Understanding Intuition

Understanding Intuition

Here are the seed thoughts presented so far.

“As I focus my attention on the light of the soul I see a greater light still.”

“I am the light of the world.”

“I am the dominating good in the hands of God.”

I’ve had several new thoughts come on these statements since we have been discussing them. There is no end to our learning.

What I would like you to do is continue to think about these seed thoughts and whenever you receive something you find interesting post it for us.

Meanwhile, let us look at the last question:

“What is intuition from an esoteric point of view? What is the difference between instinct, emotional impulse, psychic impression, imagination, the still small voice and intuition? Is soul contact essential before the power of intuition comes into play?”

Let me clarify the term, “emotional impulse.”

Many people think they are getting inspiration or intuitive thoughts when they are really getting stored and associated memory filtered through their emotional nature. These emotional impulses are often seen as truth right from the mind of God whereas it is usually twisted reasoning in harmony with what the subject desires to be true.

The Mormon, the Catholic, the Protestant and all other believers generally receive emotional impulses that God supports their doctrine and leaders. Those who burned the lights at the stake during the Middle Ages did so under the emotional impulse that they were right.

The different methods of formulating truth could be placed under two categories and expanded somewhat

PERSONALITY METHODS – Not always reliable.

(1) Instinct

(2) Emotional Impulse

(3) Imagination

(4) Logical deduction – reasoning.

(5) Mindless acceptance of authority or group thought.

(6) Common dreams

(7) Visions of thoughtforms

REVELATORY – Unlimited and reliable

(1) Intuition

(2) Still Small Voice

(3) Contact with the Masters

(a) Direct Contact

(b) Direct Impression

(c) True Vision or Dream Messages

(4) Higher Mind

(5) Identification

(6) Oneness Principle

Let us first of all talk about number one in both categories – instinct and intuition. Instinct is the most reliable impulses that come to those who do not have conscious soul contact, but because it is filtered through emotional impulse, imagination and some reasoning it is often highly distorted by the time the personality applies it.

We could define instinct as reliable computer programs that have been placed by the Creator into our vehicles for the purpose of insuring our survival. These little programs are always correct in their original context and worked well for primitive humanity, but in more complex situations they are often misleading. For instance a calculator which can only add 2+2=4 is always correct, but not always useful. If you need to add 4+4 to equal 8 then you must disregard the former truth. 2+2=4 is still true, but just not useful.

The Intuition.

Whereas instinct impresses important facts upon the mind of the receiver, intuition impresses the principles behind the facts.

He who wields instinct knows.

He who masters intuition knows, and knows that he knows and knows why he knows.

When esoteric writers such as Alice A. Bailey use the word intuition they are really talking about a concept for which there is not an appropriate word in the English language. The typical dictionary definition reads something like this: “A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.”

This definition includes what we here are calling the intuition, but also instinct, emotional impulse, and imagination. The ancient wisdom uses this word in a more exact way and is only used in reference to vision that is seen through the eyes of the soul.

The problem with understanding intuition is that a full realization of it requires a degree of soul contact. Therefore, if the principle is explained to one who does not have this contact, this person will not comprehend it. The understanding is beyond his ring-pass-not.

Key thoughts for understanding the intuition are


Point of tension


Flashing forth

One of the problems with teaching the ancient wisdom to a varied audience is that there will only be a few who can relate or understand concepts like the Spiritual Triad, formless worlds, spiritual will vs. regular will and so on.

What we will attempt to do in this class is to make the complex simple, for in reality, when the complex is understood it can often be explained in simple terms.

The general direction here is to present one major leap in consciousness which we call “soul contact.” While it is technically true that there are higher contacts than this it is also true that, for humanity, soul contact opens a door that must be swung ajar before any higher contact can be made. In other words, the door to the soul must be open before any of the other higher doors can come into play. Therefore, in looking at the higher worlds, from a universal angle, all higher contacts come through the soul.

Technically, the soul is represented by that point of invisible interplay between spirit and matter which is neither spirit or matter, neither form nor formless. Physically it is represented by that point where land, water and air meet which is neither wet nor dry, the magical point of the soul, the place where white magic of the Christ consciousness is wrought.

Soul contact is the contact with higher realms made by a disciple through he agency of soul energy. If you want to go to the archives and do a search for soul contact you may find quite a bit more information on it. Nevertheless, this is an important point to cover periodically because soul contact by aspiring disciples is perhaps the most needed asset for servers as we enter the coming age of peace.

Also, when I do repeat myself on a subject like this I attempt to give a little different slant that will perhaps shed new light to seasoned readers.

Understanding soul contact is also amplified by the fact that soul is generically applied to the astral body, the Spiritual Triad, the Monad, the Universal Presence etc. I sometimes myself use the word “soul” when referring to the “Higher Self” or Monad but even this fits because higher parts of ourselves must be contacted through the door of soul or soul contact.

Probably the most misunderstood higher contact made through the soul is the intuition. Part of the reason for this is that there are many counterfeits for this principle. Another reason is that only a few aspiring disciples use intuition and that which has not been experienced will indeed be difficult to understand.

First of all, let us group what the intuition is not. Just as in my book, The Immortal, we learned what we are by eliminating what we are not it will help us to understand the intuition by understanding what it is not.

Intuition is not:


Emotional Impulse


Logical deduction – reasoning.

Psychic reception

Now keep in mind that we are not saying that these tools are not useful for they all can be in their place. What we are saying is that they are not intuition.

Perhaps the most common thing to be mistaken in this group for the intuition is psychic reception. Some psychic impression is accurate and some is not, but even if it is accurate this reception works through different principles than does intuition. Intuition operates through the language of principles and psychic impression operates through the transference of information or data.

The closest the average person comes to approaching the intuition is in use of ideas. We could call intuition a higher idea stimulated by soul contact and a regular idea a “lower idea.”

What is the difference?

A lower idea is formed through the association of differing pieces of data, pictures, pieces of evidence, positions of thinking etc. It is like putting a picture together and having only one piece left. If you look at the whole picture you can guess fairly accurately (with no soul contact involved) what the final piece (or the final picture) will look like,

This is how we get standard ideas. We scramble all the evidence before us and that missing piece gives us an idea to play with.

So what would the intuition or a higher idea be then?

The intuition uses all the faculties of the lower self including lower ideas but takes them further. He who uses intuition will make full use of his mind and find the missing piece to not just picture number one, but also picture number two and three. Whereas the average person will just see pictures and lower ideas the intuitive person asks questions and attempt to figure out how one picture relates to another. Even though there is no physical evidence of a fourth picture he will question as to whether a fourth picture exists, and if it does exist what it will look like. If the three pictures are related the phantom fourth picture will also be related and if it is related then the contemplation of the three pictures may give evidence of what the fourth will look like and the purpose behind all of the pictures.

The intuitive person thus has all three pictures before him in his mind and contemplates on empty space in search of the fourth. As he then empties his mind (and becomes absent-minded) he taps info the world of principles and intuition and suddenly in an unexpected moment, a holy instant, the fourth picture will appear before him. He not only understands this fourth picture, but he sees a greater picture (made from the four) and can understand in a “flash” how the four pictures create a greater fifth picture.

When the intuition works properly the seeker can often write a book on the one holy instant of downloading that came into the physical brain.

In ancient times initiates were often given dangerous tests to force a point of tension to stimulate the intuition of the disciple. Partially because of the complexity of the modern world such tests are not necessary, for in the day to day world of complex situations and living, it is usually possible to create our own points of tension making a trek to a far away pyramid unnecessary.

Seed thoughts for understanding the intuition are


Point of tension


Flashing forth

First contemplate the answer to a question and come up with every possible solution that is available to the lower mind. Now find that question that your mind cannot answer but must be answered.

Second, create a point of tension with the realization that you MUST find the answer. Focus all your attention possible on the desire and will for the answer. The combination of desire, will and pure intention creates a point of tension that opens the door of the soul.

As the door of the soul opens seek to understand the principle that will lead to your answer and that lies behind the answer.

As you pour your attention on the universe of principles and hold it there, the time will come that you will receive a “flashing forth” or a holy instant of revelation and suddenly you will see and understand that which was previously unseen and not understood.

Intuition is ALWAYS accompanied by understanding. He who receives information but does not understand it receives it by some other way.

There are three related methods of revelation through the soul which are:

(1) The intuition

(2) The Still Small Voice.

(3) Contact with higher lives – The Masters on up.

There are three seed (or key) words that go with these:

(1) Revelation – The intuition

(2) Direction – The Still Small Voice.

(3) Instruction – Contact with higher lives.

These are three pertinent words to contemplate as understanding is sought.

August 15, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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