Seeking Unity

Seeking Unity

A reader quotes me as follows:

“In a higher state of evolution, we can inspire people to unify under a common ideal or a common idea. Nothing is as powerful as a great idea whose time has come. Not even force. Not even the threat of a common enemy. How do we lift people to a higher state of evolution? By teaching and inspiring by example.”

He then voices frustration over our political divisions – that it seems as if we can never come together.

The truth of the matter is in our current state of evolution both extremes are dangerous and suffocate progress. The points you brought up indeed highlight the need for greater unity. At this point in time the free world, especially the United States, is at a point of friction not seen since the Civil War. We can’t expect full unity but it is true that a powerful leader could unite the majority. We must keep in mind that such a leader could be one that takes us to the light or dark, backwards or forwards in progress.

Perhaps the greatest unity seen among free peoples was during World War II. An unprecedented percentage of people saw the true enemy of freedom, which was Hitler, Nazism and totalitarianism. This united vision was a great accomplishment for humanity. As terrible as Nazism was its evils could not have been apparent in past ages. It was a huge stepping stone toward the new age that free humanity caught a glimpse of true evil and called it what it truly was. Just a few hundred years earlier Hitler could have been hailed as a world savior and Nazism seen as a glorious movement.

The united effort of the Allies did not come painlessly. Before Pearl Harbor over 80 percent of Americans did not want to enter the war, but after being awakened to this attack the percentage was reversed, even though there was a strong antiwar movement. We achieved a great unity because we had a clear enemy, a clear threat and we knew what we had to do to achieve victory.

One of the problems of achieving unity today is that everyone sees a different enemy. After the 911 attack we as a nation saw a common enemy for a few weeks. Then, shortly thereafter, conspiracy theories started to surface, as well as partisan bickering, so that now terrorism is seen as a minor police problem by a high percentage and President, the government, bankers, the military, Zionism, Republicans, Democrats and shadowy figures are seen as a greater threat than the terrorists. The line between good and evil is blurred and there is no clear enemy or hero for the majority.

If we get a president that is a real leader and can inspire us to good then some healing can occur but I believe that we are approaching a time that a real unity must come from within. The people themselves must take the initiative, set goals and work toward change that the greater majority can support.

For instance national polls point out that there are quite a number of issues that more than 60 percent of the people would support, but our leaders drag their feet because of the Washington mindset who try to impose their own views rather than truly representing the people. I’m going to present some ideas for change that will appeal to the majority in future writings in the hope of starting the ball rolling.

Lincoln – a Tyrant?

A reader asked when Ron Paul expressed an opinion that Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant.

On “Meet the Press” Dec 23, 2007, he said this concerning Lincoln:

“No, he shouldn’t have gone, gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic. I mean, it was the — that iron, iron fist….”

He didn’t quite finish this statement but the “iron fist” remark indicates he was headed toward calling Lincoln a tyrant and then withdrew.

Paul has publicly endorsed books by Thomas E. Woods and Thomas DiLorenzo that call Lincoln a tyrant and has been associated with secessionist organizations such as the Ludwig von Mises Institute which sees Lincoln as a tyrant.

A number of followers have stated they have heard Paul directly call Lincoln a tyrant.

I personally consider Lincoln to be one of our least tyrannical presidents, probably less than Washington or Jefferson, considering the difficult time in which he presided.

Many only look at the restrictive measures imposed by the North during the war but if you examine the South you’ll find that Jefferson Davis  and southern leaders imposed more restriction and penalties on their citizens than did the North.  The fact is that when a seeming war of survival is at stake one can expect measures enacted by both sides that would seem tyrannical in times of peace.

“By their fruits you shall know them.” — Lincoln’s fruit was the freedom of the slaves, definitely not the legacy of a tyrant.

It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. – Thomas Fuller

Jan 27, 2008

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