against overwhelming evidence, such as pictures of a globe earth taken by the United States, Russia, India, Japan, China, European Union and private spacecraft.

The saying goes that one should be open, but not have a mind that leaks like a sieve. In other words, one should be open, but maintain a filtering system and maintain a healthy skepticism.

Assignment: Take the following quiz and honestly asses your own degree of openness.


Everyone thinks he has an open mind, but in reality we all have acquaintances who immediately shut down their minds to ideas that do not conform to their pre-conceived notions. Take this test for an indication of how open-minded you are:

(1) The politician who you least like comes up with a plan for world peace. How would you react?

(a) I would assume that the plan was as bad as the rest of his ideas.

(b) I would listen to the proposal, but I know I wouldn’t like it.

(c) I would listen to the proposal with the idea that it may contain something of value.

(2) An acquaintance wants you to listen to what you consider to be the worst music in existence so he can explain to you why it has value.

(a) You would not consider such a thing

(b) You would listen but are sure it has no redeeming value

(c) You would listen with the idea that this person may perceive something of value that you do not.

(3) You are at a party and meet a person who says he is a member of The Flat Earth Society. He tells you that the stars above are an illusion, the earth is really flat and we only appear to be circling around the sun. He seriously tells you that he can logically prove all of this if you will listen to him a few moments.

(a) The man is obviously a crackpot and you excuse yourself.

(b) You listen for entertainment value only

(c) You listen at least partly because you want to see if his thought has any logical foundation.

(4) You have a six-year old daughter who, as far as you know, is completely normal. One day she comes to you out of the blue and says that some space people are in contact with her by mental telepathy and that they have an important message for the people of the earth. How would you react?

(a) I would feel that she has a problem and take her for professional help (a minister or psychologist).

(b) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away.

(c) I would question her with a mind open to the possibility that the communication may be valid.

(5) A representative of a religious cult knocks on your door and wants you to read a pamphlet proving that their leader is God incarnate. What do you do?

(a) Slam the door on him before he can explain why he is there.

(b) Politely listen to him but refuse the pamphlet.

(c) Take the pamphlet but not read it.

(d) Take the pamphlet and read it.

(6) An old friend who has a reputation of being eccentric and whose advice caused you to lose money in the past approaches you with a sure-fire-get-rich-quick business venture. It requires $10,000 investment which you happen to have at the time and he tells you that you should be able to get that back ten-fold in a month and possibly have financial security for the rest of your life. You would:

(a) Be polite, but refuse to listen to his new scheme.

(b) Listen to what the man has to say, then ignore him without trying to consider his ideas.

(c) Listen to his idea with the possibility (however slim) of acting on it.

(7) Which of the following have you changed your opinion or belief on after the age of 18?

(a) Your religion

(b) Your political party

(c) Birth control

(d) Abortion

(e) Capitalism or communism

(f) The environment

(g) Nuclear arms or world peace

(h) Legalization of drugs

(i) The foods you like

(j) The type of person you want for a mate


1a 0, 1b 0, 1c

2a 0, 2b 1, 2c 2

3a 0, 3b 1, 3c 3

4a 0, 4b 1, 4c 2

5a 0, 5b 1, 5c 1, 5d 3

6a 0, 6b 0, 6c 2

On question 7 score two points for each category in which change occurred.


0-12 Points: You may think you are open-minded, as all people do, but in reality you instinctively resist any idea that is not commonly accepted within your group or belief system. You tend to fear others who are different than yourself. Lighten up and be more flexible.

13-17 Points: You may change when you have to, and some may see you as open-minded, but you tend to listen to an opposing point of view out of courtesy rather than having any consideration for it. 18-24 Points: You have a good live and let live philosophy. You have a high tolerance for other points of view. You are open-minded on a subject you feel is important or credible but will not sustain enough interest to keep your mind open if the subject is not on your interest list.

25-34 Points: You are truly an open-minded person. You will always be open to all possibilities. This will lead you into many interesting experiences. To use this open-mindedness effectively, however, make sure you maintain a stable mind or others may think you are fickle-minded.

Affirmation: “I am open to all things, but fixed on finding the truth.”


Day 199

Learn by Doing

Principle Eleven: You can prove a teaching true or false by applying it in life. We learn by doing much faster than by listening or reading.

Jesus pointed us toward this important principle when he said:

“If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” John 7:17

In other words, doing and applying what we learn will lead us to an understanding of the truth. We can then find the true ingredients of a teaching and discard the false.

Let us suppose that you have never played golf in your life but for some reason took an interest in it and decide that you want to become good at the sport. You figure it is important to learn everything you can about the subject so you buy all kinds of books giving tips. You read dozens of books and probably know as much about golf as Tiger Woods. You figure you know how to make the perfect swing and you expect great results on your first try. You go out on the course, place the ball on the tee and take a swing. To your horror you missed it completely. It takes a couple more swings before you hit the ball and then you didn’t accomplish much. “This isn’t the way it is supposed to go,” you think to yourself. “I knew what to do, but just couldn’t apply it for some reason.”

The simple answer is that taking in data, even if correct, is not enough. Learning must include application to be complete.

Many want to learn by incorporating 90% study and 10% application when it should be the reverse. The student is much better off spending most of his time applying instead of just learning.

The same principles of learning apply to spiritual principles as to a sport like golf.

What will teach the seeker the most about love? Spending ten hours with a book about it or one hour bringing smiles on the faces of little children?

Or how about forgiveness? Many hours with a book, or just one instant of letting go of the grievance?

Or enlightenment? Ten hours of study or one hour reflecting on a profound thought?

Or how about teaching? Yes study is important, but to keep what you have learned you must give it away. The teacher learns much faster by teaching and sharing than by study.

Assignment: Assess that which you need to learn at this point in life and contemplate how you can enhance your learning though doing as much as possible.

Affirmation: “I keep that which I learn through doing and sharing.”


Day 200

Ask Questions

Principle Twelve: To receive answers you must first ask questions.

One of the main differences between a seeker and one who is not is that the seeker asks questions. The true seeker is somewhat amazed when he discovers how little the average person will question the world around him.

Yes, the average guy will have numerous beliefs, but few of those beliefs come from asking questions. Instead, many of them are merely implants accepted by his brain because he is following the line of least resistance.

The true seeker will have many questions that will often take him on the path less traveled by.

The difference between the seeker who has gained knowledge and wisdom lies not in inherited gifts, talent and intelligence but in the fact that he has asked questions and driven himself to find the answers.

The average person asks few questions outside his comfort zone. Those few he does ask are in response to his standardized education or involving the necessity of making a living. Few ask questions about spiritual things or philosophy beyond that which they have learned in church or school.

It takes as much intelligence to come up with the right questions as it does to recognize the right answers. Questions and answers are indeed interrelated. You will not find meaningful answers without first asking the right questions.

One thing that drives questions for the seeker is a lack of logic in something he is taught which may be something that many just accept without question.

Seekers have many questions that just do not occur to the rank and file. Here is an example of a dialogue:


SEEKER: Is God all-knowing?


SEEKER: Does God know before a person is born if he will be saved or damned?


SEEKER: Then why does God create people that He knows are going to be damned? Wouldn’t it be better for Him to have just not made the damned to avoid all that suffering?

BELIEVER: We have to come here to prove to ourselves that we can be saved.

SEEKER: Do the damned have to prove to themselves that they can be damned?

BELIEVER: I guess so. I never thought of it.

SEEKER: If you were a creator, would you make something that wouldn’t work just so you could say to it: “I made you and I knew even before I made you that you wouldn’t work, but I just wanted to prove to you that you wouldn’t work. Now because you don’t work you are damned for all eternity.” That sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

BELIEVER: I’m sure God has his reasons we are not aware of.

SEEKER: But we are going by what you claim to be aware of, and that is God is all knowing, and that He knew who would be damned for eternity. Is there any rhyme or reason why He would create a soul He knew was going to be damned?

BELIEVER: So we can appreciate being saved.

SEEKER: You mean you have to make sure there are others burning in Hell before you can enjoy Heaven?

BELIEVER: It is God’s plan.

SEEKER: If you knew your mother, father and children were burning in Hell for eternity while you were in Heaven, then would this make Heaven more enjoyable for you?

BELIEVER: No. Of course not.

SEEKER: Then how does God’s creation of souls that He knew will be damned add to your enjoyment of Heaven?

BELIEVER: I guess it wouldn’t really.

SEEKER: So why did God create souls He knew would be damned?

BELIEVER: You’ve got me confused. You tell me.

COMMENT: The Scriptures tell us that it is God’s will that “All” be saved. As you can see, it would be ridiculous for a Creator to make souls He knew would be damned.

Assignment: Ask yourself: “How much questioning have I done in this life? Have I sought with a burning desire that led to answers? Come up with three questions to which you wish you knew the answers and contemplate on what those answers may be.

Affirmation: “I ask because I want to know.”


Day 201

The Law of Correspondences, Part 1

Principle Thirteen: That which is above will have elements that correspond to that which is below, and that which is below will likewise have elements that correspond to that which is above.

This law can be a great help to the seeker in the discovery of truth. It can also lead him into error if he misunderstands it. Many teachers have made the mistake of telling us that correspondences are exact and they are not. The correspondence between the higher and lower have similarities, but are never exact. If therefore, the seeker tries to understand the unseen by following this law with black and white exactness then he will fail.

Instead of seeing correspondences matching with exactness the seeker must use one level as hints to find truth in another level. If he sees the hints and uses his intuition then he can discover much that is true.

The physicist, Niels Bohr, used this principle correctly to come up with the basic structure of the atom. He concluded that the atom may correspond to a miniature solar system with a heavy nucleus containing most of the mass encircled about by much lighter electrons. It turns out that indeed there are many correspondences between an atom and a solar system, but there are also many differences. Yet the correspondences were close enough to aid in putting together the first elementary ideas of what atoms are and how they function.

So, why are correspondences not exact? To understand this it is helpful to imagine that you are God and had just finished perfecting the atoms. Now you want to create on a much higher level. Do you just repeat on a higher level what you just did on a lower? No. That would be boring. You like a challenge and creation is most fun when it is diverse and challenging. So, instead of just repeating yourself you decide to follow basic working principles but do something new and different and hopefully better than before.

One should not be surprised that Divine Intelligence does new and different things on different levels, after all it is written:

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the days of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing; now it shall spring forth….” (Isa 43:18-19)

It is also written that we are in the image of God and it is human nature to not want to do the same thing over and over so we, like God, enjoy creating new things. The new has similarities to the old, but rarely is it an exact duplication.

Assignment: Use the Law of Correspondences today and pay particular attention to the numbers three and seven. For instance, the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit corresponds to Father, Mother and Child. Where are there other correspondences? Where do you see the number seven manifest?

Affirmation: “Truth leads to more truth.”


Day 202

The Law of Correspondences, Part 2

Let us look at the first part of the assignment which are correspondences with the trinity.   The most well-known trinity is, of course, the Christian view of the Godhead. It seems kind of confusing to many when preachers tell us they are three and yet one, but perhaps there is more correspondence to this than believers realize.

The guitar string principle helps us to see a correspondence here. Suppose you have a guitar with only one string on it and then you pluck it. When you watch it vibrate how many strings do you see? You see three strings. But in reality are there three strings?

No. There is only one string in vibration causing the appearance of three strings. The lower illusionary string corresponds to the second aspect and the top, the third, or opposing part of the duality.

In the true reality there is no top and bottom string but only the reality in the middle. Even so, in the true reality, there is neither male nor female, light and dark, hot and cold, but only the foundation God who reflected Itself to infinity and caused these reflections to vibrate to create the appearance of real physical worlds of form.

As we go deeper and deeper into matter all we can find are wavelengths, or mini guitar strings in vibration. That invisible force that causes the vibration creating the wavelength corresponds to the Father and the two polarities are represented by the Son and Holy Ghost (or Mother).

As we explore the microcosmic world through electron microscopes we see that trinities, or triangles of three, manifest in all creation. Then as we inspect various enterprises successfully created by humans we also see trinities manifest.

In starting his church, for instance, Jesus had three close disciples, Peter, James and John.

There are several trinities aiding the work of Mohammad. The first was Allah, Gabriel and himself. The second was more earthly which was Mohammad, his wife, Khadijah, and her Christian cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal who first accepted his revelations.

The Buddha started his movement with himself and two disciples, Taphussa and Bhallika.

A successful business is initiated by someone who gets an idea (representing the father), and then finds two close associates who help him to manifest that idea.

For instance Steve Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Computer.

Microsoft was initiated by Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen in cooperation with Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems president, Ed Roberts.

The Beatles were initiated by McCartney, Lennon and Harrison. Ringo came along four years after the band was created.

Individuals may come and go in an organization but if it continues to have success a powerful trinity will manifest at the top.

America was founded on the trinity of the Presidency, Congress and the Judiciary.

The family is founded on Father, mother and children.

The trinity of planes of human endeavor are the physical, emotional and mental. The focus of spiritual endeavors are atma, buddhi, manas.

Yes, the Trinity is the foundation of all creation whether it be organic life or organized human beings and there are many correspondences and truths to be found.

Assignment: Now concentrate on the number seven. What is its significance and what are some truths to be gleamed from it?

Affirmation: “I see the three within myself and without.”


Day 203

The Law of Correspondences, Part 3

The number seven is an interesting number that we see often repeated in scripture, in esoteric literature, in philosophy and in nature itself.

In the Bible alone this number is repeated 735 time and 54 times in just the Book of Revelation.

Perhaps the most famous use of the number seven is found in the seven days of creation with the seventh day becoming the Sabbath, a holy day.

The idea of the seven days certainly took hold in the consciousness of humanity for our calendars still tabulate the days of the week as being seven.

Throughout the Old Testament we see the number seen repeated often. For instance, Noah gathered seven pairs of clean animals that were received into the Ark. There were seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of plenty in the days of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. There are seven things that God hates mentioned in Proverbs. There were seven lamps on the golden lampstand in the tabernacle.

Joshua and Israel marched around Jericho seven times while seven priests blew seven trumpets before the walls came crashing down.

Then in the New Testament Jesus said to forgive seventy times seven.

Jesus fed the multitudes with seven loaves of bread and afterwards the disciples gathered seven baskets of leftovers.

The Book of Revelation uses the number with the most pronounced symbolism. The first chapter introduces the seven churches, the seven spirits before the throne of God, the seven candlesticks and the seven stars.

Later we come across the famous seven seals, the seven angels blowing seven trumpets, the seven thunders, a dragon with seven heads, seven plagues, seven vials, seven mountains and seven kings – just to give a partial list.

In esoteric literature the seven rays behind creation are given much weight as well as the seven Root Races with their seven sub races. There are also seven chakras.

In Buddhism, seven is the number of ascent, and Buddha is said to have walked this number of steps at his birth.

In Islam there are seven heavens and hell has seven gates.

Astrology was founded on the movement seven planetary bodies and emphasis was placed on the seven stars of the Great Bear as well as the seven of the Pleiades.

In nature we have the seven colors of the rainbow, the seven musical notes, the seven electron shells of an atom, our skin is regenerated in seven days and every cell in our body is replaced every seven years. There are seven seas, seven continents and seven wonders of the world.

Even Shakespeare used the number in his famous quote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being SEVEN ages.”

Christian commentators often tell us that the significance of the number seven is that it signifies completion, but is that all there is to it? Use the information given today for a seed thought and see if you can find additional meaning behind this number.

Affirmation: “I will take seventy times seven steps toward the Kingdom of God.”



Day 204

The Law of Correspondences, Part 4

Indeed, we see that the number seven shows up often in nature and inspired writings. It manifests so much from the human mind because it signifies deep truth that is verified by the human soul.

The common idea is that because creation was said to have ended on the seventh day that the number signifies completion. There is a certain amount of truth to this for there are seven rays of creation that permeate all form in physical creation.

Creation begins with the One which vibrates and creates the three, or the Trinity. This also corresponds to the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue. Then from the three the seven is manifest and from the seven comes the foundation of all creation.

There are a number of ways to look at this number. As far as the rainbow goes one color morphs into another in linear sequence.

The creative rays manifest differently. You have the one, then the three and from the third ray the other four manifest.

On the other hand, the Star of David is also associated with creation. This is composed of one triangle pointing downward and an overlapping triangle pointing up. The one pointing downward represents forces pulling us toward matter and the upward triangle represents forces pulling toward Spirit. The two triangles represent six points with the seventh being a point in the center signifying synthesis of the two, or the point of soul energy that manifests as spirit touches matter.

As stated earlier, all creation begins with three. Any stable creation begins with the one who has the idea who then gathers two supporters that help in the manifestation.

But at this stage the creation is not complete and is still in danger of collapse. The creation can become self sufficient when seven are gathered who will stand by the ideals of the creation and support it.

If you look at any successful organization you will first find the one, then the three and finally the seven. When you find seven leading entities in harmony in an organization you may rest assured that it is in stable condition.

Another significant number is twelve and again we find it used many times in the Bible. We read of the Twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve stones of the breastplate of the high priest, the twelve apostles of Jesus and the twelve entrances to the city of the New Jerusalem.

This number surfaces many times in our society. For one thing this number dominates our time and space. We have twelve months in a year and twelve numbers on the clock. Then our rulers have twelve inches to a foot. We organize many things for sale by twelves, for instance, a dozen eggs.

Then we cannot leave out the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Alcoholics Anonymous has 12 steps, 12 traditions, and 12 concepts for world service.

The number 12 is often found in the human body: there are 12 cranial nerves, 12 ribs on the average human body, and 12 systems of the human body (cardiovascular, digestive, etc.). Additionally, the weight of blood is about one twelfth of our body.

We could go on but this gives us an idea of this ubiquitous number.

The ancient Greek sage, Pythagoras, taught the number twelve had divine, mystical meanings.

Assignment: Contemplate the meaning of this number what it means and why it has been used down through the ages.

Affirmation: “I will take twelve steps toward the light, and then one more.”

Day 205

The Law of Correspondences, Part 5

Consider the progression leading to the number twelve. A creation begins with the one initiator getting an idea. He then gathers around him two companions who begin the work of manifesting it. The idea gains momentum until seven are gathered as one mind causing a finished materialization.

To cause a finished creation to maintain existence one more step is needed and that would correspond to a glue that would hold various pieces together. Twelve thus represents a governing force that keeps order and structure in place.

We began with the one and then the three. Finally, the seven of the Star of David, representing completion. The governing twelve then is composed of 3X4 a symbol of the New Jerusalem which city “lieth foursquare,” yet has twelve entrances.

The symbolic governing power is seen in the words of Jesus to his twelve apostles:

“…ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matt 19:28

It is interesting that a jury is composed of twelve people. A jury of twelve selected from the people gives added stability to a state or nation.

It is interesting to consider that when you add Jesus to the twelve you have a thirteenth. The thirteenth represents powerful authority, such as authority from God or a king.

Such an authority may work well if you have someone like Jesus taking this place, but with the many the authority is misused and the power of antichrist is manifest instead. Therefore, for maximum safety a group of twelve should see the thirteenth as the invisible Christ rather than a visible totalitarian.

All of the numbers 1-13 are very potent in meaning. The nine is very stabilizing as it is composed of three trinities. The ten is the basis of our numbering system and two represents duality. Some call it the first real number.

Understanding the importance of numbers is important in the use of the Law of Correspondences as the numbers in one creation will often correspond to numbers in another.

Now let us use this law on something else. In the atomic world we have three basic types of charges which are positive, negative and neutral. See if you can come up with six different things in everyday life that correspond to these.

Affirmation: “I see, I turn, and see new forms similar to the old.”


Day 206

The Law of Correspondences, Part 6

The atomic world, the foundation for all the universe, is created from three types of particles. Those that are negatively charged, those that have a positive charge and those that are neutral. The foundation particles of matter representative of these charges are the proton, the neutron and the electron. Here we see the trinity represented as the foundation of matter itself.

It is interesting to note that even though the neutron has no measurable charge that is still composed of quarks which are particles with charge. The negative and positive charges within the neutron merely cancel each other out, producing neutrality. This happens with a stable atom also with an equal number of protons and electrons. Each negative electron balances out the positive charge of a proton.

So in creation we have positive, negative and then there neutral where the two charges are still present, but in balance.

The most visible correspondence to positive and negative in the world around us are the male and female in humans as well as other species. So what corresponds to the neutron? This would be the gay. He or she has both male and female energies within but the charge is closer to the zero point.

The manifestation of the two charges, or opposites, is often called duality which is expressed in many triplicities such as, hot, cold and something desirable in between. Then we have up, down and the present location. Other dualities with points between are War and peace, good and evil, happy and sad, light and dark, sending and receiving, empty and full, freedom and slavery, love and hate, past and future, pleasure and pain, rich and poor… The list goes on. There are perhaps more correspondences to duality with the point between than anything else. Anyone who wishes to learn from the Law of Correspondences needs to observe all the ways that this principle manifests.

Contemplating the correspondence between male and female and the universal negative and positive charges beginning in the atom can shed much light.

For instance, a balance of positive and negative charges creates a stable atom. What joins male and female to do something similar? Through the ages there has been the so-called battle of the sexes with each side claiming superior characteristics. But is one really superior to the other?

The two sexes are definitely not the same, but does that destroy the ideal of equality?

Contemplate the differences between male and female and the significance thereof.

Affirmation: “I seek to balance the dual forces within me.”


Day 207

The Law of Correspondences, Part 7

Using the Law of Correspondences to derive truth from the male/female differences is a great example of the value of this principle.

In recent times some have tried to convince us that there are no real differences between males and females. It only seems that way because of our culture, they insist.

Many with this philosophy, however, have changed their minds after having kids and observe them growing up. They cannot help but noticed that males and females have different tendencies in behavior. Those who are willing to study these differences can discover some interesting truth.

Let us start with the physical differences. There are quite a few of these that are pretty much undeniable.

The most fundamental difference lies with sex and procreation. What exactly happens in this process?

The male sends the seed, or sperm, to the female and the female receives.

Using the Law of Correspondences we can deduce that the male, if we look on him as an energy unit, would be polarized as a sending energy and the female as a receiving one.

Now we all have both male and female, or sending and receiving energies within us, but overall most males are polarized, or have more sending energy than receiving, and females the opposite.

If you observe males and females in action you will notice that males are more comfortable being senders and females the receivers.

There is a lot of evidence that females are better receivers. For instance, all studies on the subject show that females in all cultures and times do better in school and get better grades than males. On the other hand, when it comes to positions that involve sending and giving orders males are more comfortable.

Now let us look closer at the act of sex. The male sends many sperm to the female and few get accepted. The female is very particular in what she will receive, but when she does accept a sperm magic occurs and a new creation is formed – a new life – a baby.

What does this tell us when we use the Law of Correspondences?

From this we can glean a number of truths.

(1) Miraculous creation can occur through the cooperation of male and female energies. The seeker starts by balancing the two energies within himself and then seeking cooperation with his opposite.

(2) The female does not accept just anything sent by the male, but is very particular about what she will embrace.

(3) The male will be wise to realize this characteristic by the female and not expect her to accept just anything that sounds good to him. To become successful co-creators the male must listen to the female and understand her desires so he can send her something she will receive.

(4) An idea from a male corresponds to a sperm or seed and if a male can plant an idea in a female that is embraced then miraculous progress toward creation can be achieved. They will have a symbolic baby together.

Volumes could be written about how the Law of Correspondences plays out with just the male-female principle, but this will give the seeker an elementary idea of how this law plays out.

Assignment: See males and females as units of energy and continue to ponder the differences between them and see what truths come to your mind.

Affirmation: “I listen to the messages from my body.”


Day 208


Principle Fourteen: Look for the principle rather than merely memorizing facts and data.

You’ve probably met the guy who seems very smart because he can rattle off all kinds of information he has accumulated. Others seem very impressed by his knowledge but there is something about him that doesn’t convinced you. Several things hold you back from crowning him the new Einstein.

(1) When he explains something he uses big words and lots of facts, but after he is done explaining you do not know much more than you did before. He sounds like he knows what he is talking about but his communication sounds esoteric and difficult to understand.

You would think that if he really understands what he is talking about that he could clearly communicate it in easy to understand language.

(2) The guy has not demonstrated a practical application of his knowledge in his life.

(3) It seems like some of your friends who seem average have more common sense than this walking encyclopedia.

The apostle Paul spoke of this type of character. He said they were, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” II Tim 3:7

Now there is nothing wrong with study and gaining information but all will be of minimal value unless the seeker is able to put the pieces together and see the bigger picture, or the principles behind the data.

Imagine that you have before you a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle and you take the pieces and distribute them randomly on a table and look at them. Even though you may memorize the patterns on each piece you will be unable to get any idea of the picture.

Now you discover something that is a big help. On the box is a picture of the finished puzzle. Knowing what the finished puzzle will look like will be a great aid in making sense of the pieces.

The one who sees the finished picture correlates to one who sees the principles, but the one who just stares at the randomly scattered pieces is like our intellectual friend described earlier.

Now let us examine something that involves a principle and the two ways of looking at it. The topic is good and evil.

The black and white person has a storage of information recorded in his brain that tells him what is good and what is evil.

Here are some things that a fundamentalist Christian may consider evil:

  • Reading new age books
  • Listening to certain music
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks, even in moderation.
  • Being gay.
  • Believing the earth is billions of years old.
  • Not accepting his version of Jesus.

Then, that which he considers to be good is anything that fits in with his interpretation of the Bible.

These people are indeed missing the mark, which is the meaning of the New Testament word for sin.

If one understands the principle behind good and evil he will use his own common sense to figure it out rather than going by the letter of the law or black and white words.

The basic difference between good and evil is this: Good is that which takes us forward on the path of Spiritual progress toward greater freedom, livingness, intelligence, light and love. Evil is that which takes us back into the past to lesser freedom, lesser livingness, lesser intelligence, light and love. Evil is the reverse reflection of good, corresponding to the fact that “evil” is “live” reflected in reverse.

Good is a positive building direction; evil is that which hinders positive building and destroys before creation is complete and has served its purpose.

If the leaders of old Salem had understood the principle behind good and evil they would have realized they were the ones taking an evil direction as they burned the witches at the stake.

Assignment: behind all debate there is always a principle that reveals the truth. Contemplate and find the principle leading to understanding of these three things:

(1) The political left and right

(2) Freedom

(3) The Golden Rule

Affirmation: “I see the whole picture rather than the part.”


Day 209

Resist Groupthink

Principle Fifteen: Take that belief which is embraced by the world and look in the opposite direction. In this opposite direction much truth lies hidden.

Think of those people who have made great accomplishments and have gone down in history for benefiting the world. Names like Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Lincoln and, of course, Jesus come to mind. Were any of these people the type who just followed the crowd, accepted the status quo and went along with the groupthink of the day?

All the great thinkers and innovators have one thing in common. They did not govern their lives by what the authorities of the day said was true. They questioned and often found that the truth was in the opposite direction of common thought.

If the seeker spends a lifetime in study, but merely accepts all that his cherished authorities says is true, he will indeed have limited himself. He will be in the category of those who are “ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth.”

The wise seeker does not accept a thing merely because the authorities of the world proclaim it. Neither does he accept it if the whole world embraces these statements of authorities. Instead, he is the eternal skeptic and will always look in the opposite direction of groupthink just to see what is there.

Now do not get me wrong. Many common beliefs are correct. The point is that many of them have not been correct in the past and even in this more enlightened age (as we suppose) many beliefs are still flawed.

The seeker will not discover those flaws through study and blind acceptance. Instead, he must take those things that are widely accepted and look in the opposite direction.

The interesting thing about looking in the opposite direction is that you will be looking at a view that not many even attempt to see.

Galileo is a quintessential example of the virtue of doing this. In his day all the scientists, religious thinkers and philosophers believed the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it. He looked in the opposite direction of common thought and a whole universe of truth opened up to him.

As late as the mid nineteenth century physicians thought it was not necessary to wash their hands before surgery. Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician looked in the opposite direction and discovered the importance of cleanliness which resulted in the saving of millions of lives since that time.

Humanity has moved forward and dispelled many illusions, but we still have a long way to go. There are still many illusions that hold captive many different groups. The job of the seeker is to look at the thinking of humanity as well and groups with whom he is associated and look in the opposite direction of their thinking and see what is there.

If the seeker is in a religion he needs to question widely accepted doctrine and see how it registers with his soul. If he is involved in politics he needs to take the standard views of his party and, with an open mind, look at alternatives.

If over 90% of the scientists say a thing is true then maybe the seeker needs to check out the few dissenting opinions and see where the actual facts lead.

The assignment today is to examine your beliefs, those of your friends and your groups as well as that which you hear from the media and ask this question. “If this is not true, then what is?” If your soul gently nudges you toward a new insight then be sure and pay attention.

Affirmation: “I will look in a new direction today to see what is there.”


Day 210

The Glass Half Full

Principle Sixteen: Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.

Whereas it is a good thing to be skeptical of groupthink and to look at alternatives it is not a good idea for the seeker to have as his center of focus the discovery of error. Instead, the goal should always be the discovery of truth.

The seeker must use powers of discernment to see the difference between being gullible and having a positive focus on finding the truth. The gullible will believe things to be true merely because others say so. The true seeker will test all things and verify truth with his own mind, heart and soul.

In maintaining a healthy skepticism for many things declared to be true by others he resists the temptation to have as his prime focus the looking for error. Instead his focus is the discovery of truth wherever it lies.

The difference between the negative person and a seeker with a healthy skepticism is this: The negative person automatically rejects anything that is not supported by his belief system and outer authorities.

On the other hand, the true seeker is open to all things and willing to consider all things. Because of this he will sometimes discover truth that will alter his beliefs.

The seeker becomes aware of both truth and error when his prime focus is looking for truth.

The negative person only finds error because he is not looking for truth, but only error in others to validate his own beliefs.

Because energy follows thought it is of extreme importance where the seeker places his focus. If it is on error he will find error, but if it is on truth he will find truth.

An example of the wrong approach would be one who literally believes the scriptures and will immediately reject as false any evidence that points out an error in his belief.

Let us say, for instance, that he literally accepts the six days of the creation account as being six 24-hour periods. He thus sees only error in all the scientific evidence that the earth is billions of years old.

A seeker who was taught the same thing when he was young will do the opposite. Maybe he wants to believe that what his parents taught him is true, but when he sees the evidence and checks with his soul he is willing to change his mind.

Assignment: Take the path of the true seeker and make your prime focus the discovery of truth wherever it lies. Reflect on your own beliefs and examine all things that come across your path today and discover where the truth lies by looking for it.

Affirmation: “My focusing on the truth reveals both truth and error.”


Day 211

The Pendulum Principle

Principle Seventeen: People swing back and forth in their beliefs to extreme positions. The seeker must resist the swing and look for the truth somewhere in the middle.

Humans are strongly affected by the Pendulum Principle as they shift periodically in their emphasis, values, interests and beliefs. At one time they will be conservative and another time they swing to liberal. Then they will go from being religious to atheistic, from superstitious to scientific and logical, from slavery to freedom and so on.

Understanding the Pendulum Principle is a powerful key to aid in the discovery of truth.

Average humanity swings back and forth in their beliefs from one extreme to the other. The reason for this is an extreme belief requires little thought or judgment. One can be lazy and not use the mind, but rely completely on feeling which swings to the extreme without check. In other words, everything is viewed through a black-and-white mode. All is good or evil, right or wrong with no shades of gray.

The reason this principle is an important key of discovery is that in most cases the extreme position is filled with error. If the seeker understands that some widely accepted beliefs are really an extreme position taken by the lazy in thought, then he can look at the middle, use judgment and discover much truth.

Here are just a couple popular extremes:

Extreme Belief, Side One: There is a conspiracy behind every major tragedy that happens.

Extreme Belief, Side Two: All conspiracy theories are silly and are to be ignored.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. Obviously, not all disasters are caused by government conspiracies, but then we know from history that sometimes there are true conspiracies. However, these often involve assassinations rather than some very complex plot that would involve thousands of people.

Extreme Belief, Side One: The President is totally evil and I hate him.

Extreme Belief Side Two: The President is totally good and I love him.

Truth: The current President is a man with flaws just as were the past presidents. He should be judged by results achieved, not as a devil or a saint.

In today’s world the extremes of the pendulum swing are most apparent in the political world. Everywhere you look extreme views and actions glare at us. The problem is that a large percentage of the country will embrace the extreme, not because it is logical, but because it is just the thing to do.

Extremes are also popular in religious and spiritual thinking. Extremes in cults such as Jonestown, the Branch Dividians and Heaven’s Gate, who killed themselves thinking they were going to get a ride on the Hale-Bopp comet, are obvious to the masses. It is ironical though that those laughing at the extremes of cults often have their own extreme beliefs that are quite illogical and fantastic if examined under the light of reason,

It is important to realize that the highest truth will not be found by looking at the two extremes and then finding the exact middle. That is the lazy black and white way. The truth is always somewhere between the two extremes. Sometimes it is in the middle but it could be some distance to the left or right. It takes good judgment and common sense to see it.

Assignment: Examine your own beliefs. Do you take some extreme positions because of groupthink, bias or raw emotional feeling rather than looking at both sides and seeking for the truth somewhere in the middle?

Because of natural bias this is a difficult question for many to answer honestly, but give it your best shot.

Affirmation: “My soul guides me to the truth between the two extremes.”


Day 212

Focus Your Attention

Principle Eighteen: The seeker must not scatter his energies, but maintain focus on finding the truth. When he does this it is only a matter of time before he finds his answers.

One of the main problems behind the failure of many who desire the truth is a lack of focus. They want the truth and will pursue a certain line. Then, before they take in all there is in that direction, they will branch off on another path. Sometimes the individual will make a total change in direction and other times he may have numerous avenues of learning, but fail to obtain mastery in any of them.

There are times when the seeker will find himself on a path full of error and decide to leave and pick another. This is a good move and not a problem. The error occurs when the pilgrim still has lessons to learn on a certain path and either leaves or diverts attention away from it.

We could compare the problem to a student who wants to be an engineer, but is also interested in music and has a band. He also loves football and is trying out for the team. In addition, he is in the chess club.

The guy is so scattered that he does not excel in any of his divided directions.

Another example of error is a guy who seeks to excel at chess and gets off to a good start, but then finds interest in playing he piano which takes his focus off chess. Then just as he is developing skill in the piano he moves on to another interest.

Many there are who just do not keep their focus on the subject long enough to excel or to learn what is there for them.

Just as it takes focus to develop a skill, even so it is required for the seeker of truth to be successful. In some ways the seeker has a more difficult time than the person who is trying to develop a regular skill. For instance, if he is learning to play the piano there are certain yardsticks available to gauge his progress. The seeker of truth may have lots of books to read but there are times when he seems to have a dark night where nothing much happens. This will sometimes cause him to give up and take another path.

The seeker needs to realize that energy follows thought and if he continues to keep his focus on discovery that a link is made to his Higher Self. This link will grow as long as the focus is maintained. There is often a period where nothing seems to be happening and then, at an unexpected moment, a realization will come and the seeker makes a great stride forward. This is a step he would have missed if he had changed direction too soon.

Assignment: Take a quick review of your life and discover the talents that were not developed and knowledge not gained because of lack of focus. Do not feel bad about it for none of us have lived our lives perfectly. Now, examine your current life. Are you on a path that requires more focused attention? What can you do to prevent leaking energy to unproductive areas of life?

Affirmation: “I will focus and discover new worlds of truth.”


Day 213

Test Your Beliefs

Principle Nineteen: Your beliefs may or may not be true. To find out, test them as much as possible against known facts, reason, your own soul and in discussion with others.

All people have numerous unproven beliefs. Some will turn out to be true and others not so much.

Some beliefs can be tested and proven true or false, turning them into knowledge which replaces belief.

One can gather evidence on other beliefs, but not concrete proof giving the seeker assurance, but not solid proof his belief is correct.

Then there are other beliefs not backed up by any evidence but merely supported by the person’s desire that they are correct.

Perhaps the most popular belief within the human race is in the existence of God or some Higher Intelligence behind the creation of all things. There is no way to prove Its existence to the skeptic, but many have proven to themselves that some type of higher power exists through experiencing miracles. Others sense spiritual communication that they testify came from a higher source.

The seeker must not be like the lazy believer who just accepts what he has told and does nothing to verify it. He does not get extra help from spiritual sources unless he does all he can first. These principles of Discovery will aid the seeker in verifying truth with tools that all have available.

So what concrete steps can the seeker take to verify his beliefs?

(1) First realize that unless an effort is made no further proof is likely to materialize.

(2) The seeker must study all available materials on the subject. Perhaps evidence supporting your belief is much stronger than you realized.

(3) Read arguments put forth by those who oppose your belief. This could either strengthen your belief or even convince you that the belief is incorrect. This is to be celebrated rather than feared for the realization of a wrong belief will lead to greater truth which should be a happy event.

(4) Ask yourself if your belief runs contrary to any proven facts available to you.

(5) Test your beliefs by applying them to your life. Are your beliefs working out in the crucible of living the way they should if they are true?

Assignment: Make a list of ten beliefs that you have. They could include a belief in God, Jesus, space aliens, the afterlife, conspiracies, a political belief etc. After you get them listed look them over and ask yourself how many of them have you made a real effort to prove and to honestly examine both sides.

Next pick one of these beliefs where you think supporting evidence can be found and begin further investigation to find the truth about it.

Affirmation: “I am moving from being a believer to a knower.”


Day 214

Good Judgment


Principle Twenty: The seeker must acquire good judgment if he is to recognize truth when it is in front of him. Unfortunately, this quality cannot be taught through books but must be earned in the furnace of life.

Even though this ability cannot be taught like math, or many other courses, it is helpful that the seeker becomes aware of its importance. One cannot learn unless he makes a goal to learn.

It is also important to remove the stigma from the word as many interpret the words of Jesus on the subject in a negative light and see judgment as always a bad thing. As pointed out earlier Jesus was not telling us that judgment itself is bad. Instead, he was warning that one will be judged by the same fairness as the judgment he gives.

There is negative limiting judgment that overly condemns another person and there is good judgment that aids in making wise decisions. The first should be avoided and the second embraced.

The positive aspect of this word is somewhat synonymous with discernment, which is seen as a very positive word, though they are a little different in meaning. To discern is to see correctly and then good judgment applies when that discernment is used wisely or followed.

One reason good judgment is so important is because bad judgment can set a person on a path of illusion that can sometimes waste an entire life.

There are many teachers, gurus, prophets, and mystics eager to get your attention and quite expert in making illusion sound like the truth. A little discernment and good judgment can allow the seeker by bypass such detours and save a lot of time in his progression toward full soul contact.

So what advice can be given to the seeker to aid him in developing good judgment? There’s a couple things that may be helpful.

First, remember that good judgment is acquired through initially going through a period of bad judgment. Each mistake you make in life teaches you the difference between good and bad judgment. See your mistakes as benevolent lessons.

Secondly, remember that energy follows thought. If you put attention on obtaining good judgment then you will place invisible energy in circulation that will assist you in the direction of good judgment.

Finally, regularly seek guidance from your soul as to the right path to take. Listen to that still small voice that always guides you toward right decisions.

Assignment: Review three major mistakes you have made in life. Ask yourself if there is a chance you would make them again? In other words, have you increased your power of good judgment?

Affirmation: “My mistakes have given me lessons on judgment.”


Day 215

Review and Reflection

Principle Twenty-one: The seeker must make a point to examine his life, monitor progress and hold fast to the progress gained.

Everything goes in cycles including our progress toward spiritual consciousness. Just as the planet has 24 hour cycles of day and night even so do us humans go through periods of radiant learning and dark nights, sending and receiving, high and low energy etc.

The goal of the seeker is to attain a higher level in each new cycle. This happens when we learn our lessons and move on to newer and greater things. Unfortunately, some backslide and have to make up for lost time later on. To avoid this problem the seeker must be in a constant state of review.

It was Socrates who said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” It is indeed true that without review and reflection the pilgrim is likely to repeat past mistakes. He is also subject to losing past learning and may have to start over again in certain areas of life.

It is advisable to reflect at the end of each day. One of the main things to consider is how effective one has been with time. How much was totally wasted? How many things could you have accomplished in a shorter period allowing you more time for constructive work? Did you learn anything new this day?

Learning involves much more than taking in data. How you dealt with your relationships is very important. Were you patient, civil and easy going or did you let others disturb your peace? Did you say or do anything you regretted?

The next major cycle is the year, but in between it is a good idea to do a little extra review at the end of the week as well as the month.

A year is a long enough period that the seeker is able to see movement within his life in certain directions. It is human tradition to make New Year’s resolutions, but good resolutions require good review. Any yearly review is good but even better than the first day of the year is your birthday. Your birthday marks a true beginning of a new year for you and marks the beginning of your true yearly cycle. The strongest initiating energy for the year is right after your birthday. It is a good time to begin new things.

A larger cycle for beneficial review is that of ten years. As you look back on the last ten years and the decade before you can assess the movement in your life and where it is going. Has progress been slowing down, moving steady ahead or increasing?

The next major period is the Saturn cycle. In astrology Saturn is seen as an agent of karma and wielding a strong energy that disciplines the life toward greater efficiency and success. The Saturn cycle is approximately 29.5 years. This period can be viewed as a life within a life. During our first Saturn cycle we grow up, get an education and begin a career. During our second cycle we typically settle down, formulate the course of life, get married and have a family. Then beginning with the third cycle (ages 59-88) one looks toward retirement and security.

For the average person the amount of learning and accomplishment diminishes with each cycle. The seeker desiring soul contact and spiritual progress should attempt to make each cycle very productive. He should continue to learn as he ages,

Assignment: Look back on the various cycles of your life and take note of your progress. Are you slowing down or maintaining steady progress? It is normal to slow down as we age so it is necessary for the seeker to keep a strong will and a desire to learn new things.

Affirmation: “Reviewing my past enables me to see my future.”


Day 216

Seeing Yourself Correctly

Principle Twenty-two: In finding the truth it is important to see yourself correctly. If you have a distorted image of yourself then you are likely to have a distorted idea of other things and miss central truths.

Many females laughingly talk about certain guys who pursue them thinking they are “God’s gift to women.” Such characters, they say, see themselves as irresistible and greatly overestimate how attractive they are.

The problem is that this illusion is not just something that overtakes a handful of males pursuing girls, but is quite widespread, even among many with pleasing personalities.

So, the question is – what are other ways that many see themselves incorrectly besides overestimating their attractiveness? Here are a few.

(1) A problem for many seekers is that they overestimate their place on the path of spiritual evolution. Many who believe in reincarnation will declare that they are on their last life when to the casual observer it still looks like they have many lessons to learn. Others will think they have a great destiny, like becoming president of the United States, when they have not demonstrated much leadership ability.

(2) He may believe he has much more talent than he actually possesses. He may think he is a great musician, artist or writer when he is really quite average.

(3) He may not understand how he is perceived in various relationships. For instance, you’ve heard about the person who thought his marriage was in great shape and out of the blue his companion wants a divorce. In that situation you can bet there were many clues, but the guy just missed them.

Indeed, many do not correctly see how family, friends and associates view them.

(4) Many see themselves as smart, loving, kind, generous with a good sense of humor when others do not see them that way at all.

An example of this is in the movie, “Good Morning Vietnam.” Robin Williams saw himself as funny and he was. Bruno Kirby’s character also saw himself as funny, but was not. The movie made a great contrast between reality and illusion in the self image of the two characters.

There is no shame in not being good at some things, but if we want to achieve excellence in a certain direction, one of the greatest obstacles to overcome is the illusion that you are more advanced than you are.

Why is this so important? If one thinks his next couple steps in progression are already achieved then he will just not take them. One must take steps five and six before he can take seven and eight. If we do not evaluate ourselves correctly then progression will often come to a standstill.

Assignment: Evaluate yourself. Do you see yourself correctly? Do you know what your next step in learning is in the direction that is important to you? Do your friends give you opinions on your abilities that differ from your own? Is it possible they have a point?

It is difficult for a person to break free when he has illusions about himself. The first step is to just think about it honestly.

Affirmation: “I see myself as I am and as I will be.”


Day 217

Faith in the Dominating Good

Principle Twenty-Three: The seeker must have faith in the dominating good, or that God is good.

It is unfortunate that many believers teach that God is a God of love and is like a loving parent to us yet when their expectations are examined we find their beliefs to be quite the opposite.

Here are some examples:

(1) Many believe God will send you to a painful and eternal hell for merely not accepting their version of Jesus.

(2) They see God as more eager to punish than reward, more eager to get revenge than show love and mercy and more intolerant than tolerant.

(3) You just get one chance in this life. After you die that is it. If you are not saved you will go to hell for eternity. God is okay with this.

This view that many have of God runs contrary to the loving God as taught by Jesus. He said this:

“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matt 7:9-11.

In other words, Jesus basically said this. “You people think you are good parents and want what is best for your children, but you do not hold a candle to God who is a much better parent and will go further to help his children and deliver to them good things when they ask.”

Would a good parent throw a child who did not understand him or her into a burning pit and leave him there forever?

Would a good parent respond to a child’s plea for help in this world or the next?

Would a good parent assist his child with numerous chances to have a successful life?

Indeed. The average parents will go far out of their way to assist their children and help them to become successful.

According to Jesus God will go much further than that making us look like near-do-wells by comparison.

By using this principle, coupled with the Law of Correspondences, the seeker can gain many truths about his destiny and what awaits him.

If you have good parent then multiply their love and helpfulness many times and you will get a sense of what Divine Intelligence has in store for us. Sure, like any parent God is willing to let us suffer consequences of our mistakes so we can learn, but he will be right there to help us if we but ask.

We find what we look for so if we see God as a stern angry parent that is how he will play out in our lives, not because of reality, but because of the power of our own thoughts, Believing in a dominating good that comes from God can make a tremendous difference in the life of the seeker. It can not only point him in a positive direction, but will help him access many good gifts from God channeled through one’s own soul.

Seeing the world through a filter where evil dominates takes the person on the path of illusion and error. Seeing the universe as a place where good dominates sets the seeker on the path of truth and knowledge. The reason for this is that it is a true principle that good does dominate in the end. The reason for this is that intelligence permeates all things and all intelligence prefers good over evil. The only reason the good in all things is delayed is that many temporarily mistake good for evil and evil for good, but in the end we dispel this illusion.

Assignment: Visualize God as a good parent and ask, “What wonderful things am I going to be given by my loving family?”

Affirmation: “God’s love opens the windows of heaven and more good gifts await me than I have power go receive.”


Day 218

Enduring to the End

Principle Twenty-Four: The seeker must persevere until the goal is reached. This applies to all objectives, even soul contact.

The most common cause of failure whether it be starting a business, finding the truth, or establishing soul contact, is simply quitting before the goal is reached.

Napoleon Hill tells the famous story of a Mr. R. U. Darby who invested a large sum of money in a gold mine that seemed productive at first, but then the main vein of gold seemed to end. He thought it may continue and tried to find the new supply for a while and gave up. He sold the mine with all the equipment for a few hundred dollars.

The new owner was a savvy guy and called on a mining engineer for an opinion. The engineer told him that if he drilled in a certain location he should find an extension of the original vein of gold. He did this and struck gold after just three feet of drilling and made a fortune.

When Mr. Darby heard about the discovery he was aghast and vowed to never quit again when he could be only three feet from gold. He went into the insurance business and became very successful there using his hard earned philosophy of not quitting.

Jesus also taught this principle. After warning his disciples that there would be many tribulations which would be difficult he encouraged them by saying, “he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Matt 24:13

We can shed additional light on this scripture by examining the Greek from whence it was translated.

“Endure” comes from the Greek HUPOMENO and means “to remain, abide, not recede or flee.”

“End” comes from TELOS which is “To set out for a definite point or goal, the conclusion of an act.” This implies that one makes a decision and perseveres until the decided goal is reached

“Saved” comes from SOZO which is “to save, deliver or protect.” The similar word “salvation” comes from SOTERIA which is more correctly rendered “deliverance” or “rescue.”

How then can we best translate this phrase?

“He who shall make a DECISION and take an immovable stand on that decision until the goal is achieved shall be delivered.”

But shall be delivered from what?

The answer is obvious. He shall be delivered from failure.

Why is it important to be delivered from failure?

(1) If the end goal (TELOS) is a noble one (as one proposed by Christ) then the achieving of that goal is of great important.

(2) If a person makes a goal and fails to achieve then he becomes weakened and usually has less power to achieve the next goal he sets.

(3) If a person fails in a noble venture affirmed by his soul, then to quit is to lose faith. As a result soul contact will be diminished until the steps are retraced and success is achieved.

(4) Failure to achieve often brings depression, grievances, and too much attention on the little self – as well as the blaming of others.

The power to endure to the consummation of an act of decision is the power to achieve all things.


Because if a person makes a decision (in harmony with Higher Will) and then moves toward that decision without giving up, then no power in heaven or earth can prevent the person from achieving the goal.

The importance of endurance is symbolized in the three and a half time periods often repeated in the Bible. Here are some:

(1) The holy city is “tread under foot forty and two months,” (three and a half years).

(2) The two witnesses prophesy during 1260 days (three and a half years) of difficulty and resistance from enemies.

(3) The two witnesses are dead for three and one-half days.

(4) The church flees to the wilderness for times, a time and a half a time (three and a half periods).

The key to success is to not endure just one round of troubles, or even two or three, but always expect an extra half more than you think will be the maximum. In truth it may be more than the half, but it will be at least a half.

The bottom line is that success will take as long as it takes, but the promise is that if we endure to the end we will achieve success. The problem is that the end is always further away than one tends to expect. The last period that extends beyond the three rounds is the one crucial to achievement. The one who achieves success is he who is willing to go that extra three feet when all may seem lost.

Assignment: Look back on your life and find a couple example of times you quit when you could have achieved success. Consider how your life would be different if you had not given up.

Now look at your present goals. Is there any area where you feel discouraged and tempted to quit? What would happen if you quit or if you continue?

Yes, I know there are times where an enterprise is discovered to be a waste of time and you need to quit. That is not what we are talking about. We are talking about worthy goals where positive success is a real possibility.

Affirmation: “I make thoughtful decisions and see them through.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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