Correcting Others

Correcting Others

A Course in Miracles emphasizes that it is not our job to correct our brothers for that is the job of the Holy Spirit.

“If you point out the errors of your brother’s ego you must be seeing through yours, because the Holy Spirit does not perceive his errors. This must be true, since there is no communication between the ego and the Holy Spirit.” T-9.III.4.

“When a brother behaves insanely, you can heal him only by perceiving the sanity in him. If you perceive his errors and accept them, you are accepting yours.” T-9.III.2-5

“It is not up to you to change your brother, but merely to accept him as he is.” T-9.III.6

“Correction is not your function. It belongs to One Who knows of fairness, not of guilt. If you assume correction’s role, you lose the function of forgiveness. No one can forgive until he learns correction is but to forgive, and never to accuse. Alone, you cannot see they are the same.” T-27.II.10

Taking this into consideration, what do you suppose one should do when a fellow student posts something that you think is in error and goes completely contrary to the Course?  Should we say nothing or is there an appropriate response that can be made?

There are several things we need to look at to discern how to best handle attempts at correction. The first is that there are two types of corrections that are offered. One is a correction from the ego that also involves making the receiver feel that he is being attacked and needs to defend himself or the truth of his statements.

The second are obvious factual corrections that are generally appreciated by the receiver as long as they are perceived as being given with sincerity. Examples of this could be a teacher grading a student, a reader pointing out an embarrassing typo that can be corrected, a passenger telling the driver he needs to turn left, not right, etc.

The ego’s idea of attack, judgment and correction are closely allied, but in applying these tactics the ego always tries to present itself as a benevolent force just trying to help a deluded soul. But in using this self-deceptive tactic it ignores the statement of Jesus in the Course saying:

“I will never attack your ego” T-4.I.3

The Course tells us that an attack against the true Son of God is impossible, but an ego can seem to make an attack on another ego and an ego can certainly have his feelings hurt by a perceived attack.

I think understanding this is a key to understanding true correction as taught by the Course. Correction is to be discouraged if it is directed at an individual ego creating the possibility of making him feel attacked for “Everyone you attack keeps it and cherishes it by holding it against you.” T-14.III.5

“When the ego experiences threat, its only decision is whether to attack now or to withdraw to attack later.” T-9.VIII.3

One may then ask, Isn’t the Course itself a great mechanism for correction? If it sets the example then why should we not correct our brother when he is obviously wrong.

What is overlooked here is that the Course merely gives out general truth and never calls out a specific ego for correction. The perception of attack occurs when we identify an ego, such as Bob, Tim or Jack, and specifically tell him he is wrong and needs to see things our way.

So, if we see a student post something that seems incorrect, according to the Course, here is an example of what not to do.

“Well Jim, you really screwed up this time. You completely distorted the meaning as presented by the Course which can only mean you are speaking from the ego.”

Here is what you can do. You can tell him that there are several ways of looking at this and say, “Here is my take.”

In the second you are not attacking, or even telling him he is wrong, but sharing, and sharing is strongly encouraged by the Course.

Often the line between sharing and attack becomes blurred as when an ego attacks it always claims that it was just trying to be helpful, or reveal the truth.

Here is the question one must ask before offering a correction:

How is the receiver of the correction going to respond? Will he accept the correction with appreciation or will he see it as an attack, or annoying at the least?

If he sees it as an attack then the chances are that he will attack back and observers will witness one of the many rounds of arguing back and forth that goes on in internet groups.

It is thus helpful in avoiding a round of distracting arguments to correctly assess how the person who seems to need correction will respond to your approach.

Then there are times when merely sharing a sincere point of view brings attack from the world of egos, even if that view is based on solid truth.  What should you do if you receive a comment like this:

“You are obviously ignorant of the true meaning here and deceived by your own ego.”

If one takes this as an insult then the natural inclination is to attack back with another insult.

The Course though tells us that if we defend ourselves then we are attacked, but in this case the self you are defending is the ego. The Course does tell us something we are supposed to defend:

“The best defense, as always, is not to attack another’s position, but rather to protect the truth.” T-3.I.2

If you feel that your position is based on truth, and come under attack, then the Course tells us to not attack the other guy’s position, but to “protect the truth.” This can be done by giving an expanded explanation as to why your position is in alignment with the Course, the Holy Spirit, common sense and reason.

This is what the Course itself does with its presentation. It does everything possible to defend the truth it presents by appealing to every part of ourselves that can comprehend it.

The problem in reaching a beneficial mutual sharing is excessed in this scripture: “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.” Proverbs 21:2

The ego always maintains that it is correct and will attack those who express anything to the contrary.  Every once in a while, though, when a student speaks the words of the Holy Spirit, the ego is bypassed and the true Son of God within is reached and the two become one.

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