Resistance is Futile

Resistance is Futile

A reader asks this: “If pain, displeasure and unhappiness is based in rebellion (as taught by Patanjali & others) than it would imply that rebellion ought to be avoided. However, many rebellions have led to more freedoms throughout history; and the righting of wrongs. Therefore, could we clarification on this statement? Thank you.”

JJ: The answer to this lies in Solomon’s injunction that there is a time and season for all things. This would include rebellion.

There are three things against which the disciple should not rebel.

[1] He should not rebel against a situation, however bad, when that rebellion would not make a difference.

For instance, in the time of Jesus slavery was very prevalent, but did Jesus lead a rebellion against it?


Did he even speak against it?


Why not?

Because the time was not right. Anyone speaking against slavery would have swiftly been disposed of and no movement could have gotten off the ground.

Jesus concentrated on what could be done rather than to tackle an impossible task. He knew his teachings would eventually lead to freedom for all, but it would take time.

Even so, the disciple should not fight City Hall for the principle of it because City Hall will win and his time and energy will be wasted. That energy can be better spent in fighting a battle that can be won. Then when the disciple has a few victories under his belt then maybe he can fight City Hall.

[2] He should not rebel against what is, or that which cannot be changed. This harmonizes with Tolle’s main philosophy of accepting what is.

If your girlfriend leaves you or your cat dies you might as well accept it and move on. Cursing and crying over what happens does not undo anything. What happens, happens. There is nothing one can do to change it so the disciple must accept events as they happen and make the best of them. Cursing God or the situation only delays progress.

[3] The disciple should not rebel against the communications received through the soul. Such communications come in diverse ways to most people and they often lead us in directions that we do not want to follow. When these personal revelations are denied, ignored or resisted disease or pain will usually follow. This again causes the seeker to waste much time and effort.

So, when should the disciple rebel?

He should rebel when his cause is just, he has a chance of victory and such victory will bring greater freedom for the human spirit.

But one of the problems with many aspiring disciples is this. They made a step forward by rebelling against a beastly authority and then can’t shake rebellion out of their system. Some spend their whole life rebelling just to be rebelling and accomplish nothing in the end. The disciple needs to find his work and quietly proceed in doing it and this, more often than not, requires no rebellious actions.

More On Love

From comments made on my post on love it looks as if some additional clarification is needed.

If some are thinking of love as it is defined in religious teachings then I can see why my writing on it could have been a little confusing.

One of the limitations of the scriptures and religious teachings is that they deal with the effect of love and not the principle.

The principle of love is part of our very nature so when anyone feels it there is a knowing, even among those who are not spiritually evolved.

Religious teachings encourage acts that manifest love, but they do not tell us what love is.

Perhaps the best statement of Jesus illustrating the actual principle was found in these words:

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die.” John 12:32-33

What was he saying here? He was telling us that His crucifixion that would lift Him up was going to be a great act of love that would draw all men to Him.

That power that pulls the many into the one is the principle behind love. That principle is a magnetic pull that draws us back to our source. It pulls the many back to the one and causes the divided to become a unity.

When you fall romantically in love with someone what do you want to do? You are magnetically drawn to this person and want to be as close as possible. When one falls in love he or she wants to be together not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When people first fall in love, they sometimes can’t get close enough and almost wish they could share the same body together.

When two friends share a non-romantic spiritual love, they will also be drawn to each other and enjoy sharing and unifying in all ways except with romantic and sexual energy.

In all cases love creates a magnetic force that draws two or more toward a center.

When this is understood then love can be seen as something greater than just a mysterious feeling. When it is understood as a principle then it can be applied with greater intelligence. When not understood, but just seen as a feeling then that feeling is often applied incorrectly so the end result frustrates the power of love and more division is the result than is unity.

When applied correctly the seeker will use his power of judgement to use this energy to find those who are on the same level of the love vibration as himself and unite with them. Those on a different vibration are tested to see which areas of feeling respond to a similar love vibration as his own. When similarities of acceptance to the love vibration are found then the seeds of love can be planted even in two people who do not think and feel alike.

A fullness of sharing and unity requires the two to look beyond differences and personality to the world of the soul. Unfortunately, two people who can do this consistently are rare. But the good news is that love is increasingly streaming forth into the hearts of men and the application of this principle is on the increase.

If we do not bomb ourselves back into the Stone Age, then within 150-200 years from now the brotherhood and love among humanity will be greatly increased to the extent that the new age will become a reality.

“Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood.” — Louise Beal

April 21, 2008

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