Keys Posts 2012, Part 5

This entry is part 18 of 40 in the series 2012A

March 5, 2012

The Aura

Sarah wrote the following:

Yesterday, my sweetheart, Nick and I went the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Chicago. We had our auras photographed! I have wanted to have this done for the past couple years. What do you think?

I have been very task oriented lately, as I have really begun laying the ground work for my book, “Restoring the Years the Locusts Ate: An Artist’s Tale of the Road to Madness and Back”. will be mentioned in the later healing chapters. I don’t know when it will be finished, but I will by 28 in May and as I am entering in the Return of Saturn I am feeling a lot of Mars energy. I have about 14,000 words written so far.

The coolest thing about all of this is that when Nick’s photo came out, the husband said, “Wow! You have a lot of unconditional love…you must have a very big heart!” His wife stopped talking to the person she was talking to and looked at Nick’s photo and said, “Oh my gosh….We have never ever seen one like that…and we’ve seen thousands of these.” They were thoroughly impressed, as they just stopped and gazed at his photo for a minute in awe. I was not surprised. Please note the area in front of Nick’s chin/throat/chest”it is white. They said his aura was so unusual because he was so grounded yet so spiritual at the same time. I knew right when I saw it that it was unique…the magenta is very, very vivid. We all know Nicky has a very large heart!

Nick took me in and nursed me back to health 2 1/2 years ago, as I was on drugs, medications, and had just come out of an abusive marriage. He took care of me while I detoxed for months…paying my bills, and giving me emotional support to get through it.

Aura Photos:

JJ Thanks for sharing this with us Sarah.

When I was younger I placed quite a bit of attention on developing the power to see auras. I got quite good at it and then moved my attention to other things. I found I could use my intuition to gain the discernment that I needed. I still see auras now and then but I’m not as sensitive as I used to be when I practiced regularly.

I’m glad you posted this because it is an improvement over what was claimed to be auric photography a few years ago. A lot of it then were variations of kirlian photography which captures energy radiating from the etheric body and is not part of the aura. In addition a lot of what has been claimed to be photographing the aura has been faked. I knew a lady back in the eighties who was frustrated that she couldn’t capture the aura so she planned on creating a fake device.

The main evidence I look for in the validity of aura photography is whether the images match what I have actually seen. It looks to me that the photos you had done does indeed capture the aura in part.

There are several layers to the aura and when the seer places attention on one part the other parts may not come into focus.

The first light one will see will be the etheric which only extends a few millimeters from the skin. The next thing to see are the auric colors which usually extend from 6-12 inches from the skin. When seen clearly these are sometime quite spectacular and very bright like neon colors. Next out you have the circulating energy which is egg shaped and extends about an arm’s length from the body.

The final and by far the most difficult thing to see, which I have never heard anyone claim to capture on camera, is the film at the edge of the auric egg. On this one’s thoughts are projected in the language of geometric forms.

It looks like Sarah’s photographer captured a composite of some of the auric light mixed with the film of the revolving energy. It appears that the outer film acted like a filter dimming and blurring the inner colors of the aura.

Even so, Nick had a nice bright violet color exposed to the camera. This is a good color to have as it denotes sincerity and devotion to high ideals. Violet seems to be the only color of the aura that was captured in purity. I’m sure there are other neon like colors if vision could look through and filter out the auric egg.


March 7, 2012

More on Auras

Sarah writes: One question,…is it possible I have a dense shield around my aura for protection?

JJ I haven’t seen anything in auras that would indicate an existing shield. The disciple is best shielded from negativity by being positive himself and the well-protected positive person will have a vibrant etheric body and strong extending colors in his aura.

After checking out auric photography on the web it appears that the outer part of most people’s aura creates kind of a mist that prevents the inner colors from being accurately filmed. Your boyfriend seemed to be the exception in that his violet color was so extended that the camera caught it.

In addition we do have built in protection in our etheric webbing around our centers. This prevents too much energy being released at once as the centers are opening up.

Kelly writes: The geometric form makes me truly wonder about whether or not I am seeing part of this. I had done visualization exercises a very long time ago and since then I see these triangle prism-like forms pop a little far off around the head of people while conversing with them. The triangle prism have a strong light to them that make them stand out. I can’t look straight into the prism cause otherwise it disappears. I don’t even know if it is in my own auric field or the other person’s I am noticing this. It could be something else but I always wondered.

Could this be part of the geometric language of thought?

JJ Yes, it very well could be. Not very many people have seen these geometric forms as they are difficult to see and yes if you single them out they will disappear. To keep seeing them you have to practice the art which I call “not seeing.” To do this you have to look without giving the object any conscious attention, as if you are not looking or couldn’t care less if you see something or not.

What you saw could be in the outer part of your aura or in the other persons. If the person moved and the image moved with him t then it probably belonged to him.

I found it interesting that auras can be seen in a mirror and when learning to see them I spent quite a bit of time in front of the mirror looking at my own. You might try looking at your auric space in a mirror and see if any geometric forms materialize. I haven’t seen these forms reflected in a mirror but once you see your own aura in a mirror your sensitivity may be increased enough to see the forms in front of you.

I also sometimes see them as I am waking up from sleep when I am in that zone where I am between sleep and being awake. When you are in this state try and look at the edge of your aura and see what is there. It is best to keep your eyes closed when in this semi sleeping situation.


March 10, 2012

Re: More on Auras

I wrote” “In addition we do have built in protection in our etheric webbing around our centers. This prevents too much energy being released at once as the centers are opening up.”

Jerry responded: Question. Why do we need “protection” from to much energy being released at once? Is this a danger to ourselves or others in some way? And is the energy being released from our centers as they open up lost or is a perpetual energy?

JJ When the petals of the lotuses of the centers unfold new energies are released and they take some getting used to because they heighten the vibration of the physical, astral and sometimes mental bodies.

The seeker has a difficult enough time with a natural release of new energies. Sometimes he may open one new energy in a lifetime and other times several. Those not so far along the path may go several lifetimes without releasing new energies.

In a normal release the seeker may experience the following.

(1) A tingling feeling around the center which is opening up. (2) Strange unexplainable feelings like he is fading away or feeling like he may pass out.

(3) Inner lights when his eyes are closed.

(4) Visions

(5) A sense that God or some high being wants to communicate with him.

(6) Health problems centered in the organs or area connected to the stimulated center.

(7) A sense of euphoria.

These and other symptoms will occur until the seeker adjusts to the new energies. After the adjustment, which may take a couple years, he will the feel somewhat normal again but have an increase in abilities in certain areas.

If the seeker lives a normal life the above will be the worst that will happen, but if he places too much concentration on the opening center and forces the flow then he will face the following dangers.

(1) Delusions of grandeur.

(2) The energy will be so powerful he will come close to madness.

(3) A few will actually go insane.

(4) In the worst case scenario he could die.

For our protection we all have protective webbing between our various centers that helps to limit the circulation of new energies. When the energy is mastered then the webbing dissolves. If powerful mediation destroys the webbing early then the seeker will face various dangers.

To help understand the new energies visualize the problems a deep-sea diver has as he attempts to rise to the surface. His body has adjusted to the great pressure of the deep and if he rises too fast his body cannot adjust and he is in danger of sickness or death. To solve the problem he rises slowly to the surface and gives his body time to adjust to the lighter pressure.

Even so, we are in the dense physical and when we seek to rise to the higher spiritual levels we have to make adjustments also. If we rise up slowly then we will have time to safely adjust but if we rise too fast into the higher spiritual energies we will encounter a number of dangers.

Jerry wants to know if the new energies are “lost or is a perpetual energy”

Our centers are linked to the world of Spirit and the spiritual energies are always there. The seeker just doesn’t have access until his energy petals open up. After they open the energy that is always in circulation then becomes available from that point on unless the seeker rebels against the light.


March 12, 2012

Adjusting to New Energies

Jerry writes: Lets say someone has “places too much concentration on the opening center and forces the flow then he will face the following dangers.” Is there a way to stop/contain it and place a protection/shield around it again or is the person simple doomed to one of the four results you listed?

JJ Unless a person has done some type of meditation or breathing exercise with too much emphasis on certain centers or focused with great emphasis on the need for power he is likely to safely pass through the opening of the centers that occur in his lifetime.

But keep in mind that even if he is doing everything right the opening of one or more of the petals can be stressful and perplexing.

Once the protective webbing has been removed there is no putting it back. If the seeker has released too much energy the key is to learn to adjust to it. Over a period of time the disciple will adapt and things will seem normal again. Lifting a weight may be difficult at first but when strength is increased it may then become easy. When spiritual strength is increased the seeker can then handle the new energy.

Jerry: What center would have opened if the individual was having symptoms of Mono, extreme fatigue, and a feeling of being overwhelmed and what can be done?

JJ Those symptoms could be caused by some physical imbalance or deficiency.

If we assume that one of the centers is causing the problem then there is no way to positively identify which one on this much information as several centers can produce something like this. It is most likely that it is the heart center though as an over release of energy there can produce what you describe. By paying attention to the energy flow within your body you may get clues as to which center is involved.

If the problem mentioned is caused by an energy release through a center you can assist by doing the following:

(1) Do not fight it or let it cause you to fear. The more you resist the stranger you will feel.

(2) Note that the feelings you have are there and continue with your life as if everything is normal. Put your attention on enjoying life and this will quicken the adjustment.

(3) Do everything you can to maximize your physical health. Get lots of exercise and good nutrition. Pay particular attention to normalizing your blood sugar. Cut out all refined sugars. Eat whole grain bread with no more than 2 grams of sugar per slice.

(4) Cease all meditation, except for short prayers, until the energy flow seems normal.

(5) Each new energy is pushing you toward learning something new. Tune into your soul and attempt to discover your next step. If you are moving toward that step normalization will come much quicker.

Hope this helps.


March 13, 2012

The Fracking Truth!

This was written by an environmental activist so he wants to raise concerns about anything that penetrates mother earth. Here is a good piece of information from a scientific publication:

Fracking does cause minor earthquakes, but these “fraques” are comparable in size to the frequent minor quakes caused by coal mining. What’s more, they originate much deeper in the crust so have all but dissipated by the time they reach the surface.

Fracking Article


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