What Is Good and Evil?

This entry is part 45 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-Six

What Is Good and Evil?

This may seem like a silly question to ask. After all, isn’t it obvious what good is as well as evil? Good is doing … well, good things like helping the poor, doing good deeds, loving people etc. And evil is hurting people, abusing animals and committing crimes. Figuring it out is pretty simple, isn’t it?

Not so much.

We often forget that every war that has been fought in the history of the planet has been over a different interpretation of what good and evil is. For example, Hitler thought the democratic system of the West was evil and his more authoritarian dictatorship was good. He also thought it was a good thing to exterminate an entire race of people, the Jews, whereas the rest of us saw this as a great evil.

And just look at the struggle we have in the present time to convince others what is good and evil. Here are three examples.

(1) Many believe it is good to make any sacrifice necessary to prevent climate change, even if it means higher taxes, more spending and lots of inconvenience.

Others see this as a great evil piece of propaganda designed to tax us to death, steal our money and take away our freedoms.

(2) Many see the implementation of lots of social programs as a good thing that even Jesus would have praised.

Others see them as a great evil that robs us of our wealth and freedom. They also think Jesus would agree with them.

(3) There are those who think it is a very good thing that the Jews have gathered in the Middle East and created a nation of their own.

Then there are many who see this as a great evil that must be destroyed at any cost.

Obviously what is good and evil is not such a simple thing after all. The prophet Isaiah wrestled in frustration at the people’s lack of understanding on this subject. He complained that peopled called “evil good, and good evil; they put darkness for light, and light for darkness; and put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isa 5:20 The scriptures further say: “There is none that doeth good, no not one.” (Psalms 14:3)

In other words, the seeing of that which is truly good or evil is so subtle that there have been times that the whole population of the world was deceived about it.

So, is that which is truly good so difficult to see that the truth is hidden from the eyes of the many? Indeed the answer is yes and the Bible backs this up.

After Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil God said, “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

This is one of the most profound statements in all scripture. Knowing good and evil is such a wonderful thing that it will cause us ordinary humans to “become as one of us.” And who is “us?” That would be God or the Gods depending on how one interprets the scripture.

The Jerusalem Bible gives an interesting variation of translation:

“Then Yahweh God said, Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good FROM evil…”

One reason this and several other versions use “from” instead of “and” is largely because of the meaning implied by YADA, the Hebrew word from which “to know” is translated.

YADA implies a knowledge gained through discerning or coming to a recognition or understanding.

Therefore, “to know good and evil” implies much more than just leaving paradise and being subject to pleasant and unpleasant sensations. The animals do this much. YADA implies that he who becomes as God will rise above the animals and acquire the ability to discern the good and the evil. Such discernment would result in knowing good FROM evil as well as good and evil.

Think on this. We are told that he who acquires the knowledge (YADA) of good and evil will be as the Elohiym, or God.

This explains why the prophets told us that there were times when no one understood the difference between good and evil for their understanding was upside down. In other words, people are not very godly in their understanding of it and often have it all wrong.

So, again we are faced with the question – what is the real truth of the matter? What is the true good and true evil?

Before we tackle that we must first understand why good and evil is so difficult to discern. The reason it is so problematic is that the customs, the thinking and the consciousness of the people change with each passing generation, century and age. That which is good or evil at one time can become the opposite at another. Allow me to give several examples.

(1) Eating too much sugar is bad for you, but if you were starving to death and all you had to eat to save your life were cookies, then eating them would be a good thing.

(2) Moses taught the people that eating unclean animals was wrong, but then later Peter was shown a vision that it was good that he eat these animals.

(3) As civilizations began to form in ancient times it was seen as a good thing that there be a strong central authority, such as a king.

But as humanity progressed, and people began thinking for themselves, having a king was seen as wrong and the participation of the people in some type of democracy was good.

Because that which is good changes with circumstances and the consciousness of the people this means that good and evil cannot just be spelled out in black and white, but must be discerned.

To be able to make that judgment or discernment accurately requires a gift from God that few people are able to exercise at all times. We can though give out a guiding principle that will help the seekers of the world see correctly. Here it is.

Good is that which moves us forward in the direction of greater health, happiness, peace, love, understanding and spiritual living. Evil is that which takes us away from these things.

Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? Believe me it is not. To have the power to choose the good on a consistent basis indeed requires tapping into the mind of God.

Let us hope that more of humanity will be successful at this so we can one day achieve, “peace on earth, goodwill to all.”


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Is There Good And Evil?

This entry is part 44 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-Five

Is There Good And Evil?

The average person in the West will look at this question and answer, “Well, duh… Yes, of course there is. That’s a silly question.”

The reason this question is included is that many of the people of the world believe there is no such thing as good and evil. They get this idea from numerous teachings of eastern religions, and those who have rejected Christianity and Islam have increasingly accepted the idea.

Many who accept the idea that there is no good or evil do so as an automatic rejection of standard religion they feel was crammed down their throat as a kid. Those who feel this way often accept alternative new age and eastern thought without first sifting it through the mind, applying good judgment.

Here is the essence of the teaching, which is often credited to Taoism.

All things are created from duality, which manifests as the yin and yang, light and dark, good and evil, positive and negative, male and female, hot and cold, up and down, etc. But in between the two extremes of duality, such as manifest in the wavelength, there is a point that is neither up nor down. This point existed before the universe was even manifest. It then exists during manifestation and is still there when creation disappears.

The reasoning then goes like this. Because all creation we see about us is a temporary manifestation of the Great Invisible Tao then it is all illusion. This means that all things manifested from duality do not really exist. To find the real you must find the space between the two extremes and go there in your consciousness.

Then advocates take this a step further and claim that good and evil are “two sides of the same coin” and there really isn’t any difference between the two.

This thinking can create a real problem to anyone possessed with common sense. If one believes there is no good or evil then the manifestation of that which society sees as evil is likely to cause little concern. If a new Hitler were to arise such a believer may rationalize that the guy is not evil because evil is an illusion making him no worse than a Winston Churchill. Many who incorrectly digest this philosophy therefore do not struggle for the good and fight against evil and would allow tyranny to flourish, if given the chance.

We must be open-minded here and ask – is there any truth behind this teaching? Yes, of course, there is truth behind all the teachings of the world. The key, as always, is to use good judgment and take those ingredients, which are true and put them together in a way that makes sense.

Let us look at what is true. The universe is indeed created on the principle of duality. Without the existence of positive protons and negative electrons, light and dark, heat and cold the universe indeed would not exist.

But does the universe really come from a point of nothingness? If so, how can that nothingness be acted upon to create the duality of existence? Even if the universe came from a point of nothingness you still have a duality. You have the point and then you have that force which acted upon the point causing it to vibrate into existence. That is still two things, or duality.

Let us use a guitar string to illustrate further. The string is one thing representing the foundation Tao. If we pluck it we create the illusion of three strings. If you look at the vibrating guitar string there appears to be three strings. There is one in the middle, one to the left and another to the right.

We realize that there is only one string but there is only the illusion of three strings. Now this apparent illusion of three strings from the guitar as well as the singer’s vocal chords creates some great music.

Does this mean that all music we hear is an illusion and does not really exist? Does the idea that a string is not really three, but one, mean that duality does not really exist and there is no good and evil in the universe?

Let us examine further. Yes, the guitar string is one item, but is it a line or point with no existence? No. You can touch it, pluck it or even tie up a package with it. Let us say we make the string smaller and smaller so it is thinner than a human hair. Is it still something? Yes. Now, suppose it shrinks to nothingness. Is here anything left to vibrate? No there is nothing, neither can anything act upon it. Therefore, nothing acting upon nothing does not create one string let alone the illusion of three as many believe.

Conclusion: even though the foundation of duality seems to be nothing in a state of vibration, logic tells us this cannot be the case. There is still duality. You have the invisible something as a beginning string and another something causing the string to vibrate. Our Source is not nothing, but something acting upon something.

There is some illusion within duality, but duality itself is eternal and always in play. There is that mysterious source of all substance and then the force that acts upon it. That is two things, not one.

Since duality is real then existence is real. Even when we dream we have a real experience and if life could be defined as a dream we are still having a real experience based upon a real foundation of duality.

This means that good and evil is not pure illusion but is based in reality. However, in order to correctly judge good and evil we must first understand what it is. We will cover this next.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Is Abortion Murder?

This entry is part 43 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-Four

Is Abortion Murder?

In Genesis it is written:

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

Pro choice supporters take this to support the idea that life begins at birth when the baby takes its first breath. Before that first breath they see little if anything wrong with destroying the fetus.

On the other hand, most pro lifers see the baby in the womb as a living entity. Many believe it qualifies as a human life from the point of conception. Others think it surely qualifies shortly after conception, for after a few weeks it develops a heartbeat and human features – and definitely moves around as a living being.

It is difficult to prove which side the Bible supports, for there is little in there to prove it one way or another. Those who are pro life mainly use pictures and videos of the fetus to make their case that the fetus is alive, rather than arguing from the Bible.

Now the Bible is clear on one thing. It says, “Thou shalt not kill.” The laws of all nations on earth agree with this and make it illegal for an individual to kill another human after he draws his first breath.

But the big question is this. Is it murder to destroy a fetus?

To determine the seriousness of abortion it is necessary to know when human life begins. Does it begin at the first breath, or the first movement, the first heartbeat or what? Obviously some type of life animates the fetus, but is this just an extension of the mother’s life or an entirely separate and distinct life?

Unfortunately the scriptures do not provide an answer on this and neither does current science. To find it we must look beyond the normal avenues to the “raincloud of knowable things.” Here is an answer that you can run by your own soul and judge for yourself.

The first thing that needs to be understood to accurately survey the situation is that reincarnation is a fact and we live many lives. In between lives we live in what is commonly called the spirit world. When the time comes for an entity to be born again he will often choose his parents some time before conception will occur. He or she may establish a spiritual link with the mother before conception, at conception or some time after conception. After the link is established he begins to pour part of his life essence into the fetus.

The fetus is animated by three sources. First, as an extension of the life of the mother; secondly, it draws from the universal life of God. Finally, it draws from the connecting life link of the entity who will soon occupy the body.

As the fetus develops the designated entity places more of its consciousness into it. Then at birth when the first breath is taken the consciousness becomes anchored in the body.

But, that is not the whole story. Even after birth the entity is not fully conscious in the body. A part of his consciousness is in the body and another part is still in the world of spirits. Let’s face it, it is pretty boring to be a baby and it would be uncomfortable for a fully conscious person to have to live through the first few years being so helpless and dependent on others. The entity is connected to the baby by a life thread and controls it from a distance. For 6 to 8 years he pours his consciousness into the body until be becomes self-aware. Usually around seven years of age, when he sees himself as a distinct human being and is fully aware of his actions his consciousness allocated to the new life becomes fully encased in the body until death occurs.

That said, let us get back to the main question. Is abortion murder?

Answer: Abortion of a fetus is not as serious of a moral crime as the murder of a breathing human being, but the act is usually the wrong thing to do and has negative consequences. Often the abortion frustrates the plan of the entity linked to the body. Sometimes the birth situation was exactly what he needed to right some wrongs from a previous life and he is very upset at the abortion. Then there are other times that the entity isn’t that upset and is happy to go back to the spirit world to wait for another turn at life.

And this piece of knowledge is key. That is, we have more than one shot at life. An abortion does not frustrate the plan of God and prevent a person from mortal life for all eternity. Instead, abortion merely delays the entity’s plans.

So, as usual, the answer is between the two extremes. Abortion is not in the same league as cold-blooded murder on one hand, and neither is it without consequences on the other.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2014, Part 3

This entry is part 4 of 33 in the series 2014

Feb 9, 2014
Ruth asks: When DK says this:

“Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, ”

What exactly does this mean?


Actually, DK wasn’t the first to say something like this. Many who have written about Lincoln have commented that the man seemed to come from the soul of America, or to represent the essence of the American spirit or the ideal.

Now this does not mean that the actual entity who was Lincoln was created by the soul of the people. What it does mean is that the soul of the people called an entity like this to come forth.

The entity who was Lincoln took on the rays and essential energies necessary to fulfill his mission as a racial avatar.

A thing that is not understood by many is how we as individual entities can take on different personalities as we move from life to life. This does not mean we become different people but we come under different influences.

Think of how different you act when you are in a state of joy compared to pain, in a good relationship vs a bad one, under a lot of pressure compared to having the wind at your back. Even so, in different lifetimes we are under different ray influences, different circumstances and different types of associates.

Lincoln is this referred to as coming from the soul of the people because this entity was sensitive to the group soul of the people, responded to it and subjected himself to the influences necessary to carry out a mission to benefit the group soul.


Feb 11, 2014
Giants in America
Here’s an interesting video on Giants in Ancient America.


Feb 16, 2014
Plural Marriage
Larry woods writes:
1) If John Taylor, Joseph Smith, and Jesus support polygamy, does it still serve a legitimate purpose today?

2) If Lorin’s record about this is wrong, then does this also invalidate the included prophecy about the one mighty and strong?

I wouldn’t guarantee that Jesus would support polygamy though I don’t see any big sin in it as long as it is done through no violation of free will. I think that a polygamous marriage would be much more difficult to bring balance than a one to one relationship.

Unfortunately, most polygamous marriages materialize because those involved think that this is what God wants them to do rather than considering what they need to do for their own happiness.

Lorin and others had a strong motive to create a version of the vision that agreed with their mindset so they could head up the kingdom. John Taylor may or may not of said the words attributed to him and if he did they may or may not have been correct. This is why it is so important to rely upon your own soul and not to do anything that will affect your life without inner confirmation.


Feb 20, 2014
Joan asks:
Every soul must incur many lifetimes in order to “perfect” himself (is what I am gathering from your posts and books). But does that mean we have to go through more suffering and repentance due to these sins in our collective history, in order for the waking up (and/or healing) process to manifest TODAY? or can we find ourselves in an instant ‘state of bliss’ by right thinking and manifest all that is good, due to not “identifying” with the past, and the suffering and darkness back then or even in our lives today?

All negative karma must be paid off, but there are two ways to do it. The first is through suffering. This requires a long period of time and it is not a fun thing to do.

The second is through service and this can be quite joyful.

No matter how much karma a person has he can through free will take a step toward the light and feel the joy of higher contact and of moving forward. It is not always immediate but it will come.

By the way, your website and artwork look great. Thanks for sharing.

You can read more about karma HERE


Feb 23, 2014
Can Karma Be Neutralized?
LWK writes:
I also wonder if the idea of exact repayment is somewhat off the mark too.

Something about forgiveness of sins, and by that I mean explicitly the possibility of the effects of sin being taken away, seems to be a part of the message of Jesus. Now I agree with you that the modern, most likely distorted message, of the church today is probably not exactly what was meant.

You mention in the quote above the Lords of Karma. Is it not possible that part of their job is not to just make sure that every cause is neutralized by an opposite and equal cause, but perhaps the very real possibility of neutralizing the effects when the effects have served their purpose, regardless of a mathematical accounting of cause and effect?

I don’t claim to know the answer, but it seems like an interesting idea that Jesus was indeed teaching the possibility, under some circumstances, of sins truly being forgiven in the sense of not always having to pay off the “last farthing.”

Good comments. Let us explore this a bit. First of all when the scriptures speak of forgiveness of sin what do they really mean?

Forgiveness in the Bible is translated from the Greek APHIEMI. The trouble is that this word does not mean forgiveness as we understand the word today, even though it seems to, when it is used in connection with the forgiveness of sins. But unknown to most the real meaning of the word is difficult to decipher and is translated a number of different ways. Here are some verses where the word APHIEMI is used

Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Mark 7:8 For LAYING ASIDE (APHIEMI) the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

Matt 19:27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have FORSAKEN (APHIEMI) all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?

Matt 19:29 And every one that hath FORSAKEN (APHIEMI) houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

John 14:18 I will not LEAVE (APHIEMI) you comfortless: I will come to you.

John 14:27 Peace I LEAVE (APHIEMI) with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 16:28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I LEAVE (APHIEMI) the world, and go to the Father.

Matt 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, YIELDED UP (APHIEMI) the ghost.

Now if you substitute the modern word forgiveness in each of the above cases you will see that it just does not make consistent sense. For instance, in Mark 7:8 do we forgive the commandment of God? Or in Matt 27:50 did Jesus forgive the ghost when he seemed to die?

If you go through the New Testament and examine all the places where APHIEMI is used you will see that the most consistent meaning of the word is “to give up, let go, yield or release.”

Now in this light let us retranslate the Biblical term “forgiveness of sins.” A much more accurate translation would be “the letting go or giving up of error.”

The error that Jesus released the people from was guilt. When the scripture speaks of sin as if it was he cause of disease, what was really connected with it was guilt. When forgiveness of sin seemed to be the healing factor what happened was that the person affected saw God as working in Jesus so he saw his words as coming from God. This gave Jesus power to release various people from guilt.

On the other hand, forgiveness by any definition does not release one from effects. The law of cause and effect is binding upon all, even God.

The Aquarian Gospel presents the disciples as wondering about cause and effect as have you.

Chapter 138
THE Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.
2 And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see; he had been blind from birth.
3 And Peter said, Lord, if disease and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? the parents or the man himself?
4 And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.
5 There is a law of recompense that never fails, and it is summarised in that true rule of life:
6 Whatsoever man shall do to any other man some other man will do to him.
7 In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed concisely in the words, Tooth for a tooth; life for a life.
8 He who shall injure any one in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the law, and some one else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.
9 And he who shed the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.
10 Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts unless a master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.
11 Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.
12 Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.
13 The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.
14 Then Peter asked, Do we pay off the debts of other men when by the Word we heal them, drive the unclean spirits out, or rescue them from any form of sore distress?
15 And Jesus said, We cannot pay the debts of any man, but by the Word we may release a man from his afflictions and distress,
16 And make him free, that he may pay the debts he owes, by giving up his life in willing sacrifice for men, or other living things.
17 Behold, we may make free this man that he may better serve the race and pay his debts.
18 Then Jesus called the man and said, Would you be free? would you receive your sight?
19 The man replied, All that I have would I most freely give if I could see.
20 And Jesus took saliva and a bit of clay and make a salve, and put it on the blind man’s eyes.
21 He spoke the Word and then he said, Go to Siloam and wash, and as you wash say, Jahhevahe. This do for seven times and you shall see.
22 The man was led unto Siloam; he washed his eyes and spoke the word, and instantly his eyes were opened and he saw.

Here we see that the man was healed but still had a debt, but it wasn’t to be paid in kind: “Behold, we may make free this man that he may better serve the race and pay his debts.”

But what happens if we just decide to forgive a debt? Is all neutralized? Take a look at this parable:

Matt 18:23″The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date. 24In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him $10 million! 25He couldn’t pay, so the king ordered him sold for the debt, also his wife and children and everything he had.
26″But the man fell down before the king, his face in the dust, and said, ‘Oh, sir, be patient with me and I will pay it all.’
27″Then the king was filled with pity for him and released him and forgave his debt.
28″But when the man left the king, he went to a man who owed him $2,000 and grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.
29″The man fell down before him and begged him to give him a little time. ‘Be patient and I will pay it,’ he pled.
30″But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and jailed until the debt would be paid in full.
31″Then the man’s friends went to the king and told him what had happened. 32And the king called before him the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil-hearted wretch! Here I forgave you all that tremendous debt, just because you asked me to 33 shouldn’t you have mercy on others, just as I had mercy on you?’
34″Then the angry king sent the man to the torture chamber until he had paid every last penny due. 35So shall my heavenly Father do to you if you refuse to truly forgive your brothers.” (From the Living Bible)

Notice that after the man had his debt forgiven that he had an opportunity to pay off part of his karma by doing the same thing. But because he refused to cooperate with taking the easy way out he was forced to pay his debt the hard way.

Let us say that a man steals $100 from you and you discover it and confront him. He admits to the crime but says he doesn’t have the money to repay you. You decide to forgive him if he promises to not do it again.

Is the effect of the crime neutralized?

First of all you are still out $100. Your forgiveness did nothing to change that. Secondly, just like the man in the parable, the thief will be given opportunities to forgive others who have wronged him. If he cooperates the debt will be paid the easy way. If he acts contrary to the cause you passed to him with your forgiveness then he will have to pay the hard way. The punishment may not come from your hand but it will come from someone who will carry it out.

Learning our lessons diminishes the effect of karma and allows us to pay it off through serving and helping others rather than undergoing lots of personal pain.


Feb 24, 2014
Joan asks:
Should we not attempt to understand it (irritation)? Should we not “feel the feelings” and examine what is at the root cause of the irritation– so we don’t repress it and end up producing an even bigger shadow?…Will this help to pay off the “karma of irritation” or am I wasting time? Should I throw away the guilt and try to just “shift my attention”?

Negative feelings should never be suppressed or denied but must be understood, dealt with and sent to their right place. Denial and suppression gives the negative feelings power to diminish your physical and spiritual energy and can lead to disease.

If someone irritates you then you must learn how to neutralize this negative emotion without injuring yourself.

What I do is to use the Lion Principle. If you get in a cage with a lion he will most likely do you a lot of damage and this could be very irritating. When looking at the caged lion you know he can kill you but you do not get irritated at his behavior. Why.

Because he’s a lion and that is his nature and there is nothing you can do about it. If you do not accept the lion for what he is you could be irritated all the time.

Even so, irritating people are what they are whether they are in our lives or not. If we let them get to us then that is like entering the cage with the lion. Keep your emotional distance and realize that they just are what they are and there is generally nothing you can do to change them.

If I find another person irritating or obnoxious I take the vantage point of the observer so they rarely affect my emotional body no matter what they do. Then I make no effort to include them in my life.

Irritation and guilt are two different things. You can suffer some irritation without having any guilt associated with it. Guilt is cause by the illusion that an outside voice represents God and you are making God unhappy with you.

I am amazed and impressed that JJ types so well, considering he only has one working hand with all the fingers attached.

Or does Artie do the typing?

If I had to depend on Artie to type for me you wouldn’t be hearing much from me.

I do all my own typing using my one good hand. The biggest disadvantage is I have to look at the keyboard and do not catch mistakes on the screen as I type. My first draft always has a lot of typos.

I’ve tried dictation software in the past but it wasn’t any faster than my typing after I made the adjustments. I haven’t tried the latest version and realize they are improving so maybe the next time I try it my typing speed will increase.

Ruth wants to know if we have to take emotional abuse from our kids or just let them go and find their own way.

When kids become adults the good and bad they get from parents is pretty much ingrained and creating change is difficult at that point. You need to let them go as much as possible. On the other hand, if they need help and you see that you can offer help then as a parent you feel an obligation to do what you can. There is no easy solution to assisting a difficult child.

An interesting point is this. Our children often come as packages to teach us lessons and one of the main things they reflect back to us are things inside ourselves that we suppress or deny.

Let us say, for instance, that you do not stand up for yourself. You may wind up with a child who stands up for herself so much that you find her difficult to manage and dealing with her takes a lot of your attention.

Let us say you are very judgmental toward gays. You may wind up with a kid who is gay etc.

Ruth asks if we have to take emotional abuse from our kids?

Answer: Anyone can dish out emotional abuse and each of us needs to neutralize it whatever the source may be. Family members take the most wisdom here because you just can’t always snap your fingers and get them out of your lives. If you have to deal with negativity the Lion Principle is one good ingredient to use.

If you find that certain people are in your life and causing you grief over a period of time then there is probably a past life connection and a lesson involved where you need to learn to either deal with the situation or master it.

I seem to be going through a really unstable time at the moment, so I try to view this hard time as a karmic lesson for me because of mistakes I made in the past.

You can’t do anything about the past, but you can make a difference in the present. Seek to know what you can do to improve your situation right now. It would be helpful to visit a counselor or third party with your girls and after both of you give your side to the story see what advice an impartial observer would have.


Feb 26, 2014
Origin of the Book of Mormon

Jason sent me an interesting link on a new study concerning the origin of the Book of Mormon. You can check it out HERE.

The video is over an hour so if you want to read a blog on it go HERE

The guy repeats a lot of what critics in the past have said but then adds a new item of research. Since the Book of Mormon was published in 1830 he decided to run all the published works available before that time (over 130,000) through a computer program and compare it to the book of Mormon and check for similarity of writing mode.

I watched the video and read several articles on this and found several points where he presents reasonable evidence such as anachronisms, like steel, wheels, European animals etc. This point is a good one and has been made many times before.

I don’t see the fact that some phraseology, names etc are similar to other books as giving much weight to the argument against the book. If he were translating a book written in symbolic language then he would have to make the translation using words and phrases that he is familiar with. Since we know he read the Bible then naturally we would expect some similarities there as well as other books he may have read. One can also expect to see some similarities with books that he has not read – just because of natural coincidence.

I can’t find any direct evidence of plagiarism. Real plagiarism involves line by line copying or at least copying close enough that it would be obvious even to believers. Natural similarities occur with all books. You would be surprised at how many people have written me thinking I got my ideas from books that I have never heard of – or that my writing style is similar etc. Then when I check them out I just don’t see what they are talking about.

As far as the Book of Mormon copying mistakes in the Bible goes I will say this, many of the supposed errors are not agreed upon by scholars.

Secondly, the copying of the Bible was not a translation but merely a copying of the Bible because it was close enough. For instance, the scholar Dan Vogle gives evidence that Joseph Smith was out of town when Isaiah was written for the Book of Mormon. He thinks that Oliver just copied it from the Bible and when Joseph returned he merely checked it over.

I have no problem with that. I may have done the same thing if I were translating an actual record with Isaiah in it.

As for New Testament phrases – I have no problem with them. If the phrase fit the thought then why not use it? If I were to translate Plato I would use lots of modern phases that Plato did not have available.

Now it looks like Joseph Smith did lie about polygamy. The evidence is pretty overwhelming. If he deceived about one thing ten the probability of finding deception in another is high.

If the Book of Mormon is a fabrication of a mortal man then it would have had to have been Joseph who authored it. No one else he associated with was capable of it.

If it is a total fabrication written by him then I would consider this to be a greater miracle than the actual story presented. All that he pulled off would be very difficult to do, such as writing a book that fooled millions of people, predicting witnesses to the plates and then manifesting them, and convincing a number of scribes that he was translating from the plates live.

His mother said that he didn’t read as much as the rest of the family, that about all he read was the Bible, yet if the critics are right he must have been extremely well read at the age of 23.

Other books of supernatural origin had a much simpler origin. Books such as the Koran, A Course in Miracles, Urantia and Oaspe were merely channeled from the unseen world. All the author had to do was write the message down and present it to the world as inspired.

The Book of Mormon origin is much more complex and if one of its ingredients is definitely proven false the whole thing falls apart. Here are some.

(1) An angel gives Joseph the golden plates.
(2) 11 witnesses claim to have seen the plates and three of them claim to have been presented the plates by an angel.
(3) Joseph translates or produces the record by looking at a seer stone in a hat and not writing it down himself but dictating it to at least three different scribes. This would be very difficult to do if he were just making it up as he went. Much more difficult than say taking time to write A Course in Miracles.

There are numerous accounts of the witnesses to the plates that are difficult to dismiss. Here are a couple:

I was plowing in the field one morning, and Joseph [Smith] and Oliver [Cowdery] came along with a revelation stating that I was to be one of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon. I got over the fence and we went out into the woods, near by, and sat down on a log and talked awhile … when all at once a light came down from above us and encircled us for quite a little distance around; and the angel stood before us … dressed in white … A table was set before us and on it the records … from which the Book of Mormon was translated … While we were viewing them the voice of God spoke out of heaven saying that the Book was true and the translation correct. ‚ÄîDavid Whitmer, interview, Saints’ Herald, 1882.

In 1847, Hiram Page said: To say my mind was so treacherous that I have forgotten what I saw, to say that a man of Joseph’s ability, who at that time did not know how to pronounce the word Nephi, could write a book of six hundred pages, as correct as the book of Mormon without supernatural power . . . it would be treating the God of heaven with contempt, to deny these testimonies.
Joseph Smith the First Mormon Page 92

Here’s my best guess so far.

Joseph did have some spiritual experiences along with past life memories of life in Ancient America. He translated book through a channeling process connecting with his higher self as well as other entities that may have been assisting him. It is possible that Joseph thought the book was 100% true even though some of it was derived from illusionary thoughtforms and human error. On the other hand, some of the stories are based on actual events gathered from spiritual discernment and past life memories.

Were there really actual ancient gold plates involved or were there plates that existed on etheric levels? That is the big question. He definitely had something physical that were represented to be golden plates. Critics think he manufactured something of his own out of tin.

Hopefully, we can one day learn the outer truth. Whatever the case there are many teachings and examples of right action in the book that speak to the soul and that is why the book is accepted by millions.

More on the Origin of the Book of Mormon
Here is an except from Wikipedia of the pros and cons of the various things in the Book of Mormon that critics deem as out of place.

Old World species
A tapir – Some Mormon apologists believe that the word “horse” in the Book of Mormon refers to a tapir in order to explain the anachronism.

Horses are mentioned eleven times in the Book of Mormon in the context of its New World setting.[32] There is no evidence that horses existed on the American continent during the 2500-3000 year history of the Book of Mormon (2500 BC Р400 AD) The only evidence of horses on the American continent dates to pre-historic times,[33] (between 12,500 and 10,000 BC.[34]). It is widely accepted that horses were extinct in the Western Hemisphere over 10,000 years ago and did not reappear there until the Spaniards brought them from Europe.[35] Horses were re-introduced to the Americas (Caribbean) by Christopher Columbus in 1493[36] and to the American continent by Cortés in 1519.[37][38]
See also: Quaternary extinction event

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this supposed anachronism:

Mormon apologist John L. Sorenson at FARMS claims that there is fossil evidence that some New World horses may have survived the Pleistocene–Holocene transition,[39] though these findings are disputed by mainstream archaeologists.[40]
Mormon apologist Robert R. Bennett suggests that the word “horse” in the Book of Mormon may have referred to a different animal, such as a tapir.[41]

Mastodons existed in the Americas, but are known to have gone extinct by 10,000 B.C.

Elephants are mentioned twice in a single verse in the earliest Book of Mormon record, the Book of Ether.[42] Mastodons and mammoths lived long ago in the New World; however, as with the prehistoric horse, the archaeological record indicates that they became extinct along with most of the megafauna in the New World around 10,000 BC. The source of this extinction is speculated to be the result of human predation, a significant climate change, or a combination of both factors.[43][44] A very small population of mammoths survived on St. Paul Island, Alaska, up until 3700 BC,[45] but is still several thousand years before the time period where “elephants” are mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
See also: Quaternary extinction event

Apologists deal with the “elephant” in much the same way as they treat the “horse” anachronism; countering with the following arguments:

Various amateur archaeologists and LDS authors have cited controversial evidence that North American mound builder cultures were familiar with the elephant.[46] This evidence has long been a topic of debate with most archaeologists concluding that the elephantine remains were improperly dated, misidentified, or openly fraudulent.[47]

Cattle and cows
Llamas are the only large mammal known to have been domesticated in the Americas.

There are six references to cattle made in the Book of Mormon, including verbiage suggesting they were domesticated.[48] While the Book of Mormon may follow the common Biblical precedent of referring to all domesticated animals as cattle,[49] there is no evidence that Old World cattle (members of the genus Bos) inhabited the New World prior to European contact in the 16th century AD. Further, there is currently no archeological evidence of American bison having been domesticated.[50] It is widely accepted that the only large mammal to be domesticated in the Americas was the llama and that no species of goats, deer, or sheep were domesticated before the arrival of the Europeans to the continent.

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

Some Mormon apologists believe that the term “cattle,” as used in the Book of Mormon is more general and does not exclusively mean members of the genus Bos. Thus, they claim the term “cattle” may refer to mountain goats; llamas; or the ancestor of the American bison, Bison antiquus (of the sub family Bovinae).[51]


“Sheep” are mentioned in the Book of Mormon as being raised in the Americas by the Jaredites between 2500 BC and 600 BC. Another verse mentions “lamb-skin” worn by armies of robbers(~ AD 21) [52] However, Domestic sheep are known to have been first introduced to the Americas during the second voyage of Columbus in 1493.

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

One apologist claims that sheep wool has been found in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica[53] This is disputed by mainstream archaeologists.[citation needed]
Some suggest that the word “sheep” may refer to another species of animal that resembled sheep such as Big horn sheep or llamas.[54] Critics point out that Big horn sheep have never been domesticated by humans.

Brocket deer – Some LDS apologists believe that “goat” in the Book of Mormon refers to brocket deer in order to explain the apparent anachronism.

Goats are mentioned three times in the Book of Mormon[55] placing them among the Nephites and the Jaredites (i.e. between 2500 BC and 400 AD). In two of the verses, “goats” are distinguished from “wild goats” indicating that there were at least two varieties, one of them possibly domesticated or tamed.

Domestic goats are known to have been introduced on the American continent by Europeans in the 15th century,[citation needed] 1000 years after the conclusion of the Book of Mormon, and nearly 2000 years after goats are last mentioned in the Book of Mormon. The aggressive mountain goat is indigenous to North America. There is no evidence that it was ever domesticated.

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

Apologist Matthew Roper of FARMS points out that 16th-century Spanish friars used the word “goat” to refer to native Mesoamerican brocket deer.[56]


The Book of Mormon suggests that swine existed and were domesticated among the Jaredites.[57] There have not been any remains, references, artwork, tools, or any other evidence suggesting that swine were ever present in the pre-entrada New World.

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

Some apologists argue that the word “swine” refers to Peccaries[58] (also known as Javelinas), an animal that bears a superficial resemblance to pigs.
Critics rebut that there is no archeological evidence that peccaries have ever been domesticated.[59]

Barley and wheat
Wheat was domesticated in the Old World and was introduced on the American continent by Europeans.

“Barley” is mentioned three times in the Book of Mormon narrative dating to the 1st and 2nd century BC.[60] “Wheat” is mentioned once in the Book of Mormon narrative dating to the same time period.[61] The introduction of domesticated modern barley and wheat to the New World was made by Europeans after 1492, many centuries after the time in which the Book of Mormon is set.[citation needed]

Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

FARMS apologist Robert Bennett argues[62] that the words “barley” and “wheat” in the Book of Mormon may actually be referring to other crops in the Americas, such as Hordeum pusillum[63] (though Hordeum pusillum was unknown in Mesoamerica and only found to be domesticated in North America).
Bennett also postulates that words may refer to genuine varieties of New World barley and wheat, which are as yet undiscovered in the archaeological record.

Additionally, apologists such as Robert R. Bennett also note that the Norse, after reaching North America, claimed to have found what they called “self-sown wheat”.[64]

Critics[citation needed] reject the notion that Hordeum pusillum was the “barley” referred to in the Book of Mormon. They also note that the earliest mention of barley in the Book of Mormon dates to 121 BC.[65] which is several hundred years prior to the date given for the recent discovery of domesticated Hordeum pusillum in North America.

The Book of Mormon mentions the use of silk six times.[66] “Silk” is commonly understood to mean the material that is created from the cocoon of the Asian moth Bombyx mori.

Apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

Mormon apologist John Sorenson believes that there are several other materials which were used in Mesoamerica anciently which could be the “silk” referred to in the Book of Mormon, including material spun from the hair of rabbit’s bellies, the pods of the ceiba tree, or an unidentified wild silkworm.[67][68]

Old World artifacts and products
Chariots or wheeled vehicles
Chariots depicted in a Mesopotamian relief circa 2500 B.C. Evidence of wheeled vehicles has not been found in the Americas.

The Book of Mormon contains two accounts of chariots being used in the New World.[69]

Critics argue that there is no archaeological evidence to support the use of wheeled vehicles in Mesoamerica, especially since many parts of ancient Mesoamerica were not suitable for wheeled transport. Clark Wissler, the Curator of Ethnography at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, noted:

“…we see that the prevailing mode of land transport in the New World was by human carrier. The wheel was unknown in pre-Columbian times.”[70]

A comparison of the South American Inca civilization to Mesoamerican civilizations shows the same lack of wheeled vehicles. Although the Incas used a vast network of paved roads (see Inca road system), these roads are so rough, steep, and narrow that they appear to be unsuitable for wheeled use. Bridges that the Inca people built, and even continue to use and maintain today in some remote areas, are straw-rope bridges so narrow (about 2–3 feet wide) that no wheeled vehicle can fit (see image and technology at Inca rope bridges). Inca roads were used mainly by chaski message runners and llama caravans.

Some Mormon apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

One apologist has suggested that the chariots mentioned in the Book of Mormon might refer to mythic or cultic wheeled vehicles.[71]
Some apologists point out that pre-Columbian wheeled toys have been found in Mesoamerica indicating that the wheel was known by ancient American peoples.[72][73]
One LDS apologist argues that few chariot fragments have been found in the Middle East dating to Biblical times (apart from the disassembled chariots found in Tutankhamun’s tomb), and therefore wheeled chariots did exist in ancient America and it is not unreasonable that archaeologists have not discovered any evidence of them.[74]
Critics counter that although few fragments of chariots have been found in the Middle East, there are many images of ancient chariots on pottery and frescoes and in many sculptures of Mediterranean origin, thus confirming their existence in those societies. The absence of these images among pre-Columbian artwork found in the New World, they state, does not support the existence of Old World–style chariots in the New World.
Finally, one apologist speculates that the word “chariot” in the Book of Mormon may refer to a non-wheeled vehicle.[75]

Iron and steel
Aztec warriors brandishing maquahuitl, which are made of stone. From the 16th century Florentine Codex, Vol. IX.

Steel and iron are mentioned several times in the Book of Mormon.[76] No evidence has been found in North, Central, or South America of iron being hardened anciently to make “steel”.

Though researchers have shown that primitive metallurgy existed in South America, metal production was only used for adornment purposes. The very earliest metal working there dates to 200 AD with the Moche culture[original research?].[citation needed] This dates thousands of years after the Jaredite civilization is alleged to have existed and 800 years after the alleged beginning of the Nephite civilization in the Book of Mormon. Metallurgy spread to Central America by 800 AD (long after the Book of Mormon record closes).[original research?][citation needed]

Between 2004 and 2007, a Purdue University archaeologist, Kevin J. Vaughn, discovered a 2000 year old hematite mine near Nazca, Peru. Although hematite is today mined as an iron ore, Vaughn believes that the hematite was then being mined for use as red pigment. There are also numerous excavations that included iron minerals.[77] He noted:

“Even though ancient Andean people smelted some metals, such as copper, they never smelted iron like they did in the Old World…Metals were used for a variety of tools in the Old World, such as weapons, while in the Americas, metals were used as prestige goods for the wealthy elite.”[78]

Apologists counter that the word “steel”, as used in the Book of Mormon, likely refers to a hardened metal other than iron. This argument follows from the fact that the Book of Mormon refers to certain Old World articles made of “steel”.[79] Similar “steel” articles mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible are actually hardened copper.[80] It has been amply demonstrated that much of the terminology of the English Book of Mormon, parallels the Authorized King James Bible.[81] Copper and its alloys have the ability to corrode, thus satisfying the description of “blades” which had “cankered with rust”.[citation needed] Ancient mound building cultures of North America are known to have worked copper, silver, gold and meteoric iron, although no instances of metallic blades or of deliberately alloyed (or “hardened”) copper have been uncovered from ancient North America.[82]
Metal swords, which had “rusted”

The Book of Mormon makes numerous references to swords and their use in battle.[83] When the remnants of the Jaredites’ final battle were discovered, the Book of Mormon narrative states that “the blades thereof were cankered with rust.”[84]

Apologists counter that most references to swords do not speak of the material they were made of, and that they may refer to a number of weapons such as the Macuahuitl, a “sword” made of obsidian blades that was used by the Aztecs. It was very sharp and could decapitate a man or horse.[85] However obsidian (volcanic glass), cannot rust.

Scimitars (‘Cimiters’) are mentioned about ten times in the Book of Mormon as existing hundreds of years before the term was first coined.[86] The word “cimiter” (Scimitar) is considered an anachronism since the word was never used by the Hebrews (from which the Book of Mormon peoples came) or any other civilization prior to 450 AD.[87]

The word cimiter (scimitar) has at different times referred to a long curved sword used by the Persians and Turks, a smaller curved knife similar to the kopis of the Turks, or makhaira of the Greeks.

Apologists argue the following to deal with this anachronism:

Apologists Michael R. Ash and William Hamblin postulate that the word was chosen by Joseph Smith as the closest workable English word for a short curved weapon used by the Nephites.
Full Article HERE


Feb 27, 2014
Another One Mighty and Strong

The Prophecy Keep guy mentioned Steven C Davis and referenced his site so I checked him out. Looks like we have one more guy telling us to follow him because he is the One Mighty and Strong. It would be nice if just one of these guys who make such claims would tell us to follow his mighty and strong works that are demonstrated rather than mere claims of power.

Jesus would be a good example to follow. He made no claims but just wandered into town and did some mighty works and then people began to ask, “Who is this Mighty and Strong One? Could it be the Christ?

I will give Davis credit for this though. His teachings are more interesting and in alignment with truth than most of the other Might and Strong claimers that I have encountered. I at least agree with some of the things he says. Other things, not so much.

Here are a few of the things he teaches.

Lucifer is really God’s wife who rebelled against him and was cast out of heaven. She has been deceiving the world for the past 6000 years. She and God are to incarnate 33 times each and their first incarnation was as Adam and Eve. Eve/Lucifer is responsible for the suppression of women over the millennia.

Now this latter claim makes little sense. Why would a female Lucifer promote the dominance of men over women so that women have been treated like property through the ages? You’d think she would want it the other way around.

He talks about his mission to present the original Book of Mormon before it was edited as if this is some great revelation. Actually the unedited version has been available since I have been acquainted with Mormonism.

The unedited version indicates that Jesus is both God the Father and the Son and this is a core doctrine for him.

He believes the millennium started April 6, 2000. I would guess he predicted this date and no great change occurred so he added in a 40-year grace period. But he still says that date marked the beginning of the prophesied millennium. The trouble is that it doesn’t mark any change of significance.

He believes polygamy was a mistake inspired by the female Lucifer, partly to keep females in bondage. I agree it was a mistake but why would a female Lucifer be so down on her own kind?
He thinks that Joseph Smith saw the error of polygamy just before his death and his desire to correct his mistake was part of the reason for his death. This is a possibility.

He sees the blood oaths of the temple ceremonies as a mistake as I do.

He believes in building cities of light.

If you want to check out his teachings here are two websites.

Website One

Website Two


March 3, 2014
Prophecy Guy
I have read so many “channelings” that are contradictory of each other that I find the entire concept totally ridiculous.

That’s because channelings comes from many sources just as philosophies do. just like one does not automatically rule out all philosophies (such as in the Bible) as being untrue just because they all do not agree even so channelings or any other teachings must be ran by the soul to discover if they are true.

To accept or deny something just because of an outside authority disagrees is to have the mark of he beast.

Prophecy Guy
God’s house is not a house of disorder.

And where is this house where there is no disorder? This would be a good question for the group.

Prophecy Guy
The Law of Moses remained exactly the same… it as never been cancelled or superseded…or God is a liar.

So then do you think Sabbath breakers and unruly kids should be put to death then? I know you said that it is rare today, but the scripture does not say the punishment is to be rare. It is written like it should always be executed.

Prophecy Guy
I am afraid you mix apples and oranges. Mediums peep and mutter.

Mediums don’t use The Urim and Thummim used by Abrahamic prophets and seers.

It appears that you do not know what a channeler is. It is a person who transmits information from one source to another.

There are unconscious channelers which are the traditional mediums and there are conscious channelers such as Joseph Smith, Alice A Bailey and the prophets. If you want to read some real truth and light read some of the Bailey writings.


March 3, 2014
More on Karma
There is also the word APHESIS (859) which doesn’t appear nearly as often, but looks to most often translated as “remission” as in “remission of sins.”

I searched the older archives and have yet to find a case of you discussing that word.

The core meaning of this word is “release,” so a remission of sins means to be released from error. That’s very similar to APHIEMI which means “to give up, let go, yield or release.” In fact they both come from the same root word APO.

I am not totally convinced that there is not some component of forgiveness in the message that Jesus preached and which people found so exciting at that time. Clearly Jesus healed people who apparently suffered illnesses due to their sins and also apparently Jesus in some way wiped out some consequences of their sins (although he warned the might suffer worse if they went back to their old way.

Yes, you are right Jesus wiped out the consequences of sin, which is error or illusion, but he did not alter the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Cause and Effect cannot be altered. Once a cause is in motion its effects can only be changed with the addition of new causes.

Let me explain further. In what religion calls sin there are two types of effects created. One is created by the action or the deed, and the other is created, not by action, but by the illusion or error in the mind of the perpetrator and the victim when he holds a grievance by not forgiving.

Let me give some examples.

Let us pick on the one the individuals that Jesus healed by forgiving his sins. What sin could have been so bad that it caused an illness and how was that illness induced? It could have been any action that the sinner thought offended God. For instance, he could have merely broken the Sabbath for the first time in his life and suffered tremendous guilt from it. The action of working on the Sabbath will not make you ill, but guilt from breaking the commandment can.

The guilt is caused by illusion or error and that is what Jesus had power to remit so the man could be healed.

BUT the effects of working on the Sabbath remain. As Jesus said “the Sabbath was made for man.” In other words, it is a principle to help us and we need to give ourselves a Sabbath of rest so we can recharge, look within and take our minds off the cares of the world.

Those who gives themselves a Sabbath of rest are better off than those who do not. Working on one Sabbath would have an effect, but it would be small, nothing compared to the error of guilt a man can suffer for thinking he is making God angry at him.

Example Two
Jim steals $1000 from his neighbor Al. Then Jim gets a bad case of the flu and Al feels bad for him and shovels he snow off his walk and then asks if there is anything else he can do while bedridden.

Al’s kindness makes Jim feel terrible and he finds himself ridden with guilt. Even after recovering from the flu the guilt bothers him more than being sick did.

Finally he confesses and also apologizes that he doesn’t have the money to pay him back. Al is one heck of a nice guy so he forgives the debt and tells Jim to do the same for someone else in the future.

This confession relieves Jim of the illusion of guilt but the effects of his theft remain. Al is still out $1000 and Jim has $1000 more than he had before. Since Al does not want to be repaid Jim must now look for opportunities to pay for that stolen $1000 in service and future forgiveness of the debts of others.

The illusion of guilt can be nullified by adding causes that will bring understanding that takes it away. Not even God can take away the effects of a cause. All God or man can do is work with cause and effect to bring about a desired end.

I would even suggest that ‘Love’ holds ‘no’ karmic contract. How can it when its purpose is Unity and Oneness? A reasonable question then would be ‘Does Love actually undermine or even heal karmic debt?’
Producing unity and oneness has nothing to do with nullifying karma. Love works with cause and effect and inspires the initiation of causes that produces good effects. If Al loves Jim even though he stole $1000 it does not nullify the effect that he is out $1000. It doesn’t matter how much Al loves, it will not make the $1000 materialize in his hand.

The benefit of love is that it inspires causes that creates constructive effects. Al’s love toward Jim will probably cause him to cease being a thief and that is a good thing. The sin is forgiven, in other words, the error is corrected.


March 4
Karma Again
lwk on karma
I can see a possibility that God has a basic law but does not require it be enforced with mathematical purity (like gravity), but rather allows that it has a purpose, and these intelligences that watch are capable of assessing the true state of a person’s soul and when true forgiveness serves a real purpose of the creator of the law.

Yes, you are on the right track here. If a person does not learn his lessons then he will have to suffer as he made others suffer so he can understand what his victims went through. But if he learns his lesson then he can pay his debt through more productive means.

Let us take Bernie Madoff for example. Through his Ponzie scheme investors lost around $18 billion with him and this has caused an untold amount of grief to many people.

He has been placed in jail for the rest of his life. This may give the victims a little satisfaction and cause him to reflect a bit on his actions, but if he had it to do all over again and could get away with it then he would probably defraud people all over again.

Let us look at a possible scenario as to a possible fate for him.

Bernie dies in prison and reborn a few years later and has not yet learned his lesson. He is still devious and still schemes to defraud. He attempts the same thing all over again but instead of getting away with it for decades he gets caught right away and sent to prison. After he gets out he creates another scam and gets sent back again. Near the end of his life he reflects on how his life is just not working and gets converted to Jesus and decides to go strait.

He dies a short time later and in his next life he is quite religious and tries to run a legitimate business with a good Christian partner. The partner has a gambling habit and withdraws all their money from the account and loses it all. Bernie is devastated and looks to the skies and says, “Why God, is this happening to me?”

He starts anew and saves a little money and invests it in get rich quick schemes. In each case the companies were fraudulent and Bernie loses all he had. Again, he looks to the skies and asks, “Why God, is this happening to me?”

Bernie goes through a couple lifetimes having extremely bad luck in trusting people. He thinks to himself, “I’ve always tried to live the good Christian life and treat people fairly but how is it that so many people betray me? It just doesn’t seem fair.” Bernie then vows to himself that he is never going to be like those evildoers who have taken advantage of him. He is going to treat people fair and square because he knows what it’s like to be betrayed and it indeed hurts.

His soul then determines that he has paid off the first stage of his karma. He’s learned what it is like to be betrayed and suffer loss because of it. He has learned his lesson. He has two things that must be made right. He has caused financial loss and lots of emotional pain and has only paid for a small portion of this. Now he must create financial benefits and cause a similar amount of good feelings and security that offset the previous bad.

In his next life he creates a successful multi billion-dollar business which gives financial security and benefits to many employees. He also gives away a lot to charity. He continues in this vein until his karma from the life as Bernie Madoff is balanced off. After this he is then able to create a surplus of good karma.

Karma is sometimes paid off with an eye for an eye, but after the lesson is learned the soul arranges for a more productive way to pay it off.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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Is There Sex in the Next World?

This entry is part 42 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-Three

Is There Sex in the Next World?

When I was a teenager some of us guys would meet on the steps of the church after the service was over and talk about whatever came to our minds. On the rare occurrences where theological doctrine was discussed this was the main question that was asked:

“I wonder if they have sex in the next world.”

We never did formulate a clear answer and since we didn’t know we figured the best thing to do was to live a long, fun and healthy life in the here and now. We all hoped that Jesus wasn’t going to show up in the clouds of heaven any time soon and force us into a sexless boring existence.

So, what is the answer to this mystery?  It appears the scriptures are completely silent on this subject so they are of little assistance.

Can we have sex without a physical body? Before we tackle this it may be helpful to answer another question first.  What is sex anyway?

Yes, we all know what happens in the physical act but what is the principle involved? Why is there such desire, passion and pleasure involved? Believe it or not there is an interesting clue in the Bible.

In ancient days, sexual intercourse was described in the Bible with the Hebrew word YADA, or the Greek work GINOSKO, which meant “to know”. When a man had sex with a woman, he was said to have “known” her. Here are several examples:

“Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And KNEW (GINOSKO) her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” Matthew 1: 24-25

“And Adam KNEW (YADA) Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain.” Genesis 4:1

“And Cain KNEW his wife and she conceived…” Genesis 4:17

“And Adam KNEW his wife again and she bare a son, and called his name Seth.” Genesis 4:25

This word is especially revealing when we examine it’s use in the following verse: “And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW (GINOSKO) thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3

Now this leads to a pretty amazing conclusion.  Are we being told that the ultimate sexual experience is to “know” or have sex with God?

Think back to the best sexual high that you have ever had and then think back to the time that you have felt closest to God.  Many people would discover similarities in the feelings associated with the two experiences.  If you take out the physical desire associated with sex you will find the two experiences are astonishingly similar.

When you think of it, the core event that transpires in sex is a sharing and a transfer of energy. Beforehand, both parties are charged up in their own energy and then experience an intimate sharing.  Afterwards, both of them feel a lot more balanced than before.

The ability to share energy and establish greater balance does not cease with death but this ability follows all life forms in the body and out of the body.  The effect of bodily sensations is not available in the spirit world so the full power of lower desire is not there. Even so, the sharing and balancing of energy does occur.

In the lower spheres inhabitants attempt to duplicate the sexual practices they had on earth. This leaves them not fully satisfied.  In the higher spheres the sharing of energy is more intense and balancing than occurs here on earth. Because physical bodies are not involved lower desire is absent and it is not considered out of order to share with anyone who is possessed with an opposite charge.

The exchange takes place much differently than sex here.  The two will approach each other and merely focus on sharing their energy.  As it is shared they “know” each other very intimately and reach a spiritual high that goes beyond our sexual experiences here. Because it is not a carnal experience it is no more out of order there than two people merely sharing a glass of wine together here.

For the good people of the earth there is much to look forward to whether they be in the body or out of the body.

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Is There Marriage After Death?

This entry is part 41 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-Two

Is There Marriage After Death?

This is a question many have wondered about for ages.  In fact, it was on the minds of some who questioned Jesus as follows.

“The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. And last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”Matt 22:23-30

That seems like a pretty cut and dry answer. On the other hand, a lot of people who feel they have found their soul mate are not satisfied with it.  They want to continue their marriage into the next world. Would God prohibit such a thing and why would He?

Jesus made two perplexing statements in his answer,

(1) “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.”

This was a strange thing to say for there is nothing in the known scriptures about marriage in the next world. How could they error because of the scriptures when the scriptures available were silent on the subject?

(2) They erred also in not knowing “the power of God.”

This is an even stranger statement.  It sounds as if he is saying that people cannot be married because God is limited in power and cannot make it so. What other reason would he make this statement in correcting their views on marriage in the next world?

They were assuming God had power to continue a marriage in the next world and Jesus said no because of “the power of God” involved in the matter.

Because of these two confusing points I would say it is entirely possible that we do not have the accurate words of Jesus on the matter, or at the least, incomplete words.

The Mormons have an interesting twist on this.  They point out that Jesus is saying that people are not given in marriage in the next world but claim that a marriage in this world done by the right authority can be extended to the next. This has proven to be a popular doctrine with them as a lot of people like the idea of continuing their relationships.

So, what is the truth of the matter here? When you die and meet your soul mate is he or she going to tell you something like, “Sorry, we can’t be mates here.  It’s against the law.”

Not exactly.  The first ting to realize as we look toward life beyond the physical realm is we continue to have our free agency. No matter where we are, whether in this world or the next, we maintain our power of decision and can make any choice we want that lies within our power to make.

So if you die and meet your mate, who preceded you, then what is to stop you two from declaring, “We are still married and are going to continue our relationship.”

There is nothing to stop you except your own free will.

So would you, of your own free will dissolve the marriage relationship?

Let us take a look at the afterlife and see.

The first principle that we must keep in mind that is effective there is this. Entrance into the spirit world is like a new birth similar to our entrance into this one. Your birth here was not your beginning but you have lived many physical lives before this in addition to many lives in the spirit world.

As you grew up you found that you were not bound by any agreement you made before birth but were making a fresh start and could chose whatever you wanted without feeling bound by some previous oath.

The same thing happens to us when we enter the next world. When we adapt there we realize that we are not bound by any agreement that we made on earth. If we were, a lot of our progression and restoration of old relationships could be hindered.

Because you have lived many physical lives you have been married many times to many individuals. You have also been incarnated as both male and female at different times so you have had past spouses of both sexes.

So, after death, you may not only be greeted by your spouse who recently died, but you may be greeted by a half dozen people with whom you have been married to at one time or another.

Remember there are many mansions there. There is something for everyone.  The lower spheres are a lot like physical earth life and some go to temporary locations where they simulate earth life and will attempt to live with a past spouse as a married couple.  These people have not yet recovered their memories of past relationships.

Those who are more aware will unite with their soul group with whom they will work on various projects. The latest spouse may or may not be in the soul group, depending on how close they are in spiritual evolution. If your spouse is in a different soul group you will still be able to associate with him or her if desired.

Because entities there can assume any form they wish some assume a male form, others female and others a neutral form or merely project as energy. Because of this and the reuniting with the soul group, which is a closer relationship than earth marriage, regular marriage just doesn’t attract much interest there.  This is especially true as one moves beyond the mindset of earth life and adapts to the new surroundings and intimate relationships with old friends.

In the end, whether or not we are married in the next world, or the one after depends on how one defines marriage. Marriage, as it exists on the earth plane, does not exist in the higher worlds, but close relationships do exist.  In fact they are much more intimate than they are here and that intimacy is not limited to one person.  You will share with more intensity with all members of your soul group than does the happiest married couple on earth.

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Is Heaven Boring?

This entry is part 40 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-One

Is Heaven Boring?

This may seem like an odd question, but when you hear people from various religions describe what the heavenly realms of the afterlife will be like, it does sound boring indeed. Here are some things that are hoped for by the saved or chosen ones:

(1) Sing hymns of praise with God and Jesus

(2) Hang around with God and Jesus for eternity.

(3) Everyone will be changed into perfect beings with no flaws so there will be perfect peace with no disagreements.

(4) The Buddhists enter Nirvana a world with no desire, no personalities where only bliss is known.

All this sounds pretty boring, especially after a couple hundred years. Such a situation would be a hell for poor God and Jesus. After all, who would want billions of souls clinging to you forever wanting to be your best friend? Just take a gander at a few of those who claim to be saved and ask, “would I want a billion of these guys hanging around me day after day for eternity competing for my attention?”

Now the American Indians had a better idea.  They envisioned “Happy Hunting Grounds” a place with plentiful game always available.

But then the Muslims had one better.  The Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, “The least (reward) for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives (virgins).

Then in the Qur’an, Surah 78:31-33 we read,  “Verily, for the Muttaqun (righteous), there will be a success (paradise); gardens and grapeyards; and young full-breasted maidens of equal age; and a full cup (of wine)”

At least the Muslims claim to be looking forward to some fun in heaven – all the sex, drink and luxury that one can imagine.

But there are problems even with this idea. The 72 full breasted wives and 80,000 servants may provide a nice break from regular earth life for a short period of time, but how about eternity, or even just a mere century? After a while the average man would grow bored of all these servants and wives going out of their way just to please him and he would want some new challenge of some kind. Then too, 72 wives could be a burden to handle after a while.

And how about the women? What kind of heaven is it for them to be one of 72 wives with nothing to do but compete for the attention of their male master?

And then the 80,000 servants really have it bad.  This must be hell for them to compete with thousands of others to serve some guy who committed suicide for Allah. And even if you are one of the lucky ones with 80,000 servants wouldn’t you feel bad for them being forced to serve you forever? If they were my servants I would just dismiss them and tell then to pursue a direction that will make them happy. Why would any sane man even want 72 wives and 80,000 servants?

Most religious people have the idea that heaven is a place where they will be served but pay attention to the words of Jesus:

“But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Matt 20:26-28

So, if you want to be like the Master the path is to serve, not to seek to be served.

So what’s the answer to the question then? Are we eventually going to get bored, maybe get too much of a good thing after 100, 1000 or 1,000,000 years? Here’s the answer.

There is much more to do in the afterlife than there is here. The greater the spiritual advancement achieved here on the earth, the greater will be freedom, the power to enjoy and accomplish in the spiritual spheres. Because there are many mansions there will be something for everyone.  Here are just a few things.

(1) Spending time with friends.  Friendship is eternally a source of enjoyment in any plane of existence including the afterlife.

(2) There will be every form of entertainment you can imagine. Just as on earth, in the next world many will receive satisfaction by entertaining others through music, plays, dance etc. Sports will be different though, for by using thought you can make a hole in one on every shot. Any competition will be taken to a higher level difficult for us earthlings to relate.

(3) There will be much to learn and much to teach. All true world history will be at our disposal and it will be fun to learn events as they really happened. There are great libraries there and depending on your degree of advancement you will be able to absorb material at a very rapid rate.

(4) There will be many opportunities for service.  One that will be most useful will be assisting those who are caught up in the fog of illusion, which has followed then to their abode. When a person wants to move up higher teachers will be needed to assist and prepare them.

(5) There is an entire universe to explore. It will be fun discovering what is really out there.

(6) You can be a spiritual scientist and work with new ways to assist life in evolving and progressing on this earth and other planets.

(7) You can fulfill your dreams that were frustrated on the Earth.  There are places there a little like the Holodeck on Star Trek where you can act out your fantasies and unfulfilled desires.

The point is that there is lots of fun stuff to do there.  Even though this is the case there is still a problem, which is this. No matter how enjoyable something is, it is only a matter of time before a certain amount of boredom sets in. And what is it that we always want sooner or later?

A new challenge.

And there is no greater challenge than being born into this mortal life and solving all the problems that come with it.

This is why there is reincarnation. No matter how good we have it between lives we always come back to desiring the challenge of going back to earth and facing all the challenges here.

Why is Monopoly such an enduring game? You can be winning one minute and lose everything the next.  This is a game posing great risk, yet we love to play it. Football is a game of great risk to the players yet we love to either play or watch it.

Mortal life is the greatest risk of all, but we come here willingly to participate in the adventure.

So… between the fun stuff available between lives and the challenges here in physical plane life the problem of boredom has been solved by Divine Intelligence.

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What Will I Look Like When I Die?

This entry is part 39 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Forty

What Will I Look Like When I Die?

This may seem like an odd question, but it is one that many wonder about. The curious often ponder on whether or not they keep their present form, or will they look like they did in the prime of life or will they have any form at all? Maybe we’ll just be balls of energy.

Earlier we covered the fact that within us is a double of our physical body and that it extends a couple millimeters from the physical skin and can be easily seen by the human eye.  When it separates from the body at death it assumes the exact shape as the body you were in at the time of death. But this body disintegrates shortly after death leaving you in a more malleable astral body composed of emotional energy.

If you are a person of a low vibration you will assume the shape with which you are most familiar and stay with it.  Those of a higher spiritual vibration have much more ability to alter their shape as well as their surroundings. They will often choose to look like they did in their prime or their favorite time of life.  They can tweak their features and remove imperfections so they will look better than they did on earth but still recognizable.

In the higher realms form is not considered that important.  Occupants there can assume a form when convenient but they are not handicapped when merely existing as a field of life energy.  When they meet a friend they do not need form to recognize each other.  They recognize each other by their vibration, which creates a much greater “knowing” than when we recognize someone on the earth by their features.

To the spiritually minded time and distance is no barrier in the next world. If you want to visit an old friend you just think of him and you will sense his presence and thoughts.  If that is not enough, either you will instantly go to where he is or he will appear instantly by your side.

Now here’s the strange thing from our point of view.  If he is busy and you want to talk, this creates no barrier. He can create a second image of himself and endow it with a part of his consciousness and send it your way.  You can then communicate with this extension of his self with greater ease and effectiveness than we communicate on earth.

Concentrating on two things at a time is very difficult here in mortal life.  This is largely because of the way our physical brain is constructed.  But in the higher realms of the spirit world we can divide ourselves and do several things at one time.  A part of your consciousness can be visiting with a friend and another part attending a class and taking things in.

This would be a great ability for us guys to have in mortal life, especially when our wives take us shopping. We could leave 2% of our consciousness with our wives as they shop and ask for our opinions and then take 98% to the golf course, or whatever recreation we enjoy.

With this ability, no wonder they call it heaven.

Many wonder about babies and children.  What form will they take? They will only assume the form of a baby or child if there is some purpose to be achieved by the use of that form.  Otherwise, when they use a form they will assume the shape of what the child would look like as an adult, or assume the form used in the last life on earth as an adult.

Within our makeup is the memory of all of our past, including the forms of all the physical bodies we have had in past lives.  The spiritually advanced souls can assume any of them if desired, but most will go with the form of the body they just left behind.


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Do Animals Survive Death?

This entry is part 38 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Do Animals Survive Death?

The short answer to this question is yes.  What is important to understand, however, is the why. Why do animals survive death?

Here’s the principle behind survival whether it be a human, animal, plant or atom.  All things that exist are eternal.  Their essence never had a beginning or an end.  Only form and consciousness change.

Take yourself, for example. Throughout your life your form has significantly changed.  You were once a baby and now are an adult and will one day be old and gray. Your consciousness has also changed.  Once you were childlike and now you think like an adult.

Someday you will die and your body will decay but you will live on. You have had many different forms in past lives and will have many more in the future, but that which is essentially you lives on.  Form changes but the essence behind the form continues.

This principle also applies to animals.

“So, do animals have souls?” is a common question.

Animals do have souls as the term is commonly understood but it is a different type than humans just as their consciousness is different than ours.

A human sees himself as a separate and individual entity and hence is self aware and self-conscious. An animal is connected with a group soul and is not self-aware.  Hence it has no desire to cloth itself or have sex behind closed doors.  All that he does is open for all to view.

Even though your pet may not be self-aware it is still a unique entity and will continue its existence.

Of the many mansions in the spirit world there are some designed for the fulfillment of animal consciousness of varying degrees. Then we have animals which are pets which are loved and adored by many.  These are in a different category for their consciousness is of a higher order than the wild animals.  Many of these will dwell with their human friends in the human mansions between lives.

And yes, animals reincarnate just as humans do.

It is a fallacy to think that humans reincarnate as animals.  Once a person becomes self-aware he does not lose this quality and become an animal or plant but is born again and again as a human until all his needed lessons are mastered.

If we are particularly attached to certain pets we will meet them again in the spirit world as well as in future lives.


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Is There Reincarnation?

This entry is part 37 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Is There Reincarnation?

The answer to this question can be found in other questions. Let us ask a few.

Is life fair?

Most would say that it is not.  Life is not a little unfair, but a lot unfair.

Some suffer and die at a young age.  Others live long healthy lives.

Some struggle in poverty and hunger all their lives.  Others are born into wealthy families and never know want.

Some find the love of their lives.  Others die lonely and sad.

Some are born with lots of intelligence and talent.  Others lack this and are consigned to tedious work or crime throughout their lives.

Few believers want to think in this direction but sooner or later this question must be asked:  Since life is unfair, does this mean that God is unfair?

Anyone who is honest must answer this in the affirmative. Yes. If life is unfair (which it is) then indeed it does mean that God is unfair.

Yes, yes, I know, the counter idea is that God will compensate all unfairness in the next world.  The problem is that answer does not satisfy the soul.  If a person never knows what it is like to find a soul mate while in the mortal flesh then according to standard doctrine he will have missed this wonderful opportunity for all eternity.

The how about the guy who is sexually abused as a child and becomes an abuser himself? Many think he will go to hell.  But if were not abused he might have lived a good Christian life.  Was it fair that he was shoved in such a destructive direction in an unfortunate life?


So… Is God fair?

Well, if God is not fair then He is not to be trusted.  If He is not to be trusted then we have no guarantee that anything good awaits us after death.

But, I have good news.  God is indeed fair – more than you ever imagined.

Fairness is provided to us through reincarnation.

We live many different lives.  In some lives we are rich, others we are poor. In some we have good health and others, not so much. In some we find love and happiness and others we learn what it is like to be rejected and alone.

We are born again and again until we find the resurrection of life and enter the Kingdom of God.  At that time we will reflect upon our long history and see that all things good and bad have been experienced, and, indeed, life is fair and, above all, God is fair.

The following verse makes sense when we realize that Jesus lived many different lives:

“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.”  John 21:2

According to orthodox belief, the apostles only knew Jesus for three years and this was not enough association to even write a book.  Each of the gospels that were written about him was only the length of a short story, not enough material for one book, let alone books so numerous that they would fill the earth.

When did Jesus do all these thousands, perhaps millions of deeds so numerous that they would fill thousands of volumes???  There is no way that so many works could be done in a mere 33 years.  Such a voluminous history would have to span many lifetimes.

Many think the Bible does not teach reincarnation, but evidence of this principle is given throughout the scriptures. I’ll just cite one more example and refer readers to my other writings on the topic at freeread.com.

Here is a link to my treatise on The Bible and Reincarnation.  And here is another of an entire book dealing with the subject called Eternal Lives.

The scriptures give a prophesy about the coming of Elijah the prophet to do a great work on the earth:

“Behold, I will send you ELIJAH THE PROPHET before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6

Here we have a clear prophecy that Elijah the prophet will come back before the Lord comes.

The disciples were curious about this scripture for if Jesus was the Messiah, they reasoned that Elijah should have shown up somewhere. They asked him:

“Why then do our teachers say that Elijah must come first? He replied, Yes Elijah will come and set everything right. But I tell you that ELIJAH HAS ALREADY COME, and they failed to recognize him, and worked their will upon him; and in the same way the Son of Man is to suffer at their hands. Then the disciples understood that HE MEANT JOHN THE BAPTIST.” Matt. 17:10-13 New English

That is pretty clear, is it not? Elijah was born again as John the Baptist and did fulfill the prophecy.

On top of the tremendous amount of evidence in the Bible there is also physical evidence.  Many thousands of people have been regressed and have retrieved information from previous lives that has been verified. On top of this many people, especially children, recall their past lives naturally.

Dr. Ian Stevenson, the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia made this his life’s work.  He traveled the world studying these people and has accumulated about 3000 cases in his files.

Most of the more amazing cases occur with young children just several years old who are just learning to speak.  As a general rule they remember the past life for a couple years and lose the memory around the age of five or six.

In a typical situation the child may insist that her parents are not really her parents, but that her true parents (and perhaps spouse) are in another city or part of the country).  Dr. Stevenson caught many of these children before they had a chance to visit their home of a previous life and took them there and scientifically examined their response.  In many cases the child’s memory of a past life was proven, for the name given out was discovered to be a real person who died. The child was then taken to the home of her past life and identified dozens of memories that she could have not acquired in this life.  If there was some secret hiding place he or she would identify this.  If there were favorite possessions, these would be pointed out.

Before he died in 2007 he wrote 14 books and around 300 papers giving powerful evidence of reincarnation.

The irony is that his work may not only be the most powerful earthly evidence of reincarnation, but also for life after death.  After all, if reincarnation is true then life continues after death in the spirit world followed by a rebirth.

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