Book Of Quotes
Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes
From The Writings Of JJ Dewey
1 A common name for the Solar Angel is the Higher Self. Eventually your perfected self will fuse with your Higher Self and evolve through all the higher spheres together as this solar system dies. In that far future age your new and improved Higher Self will reflect again and nurture its new born baby – a new and improved version of you.
2 Each one of us has a higher self sometimes called the Solar Angel.
3 When your Solar Angel becomes aware that you are offering others assistance on the Path through service, it will seek to open the door to Spirit for you so your power to serve can be enhanced.
4 Your monad is a seed that has become you. The Solar Angel is like the Farmer that nourishes the seed. Without the Solar Angel you may not have sprouted up in this system of things.
5 Monads do not have consciousness as we do but they do have a consciousness. It is sometimes referred to as a higher consciousness–higher than the Solar Angels because the monad is closer to the Source.
6 Without the help of our Solar Angels we would still be at a very primitive level of consciousness.
7 Your Solar Angel who works through your soul and higher entities up to the Masters will not do for you what you can do for yourself.
8 Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that its native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form.
9 We see the reflection of our Solar Angel before we meet the Solar Angel itself because the average person isn’t ready to meet his true Solar Angel.
10 The Solar Angel reflects Itself down into the astral world but the reflection of the Solar Angel will often teach some things that are upside down but they’ll be things that are encouraging to the person to live a good life so they can eventually face their illusions.
11 The Solar Angel represents the Christ Consciousness.
12 The Solar Angel, often called our Higher Self is an actual entity which is a master on its own plane.
13 Your Solar Angel was once a standard human being such as yourself, but that was a long time ago in a star system far away, billions of years in the past. He/She achieved relative perfection and through the Molecular Relationship achieved a oneness of life with all other perfected souls within their planetary and solar groups.
14 The Solar Angels are “exalted beings” who seek an eternal increase through reflecting, or multiplying themselves, just as the One God did in the beginning (or beginning/end as it could be called).
15 Whereas earthly parents often have unrealistic expectations that the child will be just like them, the Solar Angel does realize that through a series of hundreds of lifetimes the reflection will attain all the attributes of the reflector, yet keep its individual will and purpose.
16 The Solar Angel has developed a high degree of consciousness and is able to use the potentialities of God much more than an unrealized monad.
17 There was a time when there were no Solar Angels, but there was never a time when there were no monads.
18 The first Solar Angels developed through trial and error in an earlier era of this developing universe somewhere around 60 trillion years ago. Without the help of assisting Solar Angels the unfoldment of a monad takes much longer.
19 The Solar Angel, your higher self, is distinct and separate from you, yet it is you.
20 The Solar Angel continues to enjoy life in its own plane while also enjoying the life and experience, which is you. He has thus increased his capacity for joy.
21 Not all planets have Solar Angels assisting and this is one of the reasons we have not picked up intelligent radio signals from any neighboring star system yet.
22 Because of positive karma we have the good fortune to have the assistance of Solar Angels in this solar system.
23 Our Solar Angels are linked to higher angels that have risen to an even higher state of being and these are linked to higher still until you get to the originating Solar Angels in this creation.
24 Our Solar Logos was once a Solar Angel.
25 There are many Solar Angels in this Solar System, but the ones for this earth, in connection with human life, are from one basic family and share a oneness of life.
26 The Christ and the Logos have merged with their Solar Angels ages ago and are one with their own monads.
27 The job of soul energies and the Solar Angel is to work with the lower man until the monad and the lower reflection is linked and directed toward oneness.
28 Your experiences are on a different order and flavor than your Solar Angel experienced as a human. Were it not so, there would be no impetus for us or God to extend ourselves.
29 Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.
30 The Solar Angel is the soul. It’s a name for the soul. He’s called the Solar Angel because He works with solar energy from the Solar Logos.
31 The Solar Angels which commune with us when soul contact is achieved are indeed emanations from the Solar Logos.
32 If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.
33 Your Solar Angel is a Lord of Compassion and sacrificed itself through compassion so you could be born as an entity.
34 Your Solar Angel is more like your Divine Mother who has nourished you from an embryo, or your monad.
35 As reflections we are one with our Solar Angels in the higher spheres, but in this one we are the same Song, but played in a different key. Eventually the two keys must come together and play as one.
36 It is not the job of the Masters to work with average humanity. This is the work of the Solar Angel and its reflections in the astral world.
37 Our Solar Angels operate on several planes to communicate with human entities according to the highest they [humans] can perceive.
38 The Solar Angel doesn’t have a physical body.
39 This planet is different because we’ve had assistance. The Sons of Mind were sent to us to assist us in our evolution. These are basically our Solar Angels. We have Solar Angels assisting us in our evolution. Not all planets have this as the case. Because of this we’re one of the more progressed planets.
40 When people receive instruction from their Solar Angel, people think they’re getting a revelation from God.
41 When we develop soul contact we open the door to contacting our Solar Angels as well as the Masters and Christ and up and beyond; the doors open to all these communications.
42 DK [Djwahl Khul] says the Solar Angel casts a shadow and this shadow becomes our lower nature which the beginning human identifies with and falsely believes himself to be. Instead he is the monadic life which is occupying the shadow of the Solar Angel.
43 Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our Solar Angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.
44 The Solar Angels are in a Molecular Order of their own. Even though they are many they operate with such unity, and as one life, that the masters often just call them “the soul.”
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