Reality and Existence

Reality and Existence

It seems that a lot of the difference of interpretation of the Course comes from confusion over the use of certain key words which are used with different points of emphasis. The tendency is to pick one side or the other rather than looking at what is actually being said in the overall picture.

Two problematic words are “exist” and “real.”

These words, and their variances, are closely related and the way they are used sometimes causes the student to proclaim himself as either not existing or “not here”, while others see it differently.

To get at the truth let us see how the Course uses these two words.”

It seems to tell us that anything connected to this world does not exist. For instance, it says “The body is the symbol of what you think you are.  It is clearly a separation device, and therefore does not exist.” T-6.V.A.2

But then it backtracks a bit and says:

“The body does not really exist except as a learning device for the mind.” OE Tx:2.61

Here it seems to imply an existence for the purpose of learning, but then it says this:

“The body exists in a world that seems to contain two voices fighting for its possession.” T-8.VIII.2

The difference here is that it is said to have an existence in our world    .

So, we have a variation in the Course in the use of the word “exist’ in relation to the body, from a black and white declaration of nonexistence to a partial existence to a full existence.

To get to the truth we have to look at the context/picture rather than the symbolic frame as advised by the Course.

We have the same situation with the existence of our world. On one hand it says:

“The world does not exist.” W-pI.132.8.

Then on the other hand it says:

“The physical world exists only because man can use it to correct his unbelief, which placed him in it originally.” OE Tx:1.93

Then we have the existence of the real world which is still a part of the dream but the final step toward awakening. Concerning this it says:

“Through the eyes of Christ, only the real world exists and only the real world can be seen.” T-12.VII.11

But then it says that when “dreams are done, eternity has shined away the world, and only Heaven now exists at all.” W-pII.2.4

So, when we enter heaven the real world will no longer exist, but only heaven will.

What do we learn from this?

We learn that we cannot take one meaning from a sentence ir two and apply it all the through the Course, but have to look at the context to see what is really being said.

The words “real” and “reality” are similarly problematic. Concerning the reality of this world it says:

“You have denied it (the world) is but an illusion, and made it real. And it is real to you. It is not nothing.” T-26.VI.1

“What you project or extend is real for you. This is an immutable law of the mind in this world as well as in the Kingdom. However, the content is different in this world, because the thoughts it governs are very different from the Thoughts in the Kingdom.” T-7.II.2

So, from one point of emphasis we are told that this world has a reality, but with different content than the eternal world.

Then, on the other hand, it says: Not that the world where this reflection is, is real at all. Only because His Son believes it is.” T-25.III.2

The point is that the Course is flexible in its use of various words such as existence and reality, and if we strictly apply the same meaning in every case, we will often miss the full meaning.

I have often seen students correct other students for using existence or reality in relation to this world insisting that this world does not exist and we should not speak of it as if it does, even though the Course does when applicable.

That said it may be helpful to define the highest realty as stated by the Course:

“Everything that God created cannot have an end, and nothing He did not create is real.” M-20.5 “Whatever is true is eternal, and cannot change or be changed.” T-1.V.5

When speaking of existence and reality from the viewpoint of heaven then then it is only referring to things that are eternal with no end.

But then there are times the Course is speaking to us as we exist in time and it talks about reality and existence which is not eternal, but belonging to this world.

Even so, must we accept the temporary reality of this world to even function. We have to earn a living, pay the rent, buy groceries, make friends and indeed have a certain type of reality in this world that just doesn’t go away by proclaiming, “I am not here” or, “the world does not exist.”

If you are reading these words, you are still here for there is no perception in heaven.

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