

Over the years I have been here we have covered quite a few of principles, but Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey has also presented quite a few additional ones. Some, like the Law of Correspondences, has been covered in quite a bit of detail while others he mentions only in passing, possibly as a hint.

DK doesn’t use the term “principles” in the same way that I do. When he talks about them he often calls them laws. Since we have already covered the Law of Correspondences in some detail, and more elaboration will follow, we will skip that one for now. Instead we will search through the Alice A. Bailey books and dig out some Laws that are mentioned and seek to understand them.

The first law we will explore is called “the Law of Sacrifice.” DK tells us that this law “is ever followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation in the spiritual sense.”

Now he writes quite a lot about the Law of Sacrifice, but only mentions the Law of Re-Appropriation once. Thus it will take some creative thought mixed with intuition to understand this second law.

As seed material for this law contemplate text below. Note the questions at the end.

“The issue as yet remains undecided for the task of relinquishment is not easy. I would suggest to you that that which has to be relinquished may not be that upon which you are at this time laying the emphasis. I would remind you also that the Law of Sacrifice is ever followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation in the spiritual sense. Upon this fact I would ask you to ponder.” Discipleship In the New Age Vol 1 Pg 260

“In the earlier part of your last instruction, I pointed out two most necessary requirements which the disciple in training for initiation must grasp. As they are closely connected with this third point (referring to the revelations which the initiate can expect), I would like to touch upon them here. The first statement I made was to the effect that the will is fundamentally an expression of the Law of Sacrifice; the second was an attempt to emphasize the necessity for grasping and accepting two initial premises:

First, that energy follows thought. Second, that the eye, opened by thought, directs that energy.

Why, I would ask you, is the will an aspect or an expression of the Law of Sacrifice? Because the will, as considered and understood by the initiate, is essentially that monadic essence, qualified by “fixed determination,” which is identified with the Will or Purpose of the planetary Logos. It is the highest divine aspect which the initiate finally manifests, prior to entering upon the Way of the Higher Evolution. In this connection it is useful to remember that one of the appellations of Sanat Kumara is that of “the Great Sacrifice,” and also to attempt to recognise some of the factors which have earned Him that name. These might be stated to be as follows, among others which you could not grasp if there was the language available to express them:

(a) The basic sacrifice which the planetary Logos made was when He decided to incarnate or enter into the form of this planet. This was from pure choice, motivated by His “fixed determination” to function as the Saviour of the planet, in the same sense as the world Saviours come forth for the salvaging of humanity. Sanat Kumara is the prototype of all world saviours.

The initiate, on his tiny scale, must learn to function also as a saviour, and thus express the Law of Sacrifice through the medium of the developed, pure, reasoning will, and not simply from that of impulsive love and its activity. Here lies a basic distinction. Sacrifice must not be regarded as a “giving-up,” but rather as a “taking-over.” It has a mysterious relation to the Law of Karma, but on such high levels that only the advanced initiate can grasp it.

(b) This sacrifice was imperative in the fullest sense, owing to the ability of the planetary Logos to identify Himself in full consciousness with the soul in all forms of life, latent within the planetary substance. When He “took over” this task, He, esoterically, had no choice, because the decision was inherent in His own nature. Because of this identification, He could not refuse the invocative appeal of the “seeds of life, striving within the substance of the form, and seeking added life and light,” as the Old Commentary puts it. This striving and reaching forth evoked His response and the going out of His divinity, as expressed in will, activated by “fixed determination” to meet the deeply hidden divinity within these seeds. What He initiated then still persists and-under the Law of Sacrifice-He will complete the task, no matter how many aeons it may take.

The initiate, on his tiny scale, has to learn to work as a nourisher and saviour of the seeds of life within all forms with which he may achieve a measure of identification. His will must go out in response to the invocative demand of humanity, and his “fixed determination” must motivate his ensuing activity.

(c) Under this Law of Sacrifice, Sanat Kumara (to express the idea in occult terms) “must turn His back upon the Central Spiritual Sun, and with the light of His Countenance irradiate the path of the prisoners of the planet.” He sentences Himself to stay for as long as may be needed, “acting as the Sun and light of the planet until the Day be with us and the night of pralaya descends upon His finished task.” Thus and only thus can the light of the Central Spiritual Sun begin to penetrate the dark places of the Earth; when this happens all “shadows disappear”-an occult reference to the all-embracing radiance of the Monad as it absorbs both its reflection, the soul, and its shadow, the personality.

The initiate, on his tiny scale, achieves a paralleling expression of the Law of Sacrifice; he eventually turns his back upon the courts of Shamballa and upon the Way of the Higher Evolution as he retains his contact with the Earth and works as a Member of the Hierarchy for the extension of the will-to-good among men, and therefore among all the lesser evolutions.

(d) Under the Law of Sacrifice, the Lord of the World remains ever behind the scenes, unknown and unrealised by all the “seeds” He came to save, until such time as they have reached the stage of flowering forth as perfect men and, in their turn, become the saviours of humanity. Then they know Him to exist. From the standpoint of the forms of life in the four kingdoms of nature, Sanat Kumara is non-existent. In developed humanity, prior to moving on to the Probationary Path, He is sensed and dimly sought under the vague word “God.” Later, as the life which the “seeds” have manifested reaches the higher layers or brackets in the human hierarchy, there emerges in the consciousness of the disciple, the assurance that behind the phenomenal world is a world of “saving Lives” of which he may eventually form a part; he begins to sense that behind these Lives there stand great Beings of power, wisdom and love Who, in Their turn, are under the supremacy of Sanat Kumara, the Eternal Youth, the Creator, the Lord of the World.

The initiate, on his tiny scale, likewise has to learn to work behind the scenes, unknown and unrecognised and unacclaimed; he must sacrifice his identity in the identity of the Ashram and its workers, and later in the identity of his working disciples out in the world of daily life. He institutes the needed activities and brings about the required changes, but he receives no reward, save the reward of souls salvaged, lives rebuilt and humanity led onward upon the Path of Return.

These few thoughts upon the significance of sacrifice or upon the “taking over,” through identification, of the task of salvage, of revitalising and of presenting opportunity, are important to all disciples, as a goal and a vision.

The second point made, based upon the occult platitude that “energy follows thought,” should carry inspiring implications to the earnest disciple, if he truly considers the statements made and regards them of practical application.” Discipleship In the New Age Vol 2 Pg 285-289

Questions: What is the Law of Sacrifice? What does it mean when it says it is followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation? What inspiration do you gather about sacrifice from the above text?

Read again this statement: “The initiate, on his tiny scale, has to learn to work as a nourisher and saviour of the seeds of life within all forms with which he may achieve a measure of identification. His will must go out in response to the invocative demand of humanity, and his ‘fixed determination’ must motivate his ensuing activity.”

What does the term “seeds of life” mean to you and what is your part in nourishing them through sacrifice?

Is there such a thing as sacrifice as the world understands the term? Why or why not?

Oct 10, 2003

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The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Reader Question: “Why was it that while the Tree Of Life was permitted to be partaken of, that Adam/Eve didn’t run out and do that first?

JJ: We could spend a lot of time on this for the layers of correspondence are many And various forms of interpretation can produce truth. I’ll give out a few things.

Since you are of the LDS background I will quote from the Book of Mormon: “And it came to pass that I beheld that the rod of iron, which my father had seen, was the word of God, which led to the fountain of living waters, or to the tree of life; which waters are a representation of the love of God; and I also beheld that the tree of life was a representation of the love of God.” I Nephi 11:25

Here we see that the tree of life and the living waters are one and represent the “love of God.”

Jesus often spoke of this “living water.”

“Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water…. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:10&14

“He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

“For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Rev 7:17

“And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” Rev 21:6

“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Rev 22:1-2

We covered the Tree of Life and the twelve fruits somewhat in the New Jerusalem Meditation.

The fall of Adam and Eve is a symbol of the human changing in consciousness from animal to human self awareness. You will note that after the fall they were ashamed and covered themselves with leaves. Before they obtained self consciousness they could feel no guilt – like the animals. It does not matter what act an animal does he feels no shame over it, but self consciousness paves the way to the guilt that has so long plagued humanity.

When man was not self conscious he could partake of the love of God for he was blameless. But after he became self conscious and became aware of right and wrong he could never live a life so pure that he could feel guiltless. Therefore, when guilt entered in he could no longer partake of the Tree of Life for he could not bear the full strength of the love of God while at the same time seeing God as one who wants to punish.

Even so, the Love of God, the Tree of Life is always there waiting for us to partake. The secret is to transcend guilt. This was the true mission of Christ, to teach us to accept his words that will lead to the transcendence of guilt.

“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63

Several times Jesus stressed the power of his words which would lead to salvation and to life.

The accepting of the words of Jesus in the Bible are of course, helpful, but the key to final conquest of guilt that leads to the Tree of Life is to listen to, to hear and accept the words of Christ as they are spoken within us.

When the disciple hears and responds, the Tree of Life is available to him again.

Oct 8, 2003

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Becoming a Wise Seeker

Becoming a Wise Seeker

Concerning the Bailey writings, one comment some have made (which I have heard expressed before) is that the writings are difficult to understand. This causes some to conclude that they either have no real depth or that the writer consciously attempted to obfuscate the truth.

There are several reasons why this may seem to be the case to the new reader and the reasons for this are several.

(1) DK uses many Theosophical, Hindu and Buddhist words and terms of which the new reader has usually never encountered.

The Solution: The reader must become familiar with them. I wish that I had made a more focused effort to learn the vocabulary when I first started reading the books. It would indeed have greatly speeded my learning.

A good aid to assist you, which I did not have when I began learning, is THE ENCYCLOPEDIC THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY. This is free online HERE

Bookmark this and look up any key word as you progress with your reading. This will make the first read through slower, but the end result is that your learning will speed up.

Each time you look up a word keep a record of it in a notebook or computer file so you do not have to keep looking up the same word. Eventually it will become a part of your vocabulary.

One more thing to keep in mind as you seek to understand esoteric vocabulary is this. DK uses a number of theosophical words with a twist of meaning unique to himself. The glossary will be a big help, but with certain words, the only way to fine tune the meaning as they are used in the Bailey writings is to study them in the context that DK actually uses them. Therefore, when you come across a difficult word do a text search for that word and review how he generally uses it throughout the writings. Often he will give his own unique definition or a more complete explanation. When he does this make a note of it.

Several words that he uses in a unique manner are Antahkarana or Antaskarana Dharma Atom as in Permanent Atom Devas Dweller on the Threshold Cosmic Fire, Electric Fire, Fire by Friction, The Rays, Initiation, Personality and Radioactivity (as it applies to living things)

There are many others, but the thing to keep in mind is that there are a number of words he uses with a twist peculiar to himself, but the standard meaning will carry you through.

(2) DK’s writings are mainly intended for disciples, even though all who seek to understand will benefit.

Because his writings are mainly intended for disciples he wrote in a language and vocabulary that would be most meaningful to them. He expressed the idea that various disciples who read and understand his words will teach them to others in a more simplified language.

(3) He states that his writings are often intended to give hints around the real principle he wishes to reveal so the disciple can exercise his intuition. This increases the intuitive ability in the disciple and in the end causes him to understand much more thoroughly than if the principle had been given out in clear black and white detail.

(4) He states that he teaches from the universal to the particular. This is the opposite approach than is used in the schools of today which teach the particulars (details and data) in the hope that the student will eventually understand the universal (the principles).

Overall then, his method of presentation is not for the faint of heart. Even so, I do find portions of his writings wherein all can benefit that are quite quotable.

Here’s my personal experience with the writings. Like most readers I found then difficult at first. Even so I realized that there was a lot of light in them. As I ploughed through my first book I realized my first instinct was correct and continued on.

Now I understand the basic vocabulary and have a feel for his approach I see his writings as perhaps the most clear and precise that I have ever read, except perhaps the words of Jesus.

I find his words are a lot like that of Isaiah, even though the purpose is different.

When I first read the book of Isaiah I do not think I got anything out of it at all. I doubt if I could have given a paragraph of explanation of what I had read (I was sixteen at the time). The second time I read it I learned a little, but not much. It wasn’t until I read it for about the sixth time that it started making sense. Now even today as I contemplate his words new truth is still revealed. My opinion of his words are much different now than in my youth. At my first reading I forced my way through it just to say I had read it. Now I see great light and intelligence in every verse.

I think Isaiah prepared my mind to understand DK for his words are also complex and new light comes periodically as I reflect upon them.

Question: How should the seeker handle the various writings and teachings he studies? For example.

(1) The Bible or other scriptures with a long tradition of containing truth that humanity is supposed to accept without question.

(2) Writings such as those of Alice A. Bailey which obviously have high intelligence and original thought behind them – and claimed to be the work of a master.

(3) Other channeled or transmitted writings that seem to have intelligence behind them.

(4) Writings that you are pretty sure are just the product of a big ego.

(5) Writings that you believe may be from the dark side.

Should your approach in discovering the truth be different for each one, the same or what?

One answer that was given is that some writings have an earned authority and that the reader needs to give some extra weight to these.

Another reader says: “I look more at what is said, rather than who said it.”

Which approach is correct?

The answer is that they both have their place. As the Course in Miracles says “the truth is true and nothing else is true.”

In this sense it does not matter if a true statement is made by Christ, Caesar, or the devil himself. The truth is true.

Let us take a phrase uttered by Christ, for instance:

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

Would this be any less true if it were said by some demon frothing at the mouth?

No, it would not, though the average person would most likely find something wrong with it because of its source.

Therefore, it is always good to remain open minded, for truth is where you find it, and when you find it, if you are sensitive to the inner voice, it will be confirmed from within.

On the other hand, while those who are dark in consciousness can learn and quote true scripture and data, they do so with no understanding from the soul. Such persons will speak or write true statements mixed with false ones and twisted with warped logic. Thus the seeker will have to study for some length of time from the teachings of a darkened one to glean a few truths – even with the help of his soul.

This is where earned authority comes in – as far as spiritual; teachings are concerned. An earned authority is one who has proven time and again that his words touch the soul and therefore the expectation is that future words will continue to do this.

Many see the scriptures as an earned authority because past studies in them have produced much light and soul affirmation. If this is the case one would expect to learn much more eternal truth from them than he would the National Enquirer.

Even though one may find a spiritual truth in the National Enquirer every million words or so he can find the same thing in the Bible maybe every thousand, or a hundred words. This illustrates that the advantage of an earned authority is spiritual speed learning.

It is logical to not only give more weight to an earned authority, but to spend more time with him/her/it. If one finds a gold mine for truth then it makes sense to work the mine until all the gold is in the hands of the miner.

The point to keep in mind is this. All of us spend time with our earned authorities, but often because of the demands of the day, we have very little time to learn from the best of sources, or the best books. In the meantime we are exposed during most of our waking hours to many unenlightened sources. Some of them are: (1) Newspapers (2) Television & Radio (3) Earthy friends and family. (4) People at work. (5) Neighbors (6) Casual acquaintances at organizations, clubs, entertainment sources, shopping etc.

Because we are exposed so much more to unearned authorities than the earned ones it is wise to keep our truth detectors open at all times, for even a stopped clock is right twice a day. You just never know when someone is going say something that will trigger the soul mechanism and cause a light to go on within.

As far as the DK writings go some here have a lot of faith in them because of soul registration whereas others have reasonable doubt. How should we then approach the Bailey books in our approach to truth? What if they were really some device from the dark side to appear as truth to deceive us?

This concern of certain material being from the dark side suppresses the acquisition of true knowledge upon the earth more than any other principle. If one finds material that strikes chords with the soul he is wise to pursue the source until “all the gold be mined.”

If the disciple stays in touch with his soul and seeks the truth with pure intent then his soul will lead him to the discernment of truth from error even if he should be reading from a source which contains partial error.

If the soul of the disciple recognizes a high percentage of truth in a source then he must learn to trust his soul connection to find the truth and leave the error behind.

The trust of our innermost selves is a difficult lesson to learn but a Pearl of Great Price to the mind of the seeker.

I had some eyeglasses. I was walking down the street when suddenly the prescription ran out. Steven Wright

Oct 5, 2003

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Fission and Fusion

Fission and Fusion

The Crème acolyte keeps insisting that DK was talking about fusion when writing about nuclear energy which will assist mankind in going into the new age. Now it is possible that fusion discoveries will be made that will be an improvement on what we have now, but we are NOT there yet. As I said. If he follows his own advice he would not buy a car equipped with current technology because of the hope they will have flying cars tomorrow.

Not once has DK even talked specifically about atomic fusion as it is understood today, so you are making a leap of faith in assuming that this is the energy he wrote of.

He specifically, however did talk about fission: Let me quote again:

“On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the “splitting of the atom,” will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing-for the good of humanity-some of its products and its radioactive properties.” Rays & Initiations, Pg 648

How much clearer can the written word be? He specifically talks about the “splitting of the atom,” which IS fission as the technology “which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true.”

He further says that scientists “are already engaged in harnessing-for the good of humanity-some of its products and its radioactive properties.”

This was written shortly after World War II when scientists were first starting to build nuclear reactors for peaceful generation of power. The technology here was fission. This is a fact that you cannot circumvent.

Even though greater technologies will come along, this technology is here now. We have all the tools to produce unlimited fission energy and with the a new generation of breeder reactors we could completely reprocess the nuclear waste and are much safer than previous generations.. The nuclear waste processed through breeder reactors could supply us with all the power we need to last a thousand years. With that much safe energy fusion would only be looked upon as an added bonus.

You criticize a reader for taking a quote out of context, but as I see it she was much more accurate in interpretation than yourself.

Let us examine the important part of the quote. Note my comments in parenthesis:

DK “We have dealt in broad and general manner with this question of electricity and have seen that fire essence or substance is resolved through internal activity (radioactive matter) and external heat (the shooting of a neutron into the nucleus) in such a manner that the electric fire at the center of the atom is liberated (split) and seeks a new form” (two new atoms are created).

JJ: This is a good description of fission. He described atomic fission later as an initiation for matter which liberates the internal life. He does not speak negatively of fission as you insinuate.

DK “Through knowledge of the devas, (the form nature) Through external pressure and vibration, (producing heat and shooting neutrons at the nucleus) Through internal stimulation (radioactivity and atom splitting), through color applied in stimulation and vitalization, (creating Uranium isotopes or plutonium) Through mantric sounds (the secret of detonation) he will find the secret of atomic energy, latent in the mineral kingdom, and will bend that inconceivable power and force to the solution of the problems of existence. Only when atomic energy (the escaping life – pure energy) is better understood and the nature of the fourth ether (pure energy) somewhat comprehended, shall we see that control of the air (mind) which lies inevitably ahead.” TCF, Page 496

JJ: The amazing thing about this is that it was first published in 1925 before there was much knowledge of atomic energy. It is interesting that Alice A. Bailey lived to see a partial fulfillment of much of what he predicted about atomic energy.

Our Crème supporter friend again quotes D K on nuclear energy

“On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the “splitting of the atom,” will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true.” Rays and Initiations, Page 647

He interprets this as only applying to atomic bombs, not the production of electricity.

JJ: Why would you limit “the splitting of the atom” to the bomb only when all nuclear reactors also split the atom? Sounds like you are putting words into DK’s mouth.

DK says point blank that scientists “are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing – for the good of humanity – some of its products and its radioactive properties.”

This sentence follows the mentioning of the “splitting of the atom” statement. Note that he says scientists “are ALREADY ENGAGED IN HARNESSING… its radioactive properties. In the late forties when this was given out scientists were working with fission, not fusion for the benefit of the people.

This statement would definitely apply to the 400 nuclear reactors because they operate on the principle of fission, of which DK spoke. Even today fusion reactors are far from being demonstrated as usable and depending on the problems that will be solved in their creation the presence of fast neutrons could also create a large number of atomic waste products.

Reader: it is NOT nuclear fission energy but fusion that produces those good conditions mentioned by DK.

JJ: Fusion has done nothing yet except produce the hydrogen bomb. but it is fission which supplies us with the much of our needed energy just as DK related. You really need to argue with him.

Reader: “The fission of the nucleus of the atom in the past few years is the outer sign or demonstration that humanity has “encompassed” the divine Mind and can now move on to “encompass” the love or the attractive nature of divinity.” Notice the words “now move on” … the process of nuclear fusion, not fission

JJ: Love is attractive, but the only energy we have from atomic fusion so far is the hydrogen bomb. He was not talking about atomic fusion here, but the attractive energy of love we need to acquire. Fusion reactors will eventually be perfected, but they may have some waste problems as do the current fission reactors. In the meantime, by the use of breeder reactors we can eliminate all waste by the use of current technology.

Are you still refusing to buy a car because you are waiting for the flying ones?

Reader: There is nowhere I have found in the writings of DK where he talks about “atomic energy for the peaceful production of power” which are your words

JJ: I have quoted it several times now and repeated it in the beginning of this post: DK talks about using the “non-destructive aspect of atomic energy” for the “good of humanity.” “Non destructive” implies peaceful use. Don’t tell me that only fission destroys atoms because so does fusion. Both of these processes destroy the atoms as they are and creates new ones. Obviously the use of the term “non destructive” is in reference to nuclear energy in relation to humanity.

Reader: It is also a falsity to consider nuclear fission as “peaceful”. The literal meaning of the word “fission” means breaking up into parts. There is nothing peaceful about this process, it is literally destructive. The process is explosion.

JJ: First there are no explosions in a nuclear reactor. Fission and fusion are equally destructive as far as effect on atoms go. We should not let our bias prevent us from using either one as the technology becomes available to help humanity.

Reader: Just because a bomb is not being dropped, does not mean it is “peaceful”. The explosion created during the nuclear fission process is unstable energy – hence why it explodes.

JJ: The is no explosion in a nuclear reactor. Hydrogen fusion bombs do explode and are generally even more destructive than fission bombs.

You’re picking at straws here with a mindset to be right even when you have no evidence.

Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country. — Steven Wright

Oct 1, 2003

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Mark of the Beast

Mark of the Beast

I have come across a person who insists the mark of the beast is an actual physical mark because of his literal interpretation of the following verse.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17

I have written close to a book on this subject already so I will not repeat that which I have written in the past. In summary, the one who places the mark is not always the beast itself. Instead we are told that a second beast rose up out of the “earth” having “two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” This second beast made an image to the first beast which seemed to be wounded to death and it was this image of the beast that placed the mark.

Whereas the first beast rose up out of the sea (the peoples of the earth), the second one came from the earth (a place of much land and few people). One interpretation is that the second beast was the United States.

This second beast has “two horns like a lamb, and spake as a dragon.”

What were the two horns like a lamb?

The lamb is a symbol of Christ and a horn is a symbol of a kingdom so what we need to look for is the establishment of two kingdoms on the “earth.”

The first horn was the United States itself with its free representative government which was inspired and supported by Christ.

The second horn was represented by the many spiritual movements that originated in the United States such as: Theosophy, the LDS Church, Christian Science, Unity, Church of Religious Science, Bailey’s work and other spiritual movements all designed for the spiritual progress of mankind.

This second beast then is to be a dichotomy for it has the two horns of the Christ, but speaks the words of the dragon. The end result is that we must use great judgment in examining all the works and words that come out of our country for from it comes the best and the worst.

What then is the current “image of the beast” which the United States was the prime mover in creating?

The United States made an image to the beast by supporting and often helping to create governments on the earth pattered after the blind authority of Rome and the other ancient kingdoms. The most popular of them was Communism. The Bolshevik Revolution that established the Communist regime in Russia was financed right out of the United States by wealthy men who saw a great opportunity in Marx’s philosophy. If you ever read Animal Farm you can understand. The idea was to create a slave system where the workers would labor for almost nothing and be under the complete control of the state. If this could be pulled off by big money then they could not only gain even greater riches through such a system, but also greater power. Once a person gets all the money he can spend about the only thing that interests him after this is power. And the lust for power was the impetus behind the creation of the image of the beast.

The only thing that has saved us from complete communist control of the world is that it turned out to be a financial disaster and it fell similar to the description of the fall of Babylon as prophesied: “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence, shall the great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” Rev 18:21. We are told that in “one hour is she made desolate.” There is more to this scripture, but it is a good description of the quick fall of the Communist Block. The USSR was just a part of the Image of the Beast. Hitler also received much start up capital from the United States and Europe (which adopted free governments). Then we also created and financed other dictators like Noriega, Saddam Hussein, communist China North Korea (we feed them) and many other authoritarian governments. We create an image to the beast and then when it turns on us like a lion, bear or leopard, we have to fight it and destroy it. After this scenario we then start the process anew and create other parts to the image of the beast making sure the Beast is always alive and well.

What we are presently (2003) doing in Iraq is different, however. If we are successful in the establishment of a free government there we will be extending the horn of the lamb rather than the mark of the beast. Dark forces will, of course, work to frustrate this and extend the mark of the beast there.

The totalitarian regimes which we have supported place the mark of the beast on their people by strictly controlling their thoughts and what they are allowed to think (the mark on their foreheads) and what they are allowed to do for a living and their other actions (the mark on their right hand).

No one in a nation like North Korea or Cuba can buy or sell unless they cooperate with their beastly authorities.

But doesn’t the scripture say that this image of the beast shall cause “ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.”

A case can be made that none are untouched by this mark, but it is certainly true that some oppressed countries are much more strongly effected by it.

It may be enlightening to examine the Greek on this scripture for this will take us much closer to the original writers intent.

The word “all” in this verse comes from the Greek PAS and does not mean “all” as it is generally used in English. It often more literally means “some of all types.”

For example

“Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all (PAS) Judaea, and all (PAS) the region round about Jordan.” Matt 3:5

Obviously not every single person in Judea came to see Christ, neither did every single person “round about Jordan.”

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all (PAS) things.” Matt 17:11

Obviously Elijah will not restore every single thing from the past, but a certain selection of necessary things.

Concerning this word a comment from the Blue Letter Bible says it’s basic meaning is “some of all types,” then adds the comment:

“it is very rarely the ‘all’ means all persons, taken individually.”

But doesn’t it say that “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name?”

Doesn’t this mean “that no man” is excluded from the mark?

Again let us examine the Greek.

“No” comes from HINAH MAY which means “In order that, because, or lest with a sense of negation.

The word “man” in the verse does not come from the word for human but from the Greek TIS which literally means “Some or any person or object Any Man or thing.” This word is most often translated (104 times) as “certain” as in “certain people.” Next it is translated as “some” 73 times and simply as “man” only 34 times.

Taking this into consideration let us translate this scripture a little more in harmony with the Greek.

“And he causeth all within the sphere of his power, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that certain ones might not buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17

Obviously, not all received the mark for the next verse reads: “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his FATHER’S NAME WRITTEN IN THEIR FOREHEADS.” Rev 14:1

These are they who have a mark from God in their foreheads rather than the mark of the beast. I think we can rest assured that God is not going to place a physical brand to place the mark of His name, neither will he use a computer chip.

It is of course possible that the power of the beast will implant a computer chip in the hands of many (though the forehead is unlikely). Even then, the true power of the beast is not in a physical chip, but the control over the minds of the people through illusion.

In school, every period ends with a bell. Every sentence ends with a period. Every crime ends with a sentence. Steven Wright

Sept 30, 2003

Copyright by J J Dewey

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