Maximum Economic Freedom

Maximum Economic Freedom

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-Two

We are talking about maximum freedom. During the Civil War the North represented maximum freedom as far as the slavery issue was concerned. And the maximum freedom for the slaves was to give them their freedom and help them to do their best to make it on their own, and, you know, for different periods of time, they were doing really good until we stepped in to help them.

When the government steps in to help them, then all of a sudden, they have a lot more problems than before the government help. Same thing with medical care. In 1958, I this accident with my hand. I was in the hospital for a month the first time and my hospital bill was $8.00 a day. And by today’s money, that’s less than $100 a day.

At the time of my accident my sister and I were dependent on my mom and ourselves for we had no money from insurance, the government or child support. The best money we could make in the summer was picking fruit and the rest of the year my Mom worked close to minimum wage.

Yet we paid off the entire month’s stay in the hospital plus the doctors bill, something that would be impossible today even with government help

And I helped for we were in the very worst circumstances. It was right after my dad left. My dad took off to Central America to find his fortune of gold. And we never saw him for two years, and my mom just divorced him. And we had no child support, no nothing. Then I had my accident and that accident happened at the worst possible time for my poor mom. I felt really bad that I put her under such a financial obligation.

But we paid it all off. So we had universal health care. We had universal health care to the degree that you could be in a hospital for a month, get it all paid off and not owe anybody anything. We had universal health care that even a fruit picker could pay off a hospital bill for $8 a day as well  as our doctors. Later I had five other surgeries and that cost quite a bit of money. And my resourceful mom got a private charity to pay for the whole thing, no government involved at all.

And so this charity was actually looking for some way to spend their money, and paid off five operations, three of them by a skilled specialist that had a good reputation, and so we got that paid off. No government assistance at all. It was like we had universal health care. Now, if you pay 20%, if you have a good insurance, but you’ll wind up paying lot more, even with good insurance, than we had to pay back in 1958. That’s kind of sad.

We threw away something beautiful. We had universal health care that even a fruit picker could pay off after a devastating accident. We had that and we threw it away, and we don’t believe it can be retrieved. I tell people about this, and their eyes just glaze over. They think, “well, you know, we got CAT scans and stuff today that we’ve got to pay for, you know.” But yeah, Phil?

Phillip: I talked to a guy on an airplane one time. He was a repair person for the heart monitors. The machines that monitor your heart, the oxygen, and all that. He said that they’re running on windows or DOS, the old DOS operating system, old hardware. He said the machines cost . . . this was about eight years ago . . . he said the machines cost about $35 to make, but they sell them to the hospitals at over $200,000 because the government subsidizes the hospital.

And so the government will take money collected from the citizens and help the hospitals buy these expensive machines because everybody needs these things. But the $35 machine marked up to over $200,000

JJ: Boy that’s crazy.

Phillip: And then the hospital, even though they got the machines through government subsidies, they turn around and rent it essentially to the patients at the value as if they’re making up that 200,000.

JJ: Right, right, right.

Phillip: So you’re paying them your $50 to $100 a day per machine for a $35 machine because of government subsidies.

JJ: Yeah, that’s amazing. And people just don’t realize. And it wasn’t until the Medicare program came in, that the costs of hospitals and doctors and medicine skyrocketed, but before that everything was reasonable. As a matter of fact, back when I was young and when I was in the hospital system . . . I spent about three months all together in the hospital with those operations I had, and I met a number of people, who came and went, and they were just in for observation because it was cheap.

It was cheap to stay in the hospital overnight. So if the doctor wasn’t sure what was wrong with you, he’d say “let’s put you in over a couple of days. We’ll just keep an eye on you and see if see how you’re doing.”

But they don’t do that today because nobody can afford it. But back then it was so cheap. People without insurance went to the hospital over a couple of days just to be observed by the doctor, and then they let them out after they run some tests and stuff. But they can’t do that today because it costs way too much and the insurance won’t pay for it. Now, instead of $8 a day or $100, by today’s money, it’s three or four or five thousand dollas a day.

Yet, the price of gas at that time was 39.9 cents a gallon. And now it’s about ten times that much. Whereas a hospital bill is . . . let’s see, it’s about 350 times that much or something like that, it’s crazy. And if the price of gas went up, like the hospital bill went up, we’d be paying several hundred dollars a gallon. That’s what it would figure.

Yet, who’s the one that gets all the blame for prices going up? Big Hospital or Big Oil? They all go after Big Oil. If Big Oil’s price goes up a little bit, they have a big investigation as to where the problem is. But Big Hospital’s prices go up . . . no investigation at all because it’s the government that is causing the price to go up, which is pretty sad.


So when we talk about oil, they, you know, and this this goes to the problem in corporation, they don’t take all costs into account. We have cheap oil because the government subsidizes wars all over the world to get it. And if we paid full price for what it really cost, including the damage to clean up pollution and the damage that comes from people breathing that stuff, it would be way, way, way more expensive than it is.

JJ: Well, one thing about Trump, he got us independent, so we didn’t have to go fight wars for cheap oil. But now that’s through the window. Now we’re trying to get Saudi Arabia to produce more oil so we can import it, which is kind of sad.

Michael: Well, back to the point of freedom. Everybody wants freedom, but they don’t ask about at who’s expense it comes from. So slavery was one issue. You know, we stole this coming over from the Indians. It was cheap. I mean, you know, that’s a whole other thing. I like with Martin Luther King said, though, nobody’s free until everybody’s free.

JJ: Yeah.

Michael: And so whether that’s what we did to the Native Americans, what we did to the black Africans, what we do to other countries when we go in, invade them put a puppet government . . . basically steal their resources. We talk about freedom. We do not live our values.

JJ: Yeah, well, I wouldn’t say we steal have resources if we buy them and they agree to them, that’s not really stealing.

Joshua: I think it was interesting what you guys were saying earlier connects to this about the true teachers – teaches you how to do a thing but doesn’t create dependency. This whole thing is about helping people, but it’s about creating dependency. The government subsidizes this, subsidizes that. But it’s not you know, it’s not a charity that gives it to you, and then you go to your thing. It’s, you know, owning more government subsidies. They keep coming in.

And D.K. mentions Otto von Bismarck, and I didn’t really know much about him.

I still don’t know a ton about him, but that he was an avatar of cosmic evil. And he mentions in the same breath of Lincoln being . . .

JJ: An avatar on the other side.

Joshua: Yeah. And somebody mentioned to me that Bismarck instituted the first modern welfare state, and that really got me thinking about that, because it’s like a twisting . . . cosmic

evil supposedly comes from the cosmic astral plane, so it’s like, and that’s, you know, a lower reflection of love or something like that. But it’s a twisting of it because it’s like, well, we want to help people, right? And how do we help people? Well, we’re going to take this money from them and spend it as we see fit.

But like you’re saying, it violates the principle of freedom.

JJ: Right. Right. And this it this is the problem with freedom is that people have different ideas as to what will bring the maximum freedom. And Michael has a little bit different idea than maybe you or somebody else and that’s fine. But the question is, where is the balance? Where is a balance, where the maximum freedom is?

And according to some scriptures, this is what the war and heaven was fought over was the principle of freedom, which is one side wanted free agency for all, and the other side, the story goes, didn’t trust the people with free agency. They thought that people needed to be controlled or else they would screw up so badly that they would not be able to be saved.

So in order to save everybody, one side thought we need tight controls. The other side thought we need maximum freedom, and the story goes that God says we will go with the maximum freedom. And Christ supported the idea of maximum freedom and Lucifer or Satan was against that. And he rebelled with one-third of the hosts of Heaven.

And the story goes that this war of free agency continues upon the earth right now. And we see this continuing, and whether the story is true or not, it is true that the battle for free agency continues right now. And it’s fought very fiercely. It’s fought between those that want to control everything and those that want maximum individual freedom for all.

And it’s interesting to watch this play out. Those who won on the control side are like North Korea, Venezuela, China, to a large degree . . . China has more freedom than they used to or Mao, but it’s still pretty tightly controlled. And then, of course, Cuba and the old Soviet Russia that was really tight controlled.

So then we have the United States and Europe. They’re not perfect, but they support freedom a lot more than some of the dictatorships. So we have this playing out and we even have it playing out within the free countries. We have people right now in our country who want to burn books again – that want to have books taken out of circulation. They want to take them out of circulation and actually burn them or destroy them.

So a lot of people are trying to prevent certain books they don’t like from being published. We have this war, and it’s really intensified over the past, oh, ten or twenty years. So the Lights are really going to have to take a stand on the principle of freedom. But the most important thing is understanding what it is because everybody thinks that they support maximum freedom.

For instance, we have a big fight over how much . . . whether or not we should have universal health care. So the idea if we have universal health care that gives people a lot more freedom because they don’t have to worry about medical bills. So that gives them a lot of freedom. But on the other hand, because of the waste in government, you will have a lot of people losing a lot of their financial resources to pay for all of that waste.

Like I told you earlier, look how much my medical bills were in 1958 before the government stepped in to help. Soon as they stepped in with Medicare . . . they gave a price for Medicare, and then it turned out the price was about ten times higher than they estimated. And it’s skyrocketed ever since. And the prices of medical care have gone completely through the roof.

And it’s worse than other countries with socialized medicine for some reason. But they they’ve tried to help us. They have good intentions. But if something costs 40 times as much as it’s supposed to cost, and it’s free – it’s free because other people are paying for it – how free is that? It’s not really free at all.

Back in 1958, where only a small percentage of a person’s income went for medical bills. There was a lot more medical freedom than there is today. And there was no need for government help. That’s why government assistance was so hard for them to implement because people really didn’t need it that much. They had to convince everybody that they needed it before they could implement it.

Yeah, Adam.

Adam: I was going to say, when the system gets that big and that bureaucratic too, then there’s no disincentive to diagnosis alternatives. There’s incentive to diagnose every condition with some sort of the latest drug, the latest technique. And so you have overdiagnosis of issues, and that creates a condition where we as a public absorb this and start thinking in terms of ill health rather than a healthy body and alternatives, and that curbs our freedoms to truly manage our health.

JJ: Yeah, you know, none of the alternative stuff is covered by any insurance, government or anything. That’s the only thing my wife and I put money in. So we don’t get any help with anything alternative, Artie and I don’t – the same with what you people too. And that’s where if we’re going to make a big investment, that preventative care would be a big thing.

Michael: So up until 1969, it was illegal for hospitals to make a profit. Most of them were nonprofit. Nixon and Kaiser Permanente teamed up in 1969, passed that HMO rule, and from that time on, little by little, hospitals have become profit-making organizations.

JJ: I think a lot of them are still nonprofit aren’t they. I know the ones in Boise are and their prices are still through the roof.

Michael: Less and less, less and less. So I mean they introduced a profit motive into that, and you can argue about the morality of that, but that really fits into your . . . well it’s the teaming up of government and corporations that’s really the problem. Corporations using government to the maximum to control people, make them take certain things, requiring certain things. But I think the corporations using government is much more the problem than just the government.

JJ: You know, when I wrote my book Fixing  America, I found out that at that time there were $60 billion worth in Medicare bills that was just outright fraud. It’s probably a lot more than that now. But anyway, Artie’s mom, we used her Medicare for Hospice and we thought, well, we might as well use this – it’s free. So we, we had this hospice person come in for over a month or so and they billed us an exorbitant amount of money for what was it? Over $3,000 for two visits or something like that for just a couple hours help. And I thought, oh, this has got to be where the fraud is, so let’s report this.

So we called up Medicare and we said we want to report some fraud. So they looked into it, and they said, no, this is standard, nothing to worry about. And we thought “what!” I mean, how could this be standard? She lied about how much she visited and gave an exorbitant bill for something that should have cost maybe 100 bucks. She charged over $3,000. That’s got to be fraud. But no, no, they said that was standard. No, no problem.

And I thought, “where’s the actual fraud? How bad is that?” If this isn’t fraud, where is the $60 billion, the 60 billion dollars of fraud must really be outrageous. But I thought that was funny. So we could see why there was so much waste. But it’s really kind of sad.

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Key Eight, The Principle of Freedom

Key Eight, The Principle of Freedom

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty-One

JJ: Principle number eight is the principle of freedom.

I never revealed it before [as a Key of Knowledge], but I’ve talked about it.  You would think that freedom would be easy to understand, but it’s not because everybody claims to be fighting for freedom and everybody has a different idea of what freedom is.

How about Hitler? Do you think Hitler was felt like he was fighting for freedom?

Asaph: Yes.

Other audience member: No!

JJ: Yes, he often talked about freedom that he was fighting for and the freedom of the German people . . . to do whatever they wanted, even if it meant exterminating all the Jews.

How about the southern slave owners? Did they feel like they were fighting for freedom?

Audience member: States’ rights.

JJ: Right, states’ rights. That’s right. And even as far as slavery goes, they thought that slavery was a win-win. They thought that the Black race could not govern themselves and that they needed assistance, and they were there to help them out. In return, the Black race provided them with a whole bunch of free labor. So in their minds it was win-win, and maximum freedom for everybody. That’s the way they looked at it.

Abraham Lincoln looked at that and he says, you know, the South really has a strange idea of what freedom is. He says, I’d like to see them be slaves for a while, to see if they thought that was being free.

So anyway, people have a lot of different ideas of what freedom is. It is like the second key of judgment: to understand where an understanding of it is difficult to put in a black and white formula. Where the maximum freedom is, requires judgment because freedom is neither to the extreme of one side or the other.

Let’s look at the two extremes. On one extreme, we have North Korea, where you don’t have freedom to say “boo.” You show up to a rally for the Dear Leader, and they take photographs of everybody, and they look through the photographs, and if somebody doesn’t have a big grin on their face, like they’re really happy with their Dear Leader, they’re visited to find out what their problem is. So when you show up, you have to look like you’re thrilled to see the Dear Leader.

Could you imagine living in such a state? It’s hard to imagine anything much worse than that. But look at the pictures of the audiences in North Korea. They all look like they’re just so happy to be there, but they have to look that way because if you frown, if you have a frown on your face in  connection to anything the Dear Leader says you’re in big trouble over there.

You don’t have power to express yourself the way that you want. You don’t have power to be a member of any religion you want. You don’t have power to speak your mind. You don’t have power to work the job you want to work. You’re completely controlled. So that’s one extreme.

The other extreme is where there’s no laws at all. And that’s all. That would be almost as bad. If there were no laws or no control, then what would we have? We would have the country ruled by roaming mobs. There would be mobs moving around, and since there would be no laws to control them, the mob leaders would be the ones in charge of everything.

So you have to have a certain amount of law and control for maximum freedom, because if we have no structure at all, no civilization at all controlling anything, we would be in a similar situation as North Korea. You couldn’t say “boo.” because some mob leader would have your head.

So both extremes would produce pretty much the same result. In other words, there has to be some controls of freedom in some circumstances. For instance, you don’t have freedom to be a burglar and burglarize your neighbor’s home. If you just go to your neighbor’s home, open the door and go in there and take his television set . . . there has to be a restriction of your freedom to do that.

But why? Why restrict the guy? Why take away Asaph’s freedom over here (We’ll pick on him) to steal Tyler’s TV? Asaph wants a TV. How come he doesn’t have freedom to just go take it?

Asaph: Because he is stronger than me.

JJ: He’s bigger than you. Okay, That’s one reason. So in other words, if you have freedom to burglarize other people’s homes, then that diminishes their freedom to be in charge of their possessions. So, in other words, if your freedom gives you extra freedom but diminishes somebody else’s freedom even more than that, that freedom should not exist.

So the freedom to burglarize a home should not exist because it takes away more freedom than it gives. Slavery should not exist. They said that slavery was good because it gave the South power or the slaveholders power to have free time, educate their kids, take vacations. It seemed to give them more freedom, but it took away more freedom that it gave. So that made it wrong.

So the principle of freedom circulates around this idea that the laws governing freedom must be built around the idea of maximum freedom – not complete freedom or complete imprisonment, but around the idea of maximum freedom.

Phillip: The way Rebecca and I were taught this principle was that you have the equality as a base and that if you have a law, it needs to apply to everybody equally. But the goal of the society should be to always move toward greater freedom. But you can’t give freedom without responsibility. And so if the people are not responsible to governing themselves according to morality, if somebody is trying to steal somebody else’s TV, then you have to create rules about or laws about stealing the TV and you create these laws that restrict freedom.

But the goal is always to educate the people to become more moral or righteous. So that you can always move toward greater freedom, as much freedom as the society is ready and able to receive or accept.

JJ: And the more advanced society becomes, the fewer laws they will have to have.

Phillip: Right.

JJ: Like this group here . . . we don’t have to tell anybody in this group, if you steal something, you’re going to be punished. We don’t worry about anybody here stealing anything. We know that people in this group are not that way inclined.

Joshua: Well, you know, people here are way too smart to get caught.  (laughter)

JJ: That might be it. But it’d be great to live in a civilization where people were spiritually advanced enough that you didn’t need hardly any laws at all. And that’s what Zion, hopefully, will be like where we will not need any laws. As a matter of fact, the Scripture says, “you will have no laws but my laws when I come.” That means His coming may be some distance away. We have all kinds of laws right now, and they want more laws all the time.

How many laws do they put on the books every year? I think it’s over a thousand, and the trouble is, they keep adding these new laws, and they don’t take off the old ones.

As a matter of fact, they were going after Trump a while back on some law that was 150 years old that was never used. I can’t remember what it was, but that’s how desperate they were to get the guy that, they tried to use an old law that was on the books. And that’s what they do. If the powers-that-be want to go after you, they will look through all the thousands of laws back ten years ago, twenty-years-ago, “ah here’s a fifty-year-old law. We can get this guy on this this silly little law.”

We’ve got so many laws that if the powers-that-be want to get you, they could probably find something wrong with anybody here, here in this room, if they wanted to, because there are just so many laws out there. But fortunately, unless you really offend the beast, they just go by, you know, the standard laws that normally affect humanity. But if they want to go after you, they can dig out some old stuff and find something.

Like I was looking at some old laws in Boise. I think there is one that says you can ride a giraffe in Main Street in the middle of the day or something like that. There are a lot of crazy laws out there. You can’t spit on the sidewalk. You can’t do this. You can’t do that. There’s humorous books written about silly laws. I’ve read a number of them, not books, but I read several quotations of silly, outdated laws, and they’re kind of funny because there’s really some crazy ones out there. Fortunately most of them are not enforced unless somebody decides they want to go after somebody.

But the basic principle of freedom then is found neither in the extreme right or extreme left, but that which will create maximum freedom. It is different for different societies, for different people, for different consciousness. If we had a group of people that had what we call a Zion consciousness, then we would basically need very, very few laws . . . we might need some, you know, basic rules just for clarity’s sake. Like if you have a house, you want to know where your border is, so you don’t infringe on your neighbor.

But if we had a very evolved society, we would need just a very minimal number of laws. The less evolved a society is, the more laws you need for the maximum freedom for that people. In Afghanistan, you know, they needed quite a few laws over there to hold them together and here we don’t need so many laws. But the powers-that-be think we need a lot of laws. So, they’re passing more laws all the time, whether we need them or not.

The trouble with our governments is that they think their job description is to make more laws and spend more money. We need to change their job description into serving the people rather than just increasing their base of power through buying votes and creating more laws that will restrict freedom.

We need to change their job description. So I’d be willing to give them a bonus in money if we could change the job description to make fewer laws and spend less borrowed money. I don’t care if they spend money that we have, even if they waste it to some degree, which is to be expected. But spending money that will have to be paid off by our grandkids I think is pretty outrageous. Our political leaders are completely unconcerned about that.

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Key Seven, The Gathering Principle

Key Seven, The Gathering Principle

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty

JJ: The next key is the Gathering Principle.

Susan: The seventh key?

JJ: Yes. So the seventh key is the Gathering principle and I’ve already talked quite a bit about that, written books about it, but I thought I would just go over it briefly. What is the Gathering principle? How well, have you guys absorbed that? Yeah.

Joshua: That the lights . . . that light or lights gather together, shine bright and have more of an impact than they would if they were scattered, and that applies on different levels as law of correspondences.

JJ: Yeah, that’s part of it. Any other comments.

Curtis: Watch any system long enough and it will begin to organize. Watch any organized system long enough and it will begin to disorganize, and then it will begin to reorganize. So say there’s a coming together of particles to create something and then they disorganize, and then reorganize.

JJ: Okay. The gathering principle is basically this . . . it’s the principle that is behind all evolution. There are certain elements that are key ingredients will gather together . . . and as they gather together, they create something greater than themselves. And when they create something greater than themselves and it works, then it remains and becomes a unit in the next gathering. Gathering after gathering produces evolution after evolution.

For instance, let’s look at humanity. When humanity first began, as far as we know, we just existed as family units. Then the family units because of different needs that they had, they gathered together into tribes. Why did they gather together into tribes?

Curtis: Protection.

JJ: Right. Better protection. There were a lot of wild beasts out there that could rip them to pieces so for protection they were forced to gather together into larger numbers. And as they gather together into larger numbers, they created tribes. For instance, even in the Bible, we have the beginning of Israel, the twelve tribes. You know, they’re not called twelve nations, they’re called twelve tribes that were in one nation. So they gathered together into tribes.

And as tribes, they usually had some tribal leader who was pretty powerful, told them what to do, and they got some cooperation from the tribal members. They were fairly cooperative. We go into the primitive civilizations in the jungles and look at the tribes there . . . they’re fairly cooperative. Their leaders have quite a bit of authority, but they get cooperation from the people. And the people often have pretty good equality as a group.

But eventually the tribes start to gather together. And when the tribes gathered together, what did they create?

Asaph: Kingdoms

JJ: Kingdoms and nations, didn’t they? And then over the kingdom was a beastly-like authority they called a king or tribal leader or a dictator or authoritarian. Usually, in the old days they were just called the king. And the king had absolute power over life and death. The king was given power that beyond anything that was in the tribes and the king had absolute power over life and death over the people.

And a lot of people liked this idea, because the kingdom had a lot more power than just a tribe, and they had a lot more power of protection from the wild beasts and from other nations and other tribes that were out there, that were out of control. No tribe could challenge a nation with a strong king. And so a lot of people gravitated toward the king, and they thought this was pretty much the ultimate – get a good king, you really got something, you received some protection.

But then a lot of people became dissatisfied with having a king because he could have your head cut off or throw you in prison. He had total power over your life and death. And so a lot of people became dissatisfied with the King. Next people began to gather together and create a higher form of government. It first happened in Greece and Athens. They created somewhat of a democracy.

A lot of people call it a pure democracy, but only a small percentage of the people really did participate in voting, but they had the closest thing to democracy up to that time. Then eventually a new world was discovered, and word went out, there was a new world out there and there was a chance for greater freedom to escape from the power of the king and be your own person. This was a calling card that went out, and the people that were lovers of freedom left Europe and came to America to build a better world.

When people who loved freedom arrived here, they gathered together and created a system with greater freedom and more democracy than they had under the King. So by the gathering together of these people, they created something greater than they had before.

And now we’re approaching the time of the next gathering, when the gathering of lights will happen. When the gathering of lights happens, we will create something that has never been here before – something greater than a kingdom, greater than a regular democracy, greater than anything that’s ever been in existence before.

Because when the lights are gathered, they’re, dissatisfied with the way things were and they want to create something better. The next thing that will eventually be established will be the molecular relationship, but it will be a while before that completely permeates. But some of the ideas of the molecular relationship will take hold, and some of them are already doing this.

As you know, like a lot of businesses are starting up or they’re employee owned . . . like in Boise, the headquarters of WinCo . . . that’s a grocery store. You guys have a WinCo in your area?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: Yeah. It’s really a great place to shop. And it is employee owned and they’re following some of the principles of the molecular relationship, not all, but enough of them to make them more efficient than a regular run grocery store.

Joshua: Are there any write-ups about WinCo that I could share with people?

JJ: Probably if you want to Google it. Yeah. I don’t suppose you have one in New Jersey, since it’s centered mainly in the West.

Joshua: No. I thought it was Albertsons, you were saying?

JJ: Yeah, Albertsons started in Boise also.

Joshua: But they’re the same . . . similar thing, which the employees own.

JJ: They are quite different for Albertsons is run kind of conventionally.

Joshua: Oh, okay.

JJ: WinCo is employee-owned. The employees I’ve talked to are really happy with working there. And almost all of them have stock and if you read the book the molecular relationship, you’ll see that a lot of things at WinCo corresponds to the molecular business presented there.

Joshua: Trader Joe’s isn’t really patterned after that, but they have a lot of things that are good for the employees and it’s a good environment. I don’t know if you guys have Trader Joe’s.

JJ: Yeah, we have Trader Joe’s.

Joshua: But like they don’t keep employees in one area for more than two hours. You don’t come in and then you’re checking bags for eight hours.

JJ: Oh really.

Joshua: Or you’re putting out things . . . they mix it up, so people are in a better state because they’re not, you know, chained to one thing.

JJ: You know, when I was young, no employer was concerned about keeping the employees happy . . . it seemed like “you just come to work for us and you were just happy you’re going to get a paycheck.” That’s that was the attitude and now it’s totally changing. In the fact that there’s a lot more employee-owned businesses, there’s a lot of businesses where people are trying to keep the employees happy and take care of them and make their lives better. so it’s a lot different than it was.

We don’t notice the changes very much because things change fairly slowly; sometimes it’s over a period of 40 – 50 years . . . so there’s a lot bigger change than we realize. Now with Covid, they’re having a hard time getting employees at all. That’s good and bad. It’s bad in the fact that you go to a restaurant and that you got to wait longer for service because they’re always shorthanded, but it’s good in the fact that they’re thinking, well, what can we do to make our employees happy so that they will want to work for us? And so, yes, it’s kind of a good and bad mixture and hopefully the good will outweigh the bad when everything is said and done.

Okay. Any more comment on the gathering? It’s the principle behind all evolution and it’s prophesied in the Bible, talked about in the Bible almost more than anything else.

Yet, you never hear a sermon on it in church. You don’t hear a sermon on it in the Protestant churches, the Catholic Church, or even the Mormons anymore. One of the Articles of Faith for the LDS is around the gathering of Israel. And this is one of the points . . . the sore points that got Curtis and me excommunicated, is that we criticized the church for no longer teaching the principle of the gathering. When talked to Bruce R. McConkie and Mark E. Peterson about it they say, “Well we’ve gathered. We’ve got other people in churches and wards and stakes..”

Curtis: Yeah. “How is that different than any other church?”

JJ: Yes “if you believe in the literal gathering of Israel, gathering together in churches is not the gathering. It was to gather together to build cities. That’s what it says right in the Doctrine and Covenants. When’s the last time the Church guys built a city and gathered the lights?

(Quoting church authorities) “Well, you know, we don’t need to build cities anymore.” And we warned them that the reason that they were supposed to build cities was for protection because they would be able to be self-sufficient and be able to protect themselves if there was some type of a collapse.

If there’s a collapse right now, we’re all basically screwed, except for the Amish. The Amish are the people that are going to be most prepared if there is an economic collapse. They will probably rule if they are not destroyed by mobs.

Curtis: Well the idea was to build cities or states . . . the state of Zion or the city of Zion was a synonymous term, and they were not to be too large. I mean, maybe 12,000 building lots in each stake or city.

Right around 12,000 to 20,000 people. Yeah. But that was our dream, was to build a city, and Curtis and I had hoped that by now we would all be living in and having several cities built, but that never happened. So we’re just as exposed as anybody else right now, unfortunately.

So I hope the time of any collapses will be delayed enough that we can be prepared, or even better is that there will be no collapse. That would be the greatest thing. The danger is great because there’s so many things that could produce a collapse. Number one, if there was a solar flare.

Back in the days of Abraham Lincoln when they just built the first telegraph wires, there was a solar flare so strong that it set the telegraph wires on fire and ruined the telegraph systems between a number of cities.

Now. Can you imagine if we had a flare like that today? Now, on the average, a flare like that happens every 150 to 200 years. And so we’re lucky we haven’t had one since the days of Abraham Lincoln, but it’s just a matter of time before one shows up and we’re completely unprepared for it. We could spend a couple billion dollars and protect our electrical systems, but our politicians are more concerned about global warming and other things.

But if a giant solar flare hit us and took down entire electrical grid it’s quite possible two thirds of the people would be dead within a couple of months? It would be a terrible thing. So that’s just one thing.

The second thing that could happen could be a total economic collapse. With this tremendous amount of money that they’re borrowing, you know, they’re taking us much nearer to the possibility than we were a few years ago.

Ed: The economy has to collapse because it’s so corrupt, it eventually will, because it has to collapse before it can be reborn.

JJ: And if it did, it would be almost as bad as the solar flare. I mean, the stores would be wiped out of everything that’s in them within a couple of days. And so there’s a lot of things that could happen.

A third possibility is a nuclear pulse. We wouldn’t need hundreds of nuclear weapons to destroy our country, but just a couple exploded in our upper atmosphere  could wipe  out our power grid and communications. This alone could cause a breakdown of our society and the death of most Americans.

The best case scenario is there’s no breakdown  the immediate future and we’re able to survive without total economic collapse, just maybe a depression or something like that. So let’s hope for the best. We as agents of light can do our best to prepare for that, which is to come.

So I’ve always thought that if the time came that there was a total collapse or something, I’d get some type of message, but you never know because sometimes the powers that be . . . if there is something that affects everybody and there’s nothing that any individual can do . . . uh, there may not be a message, but if there is a way of escape, there will be messages given.

A lot of a lot of Mormons think there is going to be a nuclear war. That’s another thing. There have been a lot of prophecies about nuclear war that haven’t come true. Some Mormons think the Chinese and the Russians, and the U.N. are going to come over here and try to take over, and we’re going to have a trek to Zion and overcome all our enemies.

A lot of the prophesies about the end times comes from distorted thoughtforms picked up which lead the receiver in the wrong direction. But what’s really going to happen is quite difficult to tell because, everybody that I’ve ever seen predict specific things about the future have been wrong. I haven’t found one person that has been right any more than a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Every once in a while, somebody comes close, but I haven’t found one person that has made specific prophecies that have been right. I found a lot of people on the Internet that have made specific prophecies about earthquakes, and then there was an earthquake somewhere. There’s always earthquake somewhere. Then they claim they were right. Then I check it out and I find, the guy was off as to where the earthquake was. He was off how big it was. He was off on a lot of points on that earthquake. But he claims success, and this happens again and again.

So I think that it would be a good thing for us to contemplate as a group as to the future of what we can do to prepare. It’s quite possible that people here could get inspiration, visions, dreams about what we can do to better prepare for the future, because there’s all kinds of prophecies about the future that are wrong.

I believe the Masters are trying to guide events in such a way that a total collapse will be avoided and we can enter the Aquarian age intact as a society. That is a good possibility, but our fate is up to the free will of humanity.

It’s possible there could be a collapse, but the Spiritual Hierarchy is trying to engineer things so that we can avoid a total collapse. There’s going to be difficulties, but I believe that it’s possible to enter the future age without a total collapse, and just have a number of major hurdles, but work through them.

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Creating the Molecular Relationship

Creating the Molecular Relationship

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Nine

JJ: There are some star systems like the Tibetan talks about the Sirius star system, and he says they don’t they do not have the different kingdoms and kingdoms like we have here.

It’s different there. And I could see that to be true. According to scientists Sirius is only 400 million years old, but they could also be a reincarnation of a more ancient star system because stars themselves reincarnate. We can use a lot of correspondences to find truth of most anything like, say, life after death.

We figure that we are in a physical body now and we have parts of our being that we know are real, but we can’t see. You can’t see your emotions and you can’t see your mind. You can’t see your thinking, but we know they are real. And you can’t see your consciousness. There’s no way to prove it. You can’t weigh it on a scale or anything.

So using the law of correspondences, you can feel that . . . you can sense that after death, there’s something that probably survives that is unseen here, but will still be real over there. So that’s an interesting law that you can use to prove all kinds of things. You can use it to prove that this particular universe is quite possibly just a small particle in a greater universe, but the greater universe will be quite a bit different than this one, because the higher correspondence is always different than the lower.

So when a greater universe is eventually accessed, it will have similarities but be different. So it’s an interesting law to contemplate.

It’s an interesting principle. When I examine any new teaching, I always use a lot of correspondences to see how what somebody is teaching corresponds to what you know.

You take what you know for sure to be true, and that’s a basic foundation you can use to correspond to the things you do not know, because that what you do not know should not violate what you do know. This is one way we use the law of correspondences to verify the unknown.

Susan: Is there a keyword?

JJ: No, but I left out one more thing. The law of correspondences is a key to understanding the molecular relationship itself. Because a molecular relationship is an extension of the law of correspondences, because the molecular relationship with people corresponds to what? Why is it called the molecular relationship?

Joshua: The atomic relationships which form molecules

JJ: Right. In the atomic world we have various atoms joining together to produce molecules, and when they join together to produce molecules, the molecules have totally different properties than the individual atoms. Hydrogen and oxygen are used as rocket fuel to send us to the moon, for mixed together they’re very explosive. But combined together in a bonding relationship they produce water, which is one of the most stable substances in the universe that is totally different than hydrogen and oxygen in their separate combinations. So the molecular relationship is a correspondence to that in the fact that each person corresponds to an atom.

If we correspond to an atom, how does that fit? Consider that most of the mass in in the nucleus and only a small amount circles around it.

Asaph: A couple, man and woman.

No, I’m talking about the individual. An individual. How does an individual person correspond to an atom? You’re right (Asaph) for a completed atom, it takes the male and female together,

Ed: All the mass is in our physical body.

JJ: Right, just about all of our mass.

Michael: Or your centers or glands.

JJ: In an atom. Almost all the mass is in the nucleus, but 99.9% of it or something and just a small amount of mass is in the electrons, the circle around it. 

So almost all of our mass is in the body that we see. Where’s the rest of our mass? Do we have something that’s circling around us?

Rebecca: Astral body.

Curtis: The aura.

JJ: How many in here have been able to see their auras?

Several hands raised and heads nodded.

JJ: Oh, great. If you’re able to see your aura and if you look in the mirror, you’ll see the main part of your aura is about this far out (6-8 inches) and it’s very bright and kind of neon colors. But then you’ll see the mental part of your aura stretches out about this far (extends arms fully away from body) and it circulates around just like an atom as the energy field is in circulation, so it’s just like an atom or the atomic units in the atom.

The electrons circle around, so to speak, within your aura. Your aura also has energy that circles around your body. And what shape is it?

Asaph: Egg.

JJ: Yeah, not quite circular, but egg-shaped. And I would assume the atom is not perfectly circular either, but also egg-shaped. Some psychics that have seen the atom say it’s shaped a little bit like a human heart.

So, we have this aura circulating around us. It’s interesting how much an individual corresponds to an atom. Now to make a completed atom as Asaph was saying, it takes male and female energies united together to make an atom that is in balance. That which is above is like that which is below, but with a twist.

So for a completed a human atom, it takes male and female united, balancing each other’s energies off because we’re out of balance by ourselves. And by inter playing with other human beings with different energies, we can balance of our own energies. To make a human molecule like Jesus did, it will take 24, twelve males and twelve females.

And to make this happen, they will have to be able to meet together and have a sharing on a soul level all at the same time, the same instant, to the point that a member of the hierarchy, preferably the Christ, will come down and interplay with them and connect with them. There has to be that connection.

Now, any group can meet together, and they can share energies and produce a spiritual high. And many groups have done this. But to create a link with the spiritual hierarchy, that’s the difficult part. When Jesus produced the link for the spiritual hierarchy was right after his baptism. John was wondering . . . he was saying, “Well, how am I going to recognize the Messiah? And in the first chapter of John he was praying and asking God, How am I going to recognize Him?

Now, Jesus, keep in mind, was his cousin. So you’d think he would have known in advance who that was, but he wasn’t sure. After he asked he was told that when you see the Spirit of God descend on a certain person and It remains in him, then you will know that that is the Christ. Okay. So John was baptizing people, and they had the Spirit descend upon them . . . and then leave . .  . descend upon them and leave.

And then he baptized Jesus and the Spirit descended as a dove and went in him and remained. John was told that that spirit would go into Jesus, that was the Son of God. It wasn’t Jesus. Jesus was a high disciple, but that which went into Jesus was a great Son of God who was Melchizedek in a past lifetime.

Jesus was so befuddled when this happened that he didn’t know quite what to do, so he went into the wilderness and spent 40 days in communion with the Son of God that was within him. And they had two entities in one body at the same time. And this is why Jesus kept saying . . . when they praised him for what he did, he said, “It’s not me that’s doing these works. It’s the One that is in me. The One that is in me, He’s doing this stuff, not me.”

So he gave glory to the One that was in him. The Apostles were frustrated that they couldn’t figure it out. They said, “how come you keep talking about the Father or the God that is within you? Show us this person.” And Jesus said, “Have I been with you this long and you still don’t understand, he that has seen me has seen the Father.”

So he tried to explain to them what was going on and they were too dense to understand that there were two entities in one body.

Then the Pharisees came up to Jesus and they said, “Look, Jesus, it says, in our law that it takes two witnesses to establish a truth. You are just one witness.” And Jesus said, “No, I’m not one.” He said, “There’s me and there’s the one that is in me. That’s two.”

And it’s funny how these scriptures are glossed over by everybody. Yet it’s true, and this is what’s going to have to happen to create the molecule is there will be another divine possession, but it will come when there is a group ready to complete the molecule.

And this happened last time on the day of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost, they gathered together, and they had lost the twelfth member Judas and then they installed Matthias.

They gathered together and flames of fire appeared over all their heads and they were connected again. And Peter was the one that had the Christ descend upon him at that time and spread the consciousness of Christ throughout the entire group. Unfortunately, after the apostles went out and taught, they were all killed and then knowledge of the molecule was lost. But it will surface again.

And that’s what I’ve been looking for all my life, for people to complete the molecule. And a lot of people have come and gone. But there are I believe there are a number here that will be here when the molecule is completed. And I hope to do this within my lifetime. If not, I may have to come back and do it, or somebody else.

Curtis: You better stay around for a long time.

JJ: Yeah, right.

Asaph: Some of us will have to come back also.

JJ: Yeah, let’s hope we don’t have to . . . let’s hope we can do it in this life. That’d be kind of cool. But in this life, we’re not given a lot of help because in the past, the hierarchy found they helped too much. And it’s like the butterfly coming out of the cocoon. If you help it come out, it will kill it. So it’s best if it goes to the struggle and comes out on its own strength, and then it will survive and thrive.

The hierarchy has concluded that they have helped too much in the past, and when they have helped too much, the final organizations turned out to be not as stable as they had hoped for they were subject to corruption by big egos.

The Christian church is a prime example. . . it was persecuted and turned into a persecutor itself. This often happens and it’s very difficult to get an organization started on the right track. Now, one of the advantages of a molecular order is that it will be self-correcting, and this self-correcting mechanism that’s built in will be something unique to organization. Now anything is possible to corrupt, even something self-correcting. But the molecule will be very difficult to corrupt because of the way the government is, and the organization is run, that if it starts to go off, the people within the downlines will be able to correct it.

And this self-correcting mechanism is something that is within the law of correspondences because our body is self-correcting. If you cut your body, it will heal itself. It will correct itself. And your body, when something goes wrong, it works on correction. It’s not perfect. It eventually dies. But there is there is a possibility that eventually when the molecular relationship is established with a solid footing, it will not be able to be destroyed, because it will be self-correcting as long as life exists in the physical.

Any comments or questions?

Curtis: Yeah, well, a couple. It was interesting that Jesus said even the words that he spoke were given to him . . . can you imagine you’re in your body and all of a sudden, this other entity is using your mouth and is putting words in your mouth. And they’re coming out.

Kind of like the movie Broadcast News, they were prompting William Hurt from behind the scenes and he says . . . it made him look really good, but he says, “I’m not the one coming up with these words. They are given to me. And I’m just passing them through.”

JJ: Yeah, it’s interesting.

Curtis: And the other thing I was going to say is in Genesis, along the law of correspondence, Adam and Adam, which, you know, it’s saying . . . it’s Genesis five, “male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam.” So an Adam was a male and a female working together.

JJ: Right. Right. He called their name Adam. And Adam was both male and female, united. Okay. Any other comment or questions about the molecular relationship.

We’ll now move on to the next key, the seventh. I haven’t listed this as a key yet, but it’s something that I’ve taught. When I first started writing about the Keys, I was planning on writing about twelve books, explaining them. But then Rick started the Keys group and got me involved in teaching online. As I began to give out teachings to everybody, I gave out a lot of the teachings were going to be in the twelve books. So the twelve books do not need to be written because I have written a lot of the information about the keys. Not everything, but a lot of it. I have indeed written a lot about the next key, but this is the first time I have identified it as such. We call it the Gathering Principle, or The Gathering of Lights.

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The Mystery of Knowledge

The Mystery of Knowledge

This is the last in the series of four linked keywords in the Course which are: Perception, Facts, Revelation & Knowledge. Just as the first three differ from orthodox use so it is with knowledge.

In regular usage knowledge is merely an accumulation of facts that are associated with perception. For instance, scientists have perceived that the sun is 93 million miles from the earth and once this fact is in your memory it is said to be knowledge.

That is a million miles away from knowledge as it is presented in ACIM.

First of all we are told that “Perception did not exist until the separation introduced degrees, aspects and intervals” T-3.IV.1

On the other hand, knowledge existed before the separation and will always exist because “Knowledge is timeless.” T-3.III.1 “Knowledge preceded both perception and time, and will ultimately replace them.” T-3.III.6

Knowledge and perception are so different that they are said to be on different levels: “Knowledge is not the remedy for false perception since, being another level, they can never meet.” C-4.3

Indeed, the Course acknowledges that the standard view of knowledge is not knowledge as taught in ACIM: “When you say you are acting on the basis of knowledge, you are really confusing knowledge with perception.” T-3.III.5

The ultimate attainment of knowledge is of extreme importance for “The journey to God is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always, and what you are forever.” T-8.VI.9

That said, the question that must now be asked is: What is knowledge according to ACIM?

The problem is that the Course does not give a concise definition of the word. Fortunately though, it does tell us a few things about it so the observant student can formulate some understanding on it.

Perhaps the most insightful quote telling us the difference between knowledge as defined by the Course compared to the world is this:

“Abstract thought applies to knowledge because knowledge is completely impersonal, and examples are irrelevant to its understanding. Perception, however, is always specific, and therefore quite concrete.” T-4.II.1

This tells us that indeed knowledge is on a different level than used in this world.  In this world we see knowledge as storing things that are perceived in our memory, but true knowledge has nothing to do with that, but is associated with “Abstract thought.”

Indeed, the Course tells us that in our true home, where knowledge is found, is beyond time, space, form and perception. It therefore does take us into the abstract, or that which is not associated with any form.

It is interesting that knowledge is closely linked with our very existence: “you are an idea” T-15.VI.4 and “God knows His children with perfect certainty. He created them by knowing them. T-3.III.7 “your being is the knowledge of God.” T-7.VI.10

“You are an aspect of knowledge, being in the Mind of God, Who knows you. All knowledge must be yours, for in you is all knowledge.” T-13.VIII.2

Think on the idea that “You are an aspect of knowledge.”

The whole idea of the Course is to awaken to who we are so this statement indeed gives us food for thought.

Here are some other quotes giving some additional insights on knowledge:

“To know is to be certain. Uncertainty means that you do not know. Knowledge is power because it is certain, and certainty is strength… knowing is the affirmation of truth and beyond all perceptions.” T-3.III.1

“Understanding is light, and light leads to knowledge.” T-5.III.7

“Knowledge is always ready to flow everywhere, but it cannot oppose.” T-5.I.4

“Knowledge is His Will. If you are opposing His Will, how can you have knowledge?” T-8.I.1

“Knowledge is shared with God. When you awake in Him you will know your magnitude by accepting His limitlessness as yours.” T-9.VI.4.

“Knowledge is power, and all power is of God.” T-14.XI.

“Knowledge is therefore of the mind, and its conditions are in the mind with it.” T-15.VI.7

In the eternal world learning is “replaced forever by the knowledge of love and its one meaning.” T-18.IX.12

“Freedom is a part of knowledge.” W-pI.198.2

If true knowledge does not exist in this world of perception, then is it even possible for us to gain any understanding of it?

The answer is yes – kind of.

“Yet time has still one gift to give, in which true knowledge is reflected in a way so accurate its image shares its unseen holiness; its likeness shines with its immortal love.” W-pI.158.11

There we have it. Even though pure knowledge is abstract and beyond form, time and space it can be reflected here so we can gain at least a partial understanding. Then we are told that reason plays a part:

“Knowledge is far beyond attainment of any kind. But reason can serve to open doors you closed against it.” T-21.V.9

It makes sense that reason is a key since “Knowledge is therefore of the mind.” T-15.VI.7

To attain knowledge the ego must be transcended for it doesn’t comprehend knowledge:

“The ego cannot afford to know anything.  Knowledge is total, and the ego does not believe in totality.” T-7.VI.4

“if only knowledge has being and the ego has no knowledge, then the ego has no being.” T-8.VIII.7

We are told that perception is partial, but “Knowledge is total.” And “partial knowledge is impossible.” T-3.V.8 At the separation we shattered “knowledge into meaningless bits of disunited perceptions,” T-18.I.5

What does it mean then that knowledge is total?

To realize the answer, we must examine the difference between knowledge and perception as taught in the Course. When we perceive we only see a very small part of what is there. For instance, the widest perception available to us are the stars in the night sky.  On a clear night there may be a couple thousand that are visible. But by using powerful telescopes we have discovered that there are trillions of stars beyond that limited perception.

Consider our perception while residing on this planet earth. You may be by a beautiful lake enjoying your perception of the scenery, but what you see is only a very small part of the planet.

If the principle behind knowledge was applied to us then you would be aware of the entire earth all at once, and when looking at the stars you would be aware of all of them, even the ones our telescopes could not see.

But in the eternal world knowledge is applied to the true reality, and there we are aware of all that has been created. No perception is necessary because “Knowledge is total” and all things are before us all at once in the eternal present.

Some of that is reflected down to us in this world and we can get a glimpse of it and receive much inspiration, but “the last step in the reawakening of knowledge is taken by God.” T-7.I.6

“When you perceive yourself without deceit, you will accept the real world in place of the false one you have made. And then your Father will lean down to you and take the last step for you, by raising you unto Himself.” T-11.VIII.15

When this happens, we will then enjoy a fulness of knowledge.

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Using the Law of Correspondences

Using the Law of Correspondences

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Eight

JJ: Somebody tell me of one of your favorite parables of Jesus.

Joshua: The, um . . . the wayward son. The prodigal son.

JJ: Yeah, the prodigal son. The father corresponds to God, of course, and he had two sons. One son decided he wanted to take his inheritance and go and have a good time and see what was out there in the world.

So he just took off. And then he spent his inheritance and wound up losing it all. Then he found out that he if he was going to survive, he’d have to get a job. And the only job he could find was feeding these pigs. He got paid such a small amount that he ate sometimes with the swine. As he was forced to eat with a swine, he thought to himself, “you know, the servants in my father’s house are a lot better off than this. I will return to the house of my father, and I will say I am no longer worthy to be your son. So accept me back as a servant.”

So he decided to go back to the house of his father. And he went back to the house of his father, and as he was heading back . . . does anyone remember the attitude of the father?

Curtis: Yeah, he welcomed him back with open arms.

JJ: But before he came back, what was the father doing?

Joshua: Well, he went to prepare a feast.

JJ: But before that?

Joshua: Well, he was looking for him.

JJ: Right. He was looking for him. When he was heading back, his father was yearning for his return. He was missing him, and he was looking for him. Then it says he saw his son returning a long way off. So he was he was looking over the ridge there thinking, boy, it’d be great if my son came back, and as he was looking, he saw his son coming back and his heart was filled with joy.

And when his son came, he said, “I am no longer worthy to be your son.” And the father said, “don’t worry about it. I love you. I accept you the way that you are. Let’s go celebrate.” So they went back to celebrate. They killed the fatted calf, and they had music. All kinds of fun and celebration. And the other son came and said, “what’s with all this celebrating?” And they said, “well, your brother was lost and now he’s found and we’re celebrating.”

And the brother came to the father and said, “look, Dad, you never killed the fatted calf over me and had a big celebration, yet this guy who messed around with prostitutes . . . you’re celebrating for him. What’s the big deal?”

And the father said to him “don’t worry, everything that I have is yours. So why can you be upset? Your brother was lost, and now he is found, and we should be happy.”

So that’s a great little parable. One of the best parables ever given in the history of the planet. That corresponds to the fact that when we came down to this reality, we separated from the Father’s home. We came down to this physical realm, and we squander our godly energies, and we forget who we are. Now it says in the parable that he spent his inheritance. But what that really means is that when we come down here, we were Sons of God. After arriving we forgot who we are, so it’s as if we do not have an inheritance because we lost our memory and we don’t we don’t know who we are.

And so things get so bad, after a while, that we get frustrated and, you know, we look at the heavens and say, “why God?” Or we may get a disease, or we may get into a bad marriage or bad relationships or may have all kinds of problems . . . and we think, “wow, there’s got to be something better than this.”

And so eventually we come to our senses, and we have this urge within ourselves. I feel that my home is not here. How many of you felt that before that this isn’t your real home?

I think Ed went to his real home. (laughter – as the audience sees Ed is dozing)

But how many of you felt like this isn’t your real home before? (Audience hands raised)

Yeah, you kind of feel that way, don’t you? This isn’t your real home. But we’re making the best of our situation here.

But this is what happens with the prodigal son. He eventually feels it’s not his home and that there’s something better than this. And we rise and we decide, “listen, I’m tired of eating with these hogs, and I want something better. You know, there’s got to be something better. And it’d be great if I could just live in the Kingdom of God, and even just be the servant there. So eventually we arise, and we come to our senses, and we decide to enter the path. And when the prodigal son decides to come home, he enters the path, what is called the path in all the esoteric writings.

And he enters this path, and he heads on the path thinking it’d be great just to be among other people like me and be a servant or whatever. But when we finally arrive home, to our true home, we will find that we are a totally accepted child of God, not partially, not a servant, but totally . . . even beyond just being a son or daughter, but we are one with God. We are one of the cells and God is incomplete without us. And He’s glad to have us back for He is there waiting for us to return so that He Himself can be complete because God does not feel complete without each one of us going back to our Source

So that’s a real beautiful parable, and parables are a great way to illustrate the law of correspondences. But you can use correspondences to find the truth in just about anything.

I like the statement that D.K. makes in introducing his books. He says, (paraphrasing) “I don’t want my books to be introduced with any claim of authority. But I want you to use the law of correspondences. If you use the law of correspondences and find that what I say corresponds to truth, then go ahead and accept it. But if you think it doesn’t correspond, then feel free to reject.” And I always like that statement that he made in all of the Alice A. Bailey books. That’s one test you can give anything you read . . . does the higher correspond to the lower.

So a problem many teachers have with the law of correspondences is that their teachings do not correspond with other accepted  revelations or even their own previous teachings. A lot of these people that channel stuff find tgeir teachings violate the Law of Correspondences. Then in the Mormon rebel world, one revelation often doesn’t correspond to another revelation.

There’s a lot of disagreement. But if it is true, it should correspond for truth does not disagree with truth. The trouble is, a lot of them just give out data. Now data is often unprovable. So let’s suppose somebody gets a revelation that around the star system of Sirius are thirty different planets. And on two of the planets, there’s some advanced star beings. Okay.

How are you going to prove that? You know, you can’t prove it, and you can’t disprove it. You can’t use the law of correspondences except to indicate that there are most likely some type of planetary orbs  within the system.

Joshua: Well look, with the spaceship . . .  the secret cult that I’m a part of has buried under the Sphinx . . . We’re going to prove it J.J. in the next five years. In 2025 the proof is going to come.

JJ: Oh, right, right, you’re talking about the  prophecy of  their being a spaceship hidden in the sphinx?

Joshua: Yeah.

JJ: Right. (laughing) Yeah, that would be something.

I read something aa while back, let me see, I think the author’s name name was Gary Renard, he was presenting the idea that there was a bunch of these beings in the Pleiades. He said he was taken aboard a starship that’s owned by the Pleiades. Well, I did a little research on that, and the only problem with that is the Pleiades Star Systems is only 100 million years old. That’s not even as old as the dinosaurs. Now the Earth is over 4 billion years old. The Earth itself is 40 times as old as the stars in the Pleiades.

Now, a star system in the Pleiades if it’s only 100 million years old, that means it’s composed of almost all hydrogen gas, and any planets circulating around them would be gaseous, light gas, not even heavy gas, but fairly light gas. So there wouldn’t be any advanced star beings living in Pleiades. Same thing with Sirius. Sirius is, I think, only about 400 million years old. So they’re not going to have beings on Sirius like we have here.

We’ve actually got a fairly ancient sun compared to a lot of them out there. Our sun is like 4.7 billion years old, whereas Sirius is fairly young, even though it’s very bright. The thing is some of the brightest stars are very young because they have a lot of hydrogen in them that is converted to helium, producing fusion power.

They produce some of the brightest stars are some of the youngest stars out there, which is kind of interesting. So, there is some checking you can do with these revelations that come out. So when somebody says there are spaceships coming from a young star system, that’s not very logical . . . that’s not very likely to happen unless they’re gas people or from a higher plane  within that system. In that case they wouldn’t have physical bodies like ourselves.

But when you give facts like this to the Channelers, they really don’t like you at all and all those facts. But yeah, the nearest . . . some of the red dwarfs out there are very ancient. They could have some actual people on their  systems that have evolved and there’s quite a number of stars like ours that is as old as ours.

But I think one of the nearest ones, Vega, I think, could be a possibility. When, when these people come up with all these revelations, you can use science to disprove some of the facts. But a lot of the things they come up with you cannot prove or disprove if it’s just data. Like if they say around the Vega system, there are 12 planets and there’s an advanced civilization there and they’ve been communicating with me.

Okay, well, how are you going to prove or disprove that? You just can’t one way or another. There’s nothing to use with the law of correspondences, but then if they talk about principles, then you can start using it.

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Key Six, The Law of Correspondences

Key Six, The Law of Correspondences

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Seven

JJ: What process does God use in creation?

Adam: God does all things new, but everything new with a twist.

JJ:  Right. As below, so above, but with a twist. Think of it this way. Put yourself in the position that you’re a god, and you identified with God at one time in the fact that you are a cell in the life of God. And as a cell in the life of God, you experience the whole life of God. Just like a cell within your body doesn’t think I am a cell it thinks I am a body because it identifies with the whole body.

We identify with the life of God. But think of it this way. Visualize yourself as having the creative power of God and you just created on a certain level. Now you want to do something a little bit more challenging. Are you just going to do the exact same thing again on the higher level; and then the exact same thing again on another higher level and just keep doing that for all eternity?

Susan: Sounds boring.

JJ: How long would you have to do that before you got bored?

Well, what does the Scripture say about God’s creation? He says, “Behold, I do all things new.” And Isaiah says that which was created before will no longer exist and a new thing will appear. And so on.

So God does all things new. And this is totally different than most of the religions teach that he’s just completely changeless, does the same thing over and over and over. But how long before that gets boring?

Now A Course In Miracles has an interesting story. It says that in the beginning we were all with God and we were all really happy. And there was . . . everything was changeless. And then there was a rebellion where people got this what was considered this crazy idea to create time and space where there were challenges, limitations and lots of change.

If that is true, you can see why it happened. Because even if we were in an eternal bliss, which all the ancient wisdom teachings tell us that we go through cycles, we go through cycles of creation, or we go through dualities and limitations, and eventually we become masters of all things in this universe. Then after we go through it and we master everything, then we go through a pralaya, and in the pralaya we go into a changeless state of rest, where we can reflect on everything that has happened and absorb it. And then when we get bored, in other words, just being in that state of bliss where it’s kind of nice, just like when you take a rest of night, it’s nice to have a nice deep rest, but do you want to rest forever?

No. Pretty soon you think, “Oh, no, I want to get up and do some stuff.” Okay, so eventually get up and you do some stuff. Well, we do this on a higher level. We go through levels of creation, then levels of mastery and then levels where we rest and relax and prepare for an increase.

This is kind of symbolized in Genesis, where God worked for six days, and then on the seventh day he rested. You always have to have a period of rest. Now esoterically, normally the rest is equivalent to the work time, and in the Book of Genesis, God works six days and rested on rested on the seventh.

So one day out of seven isn’t a lot of rest, but maybe that’s all esoterically that we need. But in the great pralaya where we rest and we’re freed from dualities, there’s no time, or space, or distance, or anything so there’s really no measuring of time as to amount of time we rest. It’s just a period that we take where we get the rest that we need.

When God creates on a higher level, it’s as below, so above, but with a twist. There’s always a twist, always something added that is different than what is below. And this is what many of the esoteric teachers miss. Many of them teach that it’s exactly the same on one level as another level and it’s not.

We know that because of the atom. The atom was theorized to be like a solar system . . . and so using the correlation as below, so above and as above, so below, scientists, like Neils Bohr, came to a correct conclusion about the atom before they could actually prove it, that the atom had a nucleus where most of the mass is, just like in the solar system, most of the mass is in the sun. And then we have the electrons, which are much smaller, just like in the solar system, the planets are much smaller.

The planet Earth is one millionth the size of the sun. In other words, one million Earths can fit in the sun, and it’d take about a thousand earths to fit in the biggest planet, Jupiter, because it’s a really big compared to the earth.

So the correspondences are interesting. But unlike the microcosmic world, the planetary world has quite a few differences. For one thing, each planet is quite a bit different in size from every other planet, but with the atoms, each electron is essentially exactly the same. So there’s one very powerful difference. And there are many other differences in the fact that, well, we have a sun in the center, but the suns are different masses and so on, but they don’t really correspond exactly to the atoms. Some atoms just have one proton in the center, and other atoms have numerous protons, plus neutrons in the center. And we don’t have an exact correspondence there, but we have a rough correspondence where we have a circulation of units going around a center.

The orbiting units are much smaller in mass than the central part that they’re circulating, so there’s a lot of correspondences, but they are not exact.

Our universe is on a different time frame than the microscopic universe. In other words, the atomic world has reached the maximum point in its evolution. The hydrogen atom is the same everywhere in the universe. Our hydrogen atom isn’t going to evolve into anything different than it is. Whereas, our universe is just beginning to evolve compared to the atomic world. Now, in the atomic world, the time frame is a totally different. The time frame in our universe is trillions of times slower than the atomic world.

So the time it takes an electron to circle around its central sun is less than a trillionth of a second. The time it takes the earth to circle around the sun is a whole year. So think of the difference. And that gives you an idea of the difference in time. The difference in time is fantastic.

So in the beginning of the creation of this universe, the consciousness of God focused on the atomic world. At that time, that was all there was. In the beginning, there were no stars and planets and everything, but there was just the development of the subatomic world. And that took billions of years by the standard that it was measured by the life of God at that time. By our standard though it took only a few seconds. But by the life of God that It was in that time, it took billions of years.

Once everything was built in the subatomic world, then all kinds of computer programs were written, and everything operated on what we would call a program. So the reason that every hydrogen atom acts like every other hydrogen atom and does the same thing is because they all have the same programing, and it took a lot of effort and intelligence to write that program.

But when it was written then it was easy to duplicate and the Creator duplicated hydrogen atoms throughout the entire universe, and the hydrogen atoms became the basis of matter. As they accumulate, then they produce suns, and they produce heavier elements, and they blow up and produce heavier elements still. And they gather together, and they create planets like Earth.

And so after all this evolution, then we finally get to where we are now. And we’re now at a point to where the life of God is focused on humanity. Eons ago, it was focused on the subatomic world until it was created perfectly – as perfect as it could be, and then it moved up to a higher level, which is our universe as it exists now. The life of God is still creating all kinds of different worlds and life forms in the universe. The planet Earth is one of those worlds, and we humans are the inhabitants of this particular planet.

Now, what are we? We are the soul of the universe and to understand that we need to understand what soul is. First of all, we have to understand what soul energy is. What is soul energy? Joshua?

Joshua: Well, it’s the interplay between matter and spirit.

JJ: Right. The interplay between matter and spirit produces soul energy, and speaking of soul esoterically is quite confusing to a lot of people because it used a number of different ways. It used to describe the soul energy, which is the interplay of spirit and matter, and it’s used to also describe a vehicle which we live in after we die, which is the soul.

So it’s really two different things. But the soul lives at a point where the soul energy is strong, and so that’s why it’s called the soul. Soul energy is the interplay of spirit and matter. To contact the higher worlds, the disciple needs to focus not on the material, not totally on the spiritual, but right at the point in between.

The point where land, water, and air meet, which is neither wet nor dry, is a point where upon a magician’s feet must be set. So this is the secret of white magic, which is to understand that point. And that point where matter meets with spirit – if you focus on that point right in between – then it opens a door. It opens a door to the higher realms so that the person can then obtain soul contact.

Once a person obtains soul contact, then he is in contact with the higher part of himself, and he gets impressions and feelings and sensations and sometimes words will come, maybe visions, and intuitions. But he and his soul can be one if he opens that door between spirit and matter.

Now the great point about the law of correspondences, is it allows you to find the truth about a lot of things. Because if something is true, there will be correspondences to it. You may have heard presentations where people present a story, like Jesus presented parables. The parables use the law of correspondences. And the reason his parables were so good was because he focused so strongly on the law of correspondences.

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Handling Negative People

Handling Negative People

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Six

Now, if you’re married, giving praise is especially important. (laughter) Yeah, Asaph doesn’t have to worry about that. But if you’re married, your spouse really appreciates a little praise.

And I probably don’t give my wife nearly as much praise as she deserves, righteously deserves. (laughter)

Curtis: You can give her some now.

JJ: But I know she really appreciates it when I do praise her, and I appreciate it when she praises me. But it has to be legitimate. Not just this something fabricated or made up, but we need to see something that somebody is doing right, that they’re doing correctly, and give them some praise. And you know who we need to praise right now? Good old Tyler for keeping everything together. (applause and cheers)

Tyler: No actually, seriously my wife, I called her and said, “hey, I volunteered to do a barbecue,” and she said, “you did what?” (laughter) But she did pretty much everything. I put some patties on the thing, flipped them, only flipped a few, but she did so much. She bought all the food and did everything.

JJ: So of yourself, you can do nothing, then? (laughter)

Tyler: Yeah, you’re right about that.

Audience: What’s your wife’s name?
Tyler: Monica. So, Monica, thank you.

JJ: Yeah. Good example of principle of glory right there. Good example, Tyler.

I just wanted to say one thing about “of myself, I can do nothing.” One perspective we could have about that is the fact that the reflection of God is within every cell of our body, in every atom of our body. So in essence, it is God working through this larger vehicle, so “of ourselves, we can do nothing,” but God is working it out through us. We are one with the life of God, so that’s just another perspective that we can have about that statement.

Any other comments before we go? We’re going to the steakhouse tonight. Did you get an itemization of everyone who’s going?

Artie: I think everyone is going.

Phillip: I’ve got a question or a thought, maybe a little of everything.

JJ: Sure.

Phillip: First off, I really like the framework that you’re providing. Because I see stuff where Rebecca and I have talked to a number of people that are very much, there’s some groups online that we’ve interacted with . . .  Dr. Decrist.

JJ: Yeah.

Phillip: Um, and we’ve noticed that they’re very dangerous. (laughter)

JJ: Some of the breakoff groups are, yeah. Some of them I’d stay away from.

Phillip: Yeah, it’s a danger and we recognize it, and I don’t know that I can draw a circle around it and say, here’s exactly why. But I know that, like, it sounds like they’re stuck in those first three phases where I can look at them and I can say, “yeah, you’re likely to flip, or you’re likely to turn or to . . .

JJ: Take the dark path?

Phillip: Take the dark path . . . or if you give them, uh, you give them an insider, give them something, you just know that they’re going to twist it through . . . now I can see it’s their emotional understanding or it conflicts with their current view that they’re holding on to so tight. But they, we’ve just seen it a number of times where people will take something, you give them some negative value or truth, and they flip. And next thing you know, they’re just absolutely against you. And you’re just like, I can’t spend any time with you because I recognize in you this that there’s this danger.

And we’ve there’s been a couple of people.

JJ: Yeah. Like those Daybell’s, for instance, they were dangerous.

Phillip: Yeah. Yeah.

JJ: And probably people didn’t realize it for a while.

Susan: I knew him.

JJ: You knew the Daybell’s?

Susan: Oh, yeah. I knew Chad. I helped him come down to Manti once. (laughing)

JJ: Really?

Susan: In August.

JJ: Did he seem harmless?

Susan: Absolutely. I mean, I’ve known him for years and years and years.

JJ: Really?

Susan: Yeah. You’d never know.

JJ: They’ve got to make a movie about those two.

Susan: I was amused by him, so I never got the really creepy stuff, I figured.

JJ: Some of those ex-Mormons are some of the most dangerous religious people out there. Here’s what I do with them. If I get a feeling about somebody, especially an ex-Mormon, that’s really taken themselves seriously, I just tune them out and avoid them completely if they stimulate my spidey sense. I wouldn’t argue with them or anything. I just avoid them and tune them out as if they don’t exist.

What I try to do with people I don’t want in my life, I try to present them in my mind as if they do not exist and then they never show up again, hopefully.

Ed: But that’s the principle of God, basically when God takes his attention off the world, the world goes into Pralaya.

Asaph: Disintegrates.

JJ: Right. And you can do that with people you know. You want just good people in your life, so focus on them. If there’s any negative people that show up, create the attitude of mind as if they do not exist and pretty soon, they won’t exist in your life. They’ll exist somewhere, but not for you.

Ed: There’s a statement what you resist, you increase because you put energy into it by your attention.

JJ: Yeah, I’ve seen people entertain real negative people and they become nightmares in their lives and that’s what we want to avoid.

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Showing Appreciation

Showing Appreciation

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Five

Tyler: You were talking about the third initiation, and in order to pass the third initiation you have to overcome illusion. And so is that primarily illusion related to not choosing the left-hand path or is it just kind of . . . kind of what you said, but you know. Can you elaborate a little bit more on that?

JJ: The illusion to escape the left-hand path?

Tyler: Is that primarily what it takes to pass the third initiation?

JJ: To pass the third initiation, the person has to achieve an awareness where he unravels all the illusions that are hampering his progress towards spirit. So you may be born, maybe raised in a certain religion, taught certain things that were incorrect, and you registered them in your mind. But then you reach a point where you examine them, and you unravel the illusions behind these false teachings.

And when you’re able to unravel these illusions and escape their hold on you, then you become a candidate for the third initiation, which is control over the mind, but still, there’s still some lesser illusions that even a third degree or even the Masters are subject to.

What the third-degree initiate escapes are those illusions that hold him back toward being one with the inner God. Yeah, Curtis?

Curtis: Aren’t illusions ideas that cause separation from yourself and your soul or from yourself and let’s say, Michael. My car is better than . . . faster than your car. Therefore I’m better than you. It’s an illusion or a false idea?

JJ: Yeah, one of the biggest illusions concerns perceived contact with God. Like I say, if people think that their contact is the highest contact, and there’s all kinds of levels, you have the lower emotions, middle emotions, higher emotions, the lower mind, the higher mind. And you have all kinds of levels. When people as a whole, especially religious people, get some type of . . . what they consider a spiritual experience, they think they have achieved pretty much the ultimate.

But that’s an illusion, and they have to escape that illusion to become a higher initiate because the higher astral level is a level where you feel really nice heart energies and it feels like, you are pretty much as high as you can get. But it’s not as high as you can get. In the higher mental levels and the spiritual levels are higher still.

There is probably not a person on the earth that, well there isn’t a person in the physical body that’s reached the highest. Because if Asaph over here, nice as he is, had reached the highest, his physical body would just disappear.

Curtis: Well that would be a shame. (laughter)

JJ: So we know he hasn’t reached the highest yet. We know he’s still got levels to go. But the disciple realizes these levels and he realizes, “hey, I haven’t reached the highest yet.” That’s just one illusion that the disciple has to overcome.

People have all kinds of what they consider spiritual experiences. And if you go to these ex-Mormon sites, almost every one of them have something, but some of them have some real cockeyed ideas for having talked to God about everything, wouldn’t you say so.

Rebecca? (laughter)

Rebecca: Yeah. I just wondered; I don’t know if you know the answer to this, but a person like that whose body just disappears. Yeah. Do you know, do they have the ability to materialize and present themselves in a way where they can be seen? Can they choose that?

JJ: Yeah. Once a person has overcome everything like Jesus did, he can . . . because the the body is created on illusionary principles. And once a person masters this illusion, he can, first of all, learn to make his body invisible. The body’s still there, but he can make it invisible.

Inaudible audience response. (laughter)

Then when he goes to higher levels still, he can actually make his body disappear and then reappear. And that’s what Jesus did; he could make his body appear and reappear, disappear and reappear, so he reached a pretty high level.

Michael: Just real quick. So I think the conversation around illusion ties in with perception – what we were talking about yesterday. I’ve got my beliefs; I’ve got my programing. I have all this stuff in me that affects how I perceive the world and part of that evolution is well, we’re going to clear all that away, so we continue to see clearer and clearer and clearer. And so, clearing that lens of perception to see reality is part of that ongoing path.

Ed: I’d like to say something. One of the illusions that many who are aspirants have to overcome is the illusion of inadequacy.

JJ: Yeah.

Ed: You begin to begin to recognize that every one of us has some skill that we’ve developed over our many lifetimes. And I was thinking about this one time and the thought came to me, I have to command the ground I have conquered. We have to we have to accept the fact that we have traveled this way and we have learned that, you know, like the commercial says, “I know a few things, because I’ve seen a few things.” And we have we have to have faith in the ground that we’ve conquered.

JJ: And getting back to that statement “of myself, I can do nothing.” That doesn’t mean that you are nothing. You are still valuable. This is one of the problems with the statements from Master teachers is they often have levels of interpretation. That doesn’t mean that you do not have value. You have tremendous value. What he was stressing was the ego is nothing. The illusion is nothing.

The fact that what people place value on is really completely misplaced. For where the true value is, he is everything. Later he said, “all power on heaven and earth is given unto me.” Okay, well, does that sound like he’s nothing? No it doesn’t, does it?

Rebecca: Would you say that feelings of inadequacy then is one of the illusions?

JJ: Yeah. We should never underestimate our potential.

Curtis: Or a glamor.

JJ: There’s a feeling of inadequacy like you’re less than other people. And that’s wrong.

Rebecca: The feeling that keeps you from going forward.

JJ: On the other hand, there can be a true feeling of an inadequacy, like I’m not a good skier. So I have no problem saying I’m an inadequate skier, but that doesn’t make me an inadequate person, and that’s the feeling what you want to avoid. And a lot of people have this victim mentality that everything makes them into a victim. And this is this is what we want to avoid because we’re not victims. If you are centered in the spirit, you will never feel like a victim. And this is the thing you want to avoid.

So wrapping this up, it’s interesting that even Jehovah, even God himself, every lifeform, doesn’t like the idea of someone else taking credit for what it does, especially somebody that’s in the lower ego.

Any lifeform that’s out there, when it does a work, it appreciates having other people appreciate naturally what it did. When we think of creation and all the wonderful things about it, and we, in our minds, we think, “well, it’s wonderful, the creation of God.” You just think about how wonderful they are.

There is some higher part of yourself and God that was responsible for that, that appreciates that thought going up there, and think of what works you’ve done. Curtis is always doing all kinds of things and he really appreciates it when we say, “well, Curtis, that was a great job you did there.” And people are this way, and this is one thing we should do as people, in addition to avoiding wrong use of the principle of glory, is look for where you can give praise where praise is deserved. Because people really appreciate it.

Idaho Power came out and did some work for us, and as the guys were leaving, I just said, “thanks, guys.” And they acted like, they really appreciate the thanks, like, not very many people thanked them perhaps because most people kind of have a negative view of the power company. But people really appreciate a little recognition for what they do, so we should be on the lookout for a where we can praise.

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Stealing Glory

Stealing Glory

2021 Gathering, Part Twenty-Four

There was no instance where Jesus took glory to himself. It’s interesting that when he visited his hometown and stood before them, and he said, “I know what you’re going to ask. You’re going to want me to do miracles like I did in other towns. And you’re going to ask me, you’re going to say, ‘physician, heal thyself.’”

Now why would you say that to them? Is it possible that Jesus had something physically wrong with him, that he could not heal himself? I always wondered about that particular scripture because if he did have something wrong with him and he never did anything for self, he would not have healed himself. Perhaps somebody else would have had to assisted him if there was anything physically wrong with him.

So I’ve always wondered about that scripture. It’s kind of a mysterious one. Why would he have quoted that phrase “physician, heal thyself.” Why would Jesus have to heal himself? But the physician, the spiritual physician cannot heal himself with the power of the lower self. He can take care of his body . . . and speaking of the body, Phil said something interesting that when there’s a miracle . . . a miracle that happens . . . there’s a lot going on that we don’t understand – the technology that goes on behind it, and if you don’t understand it, then you’re not responsible for it.

The same thing with our body. You look at all the great things that are going on in our bodies. Every cell in our bodies has tremendous intelligence operating within it. Just look at everything your liver does, your kidneys, and your heart is just an amazing instrument that just pumps that blood for 24 hours a day. Never rests. How does it do that? It doesn’t do it because of any intelligence we have, or anything we’re consciously doing. It’s all happening through miraculous means that is beyond our ability to completely understand.

So we can’t really take glory for anything going on in our body. All we can do is just give our body that good nutrients it needs so it can take care of itself. So yeah, you can’t . . . people can’t take glory to themselves. And it’s interesting that even Jehovah, as advanced a being as he is . . . because people think if you’re a very advanced being, you don’t care who gets the glory or whatever, but He did.

He cared about getting the glory because that was the principle not only for himself but for Moses. He needed to teach Moses the principle of glory because avoiding or violating the principle of glory puts the disciple in danger of taking the dark path. You have two paths you can take the paths of darkness and the path of light.

And when you take the wrong path, your soul will come to you and try to guide you back. With most people, they go through a number of lifetimes making a lot of mistakes, and they go through enough pain that eventually they think, “well, maybe I better retrace some steps,” and they go back and they enter back into the correct path.

But there’s a handful of people who are on the dark path. They resist and resist, and they want to take glory unto themselves, and they keep taking glory unto themselves as much as they can and doing things on the path of selfishness. Even though they go through all kinds of pain and discomfort, they continue because they’re bent on thinking that that is where the greatest fulfillment and pleasure is, is in seeking glory and pleasure and everything just for self.

Fortunately most people endure enough pain from following that path, that they retrace their steps and get back on the path of light, but there’s a handful who continue. In the scriptures, these are called the sons of perdition. In esoteric writings they’re called the Dark Brotherhood. And these people are bent on following the path of selfishness, but there’s not very many that enter into this dark path.

They cannot enter this dark path until they reach the third initiation. The first initiation is where the person gets control over his physical passions. And the second initiation is where you get control over your emotional body. But the third initiation . . . you’re not trusted by the powers that be until you get to the third initiation. Because there are a lot of good religious people that are on the first and even second.

But the third initiation is where you overcome illusion. You never completely overcome it, but you overcome it so you’re not tricked into following the dark path because of illusion. Does anyone know what illusion is as described by the esoteric writings? What does it mean to be caught up in an illusion?

Hitler was caught up in illusion. He was actually an initiate. He had good control over his physical nature, he was even a vegetarian. He was highly in control over his emotions. But then he got trapped in an illusion. What was Hitler’s illusion?

Susan: That his race was better.

JJ: Right. It was around race. He thought there was a big difference in the value of the different races, when in the true reality, we all have the same value in the eyes of God. Okay, we’re all brothers and sisters, but Hitler was under the illusion that that was not true. He thought the Jews were the spawn of Satan himself and that they needed to be completely eliminated. But Asaph proves Hitler wrong right there. Look at the guy. He’s just a sweet little guy.

Asaph: You don’t really know me. (laughter)

JJ: If he had known Asaph, he probably would’ve gotten straightened out right there. But anyway, he was under the illusion that some races were of more value than other races. Some colors were more values than other colors. And so he got caught up in this illusion and he thought he was doing right.

But this is the problem with illusion. When you get caught up in an illusion, you can have the best of intentions, and wind up doing wrong and harmful actions.

And so Hitler was caught up in that, and that caused him to start a war that killed millions of people and caused a lot of grief for a lot of humanity. This still happens today. I mean, look at the Taliban. The Taliban in their hearts, they are they’re doing the right thing, and there may be second degree initiates among them, but somebody there is caught up in illusion that the women are inferior – that’s an illusionary teaching – and the women need to be controlled, not educated. They have all kinds of illusions in their teachings.

This happens other places, even when these people from Islam cut off somebody’s head, they think that is a righteous thing to do to make a statement. So it’s interesting how people caught up in illusion can be thinking that they are supporting the righteous path.

It all comes down to the principle of glory. Everybody gets caught up in illusions sometime along the path, but we work our way out of it. We work our way out of it if we are not too centered on taking glory to ourselves. Then there are those that don’t make it and do not enter the path of return, the ones who insist on taking glory to themselves.

The way the disciple has to operate is when he performs the work, he has to do it from the viewpoint of the observer. I am the observer. I will perform this work. I will write this book, this song, do this painting. If people like it, fine. If they don’t like it, fine. I will accept the people’s judgment, but the person who violates the principle of glory, does not accept the people’s judgment.

And so they do everything they can to bring glory to themselves. Joshua did you have something?

Joshua: No, I was just stretching.

JJ: Oh. (laugher)

Curtis: Well I was going to say in the third initiation, the third Temptation of Christ, the Dark Brother, that was tempting Jesus was trying to take glory unto himself, and Jesus was told, if you like . . . so when he was taken to High Mountain and said if you’d be the Son of God, if you worship me, I will give you power over the nations. Well, what was the illusion?

JJ: You tell me.

Curtis: Well, the illusion was, first of all, he was going to offer Jesus something that he couldn’t, and that Jesus already had. Jesus already had the power within him. He already had power over the nations, you know, and the glamor. Well, the glamor was the second illusion . . . the second temptation.

But then Satan would have taken the glory unto himself for giving Jesus something that Jesus already had. So Jesus overcame the illusion, and the third temptation by saying, I don’t need power from an outside source. I have power over the nations if I want it from within.

JJ: Good point.

Yeah, the power that he promised was not a real power, but he did have . . . the negative energies do have power within the illusion itself. In other words, we see this in our world where negative sources have power over people’s lives, but it’s not real power. It’s power within the illusion. And that’s different than real power.

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