Something Old, Something New

Something Old, Something New

Our friend Dan posted the following:

“I once participated in a project to create EXACTLY the type of community we are talking about here minus the spirituality/mysticism (even so much as thinking either of those terms would have gotten someone ex-communicated 🙂

“No big-brother at all – pure unadulterated laissez faire, free- market, Galt’s Gulch capitalism. There were over 100 people directly involved and more as ‘investors’ with, as I recall at the beginning (I didn’t get in until about the last year), maybe 10 million dollars total to work with in the trust.

“You want to know why it failed IMO?

“Because every individual (all were rugged individualists) wanted to have every single detail worked out PRIOR to actually DOING anything physically.

“Each of us INSISTED on having EVERY single POSSIBLE contingency planned out, accounted for, written down and eliminated as an issue before starting anything AND additionally we each thought OUR idea was the ONLY sane way that any of it could be done (of course).

“Every time we would get close to completion on one project, a new detail emerged that must be dealt with FIRST that affected everything else so it had to be re-worked and so on and so on ad infinitum.

“Nobody was willing to compromise one iota just to get something going to start with except the moneyman who was basically a get-r-dun ‘we gotta have a flashy circus to keep ‘em interested’ type PR guy.

“Basically, the ‘planning stage’ continued on over so many years that we gradually ate up the whole 10mil ‘keeping investors happy,’ before Laissez Faire City could do much more than just BEGIN to manifest in the physical, which it did briefly, before SIDS killed it.

“This means too much to me to see that happen again here. Let’s gest gitRdun and see where the chips fall. What have we got to lose? A crappy system that no one likes but feels FORCED to put up with?

“C’mon, I’ve lived in the tropics, food LITERALLY grows on trees, you’d have to be an idiot to starve to death!”

JJ: Since you’ve described such a unique experience I thought I’d make sure it got in the archives.

We’ve discussed this experience in person at the Manti gathering and as you may recall I was not at all surprised with the result you achieved. Over the years I’ve encountered quite a few people who would like to gather out and there are many similarities between them. In many ways several members here represent the quintessential nature of those I have met in the past. They are good people, but put them together to work out the details of cooperation and fireworks will be the result. Some seem to be on the same page as they are united against me but if they had to work out a plan together things would be different. For instance one member’s belief that fractional banking is acceptable would not fit in with another’s that each dollar must be 100 percent gold backed.

When the time of the gathering comes many who sought it the most will also resist it the most as everything will not fit in with their idea of high standards. This applies whether it is spearheaded by me or someone else. The first will be last and the last first seems to apply again and again.

One thing left out of this truism though is the first can remain the first if they are not crystallized in their ideas. The true disciple rides the waves of time as the surfer rides the waves of the ocean and uses the energy of the wave rather than being engulfed and controlled by it.

Dan: “It is only insane to keep trying the same thing expecting a different result if the conditions always stay the same (and you know the old say about ‘the only thing that stays the same) — but we’re talking about an entirely new world here!

“Hell, forget about EVERYTHING else we’ve learned here except the Molecular Relationship. That alone changes how things work so THOROUGHLY that almost anything ever tried in history COULD be tried again under the new system and have a different result!

“The alarmists are always going to be able to point to something in our history that is similar to everything that will EVER EXIST and say — ‘see, it failed right here in 2007, it’ll obviously fail this time too’”.

JJ: Yes, you are right — the Molecular Relationship could make many business and governments work efficiently where now they are sluggish.

The main elements of the fiat money system I propose have worked successfully for periods of time until some greater power altered it. It was done by a number of the original colonists, Guernsey island, and even now in Ithaca New York. You can check out their use of fiat money at:

(NOTE: This was written before digital money like Bitcoin, which doesn’t even have a government to back it up, came into the equation)

The United States has used a fiat system with tremendous flaws in it over the past 70 years and even with these gaping holes we have produced abundance that makes any 70 years of the gold standard pale by comparison.

Even if we have a collapse tomorrow, we have still accomplished that which has never been done in the history of the world and can rebuild better than before from our ashes.

Now this is NOT an endorsement of the goodness of the current fiat system. I just want us to imagine where we would be if we had a responsible system where excessive dollars are not in circulation and corruption checked by law.

He who never sacrificed a present to a future good, or a personal to a general one, can speak of happiness only as the blind speak of color. —Horace Mann

Feb 28, 2008

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Evolution Of Thinking

Evolution Of Thinking

I want to repeat that it does not bother me if anyone here disagrees with me or sincerely challenges me so long as the motive is pure and we keep the conversation on a friendly level.

The group has provided me with enough material for a book of late so I will try and hone down my post to some essence and hope to cover more details and questions later.

I found a reader’s comments interesting. His thinking seemed to go something like this.

A lot of what I teach has been verified through his soul which causes him to give a lot of weight to things I teach that he has not received verification on. He has concluded that if I teach a thing to be true it is because I have seen (or at least think I see) the principles thereof through the soul. He therefore takes the attitude that if I give out something that runs contrary to what he has believed in the past that he should not give in to the natural impulse of immediate rejection. Instead, he gives it some weight and tries to see where the teaching leads him.

So what should one do if he has found a lot of value in many of my teachings and then is hit by something that throws him for a loop? What if my words oppose a belief one has deemed sacred and true throughout his life? Should he immediately oppose me and seek to set me straight? This of course will be the line of action for one who has not received soul verification on any of my teachings. But if he has received such verification on some things what then?

Perhaps it would help to describe what I do. When an earned authority makes a statement contrary to my belief system the natural man within me immediately rejects it. When I feel this rejection, I pause and then listen to the earned authority and the natural man within duke it out and examine the results. I then tell the natural man to hold his peace and ask myself this question. This teacher has been proven right on many occasions; is it possible he is correct on this one also? Is it possible that my long-held belief is an illusion and I have not seen correctly?

After asking this question I then would seek to make sure I understand the teacher correctly. Maybe I am misunderstanding him and we do not disagree after all. Or maybe we do disagree and I do not understand his insights or full reasoning around the subject. Maybe if I understood how he is seeing things I would change my mind.

At this point, if the teacher is available, before even voicing disagreement I would ask questions of clarification. I would make sure I accurately understand how he thinks on the subject and his reasons for such thinking. Then when it becomes obvious that the teaching is in definite conflict with my strong belief, I may challenge him and see how he responds to my reasoning.

For instance, my post about creating money backed by labor went against the belief of many and I was asked where this idea came from?

The evolution of my thinking on money began back in the Seventies when I was still a member and strong supporter of the Mormon Church. The doctrine of the church is that the U.S. Constitution is inspired of God. The church does not see the Constitution as infallible but its creation was motivated through the will of God. Therefore, whatever is literally in the Constitution carries a lot of weight with the LDS, particularly the portion of the members who take the revelations and teachings of Joseph Smith seriously.

I was first jarred into thinking about money when, around this time period, I came across conspiracy minded people and writings in and out of the church who saw the Constitution as being close to infallible.

I was quoted Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of The Constitution that states that Congress has the “power to coin money” and furthermore Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 specifies that “No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debt.”

Then I was told that there was a conspiracy of evil bankers who created the Federal Reserve and took us off the gold standard. The thinking of these people was pretty universal in believing that we should return to the gold standard.

My thinking of the time was that if the gold and silver standards were in the Constitution yes, we should abide by them and they must represent a correct principle since the Constitution was inspired.

I was open to conspiracy thinking at the time but not convinced that the bankers or shadow government were such all-powerful manipulators as these people believed.

Then one day I was talking to an older friend in the church who was somewhat fringe in his thinking and a local outcast. He told me the story of Lincoln’s greenbacks and then explained to me how Lincoln took power away from the bankers by issuing interest free money. He then said that if you figure the interest saved by the greenbacks since that time the savings amounted to many billions. He then told me that Lincoln was killed because he defied the bankers in issuing the greenbacks.

I found this interesting, but in listening I also heard a message from my soul. It told me that there was truth to be had in contemplating the greenbacks.

This was a time period when I was contemplating many things that was out of the box that lead to me getting kicked out of the church in 1978. By that time I had no sacred cows. I was born again with a clean slate and the church, the scriptures, the Constitution were all suspect as being fallible and must be reexamined, not based on interpretation of outer authorities, but by the inner authority of the soul. From 1970 to 1980 I changed my mind on many things and sometime in the latter Seventies I formulated my views on money, not from any particular writer but merely what made sense to my mind and soul.

Note: A full explanation of the Greenback and the possible creation of something similar today can be found in my book – Fixing America – available on Amazon.

“There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” — Will Rogers

PS: Actually, there is a fourth kind that learns through the language of the soul — the language of principles.

Feb 26, 2008

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Heavenly Instants

Heavenly Instants

Haven’t seen anyone closely examine what A Course in Miracles says about an instant. Yes, I know that there have been many comments made about the “holy instant,” but little has been commented on about the idea of the instant itself.

When the text of the Course is examined, we find the word is used in three ways. 

The first is the common usage as defined by the dictionary which is: “an extremely short period of time.”  Here is one of the many examples of that from the Course:

“Remember to apply today’s idea the instant you are aware of distress.” W-pI.33.4.

The second is the “holy instant.” Concerning this the Course says

“The holy instant is a miniature of Heaven, sent you from HeavenThe holy instant is a miniature of eternity. It is a picture of timelessness, set in a frame of time… the whole of Heaven lies in this instant, borrowed from eternity and set in time for you.” T-17.IV.11

The holy instant is an awareness, realization, or recognition, that comes to us in a flash, of the joy that resides in our true home. When we negate the past and still the mind the instant can be experienced:

“The holy instant is the interval in which the mind is still enough to hear an answer that is not entailed within the question asked.” T-27.IV.6

The third use of “instant” in the Course describes how it is experienced in heaven. This is more difficult to understand as we are in time and space here, but life in heaven is not subject to time as we know it.  Only the present has meaning there. “The present is the only time there is.” W-pI.164.1

A holy instant occurring in this world of illusion is a recognition of the quality life in our true reality; whereas an instant in heaven involves a creation event. We thus have instants of recognition and instants of creation. (see T-21.II.8) An instant in heaven can span zero time or millions of years for we are told that:

“Only an instant does this world endure. And we give thanks today the world endures but for an instant. We would go beyond that tiny instant to eternity.” Lesson 300

So this world which has been here for billions of years is only reckoned as a span of a “tiny instant.”

From the beginning to the end of the separation is also said to be only an instant:

“Merely a tiny instant has elapsed between eternity and timelessness. So brief the interval there was no lapse in continuity, nor break in thoughts which are forever unified as one.” W-pII.234.1

Notice though that this instant was called an “interval.”

To have intervals involves change yet the course tells us that there is no change in heaven. But then we have this:

Whenever we move from one instant to the next, the previous one no longer exists.  UR T 3 C 34

 So, in heaven there was an instant where the separation took place, but then the solution was created and we moved to the next instant and it was as if “the previous one no longer exists.”

What is it that moves us from on instant to the next? This can be answered by another question:   What is the main thing we do in heaven?

Answer We create

Except you share it, nothing can exist. And you exist because God shared His Will with you, that His creation might create. T-28.V.2.

He (God) created you (the Son) as part of Him.” T-24.VI.1 and “You were created only to create” T-14.I.4

That which we create are additional Sons of God adding to the Sonship:

“There is no end to God and His Son, for WE ARE THE UNIVERSE” and we are to “See His creations as His Son.” T-11.I.5. “The universe consists of nothing but the Son of God,” W-pI.183.10

How can one instant of creation pass and be replaced by another if there is no change in heaven?

To get the answer we must closely examine what the Course means when it says heaven is changeless.

“What is timeless is always there, because its being is eternally changeless. It does not change by increase, because it was forever created to increase.” T-7.I.7

This statement explains how there can be movement in heaven from one instant to another whole adding newly created Sons of God yet still be considered in a changeless state.  All there is “was forever created to increase.”

In other words what does not change is the eternal expansion of creation, or the universe. Or you could say what does not change is the continual change caused by creation expanding the universe.

We are clearly told that heaven itself is in this eternal state of increase:

“Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere.” T-21.I.8

So, heaven is encircled by “an arc of golden light that stretches…The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity…”

All heaven itself, or all there is, forever increases by stretching and expanding to infinity.

As one instant of creation passes another takes its place and because only the present exists in heaven our entire focus is in the new instant of expanded creation. The current instant would include all creation from the previous instants so even though the previous instants are replaced they are not lost.

The instant where the mad idea surfaced “passed away in Heaven too soon for anything to notice it had come.” T-26.V.4

But even though that instant had passed it is still recalled and acted upon by Sons of God. It is called “The tiny instant you would keep and make eternal.” T-26.V.4

Normally the inhabitants of heaven focus on the current instant but some (which would include us) focus on that instant from the ancient past where the separation occurred. When this happens the dream is entered again and “in every judgment and in all belief in sin, is that one instant still called back, as if it could be made again in time. You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.” T-26.V.5

We are told that “the holy instant is eternal”. T-16.VII.6 This would apply to all instants in heaven for as life moves from one instant to the next all that was in the previous instants would remain.

Understanding the creation process as it proceeds in instants helps us to see the changelessness of heaven yet also relate to God’s statement in the Book of Revelation where he says: “Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5

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