Understanding God through Man

Understanding God through Man

Question: What should our purpose be at this very moment of our existence?

The answer is quite simple. Follow the highest that you know.

And what if you do not know what to do?

One thing is for certain. Do not do nothing, do something. If you do nothing then you will make no progress toward discovering Purpose. If you do something then you will at least discover what not to do.

As you go through this trial and error process of becoming eventually it will be discovered what really works. When true laws and successes are discovered then the entity will begin to realize the God-given powers within – that he can decide and become the Decision and the Path.

We have all heard that we are made in the image of God, but few have projected what this doctrine implies. It not only means that what God can do we will eventually do, but it also means the reverse. The struggles that humans go through in their evolution is a reflection of what God has gone through in many cycles.

Just as we go through periods where we struggle for understanding and purpose God has done the same.

Joseph Smith made the interesting statement that God created the worlds with “fear and trembling.”

This is backed up by Djwhal Khul when he stated that fear had its beginnings in the warp and woof of matter itself.

When God created the present universe all there is became his body and as he plunged into this body he initiated a great experience for Himself and had faith he could eventually master. In this body which is the universe God goes through BEING, then BECOMING and finally he decides how all things are going to be wrapped up and solved so the universe as a whole in the end functions in relative perfection.

God on certain levels is still becoming and on others he is Becoming what he is Deciding to Become and then on highest levels he is merely Being.

So in a nutshell what is our purpose?

Just as God did we have jumped into experience so in this experience we must search for the highest good and, when we find it, bring it to pass through firm decision. Each time we go through this process we achieve a new level of joy and understanding. Then after a rest we eventually desire again to attempt a new level of difficulty.

While going through these processes we participate in the whole process of creation and become an integral part of creation itself.

May 7, 2001

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Purpose of Existence

Purpose of Existence

Here is a provocative comment we received:

“I just wanted to share an experience that happened to me today that taught me a great lesson in humility.

“I was driving down the road with a friend of mine and was preaching all this stuff about sub-atomic energy, and being able to control it to manipulate reality by what you expect to happen. to the point where I got carried away and suggested that by feeding positive energy into my car it wouldn’t give me any problems. I’ve had this car for about 2 years now its an old 89 but it has never really given any problems. but just as I finished spewing off all this stuff my muffler fell off and started dragging on the ground. Other cars were driving by me and waving to me, and as I pulled up to lights my car was sounding more like a Harley.

“As I reflected back I realized not to let spiritual knowledge turn into a spiritual ego.”

JJ Response:

It sounds to me that perhaps some spiritual force was going out of its way to teach you a valuable lesson.

My approach to truth is to seek all I can on my own and then when I reach dead ends I seek from higher sources. One of the greatest sources of truth is just plane observation.

I have met a lot of people who have sought their heart’s desire to come to pass in some way that does not involve much effort. Many there are who are preaching a short cut. There are shortcuts in going to heaven, in getting off the wheel of rebirth, of obtaining money, fame and fortune.

In almost every case these individuals either are, or wind up, near-do-wells. Most of those with a shortcut mentality wind up falling far short of their dreams often barely eking out a living and depending on others for their welfare.

Now every once in a while a true shortcut does appear and when this happens we should take it. Generally when this happens the principle is fulfilled where preparation meets opportunity, but the shortcut mentality is really a lazy mentality that leads the seeker further into illusion and will often cost him a lifetime or more of effort because of retrogression.

One of the things that cause many to seek illusionary shortcuts (in addition to laziness) is that some who have succeeded have appeared to do it fairly effortlessly. This causes many to think: “If he did it so easily, why can’t I? Perhaps there is some magical means…”

The are two problems with this.

First, often the successful one delivered a super human effort behind the scenes that of which the public is unaware.

Second: In the few times success comes easily, it is usually because of hard work and sacrifice laid in a past life creating good karma for this one. If we could see the whole picture we would find that what appeared to be a shortcut was merely a slow ascension to the top. The person just took the last two steps in this life so what he accomplished just looked easy.

The best overall shortcut is to discover principles based in reality that you can understand. If you cannot understand a principle then you have little chance of successfully using it. Eventually we can achieve great power through a step by step learning process and be as the Christ and his associates who appear to use shortcuts by our standards, but have learned “precept by precept” as Isaiah states.

Next we’ll briefly discuss the purpose of existence. I will give you a perspective you have probably not heard before.

In the beginning there was one life which was God who was in a state of BEING. This state incorporates the subtle energy of Purpose which has all possibilities within it.

When God realized he was alive he reflected himself toward infinity and advanced to a state of BECOMING in cooperation with all his reflections.

The process of BECOMING resulted in much imperfection and a slow trial and error process toward improvement.

Finally the desired end came into view and God advanced into the third phrase of his existence. He decided what the end should be and all the lives of God eventually advanced to BECOME THAT WHICH THEY DECIDED TO BECOME.

Because we are created in the image of God we go through these cycles also. There was a time when we realized that I AM. After this realization we advanced to I AM BECOMING and finally we realized that we can mold our destinies and we arrive at BECOMING WHAT WE DECIDE TO BECOME.

The smallest lives up to the one God go through this Trinity process over and over in more and more advanced circumstances. There is no way that God himself can even avoid BEING, BECOMING and then deciding on the most perfect end in view.

Because the end of each cycle and universe is the result of decision, that end is always a desirable or “good” one. This is the reason good dominates throughout all creation. Order always dominates over disorder as a whole.

Keeping this in mind what should our purpose be at this very moment of our existence?

May 6, 2001

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The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation

Since the Great Invocation has added emphasis during the three major esoteric festivals I thought I would make some comments on it.

First of all here is the text

From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

To appreciate this invocation first visualize the earth as a small part of the great Universal Mind of God. See the earth as the tabernacle of God, but the great light that is within it is veiled by thick clouds of darkness. The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not. The darkness is the minds of men.

See the earth as it was at the dawn of the present civilization. For thousands of years it was covered with darkness that comprehendeth not the light.

Then, after the long night of waiting numerous millennia a point of light, almost infinitesimal at first but growing steadily, penetrates the darkness. This point of light first radiated from one entity from among the sixty billion designated for this planet. This shined forth from the person of Gautama Buddha and was amplified by the appearance of Jesus about 500 years later.

For 2500 years this enlightenment has been slowly permeating mankind, but by 1945, after the end of the great war the time had come for it to “stream forth” that the divine mission of these avatars could finally be consummated.

See this point of light develop into a great light that pushes back all the darkness until the whole earth is filled with the glory of God.

For the second stanza visualize the earth as it was on the creation day as described in the Bible. Below the darkness the earth was covered in water and there was no land in sight. See it as existing in this state for an untold period of time until after the ages a point of warm glowing land appears. The size steadily increases until the continents appear as they are today in the light of the Sun.

The point of Love is the Christ who was the first of all the sons of men to radiate the pure love of God which is the only sure foundation on which we can stand. One can see why he was referred to as the “Rock” of Israel, a title which he also gave to Peter.

In 1945 when the sign of the Son Of Man was given (the splitting of the atom) the time had arrived for the love of God to “stream forth.” that the mission of the Christ could also be consummated.

Visualize the streaming forth effect as in evaporating the waters in the seas and oceans and the whole earth becoming one great land mass glowing with light as did John the Beloved: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” Rev 21:1

The first heaven and the first Earth are now passing away and “all things are becoming new”. Soon there will be no more sea, or no more cold waters drowning the pure Love of God and there will be Peace on Earth Goodwill Toward Men.

When you say “the center where the will of God is known” visualize God by whatever name is comfortable. See him in the beginning of creation as the one who spoke and by the power of His will there was light in place of darkness. See him as speaking again and there was land instead of water. See him as having an all powerful will-to-good.

Review what I have written earlier on purpose and incorporate the thought into: “Let purpose guide the little wills of men”. It must, however, be “the purpose which the Christ and his group of Masters know and serve.”

In the next stanza we ask that the plan of Light and Love will work out through the race of men and not through the interference of some all powerful dictator. Here we ask that humanity itself through free will, shall gain the power to solve his problems through wielding knowledge tempered with love. We have decided not to sit back and let a god of our own creation do our work for us that we can do for ourselves.

When the race of men are irradiated with light and infused with Love the door to evil is then sealed. This is the seal that binds Satan a thousand years. True evil is not desired by the souls of men when it stands clearly seen in the light of day with flames of love gently drawing men’s attention toward the good.

The final great statement is: “Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.” In restoring the Plan, or building the kingdom of God, all three energies of the Trinity are invoked. Light and Love can seal the door where evil dwells, but Power, or the Father aspect must be manifest to create the literal Kingdom here on the earth.

May 5, 2001

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The Holy Spirit Within

The Holy Spirit Within

My critic who inspired me to write the Pharaoh Principle agreed basically agreed with it. Seeing the truth of this principle is indeed a good start toward unity, for control by authority is probably the greatest hurdle of this age for seekers to overcome.

An interesting point though is that many who believe themselves to be free from control are often the victims of greatest control.

A prime example is the teenager rebelling against the authority of his parents by following the current tends. What he is doing is substituting the authority of his parents for other authorities with even more power over him – his peer group, his idols, and various ads geared toward youth. While he sees himself as a free spirit, he is, in reality, controlled more than ever, by thoughts that are not his own.

I’ve also known a lot of people who have rebelled against orthodox religion and who are quite proud of themselves for “being free,” thinking that they are now in charge of their destiny. What often happens is that they substitute their prophet, priest or king for a book, a guru or a movement of some kind that controls them just as much as the old religion did.

Each of us must indeed continually examine ourselves for the various Pharaohs who seek our allegiance and make them subservient to the Holy Spirit within us.

In elation to the comment that “we are Christ too,” note from the scriptures that all who are baptized are supposed to take upon them the name of Christ:

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father THAT YE ARE WILLING TO TAKE UPON YOU THE NAME OF CHRIST, by baptism–yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel.” II Nephi 31:13

And now there were seven churches in the land of Zarahemla. And it came to pass that whosoever were desirous to TAKE UPON THEM THE NAME OF CHRIST, OR OF GOD, they did join the churches of God.” Mosiah 25:23

Then in the sacrament prayer we read: “that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son.”

Then in stronger language than any new ager uses, the scriptures plainly tell us that the faithful will actually be called by this name:

“And under this head ye are made free, and there is no other head whereby ye can be made free. There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh; therefore, I WOULD THAT YE SHOULD TAKE UPON YOU THE NAME OF CHRIST, all you that have entered into the covenant with God that ye should be obedient unto the end of your lives.

“And it shall come to pass that whosoever doeth this shall be found at the right hand of God, for HE SHALL KNOW THE NAME BY WHICH HE IS CALLED; FOR HE SHALL BE CALLED BY THE NAME OF CHRIST.

“ And now it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall not take upon him the name of Christ must be called by some other name; therefore, he findeth himself on the left hand of God.” Mosiah 5:8-10

Then we have another interesting scripture:

“Behold, Jesus Christ is the name which is given of the Father, and there is none other name given whereby man can be saved;


“Wherefore, if they know not the name by which they are called, they cannot have place in the kingdom of my Father.” D&C 18:23-25

Note that this is more than just being called a follower of Christ, for the scripture clearly tells us that we must take upon ourselves the name and be called by that name.

And how do we do this?

The name Jesus Christ literally means “anointed to deliver.” He who this takes upon himself the name becomes “a savior on Mount Zion” and seeks to deliver, save, or lift up his fellow men and women to a higher station just as Jesus came and lifted us up to a higher station and consciousness.

Who therefore is found on the right hand of God?

Those who are anointed to deliver and with love stretched out in the hand of service to lift their fellowmen – out of their prisons, out of their hunger, away from their thirst – and clothe them so they will no longer be naked of the Spirit and truths of God.

The principle behind the name of Christ is the only thing that can redeem any of us. Without help from others stretching forth their hands in service through the principle of Christ, which is the name of Christ, we must remain forever in the fallen state.

Comment: You say the Holy Spirit Emanates from within which sounds like new are mumbo jumbo.

I did a word search of my writings and could not find the word “emanate” in relationship with the Holy Spirit.

I suppose that if the Holy Spirit is within us there would be some sort of emanation or radiation, but the reader seems to imply that I see myself as some originator of the Spirit of God and such is not the case.

Now I do have a problem with the typical Mormon belief in the Holy Ghost which goes something like this.

“The Holy Ghost is an individualized spirit in the form of a man and this one man can somehow stretch himself (or uses some other magical means) so he can reside in millions, perhaps billions of people. This one individual whispers diverse things in the ears of millions simultaneously.”

Exactly how this happens is a question that few faithful Mormons will dare ask for fear of giving the appearance of having little faith.

Some few on the fringe who dare think about the subject have the theory that there is one Holy Ghost who is the leader with a large crew under him who work with the hearts of the faithful.

This explanation at least has some appeal to the mind in that it offers an explanation as to how the Holy Spirit (many spiritual entities) can be in many places.

That said let me give you my view so you can have the correct teaching from which to comment.

There is hierarchy in all things whether it be the atomic kingdom, human or spiritual.

There is indeed hierarchy among all spirits that are holy who are working with the sons of men on this earth. These spirits are “just men made perfect” who are operating with no physical body, have taken upon themselves the name of Christ, and are committed to aid in the deliverance of mankind from their lower nature.

These spirits do not emanate, or originate, from within but work as individual entities from without who speak to our souls within.


The whole principle of the Holy Spirit goes one step further. If the Holy Spirit consists of all holy spirits working in oneness through God, then there is an important spirit that we do not want to leave out of the equation, and that is our own spirits within ourselves. And why would this spirit be holy?

Answer: Because it came from God, and of course, that which comes from God is holy.

And where is this spirit from God that gives us life?

Within us.

This helps us understand the words of Jesus that “the kingdom of God is within you.”

This phrase which is backed up by the Dead Sea Scrolls and apocryphal gospels makes sense when we understand that we have a holy spirit from God within us.

Now where most metaphysical doctrine differs from Mormonism and other religions is in the belief that the spirit which is in us cannot be corrupted and is one with God and perfect from our point of view.

When Jesus said “I and my Father are one,” he merely reached a realization of the relationship of his own holy spirit in relationship to God and this principle applies to us all when we attain to “the stature of the fullness of Christ.” We are Gods because this originating Spirit within us is one with God.

So what does become corrupted in people who we view as evil?

Answer: An individual’s own holy spirit is beyond corruption, but there are three lower “vehicles” in particular which can become corrupted. These are the physical body, the emotional body (also called the astral) and the mental body. When our feelings and thoughts become corrupt then the mind, the feelings and the body likewise become corrupt and a barrier is thrown between ourselves and the holy spirit within us who is always in communion with God. When this barrier is complete then we are disconnected from “the higher angels of our nature” and it appears that one has a corrupt spirit. A more accurate statement would be that the carnal mind is in charge and is cut off from the highest part of himself and from God.

So what is the doorway that makes it possible for us to manifest the spirit from God within us.

This is the soul. Soul is the interplay between spirit and matter and when an individual seeks the spiritual path and achieves “soul contact” he then opens the door to the spiritual world and is able to commune with the holy spirit within him as well as receive impressions from other individual holy spirits from without.

Have you felt a spiritual presence that is indeed one with yourself and God that is far above the carnal mind?

Have you also felt spiritual entities guiding you through life?

Someone had a question about the name Adam.

Actually, Adam appears many other times and much earlier than you think because it is not consistently translated. It is often translated as “man.” It first appears in Gen 1:26:

“And God said let Us create man in our image.”

This should read:

“Let us create Adam in our image…

So God created Adam in his own image, in the image (reflection) of God created he him, male and female created he them.”

“Male and female created he them and called THEIR name Adam…” Gen 5:2

The first Adam was male and female as one unit and it was “their” name not “his” name.

May 4, 2001

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Transcending Doubt

Transcending Doubt

A reader expressed doubts as to her worthiness and ability to share the light.

From the responses received, it is obvious that you are not alone. Everyone has self doubts at one time or another, but do you know when the struggle is the greatest?

It is at the point of tension that we talked about earlier. The point of tension is that point of stress we all reach just before we obtain power to accomplish our objective.

We’ve been writing about the humanity of Christ and in this reference let me tell you that even he, the greatest among us, had to gather his courage to face his mission.

The point of tension came for Jesus at his baptism when the Spirit of God, or the higher entity who was Christ descended in him and dwelt with him. This presence brought him a realization of his mission greater than anything he had beforehand.

Jesus, a human like you and me was thus faced with bearing the presence of one much greater than himself and going forth and fulfilling the prophesies of the Messiah.

What did he do? Did he immediately go and teach the people?

No. Because of the expanded vision he had of what was ahead he doubted himself and thought many thoughts that you may have had in a similar circumstance such as.

Am I imagining that I am to fill this mission?

Am I worthy of it?

Surely there’s someone better suited for this than me.

Perhaps I will be totally rejected and I will fail.

As he contemplated that high and holy presence that was with him he felt totally unprepared to begin and went into the wilderness and fasted for forty days seeking for guidance and strength.

At the end of the fast he was “tempted” by an adversary. Now what does it mean to be tempted? It means distracting thoughts are placed before you that you are considering. Jesus struggled with these tempting thoughts that would destroy his mission, but he held steady and did not yield.

Even so with us. We must choose the highest that we know and follow it and when the disciple follows this high path he will wonder if he really knew after all. The key is to continue in faith and if you have erred, corrections will be revealed until the greater light will come and the servant will proceed with pure knowledge until his next test.

One thing that helps is the support of friends and I hope all of you feel that you have friends here. There is much we can do to support each other.

Don’t forget to say the Song of the 144,000 and when you say it see in your minds eye all the others who are saying it and feel the energy circulate among the group going to where it is needed the most.

Also keep this in mind. There are tests for the disciple where he can draw support from friends and associates and then there are others that he must endure entirely alone. These are most difficult, but “he who endures to the end will be delivered” through the power of the soul into greater realms of consciousness.

A reader brought up the power of attention related to decision, consciousness and hypnosis.

It is interesting that everything that we experience is a result of decisions made and the amount of attention focused on those decisions.

Not only is hypnosis the result of where attention is placed, but the non hypnotic awake state is also.

The person who is hypnotized goes under because he takes his attention away from his mind and thinking consciousness and focuses his attention on the words of the hypnotist and the feelings generated therefrom.

Hypnotism then is not so much a result of attention, but a result of where attention is and is not focused. But just like any other result, desired attention must be focused to reach the end result.

Much more desirable than hypnosis is the state of “heightened attention”. In this state you keep attention on all your vehicles, the body, feelings, mind and spirit so they all cooperate together to be sensitive to response.

Hypnosis can produce some quick short term results, but full conscious attention is much better at producing long term benefits

A reader wants me to comment on why we are here.

This is a question we could spend much time on, perhaps, the question of the ages. We have already covered this in some detail, but I will add a few words.

First, we are not just here to return to God. If our purpose is just to return then why was it ever in the plan that we leave?

Some will answer that it was necessary to know the pain of earth life to appreciate the bliss of the presence of God.

There is a little truth to this statement but it is far from the whole answer. Just apply this idea to real life and one can see that something is missing.

How much pain do you have to go through before you realize that you desire or appreciate pleasure instead?

The answer is not much.

Pleasure, happiness and even joy are benefits all of us achieve sooner or later, but the whole purpose in life is more than this.

What more do you suppose that is?

May 1, 2001

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Explaining The Pharaoh Principle

Explaining The Pharaoh Principle

I would like to make a few comments on the Pharaoh Principle. The parable as a whole gives the overview necessary to paint a picture of the principle. Now let me sum it up in two paragraphs;

The Pharaoh Principle

“People tend to follow the line of least resistance rather than what is right or true when subject to one who has power over their destinies. This line of least resistance is to avoid offense, at all costs, and praise and extol the authority to the maximum possible.

“This applies whether the authority is a golden calf, a spirit, a man or a god and it matters not whether he is good or evil.”

If we go back and examine the pharaohs, kings, emperors and dictators past and present the actions of their subjects are almost universal.

When faced with confessing that the authority is right or wrong he will say he is right.

When faced with confessing whether the authority is powerful or weak he will say he is powerful.

When faced with confessing whether the authority is right in proclaiming lie or face his wrath, he will say he is right.

When the authority asks or demands something unreasonable the subject will give it, often to yielding even his wealth, his spouse and children.

If the authority claims to be greater than he is, even to the point of being a god over others, the subject will encourage him.

If the subject has to voice his opinion either in the direction of increasing the image or power of the authority or decreasing, he will always pamper the ego and increase the image.

Why do subjects follow this line of least resistance and add fuel to this absolute authority of their potentate?

Answer. It is always initiated because of fear, but when the habit becomes established the practice becomes embraced to the point that the subject will often begin believing his own words and see his authority as perfect, always correct and always to be adored.

Now if people are such sheep with earthly authorities that have power over their career, or even life, would they not even be more cautious to not offend a being who can destroy their very soul?

Answer: Yes, a thousand times yes!

Many a brave man who has faced, without flinching, enemies strong and animals fierce have been stopped in their tracks by fear of the thought of an avenging or of an offended God which has been conjured up by those seeking to control him.

Thus all the gods, sons of god, and projections of God as well as many representatives of God are supreme examples of the Pharaoh Principle.

If the believer is faced with proclaiming God to be all powerful or just powerful he will not consider offending God and proclaim him all powerful even though he has no direct knowledge of the extent of God’s power.

If it comes down to proclaiming him to be all knowing or not he will proclaim him to be all knowing because that is the safe thing to do to avoid offending one who can cast you into hell.

If the word of God seems to say something totally ridiculous to the reasoning mind, then the believer will throw the mind out the window and accept a fairy tail if necessary just to make sure god is not offended. Examples are the belief that God created the universe in six 24 hour days and the universe is less than 10,000 years old.

If a prophet, priest or scripture, speaking for God, seems to teach a doctrine, the subject will not even analyze the teaching or run it past his reasoning mind. Because such reasoning may mean doubt, he accepts without question just to play it safe. Playing it safe with God becomes so automatic that he is not aware when he reaches the stage that he has forfeited free will and becomes a slave to illusion.

Unfortunately, this Pharaoh Principle applies to the traditional believers in Jesus just as much as it does the believers of Allah, Krishna or the god in a nearby volcano.

If it comes down to a choice in believing that Jesus created the earth or not why yes, let’s give him credit for creating the earth since to express otherwise may offend him.

Again, if it comes down to a choice in believing that Jesus created the whole universe or not, yes again, lets give him credit for creating all there is.

If it comes down to the choice of giving him the stature of being “the” Christ, “the” God or “the” Savior rather than a Christ, a God or a Savior the unthinking believer will go for the “the” every time just to make sure Jesus knows he is on his side.

Now giving praise to Jesus is good and fine if it is well thought out and given because of truth perceived, but just put yourself in the place of God for a moment.

Would it mean anything to you to be praised by multitudes who are only doing it as insurance against hell – or fire insurance as some call it?

Would it mean anything for them to proclaim great attributes to you when they really have no idea how these attributes even apply to you?

If you were a god of truth then wouldn’t the truth be the important thing? Is there any true glory outside of that which is true?

The answer is of course, no.

A reader accuses me of craftily attempting to dethrone Jesus.

While it may be true that Jesus was without blemish as far as the spirit of the law is concerned – one must apply the Pharaoh Principle to believe that he literally obeyed every single rule in his life, especially when it is not even supported by scripture.

Seeking for truth, finding truth and teaching truth only enthrones with true glory. Any throne created outside of reality is made of shadows and cannot give support to the power of God.

As far as being crafty goes – this statement implies that you think I am consciously manipulating data to deceive and I assure you this is not the case.

I make no claims of perfection and if perchance I am wrong in any of my teachings it is error on the path of a sincere attempt to deliver the truth. I seek to not be controlled by The Pharaoh Principle but to follow the path least traveled by wherein the full truth is the end result. I bid you to join me.

Copyright by J J Dewey

April 30, 2001

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The Pharaoh Principle

The Pharaoh Principle

In a time and place beyond the records of the present there lived a people seeking light in the land of Ledasa. Legend had it that the Father of their people was a great God named Asu.

The people of Ledasa lived for many generations in a struggle to know Asu. Many arose among them claiming to speak for Asu and some seemed to present greater light while others merely to want to exalt themselves and obtain the adoration of the people.

There began to be disputations among them about the true teachings of Asu, until there arose among them a powerful warrior who subdued all who opposed him and established a great kingdom and seat of power.

One day the leader gathered his advisors around him to present a problem.

“Many in the land adore me and give me homage and thus help advance the kingdom, but there are some who worship Asu and believe they are in communion with him. Many of these fail to give the needed support to the kingdom and thus I, and the kingdom, are deprived of a fullness of power. What can we do to get the support of all the people that none will oppose my words?”

After some thought, the wisest counselor spoke up. “If I may speak, my Lord, I believe I can help. Some of the people who honor Asu believe that you are against him and their prophets are rising up in secret and condemn you before the eyes of the people.”

“We will eliminate these prophets,” said the leader. “Then the people will have to support me or die themselves.”

“But,” said the counselor, “if you kill one prophet two will rise in their place. If you destroy a believer others will replace him.”

The leader shook his head and sighed, “What are we to do?”

The counselor smiled. “I have a plan that is sure to succeed. Instead of opposing Asu we will join him and when we have the trust of the people we will announce that you are the great Pharaoh, who is Asu himself come in the flesh.”

“Do you think the people will believe this?”

“Yes, of course, my Lord. Just leave the convincing up to us.”

Now the counselors had greater plans in mind than merely exalting the leader as Pharaoh. They wanted to exalt themselves for as spokesmen for Pharaoh, they would wield the power of Pharaoh more than Pharaoh himself.

A meeting was arranged with the people and the leader announced to them that he supported the teachings of Asu and that all believers should receive protection within the kingdom.

After this the counselors went abroad among the people holding many meetings and teaching of the goodness of the leader and soon they began calling him Pharaoh and suggested that he may be more than just a man because of the great service he rendered in protecting the believers of Asu. Some were suspicious of this teaching, but others were supportive for they were happy to have their leader support their belief.

The counselors made friends with the supporters and helped them obtain honor and position and encouraged them in subtle ways to mock and humiliate the doubters before the people. This continued until the Pharaoh gained wide support and at that time the counselors advised him that the time was right to make the great announcement.

The head counselor spoke before the gathered people (and he was the one to actually reveal the doctrine).

“My friends,” he said. “We have all realized that we have a great leader and some of you suspected that he was more than a mere mortal such as ourselves. I am here today to proclaim a great truth. Our leader is more than a mere man. Asu came down from the heavens and took form and became our leader and our God. In honor of this great favor we shall henceforth call him Pharaoh. To call him Pharaoh is an acknowledgement that he is Asu in the flesh.

The people were stunned and then the counselor shouted: “Behold the Pharaoh!”

The leader who was now proclaimed Pharaoh rose up to speak. Within the crowd were planted numerous supporters who were taught beforehand what to do. They all started shouting in unison: “All hail Pharaoh!”

As the planted ones shouted this over and over others joined in until it seemed as if every single person was proclaiming it.

Pharaoh spoke a few words. There was nothing special about his words but he was amazed to notice that his words did not have to be profound. All he needed to do was speak, speak most anything, and the people would shout in approval. This seemed pleasing to him at this time.

A short time later the counselors called a meeting with him and made a proposal. “We have made you God, Asu come in the flesh and Pharaoh to the people, and for this our only hope is that you are pleased.”

“It has united the kingdom,” said Pharaoh. “I’m a little uncomfortable with being called Asu come in the flesh though. If there is a real Asu he may be offended.”

“We assure you oh Pharaoh that Asu is a myth, but we do have one minor problem that needs to be handled.”

“And what is that?” asked Pharaoh

There are still a few rebels who are teaching that you are a mere mortal and not a God. To counter these heretics we ask that you make us Priests of Asu, which is of course you. Then give us power to speak for you and we will make sure the kingdom stays united and you will be the greatest of the gods who ever walked the earth.”

Pharaoh had a strong desire to have a united kingdom so he agreed.

The new priests began seizing all the power they could and often times spoke and acted in the name of Asu, or Pharaoh, when he had no knowledge of what was gong on.

The Priests rounded up the rebels and had as many put to death as they could find. To counter the ones that they could not find they spread many untruths about them being enemies of Asu and the kingdom until many of the people betrayed them and persecuted them.

Finally the true followers of Asu had to go completely underground and only meet or teach in absolute secrecy.

For a while Pharaoh was content with the situation for he seemed to have the peaceful unified kingdom that he desired. Then one night he had a dream wherein the real Asu appeared to him with angry countenance for taking his place. The voice of Asu spoke: “To redeem yourself and your nation go tell the people that you are a man like unto them and that everything you are they can be. All who teach this will be my sons.”

Pharaoh was greatly disturbed by this and after much thought he decided to obey the voice. He bypassed the priests and went out among the people and taught them without identifying himself. When he taught the spirit of Asu rested upon him and he revealed many great words of truth. As he gathered crowds the authorities were called, but when they discovered he was Pharaoh they were amazed and stood back. Pharaoh then continued going from place to place teaching and when it was rumored about that he was Pharaoh many came to listen.

The officers were troubled and went and reported to the priests what they had witnessed. The High Priest called an emergency meeting and said to his brethren: “We have a major problem with our Pharaoh in that he is teaching that he is a mere mortal on an equal basis with all members of the kingdom. This cannot stand or we shall lose our power. Pharaoh must have authority supreme or speaking in the name of Pharaoh will have no control over the people.”

“I agree,” said another Priest, “but what can we do? Pharaoh has more authority than do we.”

“He only thinks he has authority,” said the high priest. “we are the true authorities and if we remove Pharaoh from the kingdom the army and police will all give their support to us for we have taught them all well and they are indebted to us.”

“So how will we eliminate Pharaoh,” asked another priest.

“Here’s the plan,” said the high priest. “We shall call a special gathering and encourage Pharaoh to present his new ideas. Hidden in the crowd will be an expert marksman who will shoot an arrow through his heart. We will have several plants in the audience who will point the finger of blame on one of the rebel leaders and we shall arrest him and convince the people that a rebel conspiracy is behind the death of Pharaoh.”

“That’s pure genius,” said another priest. “The people will then hate the rebels all the more and shall soon eliminate them.”

They proceeded with the plan. Pharaoh was pleased that the priests seemed to encourage him to teach his new philosophy and a date for the gathering was set.

All went according to plan except that the assassin took longer than expected to obtain a good shot. This allowed Pharaoh a little extra time to teach the masses. He taught wonderful principles such as equality, brotherhood, loving our neighbors etc. But finally the arrow came and he fell to the ground as the audience gasped in horror.

A rebel was blamed for his death and the persecution of the holdouts became extremely fierce until the appearance of any who could speak for the rebel cause could not be found.

Three days after the assassination the high priest called another gathering and spoke. “My friends. We have all had certain beliefs about our Pharaoh who was the immortal Asu come in the flesh and all these beliefs were right except for one. We thought Asu would remain forever here with us in one body of form, but that sadly is not true. The good news is Asu is still immortal and as Pharaoh he yet speaks to his priests and has declared that we should carry on his work and his teachings. We are in the process of gathering up all the teachings of Pharaoh before he died and we shall compile them and expound them to the people so all can share in the wonderful words of a god who was and is still among us.

“Our great God has already spoken to us and declared that I am to be the new Pharaoh and that Asu will be with me and teach me and the other priests all that I am to say to you. Asu will also explain to the priests the teachings we are compiling of the words of our slain, but still alive-in-us Pharaoh. All hail to Asu come again.”

The people then shouted this over and over until it seemed that there was none who could resist this praise.

After this, an eerie silence fell over the kingdom, a silence of no opposition. It was as if the rebels were completely eliminated while all seemed to increase in their adoration of the original Pharaoh. Seven generations passed and with each rising generation the stature of Pharaoh grew. In the first generation he was the god of the nation. In the second generation he was he God of the whole earth. By the third generation he ruled the Sun also. Then in the fourth generation he was the ruler of the universe. Finally by the fifth generation he was believed to be the creator as well, as the ruler of the universe and all things therein. During the next two generations the doctrine of his godhood was perfected and written down as infallible scripture.

For some time the people of Ledasa were united in their belief and glorified in the fact that they were one people and that wherever you went all spoke of the same beliefs with no deviation from the teaching of the priests.

Lo, the priests and leaders were content and secure in their power until there arose among them Jabusa, son of a prominent priest and a descendent of the first Pharaoh.

Jabusa was groomed by his father to take his place and made the mistake of making all the scrolls available to his honest-in-heart son.

It wasn’t long before Jabusa started asking questions that none could answer and began to disturb and irritate many.

Jabusa: “Father, look at the thousands of stars which are worlds in the sky and probably millions that we do not see. How could it be that Pharaoh who walked the earth as a mere man created all these things?”

Father: “It’s a mystery my son. Do not think upon mysteries or the spirits will drive you insane.”

Jabusa: “Why would Asu some to this earth in the body of Pharaoh when there are countless other spheres that need his attention?”

Father: “Maybe we are on the only ones with people, my son.”

Jabusa: “What then would be the purpose of the other worlds?”

Father: “The stars are there so our astrologers can read the signs of Asu.”

Jabusa: This answer did not satisfy him and he asked another: “It has never made sense to me that First Pharaoh was the god Asu yet he died.

Father: “It was in his wisdom to be one of us.”

Jabusa: “And now the all-knowing spirit of Asu is supposed to be speaking through the current Pharaoh.”

Father: “Yes. Asu speaks to Pharaoh at all times.”

Jabusa: “But Pharaoh says nothing new. He merely repeats the wisdom of the past.”

Father: “But we must learn the wisdom of the past before we can be given the new.”

Jabusa: “But I can speak wiser things than Pharaoh can. Does that mean I am greater than the god Asu himself?”

Father: “Silence, my son. If any hear your heretical speech you could be barred from the priesthood or even imprisoned”

Jabusa: “And that’s another thing that bothers me. If Asu is all wise and speaks through Pharaoh, then why is he afraid to have people like me speak their thoughts. Why does he not just allow it and overwhelm me with superior words and answers?”

Father: “Son. Cease this talk this instant or I will be forced to bring you before the council myself.”

Jabusa knew he could not take the conversation any further and was silent. Yet his curiosity was aroused and he felt he needed to discover the truth of first Pharaoh and perhaps the god Asu himself.

In searching through the halls of archives he found a locked room that no one had entered for many years. He picked the lock and entered in secret and there he found records that were kept by the early rebels and read them. These records told the true story of how First Pharaoh was a man like the rest of us who was presented as a God to the people as a plot to secure power for the priests.

He saw that First Pharaoh achieved enlightenment and sought to teach the real truth to the people and was killed for it.

As Jabusa studied the documents a strange feeling arose inside of him. Even though First Pharaoh was lowered in station from the God of millions of worlds to a brave man who walked the land as an equal to himself, he found that the truth was causing him to appreciate the man as a courageous and good man more than he appreciated him as the god of the universe.

“Such irony,” thought Jabusa, “that I would love this man as a man like myself, more than I did when he was an all-seeing all-knowing god.”

Then Jabusa considered in his mind why this would be true and he concluded” “Only the truth can bring true glory.”

At that moment Jabusa knew what he must do. He realized that if the current priesthood were to discover this room that they would burn the writings so he sneaked them out and prepared to leave his family and risk his life to give the truth to the world.

He began his mission by visiting the city of Sum on the outskirts of the kingdom where the Priests rarely visited. Because he was the son of a famous Priest many came to hear what he had to say.

“People of Sum. What I have here in my hand is a part of a manuscript I found in the archives of the Priests. It reveals to us that we have been deceived concerning our understanding of First Pharaoh. It is true that he was a great and good man, a great example for us, but he is not the god of the universe.

A man spoke up: “Who do you think you are? You are attempting to take First Pharaoh off his great throne in the heavens and present him as one of us? This is apostasy in the first order.”

Jabusa countered: “I am only taking him off the throne of illusion and putting him in his correct place where he can receive true glory within our history.”

Another man spoke: “Do you not realize you are speaking blasphemy and that your words will anger Asu who has power to cast your soul into hell?”

“Why would Asu cast anyone in hell for sincerely revealing what he sees as the truth?” retorted Jabusa

“Because that’s what Asu has spoken through the priests,” said one.

“But how do you know the Priests speak the true words of Asu?”

“Because earlier priests have told us that Asu will not let the priests lead us astray”

“And how do you know the earlier priests are correct?”

“Because they just are!” Shouted a member of the audience.”

Now they would have done Jabusa harm except they were afraid because he was the son of a priest so he had a few days to freely teach among the people.

He approached numerous people who seemed to be open-minded and taught them in private. He even went so far to show some of them original pages of the manuscript.

His teachings were always met with fear and a typical response was: “If you are correct then the true Asu is a kind and loving God and I have little to fear if I am wrong. On the other hand, if the priests are right and First Pharaoh is indeed Asu and I remove him from his throne in the eyes of the people I will not only suffer persecution from the Priests, but may suffer an eternal hell in the next world. Even though you may be correct I think it is wisdom to side with the priests where I know my soul will be safe.”

Jabusa shook his head, “Asu may not throw you in hellfire for your error, but you will suffer a separation from the true spirit of Asu.”

The man replied, “But only for a time and then when I do follow your path I will still be in his good graces. That’s a little like I did with my father. I knew I could make mistakes because he would always accept me and work with me until my mistakes were corrected. If your God is like my father I’ll be OK in the end.”

“But,” said Jabusa, “life between the beginning and the end is all we have in the present. Let us make it a great adventure and teach the truth at all costs so when we leave this mortality we can spend blissful periods of time reflecting on what we have done here.”

“That is fine for you,” said the man, “but I have a family to think of as well as my fears of the wrath of First Pharaoh. I choose the safe path for now.”

Jabusa went from family to family and discovered that all were afraid to even consider going against the traditional belief. They were afraid for their souls, afraid for their families, afraid to be rejected by their friends and afraid of the authority of the priests.

Finally one man took him aside and gave him advice: “I am not a believer in the gods so I can look on this situation with an open mind. I do not think you will get one convert from the believers here. I will tell you this truth which I call the Pharaoh Principle. It is the natural tendency of humans to play it safe unless they know a thing beyond the point of doubt. As long as this people even think there is one chance in a million that the priests are right they will support them through fear.”

“If therefore, there is a choice between praising First Pharaoh as the creator of the universe or just seeing him as an outstanding mortal they will choose the first.

“If there is a choice between seeing him as Asu incarnate or as regular man incarnate, they will chose the first again because if he is indeed Asu he will then not be angry with them for their disrespect.

“If there is a choice between believing that Asu speaks to the Priests they will support the idea that Asu speaks to them for that is the safe belief.”

“But you do not believe at all. What path do you take?” said Jabusa

“I am not a believer,” said the man, “but I am practical so I too take the safe route. I shout praises to First Pharaoh and his throne with the rest of them as insurance for me and my family. The only difference between me and the rest is that I understand why I do it.”

Jabusa considered the man’s words as he spent his remaining safe time visiting some more families and receiving the same fearful responses. Finally he concluded the man was right and considered his next plan of action.

He thought within himself: “If I stay here and teach within the kingdom of Ledasa it will be at great risk and for what? All are too fearful to consider my words. I shall therefore retreat to a wilderness and study the old manuscripts and await my next opportunity.

Thus Jabusa retreated to a wilderness and studied and contemplated for many years until one day the voice of the real Asu came to him at an unexpected hour and said: “The people of Ledasa are not ready for higher knowledge for their fears paralyze them on the path to my presence. Arise and go therefore to other lands and peoples and teach the principles you know in the people’s own language and after a time you will be accepted.”

Jabusa responded, “And what will become of the people of Ledasa? I have family and friends there and wish that there were a way to share truth with them.”

Asu responded: “Suppose you were in a room full of people that was lit by a light so dim that you could barely make out the forms or the faces of the people. It seemed that you were in a land of shadows. But then certain leaders point to the dim light and tell the people that this is the greatest light in the universe and they should look to it and none else. Because the people have seen no other light they believe their leaders, and anyone who teaches otherwise is persecuted.

But then one person goes away to an adjoining room of people and installs a new light a hundredfold as bright and turns it on. The people in the new room are delighted to have a light that makes vision clear and sight accurate and pleasing. Then when all have adjusted to the new light, and other such rooms of light are in the process of being created, a door is swung open from the brightly lighted room to the former dimly lighted one. The inhabitants of the dimly lighted room look toward the doorway and what do they see?”

“They see a great light,” said Jabusa

“And when their teachers continue to tell them that their dim light is the greatest of all, what will the people do?”

“I guess they can only ignore the greater light for so long until they take a look at the lighted room with the cheerful people and partake of the fullness of light.”

“You now have your answer. Go forth and do and teach what you know, and one by one rooms and cities of light will be turned on until the whole world is filled with the glory of God.

Copyright 2001 by J J Dewey

April 28, 2001

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The Perfection that is Love

The Perfection that is Love

A reader insists that Jesus fulfilled all the demands of the law to perfection.

He did overcome the exacting demands of the law, not by following every possible letter of the law, but by transcending the law. The end of the law is always supposed to be that love is manifest and when one’s actions bring the highest love possible the law is fulfilled.

Thus it is written:

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matt 22:37-40

To fulfill the demands of the law Jesus merely had to obey these two great commandments for on them the intent of every single law of God is based.

For instance, when the Jews brought to him the woman who was caught in adultery they thought he would advise that she be stoned to death for that was the literal law.

Instead of encouraging obedience to this outdated law he made the famous statement: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

After the crowd left, condemned by their own consciences, Jesus told the woman that he did not condemn her to the demands of the law and she escaped the death sentence.

Now if his mindset was to perfectly and literally obey the law in all circumstances then he would have encouraged the crowd to stone her to death because that was what the law said should be done.

The end of all laws of God is that love should manifest and thus Jesus fulfilled this awkward law because love indeed was the end result because of the way he dealt with it.

Many Christians have a strange idea of just what the perfection of Jesus was and most of these beliefs are not supported anywhere in the scriptures.

Just how far do you go with this perfection idea?

Do we believe that he never told a single lie, never late for dinner, never playing around and literally breaking the Sabbath, never disobedient to his parents…Hmmm – how about the time he sneaked away from his parents and camped out in the temple for three days worrying his mother to death?

If this was anyone else besides Jesus all would agree that he broke the fourth commandment because he was not honoring the wishes of his mother.

The trouble with maintaining the idea that Jesus perfectly obeyed the black and white laws is that many of them are so subject to interpretation that there is no possible criteria to establish that perfect obedience is even possible.

For instance, as far as Jesus honoring his mother goes, some could say that his attending to his Son of God duties neutralized that commandment for him, but others may disagree.

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder in many cases and in the eyes of Jesus’ mother he was not perfectly obedient here.

Do we extend his perfection even further? Did he never give a wrong answer in school? Did he never add, subtract or multiply wrongly? Did he never lose his temper? Did he always beat his opponent at sports?

When one sets up Jesus as flawless in a black and white manner he is not only going contrary to the scriptures, but against all common sense and all that is good about being human.

Sometimes I think of my wife and her quirky little ways of doing things that I would consider flaws if I were to do them, but they are part of the whole package that makes up her. Often when I think thoughts of love toward her, images of these off-beat “flaws” come to my mind and generate more tender feelings than do the parts of her that seem flawless.

Even so with Jesus… I guarantee to you that none of those who were close to him in his lifetime considered him perfect and even his closest apostles had advice as to how to improve himself. Yet when he was taken from their midst what thoughts of him do you suppose generated the most loving thoughts and memories?

It was the memories of actions and words from him that challenged the law and the standard model of perfection

On reflection his disciples saw love manifest in all his actions and words and this was the reason they wrote of him that he was “without blemish.” Who cares whether or not he picked an olive from a neighbor’s tree without asking?

Setting Jesus up as some robotic computer program that flawlessly performs does indeed set him at an unapproachable distance from us. Probably not one single person on this planet can or will claim to have never made a mistake and probably none can see themselves at a believable level where they will be so perfect that they will henceforth never make a mistake in any area of life again.

Many can see themselves reaching Gandhi’s level of perfection, but the flawlessness of an illusionary Jesus is not something any can claim.

But when we realize the “perfect” following of the will of God in Jesus consists of two things a different light is put on the subject. We realize that we can be like Christ if the motive of loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves runs through all of our thoughts and deeds.

Such a realization cause John to write:

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” I John 3:2-3

We will be like him not because we are capable of being flawless according to black and white obedience to law, but because we have learned to turn every situation into a manifestation of love.


Do you think you would have seen Jesus as flawless if you had lived with him as a disciple?

Do you think that this illusionary concept of perfection associated with Jesus hinders the manifestation of love in the churches?

Which of these two is the greatest power drawing you to Christ – (1) His perfection or (2) His love?

April 26, 2001

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The Tomato Principle

The Tomato Principle

A reader felt that I was diminishing the perfection of Jesus with my previous comments on the subject. Perhaps I can add some necessary details so readers can more clearly see my views.

As I said in the chapter mentioned there are two main words for perfection. The first is AKRIBELA and this is the perfection which implies never making a mistake. The interesting thing is this word was never used in reference to Jesus, or even God for that matter. BUT it was used in reference to the belief system of those who crucified the Christ. They saw Jesus as far from flawless and therefore it would be blasphemous to assume that he was the son of God.

The word used in reference to the perfection of Jesus was TELEIOO which implies the finishing of a job, assignment or mission. Thus the Bible references of the perfection of Jesus and his Father imply that when they accept a mission they are able to successfully complete it.

God may have not created a flawless (AKRIBELA) world, but he created according to his will with all its flaws evolving into the fulfilling the measure of its creation, or TELEIOO, the perfection or the finishing of his work.

Now a big problem is created in expecting anything or person to be perfect as in AKRIBELA. For instance, which one is the one perfect snowflake, and if we found it would we even recognize it?

If we were to take God’s own pick of the perfect snowflake and show it to 100 people along side of thousands of other snowflakes, how many would agree with God that it was the perfect one?

Answer: Very few.

Does God have to command us to believe his pick is the most perfect?

That would be a ridiculous process.

Even so, the describing of any man, even Jesus, as being perfect as we define it today is too subtle and illusive to exist in reality.

For instance, the law of Moses decreed that on the Sabbath “thou shalt not do ANY WORK.” Ex 20:10. Now technically the Jews were right that Jesus was violating the letter of the law when he worked very hard to heal and teach on the Sabbath and even allowed his disciples to harvest some grain.

Now we all know that Jesus turned water into wine yet the scripture says “Woe unto him that givest his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him…” Hab 2:15.

He thus definitely broke the letter of this scriptural injunction as well as many others in this act.

Part of the reason that Jesus was crucified on a tree was to teach the very principle that the exact following of the black and white law is not necessary for salvation, even for him.

In Deut 21:23 we are told that he who is hung upon a tree is “accursed of God”. Paul was making reverence to this when he said: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.” Gal 3:11-13

Who can deny that Jesus flagrantly broke the law of Moses by allowing himself to be crucified on a cross made from a tree?

Instead of telling us that Jesus redeemed us by obeying every letter of the law he tells us the opposite.

Jesus redeemed us by “being made a curse for us.”

Now, how could this be? How could the breaking of the law and taking upon himself the decreed curse redeem us?

The principle here is illustrated in the history of the tomato. Few realize that until recent history that it was considered poisonous. In the early 1800’s no one dared eat one for they thought they would be “cursed” and die.

In 1820 a man named Robert Johnson of New Jersey doubted the common wisdom and experimented on himself by eating them until he was convinced of their safety as a food.

But when he told others that it was a safe food to eat many thought him a mad man. He couldn’t seem to make any progress in convincing others to eat the fruit so he made a bold announcement. He proclaimed that he would actually eat these dangerous tomatoes on the steps of the courthouse for all to see, and he set a time for this dangerous performance.

At the set time as large crowd turned out to see this crazed person eat the poisonous fruit and wither and die in pain.

After the crowd gathered Mr. Johnson proceeded to eat an alarming quantity of this cursed food. He ate until he was full and as he crowd waited for him to die he smiled, told jokes and teased them for their foolish belief.

After this demonstration word spread from New Jersey to surrounding cities, states and nations until the whole world was soon freed from the illusion of the poisonous tomato.

Even so, it was with many of the laws of Moses and Old Testament decrees. When you think of it, hanging on a tree would no more cause a person to be cursed than the eating of a tomato, and just as Robert Johnson picked a situation to demonstrate the illusion of the people, even so did Jesus allow himself to be crucified on a tree to demonstrate that he could flagrantly violate the decree of the law and yet have no curse, but instead obtain the greatest blessing of all time – the resurrection.

Why then was Jesus compared to a “lamb without blemish and without spot?” I Peter 1:19

This comparison was made to teach a principle and not as a decree that Jesus followed the letter of the law in all cases.

It is written: “Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” II Cor 3:6

Note here that the early disciples saw themselves as ministers “not of the letter, but of the spirit.” They did not see Jesus as a lamb without blemish because he followed the letter of the law, but they did believe he followed the spirit of the laws of the prophets and by the spirit of the law (which gives life) Jesus was indeed “without blemish and without spot.”

Do we still have illusionary fears about modern harmless tomatoes? Can you name several?

People when given a choice between following the letter of the law or the spirit will usually lean on the letter. Why

April 25 2001

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Christ, the Antichrist and Forgiveness


Christ, the Antichrist and Forgiveness

Question: How is it that Jesus was able to forgive sins and what is the effect on he one forgiven?

Forgiveness of sins falls has two ingredients..

(1) The removal of guilt

(2) The neutralizing of the effect of the “sin” or harmful action.

Actually, when a person initiates a harmful cause (sin) an effect will follow and since cause and effect is an immutable law there is no way even the highest god can remove the effect from a cause. Instead all the higher lives work with the law of cause and effect so the desired end result is achieved.

If a person steals $100.00 from a friend, the friend will still suffer the effect of missing the $100.00 even if Jesus himself should decree that his sins are forgiven.

He can work with cause and effect and neutralize the negative cause by paying the friend back. If this is not practical or possible then he can also neutralize the cause by assisting others in need through his generosity. Because “all souls are one” from a higher point of view then paying an equivalent of $100 to others is like paying back the $100 to the friend.

On the other hand, if he treads the path of selfishness and does not neutralize the effect then the effect will return to him and a friend will come out of the woodwork and steal from him.

When Jesus talked about the power to remove sins he was not talking about the removal of effect, but the removal of guilt and darkness which separates us from soul contact.

A person can owe a large debt to humanity because of sin, or mistakes, and yet be free from guilt. Guilt itself does not pay any of our debts, but slows us down so our progression toward the light comes to a standstill.

Sometimes guilt will still remain even after the person has made restitution for his negative action and the person offended has forgotten about the offense.

How, then is guilt removed?

Guilt is removed by the voice of God.

If the seeker believes that his priest speaks for God this outward substitute for God can be like a salve for the spiritual wound, but a permanent spiritual healing will rarely occur.

If, on the other hand, the servant who has soul contact and speaks to you, from his soul to yours, about the removal of sin then your guilt will be entirely lifted.

This is what Jesus was talking about when he spoke to the apostles about the remitting sins.

The third way to remove guilt is through the seekers own soul contact. When he is in contact with the God within he is continually aware that God does not condemn him and never feels guilt through an illusionary condemnation from God again.

He knows the truth and the truth has made him free.

Comment: You say that we need to contact the soul within to achieve forgiveness. What then about the Jesus who is without? I think you are speaking new age mumbo jumbo.

It is not helpful to lump me in with your perceived notion of New Age beliefs. New Age and metaphysical beliefs are almost as diverse as Christian ones. For instance, it would not be productive to assume you believe in the Baptist doctrine just because you are a Christian. Overall there are common threads that go through orthodox Christianity and the New Age community, but within each there are many diverse doctrines and opinions. There are also liberals and conservatives, good and evil, enlightened and unenlightened in each group.

I disagree with many new agers as well as orthodox Christians on many points but also have points of agreement. I do not see myself as an orthodox believer in either group, but a synthesizer who takes the best of both to unite then into a working whole.

It would be helpful when taking issue with me to argue with what I actually say and believe rather than just citing a new age doctrine.

For instance, you say:

“According to your paradigm (the New Age paradigm), the means are within us, and we need not draw upon any external power to achieve the end spoken of.”

Some new agers are inclined in this direction, but what you represent here is not what I have taught – and I have taught much on this subject.

I have taught many times that salvation is not 100% within or without, but we must use a balance of the two.

For instance, the Holy Spirit, is an intelligence who touches and teaches us from within, but The Christ is an actual entity in his own body existing in the world without when he so chooses.

To become like Christ we must learn from within and without. I do not think we disagree here unless you believe that all learning and salvation must come from without.

Since the reader is LDS he should think back to basic Mormonism 101. What is the Rock on which the Church is to be built? Joseph Smith said very clearly it was revelation. And where does revelation come from? Generally it comes from within. And what stimulates it? Generally some experience or stimulation from a teacher without. The balance of the within/without brings true revelation.

On the other hand, the scriptures tell us to not lean upon the “arm of flesh.” In other words, we are not to reply on the authorities without, unless checking with the revelation from within.

100% reliance on one’s image of Jesus, or black and white interpretation of the scriptures from without is as dangerous as only looking within while excluding the evidence without.

Hundreds of weird sects think they have Jesus for their foundation and rock, yet some beat their wives and children, some believe in handling poisonous snakes and some rob the poor while they themselves live in luxury.

Saying you accept Jesus as your rock does not righteousness or right make, but feeling the whisperings of the Holy Spirit is an experience of truth verified without doubt.

Jesus is a rock to reply on, but we can only rely on him correctly when we have the core rock of which the hidden true church is built and that is revelation.

The Christ is indeed a rock to look toward for the rock of revelation and this I have always encouraged.

Without Christ and “holy men that ye know not of” D&C 49:8 to aid in revelation, teaching and assisting mankind we would indeed continue in our “fallen” state.

Comment: “Hence, more than any other philosophy, the New Age philosophy is most effective in fulfilling on an individual level the prophecy in 2 Thes. 2, for it places fallen man (the individual man of sin) on the throne reserved for God (who has already overcome all things THROUGH Jesus Christ).”

Let us examine this scripture. In the King James it reads:

“That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” II Thess 2:2-4

What does the scripture tell us this man of sin will do? He will oppose and exalt himself “above all that is called God, or that is worshipped.”

This assumed antichrist will exalt himself “above” two things:

First – “All that is called God.”

And what is called God in the scriptures? Over and over men are called Gods there. Specifically, Moses, Abraham and the judges in Israel were called gods and Jesus himself said: “ye are gods.” When referring to those who received the scriptures. John 10:34

So how will this man (or men) of lawlessness exalt himself above all that is called God?

He will see himself as better than his fellow men and women and seek the authority of a false God over them. He will become an “arm of flesh” to his fellow men and seek their adoration bordering on worship.

Secondly, he will exalt himself above that which is “worshipped.”

What shall we worship?

Jesus said: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” Matt 4:10

The man of sin will thus exalt himself above the one God we are all supposed to worship.

How does he do this?

He does this by taking the place of God and causing us to listen to his authority above the authority of the Spirit of the true God which is in us all.

The scripture tells us that the faithful virgins were those who listened to the Holy Spirit which is within. D&C 45:57

This man of sin has manifested in many forms since the days of Paul. He has manifested as an unjust authority in many walks of life which cause the deceived to ignore the Holy Spirit within and listen to a voice taking the place of God from without. These people are various ministers, priests, doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers etc. Many there are who seek to take the place of God over you.

The view that I teach and is also held by some new agers as well as some followers of the scriptures is that we are created in the image of God and as reflections we must seek to be one with God. When we are one with God we comprehend the oneness of mankind, and all life, and thus have no desire to exalt ourselves above others who are called god, or the one God we all worship by various names.

To find this man of sin then you must look for one who seeks to exalt himself above his fellow men and seeks to be the voice of God with higher authority than is the Holy Spirit within to his brethren.

April 23, 2001

Copyright by J J Dewey

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