Principles of Joy and Peace

This entry is part 18 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle Twenty:  The Principle of Joy

Joy in humanity has a different cause than happiness. Happiness is caused by progressing toward a goal. Joy comes through moving toward oneness with other souls and God. In other words, Joy operates on the Principle of Oneness.

When Jesus said, “I and my Father are one,” he gave the formula for unending Joy. When separated from God, Purpose and each other in the spirit we can have happiness but not Joy. But when united in spirit there is Joy unending.

Partaking of the Principle of Joy is like drinking an elixir from an eternal fountain that always flows freely. Once discovered the pilgrim can partake of it at will as often as he desires and be vitalized by it. But he can also leave the fountain and descend to the land of separation and loss of memory. Even when separated from the fountain the elixir of Joy still flows and awaits his return.

The pilgrim wanders the land of separation as a prodigal son and has fleeting moments of happiness. These moments give him incentive to keep moving forward in his journey but do not give him the satisfaction he feels awaits him. He internally senses the fountain of Joy but knows not where to find it.

He looks for it in pleasure and finds it not.

He looks for it in possessions and again it is not there.

He seeks it in carnal love and is left with emptiness.

He longs for it in his work and the longing continues.

He continues seeking without success for eons yet his hope continues for the knowledge of the fountain lies deep within, the internal memory continues as a gentle reminder.

Finally he finds the key. Not in selfish interest does the answer lie, but in service to his brothers and sisters. When he sees his brother as an extension of himself and joins with his consciousness they together rise to the garden of the God and find the eternal fountain. Even while his body dwells in the land of separation he finds his spirit can soar and drink of that water of life so he will never thirst again.

He discovers through the Oneness Principle that separation is an illusion and drinks at will.

1 + 1 = 1


Principle 21:  The Principle of Peace

We’ve talked about the principle that brings Happiness and then another that brings Joy. There is one more to complete the Trinity of fulfillment, the Principle of Peace.

There are two types of Peace — the Outward and the Inner.

The outward is easy to understand. It is merely realized through a lack of disturbance. That which disturbs however can come in many forms on three levels of existence. They are the physical, the emotional, and the mental.

Examples of that which disturbs are:

  • Physical — A person can get stuck in traffic causing him frustration and a loss of peace. He gives and receives obscene gestures to other drivers.
  • Emotional — A co-worker insults him and tells him he is a loser. Again he gets angry.
  • Mental — Through miscalculation the person has a business collapse and is greatly upset.

No matter where the cause originates, whether it be the physical, emotional or mental the main disturbance always centers in the emotions.

There can be the appearance of peace when there is no peace. This can happen when the person is afraid to speak up. This can happen under a government, a business, a church, a family or any circumstance where a person of authority has punitive power.

A nation run by a tyrant is an example of a false peace. If the people speak any disturbing words they will be jailed or killed. Because of this there are few disturbing acts and the illusion of peace, but emotionally many are in turmoil.

The second peace is the inward. Those who attain this are said to have the “peace that passes all understanding.”

The principle that achieves this peace is that the seeker will follow the highest he knows, but it must be what he knows, not what an outward authority tells him he knows.

An outward authority who claims his voice is as the voice of God can form a barrier to this peace and stir the pilgrim’s conscience putting him in a state of perpetual disturbance so he knows no peace. To find this most great peace he must throw off the outward voices that do not harmonize with his inward voice. The inward voice is the key to peace. The point of tension is reached when the inward draws as much attention as the outer. When the inward is finally chosen consistently over the outer the peace he has always longed for will come.

When the peace comes it matters not what the outward circumstances are. Friends and neighbors can be upset and shout at him; it matters not. He can be in trying circumstances and the peace remains. His world may collapse and even his emotions may be disturbed, but the great peace remains at his spiritual center and follows him through all the trials of life even unto death and beyond.

May each of us find happiness, joy and peace and thus fulfill our destiny.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
— Mahatma Gandhi

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Copyright  By J J Dewey

The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 1

This entry is part 28 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The title of tonight’s class is “The Birth of the Christ Within.” Now it is interesting that wherever the name Christ is circulated it seems to create and cause a lot of controversy. Even as innocent a thing as Christmas does this. We turn on the TV these days and we see an assault on Christmas itself. There are arguments about taking the Christ out of Christmas. They want to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree and want to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. So even the most innocent appearance of the name of Christ is creating a controversy.

It is interesting that when Jesus was sending His disciples off He said to them, “Ye shall be hated of all the world for my name’s sake.” It is interesting that where the name of Christ manifests there is controversy created. And the last element of controversy around the name of Christ seems to be the celebration of his birthday. Just even wishing somebody Merry Christmas seems to upset a lot of people these days.

When I was kid it did not upset anyone you just said Merry Christmas and you did not even know about that happy holidays thing you just said merry Christmas and there was just a Christmas tree and that was it. Now there is a controversy over this very innocent sounding holiday. If you wish somebody Merry Christmas you are going to leave out the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and the new agers like us. So it is interesting how just the name of Christ in circulation causes controversy and friction even though He is called the Prince of Peace. What happened when the Prince of Peace came?

Audience: War

JJ: Was there peace around Him where ever He walked? No wherever He went people wanted to kill Him. So doesn’t that seem strange that He appears as the Prince of Peace and the first thing that happens is that all the authorities around Him become upset and begin to have secret little conferences as to how to get rid of the guy. Finally they crucify Him and they think they are finally rid of Him. He is dead and gone and just one more troublemaker that they don’t have to worry about anymore. Well about three days later they had to change their minds on that idea. And so it is fascinating that as the name of Christ was circulated over the ages we had the crusades and the crusades was fought over what?

Audience: Fought over the name of Christ.

JJ: Fought over the name of Christ and to secure the name of Christ in Jerusalem. They wanted to re-take Jerusalem and secure the name of Christ there so the name of Christ could dominate. What did Constantine see in a vision that made him want to go out and conquer the world? He saw a vision of a cross in the heavens and he heard these words spoken “by this you shall conquer.” So all of a sudden Constantine changed from being a Roman Emperor and became a Christian Emperor and he decide to conquer the world in the name of Christ.

It interesting that the name of Christ, the one called the Prince of Peace creates disturbance wherever His name manifests. Admittedly it is most probable that Constantine did not receive a vision from Christ or the higher spheres but from the lower astral realm. He was probably given information from a lower vibration to go and conquer the earth. As a matter of fact he corrupted a lot of the teachings of Christ and he was one that initiated the great changes away from real truth. He told the Christians basically, look we are going to stop persecuting you if you change your doctrines to what we tell you. If you change your doctrines and teachings to the way the State wants then we will quit persecuting you.

So a lot of Christians thought, well I guess that would be worth About 95% of them went along with the changes but there was a small number that thought they are not going to change and continue to teach what they have been taught. Well this small percentage that was left over were persecuted more than ever and the Empire did everything it could to get rid of this group that held out. They were hunted down like dogs and persecuted because they did not go along with the changes of the Roman Emperor.

Ironically, He was called the prince of peace. Often times when He met with His disciples one of the first things He said to them was what, do you remember what His introductory statement was when He met with His disciples?

Audience: Peace be with you.

JJ: Right peace be unto you. What do you suppose it felt like to be in His presence and have Him say that to you? Peace be unto you. Now imagine that I am the Christ; visualize that I am He and I say to you, peace be unto you. Do you think it would feel a little bit different than if say Wayne said it to you?

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: I’ll tell how Wayne would say it you, Hey you want a piece of me!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: But anyway that was His introductory statement and I believe that when He said that to them that they did feel something, they felt a presence about Him and they felt an inner peace around Him because He had such a great peace within Him self. It is interesting that when they were on the ship and this giant storm came up and the disciples were doing everything they could to save the boat from sinking – it was tossing and turning all over the place and as they were trying to save the boat from sinking they were saying, where is Jesus at – we haven’t seen Him around.

They went down below deck and Jesus was down there sleeping! And they were shouting, good grief how can He sleep? The boat is tossing and turning like crazy and there Jesus is sleeping! So they wake Him up and they said Master awake and save us we are going to sink here in this great storm and you can’t be sleeping! So Jesus yawns and got up and goes up on deck and says, oh ye have little faith!

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: Then Jesus said, peace; be still. All of a sudden the storm went away. The boat just sat there on very still waters. At that time when He said the word peace it really had an affect, not only on His followers but on the sea, the ship and the people that were there. One person on the ship said, who is this man that even the elements obey Him? Why did the elements obey Him and why was it that when He said peace, something happened? Curtis

Curtis: Because He was connected with the elements and the deva’s and the all the powers that be and He was the Christ. He had the power of Christ and the power of God in Him.

JJ: I thought you knew the answer, darn it!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: When He said peace it had an affect because within His soul, the inner part of His being was a tremendous peace. The words that you speak will have no power unless that word is within you and the word peace was within Him. This was His greeting to His fellow man, peace be unto you. It had an affect because within Him was a great sense of peace, a peace that passes all understanding. Have you ever had a peace that seemed to surpass all understanding and was so great that you could really not put it into words?

There is a peace that is like an absence of noise but that is kind of tranquility and not necessarily peace. Then there is a peace that goes beyond the absence of noise, what the scriptures call a peace that passes all understanding. If the person has that peace within him then when he speaks the word peace, he speaks it from his soul. Have you ever considered how it was that Jesus had the power to heal people?


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Christmas Message 2010

This entry is part 15 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Calming the Storm

The Son of Man, which is the Son of God, the teacher of angels, men and Masters looked out upon the world on Christmas day and assessed the needs of the race of humanity.

They have always been fearful, he thought, but this year their hearts do vibrate with this emotion more than before. They are like my disciples of old, when in a storm at sea, they did wake me with fear in their hearts pleading with me to do something.

I arose and reminded them that faith, love and peace must occupy their hearts – not fear. Like draws like and fear draws that which is frightening.  Peace and love within draws that which is peaceful and loving without.

“I then spoke to the hearts of the disciples, “Where is your faith?  Let it come forth and be born anew. Let peace come forth within…  Be still, cast away fear and feel the peace of God.”

“I then looked out upon the storm without and spoke the words, ‘Peace…  Be still.’

The disciples did not realize they were a part of the miracle for first peace had to rest upon their hearts before it could calm the seas.

What was the greater work, to bring peace to the human heart or to the sea? Verily, I say it was a greater miracle to calm the human heart than the sea in its wrath.  It took all my focus to calm the men who were with me and by comparison calming the seas was an after thought.

As I look upon the hearts of the sons and daughters of God I see fear and turbulence of spirit as if they were also in the midst of a great storm.  Many send their thoughts to me, “Save us Lord, else we perish.”

Their fear brings forth fearful things so if the children of men want a peaceful and prosperous future they must first set their hearts in tune with the peaceful Spirit of God and sense the fullness rather than the lack.

If they can do this one thing then the terrible things they fear will be as if they never were or will be.

Therefore, call upon God in my name and ask for the peace that passes all understanding.  Ask in faith believing and I will come into you and share your joy. Together we will dwell in peaceful pastures beyond the touch of all things that humanity fears.

One by one humanity will drop their fears and join with me and when the desired number is reached I will go forth with them and create the world anew – a world in tune with the love of God.

Let peace first settle in the hearts within
Then as sure as the day follows the night,
Peace on earth good will to men
Will be everywhere in sight.

Christmas Message 2001

This entry is part 5 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages


I thought I would divert from the regular class and give a Christmas message. Maybe I will start a tradition with this and do it each year.
This is the time of year that we celebrate the birth of Christ, a symbol of the first initiation where the birth of the Christ Consciousness is born in the dark cavern of the heart.

I like the account of this given in the Aquarian Gospel:

(Beginning of quoted material.)

“1. The time was nearly due for Jesus to be born, and Mary longed to see Elizabeth, and she and Joseph turned their faces toward the Judean hills.

“2. And when upon their way they came to Bethlehem the day was done, and they must tarry for the night.

“3. But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests, and Joseph and his wife could find no place to rest but in a cave where animals were kept; and there they slept.

“4. At midnight came a cry, a child is born in yonder cave among the beasts. And lo, the promised son of man was born.

“5. And strangers took the little one and wrapped him in the dainty robes that Mary had prepared and laid him in a trough from which the beasts of burden fed.

“6. Three persons clad in snowwhite robes came in and stood before the child and said,

“7. All strength, all wisdom and all love be your, Immanuel.

“8. Now, on the hills of Bethehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them.

“9. The shepherds were devout, were men of prayer, and they were waiting for a strong deliverer to come.

“10. And when the child of promise came, a man in snow-white robe appeared to them, and they fell back in fear. The man stood forth and said,

“11. Fear not! behold I bring you joyful news. At midnight in a cave in Bethehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting for.

“12. And then the shepherds all were glad; they felt that all the hills were filled with messengers of light, who said,

“13. All glory be to God on high; peace, peace on earth, good will to men.”

(End of quoted material.)

“Peace, peace on earth, good will to men,” is perhaps the most glorious and hopeful words in all the scriptures, perhaps the greatest words in our language, period, but unfortunately, the full meaning behind the phrase is hidden and not seen by the majority.

When the words are heard many only hear the first part of the phrase and discount the implications of the “good will” portion.

“What do you mean?” one may ask. “Do not peace and good will go together?”

Not necessarily. It depends on the kind of peace which is pursued.

Is there more than one kind of peace?


What are they?

Answer: Peace without good will and peace with good will.

What is the difference?

Let me give a possible example. If we had given in to all Hitler’s demands and let him have dominion piece by piece over the world we could have had peace, but there would have been no good will. If today the people had peace, or a lack of conflict, yet have Nazis as our cruel taskmasters there would be no good will either from the Nazis or from the people abused by them.

Instead of settling for this false peace, the Allied nations waged war on Hitler and when we prevailed then the possibility of both peace and good will became possible. We then worked with the energy of good will in a time of peace and helped Germany and Japan rebuild and then let them retain their own independent government.

Because of this good will in a time of peace, which was won through conflict, Japan and Germany are now our friends. In fact they are often more supportive of the United States today than are some of our allies from World War 2.

A static peace which is merely as lack of conflict is easy to attain. All you have to do is roll over and play dead. But then as the enemy steamrolls over you and your friends good will will be ground into the ethers nowhere to be found

Here are a few words of Djwahl Khul (DK) on the subject:

“It is no doubt an undeniable spiritual truth that right thought can change and save the world, but it is also true that there are not enough people able to think to do this work. Also, there is not enough time in which to do it. The thoughts of peace are mainly founded upon a stubborn idealism that loves the ideal more than humanity. They are based also upon an unrecognised fear of war and upon an individual inertia which prefers the dream world of wishful thinking to the shouldering of responsibility for the security of humanity.

“Thus briefly have I sought to make the position of the New Group of World Servers clear as it fights for the rights of man, for the spiritual future of humanity, and for the new world order.

“Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war. Peace must be a natural outcome and expression of the human spirit, and of a determination to change the world attitude into one of right human relations (good will to men).”

This is an interesting statement: “Peace must not be imposed by those who hate war.”

Why is this?

Because hatred of any kind, even a hatred of war will bring circumstances that will suffocate good will. To bring the desired peace and good will we must be willing to do what is necessary.


DK explains it in this profound statement:

“There is no peace in the questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.”

This is an interesting statement. No real peace is even possible for those “who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.” Unfortunately, this struggle can sometimes include war.

Of the Christ it is written:

“In righteousness he doth judge and make war.” (Rev 19:11)

This is also affirmed by DK as follows:

“The Prince of Peace will lead His people–through war–to peace. Those who think only in terms of peace as they understand it and desire it are apt to forget the Biblical implication that the Prince of Peace takes a definite part in the battle of Armageddon… After achieving victory, He will then lead His triumphant cohorts through the gates into “Jerusalem,” the city of peace. The symbolic and practical significance of this is becoming increasingly apparent. This notable event can and will take place when the free will of the people, blended by invocation and prayer, can make this possible.”

Here is another quote from DK:

“This Avatar can descend to the physical plane and there appear, to lead His people–as the Prince Who leads through war to peace.”

DK tells us that the Christ led us to peace through war during World War Two by working with the hearts and minds of the leaders of the Allied nations to defeat the Axis powers. It is hoped by the Hierarchy that we will not have another major physical conflict before the coming new age, but that the next war will be on the plane of the mind reaching down to the emotional level.

Where this new war surface?

DK gives us a hint:

“Years ago I said that the war which may follow this one would be waged in the field of the world religions. Such a war will not work out, however, in a similar period of extreme carnage and blood; it will be fought largely with mental weapons and in the world of thought; it will involve also the emotional realm, from the standpoint of idealistic fanaticism. This inherent fanaticism (found ever in reactionary groups) will fight against the appearance of the coming world religion and the spread of esotericism. For this struggle certain of the well-organised churches, through their conservative elements (their most powerful elements), are already girding themselves. Those sensitive to the new spiritual impacts are still far from powerful; that which is new always faces the supreme difficulty of superseding and overcoming that which is old and established. Fanaticism, entrenched theological positions, and materialistic selfishness are to be found actively organised in the churches in all continents and of all denominations. They can be expected to fight for their established ecclesiastical order, their material profit and their temporal rule, and already are making the needed preparations.

“The coming struggle will emerge within the churches themselves; it will also be precipitated by the enlightened elements who exist in fair numbers already, and are rapidly growing in strength through the impact of human necessity. The fight will then spread to thinking men and women everywhere who–in a protesting revolt–have denied orthodox churchianity and theology. They are not irreligious but have, through pain and sorrow, learned (without ecclesiastical help) that the spiritual values are the only values which can salvage humanity, that the Hierarchy stands, and that Christ–as the symbol of peace and the Leader of the Forces of Light–is not a negligible force but one that is evoking response from the hearts of men everywhere. True religion will come to be interpreted in terms of the will-to-good and its practical expression, goodwill.”

Today we have just scratched the surface in introducing the truths of the coming age to the churches of the world. The time is coming that these truths must be presented by spiritual warriors who are ready for the great conflict which will ensue. Many churches already see new agers as agents of evil and the antichrist. Imagine their alarm when these truths are actively discussed through the media so they become points of discussion which reaches into almost every home.

Many will rise up and resist the new tidal wave of truth with all their means, but just as the church fathers failed to prevent the exploration of the New World after Columbus, even so will they fail in stopping the great light which has come out of the East “and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt 24:27)

What must be accomplished before the Prince of Peace can return and consummate the peace which leads to good will?

First the world must reach a degree of stability on its own–so the chances of another great world war on the physical plane is reduced to a minimum. This conflict with the terrorists must be resolved and their power to disrupt the peace of the nations must be curtailed.

The teachings of the East (Djwahl Khul, H. P. Blavatsky, and others) must become more widely taught and discussed.

One or more groups must be prepared to receive this Master of Masters. As it is now the “son of man hath no where to lay his head.” In other words, there is no major group upon the earth (new or old age) that he could walk into and be accepted. Most would cast him out as a trouble maker for his teachings would be seen as a threat to their own belief system.

The call is therefore made to you and me, my friends:

Prepare, prepare a home for the coming of the Lord of Light and Love. Come out of the wilderness of illusionary thought and make a straight the path to the minds and hearts of humanity for the great Lord. If he comes to us as a thief in the night, let us be on watch that we be not overtaken by unbelief and cast out the Word of God as if it were an intruder. Let us prepare ourselves to recognize the face of the Lord and give Him a place to begin His great work that we may hear the desired words of every disciple:

“Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”
Posted 2001-12-25 01:51:00

Copyright © 2001 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Next: Christmas Message 2002

Christmas Message 2002

This entry is part 6 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

As we are again approaching the holiday season it is quite appropriate that I give you a message related to the great Entity responsible for this celebration.

In my writings there has been emphasis on key words. Let us suppose we were asked to give a key word describing the effect of this “Master of Masters, teacher of angels and men.” What would it be?

Several key words could be given and would seem to be accurate, but let me give you one to consider.

The word I would give would be “celebration.”

Many would question this word, especially when considering the history of Christianity over the past two thousand years. Many merely look at every negative detail of history and piously proclaim that Jesus and the religion He inspired to be dismal failures. If this is so, then is there indeed anything to celebrate?

There is much to celebrate.

The great celebration began with the birth of Jesus. At this event the scriptures tell us that shepherds in the fields heard angels singing in celebration “peace, peace on earth – good will to men.”

The short-sighted person would look at the world since the birth of the Messiah and possibly conclude that the angels were celebrating in vain, that peace on earth has been a pipe dream that is not likely to materialize.

On the contrary, the angels knew exactly what they were doing. They were not looking ahead to the end of the life of Jesus or even a thousand or two thousand years in the future. The reason they were singing with celebration is that they saw the birth of Jesus as a first step of many that would be taken until the whole mission was complete. Because they saw that this first step had been taken and that the other steps which would follow were sure and true, the angels saw a picture of the whole effect of the mission of Christ and that effect which soon awaits us is “peace on earth good will to men.”

Isaiah saw through the same eyes as did the angels when he wrote:

“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”(Isaiah 2:4)

The great mission of Christ thus began with the birth of Jesus and the maturing of a teacher who gave us the greatest, most memorial words ever spoken upon the earth. This Messiah saw the vision, as did the angels of a time that men would no longer learn war and instead use the energy dedicated to it toward productive means. He realized that this time was in the distance and the mission must begin with inner peace.

Even in the midst of outward turbulence, Jesus placed emphasis on peace:

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39)

Why did the elements obey his command? Even the elemental lives which rule the storms have within their center the Presence of God. When Jesus spoke the word “Peace” followed by a directed thought, He caused the attention of the life force of the elements to be directed toward the inner peace of God rather than the outer storm. The moment these tiny lives were reminded of the peace of God within their center they became still with reverence and the storm did cease to be.

Jesus would sometimes greet his friends with a salutation of peace:

“And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” (Luke 24:36)

Jesus promised the disciples an enduring inner peace, even though the outer world would war against them:

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

The great principle behind permanent peace is this. First there must be an inner peace where the consciousness of the seeker must register the silent voice of God within his soul. After this occurs such a person will seek peace on all levels with all his heart.

So why is it then that the disciples of the world who have felt of this peace suffered great distress because of persecution from those who know no peace?

The answer is simple. Those who do not know peace will fight against those who do know peace. The solution is equally simple. Those who know not peace must be introduced to peace.

This was one of the main reasons that Jesus sent his disciples into the world, to teach the Gospel, which literally means “good news.” One of the reasons it was seen as good news was that the moment that a person is taught through the soul and feels the peace of God within then he will also desire the peace without.

The enemies of peace become willing to lay down their swords the moment they are reminded of that which they inwardly have always known. Within the souls of all men and women is the Spirit of God that carries the peace of God.

Those who feel the peace of the Spirit may be forced to fight now and then so that the innocent will be protected, for “in righteousness he (Christ) doth judge and make war.” Rev 19:11

But the moment that the destroyer is rendered harmless the man of peace seeks only to heal and not hurt, to build and not tear down and to give love to all and hate to no one.

If we could then truly see through the eyes of the angels, we too would see in vision the completed mission of Christ, that the peace within exponentially touches the souls of humanity until the majority desire the peace without that they also feel inside. In that day heaven and earth is brought together, the earth is transformed through the knowledge of God and the Masters and angels manifest themselves again among the common people.

He who touches the hem of the garment of Christ and sees the direction He is taking us can only have one feeling in his heart. That feeling is one of celebration – not only over that which is to be, but because of the great work and sacrifice which has been.

The world senses the truth of this key word at this time of year and celebrates a remembrance of the birth of Christ as they celebrate none other. They celebrate by singing songs of praise. They celebrate by giving gifts. They celebrate by making the occasion festive, fun and light-hearted. They celebrate by remembering the poor. They celebrate by reverencing the Creator of all things. They celebrate by decorating their home with lights. And they celebrate by giving forth an increase of love to all.

This inward feeling that pushes ordinary people to celebrate is a testimony that the soul of the human race has registered that there is indeed something to celebrate. The angels of our nature have caught a glimpse of the future, and it is glorious.
Posted 2002-12-24 06:26:00

Copyright © 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Next: Christmas Message 2003

The New Age

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey

1  We are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We will be securely into this coming new age in about 150 years and most expect this to be an enlightened age of brotherhood and peace as well as human advancement. Right now we are in the transition phase and the division between the old age and new age thinking is coming into greater contrast.

2  We are in the twelfth hour of the labors in the vineyard and many new workers are being hired and coming forth to serve. In many ways their labors now, for this one hour, are considered as valuable as that of the older laborers over thousands of years. Why? Because many of the older laborers are expecting to be the new gurus who will be served and respected. Consequently, they are of little use in the present. The new workers will wind up performing a service of equal value to the combined value of the seasoned ones.

3  Those who are caught up in the glories of the past and sacrifice the possibilities of current joy to the authorities of the past will only enter the New Age kicking and screaming.

4  Those on the cutting edge of the age past are often left behind as the new age begins to dawn.

5  From this time to 2025-30 the seekers will embrace various stages of New Age thought and present it to their peers in an acceptable manner. Some time after 2025-30 will begin the seven years (or periods) of burning the weapons of Gog. During this time the old emotional fires which fight the new age will be consumed and Gog and his armies will find that they are void of instruments with which to fight the Christ consciousness. After the seven years burning, the fundamentalist clinging to a certain creed or dogma will be an oddity for the ignorance of old dogmas will be clearly manifest.

6  The Christ is the building stone of the New Age.

7  If the lights bringing the dawn of the Aquarian Age are to be successful, they must first and foremost survive and stand in their rightful places until the sun arises and shines forth in its strength.

8  Many call the coming age, the Age of Peace, and this will be true on the physical plane, but not on the emotional and mental planes.

9  The New Age will see conflict through debate and discussion as never before, but physical conflict will eventually be seen as primitive and beneath the dignity of the human race.

10  Think you that when Christ comes again He will be the lone teacher here on the earth? Far from it. To usher in the New Age we will need thousands of teachers and many of them need to be here before He manifests again.

11  The shift of attention by humanity from an emotional base for decision to the mind will insure the stability necessary for an age of peace to prevail.

12  Some of the philosophies that will be popular in the New Age are now permeating society to a greater extent than was even hoped for by the disciple of the mid twentieth century.

13  The Aquarian Age switches from water to air. Air is the symbol of mind. The beginnings of this age were manifest at the writing of the Constitution of the United States. We are now about half way into the full manifestation of the New Age.

14  The New Age will be ruled by mind.

15  To move to the Age of Aquarius we must free up the mind and the mind is freed up as freedom itself abounds. This is why basic democratic rights had to be established on the earth before the New Age could come in.

16  In the New Age brought by the Prince of Peace and His disciples the focus will be taken away from mean spirited competition and refocused on cooperation and the cities (polarized systems) will fall and be transformed.

17  We may be entering a new age, but let us not leave behind the basics that many souls have fought and died to preserve and demonstrate.

18  Because Pisces is such an emotional energy and Aquarius so mental the resistance to the New Age by the accepted teachers of the world will be very strong.

19  The natural resistance to the energies of the New Age must be dropped and a new understanding must come.

20  A critical mass composed of the brothers of light must be gathered together to produce the chain reaction to usher in the New Age. As with atoms, so with humans. Without the critical mass almost all the radiating energy is of minimal effect.

21  Without the law of mind, the laws of order, we will have no new age, no order, but only confusion and disorder.

22  I do not know if one can increase public involvement through law, but this certainly needs to be taught and encouraged in the new age.

23  Laws producing an orderly society will not pass away in the new age, but will be refined until they work so efficiently that the whole world will become stable and live in peace.

24  From the New Jerusalem (teachers of light) will go forth with the revelations of the New Age which will be the foundation of the new order of the ages. These revelations will also include many new scientific inventions, healing techniques, mysteries explored and New Age teachings.

25  If mankind changes not and does not shift its thinking to the higher level of the New Age, then physical destruction must come.

26  Those who make right use of sacrifice will make an easy transition into the service of the New Age.

27  One of the important teachings of the New Age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.

28  Pisces is also on the mutable cross which causes a “go with the flow” attitude as far as energy goes. The funny thing is that we often hear this phrase from new age people, not realizing that this is the mantra of the passing age and not the Aquarian Age. Thus the energy of the mutable cross caused the people of the last two thousand years to go with their feelings with very little thought involved.

29  Physical presence establishes a very necessary link for the new teachings and energy to be transmitted.

30  Service in the New Age will be seen in the light of the LAW of cause and effect and karma.

31  Many other sources of energy will be opened up for us in the New Age including the application of the theories of Nicola Tesla.

32  The basic seed of the New Age Plan was presented as far back as the days of Moses and the working principle behind that plan was the gathering principle, or the synthesis of Israel into a greater working whole.

33  Nothing can hold back the establishment of the coming age of peace save our own lethargy.

34  Just as freedom and democracy had to struggle for existence in the midst of totalitarian governments, so will the principles of the New Age have to struggle for a foothold in our present society.

35  Many of the gurus and new age people we see around sway people by their personalities. The New Age Disciple must get beyond the personality and what we need to look at is the pure words and how they affect your spirit.

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Within, Without and Inside Out

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  When men find the true Christ within, then they can recognize the Christ manifested without, and the old authoritative structure will collapse.

2  Before an idea is manifested without it must be first contemplated within.

3  Lower psychism relies on signs without, whereas higher psychism focuses on the God within.

4  2+2=4 has no meaning or cannot even exist without an outside division of form combined with an inner recognition.

5  Anything that exists within has its physical counterpart.

6  The purpose of the outside world is to stimulate with experience, and the purpose of the inner is to verify. Without the outer world there is nothing to verify, and without the inner there is no source to find the point of truth that exists in all things.

7  When one discovers that the true fullness of the godhead is in each of us then one will never again bow down to mystery Babylon, nor have any desire to.

8  The spirit of God that dwells in each of us is the true God and when we seek for God in heaven, a flying saucer, or in the form of a Master or even resurrected and glorified man we bow down to Babylon the great which “is drunk on the blood of the prophets.”  [Also see Revelation 16:6 & 17:6]

9  Men bow down and worship the image of gold and glitter without realizing that the true god is within.

10  As one advances down the evolutionary path he eventually drops his reliance on authority without and relies on the authority within.

11  Never let yourself be limited by what I teach or present to you, but always go with what is revealed within yourself.

12  If one were to look over the billions of people in humanity he would find that most radiate little or no light from the center, but are led by insignificant reflections from without that they follow with blindness.

13  To the dismay of the oppressors the light within cannot be extinguished from without.

14  A person can be a member of a benevolent church, business or organization and yet still mindlessly follow the authorities without.

15  Goats are very independent and are a law unto themselves. They follow their own inner impulses and recognize no shepherd or leader. On the New Age side of things the goats claim to be following the “God within” but instead are following their own wills and their own inner impulses and feelings.

16  Over ninety percent of those who go within for truth get their verification filtered through the astral world and the astral world is manipulated by the authorities WITHOUT.

17  There are many people claiming to teach knowledge from within which is really illusion reflected from without.

18  Only when soul contact has actually been made will one be able to discern the difference between the astral within and the soul within.

19  Guilt can only exist when God within is substituted for a false god without. The spirit of God speaking to you from within will never bring guilt, but instead an increase of awareness so true progress can be made.

20  We observe that which is outside and reflect it off that which is inside and through the power of the soul truth is registered.

21  To even create more than one on the inside the One Life had to create an outside as well as inside. All form on the outside is dependant on the sustaining power of the One inside. Technically there is no inside without an outside. To say that all is within is no different than saying that all is without for both are interdependent.

22  One of the main messages of the Gita is to not retreat into your inner world and seek peace at the expense of avoiding facing the real problems of the outside world.

23  If we are complete within and do not need anyone else then why did God create the universe with billions of inhabited planets and place us on one of them with billions of other people?

24  The God within is blameless and thus the disciple who is one with his inner God is also blameless when he follows the direction he receives.

25  God is already within every man, woman and child on the planet.

26  Outside teachers may point us in the right direction, but he who has escaped the mark of the beast will not firmly embrace even Jesus, an angel, the scriptures, synchronicity or any other outward sign or teaching unless the great authority within confirms it.

27  The seat of the Beast is any illusion that supports the voice, or word of God, which comes from outside of the spirit of God within.

28  Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.

29  Swearing by something outside of ourselves creates a power outside of us that interferes with the Spirit of truth within ourselves. We should make a promise so the light of the soul is not diminished.

30  One can be captivated by falsehood and think it is true but such a person will be internally bewildered.

31  Truth is neither on the outside or inside.

32  Outward ups and downs do not change the inward kingdom of God.

33  “The Kingdom of God is within,” and that is where the principle of atonement lies. The seeker At-One-Moment shifts attention from the outer god to the inner. When they do this all guilt disappears and they see a vision of a path that leads away from error into the light of truth.

34  Guilt is usually caused by substituting the voice of God within to a false voice without who teaches you to feel ashamed. Sever the tie with the voice without and guilt will dissipate.

35  Light is the world without – Love is the world within.

36  Many there are who look for signs outside of themselves rather than relying on the Spirit within.

37  Within yourself and all other human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God.

38  Truth is discovered through the interplay of that which is outside with that which is inside.

39  If a teaching is true it will grow like a good seed and expand your sensitivity to the Spirit of God within you. If the teaching is false you will receive an empty feeling and your interest and attention on the teaching will fade away, (unless you have the beast of authority force feeding you).

40  I have presented a definition of an Israelite as one who recognizes and follows the God within. The Hebrew of this name also bears this out.

41  Trust that inner sense (that comes from the soul) and pay attention to it. Then it will not be long before the still small voice becomes an inner flame that cannot be ignored.

42  The fullness of the Godhead is within us and we can manifest all the powers of godliness by cultivating the Spirit of God within us.

43  The first union that needs to be established is within the individual:  the union of the personality with the soul, or the lower self with the higher self.

44  I have taught many times that salvation is not 100 percent within or without, but we must use a balance of the two. For instance, the Holy Spirit, is a Being who touches and teaches us from within, but The Christ is an actual entity in a physical body existing in the world without when he so chooses. To become like Christ we must learn from within and without.

45  When we recognize and master the hypnotic suggestions within us we become masters of our fate.

46  A busy person in the West, such as me, has little time for meditation so I have to learn to go within, in the mist of work, turmoil, noise and even conflict.

47  “Peace on earth good will to all,” are still the words on the lips of angels. Let it also be on your lips, my friends, and let it spread as the fire of a candle lighting other candles until all the hearts of humankind feel the presence of the most holy peace within, transforming the world to peace without.

48  When the peace comes it matters not what the outward circumstances are.

49  If you perceive something from within it is only true that you perceived it, but it does not follow that your perception is true.

50  The false inner voice (from the solar plexus) always gives us impressions that accommodate our desires and pre-conceived notions.

51  The only thing you can obtain from within, until you become an initiate, is confirmation of true principles.

52  We must be planted with seed thoughts and ideas from without and then verify and expand the essential truth from within. Both the within and the without are necessary to find the truth.

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