- Divine Carelessness vs Recklessness
- The Gold Standard, Part 7
- Preparing for the Worst
- Comet Elenin, Planet X & More
- The Fed and Common Sense
- Interview with the Devil
- The Way of Truth or Lies?
- Taking It With You
- Lincoln – Good or Evil?
- Alternative Currency
- Giving Away Our Power
- Parable of Money Systems
- To Fiat or Not Fiat
- Questioning Mormonism
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 1
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 2
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 3
- Molecular Preparation
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 4
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 5
- My Writing Instruments
- Fiat Money of the Past, Part 6
- Romney & Hot Air
- Examining Fiat Money
- A Flawed Money System
- The Ideal Money
- A Time for All Things
- The New Greenback
- Narrowing the Focus
- People Taking Charge
- Creating Wealth
Matthew writes:
As we reincarnate from life to life are our previous personalities imprinted in our new life and if so is this done so that the personality evolves? Since you have done past life regressions then it stands to reason that the memories are stored in a data base within us that we can access, is this thought on the right path here?
All of our memories are stored in our permanent atoms as well as the akasha. Our previous memories are not fully imprinted or accessible except in certain circumstances.
Strong emotional impacts carry over into future lives much more than memories of data. If you were buried alive, for instance, you would be likely to have claustrophobia in this life. If you were madly in love with Person X in a past life you would feel an immediate attraction after meeting him or her in this one.
On the other hand, if you spoke German in your last life you would normally not be able to speak it in this one but would have to learn it like everyone else. There is enough of an imprint that the learning would be easier for you than one who was Spanish in his last life.
The data of the past is not regularly in our consciousness but is not lost and can be accessed in some dreams and past life regressions. Over half of regressions include quite a bit of illusion and just fragments of real truth. Then once in a while there is a real good one where the person goes 100% back into the past. This is easier to achieve with hypnosis than a guided meditation that I use. I usually use guided meditation because it is very safe with no negative side effects.
One interesting thing that hasn’t happened at a gathering yet is someone going back and speaking in the ancient language. This is quite impressive when it happens. Unfortunately, you usually have to use hypnosis to get a person into that deep of a state.
Your personality is largely determined by your rays and they change from life to life. In one life you may be an introvert and another an extrovert. You are still the same person though, but just subject to different influences.
To understand this consider how different you are at a ball game and then at a funeral. You are the same person but the different influences make you act much differently.
The one thing you do take with you 100% is your basic intelligence and light of the soul.
This doesn’t mean that your intelligence will seem the same to observers though. Consider two people of equal intelligence. One is born to enlightened parents that teach him about all kinds of principles and esoteric knowledge and the other born to fundamentalist parents who teach the kid the earth is only 6000 years old and the Bible is literally true in all circumstances.
The first kid will seem to be the more intelligent even though they are both equal. A very intelligent person can become trapped by a lot of illusion because of circumstances.
Larry W
So Joseph Smith, at 14 years of age, was light years ahead of me at 61. These lessons are HARD WON. I also hope I can hook up with the BOL and with non-limiting BOL teachers. I feel so blessed that I hooked up with JJ and that he guided me to DK and to AAB. I sincerely hope I can get this back in future lives.
An account in Joseph’s handwriting gives the age of his experience at 16 rather than 14. This is probably the accurate one. Yes, you will keep your basic intelligence, but that doesn’t mean that you will not be born into some fundamentalist family. It does mean that breaking free will be easier next time.
mdesignsfor6 writes:
An aside question: If while in the astral zone our experience is not “real” and then eventually we move on to our dream-like sleep that isn’t reality, will we be able to communicate/interact/serve others in these different worlds or will it all just be only going on in our own “minds” for our own learning?
All form, including this world in which we live, is created by illusion, BUT all experience in the worlds of form is real. If you dream you are being chased by a monster or on a desert island with 100 scantly clad girls then the experience is real just as a real life experience is real.
In between lives you will meet real entities that you have known in this one but then there are times you go to sleep and dream about friends and merely tune into their essence which is very much like encountering them in real life – because even here you deal with their vibration and the higher part of themselves.
We’ve had some discussion lately about Ramtha and his teachings and predictions. We have some Ramtha supporters in the group and then we have others who are either indifferent or do not like him.
I want to stress that both sides and those in the middle are welcome here.
Over the years I have analyzed a number of teachers. Just about all of them say some things I agree with and also teachings with which I do not agree. Sometimes I have offended readers because I did not agree more with a favorite teaching or school of thought, but no one is perfect. I am sure that some of my writings have mistakes in them, even though I have followed my soul to the best of my ability.
That said; let me say this about the various teachers that members of the group may find enlightening. Each of us are on different rays and so are teachers. If a certain teacher has rays similar to your own then you will be more attracted to him than another teacher on different rays. Even though that teacher may have quite a few flaws the student, if he follows the highest he knows, can still learn a lot from him, for all teachers good and bad reveals various levels of truth.
Therefore we must be tolerant of those following a path different than we would pick for they may be moving forward at a higher rate of speed than you think. Eventually all roads lead to Rome and all paths lead to The One Path, but until the convergence it is helpful to realize the honest in heart are moving onward in their own way and nothing can stay their hand.
This doesn’t mean that we should not critically analyze various teachers and give our opinions good and bad. Members here should develop a thick skin for you never know when a sacred cow will be starkly criticized.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey
JJ Quote from the Archives for Today
Harmony Through Conflict
“Have you ever noticed that after you have had a fight with a loved one, and
then intelligently resolved the conflict, that the harmony and peace of the
relationship seem greater than ever?
That is because many of the deeper stages of peace must be acquired through the
principle of conflict. The conflict, however, must be intelligently approached
and managed.”
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved
To understand this consider how different you are at a ball game and then at a funeral. You are the same person but the different influences make you act much differently.
Even within one lifetime as one matures and changes circumstance and then overcomes adversities; then one’s personality may change in significant ways. I know I act differently when in different circumstances. I have lived in 5 different regions of the US and I have adapted to my surroundings in each area and have evolved into a unique persona is each area largely by the osmosis process of absorbing the ways of the natives. “When in Rome do as the Romans” is largely a true aphorism
If Einstein #1 was limited to working with an old computer from 1984 and Einstein #2 had a new high end computer does this mean that Einstein #2 is more intelligent because he can do more calculations?
The Einstein with the old computer is of equal intelligence but just limited by his equipment.
Thanks JJ for taking the time to explain my question.
Since we on the topic of intelligence. What the purpose of losing ones memory, during just one lifetime?
I understand if one is to be reborn. I used to know calculus, but after a decade or two of not using it, I lost the ability to do that skill. Why? What the purpose of it? This makes it really hard to be very good in several areas at once.
JJ wrote:
The one thing you do take with you 100% is your basic intelligence and light of the soul.
But if the brain is somewhat damage (in a future life) the intelligence would be handicap, which was stated by JJ, when I posed the question to him. Einstein was used as an example.
Below is very important,
Can dyslexia and autism handicap the intelligence to a degree or at least appear so to others in the areas of languages, spelling, grammar and communications?