The Logos and Return of the Christ

The Logos and Return of the Christ

A reader says this: “I would hope that no one here is waiting for a messiah of some sort.”

And why would it be wrong to look for a Messiah, or a teacher who is able to give us knowledge and stimulate consciousness that we have not had before?

It is the eternal way of things that those who are further upon the path must extend a helping hand to those not so progressed as themselves. Then this person is also assisted by one higher still.

It is completely logical to expect the Christ and his Hierarchy to return. Do you think the entity that walked the streets in Jerusalem just evaporated into the ethers and is incapable of manifesting on the earth again? Of course not. He still exists and will work with humanity as opportunity presents itself.

Next, he accuses the group of repeating a Piscean mindset.

Perhaps you and I have a different understanding of what is Aquarian and what is Piscean. Tell us what Piscean repetition you see here?

To expect the return of the Hierarchy is certainly not Piscean, but to see it accurately is very Aquarian.

It is always true that every group will contain some individuals with the consciousness and attitudes of the passing age but the teachings here are centered on the mind and pure reason which is very Aquarian.

Question: If a logos was once a man, as you teach, that would seem to contradict your “molecular” evolution idea of lower kingdoms joining together. Could you please clear up your take on this aspect of evolution?

Jesus had a molecule of twelve units that had a group consciousness. Even so, he was the hierarchical leader. After he left, Peter became the leader. As various molecular orders are created, we will have both group life as well as the individual life continue, and progression of both will be actively pursued.

There are two components of the Planetary Logos. First it is a composite of all the lives upon this planet. We could call this its lower self. The second is the Ancient of Days who is an entity who has, in the distant past, passed through the human kingdom. When esoteric writings speak of the Planetary Logos they sometimes refer to the composite life and other times to the individual life of Sanat Kumara. He is the deciding point for the consciousness of the entire planet and has evolved way beyond any ordinary mortal. He has a molecular relationship with six other great entities who are his disciples. This creates a governing molecule of seven and all seven partake of the properties of the greater life it creates. They preside over the Council at Shamballa where other great ones reside who are of one mind.

The Logos is capable of blending his consciousness with the entire planet so it is as if he and the life of the earth are one. He can tune in to any one of us at will. He, as a master of group consciousness, teaches it to disciples who again pass it on to those who are ready.

Our Planetary Logos is a disciple of the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos uses the Molecule of Seven which is presided over by the Planetary Logos as a vehicle for extending his consciousness to all the lives upon the earth. Shamballa in turn is molecularly linked to intermediaries called Nirmanakayas. These in turn are linked to the Christ and his Hierarchy who are also molecular. These in turn are seeking to link the kingdom of God with the human kingdom through a molecular order.

Hope this helps. I see no contradiction. Let me know if further clarification is needed.

Question: Why did the Christ overshadow/consciously channel through Jesus, instead of taking up form in His own vehicle or body? Was the Christ not able to work through a body of His own 2,000 years ago? If not, why?

DK tells us that one of the main reasons is the time factor. If an avatar incarnates, he wastes 20-30 years in the relearning process. If he lets a disciple prepare the body with the necessary learning recorded in the brain he can save several decades of time that he can apply to other necessary work.

I believe there are other reasons also. A direct incarnation of an avatar would require a certain quality of karma as well as consciousness from the people he will encounter.

Question: Why will the Christ be able to manifest into form or a body of His own when He reappears in the future, when He didn’t or couldn’t do it over 2,000 years ago?

We do not know for sure if he will come in a body of his own. This is not given. Disciples hope this will be the case but it is entirely possible that we are not ready for this yet. It will probably happen at some time during the next thousand years in which Christ will work with humanity. There will definitely be an overshadowing of certain disciples in preparation for this.

The gathering of lights needs to be securely under way by 2025-2030. (written in 2006)

A gathering is necessary to prepare disciples to receive higher things from the Christ.

Sometime between now and then he will either overshadow or co-occupy the bodies of disciples. This is the way he came last time.

It is always an option that he will come in a body of his own but whether or not this will occur has not been given. I assume that if it does not happen in the first part of his reappearance that it could happen later on.

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar, “Secrets of Closing the Sale”, 1984

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