The Second Key

This entry is part 48 of 62 in the series 2010

Posted Oct 8, 2010
If the freedom of the whole is enhanced, abridgment of the freedoms (free-will) of individuals is just?

If so, then there are no inviolable “rights” specifically apportioned to man by God (Natural Law) and the conception that many staunch “constitutionalists” seem to have that certain unalienable rights are “set in stone”, i.e. defined a priori by God from eternity as unassailable, is incorrect.

This is a good point to bring up. To understand this as it should be the Second Key of Judgment must be brought into the equation. The use of judgment is difficult for the majority because they want black and white answers, teachings and directions.

To the black and white traditionalist the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is set in stone. They are God-given and that is it. End of discussion.

The words of Thomas Jefferson are very inspiring and true on the level that he meant to communicate them. Within ourselves we all feel a sense of a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But from a larger angle of vision these right have often been violated. Sometimes they are violated for the good of the whole and sometimes for selfish purposes.

For instance, during World War II our soldiers had to take the lives of many Nazis so the freedom of the whole could be enhanced. Many of those Germans fighting for Hitler were living the best life they knew how just as you and I are, but they were caught in a terrible situation. In that situation their right to life was not unalienable and their lives were taken so the quality of the life for the billions could be enhanced.

Now let us look at Chairman Mao who felt that it was fine to sacrifice up to half his people to achieve his goals. Fortunately, he did not go that far but around 70,000,000 Chinese were starved to death, sacrificed in war or murdered by him. It seemed to such souls that they had no right to either life, or liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

Yes, outwardly that’s the way it seemed but inwardly it is different. Inwardly it seems that we should have these rights and that God has implanted that feeling within us. Because we have this basic desire within us the words of Jefferson register very strongly and their overall truth is recognized.

It’s a good thing that Jefferson wasn’t trying to be technically correct or he would have written:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident most of the time, that all men are created equal except for various circumstances and some are better looking than others, some are healthier, wiser and richer. They are basically endowed by their Creator with certain Rights that are true most of the time, that among these are Life, except when someone takes it, Liberty, except when imprisoned and the pursuit of Happiness when there are not forbidding obstacles in the way.”

You have to admit that the way the Declaration was actually wondered is a whole lot more inspiring than the technical truth.
Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey


Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  People must have a say in deciding their destiny.

2  The good that comes from freedom far outweighs the bad.

3  There are two kinds of freedom:   Freedom FROM and Freedom TO.

4  A lot of causes that unnecessarily restrict freedom sound very benevolent but the hidden result is always a good intention turned into a more negative result than if things were just left to educating the people of the ideal good and letting them make up their own minds.

5  In truth we will probably never talk about a more important principle than that of freedom. Nor will we find one that is more illusive to the understanding of seekers.

6  Many are tricked by illusion and do not see or understand the true principle and thus are unable to follow the path of freedom that that leads to understanding of pure truth.

7  Only by creating a sense of personal responsibility and a consciousness of freedom can we insure that our world will not slip back into slavery.

8  As the seeker progresses on the path adherence to freedom is always increasing and never decreasing.

9  Any decrease in the embracement of freedom signifies retrogression in progression.

10  Truth and freedom interplay and create understanding from the soul.

11  He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against illegal drugs must allow the user his freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

12  The act of going forward with risk for a personal ideal and going to risk for the benefit of freedom for all mankind is vastly different.

13  The only benevolent rule is that which allows the maximum freedom of the individual and the various groups of which he is a member.

14  If the good and freedom loving people of the earth stand by and wait for God to change things, then God will stand by and allow the selfish people of the planet to set up rule until the lazy religious ones see the error of their ways and begin to forge their own destiny with the help of the Spirit of God.

15  Only through touching the Spirit of God through the soul can two become one in the understanding of freedom.

16  All steps toward the liberation of the soul are proceeded by a greater sense and power of freedom in the life of the disciple.

17  In an atmosphere of freedom that which is truly good and usable will manifest as a plant growing from a seed; but in an atmosphere of restriction even the most wonderful of all seeds cannot sprout and grow, but will suffocate and die.

18  Freedom is an essence at the core of our very being and evolution, and terrible karma awaits he who supports a reduction thereof which results in an overall diminishing of this greatest of the gifts of God.

19  The principle of freedom is not widely understood in the world today – and even if it is understood by some, it is not trusted.

20  When we choose freedom we always take a risk. But of course in not choosing freedom we are assured a bad ending, even though the few may benefit for a short time.

21  He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against gays living together must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

22  Many proclaim freedom and walk into slavery. Others, a very few others, proclaim and live the principle of freedom and walk into the very heart of God, drawing many behind them.

23  The important thing to remember is to keep the spirit of freedom burning within our breasts and allow those with whom we disagree to have their say.

24  Security is often offered by giving up freedoms.

25  After deciding on a choice and placing value upon it, one must see through the illusions that will trick him into freely giving up his freedom.

26  In the end, the only way freedom can be lost is by giving it to another through your own free will.

27  Once the true path of freedom is seen, this path must be followed. If it is not pursued and time passes, the night will come and the vision of the path will dim.

28  Where freedom is enhanced life is magnified and grows in power and purpose.

29  Where freedom is restricted there is a reduction in the force and quality of life.

30  Without freedom there is no life.

31  The problem with understanding the principle of freedom is each of us has our ring-pass-not at a different level. One person will get very upset at restrictions of freedom within his ring; but another, who does not see himself as affected, will not care. If we attempt to restrict freedom outside of our ring then the time will come that we ourselves will find our own freedoms restricted. If we attempt to restrict freedom within our ring, but in an area where we have no personal interest, the time will come that an area of interest for us will be affected.

32  Most natural restrictions can be overcome by the individual and made to disappear for life. Unnatural restrictions cannot be overcome by the individual and hang around to thwart him with no end in sight.

33  He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against rules being laid down in a school, group or business must allow others freedom of choice within their own sphere of activity whether that choice be right or wrong – for the seeker retains the choice to work for another company, join another group or take another class.

34  The sad fact is that many who see themselves as representing Light are deceived into accepting and even promoting diminished freedom and thus become unwilling servants for the Dark Ones, until the truth makes them free.

35  He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against abortion must allow the woman her freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

36  An essential part of practicing the Principle of Freedom – a dividing sword between the philosophies of light and dark brothers – is a tolerance for the freedom of others to pursue their dreams in areas where we ourselves have no interest – or perhaps even distaste for.

37  The real test of the application of this principle [of freedom] in the life of the seeker is when one is faced with the decision of tolerating the behavior of others that you would never yourself endorse – proving that behavior does not produce great risk to the whole of the group.

38  Freedom will be a concept espoused by all who seek the cause of Zion.

39  As it is the few are always eager to take away freedom from the many because of distrust. The few with influence always fear that the many will not use freedom wisely and therefore they do not deserve it and should not have it.

40  Let us encourage freedom among our brothers and sisters and give a little trust to the ultimate goodness of humankind.

41  It is impossible to take away the freedom of a person who finds the God within.

42  It has been said the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and this is indeed true, but we must be vigilant for all freedom, and not only for our own liberty in a limited area of interest.

43  We must be prepared to defend the principle of freedom for all lives within their “Ring Pass Not” and areas of interest, as long as that free expression does not take away more freedom than it gives.

44  The principle of freedom will generally be manifest if one consistently asks this question: Will my action increase the freedom of the whole or decrease the freedom of the whole?

45  An increase in benefits takes away from freedom if the reception of those benefits comes by way of force, or the taking away of the freedom of one to increase the freedom of another.

46  One of the main problems with the understanding of freedom is that the correct exercise of this principle is not black and white.

47  We can’t say that he who loves freedom will never use force because force is sometimes necessary to insure freedom for the whole.

48  You can’t say that he who loves freedom will live a life completely free from discipline, constraints and law.

49  In the name of goodness, protection, mom and apple pie almost every freedom we have is under attack from one source or another.

50  Discipline limits a person in certain areas, but has the advantage of expanding freedom in other desirable areas.

51  For the worker of light, every decision, every thought and every action should support that energy that moves in the direction of greater freedom for the whole of the group as well as for the individual.

52  A reasonable and logical degree of risk is accepted by the disciple in the quest for expansion of freedom.

53  The use of force and the application of the principle of freedom is the core dividing difference between the Brotherhood of Light and the Dark Brothers.

54  Freedom is more important than any marginal risk of accident or even death on the physical plane.

55  All of the leadership among the Dark Brothers seeks to maintain power within their sphere and fear their power is threatened whenever the principle of freedom abounds in the hearts of mankind. They, therefore, project their objectives as the “good” and seek to accomplish that good by force.

56  It is appropriate to restrain someone from disrupting the freedom and peace of others.

57  True freedom is increased only when the benefit, seen as increased freedom, extends to the whole and is supported by the whole.

58  Restrictions in freedom are made where the majority has little to say about it.

59  If we desire to live in a situation of maximum freedom we must all be willing to accept changes that affect ourselves as well as others.

60  There are many who claim to be advocates of freedom who are merely deceived. If their own benefits are enhanced at the expense of the many, they are deceived into thinking that freedom is enhanced.

61  Allow people the maximum freedom of choice possible and have faith in the divinity that is in us all.

62  Freedom of speech does not allow you to come into my house and force me to listen to you reading the dictionary.

63  The use of force is only justified when the force prevents the loss of freedom or life for an individual or group.

64  Even in an atmosphere of prosperity and freedom those who do not wish to lose their livelihood will fight tooth and nail to preserve the status quo.

65  He who understands freedom will not support a lower speed limit to save one life in a million. To him life is freedom and the freedom of 999,999 is worth more than a single life or even several lives.

66  The principle of freedom is always where the battleground is, my friends.

67  There are indeed many things allowed under the Principle of Freedom that would be distasteful to me but the loss of freedom of one who is opposite to me in point of view would eventually lead to a similar loss of freedom for myself and that would be much more distasteful still.

68  Disciples must always look to the side or cause where the greatest freedom for the highest number will be manifest and go in that direction without thought to party or dogma.

69  I would suggest that that when we take a stand on one side or the other on the principle of freedom that we take a look at people who have been a force for good or evil and see who we align ourselves with.

70  He who believes in the Principle of Freedom yet is against Neo-Nazis promoting their doctrines must allow them that freedom of choice whether that choice be right or wrong.

71  When freedom rings things often appear to get worse before they get better and the temptation is to go back to restricting freedom. If, on the other hand, people will let freedom play out in all cases except where great harm will occur, then a sure progress is made toward the ideal.

72  People still want to over-control because they see illusionary danger in guns, gays, free speech, free trade, freedom to buy or market herbs and vitamins, freedom of medical marijuana, freedom to state your belief that a disease can be cured, a free internet and many others.

73  The path of light is that which allows the greatest possible freedom of choice for the maximum number of people while allowing for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

74  Freedom always revolves around decision and not endowment of goods and services.

75  The Dark Brothers try and convince us that true freedom comes by receiving an endowment of goods or favors.

76  The Brotherhood of Light promotes the idea that freedom comes with the enhancement of the actual power of decision and the removal of obstructions thereof.

77  Without freedom there are no equal rights for as soon as you infringe on the freedom of one to enhance the rights of another then equality rights are destroyed. This makes freedom, not equality, the foundation principle.

78  The principle of freedom deals with an endless benefit that will resurface again and again until the seeker is finally one with it and will never lose it.

79  He who sees freedom as belonging to the power to possess will not see himself as being free in relation to money until he has possession of it.

80  He who comprehends and accepts the principle of freedom does not see the principle playing out in the temporary possession of money, but is happy to have the opportunity to decide in that direction if he wished.

81  The true principle of freedom lies in the idea that the soul energy is freely released so its life can flow through the ideas and thoughts of the pilgrim until all desires are fulfilled.

82  If freedom is allowed to flow through individual entities, corporate entities, and group entities then water will reach its own level and the end will be good even though there are problems in the middle.

83  Some of the most intelligent people demand freedom for themselves above financial security.

84  True peace comes from the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of freedom or the soul.

85  Freedom is a principle that is worked out in practice rather than speech only.

86  The principle to look for is always maximum freedom, not a free-for-all.

87  The principle of freedom expands when man sees the Christ in his fellow man and develops a basic trust in the general goodness of people.

88  Because the right to bear arms helps the principle of freedom (as well as responsibility) more than it hurts I wholeheartedly endorse it.

89  I always support the principle of freedom unless that freedom turns into some type of boomerang that takes away more freedom than it gives.

90  The life of freedom should be allowed to flow in all directions and should only be restricted for the purpose of protecting or manifesting a greater freedom, or for freedom affecting a greater number of people.

91  Gun control is seen by some as a way to enhance freedom, but the truth is that gun control does not enhance freedom any more than the ownership of slaves brought freedom to the Old South. The mistake in vision is very much the same.

92  Gun control is a method of enslaving the desires of many law abiding citizens to bring an illusionary freedom for those with an opposing ideology.

93  The Principle of Freedom dictates that we must allow the freedom of opposing points of view, even if they are repulsive to us – if that point of view does not restrict or diminish the freedom of the whole.

94  Freedom can only triumph when there is complete openness to both sides of a question.

95  Before any freedom is restricted there should be ample proof that the problem is a major one and that the restriction of freedom is absolutely necessary for the freedom of the whole.

96  If mankind will learn to judge wisely, and use their power of decision, then unjust powers and authorities will no longer hold humanity imprisoned.

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Good and Evil

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “There is nothing too good to be true.”

2.  “You can change the name of good and evil, but you will still wind up talking about good and evil, just using different terminology.”

3.  “The basic difference between good and evil is this:  Good is that which takes us forward on the path of Spiritual evolution toward greater freedom, livingness, intelligence, light and love. Evil is that which takes us back into the past to lesser freedom, lesser livingness, lesser intelligence, light and love. “

4.  “The number of bare breasts available for the public gaze is far from an effective measuring rod for evil.”

5.  “Both labor and money are only evil if they are directed toward a destructive end.”

6.  “All energies and creations vibrating in their pure state are good.”

7.  “Evil is the inability to let go of the past which has filled its purpose and to move on to a new state of Becoming.”

8.  “Lower magic is like money through which is neither good or evil in itself, but can be used in either direction.”

9.  “If you speak softly the words of the soul and return good for evil, in other words, follow the basic teachings of the Master, I know that you will discover that you are among friends, just as I have discovered it for myself.”

10.  “Every organization, no mater how good and pure its origins, will experience cycles of corruption and could justly be called evil if only a snapshot in time were observed.”

11.  “If we judge good and evil merely because some authority proclaims it so, we will be lead astray time and time again.”

12.  “A desire to achieve abundance is not inherently evil and often has nothing to do with greed.”

13.  “The reason our definition of good and evil changes over the ages is because our capacity to understand and experience freedom changes.”

14.  “Now in this age, our ring pass not has expanded; and our view of good and evil has also moved to a higher level. Today, the closest thing to an ancient tribe would be a cult. A cult, which is tightly controlled by a leader who makes all personal decisions for members, is considered evil. In this age, controlling your own evolution and destiny is considered good.”

15.  “Sex, as with any energy, can be used for good or evil. Even a revelation from God can be used for good or evil.”

16.  “Escape from an unfair prison into greater freedom for service is never evil.”

17.  “All good becomes a great evil when implemented by force.”

18.  “That which assists in furthering the creation of God is good and that which works against the creative purpose is evil.”

19.  “If we want to be on the side of good we must discover the Will and Purpose of God and work in harmony with it.”

20.  “The only good that came out of World War II were the lessons we learned because the forces of good were triumphant.”

21.  “To say that there is no evil is to say that a creation cannot be destroyed. To say there is no evil is to say that there is no friction. To say there is no evil is to say that all progress is smooth with no hindrances ever showing up. To say there is no evil is to say that we are not living in a world of dualities, that there is no day or night, no form or space, no feeling or thought.”

22.  “Both good and evil serve as part of divine purpose.”

23.  “All the ancient scriptures from all faiths have been very consistent on the teaching of good and evil.”

24.  “When we see evil as a form of error I think we must admit that we all make mistakes now and then, so good and evil in this context certainly does exist.”

25.  “Cycles of good and evil effects runs through all organizations such as the Knights Templars, The Jesuits, labor unions, governments, The UN, big business, and even the Red Cross.”

26.  “Perhaps we seekers have a kinder and gentler view of evil than the many hard liners, but as humanity as well as the Masters define the term, both good and evil exist.”

27.  “The concept of the religious ones today toward the word evil and numerous other Biblical words is quite a bit different from the original people who used them.”

28.  “All the translations I have seen of Buddha’s teachings have him speaking of both good and evil with about the same fervor as the early Christians.”

29.  “Evil does not manifest as a killer demon tearing everything in its path from limb to limb, but evil can manifest in all spheres and places.”

30.  “Evil means to reverse direction from progression to retrogression and a heavenly being can do this as well as a worm. If a heavenly being does this we may notice no lack of love and light from him or her from our vantage point.”

31.  “The reason that evil is associated with death and good with life is that death is generally seen as the breaking up of a form or forces because the attention of the soul has been withdrawn from it.”

32.  “Eternal good is eternal BECOMING or eternally moving forward to greater life. Eternal evil is to cease becoming and “to be” that which was in the past.”

33.  “A cashless society by itself is not good or evil. The nations should not be forced to become cashless, but neither should they be forced to not go this direction if they so choose.”

34.  “Good eventually dominates because intelligence gravitates to good more than evil.”

35.  “When the good prevails the majority benefit, not only among those who win in the conflict, but among those who lose.”

36.  “When evil prevails only a handful in power benefit on the winning side.”

37.  “The evil that the higher lives have to deal with is beyond what we lesser brothers could comprehend as even being a negative thing.”

38.  “Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs darkness to be seen.”

39.  “Even the Masters, the Christ and the Ancient of Days himself have to deal with good and evil on their own plane.”

40.  “The problem with humans discerning evil among the greater lives is that what is backwards in evolution for them appears far ahead for us. Their evil is our good.”

41.  “The Bible itself says evil was created by God.”

42.  “Freedom is the defining principle, determining the division between good and evil as we move from age to age.”

43.  “In the grand scheme of things good and evil has a very practical application.”

44.  “Because all form is created from the dualities – and we are the power of Decision to “know good from evil” – to say evil does not exist would mean good does not exist also.”

45.  “Whoever is sent on a mission for the Christ will usually be seen as evil rather than good by the masses until the time of understanding comes.”

46.  “To discover whether a teaching is true that you do not search out the evil that may be therein, for until the truth is discovered it is difficult to sort out the good and the evil, the true and the false.”

47  “The first evils that the workers in the light must overcome are the established authorities set rigidly in place upon the earth.”

48.  “Imperfection is one thing and you can find that in anyone if you look closely enough, but for evil one has to look at the intent of the heart.”

49.  “The dominating good lies in the invisible purpose through the door of the midway point and is not one of the extremes of the dualities.”

50.  “If there were such a thing as a dominating evil neither the universe nor we humans would even exist.”

51.  “Good and evil exist because creation exists, or we could say BECOMING exists.”

52.  “Evil is that which pulls us backward in evolution and good is that which pulls us forward.”

53.  “Good intentions are not enough to be on the side of good.”

54.  “The greatest evil which has existed on this planet has not been advanced by people with evil intentions or lust for blood, but by people with good intentions.”

55.  “Good and evil means something going on now as humanity understands it, not a vision from an ultimate reality that we no nothing about.”

56.  “The interplay of good and evil does eventually result in the outcome of what is called the “dominating good,” but in between there can be much unnecessary evil, pain and suffering because we did not use our free will to bring the dominating good.”

57.  “Because good is dominating and the Will of God takes us toward the good, Divine Will always prevails in the end; nevertheless, many setbacks and detours occur before that end is reached.”

58.  “When free will is minimized through tyranny and fear neither the good nor the evil within the individual is allowed demonstrate themselves.”

59.  “The pendulum of material existence continually swings back and forth between good and evil, but the key to the understanding of the principle lies in the knowledge of the fact that the pendulum itself is in horizontal motion from left to right, thus causing the concepts of good and evil in the mind of man to be continually readjusting.”

60.  “The ultimate criteria for defining good and evil in the affairs of man is the final outcome of the directions taken.”

61.  “All forces, powers, and energies are neither good nor evil in themselves. They are completely neutral, but only become good or evil when they are intelligently directed.”

62.  “One of the reasons the powers of darkness can gain a foothold on the earth is because of the ignorance of other people concerning good and evil.”

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The Beast

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Just as Christ came the first time and only 120 people out of the whole world realized it so has in this age the beast, the mark and the number also arrived and still has people looking for it.

2  When asked what he thought on a point of doctrine he replied: “I don’t know. I’ll check with my minister and find out what I think about it.” This is the exact procedure The Beast wants you to follow.

3  The dispelling of the illusion of the Dragon will proceed slowly at first on an individual basis, but the time will come when the Kundalini of the whole planet will be raised and the beast will be destroyed as if by fire.

4  He who still has the mark of the beast will either be enhancing someone else’s ego or his own, whereas he who follows the soul will always feel humbled by it.

5  If the antichrist or beast was already in the world 2000 years ago then why are the religious still waiting for him to surface?  Answer: They are deceived by the beast itself. They have followed authorities who have mislead then instead of looking at the source.

6  The authorities of the beast today want everything from us and give us nothing real in return.

7  The war is between those who gladly receive the mark of the beast through control by authority, and those who seek to escape the mark.

8  If a person accepts a teaching just because it comes from one proclaimed as an authority, then he has received the mark of the beast in his forehead and becomes a follower, a beast trailing after his master.

9  The beast is the mindless following of anything – good or bad in design. Even mindlessly following the words of Jesus in the Bible carries the mark of the beast.

10  The beast is not caused by anything “out there” but is created by the focus of the minds of the people.

11  Those who have escaped the mark of the beast of unjust authority have a responsibility to those who are yet in bondage.

12  The marriage vows as they are used today are the creation of the Beast and an instrument in the hands of the Dark Brothers to keep a barrier between human beings and their souls.

13  Over 90 percent of humanity are controlled in some degree through emotional oneness and this is the mark of the beast.

14  The Beast is very difficult to detect when it influences our own lives.

15  If you do not know for sure and refuse to accept the word of an authority just because the authority says a thing is true and admit that you are open to all possibilities then you may be free from the Beast–IN THIS AREA.

16  You are also free from the Beast when you find the real truth whatever that is.

17  Ironically, those who are under the influence of a similar thoughtform of the Beast will also sense a oneness and a kindred spirit, but it will be a oneness in direction. Those who have soul contact will experience a deeper oneness that goes in all directions. This must be experienced to be able to understand and differentiate.

18  The Beast is still alive and well in our day and indeed it represents an energy of authority which attempts to keep humanity from progressing to the plane of the mind which rules Aquarius – being an air sign.

19  The Beast itself is a giant world thoughtform that is a vehicle for the dragon to establish his authority.

20  In this current age the greatest most persistent attacks by the Beast comes in the area of freedom. The illusion will be that we need to give up more and more of our freedoms for safety.

21  Ground zero for the Beast is the principle of freedom and any expansion of freedom is always fought by those with the mark of the beast through deception and ridicule.

22  Observe how the line of authority is administered and you can then run down the workings of the beast.

23  Using a quote from an earned or established authority to prove a point has nothing to do with the Beast.

24  The idea that contemplating the meaning of the Beast will give it more power I see as pure illusion in most cases. From my observation the opposite is true. Those who do not give such things a second thought are the ones who would be the first to lie down and roll over and even die for the beast.

25  One can escape the mark of the beast no matter how corrupt things are “out there.”

26  The Beast is much bigger and more pervasive than any corporation or organization and affects every business and every organization and every person on the earth.

27  The Beast is not the Beast because he is evil, but because of mindlessness. A good thing can be your Beast including the Bible, Jesus, your nation – anything outside yourself that you follow mindlessly.

28  A mindless or emotional decision to submit indicates the mark of the Beast, but a rational decision to submit does not.

29  Not all submission to authority is negative. A positive submission for the sake of true learning elevates us above the Beast.

30  Control of the individual through the feeding and control of the ego is perhaps the greatest tool that the Beast has to work with.

31  Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

32  If you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

33  A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion or ego rather than mind or soul.

34  If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

35  If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature. But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of the Beast.

36  So what is the name of the Beast? This answer will offend many people new age and old age, but the name of the Beast is I AM.

37  Escaping the Mark of the Beast is not merely a matter of memorizing a black and white formula, but a matter of using the mind to discern the situation and make your own decision independent of unjust authority.

38  The beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all encompassing nevertheless.

39  While it is always a possibility that the Beast of authority could implant a literal mark, the true mark is the unseen control of the mind. The true mark is invisible and can only be seen with the inner vision and understanding.

40  The beast is a thoughtform under the control of “the dragon” (the Dark Brothers). This thoughtform covers the entire planet. This is why Satan (the adversary of light) is called “the god of this world” in the scriptures.

41  We receive the illusion of the mark of the beast when we accept any name for God or final authority that is outside of ourselves.

42  The beast is the static I am.

43  Once a thoughtform or system that represents the Beast becomes the ideal it also becomes an unearned authority and has power to control all actions on the physical plane.

44  This understanding of the Beast and his number is perhaps the most important thing for seekers of truth and wisdom to comprehend.

45  The Beast wants you to do more than obey. It wants you to think as you are told to think in the process.

46  The Beast is already here and has been for many thousands of years.

47  Ignorance, and also fear, gives power to the Beast by the unthinking masses, but those who are not ignorant and enlightened will be the ones to suffer from it.

48  To be a victim of the Beast one must unquestionably follow an authority who takes the place of the inner authority of the God within.

49  The one authority we must not challenge is the Spirit within.

50  Those who worship the outward authorities of the Beast will hate the inner authority of the message from the inner Christ.

51  When the dragon gives the beast authority he automatically gives power and a seat (or some type of position from which to command).

52  Actually, the beast will often use the truth to increase his authority.

53  We have all been under the authority of the Beast at one time or another – either in this life or in past lives, and have accumulated much negative karma because of it.

54  The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus and after the creation of the Christian Church the power and authority of the Beast increased, not decreased.

55  This doctrine of the Beast and the way to overcome him may be the most important thing you will learn in this life.

56  If one hears a story purported to come from a Master, or even Christ or the mouth of God and automatically gives it authority without first examining it under the light of your own soul then some of the residual Beast still has control.

57  Among other things, the beast represents the tendency of humanity to revert back to the authority of a mindless God outside of us, rather than the God who speaks from within.

58  One is not rebelling against the Beast by merely speaking up against an authority he does not honor.

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The Middle Way

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From

The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  Let us follow the Middle Way and not mindlessly follow unearned appointed authorities, but lend support to elected ones and initiators who have a desire in their hearts to serve their fellow humans.

2  Now people like to think in black and white terms instead of shades of gray and if you tell them the truth is in the middle they want it to be exactly in the middle, but unfortunately following this formula also produces error.

3  One person can observe the tendency of the majority to miss the truth in the middle, as Jesus did, and yet not have a separatist attitude because of it.

4  Two extremes usually accomplish nothing, but the middle way brings the most efficient results.

5  It is interesting to see how easily the people have their focus diverted from the Middle Way.

6  Some will have a hard time seeing the Middle Way, just as they do in all matters.

7  Because circumstances are always in motion around the one who is in the middle, he must choose a different course of action as the circumstances change. Even though he may stand firm on unchanging principles, the application of those principles will be different as the group or humanity sways back and forth.

8  The handful of the enlightened who see with higher vision, by allowing contrasts to interplay, will see the truth of the Middle Way and will see the virtues of high intelligence working on both sides of the spectrum.

9  If we save a life with no thought of karma, but of service, then we have found the Middle Way.

10  If we want to find the Middle Way we must tune into that common sense which is within us all and common to us all.

11  He who finds the path in the middle learns to eliminate the blind spots and illusions, and to apply common sense to all areas of life.

12  When the wholeness of his or her life makes sense, then the Path in the Middle appears before [their] eyes.

13  The path in the middle has the illusion of movement because of the swing of the pendulum and because of our imperfection we weave on and off the path.

14  In the extreme left swing, deviating from the Middle Way, there are no rules. In the extreme right swing there are too many rules. In the middle, the eternal laws are recognized and followed.

15  He who follows the true Middle Path accepts the soul as his only infallible authority and if such a disciple appears to be following a leader, it is only because the two see as one through the eyes of the soul.

16  Buddha had two sets of teachings. One was for the inner group and the other was for the masses. A more complete presentation of his Middle Way will be revealed when his hidden teachings are revealed, but even then they must be studied under the light of the soul to be understood.

17  The Middle Way is found by understanding a principle.

18  A complete understanding of the Middle Way would involve understanding on many different levels.

19  The Middle Way I am presenting leads to a path.

20  If we follow the highest we know and act upon that which is revealed, then more light will come and the next step on the path in the middle will be revealed.

21  When a person has discovered soul he has all ready found the midway point.

22  It may be good for you to review our discussions on the Pendulum Principle and the path of the Middle Way where we point out that both extremes from the center of truth are destructive.

23  Between the extremes of “ego inflation ” and “false humility ” lies the middle way of simply being yourself.

24  The middle way takes us to the “dominating good.”

25  The midway point symbolized by the still point of the pendulum is not really a point from our perspective, but a path.

26  Great discernment and soul contact is needed to consistently choose the middle point, and then proceed from point to point along the path of dominating good.

27  The principle of freedom from the viewpoint of the pendulum principle is neither left nor right, but at the midway point.

28  Those who discover the middle way are like suns. They appear to be in motion, but in reality they make their stand at the midway point.

29  We have two extremes demonstrated in our society as far as authority goes. The disciple treading the Middle Way between the two extremes will walk neither of these paths. Instead he will use both the outside and the inside blended as one divine whole to find truth.

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The New Age

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  We are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We will be securely into this coming new age in about 150 years and most expect this to be an enlightened age of brotherhood and peace as well as human advancement. Right now we are in the transition phase and the division between the old age and new age thinking is coming into greater contrast.

2  We are in the twelfth hour of the labors in the vineyard and many new workers are being hired and coming forth to serve. In many ways their labors now, for this one hour, are considered as valuable as that of the older laborers over thousands of years. Why? Because many of the older laborers are expecting to be the new gurus who will be served and respected. Consequently, they are of little use in the present. The new workers will wind up performing a service of equal value to the combined value of the seasoned ones.

3  Those who are caught up in the glories of the past and sacrifice the possibilities of current joy to the authorities of the past will only enter the New Age kicking and screaming.

4  Those on the cutting edge of the age past are often left behind as the new age begins to dawn.

5  From this time to 2025-30 the seekers will embrace various stages of New Age thought and present it to their peers in an acceptable manner. Some time after 2025-30 will begin the seven years (or periods) of burning the weapons of Gog. During this time the old emotional fires which fight the new age will be consumed and Gog and his armies will find that they are void of instruments with which to fight the Christ consciousness. After the seven years burning, the fundamentalist clinging to a certain creed or dogma will be an oddity for the ignorance of old dogmas will be clearly manifest.

6  The Christ is the building stone of the New Age.

7  If the lights bringing the dawn of the Aquarian Age are to be successful, they must first and foremost survive and stand in their rightful places until the sun arises and shines forth in its strength.

8  Many call the coming age, the Age of Peace, and this will be true on the physical plane, but not on the emotional and mental planes.

9  The New Age will see conflict through debate and discussion as never before, but physical conflict will eventually be seen as primitive and beneath the dignity of the human race.

10  Think you that when Christ comes again He will be the lone teacher here on the earth? Far from it. To usher in the New Age we will need thousands of teachers and many of them need to be here before He manifests again.

11  The shift of attention by humanity from an emotional base for decision to the mind will insure the stability necessary for an age of peace to prevail.

12  Some of the philosophies that will be popular in the New Age are now permeating society to a greater extent than was even hoped for by the disciple of the mid twentieth century.

13  The Aquarian Age switches from water to air. Air is the symbol of mind. The beginnings of this age were manifest at the writing of the Constitution of the United States. We are now about half way into the full manifestation of the New Age.

14  The New Age will be ruled by mind.

15  To move to the Age of Aquarius we must free up the mind and the mind is freed up as freedom itself abounds. This is why basic democratic rights had to be established on the earth before the New Age could come in.

16  In the New Age brought by the Prince of Peace and His disciples the focus will be taken away from mean spirited competition and refocused on cooperation and the cities (polarized systems) will fall and be transformed.

17  We may be entering a new age, but let us not leave behind the basics that many souls have fought and died to preserve and demonstrate.

18  Because Pisces is such an emotional energy and Aquarius so mental the resistance to the New Age by the accepted teachers of the world will be very strong.

19  The natural resistance to the energies of the New Age must be dropped and a new understanding must come.

20  A critical mass composed of the brothers of light must be gathered together to produce the chain reaction to usher in the New Age. As with atoms, so with humans. Without the critical mass almost all the radiating energy is of minimal effect.

21  Without the law of mind, the laws of order, we will have no new age, no order, but only confusion and disorder.

22  I do not know if one can increase public involvement through law, but this certainly needs to be taught and encouraged in the new age.

23  Laws producing an orderly society will not pass away in the new age, but will be refined until they work so efficiently that the whole world will become stable and live in peace.

24  From the New Jerusalem (teachers of light) will go forth with the revelations of the New Age which will be the foundation of the new order of the ages. These revelations will also include many new scientific inventions, healing techniques, mysteries explored and New Age teachings.

25  If mankind changes not and does not shift its thinking to the higher level of the New Age, then physical destruction must come.

26  Those who make right use of sacrifice will make an easy transition into the service of the New Age.

27  One of the important teachings of the New Age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

28  Pisces is also on the mutable cross which causes a “go with the flow” attitude as far as energy goes. The funny thing is that we often hear this phrase from new age people, not realizing that this is the mantra of the passing age and not the Aquarian Age. Thus the energy of the mutable cross caused the people of the last two thousand years to go with their feelings with very little thought involved.

29  Physical presence establishes a very necessary link for the new teachings and energy to be transmitted.

30  Service in the New Age will be seen in the light of the LAW of cause and effect and karma.

31  Many other sources of energy will be opened up for us in the New Age including the application of the theories of Nicola Tesla.

32  The basic seed of the New Age Plan was presented as far back as the days of Moses and the working principle behind that plan was the gathering principle, or the synthesis of Israel into a greater working whole.

33  Nothing can hold back the establishment of the coming age of peace save our own lethargy.

34  Just as freedom and democracy had to struggle for existence in the midst of totalitarian governments, so will the principles of the New Age have to struggle for a foothold in our present society.

35  Many of the gurus and new age people we see around sway people by their personalities. The New Age Disciple must get beyond the personality and what we need to look at is the pure words and how they affect your spirit.

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