More on The Song of Eternal Life

This entry is part 33 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 19, 2015

More on The Song of Eternal Life

Tom asks

What is this other prayer for healing and how does it compares with the song of the 144,000? I have motion sickness and wanting to throw up during car rides will this prayer help me? Where the prayer come from? Do I have to say it out loud or in my head?


It is called The Song of Eternal Life and it has a different purpose than the Song of the 144,000. The first song is designed for empowerment and to bring you closer to Spirit and the new one is for healing and increased physical vitality – which many of us need.

In answer to your question I was impressed through the Spirit to write it.

It is best to say it aloud, but if this is inconvenient it will still have effect if you think the words and visualize the meaning coming to pass.

Here is the Song again:

The Song of Eternal Life

OM – OM – OM

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life that is sent

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.

I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.

I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, soul and spirit

For receiving without ceasing.

A-U-M (AHHHHH – UUUUUHHH [as in you] – MMMMMM)

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Mastering Emotion

This entry is part 32 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 18, 2015

Mastering Emotion

Dan has written about an interesting situation that has developed in his life. Before he came across my teachings he was basically Mr. Nice Guy and contained all negative feelings so he wouldn’t create a disturbance. Then, after applying my teachings about the problems that develop with suppression, he examined his emotions and decided that more of them needed to be let out of the box which would avoid congestion of the vital energy.

Now that this box has been opened it seems that some of the emotions are too out of control and need to be harmlessly contained and the Principle of the Observer must be applied.

So, the big question is, how does one avoid suppression and yet still apply the Principles of Harmlessness and The Observer so emotional energy is not suppressed, yet does not get out of control and become destructive?

Here’s the situation the seeker must deal with. He has examined his feeling nature and discovered that he has suppressed and even denied the existence of negative feelings. This situation has created health problems and possibly cancer or tumorous growths. To solve the problem he faces his real feelings and lets them out. He then discovered why he suppressed in the first place and that was to avoid the problems and the conflict that negative emotions can generate.

He doesn’t want to suppress again, but does want to neutralize or control his negative feelings and render them harmless. What to do?

At this stage of the game the all-important Principle of Judgment must be applied. There is no black and white formula to guarantee that at point A you will identify with your emotions and at point B you will be the observer and direct them toward harmlessness.

To get from point A to point B requires a journey that takes numerous turns and a judgment call is required for each turn. When you arrive at point B you will clearly see how you did it, but it would be difficult to explain to your past self at point A. All you could do is give him some pointers.

It is really like learning any skill or art. For instance, let us say you wanted to learn to paint portraits of people. You attend a class on the subject and find that there is no simple formula to attain this ability. The instructor does not give a simple assignment saying, “Do A,B and C” and then you will be a great artist.”

Instead he teaches you some basics and gives you guidance. To learn to be a good artist you find that the tips are helpful, but the most important ingredient is practice.

At first your portraits are so bad you throw them in the trash and doubt yourself. You might feel discouraged and think your ability will never amount to anything. But if you stay with it, focus and apply the right principles you will eventually succeed to the point where every portrait you draw is a good one and represents a degree of mastery.

There is a story I like that illustrates this principle.

After a violinist performed a piece with great skill a member of the audience came up to him and said, “That was absolutely beautiful. I would give half my life to be able to play like that.”

The violinist looked at him and replied, “That, my friend, is exactly what I have done.”

Mastery of any kind takes effort and attention. Nothing worthwhile is ever gained without it.

One more thing is required. A student must incorporate the right principles. If he has a teacher who himself is mislead on the subject he may find himself going in the wrong direction and eventually must backtrack and correct. But even here he has developed some focus and attention that he takes with him when he finally settles on the right path.

The seeker who is attempting to master elements of himself is no different than the artist who learns through trial and error along with hints from his teachers. There is no instant formula for success, but if the goal is kept in the consciousness his success is assured.

Once the seeker honestly faces his negative emotions and does not deny or suppress them he must then render them harmless, taking the viewpoint of he observer.

The key to doing this is the mere realization that you are not your emotions, but they are merely a circulation of energy in a vehicle (emotional body) that you are temporarily using. Just like you can control the gas petal of your car (a vehicle) even so can you take charge of your emotions and direct them toward a harmless end.

Confusion may come because suppression and denial require self control just like consciously directing emotions toward harmlessness does. The seeker may fear using self control to direct emotion in the latter case for fear he may wind up suppressing again. At this point it is important that the seeker not remain still but forge ahead – and here is the key to success.

When a person suppresses there will be a certain feeling generated deep inside. It will be like a little voice you want to ignore that wants to speak and express itself.

Control from the vantage point of the observer doesn’t have to deal with that voice for the feeling nature is given its true recognition. When the observer controls the emotions the astral deva lives do not feel suppressed but thankful that they are being intelligently directed.

You’ll know you are on the right track when your emotions tell you that they are glad your mind stepped in and took control and guided then to harmlessness.

Each of us should not lack for opportunity to practice controlling our emotions from the vantage point of the observer. There are plenty of unreasonable people in the world who are happy to press our emotional buttons. Each time the button is pressed, realize that the feeling is not you, but something generated in your emotional body. Respond to the button pusher in an honest, but friendly manner. Even though you give a kind response you may find you will generate a conflict because you are sending the energy generated right back at him. The odd thing is being civil will often send the energy back with more force than cussing at him would.

If a conflict arises see this as a classroom situation that you must handle well to get an A. After the situation has passed then reflect on your performance and grade yourself while making plans to do better next time.

Hope this helps.

Each generation should produce those able to ascertain subjective fact for themselves; they will utilize that which is exoteric and known as stepping stones on the path to perfect knowledge. They will know, and they will give out, and only the next cycle of fifty years after their work is accomplished will see the recognition by the many of the truth revealed by the few.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 707

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Disease and Energy

This entry is part 31 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 17, 2015

Disease and Energy


If cancer is a disease of (emotional) suppression then NO physical treatment, whether conventional or alternative/integrative, (beyond a simple, healthy diet/lifestyle) is going to have ANY effect (and could very well be detrimental) – the SOLE effective therapy would be to root out the suppression and express it.


The thing to keep in mind is that there are many influences that exacerbate disease and will cause a person to reach the trigger point faster than would have otherwise been the case.

The main cause of a large percentage of all disease is related to the principle of energy following thought. Thus when a person suppresses negative emotion this negativity follows the thought and forces accumulate in weakened areas of the body and may draw cancer cells there or create other problems.

Accumulation of negative energy can cause anything from the common cold to cancer, to heart, kidney and liver problems and more.

This does not mean though that two people who accumulate the same amount of negative energy will get the same cancer or other problem.

Let us take two people, we’ll call them Jim and John, who have the same emotional makeup having experiences that will cause them to suppress to the same degree.

Jim is careful about his diet and eats whole organic foods that have had little exposure to pesticides. He also drinks pure water, and gets plenty of sunshine and exercise.

John has a diet of processed foods and takes in lots of chemicals and additives. He doesn’t get much exercise and is exposed to some toxic chemicals in his work.

Because of suppression both are in danger of getting cancer, but because of John’s lifestyle his vital energy will be much lower and more poisons will accumulate. He is likely to trigger the cancer many years before Jim will. Unless the suppression is quite bad Jim may have the vitality necessary to avoid it altogether. But if his suppression is bad enough and reoccurs regularly he will be in danger of cancer, even with a good lifestyle.

If both Jim and John wind up getting cancer Jim will have a much better chance at recovery because he has more vital energy due to his lifestyle.

Most of us have some weak points about ourselves that can wind up being a focus for some type of disease. Some are born with physical weak points due to heredity, karma or other factors. Others accumulate weak points through wrong use of energy, bad lifestyle, or perhaps the guy just caught a contagious disease that weakened his system.

Whatever the case it is always wise to apply the known factors that help to maintain good health which are

(1) Good diet

(2) Exercise

(3) Pure water

(4) Positive attitude

Speaking of cancer, Artie and I read a book recently called “Cancer is Not a Disease,” by Andreas Moritz.

The reason he says it is not a disease is because most cancers are formed to capture and isolate poisons that could be an immediate threat. He says a tumor is a means for the body to capture and isolate these poisons to protect you from something worse. At the center of a tumor will be poisons that the cancer isolates for your protection.

It is an interesting approach and this and other health concepts are in his larger book, “Timeless Secrets” which is available free online.

Here is the LINK.

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Molecular Purpose

This entry is part 30 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 13, 2015

Molecular Purpose

Ginger writes:

What do you envision the first molecule actually doing (on a practical, physical level) once the soul connection of the group is created and, hopefully, maintained? Do they live in the same community (before the cities of light have been created)? Do they carry out their normal daily activities and unite periodically to bring down higher knowledge and light? Any added info would be great. I understand the basic principles of the molecule (I think) but am just curious about the practical, day-to-day implications.


Good questions. Ruth did a good job of bring up some useful information on the molecule, but I haven’t yet written much about what the lives of the members will be like when molecules are created.

I have stated though that the members will have to physically gather together to create the first molecules. It may eventually be possible to create and maintain them without physically gathering, but the members would have to be capable of non physical communication. Unfortunately, very few on the planet have such abilities.

You’ll note that in the formation of the first recorded molecule Jesus physically gathered the twelve apostles. Then after it was temporarily disabled, thanks to Judas, the group had to physically gather again to reestablish the link. After replacing Judas this followed:

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. Acts 2:1-6

Notice that when the linking up came that they were all physically gathered into one place. After this event they were often separated, but their link up remained intact as far as we know. I believe that they gathered whenever possible and this served to recharge their spiritual energies.

As Ruth noted my guess back in 1999 was quite off about how far away the organizing of the first molecule would be. At that time the internet was a new promising entity and I thought that access to it would give us a big boost in the gathering process. The trouble is that there are millions of competitors vying for the attention of users so it hasn’t been the vehicle I had hoped for, though it still holds great possibilities to help gather the lights.

You’ll notice that after the crucifixion that the Twelve had resigned themselves to going back to their regular lives working at regular jobs and being regular people. Then after the resurrection and Pentecost their lives were altered. With enhanced abilities and a definite purpose they redirected their lives to changing the world.

Even so, after the first molecule is created the members will have a sure knowledge of the powers of the spirit and seek to lift up their fellow men and women.

For a molecule to work each member has to be fully dedicated in his heart to serving his brethren and lifting up the downward focused eyes of those who dwell in darkness to the light of the soul.

The molecules will be much more sensitive to divine will than are the exoteric groups we now see about us today and no one can predict the various missions they will tune in to, but when perceived and accepted members will go forward focused on the fiery will of God. Kind of liked a spiritual mission impossible.

There will (through this and analogous groups) be set in motion on earth a network of spiritual energies which will facilitate the regeneration of the world. The influence of these groups—when permanently established and potently working—will have a wider objective than just the elevation of humanity.

The potent rhythm which animates the inner Brotherhood of the Lodge of Masters will make itself felt everywhere on earth and these groups, if successful, may be regarded as the first step toward the emergence into manifestation of the Great White Lodge. But remember this: the keynote of the Lodge is not attainment or degree. It is stable relationship, unity of thought, plus diversity of method, of effort and of function and its quality is friendship in its purest sense. The Brotherhood is a community of souls who are swept by the desire to serve, urged by a spontaneous impulse to love, illumined by one pure Light, devotedly fused and blended into groups of serving Minds, and energised by one Life. Its Members are organised to further the Plan which They consciously contact and with which They deliberately cooperate.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 23

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Global Warming Facts

This entry is part 29 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 12, 2015

Global Warming Facts

Facts that the Global Warming Alarmist Hates.

Skeptics like myself do not deny facts, but use them to reach sound conclusions.

All scientists do not agree about manmade global warming. They agree that CO2 has an effect on climate, but they do not agree on how much that effect is. Guesses range from less than 1% to 100%.

Earth has had over ten times the present CO2 in past eons and life flourished.

Government plans to spend trillions to reduce CO2 will have little effect. If governments stay out of the way private enterprise will make green energies profitable.

CO2 is not a pollutant, but is a plant fertilizer. Plant life could not exist without a reasonable amount in the atmosphere. The earth is greener than it was 50 years ago because of increased CO2.

Mercury released by coal plants poses a much greater danger than CO2.

Contrary to alarmists predictions, no major hurricanes rated Category 3 or higher have struck U.S. soil during the past nine years.

Nuclear energy has reduced CO2 emissions many times that of wind and solar yet alarmists have generally fought against it.

Al Gore releases over twenty times the CO2 that I do.

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The Point of Focus

This entry is part 28 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 9, 2015

The Point of Focus

A subject that may just cause me more reflection than any other is the great divide between the left and the right. The interesting thing is that this division occurs in all divisions of intelligence and known spiritual progression.

I say “known” because at some point up the spiral left and right have to merge into a unified whole and seen with oneness through eyes of understanding.

Forget about the unknown for now and let us look at this division as it exists among us humans. This division exists most prominently in the political field, though one may see it expressing itself to some degree in all matters of thought.

It is curious indeed that when there is an argument as to who is right and who is wrong that we just cannot go to some informed and intelligent individual and just ask. That doesn’t work because there are intelligent and informed individuals on both sides of most every political argument.

Yes, it is interesting that if we wanted to know if a certain complex mathematical equation is correct all we would have to do is find an expert and he could tell us. If we wanted to know how to set a bone a doctor could tell us. If we wanted to know how a rocket engine works a rocket scientist could tell us.

On the other hand, if we want to know if Obamacare is a good thing, if gun control is beneficial or if abortion should be allowed there is no authority, high or low, who can give an answer that settles the conflict.

We can take most any divisive issue and watch two intelligent people from the two sides debate and after the facts are presented no one changes his mind, or rarely so.

Why is this?

The answer more than anything is the point of focus.

Both the left and the right share a lot of the same goals and ideals, but have a totally different focus on how to achieve them. For instance, both sides want world peace, but the right puts focus on peace through strength and the left on peace though being nice.

Both sides want to help the poor, but the right wants to help them become self sufficient and help them to help themselves whereas the left wants to give them money, usually other people’s money.

We see a pattern here. Both sides see the problems that exist, but the right focuses on analyzing the problem and then creating a step-by-step long term solution that may be difficult, but a permanent fix.

The left focuses on the here and now and wants quick and easy results. We can be nice to the bad guy now, but it takes time and effort to create a good defense.

If we give the poor an immediate handout the problem is solved for today, but to help them become self-sufficient takes time and effort.

If you abort a fetus the problem of inconvenience is immediately solved. Keeping the baby may require a lifetime of commitment.

There’s the easy way and the hard way to achieve a goal. Unfortunately, the easy way often turns out to be the hard way in the long run. It is easy right now for us as a nation to borrow trillions more dollars to fund programs we like, but when we find that we have to deal with that debt we then realize that the easy path was not so easy after all.

DK puts focus on the practical approach:

I am acting upon the assumption that all have lived long enough and battled sufficiently with deterrent forces of life to have enabled them to develop a fairly true sense of values. I assume they are endeavouring to live as those who know something of the true eternal values of the soul. They are not to be kept back by any happenings to the personality or by the pressure of time and circumstance, by age or physical disability. They have wisely learnt that enthusiastic rushing forward and a violent energetic progress has its drawbacks, and that a steady, regular, persistent endeavour will carry them further in the long run. Spasmodic spurts of effort and temporary pressure peter out into disappointment and a weighty sense of failure. It is the tortoise and not the hare that arrives first at the goal, though both achieve eventually…

Intention and effort are considered by us of prime importance, and are the two main requisites for all disciples, initiates and masters, plus the power of persistence.

Treatise on White Magic, Page 54


Here DK talks about the unity that will be required that must be applied to create a Molecule

You must not imagine that the particular line of work on which you may be engaged is the factor of main interest. It is not primarily the unfoldment of the intuition, or of the power to heal, or of telepathic efficiency which is of importance. That which counts with the Hierarchy as the Ashrams function is the establishing subjectively of such a potent group interplay and group relation that an emerging world unity can be seen in embryo. A joint power to be telepathic or a group capacity to intuit truth is of value and somewhat novel. It is the functioning of groups who have the ability to work as a unity, whose ideals are one, whose personalities are merged into one forward swing, whose rhythm is one and whose unity is so firmly established that naught can produce in the group the purely human characteristics of separation, of personal isolation and selfish seeking, that is new. Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare. Pure detached devotion in a human being is not rare but to find it in a group is rare indeed. The submergence of personal interests in the good of the family or in that of another person is often to be found, for the beauty of the human heart has manifested itself down the ages. To find such an attitude in a group of people and to see such a point of view maintained with an unbroken rhythm and demonstrating spontaneously and naturally—this will be the glory of the New Age.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 22-23

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Fox News

This entry is part 27 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 5, 2015

Fox News

Since a reader attacked Fox News I thought I would say a few words.

It is silly how the left just automatically rejects news from Fox as being not “reliable” as they say.

Here is the result of a study of the news:

Tucked inside a big Brookings survey on immigration are a few questions about the integrity of television news. And there, 25 percent of respondents say they trust Fox more than any other TV source for “accurate information about politics and current events,” giving the network a slight edge over generic broadcast news. By contrast, MSNBC places last with just five percent, a hair behind The Daily Show.

This isn’t the first time a poll has found Fox as the most trusted news source. For five years running, the network has taken top honors in PPP’s annual media survey. Jon Terbush


All news media make a few mistakes, but none are scrutinized and unfairly attacked as is Fox.

Next you make a completely false statement about Rush. You say:

He thinks the water on Mars is a leftist plot.

This is completely untrue. You must have cut and pasted this from a leftist site that is trying to smear him with lies.

I listened to the program where he talked about Mars and at the beginning of his three hour program he mentioned the discovery of life on Mars along with the theory that Mars once had an ocean two miles deep.

Then he predicted that the left will soon find some connection between the disappearance of the water with climate change.

The funny thing was that before his three hour program was up a story did appear on line which linked the disappearance of oceans on Mars to climate change. He had a good laugh about how accurately he can predict what the left will do and how quickly his prediction came true. I thought it was pretty funny myself and got a chuckle out of it.

I’m surprised you speak positively of the Drudge Report as that is where I got the story which was linked to Info Wars, as that is not a site I frequent. Drudge does a good job of making sure a story is accurate before linking to it.

He is accused of having a conservative bias, but research has shown that he links to more liberal sources than conservative. He does a good job of finding the truth wherever it is and is one reason he is my favorite source of news.

When I interplay with people of the left on various forums I generally avoid linking to any conservative site but stick to liberal sources as that is all they will consider. Fortunately, I do not have to do that for this group because they consider the message rather than shoot the messenger.

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Helping the Poor

This entry is part 26 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 3, 2015

Helping the Poor

Let us start by acknowledging this one point. The rank and file of both the left and the right want to help the poor. The problem is that they have different ideas as to how this should be accomplished.

The person of the left may respond to this and say something like:

“The right are hard hearted and couldn’t care less if the poor starved to death.

One on the right may also accuse:

“The lefty only wants to give tax dollars to the poor to buy votes. If the majority of the poor voted for the right then he wouldn’t give a hoot about them.”

There are threads of truth in both accusations. There are a handful on the right who are against any form of assistance, though these rarely get elected to office. Some feel that the poor are just lazy and if they would be willing to work then they wouldn’t be poor.

Also, on the left there are those who mainly want to help them because they vote for their side. Unlike the right, many of these do get elected to public office so this gives them a big political advantage.

But among the rank and file of the left and the right are good-hearted people of compassion who are willing to go to same degree of sacrifice to assist the poor.

If both the left and the right would just tone down their accusative spirit a little and admit that most of the general public on both sides have compassion and want to help others, then a lot of the conflict would subside and maybe something positive could get accomplished.

If this is true then why does there seem to be a huge difference in the two sides?

The difference is not in the desire to help, but how to help and how much assistance should be given.

The right is prepared to spend some of other people’s money (tax dollars) to help supply basic needs such as food, shelter and some medical. Most would like to see those assisted to make some type of contribution to assist themselves and to encouraged to take steps to become financially solvent on their own.

The left generally wants to assist way beyond food and housing and extend this to complete medical, dental, education, and hundreds of assistance programs that go beyond basic needs.

This is where the conflict comes in. The right wants to keep expenditures of our tax dollars to a minimum for public assistance and fill in the gaps with free will charities while the left never reaches a level of assistance that satisfies them. When they pass one level then they move to another costly level that they begin to promote.

For instance, as soon as they passed Medicare, they began to promote additional expenditures that led to Obamacare. Now they have Obamacare they want single payer universal care. Then, if that is achieved, some other expenditure will be desired.

These two approaches are in great opposition to each other. The only peaceful way to resolve them is to place all such ideas before those who will foot the monetary bill and let the majority of them decide how much they want to assist and then use that donation supported by the majority while ceasing to borrow our grandchildren’s money for our pet programs.

One positive step both sides can make in the present, without the need of great political change, is to just see the good in each other’s hearts. The vast majority of both sides have compassion for the down and out and realize that if the right circumstances happened that they could be in need also.

If both sides start with this good will assumption in each other and cease bitter accusations to the contrary then perhaps we, as a society, can make a little progress toward achieving practical solutions and live in greater harmony.

I speak here as one who has been through some very difficult financial times in my life.

My dad was a big drinker, party guy and gambler and even when he made reasonable money my mom seldom had enough for groceries. Then at the age of 12 it finally looked like we were heading toward abundance when a major fluke caused us to lose everything. We had no money to pay rent or buy food and had to move into a shack with maybe 200 feet of living space located in my sisters prune orchard in Letha, Idaho.

Then, to make matters worse my Dad took off to Central America in search for gold and we never received any financial support from him again. We were completely on our own with no help from anyone except the shack supplied by my sister and my brother-in-law.

As far as I could discern my younger sister and I were the poorest kids by far that went to our school. None of the other kids had to live in a shack. Living in the shack didn’t seem too bad, but the difficult part was the embarrassment we suffered if someone found out where we lived and they felt sorry for us. Being felt sorry for was much more difficult than the poor circumstances.

As far as feeling poor, even though I didn’t have advantageous circumstances and no government help I never felt poor. I hated the word and refused to identify with it. Both my mother and I made the best of our situation and sought out whatever work was available. For me it was generally orchard work and picking fruit. I was a fast fruit picker and made good money at it and bought all my clothes, school supplies and personal needs. I also did a lot of hunting and fishing and we often dined on pheasant, duck, bluegill, crappie and bass that I brought home.

We lived in that shack for about a year and after that we moved into an old house and gradually became more secure largely through the shear will power of my mother. Through my high school years my mother and I picked fruit in the summer and she worked for near minimum wage in a potato plant in the off season.

The funny thing is I made pretty good money picking fruit and always bought expensive clothes for myself and kind of felt sorry for other kids who depended on their parents and had to wear the cheap stuff. I wondered why they didn’t get an orchard job, which was available to anyone who applied.

Any way, some have accused me of being out of touch with the poor, but I understand what it is like to grow up in difficult circumstances. Then there are other circumstances I could tell you about. For instance, I had a string of unbelievably bad luck where I worked for about a dozen companies a row that went out of business causing me to lose my job again and again. One of them had been in business for 150 years.

I understand difficult financial circumstances, but I also understand that you do not have to have the victim mentality and that it is more humiliating to be pitied as a victim than to be one – at least for me it was.

After all I have went through my basic philosophy toward those in need boils down to this. Help them when they cannot help themselves and do all in our power to help them to help themselves. The worst memories of the scarcity of my youth had nothing to do with the lack of material things, but the pity I sometimes encountered. That was much worse.

Anyone who wants to examine my plan that will assist those in need without bankrupting the nation go HERE.

For the full plan one can check out the link there to my book, Molecular Politics.

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True Spirituality

This entry is part 25 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 2, 2015

True Spirituality

Even though at least 90% of what we discuss here revolves around the accepted norms of spirituality some have accused us for not being a spiritual group for a number of reasons. Among them are:

(1) They do not agree with our conclusions.

(2) We are not pious enough.

(3) We do not discuss their favorite subject enough for them. Meditation is a recent example.

(4) We do not tell members what to do.

(5) We sometimes discuss subjects that are not seen as spiritual in nature, such as science and politics.

This last point has been brought up several times lately in an attempt to convince us we are not a spiritual group.

The criteria for what is spiritual is revealed by the answer to this simple question.

What is it that takes us toward spirit and what is it that takes us away?

The answer is very simple. Truth takes us toward it and falsehood takes us away from it.

For instance, those who saw truth in the words of Jesus and accepted them moved closer to God while those who rejected them moved away.

Truth leading to spirit not only applies to spiritual teachings, but any endeavor.

For instance, those who accepted the actual truth revealed though Galileo moved closer to spirit while those who rejected moved further away.

Those who accepted true principles that established freedom for the human spirit at the foundation of the United States moved closer to spirit while those who rejected moved further away.

In politics today, those who accept the principle of freedom and reject excessive force will move closer to spirit than those who endorse force to further their political desires.

The quest for maximum freedom is perhaps the most spiritual endeavor that is possible to undertake. After all, what is always stated to be necessary to free us from the wheel of rebirth?

In every teaching it is the attainment of liberation through the acquisition of greater freedom.

He who believes that freedom is only important in some inner spiritual reality is fooling himself. The inner and the outer are intertwined and interconnected. You cannot have maximum freedom on the inside without freedom on the outside. Correspondingly, you cannot find all truth in the inner world if you cannot see what is true in the outer world. If one is deceived by those in the outer world who distort then he will be deceived by thoughtforms or spirits in the inner who also distort. It takes the power of spiritual discernment to see truth no matter where it is, inner or outer, political or religious.

The basic division in politics boils down to the true and false application of the Principle of Freedom. Even the guy who is willing to enslave his brother to get his way will claim he is the true advocate of freedom. For instance, the South, who fought to keep their slaves claimed to be the ones on the side of freedom.

Seeing the true path to freedom is a very spiritual ideal indeed and most make some mistakes in their judgments as the true vision is obtained as a result of many accurate decisions. He who can clear away the fog and see the true next step to take in the direction of maximum freedom is on the real spiritual path.

The seeker will often come to a fork in the road. There are arguments for either one as representing the one of greater freedom. The eyes of the emotional based personality have difficulty in discerning so it goes with its bias.

Even so, it is true that one choice will represent greater freedom than the other and that choice takes one in the true spiritual direction.

To consistently see that true choice requires one to raise above the emotional plane, penetrate the veil of illusion and see reality as it truly is.

He who can do this is indeed a pilgrim on the true spiritual path and is moving toward liberation.


Richard questions whether our individual identify As you move forward you do not lose your identity, but merely that which you identify with.

For instance, the atheist believes that all he is is represented by his physical body. Later he learns that he is not his body and no longer identifies with it. Even so, he remains an individual entity.

As he moves forward he changes that with which he identifies. He moves from his emotions to his mind and finally the causal or soul body itself. He realizes that he is none of these things, but he is still an individual existence within the mind of God.

Thus shall it be worlds without end.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Dialog with Readers

This entry is part 24 of 73 in the series 2015

Sept 29, 2015

Foolish Virgins


I did argue with exactly what you said You said


I pointed out several areas where you argued with what I did not say and you have not commented or corrected the error.

As far as quoting the foolish and wise virgins all you have done is quote a line from the scripture and distort my meaning but did not argue with my points on it which were.

The principle is that if we are limited in what we have and need a certain amount to accomplish a goal then it is not wise to share so much (either voluntarily or involuntarily) that the goal cannot be reached. In this case neither the one with the oil or the one receiving will have enough, as pointed out by Jesus.

I used this to point out the need to control immigration. With completely open borders and no controls a wealthy country can be overrun to the point where all are diminished. Where we share our abundance wisely through controlled immigration then all will have enough.

I used the same principle talking about social programs, of which helping the down and out is just a small part of such spending. If we throw money at everything social that sounds good then pretty soon our oil will be depleted…


That has just about happened as we are over 18 trillion in debt with no way to pay it back. We have to borrow the money to pay the interest.

If we do not control our social spending we are in danger of running too low on oil and going bust to the point where we all become poor.

Not a good thing.

I never said that all the poor are in that condition because they are foolish. The word foolish to those who were have-nots was a choice of words by Jesus, nit me, though I think most of us have lost money and have been in bad financial circumstances because of foolish decisions. It seems like you related to us some foolish financial losses you have experienced.

If you want to argue with me about why people are poor then you need to argue with what I say which is.

People are poor for a number of different reasons.

Some are born into very difficult circumstances.

Some are poor by choice because they want to do a minimal amount of work to get by.

Some have experienced temporary losses through poor choice or bad judgment, but will soon be back on their feet.

Some just make foolish decisions, contrary to good judgment and will not get ahead until they change their ways.

There are a number of reasons various people are rich and poor and to read into my writings that either is just due to one thing is to read my writings with no desire to understand.

Oct 1, 2015



Just tell me what made you spiritual




and define what you mean by that word?


That which IS – when emotional interference and illusion are stripped away.

When we discuss politics it is always around the very spiritual Principle of Freedom. The quest for TRUE maximum freedom and liberation is the most spiritual of endeavors.


So JJ when you say that the science of global warming is not truth, as I recall that you have, you think that is spiritual?


Which science are you talking about? There are all kinds of different conclusions reached by scientists about global warming. Actual science in any department has to rely on truth.. How the science is interpreted is subject to a lot of illusion and a political agenda. Any interpretation I have of global warming or any other area of interest based based on true facts as far as they are available. You cannot find one thing I have said about global warming that uses any false data.

Truth is spiritual wherever it is found. There is no such thing as spirituality without truth.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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