The Positive and Negative of Feelings

This entry is part 18 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Eighteen
The Positive and Negative of Feelings

Many religious and New Age writings are teaching that we should only feel the positive emotions of love, happiness, and bliss and that all other feelings are evil and should be extinguished. The basic thought seems to be that if we are “evolved” or “saved” then we will never feel fear, hate, anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, possessiveness, or unhappiness of any kind. God either without or within is only love therefore if we are one with Him we will feel only love.

We read all of these books about love and the way things should be if we are able to escape from the world of illusion and we begin to form pictures in our minds of ourselves in a perfect condition beyond the reach of negativity or illusions of any kind. We want to make the leap to perfection in one step because the picture painted by some inspired book looks so beautiful and true, we cannot bear to live with our imperfect selves another instant.

There are many inspired or channeled, books out that present sound principles designed to lead us out of the illusion toward a perfect manifestation of love. This is well and good, but if the goal toward spiritual progress is not approached correctly all this wonderful inspiration can lead us further into the illusion.

And what is the correct approach to progress toward the true reality?

The answer is simple. All illusion is created by deception. Therefore, we find reality by practicing non deception.

If we do not practice non deception then inspired teachings designed to take us out of illusion can lead us further into illusion.

We must overcome self-deception if we are to see correctly. If we do not see accurately when we look inward then it is impossible to see correctly from the outside world. If we are deceiving the self within then it is fruitless to try and make any adjustment to the outside world. As the Christ said we must take the beam out of our own eye then we can see to take the sliver out of our brother’s.

Three Deceptions

There are three basic deceptions (often overlooked) that we need to master before a lot of progress can be made on the spiritual path.

[1] The deception of our place on the Path.

[2] The deception caused by not facing our true thoughts.

[3] The deception of not facing our true feelings.

[1] The first deception is an easy trap in which to get caught. This is largely caused by the impatience beginners upon the spiritual path. They read these marvelous events of the masters walking though walls, levitating, walking on water, teleporting and so on, and the writing may make it sound so easy a child could do it. They do not want to wait for many lifetimes to acquire all these abilities and thus gets all excited and figures this is his last life on the earth, that they are at least close to being masters and that they could walk through walls if the occasion arose. They often convince themselves that they are beyond all negativity and temptation and that it is not necessary to listen to anyone’s counter thoughts for none can teach these enlightened ones. If they sense negative thoughts, they deceive themselves into the idea that they did not think it. If they feel a negative feeling they force themselves into a mindset that they are beyond feeling such things and then deny having the feeling.

We must all carefully examine ourselves in the light of spirit and reason and discern our true point on the path. The purpose is not to brag about where we are to others, but so that we can know for ourselves. It is impossible to take the next step forward unless we take the step where we are, not where we are not. If I am in Boise and take an imaginary step in New York, then I have neither taken a step in Boise or New York. I have stood still. If we take imaginary steps on the Path of progression by being deceived into thinking we are where we are not, then no progress has been made.

Some people waste many lifetimes in taking only imaginary steps. The only benefit here is that they will eventually learn that they are making no progress and wake up to their true position. But why consume a thousand years needlessly? Why not search our souls and find out where we are now in the present time so we can take our next real step?

If one is not sure of their next step is there some key that will act as a signpost? Yes, the seeker will know he is taking a real step because it is thoroughly fulfilling with a sense of accomplishment, even if it seems insignificant.

[2] The second deception is that of not facing our true thoughts. Most of us are convinced that we have an open mind with no biases, but do we really? Are we perhaps biased against religion, the Bible, teachers, groups, people from the political right or left, Star Wars, abortion, the space program, or Mickey Mouse? Are there certain words that can be said that cause us to immediately shut down and allow no more input? Why do we shut down? What is the real thought behind it? Are we deceiving ourselves into pretending that our true thoughts are not there?

Perhaps we think our beliefs are not as important as the thoughts of others so we pretend we have no thoughts. Maybe we believe that our thoughts are more important than anyone else’s so we pretend that others have no thoughts.

Perhaps we have a belief and we do not know why we have that belief. It is just there we tell ourselves. But there is a thought behind every belief. All creation including beliefs come from thought. If we say it is not there, we are deceiving ourselves. We must ask, why are we afraid to face the root thought? If I am a Catholic and do not know why then perhaps there is a thought I fear to face. Perhaps, in reality, I am a Catholic because I admired my Father who was one. I do not want people to think I am a blind follower, however. I want them to believe I think for myself. The presentation of my thought behind my belief would be embarrassing so I pretend the thought does not exist. I say that I believe in the Catholicism because I just feel it is the best. Thus I have deceived myself and gone further into the illusion.

Our true root thoughts must be discovered and examined in the light of day if we are to see the true reality.

[3] The third and major area of deception at this time concerns our feelings. We are often afraid to face them and take great measures to cover them up because of two basic reasons. (a) We do not like to hurt or bother other people with our negative feelings. (b) We feel that all negative feelings are bad and we are somehow at fault if we are even feeling them. If we are good, or evolved, we will be beyond ever feeling anger, sorrow, hurt, or jealousy or anything but love.

Both of these statements are deceptions in thinking which lead us to misconceptions of how we are feeling.

[a] When we cover up a feeling to avoid hurt or disturbance we are creating a deceptive act. It is deceptive because the person is pretending that he is feeling fine when he is not. One virtually deceives the other person into thinking that all is well. This leads us further into illusion and postpones the day of freedom that much further. In addition, hurt is not avoided as hoped, but increased.

Emotions are like steam in a tea kettle. If they are not released the pressure keeps building up until the lid blows off. When a person suffers any hurt and it is suppressed, or denied then the energy of the emotion still lays latent. When a similar hurt comes later the person not only feels the energy of the present emotion, but this is added to the one that is denied.

After this process is repeated several times, a tremendous emotional energy is built up and can be triggered with the slightest offence. When this happens, the offending person is amazed by such a strong emotional outburst for such a minor reason. Unrealized is the person is receiving the combined emotional blast of several offenses.

If the emotions are not released and the pressure continues to build up, the release may take the form of physical weakness or disease. Consistent and honest communication of feeling brings a smooth flow of emotional energy and this openness unlocks the door for higher spiritual contacts and much more control over emotional release.

[b] Denial of the negative feelings is the greatest and most complicated problem of human self-deception at this present time period. Feelings are covered up for two basic reasons: First, the person fears the feelings are beyond control. Individuals feel that if they allow themselves to express all their emotional feelings that they will feel something they do not want to be or face. Thus, they pretend that they do not have these feelings and avoids mustering up the energy necessary to deal with them.

The second and most common reason we deceive ourselves in not recognizing our feelings is that many view all the negative emotions as evil. It is human nature to think that we as individuals are basically good and that nothing inherently bad can be in us. Because we think of some emotions as bad and we are good, we translate this into the idea that the bad, or negative emotions cannot dwell in us.

If this is our basic root belief and the emotion of hate, jealousy, sorrow, unhappiness, anger or other negative emotion is felt within our breast what do we do? The impulse is to deny it, pretend it doesn’t exist and thus continue in the uninterrupted belief that we are the good guys. The illusion, or deception that is created here is that we cannot be in the light if we have any of these negative feelings in us. But who has judged this? Is it not possible that perhaps one may still be somewhat enlightened and still have feelings of anger of jealousy inside? This seems to be a new idea to some, but we hope to show here that it is accurate.

The truth is that any of the feelings, positive or negative, can be brought about by the right circumstances. When these circumstances occur feelings manifest. When they do, we can either admit them to ourselves and channel the energy constructively, or deceive ourselves and others and pretend they do not exist.

Let us consider this. Both positive and negative emotions exist in us all. This is a fact. I have never met a person who has not expressed some of both. If we accept the fact that God created us and that we are created in His image then it stands to reason that all the feelings, positive and negative, are a form of manifestation of God, or the will of God. All manifestations of God are different vibrations of energy and as such are neutral and are neither good nor evil. What determines the good or bad of any energy is the manner in which it is directed.

Jesus Christ, the Master of the Masters manifested negative as well as positive emotions. He expressed sorrow and wept. He felt anger and chased the money changers out of the temple. We are also told he expressed “zeal” which is from the Greek ZELOS which can also be translated as jealousy. In other words he felt jealous of his Father’s temple and chased the money changers out. The Bible tells us that God hates, is angry, jealous of his people

Electricity just as emotional energy is a good example to illustrate the point. It can either be used to fry a man’s brain or to cook dinner. The intelligence behind its direction determines whether it is good or bad. This should be obvious.

It should also be obvious that this principle applies to all energies including all of our feelings. They are all neutral and can be used for good or evil. We shall illustrate them one by one next.

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