Flawed Disciples

Flawed Disciples

Larry asks about Joseph Smith and the doctrine of polygamy. In many ways he seemed like such an enlightened man yet the practice of plural wives seems to be a step backward to many.

So what is the answer? Was he inspired of God in this odd teaching, was he lead by his own desires or is there something more than this on the table?

The truth is that the initiates of most major religions, organizations and groups are working for the cause of Light. They are given a certain amount of inspiration and revelation but are not given all the details. The details are usually filled in by the disciple who is working directly with humanity and tunes in to the need of the time and place. Even if a disciple is working directly for the Brotherhood of Light and receives revelations periodically, when the disciple makes a mistake he is usually not corrected.

The Brotherhood has learned painful lessons on their own plane about the dangers of assisting too much and with rare exceptions they will give the disciple the basic vision to materialize the next step in the Plan and will of God and then let him or her proceed. The disciple is then only corrected if he honestly seeks further instruction and correction.

As it is even disciples who are relatively successful usually make their share of mistakes and a lot of it has to do with tapping into thoughtforms created by mistakes from past disciples and teachers, or a distortion of such teachings which are absorbed by the group or race as a whole.

  1. P. Blavatsky was a good example of this. While it is true that she had contact with the Brotherhood and performed a great service for them and there were a number of legitimate signs and wonders demonstrated, there were not enough to go around in her opinion. Therefore she yielded to the temptation to help people’s faith along a bit.

According to DK she wrote most of the Mahatma letters herself and arraigned to have them mysteriously delivered to A. P. Sinnett who believed and proclaimed them as materialized letters from the Masters.

She learned about regular magic tricks in her early travels and used her skill in magic to give people signs that she had supernatural powers when the Masters seemed to be ignoring her.

She swore like a trooper and preached purity of diet and the benefits of vegetarianism, yet sometimes ate meat herself and smoked up to 200 cigarettes a day. Failing to take better care of her body as she knew disciples were supposed to do took at least 30 years off her life and her last ten years were lived in great physical distress with failing kidneys.

Through all this the Masters did not correct her but gave her what was necessary for the time and hoped for the best.

As it turned out, despite her shortcomings she lived up to expectations in bringing the hidden teachings from the East and introducing them to the West. Without her great contribution many of us would not be talking about spiritual philosophy on the level that we do.

Joseph Smith was another flawed servant, yet one who also made great contributions and laid seed teachings which are yet to bear fruit.

He received a revelation on the Molecular Relationship, but was unable to understand it in its fullness because the knowledge of the relationship of atoms and molecules was not available to him in that age. He had to put together the details of the divine order with the knowledge which was in his brain at the time.

He called his various glimpses of the Molecular order by several names such as the “holy order of the Priesthood,” the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage and Celestial Marriage.

As he was putting together the pieces he searched the scriptures and found that the patriarchs of the Bible had multiple wives. Because he saw that some molecular relationships could have multiple partners of the opposite polarity this Biblical doctrine of plural marriage seemed to fit the pattern.

He began to create various molecular relationships and most of them were puritanical (as all DNA testing reveal no evidence of children) until his relationship with his wife went extremely sour and he fell in love with Elisa Snow.

He did not dare divorce his wife because of the damage it would do to the church, but his love for Elisa did cause him to write a revelation that would eventually make plural marriage an official doctrine of the church. Unfortunately, we do not have a copy of the original and many believe that Brigham Young made changes that added in the approval of plural marriage. At the end of this revelation it was written that more would be given on this subject at a future date. In other words, he did not yet have the full picture but was proceeding with what he understood at the time.

So is plural marriage itself right or wrong?

There is nothing wrong with any relationship if pursued harmlessly by free will, but where plural marriage in the Mormon church went astray was that it was promoted as the will of God and many entered into it against their will because they were told that this was Gods decree.

The principle to work toward in all relationships is the balancing of energies and with multiple partners the energies of all are usually thrown off balance. The greatest balance is achieved by a one to one relationship when we are talking about anything involving sex.

During Joseph’s life there were many marriages of men to multiple female partners as well as females to multiple males and men to multiple males and few of these involved sex. After his death the concept of the molecules was lost and simple plural marriage on the physical level became the general interpretation of “celestial marriage.”

Joseph realized that many of his teachings would be distorted and wrote some of the most important ones on metal plates of his own making and buried them just before his death. These plates will be discovered or revealed when the time is right.

Joseph died prematurely before completing his mission, but laid a foundation which will yet bare much fruit. The present day Mormon church and break-offs will have to undergo a spiritual resurgence before they can be a part of that plan.

Sept 20, 2000

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Trusting Free Will

Trusting Free Will

It is obvious that each group, government and country does require some funds to accomplish group objectives. What should be the guiding principle in obtaining money for group goals? Is it right to tax the people? If so how much tax is appropriate?

Is it right to take money by force for a good cause from people who do not support that cause?

Well, my friends, from the answers we have received so far on this it doesn’t sound like there are many big government tax and spend people in this group – or if there are they are hesitant to speak their mind.

In the free governments of the world there are indeed two forces playing themselves out. The negative force is driving governments toward bigger and bigger government that taxes the people more and more with the promise of greater and greater benefits that the majority see as some type of free lunch. These growing governments offer increasing regulations imposed on the people “for their own good.”

The second force is toward greater freedom and individual responsibility. This force in the hearts of men and women is stronger than appears, but as it is presently playing out it seems to be losing the war. Each person has a piece of the pie and doesn’t want to give up any of his benefits even if the whole ship is sinking.

There are many who claim to be advocates of freedom who are merely deceived and do not see clearly the principles which empower it. Selfishness and illusion cloud the minds of many so if their own benefits are enhanced at the expense of the many they are deceived into thinking that freedom is enhanced.

The truth we must look for is that true freedom is only increased when the benefit which is seen as increased freedom extends to the whole and is supported by the whole.

There are several things to look for in deciding on the principles that should rule a country or group:

(1) The people must have a say in deciding their destiny.

This first principle is indeed lacking today in all countries for in all parts of the world restrictions in freedom are made where the majority have little to say about it.

(2) The majority of the people should feel happy and satisfied with the laws and regulations imposed. The majority is the bare minimum. Ideally two thirds of the people should be satisfied.

In the United States, for instance, the majority are quite unsatisfied in the overall system, but make no positive efforts for change because most individuals who desire change usually require change of their neighbor and not themselves. If we desire to live in a situation of maximum freedom we must all be willing to accept changes that affect ourselves as well as others.

As far as something specific like the ideal tax there are several possibilities.

In ancient Israel the government was financed by a voluntary tithe of ten percent.

Ten percent is a fair enough tax if that is all we had to pay. If we paid that and nothing else few would complain.

It is interesting that those who tithe today usually give to some religious organization in addition to 30-50% to their government so today’s loss of income is much greater than that which occurred in ancient Israel.

Ideally a voluntary ten percent tax should be able to run any efficient government, but if the consciousness of the people is not up to it the majority would probably support something like a ten percent sales tax and perhaps a reasonable gasoline tax. Lotteries were used back in the days of George Washington and could be used again if necessary. I’ve never bought a lottery ticket in my life, but would be willing to do so if I thought the profits were being used wisely.

Many of the teachers of the race have taught the principle of equality among the human race. Even Jesus told the rich man to sell all he had and give it to the poor. This type of teaching has been misinterpreted by many into the idea that the rich and even moderately successful are evil and we must remove their money by force and give it to the poor.

Therefore many are deceived into supporting the Robin Hood idea of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. What they do not realize is that this system evolves into taxing everyone including the poor and giving to the rich as we have it today in most countries.

For instance who is hurt the most by the gasoline, cigarette and alcohol taxes – a large source of revenues?

The poor.

Who benefits?

Mostly the well-to-do.


So if it is not right to force equality through a mandated redistribution of the wealth then how will equality ever be achieved?

Keep in mind we are not talking about exact equality here, but a general atmosphere of living where all have equal opportunity for wealth? This would be a system where all who are willing to work will have their basic needs met.

The equality of the human race, as far has having basic needs met and equal opportunity offered, is planted in all human souls and is an ideal that will someday be manifest. The problem is that it cannot become a reality by following either extreme of the swing of the pendulum.

It cannot be achieved by do-gooders who want to force us to do right for our own good as has failed time and time again in communism. But neither can it be achieved by an emphasis on selfishness.

What is the answer then?

The answer is simple. Allow people the maximum freedom of choice possible and have faith in the divinity that is in us all. Then those who have understanding should teach the people the divine ideas that are soon to manifest.

The results of freedom combined with teaching does not always manifest quick change, but when change does come it is safe and permanent.

Forced change can produce quick results, but always carries a backlash and the people eventually backtrack and work on finding the correct path.

We often think of disease as being of a physical nature, but there is also social and spiritual disease. Our planet is indeed ill and out of balance, but the strange thing is that illness is usually caused by some good intention misdirected toward a divine good as illustrated in the fourth Law of Healing given through Alice A. Bailey

“Disease, both Physical and Psychological, has its roots in the good, the beautiful, and the true. It is but a distorted reflection of divine possibilities. The thwarted soul, seeking full expression of some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its sheaths a point of friction. Upon this point the eyes of the personality are focussed, and this leads to disease. The art of the healer is concerned with the lifting of the downward focussed eyes unto the soul, the true Healer within the form. The spiritual or third eye then directs the healing force, and all is well.”

Many of the ills of humanity has its “roots in the good, the beautiful, and the true.” Leaders sense the need for greater equality, brotherhood and sharing, but instead of working directly under the soul in materializing these objectives their lower self creates a distorted reflection of divine possibilities and the result is a continuation of much pain and suffering that just does not seem to go away.

The time is coming when teachers of light will surface and lift the downward focussed eyes of humanity toward the soul. When the eyes of the downtrodden meet the eyes of the soul, healing begins and vision is restored. When this occurs humanity will begin greater sharing and helpfulness through their own free will with the realization that “all souls are one.”

The important thing to understand as we seek to apply the principle of the pendulum to the solving of world and personal problems is this. The most correct direction to solving problems is never a simple black and white extreme, but involves seeing through the eyes of the soul, thinking on our feet and the making of wise judgments and decisions.

A couple other ingredients of the Pendulum are the source of the power behind the swing and the purpose of the swing. What is this Source of power and what is the Purpose?

Sept 18, 2000

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Finding The Middle

Finding The Middle

Let me add some thoughts as you consider Mother Teresa and then I shall shortly give my comments.

The truth at the midway point is not usually a piece of data, but a true and accurate direction to obtain the most desirable of results.

To obtain a desirable result there is always a wrong extreme on the left and on the right. On the other hand, there is always a way to achieve the goal.

For instance, if you get the flu you can go one extreme and take many medicines that do not work and may even make the condition worse. On the other extreme, you may do nothing for yourself or even go out in the freezing cold.

He who follows the Middle Way discovers the path which will bring health at the earliest possible moment. The two extremes usually accomplish nothing, but the Middle Way brings the most efficient results.

As a side note to the lady having the baby without doctors my first wife and I had all our children at home and I delivered six out of seven and one of them had a cord around his neck and with another I had to turn the body to get him out. They were not easy labors either as the average was about 30 hours.

Everyone thought we were crazy including the authorities in the church. We were lucky we were not thrown out at that time. Many times my wife came home in tears because someone told my wife that her baby would probably die.

Most of our children were born in the 70’s when no one was having home births let alone delivering their own, so everyone we knew were very alarmed at us for being “extreme.”

But from the viewpoint of the Middle Way were we being extremists?

By the way, all the children were born well and healthy and the average weight was about ten pounds. The largest was 13.5 lbs.

Concerning RH negative – that was my mother’s blood type and she was warned by her doctor to not have any more children or she and the baby could die. Well she slipped up and had me so that’s one time I’m glad the doctor’s advice was bypassed.

I must admire Adrian for driving a taxi in London. I think London Taxi drivers are probably the best in the world. They also take much better care of their vehicles than in New York. You never see a London Taxi with a dent or a scratch.

And Adrian, it looks like the English are smarter than the Americans. They are at least blaming the right people – the politicians – for the problem with oil and gas prices. Here in America most people think it is the big oil companies who make less than 10¢ a gallon on their product. (Written in the year 2000) Here the government makes about 5 times as much or about 50¢ a gallon tax with no investment on their part. But I understand that in England the tax is around $4.00 a gallon. I hope our gas taxes do not have to become that high before our people wake up to the real truth in the middle.

Another thing that is scary here is that during our last oil crisis we only imported about 33% of our oil, but we presently import around 65% largely thanks to Clinton and others restricting domestic drilling, even though it is more environmentally friendly than the risk of oil spills from foreign oil.

It is interesting to see how easily the people have their focus diverted from the Middle Way.

It is also interesting that just as the United States was on the verge of using oil as a fuel that there was a big crisis in whale oil. Many feared that we would be doomed to a world without the light of lamps because of the limited supply of whales. Talks of price controls, rationing, restricted whaling abounded. What they lacked was a basic faith in the genius of mankind. Because we are reflections of God nothing is impossible for us and even today it will not be long until we have perfected alternative fuels that will end our dependence on oil.

Concerning Mother Teresa here is my opinion. I think all charities and give-aways should work around the following principle which has been reduced to a well worn cliché.

“Give a person a fish and you have fed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”

On the other hand, you cannot take this to the extreme either for there are times that a starving person needs the fish for immediate relief and has no time to learn to catch anything. Sometimes you have to feed him until he has strength – then you can teach him to fish.

This is where I see Mother Teresa missing the Middle Way. She gave away many fish and fed the multitudes a day at a time, but never advanced a program to teach them how to fish – at least not that I know of.

I do think she came close to the Middle Way when she first implemented her programs for she had to risk her career and endure their disdain of numerous jealous male leaders who didn’t think a mere nun should head such an enterprise.

In initiating what she did she caused a much needed change of emphasis within the Catholic Church. Such change represented the truth in the Middle.

I didn’t get much response concerning that I may be an extremist in delivering our babies without the aid of any doctor or any other person. I hope the group is not afraid of offending me.

Actually part of the answer I was looking for is that I did not give you enough information about the situation so you could make an accurate judgment.

Here are a few more pieces of information.

My wife at the time was from England and had a phobia of American hospitals and delivery methods and I could not have gotten her to a hospital with a crane. I was thus forced to learn to deliver our own children. I found a fireman’s manual on emergency delivery and discovered that this little book told us about all you needed to know.

The greatest stress for me outside of the risk to my wife and child because of childbirth in general was the fact that if something did go wrong (which can happen at home or the hospital) is that I may have been charged with something. I received quite a bit of reaming from numerous sources as it was.

As we prepared for home births we discovered this.

(1) Statistically worldwide home births were safer than hospital births.

(2) The doctors are always in a hurry and force the woman to push too soon causing tearing to the mother and damage to the child.

(3) Sometimes they use a suction device that cause permanent damage to the child.

(4) Doctors cut the cord before all the super nutrient blood passes into the baby. This blood is essential to the baby’s health.

(5) Doctors would have probably delivered our children by C-section because they were large and the labor was difficult, but if the mother is willing to go through the labor, a large baby can be delivered with no tearing or surgery if she refrains from premature pushing.

(6) Doctors are sometimes sloppy about getting all the placenta out. Usually this is no problem in a natural birth where there is no rush for quick delivery.

(7) There was greater risk of infection in the hospital.

(8) No hospitals in that day would allow the father in the delivery room and my wife insisted I be there.

(9) If there was a major problem we could most probably get to a hospital before things became critical.

So after considering all these things I did not consider it to be far from the Middle Way of truth to deliver our own children. In fact the more I learned the more I saw that normal deliveries were the true extreme.

Question: Are there times that we must act by force for the good of individuals or groups? For instance, suppose someone is trying to commit suicide or perhaps a believer’s child is in danger of dying because of religious resistance to medical care?

Where do we draw the line?

This and all other judgments where we seek the truth between the two extremes does indeed take the wisdom of Solomon.

Visualize yourself hanging on to a giant pendulum as it swings back and forth past the midway point. As you are in the swinging motion it seems that it is the midway point that is swinging back and forth and not yourself. This is, of course, illusion for it is you attached to the pendulum which is swinging to extremes where the midway point remains still and the same throughout the motion experienced by those attached to the movement.

Those who do see the truest and most efficient course of action on the middle path are often seen as being the ones who are oscillating back and forth whereas the true drifters are those pointing the finger of accusation. Because of their own attachment to swinging from one extreme to another they cannot discern one who is still in the middle. It appears that the enlightened one is moving rather than themselves.

This is the same illusionary mistake made by primitive man. He saw the sun moving through the sky and this led him to believe that the sun was moving around the earth. But when the truth was known it was found that it was that the rotation of the earth caused the illusion of the sun moving through the sky. None of the apparent motion of the sun had anything to do with any movement seen from the sun.

Those who discover the Middle Way are like suns. They appear to be in motion, but in reality they make their stand at the mid way point. Lightweights move past them and are unaware that the apparent motion is caused by themselves.

Speaking of Solomon, he did utter a most important key to discovering the midway point of truth.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.” Eccl3:1-8

“Never say never,” is one of the keynotes of the midway point. Because circumstances are always in motion around the one who is in the middle he must choose a different course of action as the circumstances change. Even though he may stand firm on unchanging principles, the application of those principles will be different as the group or humanity sways back and forth.

Even so it is with the use of force. There are times to use force and times to refrain from force.

It is interesting to remind ourselves that the use of force and the application of the principle of freedom is the core dividing difference between the Brotherhood of Light and the Dark Brothers .

The basic difference is this. To the Brothers of Light the most important principle to always empower is that of freedom of the individual and group. Freedom is more important than any marginal risk of accident or even death on the physical plane. Patrick Henry stated well the thinking of the Brotherhood when he said: “Give me liberty or give me death.”

Of course, the Brotherhood realize that physical death is not the end of all things, but is a mere transition and there are many things worse than physical death.

All of the leadership among the Dark Brothers seek to maintain power within their sphere and fear their power is threatened whenever the principle of freedom abounds in the hearts of mankind. They therefore project their objectives as the “good” and seek to accomplish that good by force.

Observe the totalitarian regimes around the world which are in harmony with the thinking of the Dark Brothers. The leaders there tell the people what is “good” and use force to make the people do the good. As a result the good as seen in the eyes of the people never gets accomplished.

For instance, in the old Soviet Russia the good ideal of equality was taught and the people were forced to pursue it or else. The result was a lack of equality and dismal failure of the system.

Now in the free world all peoples are threatened by the same principle. We are being indoctrinated with the idea that the basic nature of human kind is evil and the only way around it is to force men and women to do good.

We must pass laws to force us to wear seat belts, helmets, obey speed limits, forcing us to abstain from harmless and harmful drugs, forcing taxes from us to spend on hundreds of give-away projects for our own good whether we agree with them or not.

The Dark Side has no faith in the ultimate goodness and responsibility of human nature whereas the Brotherhood of Light does always bet on mankind’s ability to see what is right and eventually follow it through their own free will. When a normal human being sees and understands what is right he will normally follow it.

Thus the Brotherhood of Light seeks to educate whereas the Dark Brothers seek to obscure the truth and apply force.

Now the difficulty in seeing the truth comes in when the exceptions to the rule come about as pointed out by Solomon.

When should we use force then?

(1) Force is appropriate to restrain someone from disrupting the freedom and peace of others.

(2) Force can be justified to restrain a person from harm who is in such an emotional state that he is not aware of the results of his action.

In this case it would be right to physically restrain a person from suicide. I have done this on several occasions and felt right within my soul about it. I once tackled a young lady who was shoving pills down her throat and held her nose to force the pills out. I physically restrained another on several occasions from doing herself harm.

I believe that this type of action should only be used in immediate danger and outside of this we need to allow people to do whatever damage they wish to do to themselves as long as they are aware of what they are doing.

If a person doesn’t want to wear seat belts, or wants to smoke or drink or take drugs he should have this privilege. The drunk driver, however, should not be allowed to endanger others on the freeway. We need to change our system to place emphasis on education rather than enforcement.

If we had applied all the billions spent on the war on drugs to education and rehabilitation we would be a much more drug free society than we are now – and our prisons would have a much smaller population.

The basic keynote of the Middle Way is “use minimum force and allow maximum freedom.”


It is obvious that each group, government and country does require some funds to accomplish group objectives. What should be the guiding principle in obtaining money for group goals? Is it right to tax the people? If so how much tax is appropriate?

Is it right to take money by force for a good cause from people who do not support that cause?

Sept 14, 2000

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Who Are the Extremists?

Who Are the Extremists?

As far as predictions of financial doom goes – someone mentioned they have been hearing such predictions for 20 years. Actually, I have been hearing them for about 35 years. Believe me, no one who read anything about conspiracy theory in the sixties and seventies expected us to move into a new century without a major depression. I know the economy is fragile and we always have a danger facing us in it, but the problem is that there is little that we as individuals can do about it except in preparing the best we can for emergencies. Let us hope things hold together until the time of the gathering.

A reader questions my wisdom in pointing out that humanity swings from one extreme to another.

First, I am not calling anyone in particular an extremist, but have been discussing a principle. If a principle is true then there is no finger pointing about it, it just is.

Secondly the reader must not be reading the newspaper, watching television or listening to radio if you do not hear and see people pointing fingers and labeling those who do not agree with them as extremists. I see this extremists name calling going on daily and it is done by specifically labeling individuals and groups and not merely discussing a principle as I have been doing.

I find it amusing that each time this happens I see that the person pointing the finger is usually more of an extremist than the one accused.

Reader: “I don’t think it is correct to call the majority of the human race anything but children of god, growing up.”

JJ: Why make such a limited judgment as to what is correct as if you expect us to not step out of this limitation? What is meant by the term children of God anyway? It means different things to different people. Actually any view which describes the present condition of mankind would be describing them as the children of God and observing how they are growing up would it not?

It is important that we be tolerant of completely honest communication so all can accurately portray their observations whatever they are. In this state all are free to describe humans as a bunch of devils trying to ruin the universe if we want. In fact even this extreme view has elements of truth for there is some devilishness in all of us.

Reader: “What is the point of discussing our brothers in such a light (extremism)? It seems like it just creates more separatist / elitist thinking.

JJ: Separatist and elitist thinking comes not from observing or describing what is, but by the distortion of what is.

One person can observe the tendency of the majority to miss the truth in the middle, as Jesus did, and yet not have a separatist attitude because of it. Then another can preach inclusiveness and love for all and yet be extremely separative and elite thinking that he or his group alone understand the true meaning of love.

The point in discussing this my friend is found in one word.


If we have any religion here it is truth and wherever that may lead us

I said that most people are extremists compared to where the true middle pount of truth is. Now that statement is either true or false. If it is false I should be corrected and the real truth should become manifest. If the statement is true then this goes against the thinking of the majority and should be explored.


If the majority do not see a particular truth but we have the opportunity to, then we have a definite advantage.

Knowledge is power and all truth uncovered brings us into a greater power to bring the dominating good.

All truth ignored, denied or covered up allows that which is not good to continue for a while longer.

Now when I say that almost all people are extremists what do I mean?

In the normal sense an extremist is one who greatly deviates from the norm. In this sense only a minority fit into the category of the extreme, according the judgment of the masses. Therefore if we use this word in its normal context, few people are extremists.

On the other hand, many believe the norm to be a point between the two extremes of thinking and action. If we then accept extreme deviation from the midway point of truth as extremism then indeed most people are extremists.

The problem with the standard equation of “the norm” is that which is normal is a floating target. Fifty years ago people like Dr. Laura were the norm and anyone advocating gay rights was the extreme.

Today consideration of gay rights is the norm and Dr. Laura is seen as the extreme.

The true judgment at the midway point remains the same throughout the swing of the pendulum and the true extreme from the angle of truth is measured from that point and not the illusionary norm of the masses.

To illustrate my point let me throw out this challenge. Can you think of a famous person or well known group that is not extreme or some distance from the midway point of truth?

Such a person is difficult to find.

To this question a reader mentions that this group may be close to the midway point.

We are not perfect but this group as a whole is much more centered at the midway point than most. As evidence of this just look at its unusual composition. We have new agers, standard Christians, non standard Christians, druids, wicca and others.

Many discussion groups draw people from mostly one line of thinking, but because this one is quite synthetic we have an indication that we are not headed to the extreme position relative to the midway point.

I will repeat several points for the benefit of new people.

A fact is a piece of data, but a principle reveals the underlying meaning behind all facts. It may take take a thousand facts to understand one principle, but one principle can reveal thousands of facts.

A few of the principles we have discussed in the past have been the Intuitive principle, the oneness principle, the snowflake principle, the gathering principle, the Law of Correspondences and currently we are discussing the Principles that relate to the discovery of truth. Within this set of principles we are now involved with the principle of the pendulum.

Communion through the soul is done through the transmission of principles which always leads to pure knowledge.

On the other hand, communion through the astral body, the emotional nature, the lower mind and lower psychism always deals with data which may or may not be correct.

You will notice that astral psychics always try and relate facts to the customer such as: “I see that you are close to someone who name begins with B.” Or “You have been married more than once.” Or: “You will soon travel abroad.”

Generally this type of material comes through the astral body and is filtered through an upside down illusionary principle and is rarely to be trusted.

The higher psychics deal with principles through the soul. Some facts will come through, but when they do they are related to a principle in the mind of the adept or seer. The higher psychic will always understand why he is saying what he is saying because he (or she) gets revelation in association with principles which he understands.

There will be times, however, that he will receive hints from his inner teacher that he is supposed to solve through the understanding of a principle. For instance, he may awake in the morning hearing some words such as “the fifth feeds on the fourth.” At first he may ask himself, “What in the world does that mean?” Then later he will realize this is a hint that he must solve through the intuitive principle, and as he studies and contemplates the truth will be revealed.

On the other hand, when the adept teaches others he will always teach from the vantage point of understanding rather than pulling things out of the air and teaching what he does not himself understand.

Now back to the principle of the Pendulum. The reason I asked for a famous name as an example of one who is not an extremist is because we know nothing of the unknown ordinary people, as good hearted as they may be. A known group or person are examples we can discuss as a group with some intelligence.

Someone mentioned Mother Teresa as one who is close to the midway point.

So what does the group think? Has this saintly lady found the Middle Way or did she cruise past it to an extreme?

Sept 11, 2000

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The Illusive Center

The Illusive Center

I have received some great comments on the pendulum principle and will make a few additional observations and readers can use their souls to sort out the truth.

Point of clarification. I have stated that friction slows the pendulum and is not the force that propels it.

First, I maintain that the Pendulum is an accurate correspondence to the swinging moods of humanity as it goes from error to error passing over truth. This analogy is arrived at not by taking the pendulum and comparing it to humanity, but by observing humanity and seeing therein the elements of a pendulum. When a symbol is seen in the actions of a group you have the beginning of an analogy that can reveal much truth of the situation.

So what do we see when we watch humanity?

Answer: We see that they swing back and forth in time between the liberal and conservative point of view in, not only politics, but all elements of human living. Most above average people can easily discern that both extremes are full of error and the most correct course of action lies somewhere in the middle.

Thus we see by observation that there is a literally swinging back and forth of the populace and that the most common sense approach is in the middle somewhere. This obviously corresponds to the three prime ingredients in the pendulum.

Question: What is the difference in the vision of a group when the direction is changed (the far left and right extremes) and the vision of the group when the pendulum comes to rest?

Answer: The direction is changed after the error of one extreme becomes obvious to the whole. The emphasis of the thought of the group when the error is seen is to head the other direction. Because an error was discovered on the left, the group then supposes that the truth lies in the opposite direction of the right. Instead of pausing at the point of truth, however the group heads past the truth to the other extreme.

After being wrong time and time again at both extremes the group finally sees the truth in the middle and when it does it views those of past ages as primitives, thinking that they themselves would have never been so deceived. But, the truth is that they are currently deceived through the motion of a new pendulum of which they are a part.

Question: During the swing of the pendulum why is the midway point of truth never, or rarely, exactly in the middle? Why does this create illusion? How is the illusion dispelled?

If the swing of the pendulum was stopped at the far right or the far left then the truth would be exactly in the middle of the two extremes, but the fact is that the exact point of extreme left or right is at a theoretical point; therefore, we are never exactly there. Instead, the consciousness of humanity or a group is always at some point between the two extremes.

Now people like to think in black and white terms instead of shades of gray and if you tell them the truth is in the middle they want it to be exactly in the middle, but unfortunately the following of this formula also produces error.

Let us say the total swing of the pendulum is 10 feet, five feet to the right and five to the left. Let us say that the pendulum is currently swinging at a point three feet to the left of center.

When the pendulum is at this point and you tell the average person that the truth is in the middle of the two extremes he will calculate the swing of the pendulum from the current point of three feet from center instead of five feet from center. He thus sees the midway point as half of eight instead of half of ten and will see the midway pointy as being a foot away from the real center,

As the pendulum swings back and forth the distance between the individual and the two extremes are in a constant state of change making the calculation of the midway point also in a constant state of change.


How could it be that he who stands at the midway point can be seen, not as a moderate, but an extremist by many?


On a different note, a reader made the statement that he thought gravity was caused by electricity rather than the bending of space.

Einstein said that gravity was produced by the bending of space, but you could be right that it is related to electricity. Even though electricity is composed of negative electrons, from another angle it could be viewed as positive, or male, because it is action energy capable of initiating motion. Magnetism is the opposite polarity (female) that tends to still action and pull toward the center.

Electricity usually is transformed to action from the center outwards and magnetism pulls from the periphery to the center causing concretization into form.

Now the ancient wisdom teaches of a positive electricity that will be discovered indicating that it must be made of something other than negative electrons. Perhaps this is some type of flow of positrons, protons or even pure magnetic force. The teachings are not clear on this.

The Will of God

A reader expresses his idea that one need not experience ALL possibilities in order to awaken to a greater reality.

Good point. Many make the assumption that because a situation exists as it is, that this is the Will of God being manifest. In other words, if your neighbor shoots your dog, that it was the Will of God that the dog suffer and die at that moment in time.

This reminds me of the joke about the religious guy in the wild west who believed that all was predestined according to the Will of God and there was nothing one could do to alter it. As he was leaving on his horse through Indian territory a friend asked him:

“Why are you taking your gun with you? If everything happens according to the unalterable Will of God then the gun will not make any difference?

The man answered.

“Maybe so, but I might just meet a couple fellas who God wants some holes shot in them.

We cannot justify our harmful actions, our error and our laziness by merely throwing up our hands and saying: “I screwed up and drank some Drano. I guess this is part of the perfect Will of God.”

The Will of God is a concept that is very much misunderstood even by many of the teachers of the planet.

The Will of God is a force that moves toward an objective within the Purpose of God. That which falls in line with this force and moves towards the objective is cooperating in manifesting divine will. That which does not fall in line with this force opposes the Will of God. Because good is dominating and the Will of God takes us toward the good then Divine will always prevails in the end, but does nevertheless have many setbacks and detours before that end is reached.

To fall for the idea that everything that happens is part of the divine will is to fall for the illusionary mantra of the Dark Brother designed to put the Lights to sleep so the good and the talented become lazy in their efforts to progress and fail to do their part.

This is a major problem with many disciples on the earth today who were expected to work for certain preparations that have been left undone. New workers will have to be found to compensate for this delay.

Efforts that run contrary to the Will of God are of course expected and anticipated by the Brotherhood of Light, but just because we have free will to make careless decisions does not mean that all decisions are a part of the plan. If it is your will to paint a beautiful landscape and you trip and damage the painting right in the middle of your work – does this not mean that you willed the accident? No. Of course not. It was not any part of your plan that such an accident occur, but what was the plan (or your will) is that the painting be completed and you proceed in that direction and repair the painting and finish it.

When the painting is done your will is completed despite the accident which was contrary to your will.

When the Will of God is accomplished, it is completed in spite of setbacks, not because the setbacks were a part of the plan.

Sept 9, 2000

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Facing the Dweller

Facing the Dweller

Question: You write about a world Dweller faced by Christ as well as a personal one. How does one face somebody else’s Dweller?

JJ: Christ did not face someone else’s Dweller, but faced the world Dweller for the human kingdom of which he was an integral part. In a very real way “the souls of men are one.” Just as my mouth can speak for me and say “I am JJ,” but is far from the whole body, even so can one person represent the human kingdom as a whole in various capacities.

Question: How was Christ able to face the Dweller of the world?

JJ: When a disciple is ready to face his individual Dweller or even a greater Dweller of a body of which he forms a part he will not go looking for the Dweller, but the Dweller will come to him.

The Dweller is composed of primitive life energies and is an actual life form. As with all lives it seeks with all its being to preserve its life. It is the opposite of your Solar Angel or your Higher Self. It could have been named the lower self, but the Dweller on the Threshold is a very accurate name because no person becomes fully aware of its existence until he reaches the threshold of higher contact. When this threshold is reached the Dweller begins to fear for its life and existence, and does everything in its power to prevent you from going higher. It realizes that if you face the Angel of the Presence that your attention will make a shift and thus no longer feed the Dweller with the life-giving energy it needs to continue existence.

This is then the reason that the Dweller comes looking for the disciple when the time is right and that the struggle the pilgrim has with it is so profound. The Dweller’s entire existence (as it sees it) is predicated on discouraging the seeker – and unfortunately he is often successful.

Question: What did he do to defeat this Dweller at the garden?

JJ: He held firm in his consciousness the highest conception of the Will of God of which he was aware and stood firm at that point in the will and faced that which he feared and did not move from it.

This was illustrated in his words:

“Not my will but thine be done.”

His personality self wanted to run from the experience with every fiber of its being, but the Christ, standing in the will of the Father, let his faith in the dominating good override any fear of destruction.

A mantra that will help those who feel they may be approaching an experience with the Dweller was given out by Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey called “The Affirmation of the Disciple” which reads:

I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of God.

And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.

I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

And thus I stand.

And standing thus revolve

And tread this way the ways of men,

And know the ways of God.

And thus I stand.”

The key phrase in preparation for the Dweller is the phrase:

“And thus I stand.”

Standing firm and facing the Dweller us the key to victory.

Question: By facing the world’s Dweller, how was Christ able to establish a link for us with the Shamballa energy?

JJ: The Dweller on an individual level creates a cloud of illusion between the seeker and the Angel of the Presence. When the cloud created by the Dweller is dispersed then it is realized that the Angel has always been there. Even so, it is with the world Dweller. The presence of the Ancient of Days and Shamballa is always with us but this fact does not seem so, or is not realized, because of the illusion created by the barriers placed by the world Dweller.

When Christ faced the higher Dweller and realized the illusion created thereby, the dispelling then of such illusion created a point where light could penetrate. That penetrating light through the veil of illusion established the needed link with the Highest center on the planet – Shamballa.

Question: Wasn’t there a link already established as part of the molecular hierarchy?

When Christ was suffering in the Garden and near the point of death it is written that an angel came and strengthened him. This angel was the molecular link while Christ was on the earth. This angel was not a permanent resident of Shamballa, but an intermediary called a Nirmanakaya in the East. These intermediaries work with stepping down energies between kingdoms.

When Christ faced the Dweller he bypassed the intermediary and linked directly with the Lord of the World. This direct link is one reason the molecule had more power after the crucifixion than it did beforehand. The day of Pentecost was a symbol of the direct link between heaven and earth.

Question: How would this link eventually end all sin and guide mankind to relative perfection?

Sin is merely error and there will always be error of some kind in the worlds of form, but every error that we have will eventually be dispelled by light and the application of that which is revealed. When this happens, a higher level of error must be corrected and mastered.

Sin among humanity is corrected when light is manifest and a link with the Will of God is established to enable the disciple to stand in the light.

A link with Shamballa caused an increase of light pouring into the minds of humanity and as we stand firmly in that light error is revealed and corrected.

Sept 8, 2000

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The Three Points

The Three Points

The question:

What is the meaning of the three points on the pendulum which are?

(1) The one on the right

(2) The one on the left

(3) The point at the center.

Hint: We know the one in the middle represents truth. Therefore what do the two on the ends represent? What is the significance of the two verses the one point?

Keep in mind that all symbols have a multitude of correspondences which can be applied to the benefit of the truth seeker.

The pendulum as a symbol of duality is certainly a valid one, but we are looking a little beyond this to how the three points play out in real life.

Generally truth and error is seen as the playing out in duality but in this case the truth is seen at the central point – the place where the pendulum points at complete rest or stillness.

So, if this is true, and truth lies not at the extreme points, then what are the two opposing factors?

The two opposing points are not truth verses error, but error verses error.

Thus the three points are




Are both errors the same?


One point is error on the right which is error created by holding on to illusion from the past – ideals from the past that need to be released or updated.

The point of error on the left is caused by idealistic, but impractical visions of the future that have no chance of working out because flawed thinking and lack of connection with true realities from the past.

So what happens as the pendulum swings amongst humanity is something like this.

We swing past a point of truth that is seen by those centered on the past, or the conservative people. This truth is interpreted with illusion and taken to the right. As it swings to the right those on the left become more and more alarmed and critical. As it swings farther even those who are moderate become concerned. This concern creates a force that pulls on the pendulum bringing it to a halt on the extreme right.

At this moment of stillness on the right point, the group, nation or race as a whole see the error of going too far to the extreme right and the pendulum changes direction.

As it then swings toward the left a new image of truth is seen as the center is passed, but because the momentum is toward the future and change, this new idea will be implemented on the liberal side of change and doing things differently from the ways of the past.

Now the trouble is that the good foundations of the past are overlooked and the liberals go blindly into their vision to the point that those on the right become alarmed. Then as it swings farther the moderates become concerned again and another force is created to reverse direction of the swing.

This process repeats again and again until relative perfection is reached through a perfect balance of the dual forces.

The three points are then as follows:

(1) Point on the right. The point in time and space where an unworkable concept from the past is seen and dropped.

(2) The point in the center. The point where a new vision of truth is seen.

(3) The point on the left. The point in time and space where an unworkable concept which involves altering or replacing a positive truth from the past is seen. This is the point where a truth from the past surfaces and illustrates the error to the group beyond dispute.

The force that slows the swing of the pendulum is an important ingredient in the swing. With a physical pendulum this force is called friction.

What is this friction that plays out in the swings of humanity?

In other words, what creates the force that makes our swings into the two extremes not as pronounced as it was in the past?

For instance, we do not throw people we do not like to the lions any more, neither would we burn witches at the stake.

We are not as extreme as we used to be – because there is a force that slows the great swings of the masses. What is it?

In real life the process works something like this:

Humanity swings back and forth between two extremes on a cyclic basis. There are larger and smaller cycles. Because there are cycles within cycles it may seem that there are times that a moderate extreme is followed by a greater extreme. But what is usually happening instead is that a lesser cycle is followed by the ending of a greater cycle.

For instance, Nazism in World War II represented the end of a greater cycle of the Kingdom type of government and seemed more extreme than the lesser cycles of recent history.

When the pendulum is wide in its swing, and the point of truth in the center is passed, the speed is very great and only the most hearty and enlightened of souls are able to catch a glimpse of it. These few souls then resist the swing to the far extreme and are the force that causes the swing to end and return back over the point of truth again.

On the next swing the speed is slightly decreased and a few more souls catch a glimpse at the truth. This increases the friction and causes the next swing to be a little less.

On each swing more souls see the point of truth and the swing goes to a little less in extreme until it finally comes to rest.

Question: What is the difference in the vision of the group when the direction is changed (the far left and right extremes) and the vision of the group when the pendulum comes to rest?

During the swing of the pendulum why is the midway point of truth never in the middle? Why does this create illusion? How is the illusion dispelled?

Sept 3, 2000

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Seeing the Point of Truth

Seeing the Point of Truth

Question: “In the past we talked about the line of least resistance and the line of most resistance. How do you suppose these two paths play out in the Pendulum Principle?”

When we talked about these two lines (or paths) we mentioned that the “go with the flow” idea is based on illusion.

The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems.

For instance, in the forties and fifties the media was so puritanical that all married couples had to be seen sleeping in twin beds. Now they show us more sex than is necessary.

At one time people were put to death for merely questioning religious authorities. Now artists desecrate Christian religious figures with impunity.

A couple hundred yeas ago government did next to nothing to assist its citizens. Now they are turning us in to a bunch of dependent whiners by attempting to do everything for us.

Fifty years ago you could insult anyone you wanted with slurs but now you have to be very careful with your wording or you will be considered politically incorrect.

As the pendulum swings among us the masses swing with it not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.

Those who go “with the flow” give energy to the pendulum to swing to the extreme of the direction it is heading. On the other hand, those who apply the path of most resistance work to make the pendulum swing the opposite direction so it will again pass over the center point. When it makes that pass a truth is available to be seen. When the truth is seen what effect does it have on the next swing of the pendulum?

As the masses swing from one extreme to another a point of truth at the center is sensed (however dimly) and a yearning is created within the hearts of seekers to return to that point. This desire for return creates a counter force that slows the swing of the pendulum and pulls it back in the opposite direction.

The force of the pendulum is therefore seen swinging in all organizations, belief systems, political systems, economies, etc.

Under normal circumstances here is how it works:

The swing to the right is always powered by the force of conserving that which is beneficial from the past.

The swing to the left is always powered by a desire to replace that which does not work from the past with something more workable in the future.

Both of these energies take the swing of the pendulum past the point of truth to an undesirable extreme. When the illusion of the extreme finally dawns upon the masses through obvious harm or error (such as a Hitler) then the pendulum changes direction, but an over correction occurs.

But here is the good news.

The over correction that forces the pendulum past the center does not then swing as far in the new direction as it did the old. This forces a natural slowing down of the swing so gradually the point of truth in the middle becomes more obvious to the many rather than to only the few. When finally the point is seen by all, the truth is then incorporated into the everyday lives of the masses and attention is then diverted to a new pendulum with new swings and the problem of discernment surfaces all over again.

But the fact that new truths are periodically recognized creates the power of the dominating good that is spoken of in the ancient wisdom.

The funny thing is that when the truth at the center is seen by the masses they each believe that if they had lived in days of old they would have seen that truth which is now so obvious.

For instance, we of this age clearly see that the message of love and tolerance that was brought by Jesus is a vast improvement on the strict laws of Moses. The pendulum has swung back and forth enough times now that this truth has dawned on the basic consciousness of humanity.

BUT, in the days of Jesus this truth was seen as a great threat to their way of life and it seemed that such teachings would destroy all that was good about their way of life.

When Jesus was crucified he only had 120 followers. But the strange thing is that I have asked numerous born-again Christians if they believe they would have been one of those 120 and without exception they answer yes.

How little do we know ourselves.

The truth of liberty and the incorrectness of slavery is another example.

Until recent history slavery was thought to be a necessary part of civilization and was accepted by all but a few high minded souls.

Yet if you pick most any person and ask if they had lived in the old days if they would have accepted slavery they almost all emphatically answer no. Surely they would have realized that slavery was wrong, they think.

Again, how little do we know ourselves.

Over 90% of those living now who love the message of Jesus and abhor slavery would have bought into the mass thoughtform, or the flow of the energy of pendulums past. To further understand why this is so you might want to go to the archives and read my posts on the Milgram experiment.

The path of least resistance supports the current swing of the pendulum. For instance there is a swing at present toward being politically correct and not offending anyone.

Those on the path of least resistance support this idea without question, but one on the path of high resistance attempts to go against the swing of the pendulum and change its direction.

On the subject of political correctness this force against the flow would be represented by people who are willing to speak words in public that may cause them loss of jobs and friends. Those who change the direction of the pendulum will not use obviously inflammatory words such as the “N” word, but will rebel when others attempt to restrict their speech when that speech is harmless.

For instance, I was recently criticized by a friend for calling one of our customers an Oriental. I was told that I should have discovered her race and call her what she correctly is.

The truth was I was not sure if she was Japanese, Korean or Chinese so “Oriental” was the only fitting word I could think of. This was harmless in my eyes, but not to the thought police out there that is roaming rampant.

This fanaticism of correct speech is indeed an extreme that will be due for correction in the near future. On the other hand, even though the practice has been taken to the extreme (as all swings of the pendulum do) the end effect is that the masses will be less slanderous in their speech. In other words, even though the pendulum will swing to another extreme, the next extreme will not be as harmful with fewer insults than the last one.

Overall, there are nine ingredients that make up the whole of the pendulum and its swing.

(1) The force that swings to the left.

(2) The force that swings to the right.

(3) The point in the center.

(4) The force that swings to the center point of truth

(5) The point where the pendulum is attached.

(6) The source of the initial power.

(7) The time and distance between swings

(8) The purpose behind the swing.

(9) The effect produced after the pendulum finishes its movement.

August 30, 2000

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The Pendulum Principle

The Pendulum Principle

A reader asks: “How can I be more successful in getting the attention of my soul and Higher Lives?”

Perhaps the best answer I can give you on this is from a previous post I made earlier which reads:

“If you follow the highest you know there will come a time when you will be visited by a Presence, either visible or invisible. It will come at a time that you least expect it and a time when perhaps you feel the least prepared spiritually, but it will come.

“To dream and wish for the experience will only delay the happening. But if you take the highest you know and go forward in the vineyard of the Master and serve with no end in sight, in season and out of season, in good times and bad. If you serve with love in the dark of night with the same strength as in the light of day, if you continue with loving service through the fiery darts of hate, malice and betrayal and above all if it appears that even your Master and your God seem to completely ignore you as if you do not exist… Through all this you will continue to serve with the highest you know. You continue even if God himself seems to be your enemy putting every obstacle possible in your path and laughing at you as you stumble and fall. You rise up and continue. The time comes that it will not seem to matter to you any more if friends, God or the Masters approve of you or not. It matters not if you are some great chosen one or are looked upon by the Master as the least and most needy of the brethren. You will now serve for the sake of selfless love alone because the need is out there and you sense the need. When this stage is reached in your being one of the Great Ones will take notice and speak: “Behold, the servant! He has become as one of us. Let us invite him into the circle of higher friendship, brotherhood and service.”

“But even here the invitation comes not as you expected. All your expectations are shattered and soon replaced by newer ones and the groping in the dark is replaced by walking the path with vision. The reward for your selfless service is sight and as you see the path ahead your heart is filled with joy for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.”

The Assignment: Contemplate these three words “The Pendulum Principle” as a seed thought and see what comes to you. What do you suppose this principle is and how can it be used in the discovery of truth?


“The first thing that comes to mind is the scientific fact that a pendulum swings equal distance both ways.”

Now this is true if you have a balancing force applied as in a grandfather clock, but if such applied force is removed then each swing of the pendulum is less than the one before.

See the path as the central point where the pendulum would be if at rest. When it is in motion it swings across the path to the left and then back over the path to the right, but with a little less swing than before. This cycle is repeated until it comes to rest in the center.

How are people like the swinging of the pendulum? How can we find the center even as we live in the midst of the swinging masses? What corresponds to the diminishing swing?

The Evolution of Religion

A reader wanted me to comment on the direction of the churches today.

Religion several hundred years from now will be much different than it is today.

The evolution of religion, as a whole, is some distance behind the evolution of political systems.

It was not long ago that the major political systems of the earth were extremely authoritarian. The major turning point happened when the colonies in America rebelled and attempted to form a ‘more perfect union.” After winning the Revolutionary War the United States broke the power of many totalitarian systems of the past and created a federal government with limited powers over 13 states which retained the maximum possible self governing powers.

We are now approaching a corresponding evolutionary period for religion. Up to now most major religions have been very authoritarian with their members. It wasn’t long ago that if a member broke with tradition he was put to death or imprisoned.

Today such punishments for religious rebellion is rare because of gains humanity has made in the political arena. Even so, most churches still apply maximum punishment to all who defy tradition.

Methods of hanging on to control is to hold the threat of excommunication over the heads of members. Another tactic is to condemn the member to the fires of hell or separation from God if he does not conform.

The ministries of various churches are controlled with the threat of demotion or loss of job and livelihood.

The teaching of doctrine in the churches has in the past been very rigid and it has been demanded that members in good standing conform in belief and not consider looking into the value of alternative beliefs.

The seeds of change has been in the air over the past several decades and the churches are now approaching a point of tension where there will shortly be a revolutionary war of rebellion within the world of religion. This war will be fought on both the emotional and mental planes.

After the dust has settled from this conflict there will be many people making a break from their mother religion in ideology while still remaining membership in name. We will see groups of Catholics, for instance, meeting, sharing sacraments and teaching each other without the aid of a priest. From the black and white Baptist and other born-againers will evolve groups of mystics who will incorporate rites and teachings in and out of the church.

Groups of Mormons who study doctrines outside of church guidelines will eventually grow too large to excommunicate them all.

There will be a natural gathering of seekers and open-minded people out of all the religions who will begin to realize that even though they are from different religions that such individuals have more in common with each other than they do their native religion. As this realization begins to dawn on the many a one world religion will begin to manifest.

These study groups and mystical organizations will realize that they have numerous things in common and will recognize certain points of unity which will bring them together such as the 12 principles of Synthesis mentioned earlier which reads as follows:

  1. We seek not to be separative and isolated but to unite and join hands with all spiritually-minded groups and individuals who desire to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men.
  2. We desire to initiate a New Age of Peace, prosperity and spiritual attainment through the intelligent application of the principles of love, knowledge and wisdom.
  3. We promote world peace through the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, international aggression, and the eradication of world hunger and poverty.
  4. We believe in the free agency of man, and that there is a power within that enables us to accomplish many great and important works pertaining to the coming age of enlightenment.
  5. We acknowledge the Christ-God-Consciousness as the single creative source manifesting through the universe, and that this power lies within each one of us.
  6. We believe in the equality of men and women, the equal rights of each race and in the sacredness of all life.
  7. We accept the responsibility of maintaining our bodies, emotions and minds in a state of maximum health and vitality.
  8. We believe that we have the capacity to see eye to eye with our fellowman through the application of the principles of non deception and open communication.
  9. We disclaim all totalitarian, and secular controls over our lives and affirm the power of the people to enjoy a free democratic society.
  10. We affirm that the power of love is the greatest unifying principle and send only the pure love of Christ to all.
  11. We believe in the principle of harmlessness for when we harm another person we only harm ourselves. We shall not inhibit, restrain, or oppress the free will or privileges of any individual to explore new concepts and philosophies.
  12. We believe in the principle of service for when we serve our fellowman we serve ourselves. We retain only that which we have given away.

These seekers gathering from their churches on the mental plane may not all gather physically as taught in The Gathering of Lights, but will stay behind and prepare the masses for things to come.

These diverse groups will demonstrate that there are many ways to worship God which bring similar results and will gain an appreciation of each others ceremonies and beneficial teachings.

Eventually, the invisible God will be seen as the head of all spiritual movements and the various groups of seekers will be diverse as were the original thirteen states, yet united in purpose. These break offs will be seen coming from all religions including the non Christian.

Many of these enlightened groups will believe in the principles taught within the gathering of Lights and want to be associated, yet not physically gathered. An association will thus be made and many of these people will maintain an association with the Gathering while keeping their membership with their mother religion.

The scripture from Isaiah of seven women taking hold of one man could take an entirely different turn in fulfillment if the workers in the field do not do their jobs and there is a devastating World War III which kills most of the men. In such case, with a shortage of males we would have situations where seven women could seek out one male.

I prefer the idea of seven churches seeking to be the brides or Christ instead.

Question: In the past we talked about the line of least resistance and the line of most resistance. How do you suppose these two paths play out in the Pendulum Principle?

August 28, 2000

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The Christ Consciousness

The Christ Consciousness

Just a few more words on the coming of Christ. Some may not give a rats behind as to whether the Master plants his feet among us or not claiming instead that they have the Christ consciousness and that is good enough.

But what is the Christ consciousness? It is the same consciousness that the entity who is Christ possesses and all who truly have it are one in thought and vision. Many there are who teach and claim to have Christ Consciousness when indeed that which they posses is higher emotional feeling. Such feeling is pleasant, but it does not mean that the world of the intuition is open up so the Oneness Principle is activated.

The entity who is the Christ occupies that office because he is most in tune, from among the human family, with the middle principle of soul which brings oneness to all who correctly incorporate it into their consciousness. If two people are unable to come to an agreement on a principle then one or both of them do not have the Christ consciousness. Two people in such consciousness will always reach agreement when the truth is pursued.

What is the consciousness of the entity who is Christ? His consciousness is centered on the Masters of Wisdom, and especially himself, returning to the earth as soon as practical and assisting to elevate mankind into higher levels of achievement.

This will be such a significant event in the history of the world that one would have to be devoid of appreciation of the needs of humanity to not be thrilled with the prospect.

As a reader said, even the Highest Masters have to change plans now and then, but nothing has happened to prevent his coming. As far as the division and conflict we see among various groups that has been anticipated and is even prophesied of in world scriptures. The biggest setback in preparations for his coming has been the failure of some disciples to play their expected rolls. This has forced more work upon those who remain standing. Nevertheless, the plan of reappearance goes forward and if we do our part in the next thirty years the miracle of the consciousness of the entity who was Christ, Krishna and Melchizedek will be among us again down to the physical level.

Insights into Failure

A reader makes this statement: “There is no such thing as failure.”

Actually, if we go by the meaning of failure as defined in the dictionary and used by the masses there is indeed failure. My American Heritage Dictionary on my computer gives this as the main definition:

“The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends.”

If I therefore set a goal of getting to work at 8:00 AM and arrive at 9:00 AM I have indeed failed in my goal or “desired end.”

If I have a goal to get on the next Survivor show and am not selected then I have failed again.

If I spend our grocery money on lottery tickets because I have a lucky number that I’m sure will win, and I lose then I did indeed fail to win the lottery.

Some have the philosophy that there is no failure to cheer themselves up because most of us have failures on a daily basis and it is discouraging to have too many of them.

Others teach this philosophy because when they say failure they do not really mean failure. What they are really saying is that we can learn from our failures.

For instance, if I get to work an hour late and am royally castigated by my boss and threatened with dismissal if it happens again I may learn to be more diligent and not let it happen again. On the other hand, I may say “to hell with it” and go to work for myself so I can start work when I feel like it.

It is true that we can learn from our failures often more than from success. Actually we do not learn that much from success. Every major success achieved is created by a path paved with failures overcome. It is the failures on the path to success where the real learning lies.

Still others say that there is no failure because at some point at the end of time all souls will return home. But if time and space were to end, there would be no success or failure for both are ingredients of the great duality.

In this reality we are in there is indeed success and failure.

And why have I chosen to expand on this topic? It is because one of the greatest illusions of the day is caused by the denial of duality, while duality exists for us. Any denial of that which is true leads to more and greater failures than those experienced by one who faces the truth of failure and perseveres in learning from it and turning it into success.

I have failed hundreds of time in my life and they have been some of my greatest learning experiences. Keep in mind that it is possible to fail and be so bullheaded that nothing is learned from it, but I have found that when you aren’t afraid of using the word and face it head on and take in all there is to learn from it then the reward can be great. Failure overcome can therefore be a stepping stone to success, but when the end is success we then have that delightful opposite of failure for success can only exist when there is a possibility of its opposite.

So we can understand those who say there is no such thing as failure because each failure gives us an opportunity to learn. But what such people are really saying is that there is no failure so great that something cannot be learned from it.

Higher Contact

The Question: “What are the methods of contact used by the teachers and higher lives wherein they remain invisible to the receiver? How do these methods work and why are they used in place of physical contact?”

This principle is illustrated in the life of Jesus. As great as he was and with all the manifestations that followed him there were only 120 followers after his crucifixion. But weeks later when he was able to work through his servants on subtle levels 3000 joined the group in one day alone.

When a master is among us in the flesh the student has a tremendous barrier of ego to overcome in order to recognize the full value of the teachings, but when the Teacher works from subtle levels the disciple often thinks the concepts are his own idea so the ego is not quite the hurdle.

Now some may hear this and say that this is a good argument for the entity who is Christ to stay behind the scenes and work only on subtle levels.

Not so. The first coming of Christ and the Buddha in the flesh are great testimonies as to the power of the physical presence of Masters, though they may not be well received at first, even by their own disciples. The physical presence establishes a very necessary link for the new teachings and energy to be transmitted. Without such periodical presence, work on the subtle levels would begin to lose potency and stagnation would occur.

So what are the methods of contact used by the teachers and higher lives wherein they remain invisible to the receiver?

First keep in mind that not all forms of invisible communications are from higher lives. Many channeled efforts bring data from entities of quite average intelligence.

The methods used by the Masters of Wisdom on up always involve full consciousness on the part of the receiver whenever possible whereas astral entities are happy to send the medium out of his or her own awareness and take over consciousness.

There are three main invisible methods:

(1) Telepathy. Here there disciple picks up the actual words transmitted by the teacher while still maintaining full awareness. The Course in Miracles was transmitted this way as were some of Alice A. Bailey’s material as well as Blavatsky.

(2) The science of impression. Here the teacher sends the student whole thoughts rather than words and the sensitive student picks up the impression through the language of principles and incorporates them.

This can only be used on disciples who have developed the intuition.

The latter part of the Alice A. Bailey material was transmitted this way. Some enlightened world leaders also receive impressions which they often believe to be their own ideas and incorporate them. Often times when leaders are dense to impression, the teachers will work with their assistants who will then advise their superiors.

(3) Identification. This is a method used by the Masters themselves with their own higher teachers and is rarely used by mere mortals. The Christ and the Buddha used it when they were here in the flesh and a few others have touched upon understanding it. It takes the Oneness Principle to a new level and the receiver realizes that he and his Father are One to the extent that the identification is so complete that the disciple is as the master and has access to all that is in the mind of the Higher Life.

Time to move on to the next Principle of Discovery: The Pendulum Principle

Assignment: Contemplate these three words as a seed thought and see what comes to you. What do you suppose this principle is and how can it be used in the discovery of truth?

August 25, 2000

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