The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 6

This entry is part 33 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

So what do you do if you do not know where you are? If you do not where you are then tune into what it is within yourself that you feel your next step is. Whatever your next step is – say learning to play the guitar or some other skill, if you take the right step, even though you may not be good at it, you will begin to make progress. Maybe at first you did not want to learn something new, but when you learn that one thing in this life that you are supposed to be learning then you will have a peace about yourself from mastering it. You will say, how come I did not do this earlier for I had signs I was supposed to follow but I ignored them because I was not talented and now that I am learning this thing, it feels really great to be moving in the right direction.

Concerning my particular lesson that I had to learn – I had to go kicking and screaming because I did not want to do it but when I finally yielded I felt a strong peace about doing it. Each one of us has to find that one thing that you are supposed to learn, a little like Curley’s advice in the Movie City slickers. There’s one thing that you are supposed to do and you need to find it..

We learn many things during the course of our lifetime but what I am talking about is a particular lesson that each one of us has learn before we really move on and be of service to humanity. We have to be of service to our self by learning our life’s lesson.

Wayne: I have been thinking about the Tibetan’s definition of true humility, “True humility is recognizing where you are on the path and acting accordingly.”

JJ: Right learn your true position and then act accordingly. I am pretty close to Jesus and I am going to act that way! Laughing!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: I like one of the parables that he gave about this and it is really good, Back in those days during the time of Christ the master of the house seated those at the table according to their status. If you were at a party and you seat yourself at the number one position and the host says you do not belong there, go to the number twelve position, you would be humiliated. Jesus said that if you are smart you would sit in the lowest status chair and that way if he moves you up  you would feel good. But if you think you are in the number one position and he moves you to 12 it would be very embarrassing and He says even so it is with your spiritual progress. Do not assume that you are number one. Be humble and if you do not know where you are then when put yourself at the bottom and when the time comes that you discover that you are supposed to be moved up then you will be honored.

I always liked that teaching. If we do not know where we are it is best to place yourself at the bottom because, who knows, you or I could have been Judas. So do not assume that you are at the top. If it turns out that you discover that you were a beloved disciple in a past life, then that is great, but don’t bank on it.

Always observe yourself from a humble point of view and if you do not know, or even if you do know, then do not assume that you are higher than your brother because he will sense this in you.

You can sense this in people – when they think they are better than you, so it is important to establish that humility as we proceed along the path and if we have that humility then the soul is happy to communicate with us and the channel between us and the soul is much clearer. Then he reaches a certain point where the petals begin to unfold more and more quickly until he becomes an initiate and an initiate simply put is one who initiates and it is as simple as that. We hear all kinds of stories where an initiate goes through all these ceremonies and all these ordnances or whatever but an initiate pure and simple is one who initiates and the greater thing he initiates the greater he is.

Look at some of the great initiates in history, Jesus of course is a great initiate because from His handful of teachings He initiated a church which has billions of followers throughout the world who honor His name and attempt to follow His teachings.  He initiated something that affected billions of people.

Buddha did the same thing and also non-religious people have initiated great things, Edison initiated the electric light bulb and look at all the benefits we have from Edison initiating inventions in his lab over 100 years ago. Abraham Lincoln initiated the freeing of the slaves and without him who knows how long it would have taken for the slaves to be free. George Washington and the founding Fathers initiated the founding of this country so that means that they were actual giants so to speak because they initiated something that changed the whole world.

Audience: Would Rosa Parks be considered an initiate then?

JJ: Yes she at least had a part in the change that occurred and was an initiate in some degree. I have heard that she was part of a plan for her to stand up and that she did not do it completely on her own. If she did do it on her own than that would make her a greater initiate than if the plan was created by someone else. There might have been an initiate that we do not even know the name of that caused that change happen. Maybe she was just cooperating with someone that had that idea. but that is just some things I have heard around that particular event.

Audience: A great example of who would be a great initiate now would be Doctor Masaru Emoto and he actually initiated the idea that our thoughts create impact on water.

JJ:  It would be hard to tell how high he is until maybe a generation from now because some initiates die and it looks like there ideas die with them and then some people’s work will survive them and flourish. Look at Jesus when He died He had 120 followers after all those great miracles He did. It looked like He was pretty much a non-starter but then we all know what happened.

Audience: Dr. Emoto I believe has made a big difference here when he came to Boise and I just wrote him this morning telling him what an impact he has made and of course he is not like The Christ but he has made quite an impact at least here in Boise.

JJ: Yes many initiates have that power to motivate other people to do things so that power is contagious for some. Other initiates operate more from quiet energy – like I say when Jesus died he only had 120 followers and not nearly as many as Buddha or some of the other teachers but when he rose from the dead that made a tremendous impact for it was something that really got things moving.

So you develop these energies and get the desire to get things going. You either initiate yourself or you participate in a group that is initiating. As an initiate you have this desire to help make things happen. This is a major step in the progression of the soul, getting things to happen and making things to move ahead.

The initiate stimulates the evolution of humanity and is of service to his fellow man and then the final step is what is called the “The Twelve Labors of Hercules.” What happens is you go through the Zodiac clockwise for all your lifetimes until you reach the point where you become a fairly high initiate where you obtain power to initiate in a way where you can affect a very large number of people. When you attain this power then you stop moving clockwise in the Zodiac and begin to go counterclockwise. When you go counterclockwise you are moving against the grain all the time.

Now many of the new age people say what you need to do is to go with the flow, well there are two flows. You have the flow of energy from the lower self and the flow of energy from the higher self and they are both going in different directions so the next time somebody says go with the flow then ask, which flow – the lower flow or the higher flow because they both go in opposite directions. Now we have to go with the lower flow until we reach the point to where we initiate against the lower flow. Then we reverse direction on the zodiac as we reincarnate from sign to sign. It is not a hard black and white rule but basically we go around the zodiac in our incarnations until we reach the point where we say wait a minute it seems like everything in this world is pretty much upside down from reality and I am beginning to see things like a mirror and everything I thought was real is not real and everything I thought was valid is not valid. I am seeing things in a different light. Now that you are seeing things from a higher view you see that everything in your past was pretty much upside down. So now what you have to do is go with the higher spiritual flow and everybody around you will be telling you that you are going against the flow.

In the days of Abraham Lincoln many thought that slavery was acceptable, and even in the North most people thought this way so he went against the flow. But to go against the flow he used the flows that were available because if he were a fanatic about it then he would have never been elected president. Some of the activists about freeing the slaves really criticized him a lot because he was not fanatical enough about it. But he had his beliefs within him and he said from the time he was very young, “if I ever get the opportunity to free the slaves then I will.”

But then he really did not concentrate on that as he was running for president. He concentrated on the right things to say to get elected president and then when he did have the opportunity he issued the Emancipation Proclamation and a lot of people thought he was crazy for doing it, but that was against the flow. Going against the flow created a great service to humanity by freeing the slaves.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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