Key Seven, The Gathering Principle

Key Seven, The Gathering Principle

2021 Gathering, Part Thirty

JJ: The next key is the Gathering Principle.

Susan: The seventh key?

JJ: Yes. So the seventh key is the Gathering principle and I’ve already talked quite a bit about that, written books about it, but I thought I would just go over it briefly. What is the Gathering principle? How well, have you guys absorbed that? Yeah.

Joshua: That the lights . . . that light or lights gather together, shine bright and have more of an impact than they would if they were scattered, and that applies on different levels as law of correspondences.

JJ: Yeah, that’s part of it. Any other comments.

Curtis: Watch any system long enough and it will begin to organize. Watch any organized system long enough and it will begin to disorganize, and then it will begin to reorganize. So say there’s a coming together of particles to create something and then they disorganize, and then reorganize.

JJ: Okay. The gathering principle is basically this . . . it’s the principle that is behind all evolution. There are certain elements that are key ingredients will gather together . . . and as they gather together, they create something greater than themselves. And when they create something greater than themselves and it works, then it remains and becomes a unit in the next gathering. Gathering after gathering produces evolution after evolution.

For instance, let’s look at humanity. When humanity first began, as far as we know, we just existed as family units. Then the family units because of different needs that they had, they gathered together into tribes. Why did they gather together into tribes?

Curtis: Protection.

JJ: Right. Better protection. There were a lot of wild beasts out there that could rip them to pieces so for protection they were forced to gather together into larger numbers. And as they gather together into larger numbers, they created tribes. For instance, even in the Bible, we have the beginning of Israel, the twelve tribes. You know, they’re not called twelve nations, they’re called twelve tribes that were in one nation. So they gathered together into tribes.

And as tribes, they usually had some tribal leader who was pretty powerful, told them what to do, and they got some cooperation from the tribal members. They were fairly cooperative. We go into the primitive civilizations in the jungles and look at the tribes there . . . they’re fairly cooperative. Their leaders have quite a bit of authority, but they get cooperation from the people. And the people often have pretty good equality as a group.

But eventually the tribes start to gather together. And when the tribes gathered together, what did they create?

Asaph: Kingdoms

JJ: Kingdoms and nations, didn’t they? And then over the kingdom was a beastly-like authority they called a king or tribal leader or a dictator or authoritarian. Usually, in the old days they were just called the king. And the king had absolute power over life and death. The king was given power that beyond anything that was in the tribes and the king had absolute power over life and death over the people.

And a lot of people liked this idea, because the kingdom had a lot more power than just a tribe, and they had a lot more power of protection from the wild beasts and from other nations and other tribes that were out there, that were out of control. No tribe could challenge a nation with a strong king. And so a lot of people gravitated toward the king, and they thought this was pretty much the ultimate – get a good king, you really got something, you received some protection.

But then a lot of people became dissatisfied with having a king because he could have your head cut off or throw you in prison. He had total power over your life and death. And so a lot of people became dissatisfied with the King. Next people began to gather together and create a higher form of government. It first happened in Greece and Athens. They created somewhat of a democracy.

A lot of people call it a pure democracy, but only a small percentage of the people really did participate in voting, but they had the closest thing to democracy up to that time. Then eventually a new world was discovered, and word went out, there was a new world out there and there was a chance for greater freedom to escape from the power of the king and be your own person. This was a calling card that went out, and the people that were lovers of freedom left Europe and came to America to build a better world.

When people who loved freedom arrived here, they gathered together and created a system with greater freedom and more democracy than they had under the King. So by the gathering together of these people, they created something greater than they had before.

And now we’re approaching the time of the next gathering, when the gathering of lights will happen. When the gathering of lights happens, we will create something that has never been here before – something greater than a kingdom, greater than a regular democracy, greater than anything that’s ever been in existence before.

Because when the lights are gathered, they’re, dissatisfied with the way things were and they want to create something better. The next thing that will eventually be established will be the molecular relationship, but it will be a while before that completely permeates. But some of the ideas of the molecular relationship will take hold, and some of them are already doing this.

As you know, like a lot of businesses are starting up or they’re employee owned . . . like in Boise, the headquarters of WinCo . . . that’s a grocery store. You guys have a WinCo in your area?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: Yeah. It’s really a great place to shop. And it is employee owned and they’re following some of the principles of the molecular relationship, not all, but enough of them to make them more efficient than a regular run grocery store.

Joshua: Are there any write-ups about WinCo that I could share with people?

JJ: Probably if you want to Google it. Yeah. I don’t suppose you have one in New Jersey, since it’s centered mainly in the West.

Joshua: No. I thought it was Albertsons, you were saying?

JJ: Yeah, Albertsons started in Boise also.

Joshua: But they’re the same . . . similar thing, which the employees own.

JJ: They are quite different for Albertsons is run kind of conventionally.

Joshua: Oh, okay.

JJ: WinCo is employee-owned. The employees I’ve talked to are really happy with working there. And almost all of them have stock and if you read the book the molecular relationship, you’ll see that a lot of things at WinCo corresponds to the molecular business presented there.

Joshua: Trader Joe’s isn’t really patterned after that, but they have a lot of things that are good for the employees and it’s a good environment. I don’t know if you guys have Trader Joe’s.

JJ: Yeah, we have Trader Joe’s.

Joshua: But like they don’t keep employees in one area for more than two hours. You don’t come in and then you’re checking bags for eight hours.

JJ: Oh really.

Joshua: Or you’re putting out things . . . they mix it up, so people are in a better state because they’re not, you know, chained to one thing.

JJ: You know, when I was young, no employer was concerned about keeping the employees happy . . . it seemed like “you just come to work for us and you were just happy you’re going to get a paycheck.” That’s that was the attitude and now it’s totally changing. In the fact that there’s a lot more employee-owned businesses, there’s a lot of businesses where people are trying to keep the employees happy and take care of them and make their lives better. so it’s a lot different than it was.

We don’t notice the changes very much because things change fairly slowly; sometimes it’s over a period of 40 – 50 years . . . so there’s a lot bigger change than we realize. Now with Covid, they’re having a hard time getting employees at all. That’s good and bad. It’s bad in the fact that you go to a restaurant and that you got to wait longer for service because they’re always shorthanded, but it’s good in the fact that they’re thinking, well, what can we do to make our employees happy so that they will want to work for us? And so, yes, it’s kind of a good and bad mixture and hopefully the good will outweigh the bad when everything is said and done.

Okay. Any more comment on the gathering? It’s the principle behind all evolution and it’s prophesied in the Bible, talked about in the Bible almost more than anything else.

Yet, you never hear a sermon on it in church. You don’t hear a sermon on it in the Protestant churches, the Catholic Church, or even the Mormons anymore. One of the Articles of Faith for the LDS is around the gathering of Israel. And this is one of the points . . . the sore points that got Curtis and me excommunicated, is that we criticized the church for no longer teaching the principle of the gathering. When talked to Bruce R. McConkie and Mark E. Peterson about it they say, “Well we’ve gathered. We’ve got other people in churches and wards and stakes..”

Curtis: Yeah. “How is that different than any other church?”

JJ: Yes “if you believe in the literal gathering of Israel, gathering together in churches is not the gathering. It was to gather together to build cities. That’s what it says right in the Doctrine and Covenants. When’s the last time the Church guys built a city and gathered the lights?

(Quoting church authorities) “Well, you know, we don’t need to build cities anymore.” And we warned them that the reason that they were supposed to build cities was for protection because they would be able to be self-sufficient and be able to protect themselves if there was some type of a collapse.

If there’s a collapse right now, we’re all basically screwed, except for the Amish. The Amish are the people that are going to be most prepared if there is an economic collapse. They will probably rule if they are not destroyed by mobs.

Curtis: Well the idea was to build cities or states . . . the state of Zion or the city of Zion was a synonymous term, and they were not to be too large. I mean, maybe 12,000 building lots in each stake or city.

Right around 12,000 to 20,000 people. Yeah. But that was our dream, was to build a city, and Curtis and I had hoped that by now we would all be living in and having several cities built, but that never happened. So we’re just as exposed as anybody else right now, unfortunately.

So I hope the time of any collapses will be delayed enough that we can be prepared, or even better is that there will be no collapse. That would be the greatest thing. The danger is great because there’s so many things that could produce a collapse. Number one, if there was a solar flare.

Back in the days of Abraham Lincoln when they just built the first telegraph wires, there was a solar flare so strong that it set the telegraph wires on fire and ruined the telegraph systems between a number of cities.

Now. Can you imagine if we had a flare like that today? Now, on the average, a flare like that happens every 150 to 200 years. And so we’re lucky we haven’t had one since the days of Abraham Lincoln, but it’s just a matter of time before one shows up and we’re completely unprepared for it. We could spend a couple billion dollars and protect our electrical systems, but our politicians are more concerned about global warming and other things.

But if a giant solar flare hit us and took down entire electrical grid it’s quite possible two thirds of the people would be dead within a couple of months? It would be a terrible thing. So that’s just one thing.

The second thing that could happen could be a total economic collapse. With this tremendous amount of money that they’re borrowing, you know, they’re taking us much nearer to the possibility than we were a few years ago.

Ed: The economy has to collapse because it’s so corrupt, it eventually will, because it has to collapse before it can be reborn.

JJ: And if it did, it would be almost as bad as the solar flare. I mean, the stores would be wiped out of everything that’s in them within a couple of days. And so there’s a lot of things that could happen.

A third possibility is a nuclear pulse. We wouldn’t need hundreds of nuclear weapons to destroy our country, but just a couple exploded in our upper atmosphere  could wipe  out our power grid and communications. This alone could cause a breakdown of our society and the death of most Americans.

The best case scenario is there’s no breakdown  the immediate future and we’re able to survive without total economic collapse, just maybe a depression or something like that. So let’s hope for the best. We as agents of light can do our best to prepare for that, which is to come.

So I’ve always thought that if the time came that there was a total collapse or something, I’d get some type of message, but you never know because sometimes the powers that be . . . if there is something that affects everybody and there’s nothing that any individual can do . . . uh, there may not be a message, but if there is a way of escape, there will be messages given.

A lot of a lot of Mormons think there is going to be a nuclear war. That’s another thing. There have been a lot of prophecies about nuclear war that haven’t come true. Some Mormons think the Chinese and the Russians, and the U.N. are going to come over here and try to take over, and we’re going to have a trek to Zion and overcome all our enemies.

A lot of the prophesies about the end times comes from distorted thoughtforms picked up which lead the receiver in the wrong direction. But what’s really going to happen is quite difficult to tell because, everybody that I’ve ever seen predict specific things about the future have been wrong. I haven’t found one person that has been right any more than a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Every once in a while, somebody comes close, but I haven’t found one person that has made specific prophecies that have been right. I found a lot of people on the Internet that have made specific prophecies about earthquakes, and then there was an earthquake somewhere. There’s always earthquake somewhere. Then they claim they were right. Then I check it out and I find, the guy was off as to where the earthquake was. He was off how big it was. He was off on a lot of points on that earthquake. But he claims success, and this happens again and again.

So I think that it would be a good thing for us to contemplate as a group as to the future of what we can do to prepare. It’s quite possible that people here could get inspiration, visions, dreams about what we can do to better prepare for the future, because there’s all kinds of prophecies about the future that are wrong.

I believe the Masters are trying to guide events in such a way that a total collapse will be avoided and we can enter the Aquarian age intact as a society. That is a good possibility, but our fate is up to the free will of humanity.

It’s possible there could be a collapse, but the Spiritual Hierarchy is trying to engineer things so that we can avoid a total collapse. There’s going to be difficulties, but I believe that it’s possible to enter the future age without a total collapse, and just have a number of major hurdles, but work through them.

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