The Molecular Order

This entry is part 22 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty-Two
The Molecular Order


All relationships in this universe are progressing toward relative perfection. All relationships in the universes below this one (within the atomic world) have achieved this perfection. As the intelligence of God progresses to larger more complicated forms this perfection becomes more difficult. Nevertheless, this Intelligence eventually solves all problems and perfects all forms.

As the Intelligence of God created and recreated quarks, protons, electrons, atoms and molecules in this universe relative perfection was eventually achieved.

As this great Intelligence progressed and created living cells from the molecules It put Its attention on the perfection of those cells so they could reflect, multiply and evolve until their great purpose would be fulfilled.

The Intelligence of God oversaw the evolution until the midway point of progression in this universe was achieved. This was reached by the creation of the human kingdom. As the human kingdom became manifest the Attention of God shifted from the lower kingdoms to Humankind and this great Intelligence rested upon humanity making them the present point of focused attention. As the attention of God now rests upon human beings throughout this universe humanity has the distinction of being the only physical conscious creators in present universal existence.

Keep in mind that human related beings on different planets will be different in appearance, just as the races on this planet do.

The Intelligence that has created the great and complicated forms within the atoms, molecules and cells has now gifted that Intelligence to Humankind.

Therefore, the first great purpose of human beings is to discover and use the intelligence behind the great forms that have already been completed in the microcosm and apply that knowledge to the macrocosm. Then after we have organized human forms with similar intelligence to the atomic, molecular forms and cells we will then move to the next great stage of evolution and increase the complexity and beauty of form to a perfection that has never been achieved since the beginning of time in any kingdom that has ever existed.

We will do more than repeat what has been done before. Instead, we will create “all things new.”

That is the first great purpose of the destiny of Humankind.

The next great purpose will be to solve a problem that scientists have discovered within our universe.

It appears to scientists that the universe is expanding and that there is not enough gravitational pull to stop this expansion. Therefore, they believe the universe will merely expand, dissipate and die after a period of ages.

Lo, such scientists are looking for the wrong solution for the salvation of our universe. The answer to this lies not in gravitational pull, but in the Intelligence of God as it manifests through Humankind.

The one unpredictable force that we know exists within creation is the human kingdom and these little humans living on an unlimited number of worlds will unite in Intelligence in ages hence and move planets, stars and galaxies out of their orbits and draw the orbs back from their mindless expansion. These lowly humans billions of years hence will seem like Gods directing the great systems toward more intelligent and useful forms that create life on larger scales than has ever been imagined by the highest avatar.

Imagine having the power to move a moon of Jupiter, like Europa, to an orbit similar to the earth as a preparation for the extension of human life!

Imagine having the power to move the star system of Proxima Centauri into our solar system creating a double star and much easier access to its planets so we can transform its primitive life into a garden of Eden.

Then imagine moving twelve star systems into one central location allowing the various inhabitants much greater access and communion on the physical level.

And yet this is only the beginning of that which the great Intelligence of God has in store for us.

Verily, here is a principle never before revealed to man in clarity. Human beings are the soul of the universe. Just as you have soul within your physical body that creates and gives you form, even so humanity is the soul energy within the great body of the universe and has a destiny to create the great body of God on a universal scale.

Macrocosmic creation is a great way off in time. Yet every great journey, whether it be in time or space, is composed of steps which must be taken in present time.

The next great step for Humankind is to duplicate among the human kingdom that which has already been accomplished in the lower kingdoms of molecules and atoms.

This coming evolution among humanity is the Molecular Relationship. It is called such because it is most obviously observed in the atomic unions in the molecules themselves, and now we must rediscover from the memory of God the principles that we will navigate from the lower to the higher kingdoms.

The Next Step of The Molecular Order

To understand this relationship, the first principle that must be realized is that there is life and consciousness in all forms, whether they be atomic, molecular, human, planetary or solar. Relatively perfect relationships which we call the Molecular Relationship exists in all forms from the cellular level on down. Even though life pervades all forms above the cellular, such lives have not reached Molecular Relationship. The cells within the organic lives such as plants, animals and humans have such relationship, but the greater lives are yet striving to obtain it. The plants yield to animals and the animals yield to human as the final point of attainment for this system of form. Now humanity goes forward with bodies of mineral, plant and animal components to bring completion to the present Purpose of God.

It is thus our responsibility as a species to take relationship to its next great beginning.

The purpose of the Molecular Relationship is to create, through the synthesis of two or more lives, a higher life and consciousness with properties hitherto unknown in the separate condition. The individual lives keep their identity, yet share the benefits of the higher consciousness and qualities.

One may ask, don’t we do this already? Do not animals gravitate into flocks, herds and various groups? Do not humans join into families, cities, states companies and so on and create something akin to greater life forms?

Yes, this is a true, but these higher lives are a preparatory creation gathered through the power of magnetic (or female) energy. The cycle of creation must be consummated through the addition of active (male) energy. Thus through the blending of male and female energy to create molecular human forms we have a creation that proceeds in full consciousness. In the past human and animal group life forms have not been a goal, but the unconscious result of some project or plan. Instead, this higher octave of the human relationship is the plan, purpose and goal, and when created in full consciousness, new conscious life forms will materialize.

The water Molecule is a good example of this higher synthesis. It is composed of one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen. Oxygen and hydrogen in their separate state are gasses at normal temperatures and are very volatile. At very cold temperatures they liquefy and create rocket fuel that can send men to the moon. But then something miraculous happens when they create a bonded relationship with a ratio of two hydrogen atoms to one of oxygen. They create water, which is totally different in properties from either hydrogen or oxygen. In this synthetic union they are no longer volatile, but produce one of the most stable Molecules in nature. The creation of the water Molecule is so important that life as we know it cannot exist without it.

The individual hydrogen and oxygen atoms do not lose their identity. They are still there and can be turned back into rocket fuel, but, together in this specific relationship, they have much greater stability. They are good for each other, so the relationship continues for an indefinite duration, perhaps millions of years.

The closest humanity has come to creating a Molecular relationship with other humans is through marriage. The marriage covenant corresponds to the covalent bonds between atoms. The purpose of marriage is for the two to become one in purpose. A healthy marriage produces therefore a more stable and powerful unit than does an individual unit.

A marriage, however, does not produce a Molecule. The atomic correspondence to marriage would be more like a completed unit or atom. The male is like a positive charge and the female a negative one. Together they are like protons and electrons uniting to create a hydrogen atom, the basic building block of the Universe.

Therefore, marriage (or attempted union of male female energies) and is not the actual creation of a human Molecule, but it lays the foundation for such a creation. For thousands of years, then, the union of two attempting to become one has been laying the foundation for the next great evolutionary step.

All people feel in their hearts a need to find that one certain person with whom they can be as one. Some may be temporarily frustrated after a run of bad relationships; others may be having fling after fling trying to obtain fulfillment through quantity alone, still others are unsatisfied with their spouse and seek completeness in affairs; nevertheless, in their hearts they wish they could find that special person to make them feel whole.

It may be argued that we must learn to be whole within ourselves before we can ever be happy. As far as personal happiness and peace is concerned this is at least partially true. When the seeker creates correct relationship with the marriage of the higher and lower self a general stability is acquired and such stability is a very necessary step.

As far as individual progression is concerned one can progress far up the ladder of spiritual evolution without a bonded relationship. One can become a great teacher and adept yet remain in the single state.

On the other hand, the purpose of Molecular Relationship is not for individual progress so much as it is for group progress. There comes a time when the individual progress becomes linked to the progression of a group life.

So, are we dependent on others for overall wholeness? From a higher perspective the answer is yes. Why? Because there is only one life permeating the Universe. If this is true, then it is impossible to experience wholeness (or holiness) in a separative condition. Complete wholeness will only be reached when we are one with all other lives. This oneness cannot be reached by a mere belief in being one with the Universe, as many think. It can only be achieved through actually living in cooperation with other lives mentally, emotionally and physically in such a way that perfect harmony exists.

Some true teachers in the past have correctly emphasized individual responsibility for wholeness and happiness and from the viewpoint that we are Decision this is true. Person A must achieve soul contact through individual efforts as well as person B. Person A cannot make this accomplishment for person B, but only for him or herself. Then when person A and person B both achieve this contact harmony and oneness on a spiritual level become possible. Harmonious relationship is the final test of true soul/personality relationship. When this achieved to a degree then the molecular Relationship also becomes possible.

How can we say that we are one with the Universe, yet not have the ability to live in harmony with even one other person that we have by nature gravitated towards? Other people are part of this universe we are in and oneness with the universe includes other people.

If we are going to be one with the One Great Life, which is God, then we must initiate this process by finding one person, among the billions of human lives out there, with whom we may achieve oneness. And, yes, when we find this person, we will feel more complete, but will still not be in perfect balance. Each human Soul must eventually harmonize with all other Souls in the Universe before they can find their true home. Harmonizing with one other person is merely the first step.

This harmonizing is much more important on a spiritual level than a romantic level. Currently the distance in the polarities of the male/female is great causing a generally strong attraction. This will not always be the case in the far future as each of us balances the energies within us. But in the current time the male/female attraction takes us into an intimacy of relationship that would be rare without it.

Many seem to believe that marriage is no longer working because of the rising divorce rate. They do not realize that marriage is working today better than ever, even though the success rate is far from perfection. The reason the divorce rate is much higher now than in prior generations is not because marriages are not as happy, but because couples have much more freedom. There is more freedom to divorce because of relaxed laws and religious attitudes. Women have more freedom because they are much more financially independent. Years ago, women who were unhappy in marriage had to stay in the relationship in order to survive economically.

Even our present high divorce rate does not accurately reflect the number of unhappy marriages. There are still many couples holding the marriage together for economic, social, or religious reasons. In California, where people have more relaxed attitudes toward divorce, the 50% divorce factor is closer to the number of truly nonworking marriages in the West. Of the remaining 50% at least half of them are somewhat unfulfilled. Therefore, we could roughly estimate that around 25% of marriages result in some degree of stability and enduring happiness.

This does not mean that 75% of us are doomed to unhappy relationships, but it does mean that many of us may have to try several times before we find the relationship that will work. As long as the end product is happiness and stability, then we have not failed, even if we have experienced numerous marriages.

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