McCall Gathering 2007, Part 31

This entry is part 31 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Qualifying for the Work

JJ: I am going to start out by reading a statement where the Labors of Hercules is introduced here. The words are very profound so rather than paraphrase them I am going to actually read them word for word.

The Presiding One looked forth upon the sons of men, who are the Sons of God. He saw their light and where they stood upon the Way which leads back to the Heart of God. The Way sweeps in a circle through the twelve great Gates, and, cycle after cycle, the Gates are opened and the Gates are shut. The Sons of God, who are the sons of men, march on.

Dim is the light at first. Selfish the trend of human aspiration, and dark the deeds resultant. Slowly men learn and, in learning, pass between the pillars of the Gates time and again. Dull is the understanding but in the Halls of Discipline, found in each section of the circle’s cosmic sweep, the truth is slowly grasped; the needed lesson learnt; the nature purified and taught until the Cross is seen – that fixed and waiting Cross which crucifies the sons of men, stretched out on the Crosses of those who serve and save.

From out the mass of men, one man stood forth in ancient days and caught the great presiding Elder’s watching eye, he who eternally presides within the Council Chamber of the Lord. He turned to one who stood, close at his hand, and said: “Who is that soul upon the Way of life, whose light can now be dimly seen?”

Quickly the answer came: “That is the soul who, on the Way of life, experiences and seeks the clear light which shines from the High Place.”

Let him proceed upon his way, but watch his steps.”

The swiftly passing aeons ran their course. The great wheel turned and, turning, brought the seeking soul upon the Way. Later, there came a day when the Presiding One, within the Council Chamber of the Lord, again drew to the circle of his radiant life the seeking soul.

Whose is this soul upon the Way of high endeavor whose radiance dimly shineth forth?” Came the reply: “A soul who seeks the light of understanding, a struggling soul.”

Tell him from me to return the other way and then to travel round the circle. Then will he find the object of his search.

JJ: In other words, he is saying that we all go clockwise around the Zodiac and the presiding one says, tell him to turn the other way and go on the path least traveled by and then he will find the object of his search.

Continuing with the reading of the page:

Watch o’er his steps and, when he has an understanding heart, an eager mind and skillful hand, bring him to me.”

Again the centuries passed. The great wheel turned and turning, carried all the sons of men, who are the Sons of God upon their way. And as these centuries passed, a group of men emerged who slowly turned the other way. They found the Way. They passed the Gates and struggled towards the mountain top, and towards the place of death and sacrifice. The watching Teacher saw a man emerge from out this crowd, mount the fixed Cross, demanding deeds to do, service to render unto God and man, and willingness to travel the Way to God. He stood before the great Presiding One who works within the Council Chamber of the Lord and heard a word go forth:

“Obey the Teacher on the Way. Prepare for the last tests. Pass through each Gate and in the sphere which they reveal and guard, perform the labor which befits their sphere. Learn thus the lesson and begin with love to serve the men of earth.” Then to the Teacher went the final word: “Prepare the candidate. Give him his labors to perform and place his name upon the tablets of the living Way.”

JJ: Djwhal Khul wrote those words and He gave the interpretations to the first six of the labors and then Alice A. Bailey died before they were able to complete the last six. So “The Labors of Hercules’ is incomplete. Students of Alice A. Bailey finished them up but they were not nearly as good with the interpretation, but the introduction of each one was written by DK I believe through Alice A. Bailey.

Audience: Why didn’t they run it through AAB’s husband?

JJ: Because Alice A. Bailey had a mind that was trained for mental telepathy in past lives and not everybody is capable of receiving mental telepathy.

Audience: Would it have been wrong in a karmic sense if he just materialized it?

JJ: Well to begin with DK said that He was not going to speak again until 2025. Alice A. Bailey has been specifically trained in past lives for the mission she had at this time and she was sensitive to His mind. DK mentioned that she was a rare disciple who was capable of doing this type of work and not too many people are capable of accurately transcribing from the mind of a Master according to DK.

Audience: That is kind of a sexist remark. Why did the communication have to be through a female instead of her husband? I think that is what everybody in this room is wondering.

JJ: Females are better at receiving than males.

Audience: I think she was saying that – why didn’t her husband finish the work.

JJ: Females are usually used for this type of work because the female energy is more receiving and male energy is more sending so in this type of work you have a male energy doing the sending and a female energy doing the receiving. Every once in a while a male will be receiving and a female will be sending but the line of least resistance in this way is for the females to be receiving. You notice that another great receiver was Madam Blavatsky and she was in the female gender. Now in her past life she was Count Cagliostro and as a male she completely bungled her job. She went away from what she was supposed to do and maybe that is why the Masters had her put in a female body in her next life so she could be a better receiver.

In her life before that she had a mission to do and she did not do it properly because she did not receive properly as a man so this may have been why she had been born as the female Madame Blavatsky. It was probably a sacrifice too because she was not a very attractive female. If you look at my web page on this you’ll see that I believe John F. Kennedy was the reincarnation of Madame Blavatsky and when you look at their pictures their faces are very similar but JFK is a very handsome guy. But when you place JFK’s face on Madame Blavatsky it does not look so great as a female.  It is interesting to think about.

So Hercules is given these great labors to do and as he begins them the gods all gather together to kind of give him a bit of assistance and first of all they ask him about his life and he tells them his name is Hercules. Does anyone know what the name Hercules means?

Audience: The glory of one?

JJ: It is said to mean, “Hera’s rare Glory.” Hera means the soul, so the Glory of the Soul is what the name Hercules means. Remember in ancient times they gave the person the name that signifies what he is to become. So the destiny of Hercules the disciple was to show humanity what the power of the soul, can do.

In each age there is a Herculean person that comes forth to show the possibilities of men. In a forgotten age there was a real Hercules. We do not have an actual historical record and much of what is written here is symbolic. Whether or not he did all twelve labors in one life we do not know but according to DK there was an actual disciple named Hercules and his mission was to reveal the ideal disciple.

Then we have other great leaders in history like Krishna, Buddha, The Christ, and Moses. Moses was like the Avatar of the age of Aries, Jesus was the Avatar of the age of Pisces and so on. Hercules was the Avatar of an age past.

So they quiz him about himself and they find out what his name means and he explains that he had a divine father – he is half man and half god, so he symbolizes humanity. All of us are part human and part god. The trouble with us is that we only see our human side not our God side.

Hercules’ mission was to demonstrate that we have both. We are human and we make mistakes, but we also have God in us and using the God principle, great deeds can be done.

Hercules says when he was an infant he was actually a twin but he killed his twin brother. What this symbolizes is that he had a dual nature, the soul and the personality. He subdued his personality and he focused his concentration on the soul.

Next we are also told that he killed two serpents. Now there are three serpents all together. One is called the serpent of matter; the second is called the serpent of illusion and the third is called the serpent of wisdom. He killed two of them – the serpent of matter and the serpent of illusion which; keeps us from being true disciples, but he kept the serpent of wisdom.

He also says he is accomplished in all fields. He says:

“I am proficient, I am well taught, well trained, well guided and well known. All books I know, all arts and sciences as well, the labors of the open field are known to me. Besides the skill of those who can afford to travel to know men I know myself as one who thinks, feels and lives.”

As Hercules grew up we are told that great care was given to his education, he was trained in all the accomplishments and every faculty that he had was developed and organized. In other words, this is one of the qualities that a disciple must accumulate before he can undergo the labor of Hercules. He develops all his skills and he is very well rounded, he says he knows science, math, he has worked in the fields, well educated and he is a tool in the hands of the masters that can be of use.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Astrology and More

This entry is part 13 of 50 in the series 2011A

About time to catch up on questions:
Tom Wrote:
If a master were to overshadow someone will the original person (being overshadowed) have new gifts, talents, hobbies from the master or no new hobbies, but his skills and talents enhanced?

Think of it this way.  If you have a new super smart roommate move in with you does this make you smarter than you were before or increase your talents?  Not really, but it does give you some access to the guy’s intelligence if he is willing to share.

JJ, I have another question.
“56 And again, verily I say, let mine handmaid forgive my servant Joseph his trespasses; and then shall she be forgiven her trespasses, wherein she has trespassed against me; and I, the Lord thy God, will bless her, and multiply her, and make her heart to rejoice.”

Does this paragraph relate to a past life thing? It seemed out of context with the rest of what was being said, unless God already knew that Joe would be unfaithful?

This related to his life at that time and not his past.

First, we do not know for sure how much of the final revelation was actually written by Joseph and secondly he was believed to have had quite a few plural relationships by the time he wrote the first draft and this was said to have caused a grievance in Emma.

Stephen writes:
On that page you have linked to Ruth, I have got to ask, is God a Lawyer? No 7 reads:

7 And verily I say unto you, that the conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity, and that too most holy, by revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this power (and I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.

Phew!!!! Amen

There is a correct principle given here and that is “All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations,” are generally dissolved at death.  Then when we are reborn we start with a clean slate.  Since you will generally have no recollection of any obligation from a past life you will not be bound by it.

The Mormons are in illusion when they think they made promises before they were born that they now have to keep.  If you cannot remember a promise then you are not bound by it; therefore, people do not make promises unless they can keep them in their consciousness.

There are two exceptions to this. The first is if your commitment from a past life was somehow related to or caused karma. In this case you will have to pay it off and may be forced toward fulfilling a commitment that you cannot even remember.

The second is if the commitment had a powerful emotion behind it.  This could be love or hate.  Powerful emotion carries over into future lives.  Have you met someone who you were instantly attracted to or repelled from?  You probably had feelings about them in a past life.

Now it’s remotely possible that an advanced brotherhood could make some type of link by decree or a granted priesthood of some kind but I doubt that this is what happened.

Here is what would be more likely to be the case. Spiritual love is the strongest binding force in human existence.  A spiritual teacher can recognize this binding force and acknowledge to the couple that their relationship will continue beyond death.  However, this continuation will happen not because the teacher decreed or approved it but because of the binding power of love.

In addition the Molecular Relationship (which is not yet established) can create relationship which will draw souls together in future lives.

If peoples’ personalities can be affected by the thoughtform centered around the old zodiac, then won’t newborns be affected by the new zodiac since mass-thought is now centered around it?

I’m not sure what you mean by an old and new zodiac.  There is just one zodiac that is used by astrologers.