- The Real Beginning
- The Separation Begins
- The Beginning of Form
- Light, Love and Purpose
- The Marriage of Atoms
- The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship
- Human Relationships
- Selecting a Mate
- Sex and Knowing God
- Correct Use of Energy
- The Meeting of The Minds
- The Mystery of Romantic Energy
- Three Keys to Happiness
- Key Two – The Open Mind
- Key Three – Willingness to Give
- The Seven Needs
- Trust
- The Positive and Negative of Feelings
- Turning The Negative Positive
- Children
- Birth Control and Raising Children
- The Molecular Order
- The Male-Female Relationship
- The Human Molecule
- Molecular Principles
- The Spiritual Link
- The Expanding Molecule
- Leadership in the Molecule
- The Middle Way Principle
- The Union of Souls
- The Threshold of History
- The Molecular Commitment
- Preparing For the Return of Christ
- The Covenant of The Three Energies
- Right Use of Money
- Right Use of Power
- The Molecular Business
- The Selection of Key Positions
- Hiring New Employees
- How To Get Employees Involved
- Parable Of Abundance
- Molecular Details
- Molecular Politics
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Expanding Molecule
The Human Molecule duplicates itself just as do the tiny lives in nature. That is, they reproduce by duplicating their form. Each Molecule will have twenty-four members, twelve male and twelve female. In addition to these twenty-four there will be associate members. The associate members will be just as committed as are the full members. The only difference is that there is not yet a Molecule available to them so they can be a full participating male-female couple. A second Molecule cannot be created until there is a second group of twelve male-female Units that can split off from the first.
The associate Molecular member will attach himself or herself to one of the Molecular Units and the spiritual energy will thus proceed from the Molecule to the associate member. The male-female Molecular Unit plus any associates that are working with them will all be considered one Unit and are under responsibility to achieve one voice in all their Molecular business, for if they are not one, they are not Molecular.
See below for an illustration of the completed Molecule.
Next, we have an illustration of the expanding Molecule.
The number of units in each Molecule of this type never deviates from the number twelve even if we have more than twenty-four participating. One Unit may consist of the male-female partnership plus one or more associates. Their voice, however, in all Molecular business is to be counted as one Unit in the Molecule.
Before the creation of the second Molecule there may be over twenty-four associate members attached to one Molecule. However, as the number of Molecules increase, there will be fewer and fewer associate members needed with each Molecule. For instance, when there are twenty-four Molecules, it is possible that each Molecule could then have only one associate apiece before they are gathered into a new Molecule.
The married or working associates will generally cooperate with their partners as if they were one flesh, or one voice, in the Molecular Unit with which they are working. Single associates will be a unit with the couples they are working with until they either commit themselves to a member of the opposite polarity, or until they find working partners and become one of the twelve units in a Molecule.
It is understood that many of those who will be drawn to the Molecular Relationship will not have a participating partner of the opposite sex. These will either be single or married to a spouse who is not interested in the work. To help create a balance of energy in the Molecule, each person without a spiritual partner will eventually choose one. Until the first human Molecule is created, we will be looking for a general balance of the male and female energies involved, for all involved may not have a suitable partner as the creation of the Molecule is in process, but as Molecules are created partnerships will become stable.
Those partners who are not married to each other are called “working partners.” Any person married to a non-participating spouse must understand that it would be a violation of his or her responsibility of balance in the Molecule to be sexually unfaithful to that spouse as long as a commitment is acknowledged or understood between them. Such a marriage may be somewhat awkward, not so much because of the Molecule, but because of the obvious difference of philosophy and interests between the two. Nevertheless, we must remember that the basic aim of the Molecular philosophy is to create stability, and the spouse should be aware that we seek to help relationships, not hurt them. It helps to understand that sexual and romantic energies have nothing to do with the molecule which only uses spiritual energies in its creation.
Now we will present potential multiplications of molecules of twelve, but in doing so remember that the twelve units is merely one type of human molecule and many others will eventually be formed.
The next step is the creation of the Master Molecule. This consists of twenty completed Molecules or 240 units or 480 people plus associates. See below for a diagram of the Master Molecule, with indications of the energy flow from the initiating Molecule.
You will notice that the organization of the Master Molecule follows the same pattern as does the single Molecule. This creates a very powerful organization where energy and thought can quickly be sent from the Hierarchy, to the initiator, to all members of the initiating Molecule, and then to all the Molecules.
The twenty initiates who lead the first twenty Molecules will create an inner Molecule that will have a union and spiritual power greater than has ever been demonstrated on the earth. Some of these will be initiates who have incarnated on the earth for the specific purpose of assisting in the creation of the Molecular Order.
The next major stage of growth will be the creation of the City or Pyramid Molecule which will consist 12,000 units. Below is the top view.
Below is the side view which reveals the pyramid
The City Molecule will equal 50 Master Molecules. It also equals seven Governing Molecules plus one Master Molecule, which will be the leading molecule in this order.
The leaders of these fifty Master Molecules will form an inner governing body which will be called the Council of Fifty.
The next step is the creation of the macrocosmic Human Cell. This consists of twelve Pyramid Molecules or 144,000 units. These will fulfill the prophecy of the Bible of the 144,000 “which follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth.” Rev 14:4
When the Cell is created, there will appear a new life form on the earth that is called in the scriptures ZION. Zion will have powers and properties that have never been seen on the earth, beyond that which we can imagine today. Zion will be higher than a Molecule, just as in nature the Cell has much higher and different properties than does a single Molecule.
Because the 144,000, or the Cell, is the beginning of the creation of true life, at or before its completion, the Master of Life and Love will appear in the flesh. The literal Second Coming of Christ will be a historical fact. He and the Ancient of Days symbolically stand at the center of the Cell.
The 144,000 will build a literal city which will fulfill the Bible prophecy of the New Jerusalem that will lie foursquare: “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Rev. 21:14
Literally, the City will be created by the multiplication of the Molecule of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb.
According to the Bible, this Cell will have some unusual properties. In Isaiah Chapter Four, we are told that Zion will be covered with some sort of dome (possibly physical or spiritual) or canapé that will protect it from the fierce elements and over it shall be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Then in Revelations, John saw the Heavenly Jerusalem, (which is a group of cells which shall manifest in a future age), appear on the earth and “her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal…The city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with a reed, twelve thousand furlongs (Approximately 1500 miles) The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal
“And the building of the wall of it was of Jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass…And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Rev 22
The final city of the New Jerusalem will have a physical manifestation, but it’s actual shape and size may correspond more in a symbolic way rather than a literal. On higher levels through meditation a more literal New Jerusalem will manifest. The scripture says the city will be 1500 miles high as well as wide and deep so for the near future this will not be literal. By the measurement in John’s day that was 12,000 furlongs so 12,000 is the symbolic number to look at and this number times the twelve gates or portals equals 144,000 which is the true beginning of its earthy reality.
We must keep in mind that 144,000 is not a limiting number as some religions believe. The first 144,000 will be followed by another and then still another without limits until superlives are created that have never before entered the imagination of Humankind.
The time will come when the lights of the earth will gather together physically and create many molecules and build new cities after the order of peace that will set such an example of the quality life that the nations of the earth “shall walk in the light of it,” as was written by John the Beloved.
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