Posted May 13, 2010
And the legions of all crusaders shall be called. And four and twenty shall be led by Him. And the four and twenty shall be : Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Elijah, John, the Twelve Disciples, the Three Living Prophets who shall never die; the Prophet Onandagus, Echa Tah Echa Nah, and the Old Man of the Mountain.
And their banners shall bear the Sign of the Cross; for the Light from the Cross shall obliterate all darkness from the world, and the Sign of the Cross shall lead the way into the New World of everlasting Peace and Eternity.
Hear me and listen, for I am the Alpha and the Omega. I was there in the beginning, and I shall be there at the ending. And I shall be there at the beginning again. And then there shall be no ending, for I am the Alpha and the Omega.
These are God’s words. . . For I have spoken. . . It is finished. He (the Great White Chief) closed the large, white book, tied the doeskin strings, held his hands on it, reached for his pitch torch and doubted it, and looked out and up into the moon.
Words of Echa Tah Echa Nah
Take heed of this warning- Foster thine own soul, for in thine own hands lies thy fate and destiny. Is there among you a man, a woman, or a child, who dares come forth and say: There is no need of prayer?
When you have slept the brief sleep of death, when your spirit shall leave your temple of clay forever, and you shall step off into eternity, you shall find yourself in a land of glorious opportunities and joys which await you forever. And through all aeons, flowers, rare and imperishable, shall bloom for you. Birds of exquisite form and beauty, shall sing for you. Angels shall be your companions: for there you shall love, and there you shall be loved.
There it shall be a pleasure to want, and in wanting, it shall be a pleasure to ask. For no favor shall be too small or too great, and none shall ever be displeasing to Him.
And now, my son, after the destructions of the earth have ceased and the skies are blue again, then shall I go forth among the people to seek one to carry on my work with me. For many days shall I look for him. And Chi Chi Suma shall be on my left and you, my son, shall be on my right. And together we shall place our hands upon his head, and I will speak, and Chi Chi Suma shall speak, and you shall speak also. And then we shall go forth together to reclaim the lost teachings and laws and commandments. For they shall start at the ending, and shall also start at the beginning. ?or then, all evils and wickedness will be past, and a new world shall begin. 66 67
Then he, whom we have blessed, shall bless two others, and one shall be on his right, and one on his left. And they shall go forth among the people -his people.
And Chi Chi Sutra shall stay on my left, and you shall stay on my right, and we shall go to the east; and there shall establish the Great Temple with the
and there shall we stay and teach. And we shall receive many others to teach. Yea, many others, and they shall go forth and teach until four generations have passed. And then shall we enter into a new beginning. For all then shall be past, and a new world shall be born.
Hear well as I speak, my son. For you shall be the voice, and you shall speak to them, as I read to you. For what I read, you know not, and only as I read and speak to you, my son, so shall you be my voice. And soon you will receive the light, so as you read, so can you speak. -But you must pray for wisdom and light.
I have spoken. . .
It is finished.
Echa Tah Echa Nah.
Remember, my son, remember well. Many people whose minds are in darkness, and who are false believers, will seek to cause you many troubles. Heed not their words, but deceive them not, and let them deceive you not. Hearken not unto their words and their pleadings. Let their voices fall upon deaf ears, for their tongues shall speak many lies and falsehoods, and their writings shall be as poison to you.
Those whom you love, and they who love you, shall doubt you also. For those who do not believe as you believe, shall seek to destroy you. But, my son, you shall find others, and not seek after the old ones. You shall feed their hungry hearts and minds, as I have filled your heart and mind. But remember, the ones whose minds are in darkness, and who are false believers, you shall shun them, and let them seek you not.
There shall be a space of time when all that I have read to you, you shall not remember. But it shall return to your mind, and to the one who is nearest and dearest to you. Those who have placed their fate, their future, their happiness, sorrows and joys in your care. You shall tell them all things which I have read and said unto you, as they return to your memory. For they are a part of you, and you cannot deny the knowledge which you alone possess. But never shall the memory of my words to you be lost to you forever. For I place within your mind these teachings, and they shall be given to the one whom you love and whom you trust. But they shall not be given to the world until the time of the beginning of the end shall approach. And then they who are worthy, shall know of them also I have spoken. . . It is finished.
Echa Tah Echa Nah.
When darkness surrounds you and your heart is heavy, and your mind is weary, and by your own power you see no relief for the great worry which possesses you, then you shall seek the one you love most and who is nearest to you; and together you shall kneel and ask Him to help you to conquer all fear and to strengthen you. For He is willing to help you, if you ask; and He will carry you through all darkness into light again. 69
Our Visit Must End
Not long after the blood ritual of my adoption to the Great White Chief, Paul and I progressed in knowledge of the people and their sacred rituals to the degree of being permitted to take part in the most sacred rituals in the Most Sacred Temple.
Of these things I am not free to speak, but they were inspiring and have given me closer contact with the Source of all living things. These great spiritual experiences have carried me through many trying and hazardous times, even to the present day. Nowhere will there be mention or description of any rituals Paul and I took part in, other than the form of baptism we received. At this baptism we were submerged, each of us, three times, and then had bestowed upon us the most sacred of the Chigaraguan blessings.
As the expiration of our visas was drawing close, we knew that we would soon have to leave the land of the Chigaraguans. We had become one of them, and they had become near and dear to us. It was with pangs of regret that thoughts of our departure intruded upon our minds, but leave we must.
A few days prior to our departure, Echa Tah Echa Nah, The Mighty and Wise One, invited us to come to the sanctuary, where we discussed many things that had taken place during our sojourn there. After extensively reviewing and discussing the laws and rituals of the Chigaraguans to his satisfaction, and that the knowledge, given us by him, was truly deeply embedded in our minds and hearts, he bade us when we returned to our country to follow these instructions:
“My sons, you shall seek and find the people whose laws, traditions, and rituals, and beliefs are the same as ours. You shall tell them about us, then they will know of us; and you will then send us knowledge of your finding them. “
Following the two nights and two days farewell ceremonial, we again visited the Temple where all of the high council members bestowed upon us every touching and inspiring blessing. At the close of the second day, the moon had risen, and all the people had gathered around the fires. Accompanied by the reeds and tom toms, they were singing and chanting as we slowly rode through the gates in company with the mighty Echa Tah Echa Nah, who rode with us a short distance beyond them. Again he reminded us of our mission, speaking very gently and briefly.
As the light of the moon fell upon his face, the serenity and nobility of his features were beautiful beyond words to express. We were still sitting on our horses when he raised his hand in a farewell gesture, and turning from us, rode slowly toward the gates and back to the warmth of the bonfires that we had but a few moments ago shared with him. Lingering in our minds was the beautiful prayer he had often spoken:
Paul and I. reluctantly wended our way up the gentle incline toward the northwest, not daring to 70 71
look back toward those who had become so dear to us. As the distance between us and the village grew, the sounds of the tom toms, reeds, and voices raised in song, faded with the light of the fires into the moonlight night, leaving us silent upon the rough mountain trail. We did not stop until the summit was reached, which was just before dawn. Then the horses were fed and watered, and we had breakfast and slept.
Five days after our departure from the Chigaraguan people, we arrived in Orizaba, Mexico, and from there we went to Mexico City, where we renewed our acquaintance with the luxuries of a modern city.
Shortly after that, we returned to our home in Chinle, Arizona after first visiting with friends for a couple of days as we came through El Paso. However, we knew that our association with the Chigaraguan people would always be a living part of us, although we were far removed from them and our beloved leader in distance only.
At the culmination of several days’ visit with our parents in Chinle, Arizona, we returned to the East to resume our archaeological work. Many interesting artifacts were unearthed during our field work in the State of Missouri, which are now on display in various museums.
During our time off from digging, we gave brief lectures of our experiences to especially interested groups, lodges, clubs, and various religious organizations, always seeking out the people we were required to find by The Mighty and Wise One.
Digging in Indian mounds soon became boresome to us, so we decided to give up any further field work and return west. Paul visited the old folks in Chinle, Arinona, while I made a hasty trip to
Bruneau Desert, which borders southern Idaho with Nevada. After brief research work there, an invitation came to visit northern Idaho, and investigate some Indian ruins there. This brought to light some interesting and valuable artifacts, which were properly disposed of.
Lectures were carried on here in northern Idaho, the same as in Missouri. While covering the western states, the people were found, whom my father bade me seek, and my father, The Great White Chief, was notified of their whereabouts. Each knows of the existence of the other; and my mission had now been fulfilled. 73
“Calling All Chiefs”
(See full page article by this title in the magazine section of The Salt Lake Tribune, Mar. 31, 1940. )
Not long after finding the people whom my father had urged me to locate, Thad word from him that at the beginning of the Indian New Year in April, he would call a meeting of all representatives of the Indian tribes of all the western hemisphere, North South, and Central America. It would be held at Lake Pitzcuaro, in the state of Michoacan, Mexico. The Great White Chief would preside over it.
I gathered from the information that he had sent runners bearing messages in regard to the great meet, to other Indian tribes. Each runner being instructed to notify the chief of the tribe he visited that this chief should, in turn, send runners to other tribes nearby with the same message, tobe relayed to all other tribes as Tar as a bird could fly to the south and to the north.
The following April (1939) was when the great mass of Indian people gathered to Lake Pitzcuaro for this conference of good will. The opening speech on the first day of the gathering is given here in Echa Tah Echa Nah’s own words:
“Oh, my brothers, today begins the New Year, for the past is gone, and everywhere new life begins. The Great Spirit, the Creator of all living things, plants, flowers, birds, trees, reptiles, and fish, and you and me, speaks to me and what He speaks to me, so shall I say to you. As He bade me call you here now, so will I speak to you as He whispers in my ear. I will say in His name all the words which I now speak to you.
“My people, today we have come here together. Many have come from far places, as far as the birds fly north, and as far as the birds fly south. Many of you are sick and ailing, but to you, my people, what I say will ease your minds, and help to heal your sick bodies.
“I have called you here to give you a great message of patience, understanding, tolerance, good thoughts and love to all. Today we are happy-or are we? Are our minds and hearts heavy with the misunderstandings of the long dead past? Think wisely as I say to you, ‘Have you tried to get help and peace from Him who created us?’ No, for you have fallen away from your prayers, rituals, ceremonials and dances, for the Gods see everywhere. Should He who created us silently send for Nasi Bii Yaksey, the Death God, to speak and silently tell you to come? Are you ready to return- to where you first were, or do you fear?
“I say unto you, my brothers, fear not for what must be, for He has sent us here to this world, so will He call us back. We must stay near to Him in our hearts and minds now more than ever before, for He has spoken unto me saying, ‘Great things in the future time are soon to be upon you. ‘ Already He has started to act upon the plans He promised in the beginning.
“We must make ourselves ready and good enough to accept all things. We must cease the killing of our brothers amongst us. We must keep hatred and evil from our hearts and minds. We must be patient and respond to the things we ask of each other. We must be patient and try to understand; but above all we must take care of the needs of each other, no matter how small or how large. We must have love in our hearts. We all have love in our hearts, but we must make it greater, stronger, more beautiful. Where there has been hatred and evil, now must there he patience and understanding. All bad things must pass from us.
“To Chi Chi Suma on my left, and my son on my right, I say to them, as I say to you. They shall listen and do as you shall do. I ask all of you to hear well as I speak of how my people, the Chigaraguans, do in regard to all ways of right living. You are asked to take my message back to your people, and ask them to try hard to do as my people do, and have done always. I know of your trials and suffering, of what you have seen in the past; but by your greater efforts to live by the laws and commandments that He has given you to live by, you will all know greater happiness. And by greater happiness you will have greater understanding and tolerance, and by your faithfully keeping these laws and commandments in your hearts and minds, there can be no limit to the future for you and your sons and their sons.
“Pray faithfully and you shall soon see the reward it pays. Think well of all my people, and forget not soon the things I say here. May His everlasting smile enter into your hearts, and may the light from His golden body (the sun) be the light to keep the flame in your hearts burning. -For as He has spoken to me, so I have spoken to you.
“Remember, my brothers and sisters, always what you were once, and what you might have been, but what you are now, and what you intend to be. May He hear and answer our prayers always. Remember 75
this, my people, I beg you to remember. I have spoken. It is finished. The voice speaks no more. “
Those assembled remained here for several days, during which time he described to them the mode of living of the Chigaraguan people, urging them to try to live and follow the same example, and to create better understanding and good will among their neighboring tribes, regardless of what part of the country they lived in. He brought to mind many incidents which had caused the downfall of the Indian people, -their drifting away from the laws and commandments, their warlike ways, instead of peaceful means of dealing with each other.
Owing to the tremendous response to his call he had to speak several times a day to as many as could assemble in the great amphitheatre. He urged them to be tolerant of each other, to have more understanding, and to quit their slovenly ways and to be more progressive, resort to prayer and gain a better understanding with the Heavenly Father, Who would assist them in their efforts.
Newspaper reports estimated approximately one hundred-twenty-five-thousand representatives assembled from all parts north of the Mexican border as far as Canada and Alaska. It is impossible to say exactly how many were there, but about two-hundred-fifty-thousand would be a fair estimate.
At the close of this international conference, he invited all representatives who were present, to return again the following year to discuss their problems and the progress made under the outline he had given them. On the last night, the huge bonfires of farewell were lighted, and soon the representatives were on their way back to the reservations they had represented to inform their people of what they had learned at this great meeting. 76
Immediately after the representatives had returned home, there was a noticeable difference in the relationships among the tribes. A better understanding and a feeling of good will existed that had never been there before. By the time of the second meeting in Mexico, all the tribes had outstanding progress to report. The uniting of the Indian people has been gradually getting stronger since that time.
Gathering Repeated in 1940
In the course of time the tribes made preparations to send their tribal spokesmen again to the site where the first notable meeting was held, to discuss their problems and to report the progress that had been made during the year. At the same time Echa Tah Echa Nah and his council members were making preparations to leave their Utopia to bring the message of good will again to those who were to return to Lake Pitzcuaro. incidentally, Lake Michoacan is within sight of Lake Pitzcuaro, and together they are often referred to as “The Twin Lakes. “
On the day set aside by all the Indian people as the birth of the New Year, E. cha Tah Echa Nah and his council arrived at the designated spot, and were greeted heartily by all representatives from the outside. Each group was eager to discuss the progress that had been made. After four days of hearing reports from the various spokesmen, Echa Tah Echa Nah stressed the importance of continuing as they had in the past year.
He also told them of great events that were to take place in the future. He prophesied in minute detail of World War II, the havoc, destruction, and hardships that would be brought upon the people. The Indians were urged to fill their storehouses in preparation against the time when this war would affect them, and he told them of the shortage of food and other materials they would be forced to suffer. f 78 79
Many of the people hearkened to his prophetic warning, and were prepared when this catastrophe came, which lessened their hardships during this trying period. He stressed the restlessness of the world after the war would come, and the hatred, scorn and contempt of man for his fellowman that would be universal. He urged the Indian people to remember his teachings and not be led astray by the disunity that would engulf the world. He admonished them to cling to the good force in a world of evil.
On the fifth day, the representatives of many of the leading tribes, expressed their feelings and discussed among themselves the possibility of getting Echa Tah Echa Nah to accept the position of Grand Leader of All The Indian People of The Western Hemisphere. Due to his knowledge and divine inspiration, they felt that he would be the ideal leader of the Indian people. Word rapidly spread among all the outside representatives, and by mutual consent they bestowed upon him this honor.
The throng that had gathered at this great meet, was one of the oddest groups one would ever have the pleasure of seeing assembled at one time. Of this greatest assembly ever to be recorded, the most striking feature was the display of the tremendous variety in their dress, variety in material designs, colors and manner of wearing. Representatives of every Indian tribe in the western hemisphere were dressed in their finest regalia.
Canadian and Alaskan Indians in their peculiar cold country costumes made of seal, bear and rabbit fur that would serve best in a cold country, were seated next to tribal representatives from the Dakotas, who were wearing their finest white or tan buckskin raiment with huge eagle feather bonnets.
Next to these two were seated three or four tribesmen from the Brazilian jungle, dressed only in breach cloths and moccasins, each carrying the staff of authority and tribal emblem, bearing his rank in the tribe and conducting themselves with dignity and humbleness.
Sprinkled here and there, appeared Southwest Indians clad in their lush velveteens of gay hues, silver belts, strings of turquoise beads and hand wrought bracelets and rings of silver and turquoise. Of this group the Navajo and Hopi were sent as representatives.
Seminoles from the Florida everglades in their brilliantly colored skirts and headdresses were scattered among Indian representatives from California, who were dressed in the finest modern American clothes. The Mexican Indians with their large straw hats, serapes draped around their shoulders, brilliantly hued raffia sandals, were seated next to the Oyichua with their peculiar hats made of willow twigs tightly woven, similar to the early American’s beaver hat, or to the stovepipe hat, and with white cotton trousers and sandals.
Standing nearby some of the North American Indians who were dressed in their modern up-to-date fashionable clothes, were the small Suyas and Javaros, dressed only in breach cloths, and a small animal skin draped around their shoulders, armed with their tiny blow guns. Close by were the large Ladones from Columbia and Venezuela, whose dress was similar to that of the RoNan toga, made from brilliantly hued cotton and wool materials. The wool comes from the vicuna. Many others from Columbia were dressed very similar to those of Venezuela. And seated nearby were the Incas from Peru with their short robe-like garments and trousers made from the wool of the llama, and hats very high
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and pointed, almost like those of the Coushea. All in all, this was one of the most colorful assemblies of true natives of the western hemisphere, and it certainly was one never to be forgotten.
On the sixth day of the meeting, our beloved leader delivered his most divinely inspired speech to the people. During this speech, many of them looked upon him with awe, as he described the greatest of all events that would come upon the Indian people in the future. He prophesied of the time to come when a Great Temple or Kiva would be built at some distant place by the Indian people and by others who believe in all the laws and commandments which the Messiah left with them in the beginning; but this would not be until after the cleansing of the earth. ‘
1) The Prophet Zechariah speaks of the special mission of this BRANCH Prophet to build the Great Temple. He calls us to witness the word of the Lord as follows: “Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts saying, Behold the man whose name is the BRANCH;, and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord. Even he shall build the Temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and he shall sit and rule upon his throne. ” (See Zecharia, 6:12-13. ) Note that Echa Tah Echa Nah grew up in Central America, but his place will be in The New Jerusalem.
The Prophet Lehi, in blessing his son Joseph, also refers to this future Indian Prophet as the BRANCH, as he tells young Joseph that- “his seed shall not be utterly destroyed, but, . . that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would raise up a righteous BRANCH to the house of Israel; not the Messiah, but a branch which was to be broken off
(Footnote continued next page. )
The cleansing process was described as a mammoth catastrophe or holocaust that would engulf the earth, ridding it of all evil forces, and only those who believed in and abided by these laws would survive. Then, after the earth would cease to shake and the storms subsided, the survivors would go forth and bury the dead, and also care for the sick and wounded. 2
nevertheless, to be remembered in the covenants of the Lord, that the Messiah should be made manifest unto them in the latter days, in the Spirit of power, unto the bringing of them out of darkness unto light. ” (2 Nephi, 3:5. See also 2 Nephi, 21:1. ) A footnote in the Books of Mormon from 1900 to 1920, refers to this Choice BRANCH Seer as “a future Indian Prophet. “
2) THE DAY OF PURIFICATION, or holocaust that engulfs the earth is undoubtedly the solar flash mentioned in Isaiah, 30:26, where the moon becomes as bright as the sun, “and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days. ” This would increase the temperature on earth to about 7000, or as the Apostle Peter declares, “the heavens being on fire, shall be dissolved and the elements melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwellest righteousness. ” (See 2 Peter, 3:12-13. ) This is the day that the faithful will be forewarned to take refuge in caves and tunnels until this indignation of the Lord be over past.
Isaiah, 24:1-6, speaks of our transgressing the laws, changing the ordinances and breaking the everlasting covenant (of marriage). . . “therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left. He also speaks of the earth being turned upside down, which would give us “a new heaven and a new earth. ” You would look north and see the Southern Cross instead of the Big Dipper.
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