The Beast

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Just as Christ came the first time and only 120 people out of the whole world realized it so has in this age the beast, the mark and the number also arrived and still has people looking for it.

2  When asked what he thought on a point of doctrine he replied: “I don’t know. I’ll check with my minister and find out what I think about it.” This is the exact procedure The Beast wants you to follow.

3  The dispelling of the illusion of the Dragon will proceed slowly at first on an individual basis, but the time will come when the Kundalini of the whole planet will be raised and the beast will be destroyed as if by fire.

4  He who still has the mark of the beast will either be enhancing someone else’s ego or his own, whereas he who follows the soul will always feel humbled by it.

5  If the antichrist or beast was already in the world 2000 years ago then why are the religious still waiting for him to surface?  Answer: They are deceived by the beast itself. They have followed authorities who have mislead then instead of looking at the source.

6  The authorities of the beast today want everything from us and give us nothing real in return.

7  The war is between those who gladly receive the mark of the beast through control by authority, and those who seek to escape the mark.

8  If a person accepts a teaching just because it comes from one proclaimed as an authority, then he has received the mark of the beast in his forehead and becomes a follower, a beast trailing after his master.

9  The beast is the mindless following of anything – good or bad in design. Even mindlessly following the words of Jesus in the Bible carries the mark of the beast.

10  The beast is not caused by anything “out there” but is created by the focus of the minds of the people.

11  Those who have escaped the mark of the beast of unjust authority have a responsibility to those who are yet in bondage.

12  The marriage vows as they are used today are the creation of the Beast and an instrument in the hands of the Dark Brothers to keep a barrier between human beings and their souls.

13  Over 90 percent of humanity are controlled in some degree through emotional oneness and this is the mark of the beast.

14  The Beast is very difficult to detect when it influences our own lives.

15  If you do not know for sure and refuse to accept the word of an authority just because the authority says a thing is true and admit that you are open to all possibilities then you may be free from the Beast–IN THIS AREA.

16  You are also free from the Beast when you find the real truth whatever that is.

17  Ironically, those who are under the influence of a similar thoughtform of the Beast will also sense a oneness and a kindred spirit, but it will be a oneness in direction. Those who have soul contact will experience a deeper oneness that goes in all directions. This must be experienced to be able to understand and differentiate.

18  The Beast is still alive and well in our day and indeed it represents an energy of authority which attempts to keep humanity from progressing to the plane of the mind which rules Aquarius – being an air sign.

19  The Beast itself is a giant world thoughtform that is a vehicle for the dragon to establish his authority.

20  In this current age the greatest most persistent attacks by the Beast comes in the area of freedom. The illusion will be that we need to give up more and more of our freedoms for safety.

21  Ground zero for the Beast is the principle of freedom and any expansion of freedom is always fought by those with the mark of the beast through deception and ridicule.

22  Observe how the line of authority is administered and you can then run down the workings of the beast.

23  Using a quote from an earned or established authority to prove a point has nothing to do with the Beast.

24  The idea that contemplating the meaning of the Beast will give it more power I see as pure illusion in most cases. From my observation the opposite is true. Those who do not give such things a second thought are the ones who would be the first to lie down and roll over and even die for the beast.

25  One can escape the mark of the beast no matter how corrupt things are “out there.”

26  The Beast is much bigger and more pervasive than any corporation or organization and affects every business and every organization and every person on the earth.

27  The Beast is not the Beast because he is evil, but because of mindlessness. A good thing can be your Beast including the Bible, Jesus, your nation – anything outside yourself that you follow mindlessly.

28  A mindless or emotional decision to submit indicates the mark of the Beast, but a rational decision to submit does not.

29  Not all submission to authority is negative. A positive submission for the sake of true learning elevates us above the Beast.

30  Control of the individual through the feeding and control of the ego is perhaps the greatest tool that the Beast has to work with.

31  Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

32  If you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

33  A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion or ego rather than mind or soul.

34  If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

35  If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature. But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of the Beast.

36  So what is the name of the Beast? This answer will offend many people new age and old age, but the name of the Beast is I AM.

37  Escaping the Mark of the Beast is not merely a matter of memorizing a black and white formula, but a matter of using the mind to discern the situation and make your own decision independent of unjust authority.

38  The beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all encompassing nevertheless.

39  While it is always a possibility that the Beast of authority could implant a literal mark, the true mark is the unseen control of the mind. The true mark is invisible and can only be seen with the inner vision and understanding.

40  The beast is a thoughtform under the control of “the dragon” (the Dark Brothers). This thoughtform covers the entire planet. This is why Satan (the adversary of light) is called “the god of this world” in the scriptures.

41  We receive the illusion of the mark of the beast when we accept any name for God or final authority that is outside of ourselves.

42  The beast is the static I am.

43  Once a thoughtform or system that represents the Beast becomes the ideal it also becomes an unearned authority and has power to control all actions on the physical plane.

44  This understanding of the Beast and his number is perhaps the most important thing for seekers of truth and wisdom to comprehend.

45  The Beast wants you to do more than obey. It wants you to think as you are told to think in the process.

46  The Beast is already here and has been for many thousands of years.

47  Ignorance, and also fear, gives power to the Beast by the unthinking masses, but those who are not ignorant and enlightened will be the ones to suffer from it.

48  To be a victim of the Beast one must unquestionably follow an authority who takes the place of the inner authority of the God within.

49  The one authority we must not challenge is the Spirit within.

50  Those who worship the outward authorities of the Beast will hate the inner authority of the message from the inner Christ.

51  When the dragon gives the beast authority he automatically gives power and a seat (or some type of position from which to command).

52  Actually, the beast will often use the truth to increase his authority.

53  We have all been under the authority of the Beast at one time or another – either in this life or in past lives, and have accumulated much negative karma because of it.

54  The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus and after the creation of the Christian Church the power and authority of the Beast increased, not decreased.

55  This doctrine of the Beast and the way to overcome him may be the most important thing you will learn in this life.

56  If one hears a story purported to come from a Master, or even Christ or the mouth of God and automatically gives it authority without first examining it under the light of your own soul then some of the residual Beast still has control.

57  Among other things, the beast represents the tendency of humanity to revert back to the authority of a mindless God outside of us, rather than the God who speaks from within.

58  One is not rebelling against the Beast by merely speaking up against an authority he does not honor.

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Within, Without and Inside Out

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When men find the true Christ within, then they can recognize the Christ manifested without, and the old authoritative structure will collapse.

2  Before an idea is manifested without it must be first contemplated within.

3  Lower psychism relies on signs without, whereas higher psychism focuses on the God within.

4  2+2=4 has no meaning or cannot even exist without an outside division of form combined with an inner recognition.

5  Anything that exists within has its physical counterpart.

6  The purpose of the outside world is to stimulate with experience, and the purpose of the inner is to verify. Without the outer world there is nothing to verify, and without the inner there is no source to find the point of truth that exists in all things.

7  When one discovers that the true fullness of the godhead is in each of us then one will never again bow down to mystery Babylon, nor have any desire to.

8  The spirit of God that dwells in each of us is the true God and when we seek for God in heaven, a flying saucer, or in the form of a Master or even resurrected and glorified man we bow down to Babylon the great which “is drunk on the blood of the prophets.”  [Also see Revelation 16:6 & 17:6]

9  Men bow down and worship the image of gold and glitter without realizing that the true god is within.

10  As one advances down the evolutionary path he eventually drops his reliance on authority without and relies on the authority within.

11  Never let yourself be limited by what I teach or present to you, but always go with what is revealed within yourself.

12  If one were to look over the billions of people in humanity he would find that most radiate little or no light from the center, but are led by insignificant reflections from without that they follow with blindness.

13  To the dismay of the oppressors the light within cannot be extinguished from without.

14  A person can be a member of a benevolent church, business or organization and yet still mindlessly follow the authorities without.

15  Goats are very independent and are a law unto themselves. They follow their own inner impulses and recognize no shepherd or leader. On the New Age side of things the goats claim to be following the “God within” but instead are following their own wills and their own inner impulses and feelings.

16  Over ninety percent of those who go within for truth get their verification filtered through the astral world and the astral world is manipulated by the authorities WITHOUT.

17  There are many people claiming to teach knowledge from within which is really illusion reflected from without.

18  Only when soul contact has actually been made will one be able to discern the difference between the astral within and the soul within.

19  Guilt can only exist when God within is substituted for a false god without. The spirit of God speaking to you from within will never bring guilt, but instead an increase of awareness so true progress can be made.

20  We observe that which is outside and reflect it off that which is inside and through the power of the soul truth is registered.

21  To even create more than one on the inside the One Life had to create an outside as well as inside. All form on the outside is dependant on the sustaining power of the One inside. Technically there is no inside without an outside. To say that all is within is no different than saying that all is without for both are interdependent.

22  One of the main messages of the Gita is to not retreat into your inner world and seek peace at the expense of avoiding facing the real problems of the outside world.

23  If we are complete within and do not need anyone else then why did God create the universe with billions of inhabited planets and place us on one of them with billions of other people?

24  The God within is blameless and thus the disciple who is one with his inner God is also blameless when he follows the direction he receives.

25  God is already within every man, woman and child on the planet.

26  Outside teachers may point us in the right direction, but he who has escaped the mark of the beast will not firmly embrace even Jesus, an angel, the scriptures, synchronicity or any other outward sign or teaching unless the great authority within confirms it.

27  The seat of the Beast is any illusion that supports the voice, or word of God, which comes from outside of the spirit of God within.

28  Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.

29  Swearing by something outside of ourselves creates a power outside of us that interferes with the Spirit of truth within ourselves. We should make a promise so the light of the soul is not diminished.

30  One can be captivated by falsehood and think it is true but such a person will be internally bewildered.

31  Truth is neither on the outside or inside.

32  Outward ups and downs do not change the inward kingdom of God.

33  “The Kingdom of God is within,” and that is where the principle of atonement lies. The seeker At-One-Moment shifts attention from the outer god to the inner. When they do this all guilt disappears and they see a vision of a path that leads away from error into the light of truth.

34  Guilt is usually caused by substituting the voice of God within to a false voice without who teaches you to feel ashamed. Sever the tie with the voice without and guilt will dissipate.

35  Light is the world without – Love is the world within.

36  Many there are who look for signs outside of themselves rather than relying on the Spirit within.

37  Within yourself and all other human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God.

38  Truth is discovered through the interplay of that which is outside with that which is inside.

39  If a teaching is true it will grow like a good seed and expand your sensitivity to the Spirit of God within you. If the teaching is false you will receive an empty feeling and your interest and attention on the teaching will fade away, (unless you have the beast of authority force feeding you).

40  I have presented a definition of an Israelite as one who recognizes and follows the God within. The Hebrew of this name also bears this out.

41  Trust that inner sense (that comes from the soul) and pay attention to it. Then it will not be long before the still small voice becomes an inner flame that cannot be ignored.

42  The fullness of the Godhead is within us and we can manifest all the powers of godliness by cultivating the Spirit of God within us.

43  The first union that needs to be established is within the individual:  the union of the personality with the soul, or the lower self with the higher self.

44  I have taught many times that salvation is not 100 percent within or without, but we must use a balance of the two. For instance, the Holy Spirit, is a Being who touches and teaches us from within, but The Christ is an actual entity in a physical body existing in the world without when he so chooses. To become like Christ we must learn from within and without.

45  When we recognize and master the hypnotic suggestions within us we become masters of our fate.

46  A busy person in the West, such as me, has little time for meditation so I have to learn to go within, in the mist of work, turmoil, noise and even conflict.

47  “Peace on earth good will to all,” are still the words on the lips of angels. Let it also be on your lips, my friends, and let it spread as the fire of a candle lighting other candles until all the hearts of humankind feel the presence of the most holy peace within, transforming the world to peace without.

48  When the peace comes it matters not what the outward circumstances are.

49  If you perceive something from within it is only true that you perceived it, but it does not follow that your perception is true.

50  The false inner voice (from the solar plexus) always gives us impressions that accommodate our desires and pre-conceived notions.

51  The only thing you can obtain from within, until you become an initiate, is confirmation of true principles.

52  We must be planted with seed thoughts and ideas from without and then verify and expand the essential truth from within. Both the within and the without are necessary to find the truth.

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