The Virtue of Variety

The Virtue of Variety

Thanks for posting your favorite movies. When I looked them over it reminded me how different we are as personalities, even though we may be one in the soul.

Using linear logic one would think that one person could name off his three favorite movies and all others would agree and say “you are right, sir!” But this is far from the case. Instead several would step forward and say something like: “Are you crazy. Those are ordinary movies. Here’s the real three best.”

The same applies to other tastes. One would think that one car would be recognized as the best car for the money and everyone would buy that. It would seem that there would be a best color for that car and all would buy that. But such is indeed far from the case. One person will be a Ford man and think that if anyone buys anything else that he has a screw loose. Another will insist that Toyota is the only car to buy.

I will say this though. Us Mac people just cannot understand why anyone would buy anything else.

There is one thing that all of us must accept if we want to get a long in this world and remain sane – and that is our differences. If we do not make allowances for the great varieties of tastes and desires among humanity we will never be at peace with ourselves.

On the other hand, would we want everyone to see exactly as we do? Would we want to walk the streets seeing each person dressed the same, driving the same kind of car, wearing the same haircut? That would make for a drab world, especially for our state of evolution.

What makes us so different?

There are three main items.

(1) Because we are Decision, our very existence operates on a power that makes each entity evolve into a different character than any other being.

(2) Our differing stages of evolution which carries widely differing histories for each of us which influences us in the present.

(3) Each person is subject to different ray influences which mold him in a particular life. These rays also condition astrological aspects which influence, but not control us.

So, in looking at your lists of favorite movies there are some I totally agree with, but others that make me think: “Now why in the world did he (or she) pick this one?

It is also interesting that some of us liked Titanic, the most successful movie of all time, but others just did not like it at all.

Then a few of the selections were not commercially successful at all. A couple were considered bombs, yet there was something in them that made the selections all time favorites to some.

That said your selections influenced me to add to and revise my list for I realize I left several important ones out. Most notable is The Matrix. It definitely belongs in my top ten.

Others I liked a lot that were mentioned by the group are:


Crouching Tiger. Hidden Dragon

First Blood


I also agree with John that anything with Clint Eastwood is good. I think he is my all time favorite actor. Even though I really like him, I’m not sure any of his movies would get in my top ten list. They are all enjoyable though.

He would be in my top one of two of quotable stars: “Make my day” etc.

Then another movie came to mind that no one mentioned that is on my all time favorite list:

Something Wild with Melanie Griffith and Jeff Daniels.

I’ve referred this to a number of people and it didn’t seem to tickle their funnybone the way it did mine and it was not a big commercial success but I was very entertained by it.

Here’s my revised and expanded list as of January 2002.

  1. Titanic.
  2. Terminator – the first one.
  3. The Empire Strikes Back.
  4. The Pink Panther Movies with Peter Sellers.
  5. Somewhere in Time
  6. Matrix
  7. Silver Streak
  8. Planet of the Apes – The original.
  9. Excalibur
  10. Back to the Future
  11. Independence Day
  12. Something Wild
  13. First Blood
  14. Crouching Tiger. Hidden Dragon
  15. Chocolat
  16. Kings Row
  17. Easy Rider (an afterthought)
  18. Lost in America (another afterthought)
  19. Blues Brothers
  20. Lawrence of Arabia

I will add this caveat. A lot of people seem to think that the best made movies were in the good old days but I personally think the movies are improving with time. I also think the acting is much better today – much more like real people than in the old days.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 2, 2002

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Molecular Energy

Molecular Energy

Blayne made some interesting comments that deserve attention. After noting the experience of the Apostles in re-creating the Molecule on the day of Pentecost he writes:

“I have experienced something like this and realized we were practicing something similar. Perhaps not the perfect form described here but never the less tapping into the power to some degree. In my Mormon days I used to get together with some fellow heretics and discuss all the things that were forbidden by the church 😉 After awhile a bond formed between us and we began to have prayer circles, we would make of list of things to pray for and pick someone to be the mouth and unite in a circle holding hands kneeling and go through the prayer. There was mostly males and a couple of females I don’t remember the exact number but I think there were four or five males and 2 females. After a few times they became so powerful that it seemed heaven and earth would shake and we would be as if engulfed in flames at times.”

JJ: Even though the ideal goal for us is a molecule of twenty-four people with twelve males and twelve females to create balance, a lot of spiritual power can be drawn down when three or more achieve soul contact together.

You had seven people, five males and two females. Seven is a powerful molecular number, one used in Shamballa. Since you did not have an equal balance of male/female energies, when you achieved soul contact together the spiritual energy adjusted to the male/female energies within each one of you creating a makeshift molecule of seven individual, rather than seven couples. The molecule of twelve units used by Jesus had to make this adaptation at times because of imperfection in numbers available at times as well as a lack of understanding with some disciples.

Your union of seven caused a geometric increase in spiritual energy. Now imagine what would have happened if you had a perfect balance of male-female energies – seven males and seven females?

Now imagine what would happen if there are twelve males and twelve females, the number of ultimate perfection.

Now, in addition to this imagine what would happen if there were a divine possession linking the molecule directly to the Christ and his Hierarchy of Light?

Blayne: Shortly after the power began to be manifest, resistance from unexpected quarters also began to manifest and soon there was a rift among two of the circle and then the power was gone when we tried it.

JJ: Negativity from unexpected quarters always comes out of the woodwork when an individual or group makes a step forward, especially a step like this. As soon as even one person gets out of harmony the spiritual power will be gone. The only solution is to send the negative one on his way and seek union with those who remain positive.

Blayne: Not long after that we quit praying and soon the group broke up completely.

JJ: This will usually happen with this type of group endeavor until at least three siftings are made. There is truth in the old adage “three is charm.”

Blayne: I realize now for a brief period we were functioning as a unit and of one mind and this led to the beginning of something greater then we as individuals were, but not fully understanding at the time what it was we were doing (we thought we were such spiritual giants) we lost it.

JJ: You were working with a giant of spiritual energy, but one of the keys is to see yourself as a humble part of the whole which I believe you realize.

Blayne: To this day though I long for that kind of power and bond among friends. I have maintained friendship with two of the group but we do not live in close proximity any more but we have a desire to do so and began again such a prayer circle. It gives me that tingling in the spine just thinking about it…

JJ: That is a great thing to long for. But when one does feel higher spiritual energies and continues to follow the highest he knows then to experience this and more will be the heart’s greatest desire.

On the other hand, if the pilgrim ceases to follow the highest he knows and his mind becomes darkened he will lose his memory of all higher spiritual experiences and will no longer follow the path to achieve them.

Blayne’s experience gives us an idea of the difficulty in establishing a permanent working human molecules. On the bright side is that when the first one or two are up and functioning that those who follow will have a much easier time in the creation process because not as much “faith” will be needed.

Part of my purpose in being here and teaching is to throw out a net with the aim of catching (drawing) disciples capable of overlooking personality effects and looking upon the soul of others so the many can become one. Progress is slowly being made but it will be a while before the first molecule is gathered in. We will take whatever time it takes. When the time is right, the group must be gathered together into one place so they can participate in close physical proximity to achieve oneness as Blayne sought to do.

“Until the foundation for the coming ‘jurisdiction’ is at least laid, the Christ cannot reappear; if He came without this due preparation, much time, effort and spiritual energy would be lost. Therefore, we must assume (if these premises are accepted) that there must be organised-in the near future-a group of men and women in every country who, under due and proper organisation, will ‘simultaneously and unanimously’ meditate upon those juridical measures and those basic laws upon which the rule of Christ will be founded and which are essentially the laws of the Kingdom of God, the fifth kingdom in the evolutionary and natural processes of planetary unfoldment.” Djwhal Khul, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 236-237

On a more frivolous note everyone is talking about the top ten movies this time of year and I have been thinking about this. Movies interest me because when you think of it each of us has a movie in us and creation itself is composed of a series of interesting stories. Therefore, from one point of view reflection on movies is metaphysical from a certain point of view.

I’ve looked over several top ten lists for the year and I must admit most movie critics have tastes much different from my own. I find the public seems to have a lot better sense as to what is the top ten than the critics. I usually find that the top ten money makers are close to what I would choose as the top ten movies whereas some of the choices of the critics make me wonder about their common sense.

Many are giving A Beautiful Mind their vote. We just saw it yesterday and it was OK, but it didn’t really press my entertainment buttons. Good acting by Russell Crowe

The Lord of the Rings is also getting good reviews and I would guess that I’m going to like this one, but I have not seen it yet.

Moulin Rouge is getting good press. I have this rented and will watch it soon, but have not seen it yet.

Overall I think fewer movies have impressed me this year than for some time.

Even though no movies I have seen this year made it to my all time favorite list here are some I liked.

  1. Evolution

The past couple Movies starring David Duchovny have been a disappointment so I wasn’t expecting much here, but I really enjoyed this show. It combined an original science fiction idea with humor that kept my attention through the movie. Good lite fun.

  1. Best In Show.

This was actually made in 2000, but I just saw it this year. I enjoyed the original characters and quirky humor.

  1. Pearl Harbor

This was perhaps the most criticized and bashed movie of the year, but the public voted for it with $200 Million in the U.S. alone. It wasn’t a great movie, but I enjoyed it and parts of it moved me.

  1. Bridget Jones Diary

Good character development and story.

  1. Legally Blonde

Frivolous Fun story.

  1. Hearts of Atlantis

Good story and characters

  1. Behind Enemy Lines

Good story and acting based on real events.

  1. Harry Potter

Very creative, but the movie could never live up to expectations.

  1. Joe Dirt

Frivolous, but entertaining and creative.

The worst movie of the year: Scary Movie 2.

Here are my top ten movies of all time. (Written Dec 2001)

  1. Titanic.

This is the highest grossing movie of all time 601 million in the U.S. alone so far and there is a reason for it. The story was great and everything was flawlessly put together. This was one of the few movies that really affected me emotionally. The only thing I didn’t like was the lady throwing away the jewel in the end. What a waste, but even with this flaw I would rate it number one.

  1. Terminator – the first one.

It is interesting that these two favorite movies of mine are made by the same person – James Cameron. This movie had perhaps the most original plot of all time. It makes your head spin to think about it. Reeses’s hero in his own time was his son (unknown to him) and sent him back in time to save his mother so he could be born. Reese goes back and becomes the father of John Connor the leader who sent him back in the first place. If John had not sent him back he would have never been.

I really liked Reese as a hero. He was a man with average ability who delivered a superhuman effort that seemed believable.

  1. The Empire Strikes Back.

This was my favorite Star Wars movie and the only one to make my top ten. This movie introduced more metaphysical concepts that permeated public consciousness than perhaps any other and was a great story.

  1. The Pink Panther Movies with Peter Sellers.

I’m counting these as one selection because they are so similar. This series had the most creative humor I have ever seen and even introduced a new cartoon character.

If you have not seen them yet rent then. You are in for a treat.

  1. Somewhere in Time

This story starring Christopher Reeve is one of the best love stories of all time. I have never talked to anyone who has see it who did not love it.

  1. Silver Streak

This was my second favorite comedy of all time and is one of few shows to showcase the comic genius of Gene Wilder.

  1. Planet of the Apes – The original.

This was one of the breakthrough movies of all time. Up until this movie there was no serious science fiction in movies. This showed the world that science fiction could be of interest to the general public if it was done right.

  1. Back to the Future

Another step forward in great science fiction.

  1. Independence Day

You can probably tell I like good science fiction.

  1. Kings Row

This is one of the few older movies that really moved me. I saw it when I was a boy in the fifties. It was made in 1942 Staring Ronald Reagan, Bob Cummings, Ann Sheridan and Charles Colburn. I would like to see it again, but they never seem to rerun it.

So do you agree with my list or do you have another? Go ahead and let us know your favorites.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Dec 28, 2001

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Kumaras, Masters, Spalding

Kumaras, Masters, Spalding

A member asks about Sanaka Kumara and his purported channelings through a medium.

Sanaka is never mentioned by Djwhal Khul but a few details are given by H. P. Blavatsky.

Sanat Kumara is the Ancient of Days. He works within a molecule of seven including himself. H P Blavatsky gives the names of these entities as follows: The Exoteric four are: Sanat-Kumara, Sananda, Sanaka, and Sanatana; and the esoteric three are: Sana, Kapila, and Sanat-sujata.

H.P. Blavatsky associates Sanaka with Michael, the archangel, representative of the Logos of Saturn.

Blavatsky hints that the name Sanaka and the above names of the Kumara are aliases and this is perhaps why Djwhal Khul does not use them when speaking of the Kumaras.

The Kumaras or archangel rarely appear or speak directly with humanity. When they do it is usually to initiate some great movement or change on the earth. For instance one of them appeared to Moses. The Kumara Gabriel appeared to Mary and later to Muhammad. Michael communicated with Joseph Smith.

The Kumaras do not use the channeling method known as direct voice. Anyone claiming this type of contact is either getting the communication from his subconscious or a tricky astral spirit. The information received may or may not be correct.

The residents of Shamballa, the Kumaras or archangels normally commune with the Masters through representatives known as divine contemplatives, or Nirmanakayas. The Masters then pass the knowledge down to humanity by various means, usually a type of telepathy called the “science of impression.”

Another reader asks about the Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.

This was one of the first metaphysical books I read and I found many teachings in them which were very good and they did much to stimulate me in my search.

Here is brief account of Spalding taken from the book, The Theosophical Masters by Brendan James French:

“One story, presented by Spalding’s associate, David Bruton, is that the first volume was authentic in so far as it was based on a manuscript given to his grandfather in India by a Master. In the manuscript, ‘He disclosed intimate details of Their daily lives, some clarification on religious thought and general information which They wished printed and made available for public consumption’. Bruton claimed that Baird Spalding had acquired the manuscript from his grandfather and used it as the basis for some classes he gave (presumably to Spiritualists, with whom he was closely involved).

“He further noted that only the first volume was based on the mysterious manuscript, and that the others were all extrapolations. While Bruton’s claim cannot be dismissed, it does tend to operate within a standard esoteric topos of the ‘mysterious tome’. What is known is that there is no evidence that Spalding himself visited India until 1935 (over 40 years after the events recorded in the first volume).”

A reader posts some predictions by a person who calls himself Sollog, a self proclaimed prophet with a growing following on the internet. Since I’ve never heard of this person and apparently he has been around a while and getting some attention I thought I would check him out.

He seems to claim to have predicted the death of every significant person, every great disaster and ever large earthquake for the last decade.

The main problem I have with this claim is that I could find little of the original wording of any of the prophesies.

I have found this to be the case with many psychics. They will claim to have predicted a certain event and then when you read the original prophecy it is found to be so vague that it is a stretch of the imagination to make the connection.

Sollog claims to have predicted the 911 disaster, for instance. I couldn’t find the original prophecy on this. All I could find was a writer referring to the wording in an interview with Sollog. He stated: “Your 902 Prophecy stated September 1997 was the key date for the BIG BANG IN THE BIG BUILDING in New York City, why did you miss the year?”

So apparently he made a prediction of a “big bang” in a “big building” (not two buildings) for September 1997. Because of this vague statement he takes credit for accurately predicting the 911 disaster.

From what I can gather he attempts to emulate Nostradamus in writing his predictions with symbology. The trouble with this method as illustrated by the writings of Nostradamus is that after an event most any tragedy can be associated with one of many predictions. The strange thing is that no one has been able to use Nostradamus to accurately predict the future. In my lifetime I have seen about a hundred attempts and not one success.

It is possible that Sollog has some psychic ability which can cause him to come close to making accurate predictions now and then, but he has not been close to 100% accuracy in the past, nor will he be in the future.

He seems to be getting a little bolder and is making some specific predictions such as:

On January 1st 2002 a magnitude 7.0+ quake shall occur.

On March 21st 2002 a magnitude 7.0+ quake shall occur.

My guess is that a fairly large earthquake or two will occur in the first six months of 2002, but not on the dates predicted, and he will claim this fulfills his prediction.

(Note from 2020: In the first 6 months of 2002 there were six earthquakes throughout the world measuring 7.0 or higher but none on the dates he predicted)

He predicts that nuclear explosions will soon occur, first in Israel, then in the Vatican and finally Washington D C. Unfortunately, this is a real possibility, but I would be surprised if they occur in this order. There is also a strong possibility that the diligence we are showing in confronting terrorism will prevent this from happening.

(Note from 2020: Fortunately after two decades this prediction did not come true)

I have several concerns about Sollog.

His real name is John Patrick Ennis but he often gives himself titles that indicate he is God.

One of the pillars of his philosophy is that we have no free will.

He believes Jesus is the devil and has little good to say about his life or beautiful teachings.

He attempts to convince us he is correct through “signs” rather than touching our souls. “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh a sign” as Jesus said.

He lives a life of luxury as much as possible – $1500 shoes for example.

He is reported to have threatened some who have disagreed with him.

All his predictions are centered on doom such as death, disaster, earthquakes etc. Surely there are some good things in our future.

Now that we are aware of him we can keep track of some of his prophesies and see what kind of track record he establishes.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Dec 27, 2001

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Intelligence in Matter

Intelligence in Matter

The Question:

Djwhal Khul uses the word adaptability as a driving force of creation through the Third Ray. What do you suppose this word has to do with the power of creation? Perhaps we could word this another way and ask: What does adaptability have to do with evolution?

A reader gave a Djwhal Khul quote which gives a great summary of the Third Aspect.

The third Logos, or Brahma, is characterized by active intelligence; “. . .His goal is the perfect blending of Spirit and matter. His function is the manipulation of prakriti, or matter, so as to make it fit, or equal to, the demands and needs of the Spirit. His mode of action is rotary, or, by the revolution of matter, to increase activity and thereby make the material more pliable.

All these three concepts are governed by the Law of Economy, which is the Law of Adaptation in time and space, or the line of least resistance. This line of least resistance is that which is sought for and followed on the matter side of existence. Incidentally, Brahma manifests Will, because He is purpose, and Love because in this solar system Love is the line of least resistance. While this is an occult statement worthy of consideration, yet it must be remembered that He is primarily activity and intelligence with the aim of adaptability, and that this is His main characteristic.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 142-143



“This is, as we know, the prime attribute ascribed to the third Ray, or the Brahma aspect. Therefore, fundamentally it may be considered as the attribute of intelligence which adapts the matter aspect to the Spirit aspect, and is a characteristic inherent in matter itself.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 423

Perhaps the most profound statement here is:

“His mode of action is rotary, or, by the revolution of matter, to increase activity and thereby make the material more pliable.”

So what’s the purpose in making matter more pliable? If it is more pliable then it becomes easier to control by intelligence turning matter into active intelligence.

In this sphere of existence matter is so dense that it imprisons Spirit. To understand the significance of this we must ask:

What happens when a human intelligence is imprisoned?

Answer: He is usually in a confined space with very little freedom of movement. This greatly restricts his pursuit of happiness and fulfillment as well as any method of service and usefulness he may choose.

This is the problem with intelligent Spirit within matter. There is relatively very little movement and activity causing the intelligence to be suppressed and withholding the glory of God from our view. By increasing motion and expanding the ring-pass-not of matter, heaven and earth is brought together.

The reason the Holy Spirit is associated with the Third Aspect is because this is that part of God which descends from the throne of God into deepest matter to touch our hearts and guide us in our material prison into the greater activity and freedom of the Spirit.

Because the physical bodies of humans are composed of the most evolved and “active” matter this means that the greatest opportunity to work with freeing matter is within our own selves. As the Holy Spirit assists our consciousness in ascending toward Spirit, even so do we pull the matter of our bodies (and the earth as a whole to a lesser extent) toward the greater freedom of Spirit.

As we said the aspects are merely the seeing of the works of God from a certain angle of vision. When we tune unto the third aspect we see God working as “higher intelligence” leading all life from human down to the tiniest atom of substance toward some glorious purpose that we sense but do not fully understand.

As we said adaptability is a key word around this process. As life evolves it must adapt to the new laws that slowly manifest.

But let me tell you something that you may have not heard before and runs contrary to all modern assumption.

All the rules are not predetermined. We assume that Spirit has all things figured out and matter just has to learn the rules. The truth is that God “does all things new” and that the laws are discovered as we evolve. The universe is at a point that it has never been to before and the consciousness of God Itself is arriving at realizations not known before. Newness of experience and discovery is the motivating force behind all life and God is no exception.

God has exploded his intelligence into a Big Bang of a puzzle to amuse Himself and is challenged to the very core in putting all the pieces together in a way that makes sense. When he finds a pattern that does make sense it becomes a “law” and a steppingstone to greater creation.

We are in the “image of God” and as his reflections we share his dilemma of solving all the problems which confront us. But when we do solve them we have joy and this is the reason all things exist.

I do not plan on covering all the writings available on the Rays, but instead present the general principle behind them as a whole and individually. There is much more material on them in the Bailey books that is available to the searcher and I recommend studying them for further enlightenment. I seek here to present the general principles for a foundation understanding and perhaps add a little that has not been hitherto written.

Next we shall proceed to the four Rays of Attribute which are sub rays of the Third Aspect.

Question: Why are they under the Third aspect and not the Second or First? This is a difficult question and if you do not know the answer move on to the next.

The Fourth Ray is called the Ray of Harmony Through Conflict.

Meditate of this name “Harmony Through Conflict” and tells us the meaning that comes to you and what the influence of this Ray will be. Is conflict sodesirable? How can harmony come out of conflict?

Copyright by J J Dewey

Dec 26, 2001

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The Third Aspect

The Third Aspect

Concerning the winter solstice or the first day of winter legend has it that the saviors of the race are born during this period of deepest night and darkness to lead us into the greatest light.

Since the church authorities did not know the true birth of Christ they thought that December 25th was as good as any, especially since it was already a Roman holiday centuries before the birth of Christ. On this day the Romans celebrated the mirthraic feast of the Sun-god. Also from December 17-23 they held a great festival honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture.

Early Christians were reluctant to celebrate the birth of Christ until the Church at Rome declared it as a day of celebration around 320 A.D.

Few scholars, however seriously believe that Jesus was born in December.

Some feel that delving into the Rays is too complex, but many of you have an interest in astrology which is just as complex or more so. In fact, I am amazed at how many amateur astrologers there are out there when you consider how complicated the art is. But just as you learn a little astrology and it starts to get interesting, even so it is with the Rays. In fact the influence of the Rays is what makes astrology work. It takes a knowledge of the Rays to fully understand and appreciate astrology.

As we proceed and begin putting the pieces together I think that you will see that a study of the Rays can be quite enlightening.

The Question

The next aspect is the Third Ray of Active Intelligence. Why do you suppose this aspect, which is associated with the Holy Spirit, is called Active Intelligence and what does this phrase mean?

What do you suppose the three sub aspects of this Ray are?

This last question is difficult, especially if you spent time sifting through the writings of Alice A. Bailey looking for the answer. There are 24 Bailey books so there are always writings overlooked by students, but I do not believe it is clearly expressed in there.

Sometimes not having the answer clearly given in black and white is a good thing for it forces us back upon our own souls to verify the answer.

If the answer to a metaphysical question is not available what should the student do?

Answer: One should assemble all the facts available around the problem, attempt to look at the core principle involved and contemplate the answer.

It looks like several of you were brave enough to make an attempt here. One reader gives a profound paragraph here:

“The third ray (Holy Spirit/Light/Active Intelligence) is active because it is positive/male. The third ray gives of itself in activity through the light of discriminating intelligence. The light of truth penetrates all illusion by pursuing God (First Ray) and finding him hidden within all forms of matter. This recognition of first ray by the penetrating light of third ray reveals God in all his glory.”

Your statement was so good so I’m quoting the whole thing.

He names a second sub aspect which is Light. The Holy Spirit is an entity representing an aspect but is not an aspect itself.

Run this by your souls for the three sub aspects:

Light, Knowledge and Intelligent Activity

Behind the Third Ray or aspect is the mind of God and within that mind is an grand idea which is unfolding. The Third Ray shines Light upon this idea.

Light reveals Knowledge, the second sub aspect.

Light and knowledge interplay and produce intelligent activity, the third sub aspect.

Unlike the other sub aspects we have covered this third sub aspect of the Third Aspect cannot be defined in one word for there is no single English word which expresses the meaning. The two words, Intelligent Activity, do not do it justice. If we had to express it more fully, perhaps we could word it thus: “Intelligent activity creatively driven by the light of truth which propels the creation of form toward the fulfillment of the divine plan.”

Djwhal Khul uses the word adaptability as a driving force of creation through the Third Ray. What do you suppose this word has to do with the power of creation? Perhaps we could word this another way and ask: What does adaptability have to do with evolution?

Looks like we need some additional clarification on the mystic and occult groups covered earlier.

Here are several things Djwhal Khul says about the two groups:

“The mystic is not necessarily an occultist, but the occultist embraces the mystic. Mysticism is but one step on the path of occultism. In this solar system-the system of love in activity-the path of least resistance for the majority is that of the mystic, or the path of love and devotion. In the next solar system the path of least resistance will be that which we now understand as the occult path. The mystic path will have been trodden. Wherein lies the difference between these two types? The mystic deals with the evolving life; the occultist deals with the form.

“The mystic deals with the God within; the occultist with God in outer manifestation.

“The mystic works from the centre to the periphery; the occultist reverses the process.

“The mystic mounts by aspiration and intensest devotion to the God within or to the Master Whom he recognises; the occultist attains by the recognition of the law in operation and by the wielding of the law which binds matter and conforms it to the needs of the indwelling life. In this manner the occultist arrives at those Intelligences Who work with the law, till he attains the fundamental Intelligence Himself.

“The mystic works through the Rays of Love, Harmony and Devotion, or by the path of the second, the fourth and the sixth rays. The occultist works through the Rays of Power, Activity, and Ceremonial Law, or the first, the third and the seventh. Both meet and blend through the development of mind, or through the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge (a fragment of cosmic intelligence), and on this fifth ray the mystic is resolved into the occultist and works then with all the rays.

“By finding the kingdom of God within himself and by the study of the laws of his own being, the mystic becomes proficient in the laws which govern the universe of which he is a part. The occultist recognises the kingdom of God in nature or the system and regards himself as a small part of that greater whole, and therefore governed by the same laws.

“The mystic works as a general rule under the department of the World Teacher, or the Christ, and the occultist more frequently under that of the Manu, or Ruler, but when both types have passed through the four minor rays in the department of the Lord of Civilisation, then a completion of their development may be seen, and the mystic becomes the occultist and the occultist includes the characteristics of the mystic. To make it more simple for general comprehension:-after initiation the mystic is merged in the occultist for he has become a student of occult law; he has to work with matter, with its manipulation and uses, and he has to master and control all lower forms of manifestation, and learn the rules whereby the building devas work. Before initiation the mystic path might be expressed by the term, Probationary Path. Before the occultist can manipulate wisely the matter of the solar system he must have mastered the laws that govern the microcosm, and even though he is naturally on the occult path yet he will still have to find the God within his own being before he can safely venture on the path of occult law.

“The mystic seeks to work from the emotional to the intuitional, and thence to the Monad, or Spirit. The occultist works from the physical to the mental, and thence to the atma or Spirit. One works along the line of love; the other along the line of will. The mystic fails in the purpose of his being-that of love demonstrated in activity-unless he co-ordinates the whole through the use of intelligent will. Therefore he has to become the occultist.

“The occultist similarly fails and becomes only a selfish exponent of power working through intelligence, unless he finds a purpose for that will and knowledge by an animating love which will give to him sufficient motive for all that he attempts.” Occult Meditation, Pages 147-149

The bottom line here is that the mystic and the occult methods both have their place and both have methods that each must borrow from the other. However, in the end the mystic is merged with the occultist. This end product of our evolution is a blending of the two methods, but a polarization on the occult path wherein divine activity lies.

From reading your responses I find what seems to be several misunderstandings on this subject.

First of all there is no competition between the mystics and the occultists as to which is the better path. Individuals on all paths may be competitive on an isolated level but as a general principle the two groups are two cooperating training grounds within the great plan.

There should be no concern as to which is the better path or the more advanced path, but which is the best path for advancement for the seeker at his current stage of progression and service. Each of us who are in tune with our souls will have an inner knowing when the correct course is determined.

Some seem to think that the mystic doesn’t study much or work with details. This is not necessarily true. Some mystics such as St. Augustine can be ferocious students and writers.

Some get the idea that occultists are too much into details, but mystics can get overinvolved in details also.

The difference is in the emphasis of direction more than anything else.

The mystic places attention on feelings and consciousness whereas the occultist concentrates on seeing and vision.

The beginning student and initiate will lean more on one path than the other, but in the end will blend and balance the two with an occult polarization which incorporates the best of the mystic and the occultist.

The Masters are occultists, but many of them use and work with mystical methods. Christ being on the Ray of Love Wisdom understands the way of higher vision and is the teacher of Masters, angels and men and uses many mystical methods to reach the world, but occult means to teach his peers.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Dec 21, 2001

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