Key Three, Right Perception

Key Three, Right Perception

2021 Gathering, Part Fifteen

JJ: Okay, we’ll go onto the next key. Just cover that quickly here. The next key is the Key of Correct Perception. Now the trouble with the world of perception is the esoteric teachings tell us this world is illusion. So what we perceive is also illusion.

But, on the other hand, perception shouldn’t be discounted for some people who say the world is illusion will discount perception. Perception should not be discounted because correct perception can lead us out of illusion. If we perceive incorrectly, then that takes us deeper into the illusion, and it makes it harder for us to see our way out. So, it’s important that we perceive correctly.

Now, one of the greatest things that teaches us how perception can be diminished and difficult to be accurate, is the game that I mention in my book called Chinese Checkers . . . I think it was called.

Adam: Whispers. Chinese Whispers.

JJ: Chinese Whispers. That’s what it was. Yeah. And I’ve played that before. You get about a dozen people in a circle, and you start with kind of a nonsensical statement, and it goes through the dozen people. We ought to do that here just to see how it works. I will whisper something in someone’s ear. Let’s start with Michael over here. I’ll whisper something in Michael’s ear. And Michael can whisper it to Susan. And we can go around and whisper it to everybody. And then the last person will tell us what he heard.

Now you can only whisper it once. If they can’t understand . . . if they don’t hear it correctly, you can’t say it over again. Okay. You’ve just got to take what you’ve heard and tell it to the next guy. Okay?

Joshua: You better be careful calling it Chinese Whispers these days. (laughter)

Various chatter going on among the group as JJ starts the communication and it continues through the group.

JR is the last person to receive the communication and vocalizes what he heard: “The girl ran over the green grass.”

JJ: Well, that was closer than normal. The original statement was “The cow jumped over the green grass.” (laughter)

More chatter among the group about how the communication was corrupted.

JJ: So anyway, usually it’s more garbled than that. Usually there’s nothing recognizable with the final statement.

Joshua: See, we have soul contact to a degree, JJ, so we’re not easily corruptible. (laughter)

JJ: That would explain it. Well generally there’s nothing recognizable. Usually, the final is really weird, for it just shows that when you perceive something and pass it along, and then the other person takes what you said, and he passes it along, it gets distorted.

Concerning the scriptures they say . . . the nearest we have to the original gospel concerning Jesus, is the twelfth copy. That’s what they’ve figured. Thinking about the twelfth copy you wonder how many changes have happened by scribes copying at twelve different times?

So what happens is the scribes copy it, and some scribes think, “well, you know this doesn’t sound right. Let me clarify this.” And so they’ll change the scripture to make it clarify, or maybe they will write a note into the scripture, above it, for clarification . . . and then the next guy that copies it, puts the note in there as if it is part of the actual scripture.

Like even the Lord’s prayer, they say that uh . . . “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” What is the last one, “the kingdom and the glory” or something?

Michael: “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.”

JJ: Yes. The very last line, they say, was added later. That’s what the scholars say, and it wasn’t in the original. So, this correct perception is a really important thing for in our personal lives, we have to make sure that we perceive correctly.

Throw the idea of illusion out the window while you’re trying to perfect perception. A lot of teachers will say, “this road is illusion. That’s no way to perceive correctly.” But we can perceive correctly within in the reality we’re in.

One of the best examples of incorrect perception is the courtroom. You’ll have two witnesses that see the same auto accident, and they will give different accounts, especially the guy that caused the accident. Is he going to admit that he was guilty? Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, no, he’s going to maintain that he’s innocent. As a matter of fact, insurance companies tell you, not to admit you did anything wrong, no matter how wrong you think you were.

When things come to trial, you have two or three eye-witnesses, and they all give a little bit different account, but they all saw the same thing. The true reality is they didn’t see three different things. They have three different interpretations of what they saw, based on their feelings.

So it’s important when disciples perceive that they are honest about what they did perceive, because it comes down to personal honesty and integrity. If a person is honest and has high integrity, he will be willing to admit what he actually did perceive.

Now this goes even beyond this when we’re, say, studying or looking for the truth for we perceive on different levels. Normally, we think, well, we just see different things and we disagree about that, and we hear different things, and we disagree about that.

But we also understand different things through an inner perception. This inner perception is higher still. But how we understand things is based largely on where our consciousness is. Is our consciousness centered on the emotional level, or the mental level, or maybe even on the spiritual level.  

If it’s on the emotional level, then how you perceive things with your understanding will disagree with almost everybody because emotionally polarized people generally cannot agree with other emotional people, cannot agree with mental people, and cannot agree with spiritual people.

They’re pretty much in a world of their own, and if they do agree with another emotional person, it’s kind of like a stopped clock being right twice a day, so to speak. In other words, it’s just kind of a coincidence that they happen to agree. Or maybe they just have the same common enemies. Then on the mental level, people can perceive through understanding much more accurately, and on the spiritual level, they can become one. Becoming one on the spiritual level is what we are attempting to do with this group. With this group, we seek to understand each other, to perceive correctly, and to see through the eyes of the soul.

And only by seeing through the eyes of the soul can perception be accurate. Because people are not very honest with themselves – like I said, with a car accident for instance. If you’re the guy that caused the accident, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you’re going to distort reality, distort perception to your advantage, and the person won’t be a hundred percent honest.

So it’s important with perception, that we are honest about what we perceive and what we remember we perceive. This is very difficult for people to do, but it will lead us from nonreality to reality if we are honest with ourselves. Let us say say you are in a relationship, and you have arguments at different times, and one of the things that you want to perceive is how the person is actually thinking.

How many times have you had an argument with somebody, and they said, “well you said this, and you meant this?” And you said, “no, that not what I meant, and I didn’t really say it that way.” Have you ever had that happen?

Asaph: Many times.

JJ: Mr. Bates there, what kind of a problem have you had with that?

Darren: Well, kind an issue with my wife. (chuckle) She will quote me on something I said, and I’ll say, “no, I didn’t say that,” because I know that’s not something I would say. And so I tell her that maybe I said something different, but she misinterpreted it, or didn’t hear it exactly the same way. Or maybe . . . sometimes it comes down to the meaning of words. We have a different definition of words. So I say something that means something to me and different to her.

JJ: Yeah, oftentimes what happens when you have a conversation with somebody is they will not perceive what you said correctly, they will perceive it the way that they feel that you’re saying it. So you’re having an argument with somebody, and they’ll say, “well, you said this.” And you think, “I didn’t say that. And I didn’t mean that.” When you try to correct them, and they will not accept the correction. Have you had that happen?

Darren: Well, doing that, then they say, “now you’re trying to change what you said, and now you’re lying to me because you’re trying to justify to me.”

JJ: Right, right. The emotional person will try to argue that way. Whereas, what they should do is say, “well, I thought you meant this, but I’m glad you clarified.” They should trust that you are honest, but they won’t. The emotional person wants to believe that you are being deceptive.

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